Thomhill, I‘hunkful for the favors of the past ten years, nmy still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession,u.sfollgx ' Stuuffville‘ lo. JIaerham . . . . 10. Victoria. Squa do. Fhunmill... do. hI&])10....... do Woudbridge , do. Kleinl)urg., . . do . obletun. 0th 0 Anastlletics,ms Nitrnns Oxido,etc., used when ordered, and none but L110 lmstnmteriul used. Address A. ROBINSON L.D.S.. Aurom Ont. The Methodist sabbath schoolTempemnce As socimtion issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Han~ison supf A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Friday at 8 o’clock p. m. Beno~ flew-j Monte Riva; to ' 00,0 ï¬nesse of death. J. A. L.~»Switzer. Master otkman. ’ 3th, 16th, and 22nd N ewmul \e . . . . .......... Lind Richmond Hill.“ th and Z-lhh (at the Palmer House) . ROMAN ï¬ATIIOLIO CHURCHrâ€"Sar‘v‘ices in order as; follow 5 Thoran at {I mm.Y and Richmond Hill at 1U::$O mm; the following Sundaii at Rich: mond Hill at t) mum, and ’J'pornhill at 0:30 a..m., alternating: wit-h Markham awrv third Sundzw. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANDâ€"Media for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evanmg at 7:30 o’clock. J. Powell Leader. VILLAGE Connemâ€"Re‘ vb. John Brown ; ï¬Conn- cillurs‘ Messrs. Isaac Crosby, Wm. I’Lgsley, J. H. Sanderson, and H. F. Hopper. Clerk. M. '1 uefy, Dr. Geo. Langslaï¬ Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at ’l‘llornhill. Nov. 6th, ’8‘2~tf. MECHANICS’ lNSTITUTE.â€"Library 01 over 1000 volmuesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma.- sanic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Lav, Libra.- ian. Lectures and discussions periodically. 11.10!“ Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Tempen‘nco Hall, each alter- native Tuesday evening at 8 o‘cluck p In. Benc- ï¬cinr; certiï¬cates issued to male or female 1131 m mm for $1.000 or in case of death 952,000, one 1111 t Lmyabm in case of disability. J. H. Ssnder~ sun Select Councillors; J. A. Sturgeon Stewart. Rocordin g Secretary. AND Ernest F. Langstafl, RICHMOND HILL. Ofï¬ce hours: 9 u.m., 2 p m. and 7 n. m. ____‘4 Uuionville. Weston 1st Monday of each month th and 21:1; “ “ Maple .. nth “ “ Richmond Hill ‘flth ‘ “ Woodbridge '11d Mr. Husband will be found in his Infï¬ce, Now- Lon Brook, every Saturdw except} when Sunn- rluv falls on the above duatcs.‘ 3-Câ€"‘83â€"1 y ST. MARY s Ermaomn CHURCH.â€"-Service at 3 y.m.,excupb the third Sunday of every month. when th‘e Service and sacrament are held at 11 mm. Sunday School at 1:30 p.112 Rev. W. Bates, Rector. ‘ So 1? iel ies. Rmnmoxn LODGE, A. F. & A. M.; _No. 23, G.R.C â€"Meets in the Lodge Roomï¬ï¬‚asomc Halon the Monday on or before full moon, at, 8 o'clock p.111 Isaac Crosbv, \V. M. ' RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, N0. 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Meats in the Temperance Hair every Wednesday evening, at 730 o'clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. Medalist Toronto Univexsitv. Member Col Physicians & Surgeons, 0116.. (late of Stouffville Yonge Street, Riulmumd Hill. Ofï¬ce Hours 8 to 10 3.. m., 5t0 8 p. m. \V. J. Charlton M. D.. C. M.,M. C. P. S. O. L Torontn General Hospital, l’hvsicia Stu-g: &c Oflicu hours: 0 to 11, Z to :1, and 6 t 7.30. \Vi11 visit the follcwing places professionally :â€" THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ~ â€" ONTARIO. 3. ï¬g Simgem Mamas, RICHMOND L. 0. L ,A'o. War-Meets in the Temâ€" pemn ce Hull, on tm: Friday on or before full moon, at 8 ’clock p.113. C. E. Sheppard, W.M. Mm‘xonm'r Cmmcn, 10F CANADA.â€"â€"Services at [(0:30 n.1n., and (3:30 p. m.,rmd Sunday school, at 2.30 p.111. Geneml *ijvur Meeting every Thursday evenmg and Young marple’a Prayer meetiï¬g every Friday even‘ng m the Lecture {00m Revs. J. E. Butts, mull E. Starr, pusturg. PRESBYTERIAN Cunncn O}"CANADA.-â€"Sel‘\'i.pes M 1] o‘clock a‘.m., and (5:30 pm. Prayer moatmgi «I111 \Vednesday evening 1137350. Rev. 1. Campbe] usmr. ’ Ofï¬ce hours: 8 130 9.30 a. m., and to 2.30 p FRLD VOL. VI. G. H. Husband, L. D. S., BU SINE SS CARDS. ‘l REMOVED. Dr. M «Council, Graduate of Toronto University Br. Ch :u‘lton. \‘V eslon. Dr. James Langstaï¬ EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. per annum, in advance.] wilmge {Bircttum ; Cluï¬ï¬ws. @112 ‘ “" @zhml †Dr. W. J. W’ilsonq IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. Orr, Maple, Dr. A. Robinson, autaitztl. SURGEON DENTIST, am. NE WTON BROOK, MORNING DF ‘TIST, of eavh month do. fln_ lo. 10. do. do. do do. do. Ont. Lute ‘geou Having recently built the above House on the Bite 0 the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in ï¬rst-class scyle, I run prepared to give the public the best of accommodations Good stumbling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, :61 per day: The Richmnnd Hill Omnibus leaves 5th House at "‘50 mm. for Toronto and leaves reroute at 3:30 mm. George Eakin. issuer of Marriage Licenses for the bounty of York qulEstuteand. 5,1411 ye" ent. wart-ï¬es huvmwfaflns origins ' m ‘orï¬ï¬ï¬iygï¬ngb ance in life or property will' have theii" orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to loan at 8 per cent on approved freehold security Omarâ€"Court. House, Toronto Licensed Auctioneer for tho Countv of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, James C. Stokes, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortth notice and at rensonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. Eight Building Lots for Sale on Centre Strret Emt, only #5100 each,15 per cent. down for pick of the Ions ; Also l‘m) New Houses, 5rooms, on Richmond Street. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. etc.,.'pr0mptly attended to at reuaonable rates. 1". 0. address, Emery P. 0., County York, (successor to the late D' H. Devins) Insurance A want, for the best and ost reliable Companies oingbusiness in Cam. 8.. Parties desirous of insuring in a. ï¬rst class company snould obtain our rates before insuring elsewhere ' Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York: Sales attended on the shortest noticexmd at res.- abe rates. Address Nobleton P. 0 166 King St., East, Toronto, near Nipissing Hotel. 23â€"4-’83. "ewellery; and repuirjnq of watches and Clocks on hgprepgiscs, n. S})ef:1{l.ltV Thanking our patrons and friends for their lib- emlvanronagc iL the pus: we beg to state that we have just. received 9. large stock ofnew goods in latest designs. A large stock at Elgin and Waltham watches kept on hand. notice Bnnsiters, Attorneysâ€"nt-Lmv, Solicitors-in- Chancenyroctors juAdmimltyCumts. Con. vmyuncers etc. Milliohamp’shuildings, Adelaide street,Toronto, ‘ 01. 1308i Le Vietoriustreet. award ISIul;e,Q.C. S.H. Blake Q-CJJK. Kerr,Q.C. WnlterOnssels, WJLMullock. C.A.15rough C.J. Holman, H. Cassels. K.Macleu.u Amrge amount of Money ho Lend on farm or c}$VDl‘01fl‘l‘ty interest ’4' per comm; no commis- Slon‘ ROSE, MACDONALD, MERRI’I‘T 6: CO. Importer of Watches,clocks and ï¬ne jewellery rt swck of Diamonds and preciousstones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, '1‘.()ROI§J'1"0. !.:x‘l\lgLnufncpu1:111g of Old Iron, Rags, Brass, 63m, braght for Cash at City Prices. Qpimnev Sweeping attenfled _t() ion short-est HOUSE FURNISHINGS Tinware~ 8: Implements, Plated Geodv, Cutlery, Fencing. & other Wires, White Leads, Paints, Olls, & Brushes. A. L. Skeele. 01901st Watch Mgker, WILKINS.’ BROS Locks. \Vl L KIN S BROSJ} HARDWARE & And dealer in \Vntches, Clocks, and Jewellq} Richmond Hill Ont. FREDERICK WHITLOCK, Richmond Hill. Bolts, zBUiiDING LOTS OR SAIAE ‘9 The Palnncn‘ House. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN PALMER, Pxoprietur. Blake, Kerr, & Cassels, JOSEPH A. DEVINS, Hinges, N. J. Armstrong, Salem Eckardt. I‘loney to Loan. Bï¬iï¬remmtmm. S. M. Brown. Sell all kinds of A Call Solicited. Screws, J. W'anlws. Unior Lou-r. buildings, Toronto Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. DR. LANG STAFF. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1883 Hiluury. 33:01:15. $311M. Agricultural, and Farm Implements, In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essmtials, Libenï¬y ; in all things, Charity UNI( )NVILLE. The Adams & Weatlaké Oil Stove is guaranteed absolute- lyszm‘e item Exploshim’." It will bake quicker and better than any other stove in the market. It omits less odor than any other stove. FIRST PRIZE ! Over all competitors wher- ever exhibited. ‘ Will be only too glad to put it into competition with any other stove made. We guarantee every stove sent‘out to give satlsfactlon or refund money. We have much pleasure in calling your attention to the "Adams & Westlake†Coal Oil Stove. Ladies call and see it workâ€" ing at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, or when in Toronto. HARRY A. SELLERS, LADIES COLLINS BflLUMNl EMPOREUM, TORONTO. RIBHMUMD HILL VICINITY! 90 HINGE-STREET, House-Keener’ It has taken AND OF The reports on the wheat crop of the Province, made to the Bureau on the 1st of August, are not Wholly satisfactory. They show that as regards both quantity and quality much of it Is Inferior to last year’s crop-â€"â€"that. in fact, its market valâ€" ue at present quotations must be less by several millions of dollars. But it should be borne in mind that last year’s crop was an extraordinary one, and conse- quently that comparison with it as the standard cannot be accepted as fair. \Ve have not yet sufï¬cient data. to ascertain conï¬dently what an average wheat crop in Ontario is. For this purpose it is necessary to obtain returns for a series of successive years, giving as accurately as possible the acreage and produce for each year. The present harvest is probably ‘Melow an average over the whole Prov- ince, but no one can state positively whether it is or not. Last year, accord- ing to the statistics collected by the Bureau, the area under Wheat was 1,775,- 337 acres, the produce 40,921,201 bushels and the average yield per acre 23 bushels This year the area is 1,691.603 acres, the produce (as estimated by correspondents) 27,398,393 bushels, and the average yield per acre 16 bushels. For the two years the average would therefore be 197 bush- els per acre It is possible, however, that the results of the threshing season may modify to some extent the ï¬gures for this year. The uneven character of the crop makes it difï¬cult to estimate the yield of Fall Wheat, and Spring Wheat is liable to be affected by rust and the attacks of insects. The May report of the Bureau showed that in the western half of the Province Fall Wheat was damaged to a Serious exâ€" tent during the winter months,â€"being either frozen to death under a coat of ice and sleet in the southeln counties, or smothered to death under a heavy cover- ing of ice-crustedsnow in the northern. It was also injured in some localities by exposure to spells of intense cold after the snow and ice had disappeared. The low temperature of April and May made the condition of the crop at disheartening one to the farmers, and much of it was in consequence ploughed up or resown with other grain. The returns showing the area. of Fall \Vheat dealt with in this way are somewhat imperfect, but in the Lake Erie, Lake Huron, \Vest Midland and Georgian Bay counties it was not less tha1160,000 acres. In the western half of the Province the wheat wintered re- markably well, and the crop is not much below that of last year. The heavy rains of June and July were favourable in pro- moting a vigorous growth of straw, but in all sections of the Province correspond- ents report that the excess of moisture has been accompanied with rust. In the Judgment was delivered in the \Vest Simcoe election case on Saturday. Mr. Phelps being unseated. The respondent was acquitted of any knowledge or con- sent in the matter of supplying meals or liquor to voters by his agentsmpon which charges the election was voided. An imâ€" portant point. of law was decided 10 ref- erence to the appointment of authoriza- tion agents by a. candidate. Probably beiow the Averageâ€"Not near- ly equal to last year. Thursday night last Manitoba Con- stable McMaster was drunk and ï¬ghting on the street. He was arrested by an Ontario constable and on Friday morning ï¬ned $4 and costs for being drunk and disorderly. This afternoon Bedding, of the Ontario police, was arrested on a charge of false arrest of McMaster. Redding is out on bail. NEWS HIM. GLANCE. The Rat Portage Affair. Hanlan was beaten in the professional scull race at Fall River, Mass , on Mon- day. It is said Lhe cause was a. steamer with an excursion puny swamped him. The Globe’s London correspondent ca.- bles that applications are invited for £36,- 000 sterling four per cent. debentures of the city of TL-I‘Onto for a. forty years} term. The price asked is ninety-ï¬ve per. cent. China prcpared to use the sword The Enollsh channel tunnel scheme is rapidly growing in favor in England. Casamicciola. recently destroyed by the Ischia earthquake, is being rapxdly rebuilt. Mr. Keefler has been rennminated for the Commons by the Liberals of Lumen- bury. Berlin despatches state that it is learn- ed from semi-ofï¬cial sources that China will not hesitate to defend her suzemnity over Annam with the sword. Ayoung man named Daniel McKee- mau, who was working for Mr. Cross of Peel, fell from a. load of hay and broke his neck, causing instant death. O. R. Phelps unseated in West Simcoe. yflNTARIï¬â€™S» WHEAT CROP. The meeting then proceeded Lo raise the necessary funds to be forwarded to Washington, and m a short time the sum of over $260 was raised. Nothingv known to medical science can surpass the healing: properties of Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry in Cholera Mai-bus, Dvsentery, Colic, and all Bowel Complaints. Mr. H. McCaw, Custom House, TV- ronto. writes: “My wife was troubled with dyspersia and rheumatism for a lung time; she tried many differï¬it remedies, but did not get any reiief until she used Northrnp & Lyman’s Vegetable Discovâ€" ery and Dyspeptic Cure. She has taken two bottles of it, and now ï¬nds herself in better health than she has been for years†The hair; 6f the Baker Estata n! I‘LE‘. adelphia, Pa.., to the number of bétï¬Ã©exl forpy and ï¬fty met at the Dominion Hotel, Richmond Hill. on Saturday, 18th lust. ‘ Mr. D. Snider was elected chairman, and Mr. I. H. Snider, corresponding Segpetary, acted as Secretary. Communications were read from Wm. V. Nye, of Aver», Ont, in reference to notice of meeting. The niiuutes of the last: meeting, as reported in THE LIBERAL of July 20th, wage read and accepted. From S. Ditsoï¬, Collingwood, enclos- ingiten diurllajrs towards_ the gelleyal fund. From Mr. J. W. Baker, now in \Vash- ington, stating that the prospects for suc- cessfully accomplishing the object of his mission to \Vashiogton, and stating that all that is required is money, and asking that it be forwarded at once. Also stat» ing that Col. Henry Baker, according to the State records, was one of the most able and brilliant men of his day, and that in four or six weeks the whole mati- er would be in satisfactory shape if funds were provided, and all that would then remain to be done Would be to prove the heirship and the properly would be in waiting. Some of the heirs thought it was time there was something more substantial and deï¬nite laid before them. considering the amount of money sent 80 Washington, and in absence of this they (lid not feel like contributing any more in the dark without knowing whether it was being put to proper use. Moved by Mr. A. L. Campbell, second< ed by Mr. S Stakeley, that this meeting record a vote of conï¬dence in Mr. J. \V. Baker, now in \Vasllingtnn looking after the Baker estate.â€"Carried. York W Pevl ...... Ontario Simcoe They are still conï¬dent of successâ€"An enthusiastic meetingâ€"A ï¬nancial success. The question of keeping strlct account of all contributions in order that they might be. refunded when the object was accomplished was discussed. York . Peel. .. Ontario Simcoe The minutes of several previous meet- ings were read for the information of sev- eral who had not been present. at previous meetings. The breadth of Spring \Vheut is nearly the same as last year, although seeding operations were hindered by rainy weath- er. On all high or well drained lands it made line progress throughout July, and unless injured by rust or insects it prom- ises a larger yield than last year’s crop. The recent cool and bright weather has been very fMourz-ible to its maturity, but the midge, the weevil and the Hessian fly are reported in all the best Spring \Vheut districts. The extent of the damage done by these pests, however, cannot be fully known until the wheat is ripe. In the Lake Ontario L.lԤi{ll0t the harvesting sea- son commence-1 ,.Li.u’i the 15th inst., and in the northerly and north-easterly dis- tricts about the 20th or 25th. This is about two weeks later than ,the usual period of Spring Wheth harvest. western counties, where there is a. great depth of alluvial soil, the rust has proâ€" duced its worst effects, and the grain is considerably shrunken. 1n the eastern counties, on the other hand, the injury is C(miparatively slight. Insect posts are not numeIous, but the presence of tho midge and the Hessian fly is noted in some localities. \Vith the favourable harvest weather of the past three weeks the crop will no doubt be housed in good condition. The folkâ€"wing: tables give the area and produce of the crops of 1883 and 1882, in the Counties of York, Pee], Ontario and Silncoe: ' COUNTIES COL. BAKER‘S HEIRS. [Single copies, 3 cts. Acres 52568 30636 17014 60719 48598; 10-20558 304681 670296 18745); 350.461I (328391 11931411 FALL WHEAT Bush 1119336 765900‘ 5 10420 2068289 Acres. No. 8, 26676 15467 49164 37118 24990 13-156 45555 322-13 SPRING Bugh 480] ()8 91529531) 835768 593868 499800 2411M 865545 548131