THEUBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE MGHMOND HILL, â€" â€" ONTARIO. J)â€. A. Sturgeon Stemï¬, Dr. Geo. Langstafl Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice qt Thornhill. Nov. 6th. ’SQâ€"tf. 87th 10 a. 111., 5 to 8 p.111 AND Ernest F. Lnn gstafl, RICHMOND HILL‘ Ofï¬ce hours: 9 a. 111., 2 p m. and? 1). m. , J thankful for the favors of the past ten years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession, as follows: Aurora, 1st, 8th, lc’ah, and 2an of 68-01“ month. Newmm‘ket .................... 2nd do. Richmond Hill... . . .9th and 24th fln‘ , 1M ï¬he Palmer-House) _ n, Stouffville .. um‘k hum . . . Victoria. Square" i‘hornhill... M64 119. . Woodbndge Kleinburgm Nobleton.. u Emmiters, Attorneys-ahLaw, Solicitors-in-, Chunceryl‘rocturs in Admiralty Courts. (Jon- vuyancers etc. ‘ Milliclmmp’sbuild lugs, Adelaide streeb,Toronto, onmsibe Victorimstreet. award B1uke,Q.C, S. H. ]SlakaQ.C.J.K. Kerr,Q.C. \anter Cznssels, \V.R.Mullook. C‘ALBrougll C.J.Holnmu. H. Cussels. K.Maclcun medalisï¬yflforonto L‘nivczsitv. Mcmber Col PhysicmnsS; Surgean, Onb.,(lute of Sm‘uflvine Youge She-qt, Richmond Hill. Ofï¬ce Homs Bloss.Falcouhn'ldge a: Barwick, BARRISTERS, 8:0. Moss, .‘Eloyles. & Ayicsworah, BARRISTERS, &c. , North of Scotland Chambers, 18 65 20 KING ST. WEST, TORON TO‘ (Hem of the T111 Division Court, Clerk and Treasmm ul Vaughan, Reg1st1ar of Births Muni- afles and Deaths Commissioner in (curt; of Queon’ 8 Bench OFFTCT‘. Vmw L'e Richm on :1 Hi1 The Palmer House. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN PALMER, Proprietor; Having recently built. the above House 011 the site of the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in ï¬rst-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodations Good summing-(Lad attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, $1 per any. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves this House at 7:30 mm. for Toronto and leaves Toronto at 30 um. Auasthetics,†Nitrous 0xide,etc., used when 'rdex'ed, and none but; the bestmuteriul used. Alamo amount of Money to Lend on farm or mtv Dl‘k)1)"l‘ty Interest 7 per cent; no commxs- sion. W"; 1» r. ,, ThunkmrT om 1mm 011s and fxienGF for their lib- nemhmtmnugv i1. the push “e beg to state that, we hm 0 just receivetln, lmge stock ofnew goods in lutest designs. A large stock 01 Elgin 11111] anthum watches kept; on hand. 11 stock of Dinmonds and p1 ocioussuoues n)“ as s on ha11d.TI-11RD DOOR ECUTH 0F QUELN 6:1?le T, TORONTO. FiMnuufnctming of :10.“ elle1y, and repnh inqofwatclles nndclocks on ' h_e_11rem_ises, a, speninlts DI. ' (Orr Maple, che homs: Ste 930 a. m mxdlto £2301). m- «Qmew 1’.().(‘0111141~&ork (successor to the late D H. Devins) Ins ' H.000 Agent, for the best and most 1511111118 Con‘nmm’os doingbusincss 111 Cnna. (111.1)!“th desimuq of 111s1111m: in a. ï¬rst class .cmnpnny snould obtain ourmtes befme 111sur1ug lsewhere ImpogterAgAVVaXc-lxcs, cigcks qnd ï¬ne jewollery ()Ifl Irm1,Rn‘gs,-Bmss, Fm†broght for Cash M ' y Prices. I (â€hinmev Sweeping attended to on shones f. name Jan. 311383â€"13. $1 per annum, in advance.] VOL. V. FRIDAY MORNING Address A. ROBINSON L.D.S.. Aurora. Ont. FREDERICK ’WWHITLOCK, Richmond Hill. '5’wa @13ch †ROSE. MACDONALD. MERRITT & CO. Unior 1103.12 buildings, Toronto BUSINESS CARDS. REMOVED. Blake, Kerr. as: Casscls, Dr. J ames Langstall EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. James M. Lawrenct, CONVEYANCER, ETC. JOSEPH A. DEVINS. IS PUBLISHED EVERY DI. V‘V. J. Wilson, Money to Loa Hï¬iï¬ccmmenns. ileum DI . .ltobin son, J. Wanhss. Efllefliwl. SURGEON DENTIST Wnuw. 362ml. Eï¬ntcla. . . . .....23rd †‘ -: LIBERAL. (lath ... .2oth 21st 301311 {Ill- .10. do. (10., do do. do. ANOTHER PAGIFIO SBANDAL. Unearthed by the Globe in sccnon B Contractâ€"But Denied Point Blank by the Parties Implicatcd~The Charge and the Answerâ€"Jimmy Cotton and Gen. HCWSon Again to the Fore. The Globe of Friday gave its leading editorial column [0 a. double- leaded art- icle with a. six lme heading, showing up what. it and the London Advertiser sync- hronously called “ A second Paciï¬c Scan- dal.†amounts to this : That Section B of the Canada. Paciï¬c railway has been in the hands of a contracting ï¬rm consisting of AIeXande1 Manning of Toronttn Peter McLIren of ] ‘,erth John (represented b James) Shields of “,Iornnto and J. . Macdunald; that Mr. John Shields and Mr. Macdnnald had the ï¬rm’s business and its funds ; that these two contributed vast sums to aid the Conservatives in the general elections of 1882 and the Ontario elections of 1883 ; that in one single in- ‘ ssance they withdrew $40,000 for this 1 object ; that Mr. Shields went round the country bribing: tight and left ; that he paid Gen. Hewson $2 .500 to silence him and his suit against Sir John Macdunald; that he helped the U. E. club out of its difï¬culties , that all these advances of money had to be recouped to the ï¬rm, and that it was done under theircontract, and this was accomplished by transferring an honorable engineer to British Colum- hia who made way for another who allow- edthecontractors an increase of $300,- 00 ; (2) that a farther sum of $120,000 was allowed ‘these contractors for the transfer of the line to the syndicate be- fore the stipulated time ; (3) that pro- visions has been made for still‘ further' allowances 1n the futuIe , (4) that the CsiiadaPaciï¬c has been compelled to. take the contractors’ plant over and pay $70. - 000 for it. The Globe fu1ther represents Mr. Manning as totally disapproving of the advances made to the conservative i~(fund (t and that as soon as he learned thereof he refused to bear his share of It; - heucu the row. Lastly y, the Globe says I Shields and Macrlonald made $50, 000 out I of ties «if which he aot no slime. . Mr. Shields published letters in the Globe, Mdil and TVorld, on Saturday denying the charges in toto, and accuses Mesm. Geneml Hewsun. Jellies Cotton and T. \V. Analin of being the instigat- ors of the affair, and also demands the retraction of the statements made, failing in which he will enter an action for criminal libel. General Hewson writes to the Globe stating that he knows noth- ing of the affair therefore could not give any information, but states that on the 14th April 1881 he received from the ‘cdntractorsnf Section "‘ B†$2,500 to with‘old proceedings against Sir John Macdonald. Mr‘ Manning also writes the Globe and Mail denying the correct- ness of the Globes disclosures. The Globe daily reiterates the charges, and gives additmml evidence in proof of its state- ments. Vaughan Council met as Court of Re- visinn. All the members present. After havinu been sworn and subscrb- 9'} to the deciamtlon of ofï¬ce they pm- ceeded to business, t1: 6 Reeve in L118 chair. Moved by Mr. Cook seennded by Mr. Remnan that the following alterations be made in the Assessment Roll for the present year. Thomas Pageâ€"reduced from $3100 to $2500 ; Frank Mellishâ€"reduced by $|UO ; John Gordon-«reduced $4275 to $4000; James Bassingthwaite~put on (or $400 Income ; R.Glenâ€"â€"nmne struck nif; Francis Gardnerâ€"~1mmc struck oï¬' ; J¢)s- ‘ ph Rumble â€"â€"reduced from $6000 to $5- 000 and name corrected ; tuber-t Kingâ€"â€" reduced from $5400 to $5100 ; William Gummyâ€"not entertained ; John G. Cart erâ€"lmt entertained ; ‘Juhn Irelandâ€"- changed from 135 acres to 90 acres and assesmeut reduced $6200 to $4000 : John A. Lrelmudâ€"farmer’s son, put. on ; Jesse W. Irleand ~furmer’s son put on ; Davxd McSnrley and John McSOrleyâ€"nsscssed as tenants for 45 acres of lot 34, Gth con. $2200 ; Samuel ‘Hillinrdâ€"tenant instead of Thomas Badman; Wm. \Vuodsâ€"re- duced from 1:} acre to 1 acre ; Amos Shunkâ€"assessed for 5 acre, lot 21, con. 4, value $200 ; Chester Aslingâ€"put on for income ;John W. Huggâ€"put on for west half lot 7, con. 5 ; Martin Hoover-â€" changed to Henry Dellow ; Neil McKin- nonâ€"put on for south-west 40 acres, lot 18, con. 6, $2000 ; C. & Du McArthurâ€"' put on for 90 acres north half lot 18, con. 8,‘ $3500 ; ~ John Atkinsonâ€"personal property $150 struck off and real pro- perty reduced from $3750 to 3600 ; Hollâ€" ingsheadvdog struck off ; John Downsâ€"â€" one dog to assessed to M. McFarlune ; Thomas Cookâ€"dog struck off ; Isaac Chapmanâ€"flog struck off; Mrs. Pluyter â€"-dog struck off. M; Cook seconded by THE (menu’s CHARGE Court of Rev1sxon. "In ESSentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1883. May 30th:83 Mr Webster, moved that the time for receiving appeals be extended ten days from 30th May-_â€" Carl-led. The Court arj :urned until June 19th 1883,51. 10 8.11:. The Council then met for general busi- ness. Minutes oflast regular meeting read and adopted} COMMUNICATIONS. Re Vaughan By- Law No 70, in refer- anca to established road crossing rear of lots 13, 14, 15, in 6th 0011., legal oplnions were read from Blake, Kerr, Lash A’: Causels, and McDonald, Davidson 6’6 Paterson. as to legality of the said roads. On motion of NIL Halley, seconded by Mr. \Vebstei‘, the following accounts wen; ordered to be paid..â€" Bnin, McDougnll Gel-(10116: Shepley ......... $20 00 Rl‘tke, Kerr, Lash & Cassols ...... 20 ()0 McDonml, Davidson & Patterson J. Sturgeon Stewart, Printing, Advt’g.. Toronto General Hospital... Hart 6: Co for Blanks. Toimnï¬l) General Hospital ‘38 00 Hart 6: Co for Blanks ........... 70 On motion of Messrs. Renman and Cook acertain portion bf statute labor 1:1 mud beat 26 was commuted for build- sidewalksin the village’ of MAPLE and Messxs Jacob Smith and Jacob Rupert appointed to melsee the NHL! \Vesley Peterman \vas‘appointed path- master for. road beat No 49, instead nf D. Witherspoon ; D. McMu-chy far beat 50 instead of John McGillivrny ; Gen. Umrlton for beat No 16 instead of John Page, who refuses to act. The Treasurer was authorized to pay te E. Clubme $9.2 50, f3 gheep killed by dogs. The Treasurer was inih’ilcted to refund to C. Nixon $6.09, taxeé‘iï¬e was unable to collect. Messrs. \Vebscer and Blalloy were appointed as commissioners to ex- amine mud on lot 30, 8ch con. and report at next meeting: of the "council. In reading over the comments on the recent foot-ball match between the H. S. clubs of Richumnd Hill do \Vestou, as published in the Herald it may not be out of plat e for me to ‘rectify several un- fair and imorrect statements, no doubt calculated to convey false ii’uiressious. In the lirst place, it is stated that the \Veston team averaged fifteen lbs. per man more and were two or three years older than their opponents. \Vith regard to the weight, we were perhaps a little heavier, but certainly not so much as alleged, and with reference to the age I have no hesitacy in saying that the W'est- on Club had no advantage whatever, several of the Hill boys being older. than any of ours. It is further stated that the AVestou team was not wholly composed of High School pupils, was taken from different quarters and was picked from the whole country side. Regarding this, it is true that we played three ex-pupils, but permit me to say that the team was not chosen from the whole country side, and did not contain players that were not boaaâ€"ï¬de members of the club. The account further says that the refree decid- ed the ï¬rst game as a diputed one. Now this is not the case ! The referee, Mr. Cody. gave his decnsiun impartially in our favor, no one had any right whatever to dispute it, for his decision should be tinal. The second game was taken by the Weston team and not, as stated, by their opponents. The match therefore resulted in a victory for our club, on the reofree's own ruling, by three to one. To conclude, Mr. Editor. surely a friendly toot-ball match should not he the subject of so much dispute. The \Vestun team went to Richmond Hill, as gentlemen, to play a gentlemanly gum} and that so many misstatements should have been made about the match and so many un- complnnentary remarks about the team, is, to say the least. of it, uniair, unkind, and quite unnecessary. Thanking you for your space, I remain, Yours respectfully, C. 1’. GLASsFouD. The Treasurer was instructed to pay the fnllnwinu accounts as certiï¬ed by the rnad commissionersâ€"- Dist. No. 3‘â€"Ber11a.1d Mo" Jannn .1312 50 Benimuin K051111111 00 W11). l’uttersou .5. 19 41 D.MoArth11r.. ... 45 Hemy 31111511... 1 9A I‘he Council yudjomue’d mtll 111111819111 at 11.) .1. 111. ‘ WM 1..... To the editor of the LIBERAL (From Our Own Cel'icspondent.) ACCIDEM. On the 31st 111% Mr. Jmnes Orr was ï¬n unfortunate as to get his leg broken while nasisting at the raising Of a burn on Mr. Wm. Mitchells farm. At’lhe same _rais- ing Mr. White, carpenter, (If Nobletmy, \vns knucked down by a blow on the head frmu :L pike-pole. He regained con- svinnsness in a few minutes and attended to his work but it; is feared the conse- quences are more serious than at ï¬rst supposed. Singned on behalf of \Vestm), H. S. F. B. \Vehtén, June 4th 383' The Foot Ball Liatch. KLEINBURG. .T. M. LAWRENCE. Clerk To the editor of THE LIBERAL . DEAR SIR. â€"Will you allow me to make a few remarks in regard to your Fair, and let me state that I am triendly to the Institution, and wish it every success. but it must be apparent to every one that has attended the Fair for the last two years, at least, that in some things it is a failure, and to my mind the busi- ness men of your village are to a great extent the cause. Now sir, I think the Hall would have been very much more attractive if your mechanics had made a. general display of at least leading articles in their respective ceilings. And to coni- xnence with the printer, could they not exhibit specimens of their craft '1 Your sewing machine agent might have had two or three sewing machines on exhi- bition. Your millinei‘s ought to have had a case of niillinery, vonr tinsmith ought to have had :several stoves as well as other things in the Hall. Your furniture dealers, your watch makers, your shoe makers, your harness makers, and I might go on through the various industries in your village. I am certain that if you wish the Fair to continue a success that the people of Richmond Hill will have to exert themselves more in the future than they have in the past. If each one would do their part the Hall Would be to the ladies at least the most attractive partof the Show and the busi- ness men of the village would find that it was the cheapest way of advertising they could adopt. Another thing I might direct your attention to is the lack of Special Prizes. In \Vuodhridge and Markham the business men ginâ€"(and they can well afford to) Special Prizes for special attractions, and thus help the Society in that way. 1 hope sir that these remarks may do good and stir the people of Richmond Hill to take more ‘ interest in the Fair in the future than they have in the past. The dinners in the churches are a, Grand arrangement. May they never be given up! The ofï¬cers of the Society are extremely courteous and kind, and I hope to see them next yr ww‘sist‘cd by every artisan in the Vin-4 ave, each making a «006. disp. ay. The Richmond Hill Fair special to THE LIBERAL. The cummisï¬uners of the County met on the 29th 11%.; passed several accounts, principally for repairs to Court House. Thei30th they vialted the Kingston Road. G1avel is used to a great extent upon this road. The eastern palt of the mad Is very little travelled , it will re- quue cr>nside1able time to pay for the $10,000 bridge over the Rogue erected by the lineral cmnmissioners of 1879 It is outside of the County and when the roads are abandoned Ontario County will have the beneï¬t of it. The 31st the Lake Shore Road and Dundas Streets wexe v1sited after a very heavy rain of theniUhtp1'e110113 Pans of Dundas St.1eq11i1es veiy little repairing p1 obably {mm the nature of the soil. Two bridUes were considered unsafe and new ones orderedéone at Springï¬eld, the other at C(mlxsviileâ€"Jnne lst.Yo|10e St. was inspectedâ€"motection ordeied for Yo1k Mil‘s embankment. All the roads me in amuch better state than the Toronto 111ucztda1nized Streets (From Cm- own Corrsepondeni. The public school teacher has returned from his exammabions. louklng as well as usual. The pupils rejoiced at his return, which speaks well of his standing among them. His success is not yet knnwn. Tho solemnity of the choir practise was broken the other evening by a, num- nf young men fmm the country entering the church. \Ve are not fully aware of their business, but from the merchant. bein" amused finm his slumbers about midniuhb by the same party. The fact that the younu ladies Were at the bottom of this act is CiGz'uly preseuetd. We uould ask 'lhé membnrs of the T‘mery Litermy Snciety nut to foruet the mee‘ing on the flint \Veducsduy ewuinu uf each month. We are mnusod ‘b'y‘ the farmers every time they enter town .cmn- planning of the wet weather and muum i112 for fear of no potatoes this season. For all disorders ef the Stmxmch, Liver, and Kidneys, Dr. Carson’s Stomach Biyters are unsurpassed. They strengthen the whole system, give a healthy complextion, .bring back the keen edge of appetite and arouse into action the whole physical energy of the human frame. . Peter Kiefl'er, B11fla1‘,0 says. ' “ l was badly bitten by 11 horse a few days age and was in need by a. hieud. who wit- nessed the occmrence, to [N Dr. Thomas’ Lelecthc Oil. It relieved the pain almost i111medinteiy and in four days the waund was compietely healed Nuthinu can be better for f1esh wounds. †See that you get the «enuine Dr. '1 110m 13 011,213 thew ale imitations 011 the 111a1L- ct. County Commissxoners. EMERY GOSSIP Mom LITY. lee Holloway’s Cum Cure :1 trial. It removes ten cums from one pair of feat without any pain. Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it as a. worm medlcine ; the name is Mother GrnVHs’ \Vorm Exterminator. *The man who knows nothing of Mrs. Lydia Pinkham and her sovereign remedy for women is wanted for a Juryman. The fuel: clearly proves that he does not. read the papers.~N. H. Register. A PLEASANT ACKNOWLEDGMENT.â€" “ Had sour stomach and miserable appeâ€" tite for months, and grew thin every day. 1 used Burdock Blood Bitters with the most [marvelous results; feel splendid.â€- MRS. JOSEPH JOHNSON. Pittsburgh, Pa. A MINISTER'S EVIDENCEâ€"The all prev- alent maladv of civilized life is Dyspep- sia. Rev. \V. E. Gilfurd. of Buthweil. was cured of dyspepsia. and liver comp. him; that rendered his life almost a, bum- en. The cure was completed by three, bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. A REMARKABLE FACT --â€"It is a remark~ able fact that \V. A. Edgers, of Frank- Ville, who was so far gone uith livar and kidney complaint that his life was duspair~ ed of, was cured with four bottles of Bar- dock Blond Bitters. At; one tima he lay a fortnight uitlumt an operation of Lhe bowles. £11136 1'11 I| y \J(illlll|lUll, LJIIII’ \V: IkUé V “Amwumfgnr 3111mm 9f, Northrop Ly. mm 8 Vegetable Discoi/e‘iy' and Dyspeptic Cure, I feel as ifI were a. new peisnn. I had been troubled Wild D} s- pepsia for 'a. number of years, and tried 111.1uy remedies but of no avail, until I used this celebrated Dyspeptic Cure.†For all impurities 0f the Blood, Sick Headache, Liver and Kidney Compla- ints, Costivenuss, etc., it is the best ONE OF MANYâ€"Mr. R. \V. Carnï¬clmel Chemist and Dnugist, of Belleville. writes as f0]luws:â€"“ Your Burdock Blood Bitters have a steady sale, are patronized bv the best families here and surrounding country, and all attest tn its vu'tnes with unqualiï¬ed satisfacfion." A VOICE FROM THE UNITED STATES.â€" I lmVe suffered for the last. 20 years with Dyspepsia and Geneml Debility, and tried many remedies, but with little success until I ueil Burdock Blond Bitâ€" ters, when relief was quick and perman- exit. Judicial sale of a farm in the Towu, " of Vaughan. medicme known. Highflourtaijusï¬ce BHS‘KNBEBY BNISIQN. C(’UPEJAND VS. COUPLA‘ND. Pu ‘uwnt to an order made in the Olmuccyy Dlvisiun of the High Court of Justice in an act- ion of Couplund vs. Cuupluud there will he smld with the approbation 01' Thomas Hoiigins EN}, Q. 0., Master in Owlmury of the Supreme Court or Judicature for Outaru) by PUBLIC AUCTION PALMER’S HDTEL, RICHMOND HILL At 12 n’clocli noon. the following lands and premises that is u: say the north gust (luau-tor u!‘ lot; number mil-Ly in the second conct ssion of the wwnahip of Vaughan 111 the County of York 1cuntmmng by ndmeasmemenn 50 acres more 9 :- USS. . Wednesday, June 20th, ’83, The said lands are situateubout three mile: from $116 village of Richmond Hill. The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid 1'1er by the said Master. 0n the mid lands are a rough cast dwelling- house one and a half stomys in 110mm [1. Mable and burn all in at. fair state of repair. The Vendors will not be bound to produce (7‘: furmsh any deeds or copies thereof or vidunce or title other than 11105: in their possessmn 1:01" (lelivm‘ or voru'y any abstracts of title um give any covenant and me purchaser must; investigate the t’tle at Ins own expense. The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay to the l‘lmntifl’s Solicitors {L deposit of 10 per cenz. of his purchase money and shall pay the re» lillLillJul‘ t1] erect without interest into court t0 the credit of this action within one month there- after.†Dated 25th May, 18811 Furt)e1"pmticulu.1snmy be had from Mossm. Fm1111s&\Va.1".d1op Union Loan 1111111111H<1 '1‘01onunbt’1‘o1'onm,Vendms Soii('11111's.b(‘. 17. 1:‘o1ste1,1),;q,15111111011601111111111110 Street, '10. 101W) 111111 the Auctiuucer. The midlands and premises are at present in the occupation of Willium Glass whose tenancy will expil e on blue 28th day of October, 1883‘ ,In other respects the terms and conditions at sale lel he the stundiua conditions of the High Court of Justice. A. LOUGH, Alpena, Michiglmn, U. S Miss Min-y Campbell, Elm, rwrites 486m By \Villiam Bro wn, Auctioneer, on [Single copies, 3 cts. BIISCELLANY. FRANCIS & WARDROI’. Vendor's Solimtors. N. McLRAN, (mum Cmmx L. Master’s 0mm: No. 49.