Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Oct 1883, p. 2

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Interesting Stutisllcs regarding our l’opulalion, our Manufactures, our Banking anti Invest- mulls. The report on the trade and commerce of the Dominion, prepared and issued by Mr. W'. G. Patterson, secretary of the Montreal Board of Trade, is now to hand, and con- tains so much useful and interesting information regarding the commerce of Canada and its expansion during recent years that it demands extended notice. Mr. Patterson, in his production, deals first with the progress of Canada as a whole, and sec- ondly with the growth of the trade of Mon- treal. \Vith the improvement of trade in Canada Montreal must become a more im- portant centre. It is, therefore, not sur- prising to learn that the tonnage entering at that port has t1 ipled in sixteen years. and that every twelvemonth shows an increase in its imports. its exports and its manufac- tures. The statistics regarding Montreal are, however, of minor interest compared with those presented regarding the entire Dominion. it is the more general informa- tion contained in the report that interests the outside reader. In the first place refer- ence is made to THE POPULATION 0t Canada. Our population in 1871 was 3,635,024; in 188] it reached 3,324,810. an increase of 633,341, or at the rate of 18.98 per cent. There are in Canada 513 acres to every parse-n, 503 of which are unoccupied. There are not; quite so many females as males in the country. The high position which Canada is taking asa field for settlement is illustrated by the following statement, giving the number of immigrants who have annually made their home here since 1877 2â€"1877, 35,285; 1878, 40,032; 1879, 01,052; 1880, 85,850; 1881, 117,016 ; 1882,193,150. It will be observed that five times as many people Fetttlcd in Canada in 1882 as in 1877. Of course the natural increase in population and the additions hyimmigration have tend- ed to enlarge the population of our cities and towns. Winnipeg is the city in which the most marvellous growth has taken place. Its population has increased in a decade by 3.213 per cent. It contained 241 people in 1871, while ten years later it boasted 7,985. St. Thomas comes next in the order of growth. lts record, owing to the construc- tion of railways and establishment of man- ufactures there, is 280 per cent., Vic- toria, B. C . has grown 81 per cent, and To- ronto has sly/WI] 54 per cent. Toronto sur- passes Munlreal in the rate of its enlarge- ment by ‘23 per cent , the latter city having increased in population by only 31 per cent. ifiVtEEHech-(‘iaw Of coursé itisyimpéssible to deal with the pxogre‘ s of Canada without :omething ABOUT THE NORTH-WENT. According to Mr. Patterson that territory contains (300 square miles, or 384,000,000 acres of land Well adapteu for settlement and cultivmion. 1n (animating the capa- bllntieu of the countny and the number of pzople itT-Wilvlihdkl, lmysays :â€"“ The popula- tion of Germany in 1871 was 42,726,844, spread over an area of 912,091 square miles â€";tlie average being “201 persons to a square mile. To rhow the capacity of the most fertile part or the North-“lest to sustain in comfort, if not ailluenen, an industrious people. it has been computed that there would be plenty of room within the 600,000 square miles first mentioned for over 120,- 000,( 00 inhabitantsw-that number being nearly (goal to the combined populations of Germany. France, Italy, and Spain, in the year 1871. The area of the United Kingdom is only equal to about one~fifth of these fertile lands; while the extents of Germany and France are, respectively, but little more than one-third. But a different illustration can be presented, which may probably be more readily comprehended by the people of Canada and the United States. The area of the State of New York is 47,000 square miles ; the area. of Texasjs 274,356 rquare miles, or nearly six times as great as the “ Empire State.” Twelve provinces, each equal in area to New York, might easily be carved out of the fertile region of the Canadian North-West.kTexas has not half the area of thelatter region :â€"the combined areas of the States of 'l'exas, Oregon, Min- nesota, Kansas, and Missouri, amount only to 601,402 square miles ; while the five largest territories of the unionâ€"Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah, have but an aggregate area of 503,361 square miles.” While the products of the farm have in- creased, our lumber and fishing and mining interests have been also greatly developed. The ocean, for instance, yielded fish to the value of $16,800,000 in 2882, against; 314,- 400.000 in .1880, an increase of $20,000,000. It isbardly necessary to point out that there has been a marvelloug increase in the number and importance of As a grain producer the North-\Vest is far in advance of the American Western 5 ates. Its product per acre in whmt, bun:- J‘ y, and oats is cmupared with the pm- ducts of the States in the same staples in 1" {Mlowing table. the figures being from (1Ilcial souru ' illinois...,.........i.. ti ll- lndiunn - - . - i i 151 -. bum . . . . . . . . . . lu ‘ 1H 2:; Tm FARMERA wmm‘. The foiluwmg armament gives an idea of the result of the laboui of the farmers of the l)!11lllIllUll 101‘ one yearâ€"tho year in 1880 2* Wheatâ€"Acres sown, 2,306,554; spring wheat, yield, 12.102317, bush. ; winter wheat, yield. 20,217,462, bush. ; Barley, weld. 16,844,508, bush. ; oats. yield, 70,- 103, 31, hush. ;r_ye, yield, “2,007,180, bush; peas and beans, yield, 13,749,062, bush; buck wheat, yield, 4.‘l01,l47, bush.; corn (maize), yield, 9 023,142, bush. ;polat0esâ€" Acres sown, 404,289, yield, 55,208,227, l)ush.; turnips, yield, 351,058,094, bush.; other root-crops, yield, 9,120,320, hush; hayâ€"acres sown, 4,458,349, yield, 5 055,- 810 tons ; grass and Clover seed, yield, ‘1,- 317 bush. In the matter of limiteqimde articles, the products of the home circle on the farm have greatly incremed during the last; (10- (Jade. CANADA’S PROGRESS. Her Rapid Strides Forward. CUE INDUSTRIES. Between 1871 and 1881 the capital invest- ed in manufacturing was more than doubled. The number of persons directly employed in manufacturing was increased by over seventy thousand. COTTON MANUFACTURING. Touching this branch of industry he gives the gratifying intelligence that the follow- ing additional lines of production are being entered into during 1883 zâ€"BrOWn sheetings and shirtings, bleaclu (l and fancy shirtinga, aplon checks, nun’s stripes, denims, ticks, ducks, cottonades, crotchet and knitting cottons, beam warps for wogllen mills, drills, bags, wadding and batting, cheviots, Cam- ton flannels, shoe ducks, pocketings, wig- ans. Not; the least gratifying showng made in this connection is the increase in the average rate of wages paid. But this is only a. gen- eral statement. Mr. Patterson particular- izes and gives special information regard- ing distinct industries. Thus, he deals with The list of new lmes it will be seen is quite formidable. In 1879 there were seven cotton mills. lere are now (1883) twenty, which can produce $10,400,000 worth ofgoods per annum. w . 1 . In the woollen trade great advance appears to have been made. Referring to the SUGAR TRADE My. Patterson points out that there are five refineries in operation in the Dominion at presentâ€"two in Montreal, one in Monoton, and one Halifax~reprcsenting a. capital of over $2,750,000, giving direct employment to about 3,500 workmen, and indirectly to over 30,000 persons. ltis now definitely stated that the refinery at W'ood- stock, opposite Halifax, will be in operation next year, with a capacity fully equal to that of the Canada. Sugai Refining Com- pany’s. works in Toronto. To-day, he ob- serves, instead of importing refined sugar, 93? per cent. of the aggregate importation cunsmsts of raw sugar. 'I'IIE COAL TRADE. Last year Canada used 2,524,826 tons of coa‘. Half of this was imported, and half of it came from the mines in Nova Scotia. No less than 30,000 tons of Nova Scotia coal was used in Montreal during the year. Then there is an increased. demand for the coal in Nova Scotia owing to the establish- ment there recently of iron and steel works, sugar refineries, cotton mills, glass Works, and other industries. This partly explains the increase in the output: of the prov- ince from (388,625 tons in 1879 to 1.250,- 179 tons in 1892. The following facts re- POST-OFFICE BUSINESS are given: “ Ten million more letters and postcards were carried in 1881-82 than in 1880-81. During the same year the postal revenue has increased bya quarterof a million of dollars, while the post-ofliee expenditure is only a quarter of a million more in 1881- 82 than it was in 1880 81. in the three years ended 30th June, 1882, the postal revenue has increased rather more than ‘20 per cent... and the expenditure only 71% per cent. ; if this relative rate of increase can be maintained the department will be self-sus- taining in a few years. The figures of the Savings Bank Department most markedly indicate the prosperity of the wages-earning population, the deposits on 3lst December, 1882, being $10,840,642, exactly double what they were in March. 1881; the average amount standing to each amount on 30th June, 1882, was $184, which is an increase of 52 per cent. over the previous year, while the number of depositors has increased 30 per cent. garding OUR BANKS. ' he following very interesting particulars are given by Mr. Patterson to show how greatly Canadian institutions have expend- ed and prospered during the past quarter of a century. They relate to the banks in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec : Circulation Paid-up capital Deposits Discounts. ‘ . . . . . . r . . . . . . r . lune, 1858 . . 30,100,000 April, 1883 r A 160,000,000 1‘; may appropriately be noted here, Mr. Patterson adds, that the progressive eu- Iargemen‘n in the import and export trade of Canada has been in even a greater ratio, as shown by the subjoined figures covering a period of thirty-thrse years. 1350, Imports and exports . . . . . . $ 110,000,009 8 ' , do. do, . . 130,000,000 (10. do. . 221,550,703 How they last; Gentlemenâ€"“ How can you alibrd to sell these rifles for five dollars? They certainly can’t be good for much. They won’t stand much service, will they?” Dealerâ€"“ They will last as long as the man who fires them ; what more would you want '3" Gentleman thinks “sure enough,” and goes 03 without a rifle. The trade in 1881 was larger in propor- tion to popuiation than that of the United States; while the shipping (in proporticu to population) was more than tour times as large. A great deal of other very interesting and gratifyirg information is given by Mr. Pat- terson in his report. Enough, however, has hymn untLd to Show that Canada commer- cirle is advancing, and that; in every branch of industry her progress is of such a. charac- ter as to make every mam who is loyal to his country pleased. One rule he didn’t; break : In one of B0“- ton’s lea,.,11ng chlle two prominent members were (31': uSQing the peccadilloes of another membse Said one: “ That fellow deserves to be expelled. He has broken every rule of the club, save one.” “ \Vhich rule is that?" asked the other. “That which forbids fee- ing the servants,” was the reply. “May I have the honor to conduct; your daughter to the supper table '3" asked a so~ ciety gentleman of a lady from the country, who was staying with some friends whom she was visiting in Austin. “ May you take her to supper ‘2" was the response. “ \Vhy, of course ; and you can take me too. That’s what we came here for.” A sohlier in battle should feel as if the whole battle depenfied upon himself. Banks. . ...‘$08,300,000 Post-Oflice. 11,300,000 LoanCompanies. 13,400,000 Savings Banks. 10,000,000 . . . . . . . . .. June, 1858..$17.588,000 April, 1883.. 51,700,000 . ......,June, 1858.. 7,800,000 April. .1833. , . . . . . June. 1858. . 9,100,000 April, 1883“ 133,000,000 “$08,300,000 April; $29,200; 00 Bricks impregnated at a high temperature with asphalu are being successfully used in Berlin for street pavement. A curious fact has been observed by Profs. Ayrton and Perry. Soft iron when heated between a red and a white heat; ceases to be attracted by a. magnet. When soft iron is bent between red and white hot iron, it: ceases to be attracted by a- mag- net. Not one quarter of the melon and squash seeds planted ever reach the fruit-producing stage on account of the ravages of the squash bug. If this were not so the mar- kets and iarmers’ tables would be better supplied. An application of whale oil snap in suds drives away these pests. The soup is not more Offenvsive iu-sme11 than thAe squash bug, but it is difl'exent and his bug- ship cannot endure it. To insure the safety of any one compelled to descend into cesspools or places filled with foul gas it; is necessary to lower, by means of a .«tring or wire, a tin pan (or other flat vosael) cuntuiLing a small quantity of ordinary gunpowder, and than igmte thth by dropping live coals on it. After the explosion it well to lower a lighted candle. to the bottmn. H is continues to burn it can be taken we a sure tesb that all danger is Icmovcd, and the descent can safely be made. The Spanish Government, taking a hint from the English proceedings during the Egyptian campaign, have ordered the con- struction of an armored train of special design Ior use in war. It is to consist of twentytsix trucks, containing ammunition stores and food, engineera’ work shop and telegraph plant ; and severallfield guns. It will be propelled by two heavily armored locomotives, one at each end, and will have. a crew of nearly two hundred men, who will sleep on board their strange craft if re- quired. A new and valuable use has been found for 0yster~shells, which until recently were utilised only in making lime. It has been discovered that the shells make a capital foundation for oyster-beds, and within the past two years many thousands of bushels have been used for this purpose in the United States. The oysterman selects a good spot for the bed, and simply drops the shells overboard. This is done in July and August, during the spawning season. The spawn attaches itself to the shell, and in two years the shell is covered with young oysters. These are big enough to seed, and, are therefore planted. Some- times thirty or forty of such oysters are found attached to a. single shell. The shells are worth only three-half-pence per bushel when thrown overboard, but at the end of two years they are worth from two to three shillings per bushel, allowing: a very good margin for profit. In the life-saving section of the London Fisheries Exhibition was shown a simple little contrivance for stopping holes in ships, which has been before the public for one or two years, and has during that time has been instrumental in saving more than one vessel from destruction. It is known as J. W. \Vood’s Self-adjusting Rivet-hole and Leak Stopper, and is applicable to ships, buoys, boilers, torpedo boats, etc. It conâ€" sists of an iron disk covered with felt which screws on toa. rod, at the end of which is a. jointed T-picce. Supposing that a shot-hole in a. ship’s side has to be stop- ped, the T-piece is thrust through the open- ing, and the jointed piece put crosswise, so that it cannot be readily Withdrawn. The felted disk is now slipped over the rod and screwed firmly as far as it will go and the operation is complete. The disks, of various sizes and shapes, are supplied to the Admirality, and are coming into extensive use in the merchant service. The import- ance and efiiciency of this invention were recognized by the Society of Arts by the grant of their Albert silver medal. To the ONTARIO PUMP 00.: DEAR SIRS,â€"-This is to certify that we purchased from i you five years ago, one of your Force Pumps for our well 38 ft. deep. It has been in almost constant I use since that time, and we have much pleasure in stating that it is all you claim for it, and has given us everysa ' ' You truly, GEO. LEBLIESL SON. 01n- pumps were oxhlbited at eleven fairs last fall, in- cludng Provincial at Kingsto 11. Industrial at Toronto, and took first Prize in cvcrg instance. v A ' n fill“ Send for circulars. W AGENTS \VANTED in every county where we are not represented. Further information cheerfully furn- ished on applicatlon. (Mic-0‘ 0f_ T01 ztflolly" rsrrics. chllxslzk (C‘ Sun, Props. We have spent a large sum in procuring the latest and best improvements in Pumps, and we assert with confi- dence we are makng the best Force or Lift Pump to be had either in wood or iron. Our pumps are not equalled for case of working, durability, finish, and ability to ac- colnplish What is requ' of a. pump. 0mm Pump 00. Manufacturers of Windmills and Pumps. The \Vindmill is very easily managed and very dur- abl ,. and the work may be done on rainy days or at oth er times when outdoor work is suspended. The cost of running is nothing. only a little oil. “’0 shall have both kinds of Mills in operation at In,- dustrial Exhibition. Come and see us. One of the many testimonials we have received:_ SHEPPARDYILLE, I’O:S‘i‘-Ol<'i*‘ICIG, Mm” , Township :3, Range 20. Sec. 2|, - August 27, 1883. i Dam Sm,~1n reference to how the 11 ft. geared Windmill and (irindor works, am pleased to inform you it gives the best of satisfaction in every particular; the chop is fully as good as any I can get from the grist mill, and in a fair Wind it; will grind 103 bushels per day, and mi us: the thing for this country. fl Yours very respectfully, u. G. ARMSTRONG. O. R. PEC'K. Pre§idan Head Office, 1 Victoria 813., Toronto. Branch House for North-‘Vest in charge of J. C. TODD Brandon Manitoba. It is self-g0\'erning.and therefore sufi’ers no damage from high winds or blizzards ; it is simple in construc- lion. therefore notliable to get out of order; it has fewer friction points, {there being only three.) than any other mill, therefore runs easier. and has greater power than any wheel of the same size; it is not affected by sleet or snow. therefore runs as well in Winter as in summer. It is neat in appearance, and an ornament to {my residence. Tll E FA 2! 3'5 EMS” FRI END ~0lifl 1-} [JAKE D “'[N D)! I EAL Has now been thoroughly tested and has proven a com» plete success. opernting all kinds of farm machinery. suehus Feed ‘rinders. Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters. EIOVELIOI‘S, Circular Saws. Grimlsmnes. Chums, Forum, ‘0. c. i’QINTS 0F (311 IN (MFR W “Ill!” BS .. T. President. N. B. PECK, Alanagc'rn J. BRANDOA", Vatâ€"President. (LIMITEDJ SCIENCE. Brain-Work and Food. The notion that those who work only with their brain need less food than those who labor with their hands has long been proved fallacious. Mental labor causes greater waste of 1issue than musnlm‘. According to care- ful estimates, three hours of hard study wear out the body more than a whole day of hard physical exertion. “ Without phos- phorus, no thought," is the German saying ; and the consumption of that essential in- gredient of the brain increases in proportion to the amount of labor which this organ is required to perform. The wear and Year of the brain are easily measured by careful ex- amination of the salts in the liquid excre- tions. The importance of the brain as a working organ is shown by the amount of blood it receives, which is proportionally greater than that of any other part of the body. One‘fifth of the blood goes to the brain, though its averageweight is only one fortieth of that of the bofly. This fact alme would be suflifient to prove that brain- workers require more foo}, and even better food, than mechanics or farm laborers.â€" Boston Journal of Chemistry. .._â€"â€"_oo<<dbv>Hâ€"-â€" “ Yes,” said young Symous. “ its rather provoking when you get to your journey's end to find the girl 30 1 have flirted with on the our lanndx‘ess’ daughter.” ‘ Britannja Scalp I’m-gar Sam I‘ucl, saves Repaims, olviaécs Danger. Giuss Lubricators Sam: Oil. Tlle Cleaners Save. l/te Tubes. Belt Fasteners Save your Bel/s. Fgr Sale‘py COELAANQ & ‘McLAREN, This elegant Medicated Cream is warranted a Sure Cure for all leples. Black Spots, Blolcllcs, and unsightly Eruptions on the face, neck and arms. It positively removes all such imperfections in a few days, leaving the skin clear and smooth. It will cure the worst case, though all other means have failed, For beautifying the complexion it is unrivalled. It makes the skin soft and white, and removes Tall, Freckles. and Sallownesn. This is the only preparation recommended by physicians warranted perfectly harmless and its use can not be detected. One package lastsamonth. Price, ($1) one dollar. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail in plain wrapper, post-paid. on re- ceipt of the price. Sole proprietors for Canada. Address. THE LISPINARD COMPANY GLEANYWUR BOILEFS SKIN BEAUTEFIER. Scotch L. W. Underclothing. Arctic Underclothing, Scotch {weed Suitings, Tweed Ulsterings, Mate!- asses,,and GENERAL TAILURS’ TRIMMINGS. G ENERAL STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, 3? Letter orders solicited. WM. J. MCMASTER & 00., Wm. J. McMaster & (10., Professor Lispinamd’s Cor. \Vellifigtoh 7&1}ny Em marge: Complete in assortment and righn in price. Large Shipments received this week of 4| FRGNT ST., WEST, TORONTO Box 285. St. Catharines, Ont. TORONTO. Samples sent on application. BANKS BROTHERS., TERMS :770ne-fonx‘th cash, balance on Mort, glge. WELLS’ WINDOW SHADE CLASP. 100 acres; l‘mme house and ham ; orchard; nov- erfming sh‘uam: soil clay loam: eighty acres cleared. Used for holding VVINDO\V BLIND “LADIES without, rollers, pins, or cords. Saves blinds. money and patience. Looks orderly and neat. Send for sample, 20 cents. :Lgcnts‘ circulars 30. Orders from the trade snh‘cited. Agcnf‘; wantr ed. 'i‘OliUNTO INDUSTRIAL VVURKS (30.. 96 Church street, Toronto. There is only one way by which any disease can be cured, and that is by removing the causeâ€"whereverit may be. The great medical authorities of the day declare that nearly every disease is caused by deranged kidneys or liver. To restore these, therefore, is the only way by which health can be secured. Here is Where “’ARNER’S SAFE (TUBE has achieved its great reputation. It acts directly upon the kidneys and liver, and by placing them in a healthy condition drives disease and pain from the system. For all Kidney, Liver, and Urin- ary troubles; for the distressing disorders of women; for Malaria, and physical troubles generally. this great remedy has no equal. .Be- were of. impostors, imitations and concoctions said to he j_ust as gopd._ __. . _...__..N p. . g“. Toronl 0, ()nt., Rochester, N.Y 011mm. Eng. For szfbetes 3E12"'tor wnnmn's sun DIABETES CURE. For sale by all dealers. FOR SALE. FOR THE Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary flrgans. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. PRIGB, $5,000. FARM NEAR QAKVELLE. 60 Church St, Toronto. H- H. WARNER & CO, (PATENTEI) 1875.)

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