Tho Methm'lisi Hmflmfl‘ so]: 'lï¬ocimt‘iun isum }'lC(1L§0 cards I) desired. Wm.†’ ‘01! 5mm 317.31%“)? s EPlSCOI‘AL (YmmFH.â€"Service at 3 2mm, except the, Ihird Sunday of every month, when the sorvim mld sacrament xu‘e heltl at 11 8,.111. Sunday School Mi _ 01mm Rev. W. Bates, Rector. ROMA}? CATHOLIC mmm‘n.~ Servives in order as folk "lxzt-l‘xxhil] wt 1) 2mm, and Riclnnond liillu‘u H 30 mm: the {ufluwinu Sunday at Rich- muml Hi1} :Lth n m. and 'J‘lmrnhill :55 10:30 mum, alternating with Almkhmn eve rv third Sundav. r5 SHE LIBERM. PRINTING PUBLESHING HOUSE RICHMOND IHLL, â€"â€" -- ONTARIO. RImnIv-x'n I“ (l 14.,N0‘7'78ï¬ Meets in the Tom- pcrzmvu 111111. on the 1‘ 1th} um 01* before full monm at 8’sh7c1311mn. (1.E.Shcpp&rd,\’\'.1\l. RYL‘“D10\'11 Hm I. T1111me N0 465,1. 0. Gr‘ T.â€" 'n the ’I'un'qwmnuo Hull “very Wednesday Meets: twenincc, at " ‘ 0 U‘clock. Wm. Harrison T. D. RIM’I‘HDDIHT Cnrrzun rm CANADA.~Services ‘Lt 1 ) 21, m.‘ and (mo 11.1n,.uhd Sunday whim], at. U) p.111. (hmm'ul P132 , Meeting 1 eVel'y Thlllfllflï¬' uvemng and \ ‘ P"1)le‘s Pm,er meetirg a my FrirlL ' cwnvug the lna‘tum Room 1: . J. E. “cuts, and J. 1 Starr, pastors. FRESHYTEIHAN CHURCH OF (L\\’ADA.â€"SO1’ViCOS M 1] o’clock :L.xm,u11d :30 pJH. Prayer meeting on \thycsduy evenmg M7130. Rev. 1. Campbell Pastor. Lil‘ra'm‘y ï¬t over 1000 Mlcrn \wr‘s‘ lNS’l‘l'I'I“. Volmmsaopon ever Tm « ‘ Hingin the Ma.- sonic )I:L11.fmm 7 ,7 H H‘Mm' ‘ LJ‘Z. l'ju.v:.1‘ibru- 111.15. Lecturesanvldiscu slmmporiudi :Lllv. Ihmmoxh HIM (anwvr P.\\']).*I\T(Â¥Uth‘ for ' ‘ncticu cw 13‘ TM. v and Saturday evening at $0 o’vlock, J. 1’0“ 01] Lame); VILLAGE; Containâ€"Re w. Joh!‘ irnwn; Com» Cillhh Mesa». Luau “rush \\ h. 1’ {Isle}; 3.171. Sanderson, and 11‘ 1’. licmmn. (Hulk, M. [on y, A. 0. 17. \V' IV_\7 Iivmlqu, N0. 111, Meets in the in thn (Hunmittw Room of tho Masonic Hall ï¬nch (lift'l‘illli‘iVU F "1sz :‘LRI‘flnIoak p.111. B0110 "m r} w :M 1m Liwvr 10‘." 000 in cats!) of (Math, J‘ A. M :‘r‘VlI my, A‘vluswu' ‘\\ (11A mm. RXCHMOV‘D LIVEGE, A. E. & A â€"-Mcut< in the lwlgn knonLM Monday on «‘1' TCan 11100 I uh; Croslw, \\. V A14 R. '1‘. M 'I‘mnpemnr-o, Richmond Hill Counnil, be. H, Muvtsin 'l'L-mp “H00 Hallmaeh alterâ€" native ’|‘m~»u'lny owning anu’Mm-k p 131. Bunc- ï¬cim'y r‘m'm’i (1w isqlw} m main or fmmxlv ï¬ncmhm’s fur “HMO or in page of death >75".0UU,011LI, junk wu'alhlc in :uso m" disability. J. H~ Ssnderâ€" in Q (-t ('01)): 111nm; [LAY Sturgeon Stowur m Dr. (:00. Lungsx‘aï¬ Has removed from King, and comm-en- ced practice at. Thornhill. N 0v. (3th, "SQ-if. Dr. James Langsinfl AND Pfcruon F. Lnngsiafl. RICHMOND HILL. 0mm hours: 9 11.113. ‘2 p. m. and 7 n.1lL Thankful for the fnvvm's of the past ten years, my still he mnsulted i): ruuy branch of he pm- imL as follows: II‘OWL, lst 8th, 1(tth, rmd Qind of 8&0“ month. NEWsz Flu. » . 2116 do. Richmond HI] .Ath ï¬n, (atrt‘lxc Palmer House) .Nv 3‘ Thomhm, Shoufftville 10‘ Mm‘khmn . ‘ . 3m. Victm’iu Squme do. zl‘korhhill ('10. Maple .. do Woodbridge do. ’Rleinbnrg. dn‘ ubleton... . H11 0 Almsthet ,us Intro} ()Xidc‘ctc†used when ulerml. mm none but the bustm‘uteriul used. Meflnlkt 'J‘m‘rmto '( )}i\‘()§‘~ V. J’hysmnn. ’ Snrg'mns. (‘nLJlnto Yonpu sm, Richmond Hill. to 10 {L1 5mmme Will visit the following places profeswionally :â€" {1 nionvilm, 1st Mnndav of each month w estml “ M1 and ‘llst “ ‘ ‘Mm vle . .1\’}th “ †Kiiclnn 0 9th ' *‘ \Vnodbridge ...... 2an Mr. Husband will be found in his ‘ ofï¬ce, New- ton Brook, every Saturduv. except} whenLSutur- 43 av falls on the abmre dates. Dr. (Dru, Maple, Ofï¬v’shmus: 8m 9.30 n. m.,u1\d tl Br. “’3 J. \ 'ilsoli. J; A! Surgeon Siemrï¬, 35392503 and ?ROPRIETOR. FRLDA'TZ EVIORNING VOL. VI. Address A . ROBINSON L .D.S.. Aux-01 a Ont maing Som‘ctm n “aim mm: †BUyNESS CAfin’: r 77 77?£§Kcï¬itnrl’.r 'REMOVED. G. H. Numb-and. 1.. D. S., Dr. M aCoInu-ll, ‘l-aduato of Toronto University, Dr. Churn an. “’oston. per annum, in advance.] m ‘1' was IS E’I‘PLISB Dr. A. Robinson, <1 Hmflm’lb sclmol Temperance As Ilexlge cards every Sunday when “up, mlgn lhmm, A .anjrir HalLon the ‘ 0 fun moon, :1 ' o’clock pm Chlu‘clu' Sock-lies. SURE E K DENTIST 1mm. n m“ CANADA.~SerViceE 11.1n,.uhd Sunday Auhuo}, Prayer Meeting every :1 \mmg ‘. Dunn‘s Pm,ch ' owning an the lm‘tum ,s, and J. 1 Starr, pastors. “irrrtuvy. WTON BROOK, &A.M.,1\'0.23,G.I§.C IST [‘9‘- und to 9.30 'p. m- Muplwr (‘0 of smufï¬â€˜ille Oï¬ice Hours 3m do. (10‘ do do do Ont. Summit-31‘s) Atturuem-nt-Luw, Solicitors-in- Clmuccryi’roctors m! ExaltyCoul‘ts‘ Con- veyance ‘ etc. Millichamp‘sbuildingh. Auelnidc streetfloronto, nnmme Victoria street. dwnrd Malia-$9.0. S.H. Blake Q.U.J.K. Kerx‘,Q,C. \anter ‘ 'mlq, \V.R.Mullock. C.A.Brough Alarm amount of Money to Lend on Mrm or mtv Ul'op‘tl'ty interest? percent; no commis- sum. Having recently built the above House rm the sitc of the old Shth Hot-cl, and furnished it. thrr‘ughuut in ï¬rsnclnss SL510, I Mn propml‘nd to give the public thelmst of accmnmodwtlnns (loud smhlmg and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms. for Commercial ’l‘rmvcllm‘s. Terms, $1 1101‘ day. The Richmnunl Hill Omnibus leaves shis‘. House at 7:30 mma for Toronto and leaves Toronto at ‘ 0 11.111. Impm‘ter of \Vuttllcs, clocks and ï¬ne jewellery :1, SLUOR 01' Ditmmnds and preciousstonus :Llwel an IM m1, {L‘HHCD DOOR SUVTH 0F QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. LS‘Mmmfnrturmg of jewellery, and repauvimzoi w utehes and clocks on the pr lbL‘SJL spa‘rjulty ‘ .- 1,p,,,u. AW 1,.“ Thmxlmlgmu‘ patron and friendsfm" their 1ib~ omlmurnnuggc 1'1. the past we beg to state tlmt we have just to cived a large stock OfIIG‘VgOOUi-S in luMst designs A large stock 01 Elgin and V’Vulthmn watrlms kept on hand. License-1 Auauinnlmr fur Um Countim‘of Ym’k l‘ntm‘loflnfl Pee]. Goods sold on cm:s:::nmont. (mum-13.1.5 do,» 01' stock, 0th pronmtly zLLmzudcd to at roasmmblc rates. 1‘. 0. m1 ‘ -' Igguey of Mm‘ringe License: for the Downy of York, Real J‘istute in) L1 Insurance A gent. ’m‘tio ‘ lmvim: fm'ms or lots fur sale, or Wishing Insu) (Luce 311 iii'«‘ or property will have their (mu, promptly nit-ended to by the above. mey to 202m at 8 per cunt nu upprm‘ml froellohl security Ofliceâ€"Cuurt Huuse, Toronto LivensodAuctionPer for the C(mntv of Ym'kme» spectfully solicits your patronage [Lnd friendly influence. {w‘ules attended rm the shortest notice 0.1de reasonabicraLCR 1’. 0. Address, Box 91;, VICTORIA SQUARE. A. L. Skecle, Clock and Watch Maker, Jalnes C. Stokes, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits ymn‘pnm‘onago and frimully influence. Salas attended 0n the short-est notice and 1117 re ‘nnn‘he rates. P. 0. mhh‘ , King. Liannsed Auctioneer for the County of York“- Sales attended on the shortest noviceï¬nd {Lt rou- nbn mtes. Address Nobleton P. O City Priflos. . Chimney Swoepmg attended to an shortest notice. Jan.5th,'83~1v. A Thousand Dollars to Lban on land so- curityï¬ at Seven per cent. Apply at, THE LIBERAL OFFICE, Richmond Hill. WILKINS’ BROS HAREWAEE 8:. , “a HOUSE FURNISHINS Locks, Fight Ruining LG for Sale on Centre Street Fast, only $104: each?) per cent. down for pick of the lot Also To New Houses, brooms, on Richmond Street. IR. LANG Tinware. 8: Implements, Plated Gcods Cutlery, Fencin'. & othe Wires, White Leads, Paints, OIIS. & BrusheS. “’ILKINS BROS“ 166 King St.., EastToronto, near Nipissing Hotel. 23â€"4-’83. I? 012 MAIJIE ‘? Anddcalflr in \Vatchcs.()100ks, and Jewcihy Richmond Hill Ont. ma Iran, Rags,Brass, ï¬zc.,broght for Cash at NOSE, MACDONALD, MERRITT & CO. [Inim‘ 1mm: buxhlin 3, Toronto FREDERICK \VIII’I‘LOCK, Richmond Hill. C.J.Holxxxmf. H. mussels. ILMacleuxi The Pahnm House. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Blake, Kenn, & (Jussels, Bolts, 3555mm HITS DlflNEY T0 LOAN. Hinges, Screws, Mennoy to Loan. Salem Eckardt. N . J. Ann strong, ï¬ï¬im’cllnnmuï¬. iakin, RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1883. S. M. Brown. J. \Wnnlmss. Sell :11 kinds of A Cd Solicited. aï¬unrg. 243231311. Ewtrla‘, “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Chm/1'13, agriculturai, and Farm Implements, UNIONVILLE. At "The Liberal†Ofï¬ce. A somewhat serious blaze occurred in the building in connection with THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce on Thursday afternoon of last Week, at about 3 o’clock. The ï¬re, when ï¬rst discovered, was in such an ad- vanced stage that all who witnessed it felt certain that it would be impossible to save the building, but to the exceeding promptitude with which the ï¬re brigade, with their complete equipments, were at the scene of action, and the noble deter- mination and undaunted iortitude with which the men faced the raging ï¬ery ele- ments, are due to the fact that the build- ing is only damaged to the extent of less that $300, and that it 'as one of the grandest tiremen’s victories we have ever seen achieved. in this latter statement all who witnessed it unanimously concur. The tire originated in a summer kitchen, which it completely destroyed, and burn- ed through into the diningroom, destroy‘ mg all the furniture therein and com- pletely devastatng the room. The wind being in the quarters in which the tire originated, the dense smoke was driven into the body of the house, which was so completely filled that for some time it was impossible to enter the building. This smoke was largely caused by some coal tar igniting during the progress of the ï¬re, but the report that has been so largely circulated that the ï¬re was caused by the tar is entirely without foundation, though it was stated by one of the house- hold, before they knew to the contrary, that they supposed it was caused by the tar, which was in course of preparation tor use. The tire, however, origin ted at least twelve feet from where flit-31%? was any tar or even a stove. Its origin, therefore, seems to be, for the present, \\ rapt in mystery. The entire cooking utensils and kitchen apparatus, together with a quantity of vegetables, carpets, clothing, tools, and other things, many of which belonged to Mrs. John \Vaiker, and had been placed there a day or two previous, were compelctely destroyed. The damage to the building amounts to nearly three hundred dollars, and the damage done the i’urniture, stock, See. much of which was damaged in the sav- ing (but an allowance for the circum- stances Inust be made) will amount to be- tween three and ï¬ve hundred dollais. The damage done to the printing departâ€" ment was the. least, which, apart from the demoralizing of a Couple of windows for the saving of the type, which was all re- moved from the oï¬ice. and the knocking into pie of a portion of one of the neWs- paner forms, which had Just been taken off press, was very slight. and only stopp- ed its oweraiion while the ï¬re was in prosress. Our store we expect to have in operation in a few days, but the dwell- ing will require several weeks to put into a state of repair. The building was inâ€" sured in the Royal Ins. Co., of Liver- pool, Enq.; there was no insurance on plant and presses, stock or furniture‘ OUR THANKS. We gratefullv tender our thanks to the various departments of the ï¬re company for working so nolxly and faithfully, and 3 with such good results, and were it in ‘ our power we would gladly put them in a more tangible form. We would also re- member those citizens who faithfully did their part in removing furniture, stock. &c., and the High School boys come in for a large share of our gratitude, nor would we forget the little fellows who played their part well, and if they Will only bringr back the jack»knwcs, pencils, nen holders, (to, we will not say any- thing about the candies. A terrible ï¬ght between the elements, but water comes off victorious and the ï¬re succumbs after Going about $500 worth of damage. A WRONG OPINION.â€"â€"-.\Iany a dollar is paid fur prescriptions for SOIDO disease that never troubled the patient, and when the sole diï¬icnlty was worms, which a few of Freeman’s \Vnrm Powders would remove. These Powders are pleasant, safe and sure, contain their own cathartic and are adapted for children or adultq. A WONDERFUL RESULT.»â€"A single bottle of Dr. Law’s Pleasa‘nL\V0rm Syrup has frequently destroyed from 100 to 200 worms. It is pleasant to takeâ€"110 other cathartic being required. Tape worms have also been removed by i?, of 15 to 35 feet in length. It is effectual for all varieties of worms afflicting both children and adults. We are Inclined to think it would only be a matter of policy fur the Royal, as well as the companivs Hmt carry the risks ml the Unmnunn and umnu punmu Hotels. both of which would almost cer tainly have gone had they not, by a mighty effort, saved this ofï¬ce, to recog nize and encourage the bravery, which saved them many hundreds of dollars, by dealing liberally with the noble Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade. ' “** ' ’1 v the Dnmminn and Grand Central A BLAZE. One morning several years ago, just as the dull gray light was beginning to show itself in the east, at small band of men might hav been seen deployed about a house 011 Ferry street, in Buffalo. There was nothing special either in the dress or appearance of the men to indicate their intention, but it was plain that they had business of Importance on hand, Sudden» 1y a man appeared at one of the windows, took in the situation at a glance, and, swinging himself out with powerful quick- ness, scaled the roof of the'house. The man was Tom Ballard, the notorious counterfeiter; and armed to the teeth and fully realizing his situation, he deï¬ed justice and the ofï¬cials below him. Some of the ollicers, knowing the desperate character of the man. proposed to shoot him until he was killed, but one of the number promptly protested, and declared thatif his brother ofï¬cers would assist him to ascend he would oipture the man alive. Accordingly he began the difï¬cult and dangerous task, and succeeded in bringing his prisoner to the ground in safety. His successful undertaking and escape from an impendmg fate. “ At times when 1 was on duty 1 would feel an unaccountable weariness and lack of energy. My appetite was also un- certain and my head seemed dull and heavy. I did not fully understand these troubles, nut supposed, as most people stippoSe,tliaf I was suffering from malaria. I tried to throw ofl‘ the feeling, but it would not go. I thought I might over- comdit, but found I was mistaken, and I ï¬nally became so badly off that; it was al- most Impossible to attend to my duties. I have known any number of men in the police and ï¬re departments of this coun- try who have been afflicted as 1 was, and I doubt not there are to-duy h ‘dreds similarly troubled who, like myse f, did not. know the cause, or really what alled them.†The man who accomplished this task was Mr. Thomas Curtin, the present superintendent of the city police of Bull'- alo, N. Y. Mr. Cm‘tin is a man who is known by every prominent detective and policeman in America, and he stands pre-eminently in the front rank of his profession. Quiet and gentlemanly in appearance and manners he possesses a courage, combined with marked physical powerJ that makes him the terror of evil~ doers and the pride of la\v»abidlng eiti~ zens. Few people can realize, however, the trials, exposures, and even privations to which the members of every municipal police and fire department are exposed. Compelled to be on duty at uncertain hours, subjected to the most inclement weather, and often necessitated by the nature of their duties to protracted under- takings, they endure a nervous and phys- ical strain that is terrible. Such whs the experience of Mr. Curtin in former days; and it is not surprisingâ€"«that “ha‘feuxfl‘ himself suffering from a. mysterious physâ€" icnl trouble. In relating his experienCe to a representative of this paper he said: “ And do you never have any fear If some of the desperadoes whom you have. “ Your present appearance, Mr. Curtin, does not indicate much physical debility,†said the interviewer as he looked at the 2‘20 pounds of bone and muscle standing nearly ï¬ve feet eleven inches in height before 111m. “None §vhnteven Our department was never in better condition than at presem. " “ 0, no; that is altogether a, thing of the past, and 1 am happy to say that for more thml a year I have enjoyed almost perfect health, although I now realize that I was on the road to certain death by Bright’s disease of the kidneys and travel‘ling at a very pace.†“ So you experience little difï¬culty in the execution of your duties now, Mr. Curtin, do you 2 †“ Thth is jntt what I Want to tell you, for I believe it may be of great; service to many others in my profession, who may possibly hear of it. I began the use of a popular remedy at the earnest: solicita- tion of a number of friends in this city, and found to my great gratiï¬cation that I began feeling better. This feeling con- tinued and I gained in strength and vigor until now I am perfectly wellvand wholly through the instrmnentalitv of \Vzu‘ner’s Safe Cure which I believe to be the best, medicine for policemen, ï¬remen, railroad men or any other class of people exposed to danger or a, change of weather, ever discovered. Since my recovery I have recommended it everywhere, and never knew a case where it failed either to cure or beneï¬t. I would not be withâ€" out. in under any consideration, and I am positive it; is a. wonderfully valuable and at, the same time entirely harmless rem» edy. Indeed, I see that. Dr. Gnnn, dean of the United States. Medical College of New York, indorses it in the highest terms.†“How did you come to recover so completely 9 †A DETECTIVE’S EXPERIENCE. r-unl'nnn (B‘uï¬'alo, N. Y., News.) been the means of bringing to jmtice.†" Not in the least Such mm] to mt try to retaliate, partialiy because Hwy have not the courage; but oftener because they respect an oiï¬ce‘r who does his duty.†The pinlicemen, ï¬remen, letter carriers and other public employees of this counâ€" try have a particu! .il trying life. When therefore, a. simple and pure rembdy that can sustain the health of all such men is found, it. should be cause for great, con- gratulatiun, especially when reemnmmnla ed by such a mun as Superintendent Thomas Curtin, of Buffalo. Gen. Dodtre, Sh, a well known citizen of Emmrium. wril’es that mm of his men (Sam meip) whilsf, working in Hm wands so soveer sprainnd 3“ a ankle that he cmlld scarcflv net hm“ shut after one or hm nppï¬nnï¬nns of D., l‘lmmas’ Educ-hie (£1990. was ablc- to wife Work next thy; T ,. .. . .. ‘ . A . , _:, , F- . , .-.‘.. VJ. Indiscretions in dim hring on deepslï¬. and irregularity of the bowels. Eat only†wholesome food, and if the trouble has become permanentâ€"as it is very proan to (loï¬h‘y a course of Northrop 61*, LV- mrm’s Verzemhle Discovery and Dyspeptio Cure. The combined offects nsfrmish and delight the sufferer, who soon begins m‘ rliqast well, regain functional rosmlm‘ily and improve in appetite; the blood he- comes pure and good health is restored. Ono trial] of Mmhor Grach’ \Vnrm Ex terminator will convince yml that it h: I no equal m 'a worm me‘h'cino. A GOOD TNTRODUCTION.-â€"J. Kennedy. a momh'nnt in Dixie. about three years ago intmflncpd Haywud’s Pectnrn] Pm]- swm to his cvmfnmors by frying it in his own fmnily‘ for Coughs :md Colds. Being plenum? with wnuHs. large sales anowod, and if, is now the favmite remedy in that neirvhbnrh rum}. ANOTHER, \VI’I‘NESS. A. Chard. of Sterling: fosfiï¬ns (n the efï¬cacy of ï¬ns:- ivarrl’s YOllow Oil, which he used for :i, hfldlylnillf‘fldk710(‘j"iÂ¥1". It is lllO. qrnat limwohnld rende for inflammahnn. 1min, snrennsa. lamennss. Gin . and is used [will infnrnnlly and externally with infallible snoness A QI'ERY AW‘VPRED.â€"-Pennle nffen‘ ask wlmn is H19 host time to take a, blond puriï¬er ? \Vn answer, Hm host time is now. llnrrlnck Blond Bitters does ilsl work of hurlfving, regulating and toning the svsfem at all limes and all seasons. Puritv in all lhinqs is always in order when required. ' $2.00 it Year for Singie Copy: nouâ€" $L09 a Year In Clubs 01 M)- Nowiï¬ the time to raise clubs tor the conning year. {An DRAINAGEâ€"Jrhcre is nothing: mom hrndm-Hvo 0F in n, nniqhh tr- hand than V‘an drainunn Opnn Nm Mll- vm‘is‘. and “Inir-rxwuvg and nnrifv HI" 10- onlifv. The amtrnoï¬nm m Hm human vgfem mnv he rnmndivfl in a, Mm’hr mn'mmr 13v Bnrflm-‘f 131m A 7-. Hana. * “"1111 nnmw nH Hm nnflr-is nF fliqnnsm through the Bowel: Liver and Kidneys. S lX’i‘Y-:E‘ H 3) MY Iii A1â€. KNN’OUNCE’MENT Fxr’R/KO'RD’IN’ART! “"0 mm determined to get a very large list of new suhhcriber. , and in order to (L0 so Wu will receive subs Iqutions m ONE DOLLARA YEAR, m CLUBS UV TEN. \Ve trust thoso whodf 'gn mukin up clubs will be in the ï¬-uld as 1y as 1705811113, 0111" prices toolnh submaribors bv me mduced mm are so low mm: 11 tho matter is ph;i:el‘ly mm- ed, very few who desire a. ï¬rst?) ss Iitemry paper will hemtntn to subsoriha at (mac, and» t1m111<tlmuettor up of the c] :11) 1‘0)? bringing the: paper to their native, Remember. the guttar-np of EL 0111)) of 10 mtg a free coyy 0f the pave-1' an entire year. Address all letters ‘00 And, (LS an inducement to each of our SI‘LbSCl‘i?‘â€" crs m send a club, we will give IL gratis copy fvr every club of 10 m; 81.00 (men. Renwmbmn we will not send a single copy mr less that; $2.00 ; and in onlor to get bhl' rmuced mm. one must send an least tun subscnburs. We cmumt scuu Ll. less 1111mm ‘1'orles than .00 each. ’l‘hiuknf it! 10 copies of THE POST one year, \\'1th one, extra 1'01 sending the club, making 11 0001 for "10.00. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, quk Box, Philadelphia, P3; As to THE POST, there are féw in this country, or aiiymlwr country who are not; fumihu' with it. Jilht‘u‘hiiuherl in 1521, it; is the oldest- pnper of its kind in America, and for more than half a. cenmrv it 11st been n ognazod its the Leading Literary and Family Journal in the United Shauna For the coming year we have. secured the best mm « u?‘ this country and Europe, in Prose and V0 , Fcht and Fiction A record (if over Sixty years of continuous pubâ€" lication proves its worth and popularity. THE Posrlms never missed an issue. its iictmn is nf the 11"liest order the best original Stories. Sketch muanrrntives of the day. It: is per- fectly free from the degrading and polluting trmh Vshi0]!(illéll‘attel‘lZCs many other 50011.11le literary mnll’mnilv yapers. It gzirosmorchu the 111mm ‘undnfa better clusi than any other publi ition in the “'0th Inch volumu cov- mins, in addition to its well-edited departments, twenty-five ï¬rst-class Se ails, by the best- living :LI}$]M>1‘H,{L11K1 upwards M five hundred short: Stories. Every numberiqroplete with mei‘ul inâ€" formation and Allllb‘Clnth. comprisxng Tales, Adven urea, Sketch s, Biography, Anecdotes, Stati. ,FuctsJLecipos, Hints, (Tnntimm etry,t incv, Art, l’hilosop iy, manners toms, l’rovm’bs. Problems, Experiments. l’n ulR,Ne\s's,\Vit and Humor, I‘Ilhtflii‘ILl lzn i312, Remarkable Events, New Invenï¬uns‘ Curious. )Di‘cnmnics, Race»th Discoveries. and a complete ropm‘t 01' 2111 the latest Fashion ,as we]! as {1.11 thennveltios in Needlework. and fullest. and frcsliesvinlornmtionrelutingto Ml hunters of limnexunl personal adornment, and domestic? matters. To the your/10 everywhere it wiltpmve one of thehestnnust instructive, rPliujile and that h. s mi ‘cm‘e ed their homes‘ Ofï¬ce, 726 30.118011; Stream 'cm‘. Reduwuimn in Price. ‘HE SATURDA: Lu VENING POST †[Single copies, 3 cts. No. 18.