Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Aug 1883, p. 5

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Pm‘kdule, . . .. IMLVGHpOI't, . \Vustmx. . . . . Thornhill> . . Rt HMUND Hum, Kine. Aurora, . Newmarkeh, Newm mrkc‘u, . . A L, Thm‘nhill, . r . \Veston, . Davenport. Pmrkrlule Comm ' with all trainn, leaving the Palmer Housml 1nmnMHiIi,mfun/ms: M:Li1& Express, North & South. . . . Amonnnoda on, “ “ Exprss Mu‘bh Mail, South Until further “whim “Tamils will he closed at the Richmond Hill 13’0st (mice as follows:â€" MORXING :â€"â€"Gninq NnrtlLsmuh. Rant and “ban, including 'l‘l’un‘nhill, )1:Lplt?,'i‘m‘(mtn, Markham. 650. 7.10. EVENING Zâ€"GOlllg snutll. East and West (as above) 6.15 N. Blfillcrr'fl ml Letters must lxe lmuded in at least Flfhaoll Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hum-2; for elm-dug. . . . .The Governor General and Princ- ess Louise will visit Toronto on Sept. 12th for the last time and take in the Ex- hibition. TORONTO. Mml. Cit-y Hal]. 7.13. (121011 Station 751;. Brock Street. 8.00. Queen‘s Wharf .. ..'I‘he residence of Mr. J. C. 13. Johns, on Yongc St, South of this place, has been christened “ Terrence Hall.” TORONTO . . . . IV’Earkhnm Township Cauncil meets on Saturday, 25th inst. . . . .See our 990. Kid Gloves; special value. Sneath & Grcmmn. . . . .Tlm A 11mm Incmssists were clean- ed out by the ermurketltes (m the 9th. . . . .Venum‘, go up head. \Ve have had several mghts of frost during the past two weeks. . . . .Newmm‘ket Town Hall is complet- ed, and the Refin‘mcr says 1t presents a very handsome appearance. The Fruit Crop. Fruit in this vicinity is going to be scarcer this year than for some years previous. We believe this is the case generaliy throughout Ontario, though in a few sections it is reported plentiful. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, August 24, ’83 . . . , Bread is only five cents per loaf in Port Hope. ‘ . . . Gentlemen, can and see our hats, ties, shirLs, &c. New full styles. Sneath (Y: Greunan. . . . .The Union Camp Meeting referred to last week, will be held at; Ellesmere, on Sew. 12th. . . .4.'l‘he Hume Cook hook, the best work of the kind ever published, tor sale at THE LIBERAL store. flflflTHERN B‘ R. TIME TALE. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimore, of New- market, celebrated their \Vooden VVedd- inq the other night, and among the pres- ent-s of the evening was a complete set of hair-cloth furniture of elegant design. The potafo crop, what there is of it, is hoan attacked by rat. \Ve do not think it. has become very bad in this immediate vicinity, but in various sections not far diqtant it is doing tremendous damage. We Ziggifiapewl Duck shooting smmn opened last W'ed- nesday, but. we know some Richmond Hill young men who have been hunting ducks for the 19,513 fmv months and when they thought they had found them they were not there. A laborer’s Head cut off. A Toronto man named Henry Moss, was coming from Owen Sound on the T G. & l3. railway on Saturday night, and while under the influence of liquor fell from the train near Fleshertun. and his head war: completely sr‘vered from his Body. This is another score for the liqu- or traffic. A Treatise on The Horse. Dr. Kendall’s Treaties on The Horse is one of the finest works pxtnnt on the sub- ject of which it treats. The unanimous verdict of Hmsmnmi is that “ It is worth it’s weight in Gold.” This splendid work in given ms {t prominm to every new sub- scriber to THE LIBERAL who will forward us $1 in .vlvnnca. It is also 931va fa all old subscribers who will way all arrears (if any) and one year in advance. By this means: all may got TUE LIBERAL for one year for sevonly-five cents, where- au it “ill cost them $1.2?) if not paid in arlvnnce, T50 howl" will l“ “07% t0 Nldw-ss in: ; "'1 .39: :1. Address, THE (A L PfiGTQR’S STAGE LINE Q uncn'< “"11 {Hi Jinx/31:91? ' Union S‘ution. (liby Hall ‘ PUST OFFIBE NQTEGE. ABUUT HOME. A Handsome Present. Duck Hunting GOING SOUTH, G 01)} G N OILTH Potato Rot. Exhr’s M. TEEEY. Postmaster 0.0:; 9.10 Accom Expr's 11 ‘ ' 5.10 1‘: 5.18 Anmm. M nil 11.20. (3 1‘: (0:3. 1 2.10. 12.16 12.40. 12:}? 12.40. (3.1. ?77778 $.10. Consigned to the Flames. J. Barr Robertson, who was mulcted in the sum of $500 in Toronto’s Police Court on Friday for counterfeiting J. C. Ayer «(700’s pills, paid over the full a.- mount‘ of the fine shortly after his im- position. His whole stock of plates, la- bels,‘ wrappers, boxes, and pills were con- signed to the flzunes in the afternoon The cremation took place in the basement of No. 1 Station, where a box stove was used for the purpose. Sixteen gross of pills put up and ready for the market, LogeLher with 7,000 small oval pill boxes and labels for ten thousand dozen boxes and other nmtters, 111 all representing a value of about $5} .200, were destroyed wiLhin the space of two hours. Mr. Bigelow, who is representing the firm, superiuteudiug the matter The litho- gruphiug stones, which had been held by Messrs. Gopp, Clark, &, Co., were alsa destroyed at their warehouse in the pres- ence of Mr. Bigelow. Civic Holiday. Wednesday Sept. 5th, has been, by proclanmtiun of Reeve Brown, in response to u. numeruusly signed petition of rate- payers, set apart as Civic Holiday for our village. The occasinn will be taken ad- mntuge of by the Firemen, who purpuse making this day one 09' interest not only to the people of the village but to all whn may favor Richmond Hill with their presence. Games of various kinds,mces, etc, will take place. A grand incrusse Match will take place on the Fair Grounds between (he “ Young: Canadians,” of Richmond Hill, and the Barrie club, for which the Firemen will give in beautiful Silver Cup. There will be many other features of attraction. whieh will be fully given next issue. The public would do well to make their arrangements to attend and witness the lacrosse match and other games, which will nn (lunhi, be interesting. East York Election Contest. The preliminary exmnination of Mr. Budgerow, the respondent and sitting member, was held before Mr. J. iriice, specmi examiner, Saturday. Hector Cameron, Q. 0., and J. J. Foy, 0., appeared on behalf of the petitioner, and J. A. Proctor and \Vin Johnstun for the respondent. There, are, some thirty chargâ€" es, two or three personal and tile balance through agents. The facts elimted by the examination showed that Mr. 3nd- gerow carried on the contost with the most scrupulous regard for the provisions of the election Act.vâ€"Eunwmist. The barns of Mr. Robert Jones, of Eglmgton, Was struck by lightning on Saturday evening and burned to the ground. 311‘. Jones’ loss will be about $3,000. The contents of the barns con~ sisted of the product of 18 acres of fall wheat, 15 acres of hay, and 200 bushels of elements. There was no insurance on the property. Mysterious Disappearance. Mr. A. P. Church left his home in UK- brldue on Thursday night last and has not since been heard of, though searching; parties have scouted the country almost continuously since. He had been ill for some days previous, and it is feared his reason beczune dethroned. He was about 30 years old, rather tall, slightly stooped, and was dressed in a. grey suit with a black felo hat. The Prayer Cure. Al: Old Orchard Beach, Maine, recent- ly, many persons suffering from various diseases were made whole by the prayer cure. A correspondent says:â€"" There were about 200 people at the prayer meet- ing when he attended. 'l‘hey Wch first prayed for collectively, and the leader afterwards \Vithdrew with the invalids and prayed for them fervently and in- dividually. A middle-aged lady an- nounced that she had been cured of the phthisic. Another, who had been afflict- ed with tumors, said that their growth had been stopped for the past seven years in answer to prayer and she believed that now they would disappear. The wife of a. Kentucky physician returned thanks for the healing:r of her lameness. A Port- land business man knew he had been benefitted and an elderly lady who had been greatly strengthened at the faith- cnre meeting in Philadelphia declared that she was now rid of a. cancer. 3 Strange Proceeding. The Aurora Banner says: “ A very singular occurrence has t'zinspired in the vicinity of King Station. An old lady named Agnes Burns, owns a house and lot in that place, and for several years has lived there entirely alone. Some time ago her sister and brother-in-lgw came to reside with her, and to all ap- pearances every thing went along satis- factor'ily. About three weeks ago, ho“- ever, the old lady left home and went off to the woods, where she has remained ever since, subsisting on berries, green peas, &c., occasionally milking some of the farmers' cows. She has frequently been seen, but on the approach of any person invariably retreats into the woods, where she has hitherto succeeded in bailiâ€" in;>r all pursuit. It is the intention of the community, unless she returns by the end of the week, to turn out en mmsc on Sunday and endeavor to capture her. No doubt the uniortunate creature‘s mind “as he< oine (ltri-:;vigrt(l, and it is proper that steps should be taken to see that she is pro} 1‘. ' cared for.” “ \Vhat is gond for cabbage worms '1 ” asks a Yonge Street man. \Vhy,cahbage, of course. The worms don’t ask any- thing better than cabbage, and If you give them their will they will soon de- molish your cabbage, but if you want to have the pleasure of demulishing your own cabbage call as THE LIBERAL store and get. a package of Hands’ \Vorld Re- nowned Cabbtge Powder, which is not, poisonous, but certain death to the cabb- age worm. Good for Cabbage Worms. Struck by Lightning. (From Our own Corrsevondent.) Our boast for some time past has been our shingle factory, which not only cuts good shingles but showed enterprise on the part of the proprietors. But. laiely we are somewhat chagrined in noticing another industry by which we feel we are disgracedi namely, the Canada. Thistles. Fields are given up to this honey-pro- ducing plant, to the detriment of grainâ€" growing farms in the vicinity. One path- master in the towuship has been fined $10 for neglect. of duty regarding this pest; a half dozen more in our township should be or else resign the position. We regret to learn that Mr. Wm. Watson, of Weston, is seriously ill with that terrible malady, tumorous cancer in the stomach. Mr. Watson is well known in the county as the author of the serious of papers, read be- low the Society Of York Pioneers and pub- lished in THE LIBERAL, “ The Humller and its Tributaries.” Miss Rowntree, of Weston, was in the vill- age on Tuesday, and culled on us. The Port Hope Guide of the 17th inst., says : “ Rev. D. Umnelon, of Maple, was in town yesterday, attending the funeral of his motherAin-law, Mrs. McNaughton STARRâ€"At. the Methodist Parsonage, Maple, 011 the 14th lush, the wife of the luv. J. E. Starr 01' a. son. (From Our Own Correspondent.) The Rev. J. \V. Tottefl and family are spending their vacation on the Grimsby Camp Grounds. Miss Rutherford complains of having too little to do, as her schonl is somewhat small but no doubt it will increase as she evinces an adaption for the teaching pro- fession. a new one and the Stuyner boys as old hands. This is refreshing. All the members of the Stayner team with two or three exceptions had only a few weeks' practice. The Richmond Hill team was NEWLY organized out of all the old clubs within 20 miles of that town, the crack players of course being selected.” With regard to the above; the b‘un is some- what beclonded or its diorama is out of repair in which case we ask it to read our article again. The Sam should have said “ describes the Patterson lacrosse team,” (to, as the term “ their ” would apply to Richmond Hill team, of which we did not speak, as it was not in question. Again the Sun says, “ rl‘he Richmond Hill team was,” (be, when it should have said “the Patterson team,” &c. Lastly, it says, " newly organized out of all the old clubs within 20 miles of that town.” Really, this is news and if true it is not surpris- ing! that Patterson boys took three straights, for this range takes in 20 or 30 first-class clubs, including the ex»chump~ ions of the Dominion. Patterson team you should be ashamed to cross Sticks with such a fresh team as Stayner, which, on the same day, took three straights from Collingwood team. Permit us to say, however, that we are not aware that there is a. member of the Patterson club who does not either reside or work at Patterson, and we believe none who play- ed at Stayner on the 7th inst. resided at a greater distance from Patterson than one and one-half miles, which taken from 20 leaves 185 miles in all directions un- touched. Patterson clnb was organized in May or .Tune, and if we mistake not this is its first season. Mr. Daniel Reamxm, Deputy Reeve of Vaughan, called on us 011 Saturday. Messrs. Daniel Snider, 0t Vaughan, and J. H. Suider,of Thoruhill, were in towu on Suturiny and culled on us. Mr. \Vaterfield, who has been Without 1L school during the year, has secured one near Woodbridge fur the remainder of the year. Our popular teachers, Mr. Harvey and Miss Bell, have returned to resume their labors, and were gladly welcmnedfiy the children, as \\ ell as by some who once were children. Patterson vs Stayner. Stayner S1m:â€"â€"“ The Richmond Hill Liberal describes their lacrosse team as Mrs. Grover and Miss Sullivan, of Toronto, spent; Sunday in our Vlllage. Mr. Lane, who is teaching the school in section N0. 1, Markham, has been laborious in his duties during the year. He very much needed as well as enjoyed his well earned vacation. The hum of the tlxresher is heard in our midst, but the golden grain is of a poor smuple,a11d but a small quantity per acre, which will prove a very hard year for the tenant. farmers. FREE OF CHARGE.â€"â€"All persous suffer- ing frum coughs, onlds, asthma, bronchit- is, loss (If Vulce or any affection of the thrnat and lungs are requested tn call at R. E. Law’s, Richmond Hill, and r1‘. A. Hewitt & 00’s, '1 hurnhill and get a trial bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Cnnsumplinu, free of charge. which will convince them of its wonderful merlls and Show wlmk a regular clullar‘size bottle will do. Cal}, early. Sir Lennard Tilley is wanted here in our Village instead of fm‘inLr sumptuous‘ly in England leaving us his staunch fallowâ€" ers to care for ourselves. Owing, per haps, to 1113 neglect our “ factory ” is at a stand still. or pexlmps it would be bett- er to say is unfinished, the dam only be- ing well begun, and should the fall freshâ€" ets carry it away, those who gave a bonus towards the factory, that was to employ forty hands, will feel a little more than annoyed. PERSONALS. THORNHILL B I RT" S. DOLLAR. During the next thirty (30) days we will give a discount of 20'per cent. off all Ready-Made Clothing. 20 per cent. off our former very low prices gives clothing to the public at CALL AND EXAMINE OUR LARGE STOCK 0F READY-MADES. Engfish, Scotch and Canadian We have no time to quote prices but ask you When in the City to drop in and we Will gladly Show you through, and then inform you NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS Don’t miss this chance, for its rarely such acne occurs. AT THE Cambridgeshire Clothing House 86 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. A. W. HOLTBY, Manager. as to the firices. Ready-Made Clothing 115, 117, 119 86 121 King $1., East, T O R O N T O . SWEEPING SALE CLEARING SALE CAMBRIDGESHIRE CLUTHING ONE PRCE Determined to reduce the stock previous to receiving our KEN??- QF CLGTHIERS Stock. ‘IH With Caps and Hose to match. Big Stock of OAK HA LIL, WHOLESALE COST. 86 Yonge Street, Toronto. CIJOTHINCJ} IiOUSIE q JERSEY SUITS Tweeds made to order at very low prices. Of Clothlng now in progress at Splendid assortment of Boys’ THE GREAT GRAND AT THE

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