WE LIBERAL PRINTING é: PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, â€" â€" ONTARIO. I. A. Sturgeon Stewart, ROMA): myrnnmc CEURCH.â€"SGIV‘1C09 in order as fa'xlmvs Thm‘uhi'fl M 0 n..m., and Richmond Hillut 10:30 am; the, {(ullvywing Sunday at Rich- mun '1 Hill at 9 n.1n.. and 'K‘hm‘nhill M, 10:30 1mm, K 1 human-111;: with Markham everv third Sundnv. Rmnnmxn LODGE A. F. K: A. M.. N0. 2‘3. G.R.(‘ â€"]\Ieets in the, Lodge ernnï¬wusonic Hn- (m the )Iondzw on m' "acfnm full moon, at S o’ckocl; p.111 Esme (‘, M". M. Rn Rxmmuwn L. O pcl'mmc Hall, (911 moon, at 8 Mock RICHMOND Meet}; in the eveumsz. at 7 The Methodist ssulflmil) school Temperance AF Eocimbinn issue plollgc curds every Sunday when Cesireil. W‘nillui'i‘ismx sup? MEanmcs’ 11:sTIIUTE.~â€"Libmry of over 1000 thluxnwwmen ox 'I‘uesxdajv evening, in the Mm (mule Hall, from n 8 o‘clock. R, E. Law, Libra- ian. Lectures and discussions periodically. BIQHMOXD HILL CORNET BAND.#Meots for rut-hoe every Tuesday and Saturday eveuimbY m; i :30 o‘clock. J. Powell Leader. Ymmm C()(':\'cIL.â€"â€"ltc W, John Brown ;'.Cn'1nâ€" cillm‘s_ llussm. Isnm', Crosby, \\ 1n. l'ugsle), $.11. Sanderson, and H.141 Hcppen (flak. M. i eeEy, A. 0‘ U. \V.,]vy Ln-nge, No. 141, Meets in the in flu: Committee Romnof the Masonic Hall «null alternative Friday um O’clock p.111. 15mm- tilcmy rui'tiï¬cnm given for #1000113 01166 of death. J. A. E..Switzer, Master WE rkmlun, R . of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, N0. 413, Meotxiu ',I'(:mperauce Hall, each tutor» nmï¬vu Tuesday evening ut’a‘o‘clock p.111. Boneâ€" vzicizu‘y noruï¬czmcs issued to male or female. membem fox" <1.,UUO ï¬r in case 01' dcmth $2,001), one halt mwubka in (“a r: of disability" J. H. Ssndcr- «on Suhact (mum. llm‘s; J.A. Sturgeon Stewart. Recording; S»: (,tm'w. NGNTNENN N N NiMETANLE. '?QFJI)NTO. (‘ in H H] (‘111011 Shanon B1 03 k Stmut Queen‘s Wharf Pn‘l'lululc, . . . Davenport, “'estun T mlnhill Ru HMUVD HIM: Xingu .. Aurora, . \"ewmarhct TORONTO Newm mke’b ..... Aurora. King, .. RICHMOND HILL Thomhill, . , . .. ’VVeSton, I)¢Vm1pr>rt, Pmdee. Connects with all (trains, leaving the Palmer House, Richmond Hill as follows: Mail 61 Expre. . Nowhx Sonth.. ...... 8,00,1111111 Acmmxnmmmon “ . . “121(k), “ Expr,“ Nmth 5110,11. m 'MniLSouth . 7.250, “ Until further notice Mails will be closed (Ll: the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce {LS follmvmg MORNING 2â€"Gning North. suulh, East and VVost, includinu Thm'nhill, Mingle, Toronto, Markham , 631‘. 7.45. EVENING :â€"-Goim: suuthliust and West (us above) 0.00 N. liâ€"rlletzistm‘cxl Letters must he handed in at least II‘1fteen Minutes mu‘lic ' than the above mentioned hours for closing RpI per annuml‘m advance] FRIDAY MORNING VOL. V. (211w (11111L211 nut 1109(1011, “"9 will 5111911111 you Mun, “(1111011 huyu. 111111 nulsmum-11v\01\\:11.1c 1,411.111111m 11‘ ow is him 5131;.Yu11 (-1111 \1111}: in 811119 111110 (11 "n l 5' :urwuo..,ti1110 $111111 Dunne“. No (111101111151â€" .2,“ w.‘3 pay \ (>11 111111111' as “011 N0 (1110 < {111 fzul M" 1111.“! mm1‘11101h 11.x“ 11y e11;::,.1113,(u1‘: 0111-1" ’ '~ AV -1.:.1:“1.1111r1 1111115 {1001101103'11111110 fast 9 WW mm“. 1; :111111111131. 11111110th 11111); 1% (Eu ï¬nd was. inflame. A weak 1.1:1r1e at home by the 1111111s- 9b1‘imz 11.1% b11<i11css before $110 11111.)- 61 PRGGTOR’S STAGE LINE Queen’s \th‘f . Brook Street .. Ynion Station, (My Hall . 10 10 PIST BFFIBE NDTEBE. EDITOR and PROPRIETOB. Sainzmc Qimtum. Churches. i5 PUBLISHED EVERY L.().L.‘Nn.7‘78.71\{eetsin the Tem- 1, (an tlm Friday on 01' before full flock 1mm. (3. 141. Sheppard, W11. HILT. TEMPLE, No 465,101‘1‘1“? Tempe woe Hn.ll' every \Vedmsduy 1’») o’clock. \Vm‘ Hudson '1‘.1)r. dist 5;thth school Temperance As 10 33101;“: curds ï¬ery Sunday when G. GIN (‘r NORTH bocicims. GOING SOUTH, @11ch †AT Mail 8.0:} 8.10. .‘J .17 u M. TEEFY, Postmaster Accmn Expr’s A a r‘ 0m 1105‘ 12.130, 1‘2J0 :17 1.40 1.1)43 2.10 2.18 iclmmnd Toronto General Hospitul, l’thicia Surgeon at Rich- ‘ 81c Ollice hours: 9 to 11, 2 to 4, and (5 t 7.30. in order a W. .1 Charlton AL 1).. C. ARM. C. 1’. S. 0. Late 8.00, ‘3 (.N) .1 (10 7.250, 31 ail 7.40. 5.03 5.10. 8.00 0.07 9.12 if} 1'. G00. Langstafl Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at Thornhill. Nov. 6th, ’32-“. Dr. James Lmngstafl AND Ernest F. Lnngslafl. RICHMOND HILL. Oflico hours: 9 3.111.,2- p m. and 7 u m. medvflist Toronto Univmsitv. Member C011 Plum tmnmï¬r Surgeons, 011t.,(]ute of Stouï¬vflle) lege Street. Richmond Hill. Ofï¬ce Hours 8 to 10 {L 111., Sto 8 p. m. Thornhill, thankful for the favors of the past ten years unw still be consulted in any branch of the pro has on as follows: lumm. 1st,, 8th, lath, and 221ml of 634-11 month vanm 1'1““? . . 211d do. Richmond Hill†. .‘Jth multhh (In (M the Palmer House) $1311; 10. 20111 .10. 21% do. Stouffvfllo. \[au‘k 1111111 .. Vicborizz Squm‘ I‘hm‘nh‘ill ........ Muplo. . . , Wnodlflidbe. Kleiubm g, Noblemn. Aunsthctics as Nitmus Oxide etc. used wnon rde1 ed and none but the bestnmterial used. Addmss A. ROBINSON L.D.S.. Aurora. Ont. Moss. Falconhrldge a: Barwick, BARRISTERS, &c. Moss, lioyles. & Aylesworih, BARRISTERS, am. North of Scotland Chambers, 18 ck 20 mxu 5?. WEST, TORONTO CHARLES Moss, Q. C. W. (-Jr. FALCONBRIImE. N. W. HOYLES. VVALTEB BARWICK A. B. AYLESWORTH. W. J. FRANKE. '1m'19it0rs, Attorneys»nt-Lmv, Solicitorsdnâ€" Chmwery l’roctors in Admiralty Courts. 0011- veyance“ etc. Millichump’sbuildings, Adelaide streetfloronto, ol‘posj be Victoria street. dwmfl Blakeflgï¬. S. H. Blake Q.C.J.K. Iierr,Q.C. Walter (Tassels, W.1‘».Mullock. C.A.Br0ugh C.J. Holman. H. Cussels. K.Mch1eun Glen: of the Th1 Division Court, Clerk and Treasurer of V 1111311911, Registrar of Births, Marri- ages and Deaths, Commissioner in Court of Queen‘s Bench. » OFmam "Mme Richmond Hi1 Money to Loan. Alm no. amount of Money to Lend on farm 0] mtv vr‘opelty intelestT per cent. , no commis~ sion. DI'. Orr, Maple, Ofï¬ce hours: 8 to 030 (L. m.,mu11 to 2.80 11.111- Having; recently built the above House 011 the Site of the old Strum Hotel, and furnished i‘o throughout in llrstmlnss Style, I am prepared to gun» the, pulllic the host of accommodations Good smhlum and attentive hostlcrs. Sample Rooms: for (lmmnm‘oiul Travellers. Terms, 3] pm‘ day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves this House t 72:30 am. for Toronto and leaves Toronto EL ‘ :1 stock of Dimnunds and preoiousstom‘s always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUE EN STREET, TORONTO. lxr‘Munufnvturnm of jvwollnry, mm repairing ofwntches and Clocks on the pre ism->8,“ speomltv ~p. â€w ad 1m pm‘ 'j‘lmflltingonr patrnns and friendsfnr their 1ib~ om] murmmgr i1. the past we hm: to state that WL' have Just rec‘cived a, large stock ofnmv goods in latest designs A large stock oi lilgin and \Va‘nthum watches kept an hand. Clock ahd Wa‘tch'Make‘r, Enmrv 1‘. 0.. County York, (successor to 1110mm D' H. Dovins) Insurance Agent, fm the hunt and must reliuhlo (‘mnpann , aninghusincss in (‘nnu L121“ Parties desirous of Insuring: in a ï¬rst class cmnpmly snould obtain minutes before insuring clscwlw 0L1 Iron, Rugs, Brass, X:c.,b1‘oght for (11w Prives. (Jhimuevflwooping attended to on notice. Jun. 5th, And deals» in VVntohes. (‘locks and Jewul y R" nhmond Hill Ont. BUSINESS CARDS; JCOSE.‘MACDONALD, MERRITT & C0 FIREDEIRICK \Wll IT LOCIé, Ricllnlond Hill. Dr. McConnell, Graduate of Toronto University Blake. Kerr. 6% Cassols‘, The Palmer House. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Dr. Chm-lion. “I oston. nes NI. Lawrencc, CONVEYANCER, ETC. JOSEPH A. DEVENS, Dr. W. J. ‘Vihou. ilrutu1.fl DI. A. Robins’on, 3§§i§cmzmcun5. A. 1.. Skeele. J. \Wanlmss. Uniox‘ Lmu“. buildings, Toronto SURGEON DENTIST aiming. 33mm. afgnteié. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all ihings, Charity.†{ICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1883. Ont. Of the R. H. & Y. S. Agricultural Soâ€" ciety’s Spring Exhibition, held at Richmond Hill, on May 24th, '83. CLASS 1.â€"IMPORTED DRAFT. Stallion ~aged, John Palmer. 3 years old, Charles Brown, John Bell ; 2 years old, John Palmer ; 1 year old, John Palmer. CLASS 2.-‘â€"‘~CANADIAI\ DRAFT. Stalli011-â€"nged, Alfred Mason ; 2 years old, Geo. Lemon, L. Whibmore, Gideon llNop ; 1 year Old, J. R. Campbell, 8. Hitter. Brood mareâ€"aged, S. Ritter, James Walls, Alex Marsh. Fillyâ€"2 years old, J. 6: W. Russell,Alfred E. Keffer, Jonah Shuhk; 1 year nld, John > Bowen, John M nae. b‘pnn of Horsesâ€"J. & W. Russell, '1‘ omas Frisby, J. & W. Russell. CLASS Elmâ€"GENERAL PURPOSE. Stullion~uged, J<lm Cherry ; 3 years old, Robb Watson, Levi Baker; 2 years old, Wm Sliuey, Charles Stark, Ed Barker ; 1 year old, George A McCague, S Hitter. Brand mareâ€"«Wm Smith, John Cherry, Wm Shuuk. Fillyâ€"2 years old. J & W Russell. James Marshall, '1 lxonms Gibson. Span of Renew-John Lawrie, James \Vells, Thos Matheieson. Saddle Horse, J M Davis, Geo Button, J 65 \V Russell. CLASS 4â€"CARRIAGE HORSES Stallionâ€"aged. Thos Tinkler; 3 years old, Charles McBride ; 2 vears olrl, ' Alfred E lieffer. Brood Mare, Edwin Langstuï¬. Fillyâ€"2 years old, Jns Addison, Edward Sanderson. Spun of Horsesâ€"-L 0 Wide- mun, Eph Lines. Single Horseâ€"Q. b‘t. George. Stallionâ€"aged, Albert Stong, S 62 R Wells; 8 years old, H St George, John Hamilton ; 2 years old, Joseph ,Wiggins, Joshua. Bro Nn‘. 1 year old, John Thompson. Brood mareâ€"- William Bentty. Fxl!y~2 years old, J F Montgomery, Wm Beatty. Filly 1‘ your old, James McDonald. Span of horses, J Palmer, W& Wright. Single horse, Levi Hoover, James Lamie. CLASS Gâ€"Bmon’ Honsns. Stallion, aged, H Q St George, Robert Clark. Brood mare. W A: A \Vright, CLASS 7â€"DURHAM CArTIZE. Bull, aged, Milton Fierheller, A Muldoon ; 2 years old, J (V “7 Russell ; Cow, ï¬xed, 151., 2nd (ram, J & W Russell. Heiferï¬ yours old, lst & 2nd, J S: W Russell ; 1 year old,lst <5: 2nd, J & W Russell. Grade cow, aged, 1st! & 9nd, Geo Weldriok, Thos Bovnton. Gmdo ‘ heifer. 2 years old, Wm Bell, Wm Gardner, Thus Boynton ; 1 year old, “'11: Boll, 2nd & 3rd, Goo \Veldriok. Dairy cow, \Villium Gardner, Harry Hopper. GLASS 8â€"â€"SHEEP. Cotswold Rum, aged, 1st & 2nd, J & W Russell, Gen \Veldrick ; 1 stur, lst, 2nd & 3rd, J 6‘5 W Russell. Ewes, aged, 1st & , 2nd, J (l: W Russell, 'l‘hoa B»y11tun ; 1 l shear, lst, 2nd 1' 3rd, J &_ W Russell. Leicester Ram, aged, (,‘reo Weldrick ; 1 shear, Goo Wohlriok. Ewes, aged, Thos Boynton, 2nd 8; 3rd Geo Woldrick ; 1 shear, Goo Weldrick, 'l'hos Boynlon. Sonthdown lam, aged, 1st, 2nd d; 3rd Robert Marsh ; 1 shear, lsl, 2nd A": 3rd Robert Marsh. Ewes, aged, lst, 2nd & 3rd Robert Marsh ; 1 shear, lst, 2nd (5'1 3rd Robert Marsh. 11. S. & Oxford Ram, l shear. ’J hos Palmer. H, S. (6' Oxford Ewes, aged, TllUb Palmer, 2nd. Cmss 9- -Pros. Boar, aged, Lnrge Breed, lst and 2nd W Boyiiton : under 1 year, Geo Weldrick, Thos Boynton. Sow, aged, Wm Boynton, Thos Boynton ; under 1 year, Greo \Veld- drick, Thus Boynton, Wm Boynton. Sow, under 1 year, Small Breed, 1st& 2nd Joshua Sisley. Berkshire, Boar, aged, John Hogan ; under 1 year, John Begun, Robert Marsh, 2nd d} 3re. Sow, aged. John Hogan, Wm Boynton, R Marsh. Brahman, lst & 2nd W d'a A Wright. Spanish, W 85 A Wright. blank Hamburgs, W 62 A Wright. llouduus, Edwin Langstnff. lJm'kliis, Thus Buyntnu. “'liite Lnghurns, W (t: A Wright, Edwin Lnnusnii'f. l’lymoth Rocks. lat and 2nd W & A \Yright, Cochins, lst and 2nd W and A \Vl'ight. (lame, Ed- win Langstaff. Ducks, lst mid 2nd \V and A \Vright. CLASS 11-â€"AGRICULTURAL IMPEMRNTS. . Plows, 1st. and 2nd Fleury Estate. Pair of Harrows, J B Marginal], Yurk Mills, H. Cousins. Funnâ€" ing Mill, Tlios Wilson. limping Machine, Patterson & Bun, Fleurv Estiite. Mowing Machine, li‘lenry Estate, Puttorson (Kr Dru. Horse Rake,J Mussm’i, Patterson d; Bro. Pumps, [1 Miller; Furce Pump, Special. H Miller. lloot 801111191311 P Harman, J Musson. Open Buggy. Phillip Quarry. Light Market \Vaggon, James Johnson. Farm \‘V'ziggon, Platform Spring, James Uruirtkslmnli. Self Binding Reaper, Putter- son :3; Bro., J Elliott & Sun. CLASS 12. Butter, (3 lbs, Mrs Geo \Veldrrck, Mrs Alex Marsh, Mrs S Kenuedn. 10 Tbs Butter, Speciul, Mrs Gm Weldrick. Home made Bread, Mrs “’11) Storey, Mrs J Breulls, Mlss Hannah Marsh ; Half Dozen Buns, Special, \Vilkiu Newton. Set of Team Harness, H Dewsbmy ; SLt of Single Harness, H Dewsbury. CLASS 14. \Vnul Socks Mrs J B191111s M151 \ 1111111111 131111 ; \‘. 0111 Stmk 11g;,1 1\11\ T B1'(-1111s,1\1is< MinnieBeH;1.11c111111111 QuiIt, M1s '.1 1111s Smyth, Mrs Smith; Hearth Rug, l‘eter Dukelmv. Mrs T1108 Smyth ; 111-11111 11001 110111331153 L Me“ 1111, Miss M McVoan; PRIZE LIST CLASS 5â€"ROADSTERS. ULAFS 10â€"-FOWLS CLASS 13 Berlin W001 work raised, Miss L MeVean, Mrs Breulls ; Braid work, Miss Breuls, Miss L McVean ; Taming, MissL McVean ; Uro- chet in Cotton, Miss L McVenn ; Crochet In Berlin \Vool,l\liss L MoVean ; Silk Bm~ broidery, Miss L McVean, Mrs Thos Smytl) ; Embroidery in Cotton,Mrs Thos Smyth,Miss L McVeau ; Bead work, Miss L McVezm, Miss M McVenn ; Netting, Miss M Mchan, Miss L MsVenn ; Feather Flowers, Mrs Breulls ; Snow Flowers, Miss M Mc- Venn Miss L McVean ; Home made bhirts, Mrs J Breuls, Mrs Tllos Smyth; Zephyr Work, Miss L McVean, Miss M McVeun ; Sofa Pillows, Mrs Thos Smyth, Mrs J Breuls ; Tufting, Mrs Breuls ; Toilet Set, Miss L McVean, Mrs J Breuls ; Collection of ladies’ Work, Miss L McVenn. SPECIAL. Six yards Flannel, Mrs Thos Smytb. Table Cover, Miss Mary Lauder. An Imposmg Ceremony.â€"-â€"Cost of Coro- nationâ€"The Czar’s Prayer. Alexander III was crowned Emperor . of all the Russia on Saturday, wizh great splendor and magniï¬cent pageant. The expected trouble from Nihilists was amp- ly guarded against, but every thing pass- ed oli' peaceably. The estimated cost of the coronation is over $10,000,000. The thought is expressed that it is the intro- duction of a new era. of peace and pros- perity into Russia. The bzar offered up the following prayer after the coronation ceremony was concluded : " O Lord God of our fathers, King of kings, who created all things by Thy word, and by Thy wisdom madest man. Thou hast chosen me to be judge over Thy people. I confess Thine unspeakable watchfulness over me, and bow down with thaukSgiv- mg hefore Thy majesty. Do Thou, 0 Lord and Ruler, support me in my ap- pointed task; inspire me with Wisdom and guide me in this great service. Let the wisdom that is before Thy throne be with me; let it descend upon me from Thy holy dwelling place, that I may know what is agieeable in Thine eves, and the righteousness of Thy command- lTlclltS. May my heart be in Thy hand that I may direct all things to they beneï¬t of the people. conï¬dent unto my charge and unto Thy glory, so that I may an- swer 'lhee in the day of judument with- out shame, by the grace and bounty of Thine only Son, to be blessed by Him, and by Thy holy, sanctiï¬ed, and creative Spirit, ever and ever, Amen.†Alarming Reports.-â€"The Character of Her Illness not Deï¬ned. LONDON, May 28.â€"Tlie Queen’s con- dition is alarming even to her physicians and personal attendants. 'l‘he z-liamcter of her illness is not well deï¬ned, but is ()f a nervous naturc. At times her ma- jesty is beyond control and borders on delirium. (From our own Con‘espondent.) SUDDEN DEATH.â€"On Tuesday. May 15th. Mr. John 'l‘hompson, farmer, lot 9. 2nd line, \Vest York, (lied very suddenly. 1n the forenoon, about 11 O’clock, he and his son were in one of the lmrns filling up some barley, when the son went to the house and returning: in about ten minutes he found his father lying, in the (leer of another burn. about fifty feet from where he left him. dead. He “HS in apparent good health, in fact searcelv ever heard to complain. about, 50 yours of age, and leaves: a wife and eight child- ren to mourn his logs, though their loss is his gain. The Case is more sud on ae- conntof Mrs. Tl‘liompsonis illness, who has been very sick for some weeks and not expected to recover. Mi'siinnhm‘t, cm'. T’i‘nih and Emmi- wny, has been a snï¬brer {Hr twelve years timmqh rheumatism. anti has tried every remedy she cnnld hear of, but recived Hr) beneï¬t till she tried Dr. Tittmms. Eclectric Oil ; she says she cannot express thesatifnctiunshe fecis at having her pain entirely removed and her rheumaâ€" ti‘am cured. There are base imitations of this medicine for suie : Ewe that you get Dr. 'I‘Immns’ Eclectric Oil. FREE OF (HABGE. â€"â€" Ml persons suffer- inn fmm Cough: Colds, Asthmm Pun :- chith‘ Loss of V nice or any affection of the Throat and Lnng'ï¬. me Irqnvsfod to cull at R. E. Law’s. Richmond Hill, m- ’l‘ A TaniH._ Av Cn’s 'lernhiH. :md ge‘r cull at R. E. Law’s. Richmond Hill, m- ’l‘. A. Hnwitt, (l: Cn’s 'l‘lmrnlxill. and yet a Trial Battle of Dr. King’s New Dis- covery fur Consuml'ptinn, free of charge, which will convince them of its wonder- ful nwrits and slmw “‘lml' a rvgznlar dollar siled bottle will (10. Call early. A ROPE ABOUT OI'R 3E<‘1(s.~wA weal; stomach or enfeelwlod circulation is like a rope, about our necks. We are strung up and unstrnng alternately till uxisfunzw luocumes unbearable. Burdock Blood Bitters will arrest, all this misery. Burri- (vck Blond Bitters is :1, lmrm to the sick. Let us remember this fact. HER MAJESTY'S HEALTH. THE CZAR CROWNED. WILLOWDALE. There are a. number 01’ varieties of corms. Holloway’s Com Cure will reâ€" move any of them. Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves’ \Vorm Ex- terminator is a pleasant and sure cure. Erysipelas, Serofnla, Salt Rheum, Eruption, and :didiseases of the Skin and Flood me prompt] cured by Burd- nck Blood Bitters It, purges all foul humors from the system, imparting strength and vigor at the same time. The surprising success of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham’n Compound for the several diseases peculiar to women forcibly muse trn hes the imnnrmnce of her beneï¬cenï¬ discovery and the fact that she knows how to make the most of it.â€"â€"Dr. IIasknl. ‘Wonld you avoid Hue Biliary com- plaints incidental to spring and qummer? Cleanse the system with Burdock Blan Bitters. It regulates the Liver, Bowles, Kidneys and Blood. and is the purest fame in the world. Trial bottIes 10 c‘ents. WELL AS EVER â€"â€"Lnttie Howard writes from Buffalo, N. Y. :â€"-"My system became greatly debilitated though ard- uous duties ; snï¬'ered from nausea, sick headache and bilionsneszs. Tried Burd- ock Blood Bitters with the most beneï¬- cial effect. Am well as ever. Jacob ankman. Bnï¬â€˜nlo, N Y., says he has been using Dr Thomas’ Eclectric Oil for rheumatism; he had such a lame back he could not (in anything, but one hnttle has. to use his own expregsinm ‘_‘ curml him 1m.†He. thinks it is the best thing in the market. Henry Clemenf. Almnnte. writes ; “ For :1 long time 1 was troubled with chronic rheumatism. at times wholly (lis- _abled; I tried anything and everythino recmnmemierl hut failed to get any hencâ€" ï¬f f, until a gentleman wno was cnrod m" rhmimafism by Dr. Tlmmas’ Folecl rin Oil told me almuf it I bpgdn using it hnth internally and externallv. anrl lie- fore two hottles were used 1 “as radically cured. \Ve ï¬nd it a household medicine and for cronp. burns, cuts and bruises, it has no eaï¬al†MOST EXCRUCIATI’NG are the twingvs’ that rackthe milsnles and joints of tho rheumatic. Northrnp 85 Lyman’s Vege- table Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, hv Drumming increased ncfirm of the Kid- neys , by which the blood is more effeob nnHy depurafed, removes through Hm natural Channels cerfain acricl elements in the circulation which produce rlmnm- atism and gout. The medicine is also .m ï¬ne laxative antibilions medicine and general corrective. TRUE Tn HER TRUST.â€"TOO much mm not he said of the ever faithful wifn mw'l mother, constantly watching and Caring for her dear ones, never nemlecting :L single duty in their behalf. \Vlwn Hwy aruasuniled by disease {1an the system shnnld have a. thorough cleansing, the stomach and bnwlos regulated, bland puriï¬ed. and the malarial pnistm oxfeâ€˜ï¬ minaferl. she must. know that Eclech'lc BlHel-s are the only sure remedy. Thr‘y are the hmf and pnrost medicine in the wm‘l-‘l and (mlv cash ï¬ffv comfy 90H hy I, E. Law. Richmond Hill, and T. A. Hewitt & 005., 'J‘hnrnhill. Mrs. A. Nelson Brmntford, wrifm : “ T was: :1 sufferer from (lhrnnic Dyspep- ‘ sin for elrvnn yams. Always nftor eutâ€" ing, an infense hm‘nhg Sensation in the anmnr‘ll. at times; very distressing, ans- (\d :L (lumping: and languid feeling, which l would hm fur several hmu‘s after oath†I 11:15 rec unmandod by 7111' T’npplcwe‘fl. Chemi. t of 0111‘ ci'y, to fry Northrop (-55 Lyman’s Vuwtnlfle Discoverv and D115:- 119111110 (311119,:111111 21111 thinkfn} to my H1111 1 have not b11911 heifer for vetam ', 111111 burnintr sensnfion and languid feel- 111g11:1s {111119, :1 1'11d food does not lie 161“"! m1 111v utomach. Others of my fumflj,’ have used it, with host, Yesults CONSUMPTION An old physician, retired from active practice. having had placed in his him 1 hy an East India Mlssionzu‘y the fnri'nn‘ti «if a siinnla vegetahle remedy for the speedy ami permanent cure of Consumin- inn, ironchitia, Catarrh, Asthma mtd all Thrnat and Lung: affections, aka :1 positive and 'adical cure for General Debiiity and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its amnhlrâ€" fnl curative powers in thousands of case“, f("‘iS it. his: duty in make it known tn his fvllows. Thei‘ecipc, with full parfiwu hn's, dirvcfions for nroparatimx and 11:0, and all necessary advice and instrncfinn 4 for successful h‘ealnnmt at your um: home, will he received hy you hv 1W». maii. free of charge. by addreflsi‘ng \ii stamp .“ 4 N h;'¢v1r[\\“r 164 \Vnshington St, Brooklyn, 1" Dec. lst, ’827-1V. [Single copies, 3 c’ts. MISCELLANY. DR. J. O. RAYMOZ“ No. 48'. CURE