A Gentle Reminder. We would once more gently remind our indulgent readers and subscribers that an- other year has expired and subscription re- newals are not coming in as rapidly as they ought. The majority of suhscriptions ex- pire July lst, and we hope those who have not already done so will oblige us by renew- ing at once by forwarding $1, and those who are behind for the past year will please spur up, and not forget that the paper is cheaper [prepaid than paid afterwards. Sabbath Desecration. Canada has long borne unrivalled fame in the matter of Sabbath observance, but it looks now as if she was to be shorn of her‘ glory. In the matter of desecration in On- tario, Toronto seems to be taking the lead, though there are there some good men and true, who are determined that the laws of the land and the laws of God are not to be trampled on with impunity and contempt. The crisis seems to have come when the battle of Sabbath Observance vs non-Ob- .s>rvancs must be fought, and the battle ground will be all over Ontario, and the re- sult must decide whether Canada and es- pecially Ontario is to be a land where the laws of God are respected and thus retain the crown of honor which has so long adorn- .ed her brow, or a land where these higher laws are to be set at deï¬ance and her crown of glory snatched from her brow and trampl- ed in the dust. It is surprising to what an extent and how rapidly the inclination to desecrate the Sabbath has spread in Ontario in a few weeks. The Railway companies are running regular trains to and from Toronto on Sunday. The steamers are running regu- lar Sunday trips to and from places of re- sort. And even the Dominion Government is not guiltless in this matter, for it has in- stituted the making up and despatching of Sunday mails. We believe the whole is largely traceable to the introduction of Xankee notions. The Grand 'l‘runk Rail- way. for the sake of pandering to the desire American excursionists, began running through trains. Then followed special Canadian despatched trains. Then the steamers could not see Sunday railway ex- cursions without grasping at their share of the patronage. Then the Dominion Gov- ernment (shame to it. say we, for encourag- ing ahd following in its course instead of legislating against it) seeing the trains runn- ing on Sunday thought it might as well send Sunday mails by them. Thus one thing has lead to another, until the crisis has come when Canada must decide whether Sunday is to be kept sacred or whether its desecrat- ion is to be winked at. On the one hand is arrayed secularism, avariciousness, pro- fanity, and other evil influences, while on the other is arrayed the church, the minis. try, the Bible. religious conviction and all other ennobling influences, and we would at 'ILllY say the Government of the country but what can be expected of a Government that will set the example of setting at deli- ance its own laws. We hope it may arouse itself to better things. Toronto is taking the matter up in earnest, and on Sunday the pulpits re'sounded with faithful warnings against Sabbath desrcrations. We believe in this as in other things, right will triumph, and notwithstanding the influence of the Toronto World, from which we would ex- pect better things, being thrown on the side of wrong, Canada will not be robbed of her crown of glory,but continue a Sabbath loving and a. Sabbath keeping country. RICHMQND HILL. FRIDAY, July 29, ’83 No less than twenty two failures of busi- nees ï¬rms are chronicled in the Monetary Times of last week. Of these the larger pore portion are in Manitoba. The total number of failures in Canada for the half year end- ing June 30th is 746. Don’t the N. P. work as it should ‘3 Tory papers and Tory poli- ticians told us that once the N. P. was in force tall chimneys would zear up in all uireutlons, trade would flourish and hard times in Canada would be a thing of the past. \Vith wheat at a bare dollar a bushel, barley ht ï¬fty cents, and wool at eighteen to twenty cents, the farmers are not growing wealthy' as fast as they were led to expect. 'lhe only persons prospering just now are the Government contractors and a few bolstered ug moncpolies, and they are prospermg at. the expense of the rest of the community. The town of L‘ulman, a suburb of Chicago, ol ten thousand inhabitants, built and own- ed by Mikhail Car 00., has no saloons. An antiâ€"prohibition paper of Chicago thus der- cnihes this mode of working men: “ Their homes are large, roomy, and clean ; their furniture and 'qarpets new and tasteful; the air they breathe is pure, from moral and physiciul standpoiuts; there iS‘ absolutely no drunkenness; their children are well. fed, well clothed and healthy ; the men and their wives are well dressed and seemingly contented. They have no police, jail or Brldewell, and no saloon-keeper to cheat the childien of their food, clothing, and eancut. gun." Can this be said of the homes of the workingmen in any city of saloons on the $313} .â€" Christian Evangelist. In: Gav/mm. The Sabbath question is again coming to the front, and we shall probably have one of the biggest ï¬ghts that has occured for some time. If the Christian sentiment of the country is not thoroughly aroused in respect to it, there will probably before long be a pretty extensive and thorough awaken- ing. The politicians will of course be on the gut vive, in order to see what capital they can make out of it. The railroad and steamboat companies will of course take a deep interest in it. And Mammon wor- shippers generally~~espeoially those who imagine that the devotion of one day in seven to rest and religion is just to deduct so much from their gainsâ€"will pitch in on the Anti-Sabbatarian side. But if Truth has not mistaken the temper of the Christ- ian public, the‘issue is not doubtful. Can- adians prize their quiet Sabbath highly, and they intend to keep it. The ï¬rst of a. series of public meetings will he held on this sub- ject in the Metropolitan Church. Truth ex- pects it to be well attendedâ€"Truth. Sunday was St Swthm‘s day, and many will be interested to know whether the old adage be true that if St. Swithin’s day, July 15th. be ï¬ne and without min there will be no rain for the next forty days, but 1t any rain falls on that day there will be more or less of it for the next forty davs. Sunday was very wet in the morning, and showery during the afternoon. But the next day was ï¬ne all day; Thesday, ï¬ne ; Wednesday, ï¬ne. Thus we see how much truth there is in the adage: , St. Swithin’s Day. if thou dost min For forty days it will remain : St. Swithin’s, Day, if than be fair, For forty days ’twill rain nae. mmr. The amount of intoxicating liquors con- sumed in Canada. since Confederation is somewhat enormous. 206,412,148 gallons of liquid poison have been swallowed in our fair Dominion, which is equal to 14,000,000 every year, or three and a. half gallons per head for every man, woman and child in the country. The duty deriVed by the Govern- ment on this vast amount of (we might say) woe was $64,360,105, but the amount of sorrow’, sin and poverty, which a this liquor has caused in our country has not yet, or never can be put in ï¬gures. How many bright hopes has it blasted ? How many homes have been made desolate ‘2 Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. Mackenzie were present at the dinner given in London to Lord Dufferin. If these two gentlemen were to sit down together at a. public dinner in this country people would not know What to make of it. They woula suspect that Mr. Mackenzie was endeavoring to get Sir Charles to go over to the Reformers, or that Sir Charles was planning a coalition by which Sir John Macdonald could be ejected from oflice and himself installed in his place. There is at least room ï¬n†doubt,~ however, that Six Charles and Mr. Mackenzie walked home arm in arm. Lord Wolseley traveled in the Duke of Edinburgh's suite to the coronation of the Czar in his ordiuzu'v attire, and the aston- ishment of the Russians was intense when they learned that the quiet looking man in the grey ulster was the victor of Tel-ol-Kebir. It seems to have been, in the midst of so much splendor, a capital advertisement. Like the Frenchman whose Iibbonless butt- onhole made him distinguished, Lord Wolse- ley’s ulster marked him out for special ob- servation where a blazing uniform would have been lost in a crowd of similar trapp- in gs. Just now it looks as if the election pe- pitions against Refoam members were going to turn out not quite satisfactory to the Con- servatives. The petition against Mr. Awry, of South Wentworth, was dismissed with costs against petitioner. The South Victoria case was also dismissed with costs against petitioner, both the judges congratulating Mr. McIntyre on the purity of the election. The petitions against Messrs. Murray, of North Itenfrew, Dowiiug, of South Reufrew, and Dr. Cascadden, of West Elgin, have been withdrawn. Hon. A. Mackenzie writes from Venice to Mr. G. W. Badgerow, giving an interesting account of his travels, and a short descriptx ion of the magniï¬cent sights which greet the traveller on every hand. He travelled from London to Paris; thence to Turin by Mount Cenis Tunnel'; thence by Genoa and Pisa to Rome ; thence to Florence and Venice. From Venice he goes via Milan to Switzerland over the Alps. He expected to reach London about July 3rd and Edinburg by the 12th. He sails by the Urania. on Sept. 1st. The Scott liquor la-w, passed by a Repul - lican legislature, is every day gaining favor with the people. It promises to be a. decid- ed help to the Republican Ptuty in the pond- iug election in Ohio. Though not a prohib- itory law, it is much better than the free- rum policy which would prevail if the Dogho- qrats were to come into power, Queen Victoria. has ordered a, monument to be erected over the remains of John Brown, hearing, among others, the following inscription : “ That friend'on whose ï¬del- ity you count, that iriend given you by cir- cumstances over which you have no control was God’s own gift†This is a. touching tribute to a faithful servant. The approaching Luther celebration in. Germany has directed attention to the Luth- er family, audit is learned that the male line became extinct in 1742. But irom Luther’s daughter has descended the present family of‘von Sauoken, in East Prussia, to which belongs the Progressist members of the Prussian House of Representatives, von Saucken-Tarpntschen and. von Saucken- Julienfelde. ‘ It is said that one member of this familv is married to a..Bet1in banker of Israelitic origin. The Board of License Commissioners ior Toronto have refused no less than seventy applications. But notwithstanding this they have granted a very large numberâ€"one hundred and seventy four tavern and ninety eight shop licenses. It is hard to understand how Toronto supports so many drinking places. It must. be a. very thirsty place. The increase in the number of Canadian Baukrupts for the past six months is terri- bleâ€"almost double that of the correspond- ing period of last year. How is this? Will some person please rise and explain. Hon. J ames Young’s election in North Brant was carried by a majority of 551, ac- cording to the oï¬icial count, or nine more than the entire vote polled for his opponent. TRUE TO HER TRUST.â€"TOO much can- not be said of the ever faithful wife and motller,c0netantly watching and caring for her dear ones, never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by disease and the system ahogldiwama' thorough cleansing. the stomach and bowels regulated, blood puriï¬ed, and malarial poison exterminat- ed, she must know that Electric Bitters are the only Sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in the world and only cost ï¬fty cents. Sold by R. E. Law, Richmond Hill and T. A. Hewitt (‘2 M. Sheehan, of Oscoda, Mich., writes: " I have used Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil on horses for different diseases,and found it to be just as you recommended. It has done justice to me every time, and it is the best oil for horses I ever used.†Observe that the name, “ Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil†is on front of the wrapper, as there are imitations of it. A GENERAL STAMPEnEâ€"Never was such a. rush made for any drug stores as is now at R. E. Law’s, Richmond Hill, and T. A. Hewitt & Co’s. Thornhill for a. trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discov- ery for Consumption, Coughs, and colds. All persons afl'ected with Asthma. Bron- chitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs or any affection of the throat or lungs can get a, trial bottle of this great remedy free by c tiling at above drug stores. Mr. Alexander Robinson, of Exeter, in writing abeut one of the moat popular articles, ani one that has done more good to the afflicted than any other medicine has during the short time it has been in existence, says: “ I have used four bottles of Northrop & Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, and have been cured of Dyspepsia that troubled me for over ten years. Part of that time I had 1t very bad, and I was at consider able expense trying to get relief; but this excellent medicine was the only relief I received. 00.,1 Thm‘nhill. In Liver Complaint, Blllous Disorders, and Jaundlce, AYER’S PILLS should be given in doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, these PlLLS are unequalled. Heart-burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Head- ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cured by AYER’S PILLS. A FEW HENTS For Constipation, or Costiveness, no remedy is so effective as AYER’S PILLs. They insure regular daily action, and res store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AYER’S PILLS are invaluable, and a sure cure. Worms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Piles, the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the use of AYER’S PILLS. For Cams, take AYER’S PILLS to open the pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by sudden 0.0le, indigéstiblo food, etc., AYER’S PILLS are the true remedy. Full directions, in various languages, ac- company each package. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgla, ï¬nd Sciatica, often result from digestive derange- ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of AYER’S PILLS. Suppression, and Painful Menstrua- tion, have a safe and ready remedy in AYE R’S PILLS. PREPARED BY DnJ. c.Ayer&Co.,Lowell, Mass‘, Sold by all Druggists, Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, .aro cured by AYER’B PILLS. FOR THE USE OF Dosn.â€"To move the bow- els gently, 2 to 4 Pills; thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pills. Experience will decide the proper dose in each case. DRESS GOODS ‘ AT THE CONCRETE GROCERIES at Rock Bottom Prices. 15 Lbsa Sugar for $1.00. AT HALF PRICE Immema Redmmns And everything needed for the fruit season at correct prices. Call and. Examine Before Purchasing Elsewhere. HIGHEST PRICE FOR DAIRY & FARM PRODUCE W. ATKENSON. O. E. Comatock, Caledonia, Minn , Writes: “ I was suffering the most ‘ex- cruciating pains {10m inflammatory rheu- matism. One application of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil afforded almost instant re- lief, and two’ bottles effected a permanent cure.†WHY BE DOWNCAST Qâ€"Trucy you may be in a. miserable coudltionâ€"-y0u may be weak palid, and nervous. You cannot sleep at night, not enjoy your waking hours; yet, why loose Heart ? Get a bot- tle of Burdock Blood Bitters. It will restore you to health and peace of mind. Clearing Sale Mother Graves’ Exterminator has no equal for destroying worms in chlldren and adu‘ts. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. -â€"â€"You can be weak, nervous. debilitated, and dospondent, disqualiï¬ed for work of head or hand, or you can enjoy a. fair share of health and peace of mind, Burdock Blood Bitters will alleviate your misery and do you a world of good if you will persevere in their use for a few weeks. Do no violence to the liver and general system by repeated doses of mercury in the shape of calomel and blue pill. Many persons thus dose themselves even with out the advice of a physician. The best substitute for such pernicious drugs, and the use of which is never followed by disastrous effects upon the general health is Northrop & Lymau’s Vegetable Dis- covery and Dyspeptic Cure, which per.- manently tones the stomach, regulates the bowels, puriï¬es the blood. and gives a healthful glow to the cheek. Hall's Vegemble Sicilian Hair Renew- er never fails in restoring gray hair to its youthful color, lustre, and vitality. Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massa- chusetts, endorses it, and all who give it a. fair trial unite in grateful testimony to its many virtues. VOTERS LIST is hereby given, that I have trans‘ mitted or delivered to the per' sons mentioned in the third. mud fourth sections of “The Voters’ List Act,†the copies required. by said section to be so transmitted or delivered, of the list made, pursuant to said Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munir‘ipmlity to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municiygnl Elections; and that said list was ï¬rst posted up at my ofï¬ce, at Richmond Hill, on the 18th day of July, 1883, and remains there for ingpeetiup. _.. u†NJ: Municipality of the Township of Vaughan, in [he Coun- ty 01 York. is hereby given, that I have trans‘ _ glitter; 0}: .dglive‘rgd t9. the‘per' williéacg'aro called upon to examine the said list, and. if any ominsions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- :mzls to have the said errors corrected according o aw. Dated ï¬his 18th day of July, 1883. HARVEST TOOLS! In GREY CGTTUNS. 20 Yds. Good Cotton for $1.00 And Hardware of every déécriptioï¬ at lowest prices. A BIG- SHOW ! FANCX’ DRE S S G}()OD S 1883. J AMES M. L AJZVRENCF}, Clerk, An assortment of Robes, Cofï¬ns, Caskets} &c., constantly kept on hand. The undersigned has a quantity of fresh lime â€"â€"about 300 bushelsâ€"«for sale. For particulars apply to EZRA CLUBINE, Lot 35, 3rd Con.Vuughan. 0n the shortest notice and reasonable terms. FUNERALS FURNISHED At the POMONA MILLS, 20 tons of bran, $10 per ton. Eight Building Lots for Sale on (‘entre Street East. only $100 each,15 percent. down for pick of the lots ; Also Two New Houses, 5 rooms, on Richmond Street. DR. LANG-STAFF“ A. WEE??? £25, lie. Capital not needed. “he will start you Men, women, boys. and (girls wanted everywhere to work for us. New is me time. You can work in spare time, or nge. vaurwhole time to the business. No other busi- ‘355 Will pay vou nearly as well. No one can tail 2-? main. enormous pay, by engaging†once“natty m.th and terms free. Money made f st many and honorably. Address TRUE & 0 “mm. Maine. A week made at home by the Indus- ??trious. Best business before the pub- . A7. LIME FOR- SALE . FOR SAIJE ? FIRST RATE EV]DENCE.â€"â€"†Often 1m- able to attend business, being subject to serious disorder of the kidneys. After a. long siege ‘of sickness, tried Burdock Blood Bitters and was relieved by half a. bottle.†Mr. B. Turner of Rochester, N. Y., takes the pains to write. now until January 1st, 188% for 40 cents. “ THE FOR SALE 2 Subsgribe at once., Undertakers, BUIWNG EMS; 1â€"4111 RIC]! MOND HILL. LIBERAL †from JOIEN KRAMER) EN. WRIGHT 6.: SUN.