Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Aug 1883, p. 8

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“Its Virtues mo llnqllesfhvmeU and its cum- tW-a character :nlmulutc. am the writer can person- ‘ v has i'y, mm by (:rqwriunm- and 01) ' Jrvutinn. V. rim mm (mm to I‘IA\LO(‘]{ & JFNNIZY. 7 Day r-trevn, New Yt)1'li,(mc}usixm >1. 11ml you “111 1'0- " nive ‘13 return a. l‘mm‘dy that \x‘ih‘ enable you tn ‘mnl‘ lilm anybody M“ and who-:0 (11 mtive (va tuc-tswfl] be, 1mrnmnv’11t. Ynu will never regret aluimz suitildmumn rm szmpxx'l‘xm-Z]h-‘\71E\\‘. lfl‘ Tu nwml In» in 131.0 Nui's, Meme send ‘zuuuuy by liogiatered Lettur. Only imported by HAYLOCK & JENNRY. hm}: AL rs FOR Am 1m CA. Jam b‘bh ’BSâ€"ly 1* 11st pm'frrmml a Ixxirzmle in my case” 1 mm 1m unearthly muses in my head and Que-m“ nmuh bother. J lmua heel) gm: uly lmucfitted. T3 V rimufm'ss h uhucd a gram) deulvthinkanothcl Imtt‘e \‘rIH run“ 1111-) V M\' hmu'ing is mu"h Minofilted. M ' J-mnriuu is imprming. 1, Ah is~ xi Vim; gum] >(LLishmtiml. Have .)(-,‘(‘11 greatly 1mmufittcd,uud um rcjniced HHLD 1 nuw the menus of At, (-Zn‘imul ovm‘ the entire. Empiw Its use 1mmme ,w univerle that fur uver $300 ymuk: 1m (loatxms has 0x smd among the (‘lmuwv PHOPIG. Sont, «humus prepaid, to (111V lLthh‘Cb m: per bottle‘ The (lilis nhstx‘nctnd from peculiar specie 0 mm“ WhiteShurk, 'mwhtin the Yellow Sou mmml 1M .\]((IIAIL£‘,1)()N 'Huxlmmc'rn. Every I'lmmrefishm‘nmn knows it. It‘ virtues as «L restorative of homing were disocvenwlby :1 Buhlhist l’riu3t‘ubnub t‘nuycm 1410. lbs cures wm-u so munvmus nnd mnny m «willingly mimoulmN. that Lhm‘mnudeus oll'u'iully pro» 5000 Agents “Hunted to sell our methods «'hm'ts to (everv family. Tun nollurs per (my ca. bumude by 2 ~ we agents, mule ur female, Foo Choo’s Balsalu of Sharks” Oil. Posiiive‘y Restoresthe Hearing, and is 1'16 only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. Far starting Children and others in the culture of Mus ,. It overmmies the drudgery of learning the elements of Music by pleasant amusement. " his new method teaches you all uhout the Musical sum. DGQ‘TOPS of the Staff, (3101‘s, Nutcs iunl Rests. Scale, intervals 01 the Scale. Location u1' Letters on the Stuff, and their relation t0 the Kst of the instrument (This is vervimportunt with children.) Flats and sharps and their use. All the ilitlerent Kai's, linw to form Chords or musical words. It teaches the syllwbles, Do, lie, Mi. etiu, in singing. It contains 1i complete mu- hll'ill cutawhihnL It is MK'L’1‘L‘M 1N I‘ARV’U. All this i< lenrnwl while the learner is "musing himself by phwinv‘ f~unilinr tunes. Purso s with nonli- Ii'Ai, 'I‘Al. T may play the times. [15 the guide 4 _ ichthzithe mumot strike the wrong' key. Full tliroi-tiwns mid fnnr pieces 01‘ music m-cunipxuiy the Mutliml. Sentbv mull X‘nr "'LUO. A‘lilrcss, Eaa‘s HEAR WHAT THE DEAF SAY MUSIC for EVERYBODY. (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jewellry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. 141 Yonge Street, Toronto 51 £31: Qifiififir “Mfr , ’5LÂ¥7M 5&6 Call and see me. No truuble to an- swer questions. 1 V \J .L\ J. V 63‘: W Extractor. It will remove hardw 1’ ‘ or soft norms, and make a perfect GQId, Filling, andall other operations Skilflllly performed, at, mudme fees. METHOD. I use 110 cheap Illaterial and warrant every set E. M. MORPH‘Y ON RUBBER. â€" 0N CELLULOID, ARTIFICIAL TEETH Absolutely no pah) experienced and harm- less in all cases. Has the exclusive right for the use 0 llnrd‘s New Methud of extracting teeth without pain, by means of DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, G. P. LENNOX, WARRANTED AS REPRFSENI ED. E. M. Morphy- â€"(;â€"‘82. lJrlv in a short timé, without the slight- est pain. FOR SALE AT Dilworth’s Drug Store INGENIOUS CORI\T CURE is a certain, sfiecdy 91’ and painless 53 ‘ CORN E Ipril 9, ‘83-11/ 168 Kingr btreet East, between the Clyde and Nippissmg Hotel BEST SETS VITALIZEDAIH. CARR’S RN CURE is a certain. snecdv W MER RILL’S CHEM}: PIANO 00., [COPYRIGHT SECUREDJ CURE 731?; 80 Van Buren St, Chicago, 1 FOR THE TORONTO 01‘ 1 April, 23111, 1881â€"13" Millinn 7 Day SL, LXY â€" $8.00 $10.00 W 1 That all our goods are t] is smson’s importa- f/X i J tum. and are nnw offered at the‘se prices be- {muse we are uvers‘unuked, and don’t want to curry over a dollar’s worth to ant season. This is a. grand opportunity to secure Genuine Bargnins, and Houseâ€"Iivcpnrs, Hotel Pro- wuzwrs, and Hands of Families, should avail themselves or Lhi.» 0114mm. which 111er not uncut again. Ladies are requested to call and examine our stock and compare uur prices. THE SALE W’ILL CONTINUE 80 DAYS. Black Gross Grain Silksâ€"â€"G1‘cat Bargains at 850., $1.00, $1.25 and upwards. Colored Cross Grain Silks, chuced to 400, 500., 623%., and 75C. per yard. Fancy Striped and Checked Summer Silks, 500, to 750, per vard. A big lot of Colored Satin and Moir Stripes reduced to $1.00. Reduced to 80., 100., and 12:1.C_, per yard. 5,090 Yards New Mixtures, at 16% cents, 18 cents, 20 cents and 25 cents per yard. 7,000 Yards New Combination Dress Goodsâ€"Choicest Colorings and Styles from 30 cts to 75 cts. per yard. 200 pieces of our Celebrated Black and Colored Cashmeres, at 250, 30c., 35o, 400, and upwards. ALL THESE GOODS OFFERED AT40 PER CENT. BELOW VALUE. Of Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Velvets, Grenadines, Cash- meres, Brocades, Ottoman Cord, Silk Moires, and Moire Stripes, Hosiery, Gloves, Silk Taffata, Lisle and Kid, Laces, Lace Neckware, Hamburg Embroideries and Insertions, Lined Collars and Cuffs, Ribbons, Corsets. Dress Buttons and Trimmings; ‘Ladies’ and Gents, Underware, Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, Prints, Sateens, Gingliams, Grey and \Vhite Cottons, Table Linens, Napkins, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Towels. Towelings, Lace Lambrequins, Lace Curtains, Piano Covers, Stair Linens, Table Covers, Roung Brown Hollands, Toilet Covers, Honeycomb and Marseillies Quilts, Ladies’ Summer Ulstering, etc.” etc. SPECIAL DRIVES IN DRESS GOODS PGPULAR DRY-GOODS HOUSE 11:52 YONGE S'I‘REE'I‘. We beg to announce to the Ladies of Toronto and vicinâ€" ity, that, in order to effect a speedy clearance of our large stock, we have made immense reductions in all departments and have commenced a GRAND CLEARANCE SALE CLEARINQ SALE 2 9 NINTHâ€"Nearly all our best patterns are made es- pecially for us and confined strictly to our House, TENTHWWe do not profess to be in the carpet trade fer forty years, but We profess to supply our patrons With an the Leading Styles which the best foxeign lnm'kets can produce, and at prims With which no other house can compare. Note the address and when making your purchase visit PETLEYS’ Tumnto, ' The Leading Garnet House. EIGHTH~Be1ng direct importers and cash buyers we are in a position to sell carpets retail at and below Wholesale prices. wardedto us by our Mr. J. W. dent of Manchester; Eng. FIFTHâ€"We buy only from firstâ€"class makers such as Henderson, Sonthwell, Templeton, Crossly and Brinton. SIXTHâ€"Our stock of Tapestry Carpets is superior to any on this Continent. SECOND~Our stock is entirely new and consists of this season’s goods only. - THIRDâ€"“Te carry more best quality Brussels Carp- ets than any house in Canada. FOURTH~Our stock is purchased direct from the manufacturs and for cash. FIRSTâ€"Our prices are lower than those of any other house in the city. Ours is for many reasons the Leading Carpet House. THE LEADlNG CARPET HOUSE. SEVEN TH: 'â€"«A11_t_he newest desngEgre yegqlarly forâ€" GRAND PETI , who“ is avresiâ€" Best Salve in the wm-h] for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, S:th Rheum, Fm‘m’ Soros‘ Tetter, (mapped Hands, Uhilblains, (forms and 9.11 Skin Eruptions, and Positivily cureu Piles. It is guaranteed to giwx perfect satis- fuctim), ur money refundml. Price 25 cents pnr box. For sale by R. E. Law, Rmhmuud Hill, and T. A. llewiLL 0;; C0,, Thumhill. Call and Inspect Our Goods Before Purchasing. T.'A. LfiGKiNQTflNE DININGâ€"ROOM UFFIEE FURNITURE QUALITY and CHEAPNE SS Has all the Latest American and Can- adian Designs in PARLUR Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervison. I am alsu prepared to do all kinds of bluck~ smithmg (& repairing in the most work- manlike manner, m1 the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. FU RNITUREY PLATFORM SPRING W A G 0 NS . Cutters, RICHMOND luLL. M In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years, I beg to re- mind t-hem and the general public, that having erected entirely new and comâ€" nmdious premises, 1 ani enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Torontn. June ‘9, 1881 TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS;- Horse â€" Shoeing UREAU," UnSurpassed. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve Paid special attention to. VVM TERENCE]. 149 YONGE "STREET, SUITES, 149 YONGE ST. â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" Sleighs and TH E )o(- TORONTO. tins remain in poverty. “"0 offer a great chum“; m nmku money. We want n)le mun, \vumon, boys and sgirls to work for us right- in then- In. vanities. Anv one (:an do the work properly frmn- thu {1! t S‘ "u The busimn' ' “‘i 1 )my ton til'lL‘H. m‘dimufi was! lixlmnsi a outfit [urnished from. No mm \x )0 engugm fails to make mmmv rnynrlly‘ You mm «man your $11010 tune to tho work. or only Your upsz mnmcntfi. Full infnrâ€" manic». and 211] that isnceded 'uut (my, Aiken: Stiusou :5.- Co, Portland, Maine. LOWEST BEMUNERATIVE PRICES. SINGLE & DOUBLE Richmond Hill, Wiiéiam Harrissn’s ON HAND grew gimme firwlng 3131mm (Sn. Has mom: pomts of excellence than all other Machines combined. 200.000 SGLD YEARLY! Ex‘iapidiy taking: “no place as all ollnvr Machines wher- ever introduce“, EILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, lNDlGESTION, JAUNDICE, [am/33mm, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE. LIGHT-RU N N IN G BOWELS 0R BLOOD. 'I‘. MIIJH'RN & 00., I’mpriotom, Toronto. And every species of diseases arising'from disordered LIVER, KIDNEY-S. STOMACH, Efim 3mm Any amount can be had 0f 3. Lush at reasonable terms, (In firstrclass property Richmond HilJ,July 28, ’80. Then apply to John Lush he can sup- plv you with a first-chm» article, the best. is the cheapest, for it is nut liable to gut out of order. The Williams Singer has nmv lam-3n in use fur upwards of Twenty- five years. During this time they have been constantly urmving in fewur with the public, and are selling mun: freely tU-dfly than ever. Terms :2: ' . Apply to J. L 11, Richmond I‘llll. SEWEW MAEHNES LOOK! LOOK! Harness Establishment, LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS T0 DEALERS Jan. 20th, ’83«1y. In Stock, and made to order, at the â€"â€"OF ALLâ€" SE W ING MACHINES â€"IS THE~ CARDS, \VHIPS, COMES, LASHES, BELTS, GmTHs, SURCINGLES, &C. EEAM,NE S UALL SULICITED. () 1% (fi‘rAi‘iI ‘9 30 umou sQUARE, WILL CURE OR RELiEVE. a. (good assurtment of MONEY! poople are iglwauys on the lookout for chunal :; to 1m-rouse thmr earnings, and in Limo. became wealthy; flux-nu whu do nut imyrnvu their 0pm [rumi- N E \" YORK. DO YOU WANT THE STOMACH, DRYNESS 7 W OF THE SKIN, OF THE HEART» ACIDITY 0F. DIZZINESS, DROFSY, FLUTTERING Wm. Harrison A 'I‘ AND

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