Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Oct 1883, p. 1

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THE UBERAL PRINTING & PUBUSHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ~ _ ONTARIO. I. Stuxggon Stemnt, ST. MARY'S EPSSCOPAL CHURCH.â€"-Service M; 3 p.m,. except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament, Me held at 11 0mm. Sunday School at 1:30 pm law. W. Bates, Hector. Pmcsnwmumx CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"Services at. 11 o‘clock 3.111., and 6:30 p.111. Prayer meeting 011 Wednesday evemuga.t7:30. Rev. L Campbell E’sstor. ROMAN CATHOLIC cmmcmfificrvicesfiin order as folluw7~ Thoran at 9 3.11m, and Richmond Hill M. 10:30 mm; the dollowiugz Sunday!“ Rich. mond Hill at 5) n..m., mad ’l‘hornhill at 10:30 3.311., alternating with Markham everv third Sundtw. METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"Services at 10:30 3411., and (3:30 p. m.,mul Sunday school, at 2.30 in. 111‘ General Prayer Mowing every Thursday evening and Young venue‘s Prayer :meeting every Friday evenmg m the Lecture Room Revs. J‘ E. Belts, andJ. EA Starr, pastors. RICHMOND (music, A. F. S; A. N0. 23, G.R.(‘ â€"â€"Meets in the. Lodge RommMusonic Hmllxul the {\Iondasum or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.111 iszmc Crosbv. W. M. Incnmoxn HILL TEMPLE, No 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Moots in the Temperzm cc HiLU' «Very \Vednasdny Evening. M730 o’clock Wm. Harrison T. D. The Methodist sabbath Schoel'l‘empemnce As raciutiou issue pledge cards awry Sunday when desired. WnLHmwisou sum Me, No. 141, Meats in the in the ()(miiiiintee Room of the Musnnic 1â€"10.11 5:10.11 alternative Friday at 8 o’clock p.111. Beneâ€" ficmygurtiflgige given for 51000111011363 of death. 3. A. E. Switzcr, Muster Workman. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43;, Mexebsin 'l'emper'snco lizill, alter- native Tuesday evening atb'o‘clwck p in. Bene- ficiary cert mates issued to mule or female in embers for $1000 or in maze of death 92,000, one halt mmytrblc in case of disability. J. H. Ssnder- son Select Councillors; J. A. Sturgeon Stewart. Rucording Secretarvl A. 0. U. \V.,I»Vy hm Inumuoxn L. 0.1;..No.77S.â€"Meetsin the Temâ€" perance Hall, on the Friday 011 or before full moon, at 8 ‘cfiock p.1n. C. E. Sheppard. W.M. MECHANICS" lNSTITUTE.â€"Li1>1‘al‘y at over 1000 volunms,npe11 every Tuesd «v evening, in the Mn.- eonic Hall, from ‘7 to 8 o‘clock. 1{.1<1.La.w, Libya.- fiau. Lectures and discussions periodimmlly. RICHMOND KILL (lonmc'r Runâ€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Shtlu‘aay evening at, 7:300‘c10ck. .L Powell Leader. VILLAGE Co .â€"Re w, John Brown ; ’Com cillm-s. Messrs. Isaac Crosby, “m. Pugaley, J. } Sanderson, m: l H.1“.Hcp1_u:r. Clerk. M. Jeefy, 01'. Geo. Langslnfl Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at Thornhill. Nov. (5th , "SQâ€"ff. Thornhill, Ernest. 1‘. La ngslafi, RICHMOND HILL. Oflice hours: 9 n. 111., Q 1) in. an“. 7 1). m. ‘lsth 10‘ 20th in. Shouff‘ville \Im‘k hmn . . Victoria Square 213?; do. fhnrnhill... . 1rd (10. Mum) . . CHI (10 “Inc Iln-idge $28111 do. Kleiubm‘g. .u. {h (10‘ bleton... 0th 0 Aunsthetms, as IV 1t1-m1s Oxide, 9150., used when rdered, and none but the best nmterial used. flmnkful for the favors of the past ten years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- f: ., nu, as follows: Aurm'n, 1917, 8th. lath, and 22nd of each month. Nm‘nnn rliet . ........... End (10. Riclunond Hill. tll mu] 21th fin, (M the Palmer House) Dr. Charlton. “’eslon. \V. .T. Chm-111011 M. 1).. C. M.,M. C. P. S. 0. Late Toronto General Hospital, l‘lwsicia Surgeon &r: ():1lce';10nr 91:0 11, '1 b0 4, and l} c 7.30. ., 1% Mom] {W of each month 9th and 215$ “ ‘ 111111 ” ” 19th ‘ “ 11d Unionvilie Weston . Maple illiclmmnd H111 . \anlhridge H .. My, Huslmml w Hm found in 1qu “(min Naw, (mu mek vw uwlnv. (maept .“hcn Sutm‘» .LLV fullww the :L‘zmx‘c dates. Will visit the following nltvms: profesaimmlly 2»â€" Medalist Tm‘rnto I‘nivmsitv. 'I‘hyhicinns 6: Surgeons, (‘nt.. 1]an Yons'e Stream. Richmond Hill to 103.111.,5t0 8 p. m. $3: per annum, in advance. VOL. VI. FRIDAY MORNING Office hours: 8to 9.30 Address A. ROBINSON L.D.S., Aurel it Out. ‘4 iBfirSINESS CARDS. M,,._,:??L“EÂ¥ififl¥ f fREMbVED. ' G. H. Husband. L. D. 5., Dr. M cConncll, Graduate of Toronto University EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. Dr. James Langstafl @112 gum/ml ” 3mm» Qimtuw. IS P UBLI‘SHED EVERY Dr. WV. J. \Vilson, Dr. 0w, Maple, Dr. A. Robinson, Churches . Societies. CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"-Services and 6:: 11.111. Prayer meeting mmgaflzao. Rev. 1. Campbell SURGEON DENTIS’" aentul. NEW’TON BROOK A Y1) a. m., and to 2.30 n. m- ivmsitv. Member CoI (‘ntnlmfe of Stoufl‘ville md Hill. Office Hours John Brown ; ‘COHnâ€" DENTIST, .13th 20th let 23111 20131 28th 20111 10‘ in. do. do. do do. (10‘ Ont. Blake. Kerr. 4k, (Bassels. Bansiters, Attorneys-aban, Solicitorsâ€"in- Chanceryl’mctors iu Admiralty Courts. (Jon- veymluers etc. Milliclxump‘sbuildings, Adelaide street,’1‘m‘onto, 011M516 Vict Money to Loan. Alamo amount of Money to Lend nu farm or (21t\'ul.’()p“l‘ty interest: 7 per 091117.; no commis- 51011. HOSE. MACDONALD, MERRITT & CO. Union Loan buildings, Toronto The Palnwl House. RICHMOND HILL. jOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Having recently built the above House on the site of the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodations Good stubling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves 51118 House at 7:30 mm. for Toronto and leaves Toronto at 3:30 p.111. Import/er of “‘atches, clocks and fine jewellery u stock of Diamonds rmd precious 51.011024. always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUE JN STREET, TORONTO lfi‘Manumcturmg of jewellery, and repairing of watches and clocks on the premises,u specialty atronszmd ffiefldsfm' their lib- eral pmronagc ix. the past we beg to state that. we have just re:eiveu a. large stock ofuewgouds in Latest designs. A large shock 01 Elgin and \Vultham watches kept on hand. Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the county of York,Rea.1Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having farms or lots for Sula, or wmh‘mg Insur- ance .m life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to loan at 8 per cent on approved freehold security OlIiceâ€"Court Hause. Toronto Emery P. 0., County York, (successor to the late D' H. Dnvius) Insurance Agent, for the best and most reliable Companies duingbusiness in Oahu (13.. Parties desirous of insuring in a. first class company suould obtain our rates before insuring elsewhere A. L. Skeelo, Clock and Watch Maker, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York ()nuu'mund Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stook, etc., firemptly attended to at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. address, UNIONVILLE. Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of Yorkie- spectfully solicits your pair 13.20 and friendly influence. Sales attended nnkshm‘test notice and at reasonablcnxtos. 1’. 0 ' (11' .inmes (I. Stokes, Licensed A uctiouoer for the County of York, 1‘0- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Rules attended on the shortest notice and at rensonube rates. P. 0. address, King. dwm-dBlakéxw. S.H. Blake Q.C.J.K. Kem-,Q.C. WulterCafisels, \V.R.Mullock. C.A.Brough C.J. Holman. H. Cassels. K.Muclean Licensed Amtionoer for the County of York? Sales attended on the shortest noticeund at reuâ€" abe rates. Address Nobloton P. 0 (Jury Price/s. . Chimney Sweopmg attenfled fit} >9n_shortest notice WILKINS’ BRGS HOUSE FURNISHINGS Right Building Lots for Sale on Centre Strenfi Ernst, only 5100011011, 15 per cent‘ down for pick of the lots ; Also TN) New Houses, 51‘001115, on liiclmund Street. HARBWABE &. Tinware~ & Implements, Plated Gcods, Cutlery, Fencing. & other Wires, White Leads, Paints, 0115. dz Brushes. ‘V l L Kl 1‘8 ulsua.,,j 166 King St., East, Toronto, near Nipissing Hotel. 23â€"4-‘83. FOR, SAIJE r.) Locks, “fl L Kl NS 3805"} And dealer in VVntches, Clocks, and Jewelhj Richmond Hill Out. 01(1711'nn,RrLgs,Bmss, &c‘,b1‘oght for Cash at FREDERICK \vlâ€"IITLOCK, Richmond Hill. Bolts, Bfililflw LETS JOSEPH A. DEVINS, RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, 5, 1883 Hinges, Hkiifimlnncmm. Salem Eckardt. N. J. Armstrong, George Eakin, S. M. Brown. J. “'anlxss. Sell all kinds of Screws, A Call Solicited Box ‘36. VICTOR-IA SQUARE ‘s‘titwurg. “16mm. Emma, DR. LANGSTAE’F. “ I n Essentials, Unity; in N 01i-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity Agricultural,‘ and Farm Implementst Jun. 512113834“. Lots of ‘Vhlskey drinking, but “ it was his custom.” On Tuesday and \Vednesday of last week the \Vest York Election Trial was continued in the Court. House, Toronto. before Justices Burton and Osler. Charg‘ es of treating: at Kleinburg, MapleflVood- bridge and other places were gone into and some of them,at least,amply proven, but they were dismissed because “ it was Major Gray’s custom to treat.” Space will nut permit our giving the evidence in full, but the fellowing may be taken as a. sample of how the election was carri- ed on, though scarcely as a sample of the evidance, as on seme of the charges it w as apparent that the witnesses were pretty well stuffed. The following ex- tract from the evidence refer to proceed- ings at Maple: Robert Hoyles said he saw Major Gray early in the evening come into the hotel, followed by another; after a short conver- sation, in course of which he said he was on the “ warpath,” Major Gray went in- to the sitting room: shortly after a treat was called. \Vitness went onâ€"I said I didn’t want anything, I’d had plenty, but the landlord, Mr. Palmer, said ‘Come on, Mr. Gray’s treat ’ ; I stood up, and there was a man standing near the end of the bar. to whom I was introduced; the landlord spoke o; the man as Major Gray’s driver; I don’t know who the man was, and I don’t know that I would rec‘ ognize him if I saw him; there was six or seven people in the room when the treat was called of which I speak. Mr. McCarthyâ€"That seems to estab- lish a cmrupt motive. Mr. KerrHVVho paid for the drinks ? \Vitnessâ€"â€"M rjnr Gray’s d Mr:Kerrâ€"Wouid you know him. (To young Mr. Gray. in the body of the court) Is that the man ? Witnessâ€"I couldn’t say. Mr. Kerrâ€"~Does he look like him ? \Vitnessâ€"Yes. Henry Rumble, who was also present said the only person who came with Majur hay was said to be his son; young Mr. Gray Innked like him; he cormhurated the evidence regarding the treat, and that the landlord said it was Major Gray’s treat; witness saw Major Gray’s son pay for the drink. Jonathan Nye, who wag in the bar at the time spoken of by last witness, cor- roborated what had been said regardmg the general drink, said to be Major Gray’s treat; while the treat was going on there was some talk about, the election. ‘ \Vhat talk’ 7 asked Mr. Kerr. ‘ \Vell, Mr. Tlench drank a. toast to Major G my bemg elected by four hund- red behind.’ (Laughter) \Villiam Kirby swore he was at Palmer’s hotel one night in February. about: ten o’clock, after the meeting broke up; there were a good many people there; he was treating but nut general. Mr. A. L. Skeele also testified that at O’Neil’s Hotel, Kleinburg, Major Grav invited all hands up to “ have something” and that the drink was duly paid for by the Major. This was corroborated by a number of other witnesses. Mr. P. Duck, Edgely, testified having received from Major Gray $5 for use of hall, two meals, attention to horse and three treats for all hands. Charges of treating personally and through agents at Brucktnu, Pnrkdale and other places were not, so clearly es- tnblished, as much of the evidence had to Come frmu Mujnr Gray’s own supporters, and not (me of them could remember any- thng about drinking on the variuus oc- casinnsl Their memories utterly failed them nnly on one occasion when a Re- forme'r happened to treat. Thu matter of illegal votes having been oust was gone into but dismissed by the Judges. *For years Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham has been contending with the terrible hyrlm known as disease, with what sur- prising success many who were in the serpenl’s coils will testify. Often has the powerless victim been snatched from the open jaws of the destrnyer. 1n smiling the heads of this nmnster Mrs. Pinkhnm’s Vegumhle Compound is far more ellich- r‘imls than the processes of patential and acute cantery. In delivering Judgment the Judges ad- mitted a large amount of treating, and that Major Gmy placed himself in u very pvrihms position, but as “ it was his custom to trth ’ the dismissed the pe- tition with costs. The decision will be appealed against, the necessary deposit having already been made and the appeal entered with the Registrar of the Court of appeal. Fuwler’s Eitractlof Wild Strawberry is specific. The Petition dismissed with costs. Of far more Importance than the National Policy or the Irish Question is the question of restoring health when lost. The most suddenly fatal diseases incident tn this season are the various forms of Bmvel Complaint, for all of which Dr. WEST YERK TRIAL. Board met on Tuesday, 2nd inst, at 2.30 p. m. Mr. Marsh in the chair Members present. Rev. I. Campbell, Messrs. Boyle, Switzer, Brown, Duncan, Crosby, Teefy, Trench and Savage. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. From Education Department. stating that the Intermediate had bcen regularly conducteti and the Examiners were en- titled to usual fees. From Principal of Public School, call- ing attention to the disreputable state of the Public School builzhngs, and stated that duringr ruins the floors in some of the departments were floodei. The chairman stated that the object in calling the meeting 'was to consider the representations of the Head Master of the High School with regard to the ne- cessity of additional assistance on the teaching staff. On motion, Mr. McBride “as heard on the matter. He showed by figures that by engaging an additional female teacher money could be saved. He also showed to the satisfaction of the Board that there was abundant work for an additional teacher, as fourteen requir- ed classes were yet unorganized and it was impossible to do so without additional help. He also showed that is the neces- sary accommodation was provided the attendance could be increased by at least twenty. He delivered an able address on the position and prospects of the school Mr. Burns, Assistant Master, Mas also heard, and ably endorsed the Head Master’s statements with regard to he necessin of additional help. A petition was presented by the pupils, praying the Board t0 take immediate action With regard to the appoinmnent of another teacher, signed by the pupils of the school. Mr. Crnsby, seconded by Mr. Teefy, moved that the matters OI accommodation and additional help be referred to a com- mittee compowd of Messrs. ’l‘eefy,Browu, Bovle, Trench and Crosbyâ€"Carried. Mr; Crosby thought Jve should wait until the end of the year to make the ('lxgxrlgc.’ 7 ME. Marsh thought it should be pro- ceeded with at once. if at all. Mr. Brown thought all this unnecessary and that the present. accommodations were necessary. The matter'was left over until the meet- ing 0f the Board on Saturday when the cogllllitfiee shall report. Mr. Crnsby, seconded by Mr. Savagq, moved that the representatives of the publishing firms of Gage (C- 00,, and Campbell & Som, be heard concerning the School Reader questlun. The representative of the Royal read ers said that a representative of Campbell A3 Sou had visited the village and it was unnecessary for him to say more than that he wished the Board to consider the buoks on their merits. The representative of the Canadian Reader's addressed the Board at some length 911 the merits of the series. Mr. Duncan. seconded by Mr. Boyle, moved that we resolve ourselvps into a committee to examine the books befure next meeting. The Chuirjnan explained that if they resolve into a committee they must do their work at once. Mr. Crosby: seconded by MIX Duncan, moved that Mr‘:McI\‘Iah(m,Principle Pubâ€" lic Sclmol, be heard on the merits of the two series of Readers. Mr. McMahon said he was scarcely prepared tn express a definite opinion on the matter. He had not had an opporâ€" tunity nf exannniug the Third and Fourth readers in Campbell & Sun’s series. He liked the Canadian Series as far as he. had exmnined them. Mr. Crosby, secvnded by Mr. Bnyle mowd that a cmnmittee, composed of Rev. 1. Campbell, and Messrs. Diarsh and Smtzer, examine the Readers and report on Saturday. The Uuard adjofimed until Saturday, Om. 6th, at 9 a. 11?. (From our own Correspondent) The people in this vicinity are busy digging their potatoes which are turning out considerably below an average cmp. Mr. \V. Bowes is settling down to married life. Both he and his charmng young wife appear quite happy, and why should ‘hey not ? After a long absence, Mr. Isaac Gordon has again returned home. He is looking thinner than usual as he has jnsn recuver‘ ed from a lung illness. His many friends are happy to see him again. His thought he will vmbahly be spending the winter at home. Mr. B. Rolling is. we presume, doing a rushing business. He drives to Town» to once a. week with produce and brings home a. load of goods for his store. OMMUNICATIONS. School Board. PETITIONS. LASKAY. _ (From Our Own Gwa'espoddeum The would-be factory dmu was some. what tried by the rain of Monday last. The brick walls of Mr. McDonell’s new blacksmith shop are rising rapidly and will, in a few days be ready for the” roof. Our assistant teacher, Miss Bell, ' has signified her intention to our trustees nf resigning her position, for which we are sorry, as she gave such gund satisfaction], yet we could not expect anything else; for teachers are, as a general rule, poorly paid. It is to be hoped she may find at position where nion(e)y can be made fast- er. She is qualified fur many offices and it is desirable that she be kindly persuad- ed to remain amongst us to move in a higher and nobler sphere, so that her de= parture may be indefinitely postponed. The Harvest Home Festival in conâ€" nection with Trinity Church was fairly successful. The shurch was very taste- fully decorated by the ladies of the con- gregation. After service the audience withdrew to the grounds of Mr. Lang. staff, where the Rev. Dr. Scadding gave an elaborate history of Trinity Church from 1823 to the present time. By this time a goodly number had collected on the grounds waiting for tea, which was duly served in the usual good style. The ladies predominated in numbers on the grounds showmg that the busy seaSon of the farmers is not quite over. Games and swings were provided for the young people. Quite a number were present trom the other churches of the village, showing that the members of Trinity Church are a. very sociable congregation, and must have largely patronized the teas, socials and anniversaries of the other churches. (From Cur own Corrseuondent.) Your many readers in this vicinity are not at all pleased that your correspondent should refrain from keeping you informed of the local events of our villanu h." Meeting a member of the “ Willowdale Mutual improvement Association,” the other day, he gave me a report of the ninth meeting, held at the residence 11f Mr. F. R. James. Between forty and lifty of its members met on Friday even- ing, 28th ult.. at 8 o’clock, where they “improved” themselves for some time in general conversation. In the absence of the President, Rev. Mr. Lynch, pastor of the M. E. Church, Mr. Peter Gibson, jrn, occupied the chair, and under the able management of Miss Gooderham a. very good programme was placed in his hands. The entertainment consisted chiefly of music, vocal and instrmnental, rendered by the Misses Stonge. Jackson, A. Jackson, 'li’ton and Harrison, Mes- dames R. Lackie, and J. E. Stooge, and Mr. F. R. James, A few remarks by some oilicers of the Society brought the programme to a close. Parlor games were engaged in for a short time. This Society has been dubbed by some wag; the “ Starvation Society,” as no refresh- ments are allowed to he given the Com- pany during the evening. Mr. R. A. Hurrmnn, chemist and druggist. Dunnville, Duh, writes' I can with confidence recommend Northrop d: Lynnul’s Vegetable and Dyspeptic Gum for Dyspepsia, Impm'e Blond, Pimples on the Face, Bilionsneas and Cunstipuhitmv- such cases having come under my person- al observation. The Wild Stanwberr'y leaf is a. good antidote to the poison of the green apple cucumber. Iliuther words, Dr. Fowler’s Extract of \Vild Strawberry is a sure cure for Colic, Chnlem Murbns, Cramps, Dys- entery, and all Bowel Complaints so offâ€" en caused by the irritatmg efl'ccta of un- ripe fruit. Great Iesults are speedily accomplishrd bv the lending “Iterative, Norsln'op A; Lymzm’s Vegetable Disrmvery and Dys- pvptic Cure. Indigestion ceases, bilious- [was disappears, constipation gives place to regularity of the bowels; in consequence of taking it. Ladies suffering from com- plaints peculiar to ilieir sex experience long wished fur relief from it, and impur- ities in the circulation no longer troubled those who sought its aid, Give itl a trial and you will not regret it. The great secret of beauty lies not. in the enamcllers of the t‘msnnial art, but t depends upon the good health, a fair, brilliant cmnpleximl, rendered su by pme blond. Burdock Blond Bitters purify the lwlnnd, cures Scrofulu and all diseases of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. 25.- 000 bottles were hold during the last three months. H. Gladden, \Vest Shufi‘u‘d, P, Q, \Vrltes: For a number of years I have been afflicted with rheunmtism. T m» yeul'fi ago I was attacked very severelv. I suffered :x great, deal of pain, frnm which I was not free fur a. day, until last. Splillfl', when I began to use Dr. 'I‘immazs’ Educ- h'ic 0i}, and I rejuiou to say it has cured me, for which I mu thankful. [Single copies, 3 (its. WILLOWDALE. THORNHILL No. I4.

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