@PULAR DRY-GOODS HOUSE, .132 erN'GPdJ S'I‘EICET. 2m; DOOR NORTH 0? QUEEN. EIGHTHâ€"Being direct importers and cash buyers we are in a position to sell carpets retail at and below Wholesale prices. NINTHâ€"Nearly all our best patterns are made es- pecially for us and oonï¬n ed strictly to our House, NINTHâ€"We do not profess to be in the carpet trade for forty years, but We profess to supply our patrons With all the Leading Styles which the best fmeign markets can produCe, and at prices With which no other house can compare. Note the address and. when making your purchase visit PETLEYS’ Toronto, The leading carpet House, OUR GREAT ANNUAL CLEARING SALE Preparatory to Taking Stock. SEVEN TEEâ€"All the newest designs are regularly forâ€" warded to us by our Mr. J'. W. PETLEY, who is a resi- dent of Manchester, Eng. Immense 'Sacmï¬ce THIRDâ€"VVe carry more best quality Brussels Carp- ets than any house in Canada. FOURTHâ€"O :11: stock 13 purchased. direct from the manufacturs and. for cash FIFTHâ€"We buy only from ï¬rst- class makers such as Henderson, Sonthweh Templeton, Crossly and Brinton. any on this Continent. PICKED BARGAINS PRICES THAT TELL THE TALE. FIRSTâ€"Our prices are lower than those of any other house in the city. . SECONDâ€"~»-Our stock is entirely new and consists of this season‘s goods only. A call will convince every person oronto that. we are certainly bound magi“ the year 1883 with the ‘ ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS 1REATEST BARGAINS Ours is for many reasons the Leading Carpet House.‘ THE LEADING CARPET HOUSE. verything in this line marked down EVER SEEN IN R‘ESS GOODS. SILKSJ SATINS, VELVETS. PLUSHES, ETC. DRESS » GOODS the remarkable values whmh use nle we are prepared to show are the lowingluts, to which we ask your $pec:ul attention.†[‘he‘se goods are all mauked below cost, 1 every other kind of ‘JGLISH CASHMER’ESJ FRENCH CASHMERES. LANKETS, 25 PER GEN T. UNPRECEDENTED QTY'T'FF EQUALLY CHEAP. 1:0up stock of Tapestry Carpets is superior to M’KEGWN’S \Ve have therefore made ('vrear. reduct- ions in prices of all goods of which “a have a surplus. No one should miss the oppoxtunity to secure these SHEETINGS TABLE LINENS, TOWELLINGS WHITE GOODS, At the end of January we take in- ventory. Our st0ck of RARE BARGAINS FANCY GOODS, LAGES. RIBBONS. NEGKWARE, HOSIERY. GLOVES. UNDERWARE AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS IS LARGER THAN IT SHOULD BE COMFORTABLES, . FLANNELS NEVER BEFUR: OFFER:D. CLOAKING’S. an' Salvein the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcars, Suit Rheum, ‘Fever Sores. 'l‘ettcr,Ch‘imwd Hands, Cliilblains, Corns and n1] Skin EFHDLIOHF. and Pnsitivilv cures Piles. II; is gimr.-.ntm 1] to giv? pnrfect satis- faction, at money refunded. Price 25 uents pm- bor'. Fur sale by R. E. Law, Richmond Hill, mad 'I‘. A. Hewitt (2 00., ’I‘hornhill. Call and Inspect Our Goods Before Purchasing. T. A.- LIGKINGTUN. DINING-ROOM Has all the Latest American and Can- adian Designs in PARLUR flFHEE FURNITURE QUALITY and CHEAPNESS Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own snpervison. I am also prepared to do all kinds of black- smithing d'c repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. RICHMOND iIILL. __)0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises, I am enabled to supply TRENCH’S -C ARRIAGE , WORKS.- Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Gutters, PLATFORM SPRING WAGD N S . FURNITURE! Toronto. June 3‘3.’ 1881 Horse - Shoeing mazmmgqoq 2103;461:025 mum EXTERNALLY m Rmmrrszrz, NEURALGM, cmuzzm‘s, GALLOUS Lumps surnames, ‘s’TIFF JOINTS, cums, FROST mm, mess, com‘s, (JONMACHONS BRUISES, LUMBAGO, ITCH, DWESS, PAININBAOK, spmms, PAlNin SIDE, 0:. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- £101: or money refunded. . GROUP. 0W5, 45mm, To‘stzAsas, COMPLAINTS and Accmnm‘s whlch I‘IACYARD'S YELLOW 01L :5 mn- tecd to cure or relieve either in AN or Bus-r. _ DIREUTIOKS WITH EABH BOTTLE. PRIDE 35o. “llG w BUREAIL†Unsurpassed. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve Paid special attention to. 149 YON GE STREET, SUITES; 149 YONGE ST. TNDEX mun muum ton 00179115, 5, 5mm THROAT, A, comm, .t-c. TORONTO, 6m. Sleighs and WM TRENCH. THE ‘)0(. TORONTO. SINGLE & DOUBLE .1†Stock, and made to order, at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES. 1 people are always on the lookout for chances to increase their earnings, and in time become “calthy; those who do‘not improve tl‘ eir opportuni- ties rennin in poverty. We offer a. great nuance to make money. W 9 want many men, wmnen, boys and girls tn work for us right in alum lo- calities. Ant: one can do the work properly from the ï¬rst start, The business “'i'] pay mu timns ordinary wages. Expensive outï¬t furnished free. No one who ongmgrs fails to mi w 1mm“ rapidly. You can devote your v, hole t me to the work. or only V'nrr Fllllvl'e mun†nts. Full infor~ mzLim. and all thnt is Hamlet} st gt free. AL1§1Â¥$3B Stimson ,3; Co. Portland. Maine. ' 1": BALL SULICITED. Richmond Hill, Wiliiam Harrison’s Eton: “game (Swing Watkins Qto. ON HAND 200.000 SOLD YEARLY! Has more pomts of excellence than all other Machines combined. [Rapidly taking the place of all olher Machines wher- ever introduced. BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN', HEADACHE, Then apply to J nhn Lush he can sup- ply you with a ï¬rst-class article, the best is the cheapest, ior it is not liable to get out of order. The Williams Singer has now been in use for upwards of Twenty- ï¬ve years. During this time they have been constantly growing in favor with the public, and are selling more freely to-clay than ever. Terms easy. Apply to J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. Any amount can be had of J. Lush at reasonable terms, on ï¬rst-class property Richmond Hill, July 28, ’80. LIGHT-RUN N IN G 332w gums. BOWELS 0R BLOOD. '1‘. MILBI'RN & 60., Proprietors, Toronto. MOST POPULAR And every species of diseases arisinglï¬â€˜om disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, SEWING MACHINES LOOK! LOOK! Harness Establishment, LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS T0 DEALERS 30 UNION SQUARE, NE‘V YORK. Jan. 20th ’83â€"1y. SE WING MACHINES CARDS, WHIPS COMES, . LASHES BELTS, GlRTIâ€"IS SURCINGLES, &c. Eâ€"IARNE S S ORGAN S 1) WILL CURE OR RELiEVE. MONEY! a. flood assortment of â€"-â€"OF ALLâ€"â€" DO YOU WANT â€"IS THE-â€" IRE STOMACH, DRYNESS A A or THE sxm, OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING THE AND Harrisor. The ()ilis abstracted frnm peculiar specie 0 small White Shark, causvhtin the Yellow Sea†known ms ARCHARCDON RONDRLETH. Every' Chinese ï¬sherman knows it. Its virtues as a. restorative of hemiug were (lisccvm'ed by a, Buddhist Priest about the yam 1110. Its cures, were so numerous and many so Feemingly miraculous, that theremedv was ofliciully pro- claimed over the mxtiro Empire. Its use Immune s0 universal thut for over 300 years no deafness has existed mnoug the Chmese people. Sent. nhurges lnrenaid, to anv address at; $1 yer bottle. It 11st performsfl nmiravle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head :1,va hear much better. I have boeh greatly beneï¬t-ted. My deafness helped 11. great 11ml â€"think another home will cure me. ' Mv hearing is much boneï¬tted. My hearing is improving. It is giving goad satisfaction. Have been greatly beneï¬ttod, and. am ljeV‘Ciced that I saw the notics of it. ' ' ' “Its virtues are unquesfiolmme and its cum- tive chm-actor absolute, us the writer om: perk-0n- ully testify, both 175‘ experience and nhservut’iou._ Write at; once to HAancK & JJ'INN Y. 7 Dey Street New York, enclosing S1, and ,0“ will re. ceive return 9. remedy that will enable ynujxx hem‘ likn xmybody GISOJHIJ whoae CLrntivo ef- fects will be pm'mnnent. {on Win mwer regret doimV so." EDITOR m“ lh‘zmuw'rxmx mvmw. #‘Tn mom 10°} in the Mails please send money by Registe1elllmttor.0n‘v imported by H \XLOCK & TENNEY, Sow“. AGENTS FOR Am1. may: ' ‘I Do‘ St. ,_N. Y J an at}: ’33â€"†We will pay the above reward for any case 0 Liver Complaint Dy'svepsia Sick Headache, In (ingestion. Constipation or Constiveness we can not cure with West’s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions me stlicbly comp] (111 111th They a1e purely Vegetable, and new or fml to gne sutis fuct1on.$u"111‘ Coated La ge Boxes- 1. contain» 111g 30 Pills, t:25 cts: For sale L1 all Dmggmts Bewmre of counte1fe115 21nd 1'1111tz1l;ions.Th0 gen‘ nine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST 1% 011., “ The Pill V111ke1s"8ly& 8:} Kim: St. East Toronto,011t. F1ee 1111111 package 511111 by mail 111epu1d on 1eceipt of a 3 cont stamp. 4- 7, -8_.«1y HEAR WHAT THE DEAF SAY’ DR. E. 0i WEST’H NERVE MID 131ml): TBFA'T- MEN’i‘,n gun ‘unteed spaciï¬ce for H3 term, Diz ziness, (Yonvulsions, Fits, Ncrvnus Neuralgin, Headache. Nervous Prostratinn caused bv the! use of nicuhol or tobacco, \Vukefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in [nsmiity and lending to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Burmnew Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermm torrhoca, causedby over-exertion cf the brain self-abuse or over-indulgence. One but will cum recent cases. Eat-h box cumming one month’s treatment. One dollar»). box, 01' six boxes fuz ï¬ve dollms; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of p1ico.Wegnmuntee six boxes to cure mxycnse. With each ordermceivod 17) us fm six boxes accompanied withï¬ve dollars, “e will send the puwhasei our written gumuntrze to refund the money if the treatment does not; affect; a. cure, Guarantees issued only by TA A. Hewitt. & C0,, sole authorized agents {01' Thornhiil and Angus Ont John C West 6’; Co sole proprietors Toronto Foo Choo’s Balsanl of Simrks’ Oil. Positively Reston'esthe Hearing. and is. the ,onIy Absolute Cure for Deafness, Known. Ont Ears (40 Years Established) E'or good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENTED. E. M. Morphy‘ 2â€"5â€"’82. §E§ngï¬ï¬ gï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚flf’? 141Yonge Street, Toronto 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, * ï¬gï¬gmï¬ ï¬lï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬aï¬ Absolutely no pain experienced and harmv less in all cases. ARTIFICIAL TEETH I use no cheap material and warrant. every set. Géld Filling, and all other nperatinns ski'l-flflly ]_{erf()rn)ed, at: mmhmte fees. Call Enid see me.' No tumble to am swer questions. DEN TIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Has the exclusive right {or the ms of" Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of E. M. MORPHY CARR’S C. P. LENNOX, mmmn : â€"â€" VITALIZEBAEB. April 9, 83-19 FOR SALE AT Dilworth’s Drug Store, in a shor?tim€,without therslight- est pain. CORN-CURE is a certain, sï¬eedy 64‘ «7 and painless 5M CORN @431 Extractor. It will remove hard or soft corns, and make a perfect 3â€") [N T T h h W :68 King btteet East, between the Clyde and Nippissmg Hotel HEflLTH IS WEï¬TLHE BEST SETS CURE FURTHE TORONTO April. 23rd, 188:}.-1y Miélitm 4-7-82â€"1 yr - $8.00 $10.00