Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Nov 1883, p. 5

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City .‘dml Union Station Brock Street Queen‘s Wharf Parkdulc. Davenpor ‘ \Veston. 'I‘horn‘xifl {Icmmxn HILL. 11mg ..... Aurora Newmm‘ et TORONTO 'Newnmxketu Aurora. King” Rlcnnmx‘n HILL Thoruhill Weston .. Davenport 1’m~kda‘la ‘ ‘ 'TOR‘ON’JYO. Until further notice Mails will be closedjat the LRiclnnoml Hill Post ()fi‘ice as follows:â€" MoszmG :‘(ining North tnlh, East and \Vesl‘-, includin; ’l‘lmnnhill, M' ile,'l'mmxtn, )Inrklmm,&n. 7.10 EVENING :â€"â€"Goi :J southEstt and West (us above) (3.15 N. Bn~llflglslbmd Letters must he lmndod in at lemt Flff-cnn Minx ‘ marlier than the above .montiuned hon - ins; immnmn HILL, FRIDAY, Nov. 9. ’83 fpage. . . . .The return Foot Bull Match, be- ”tween the Richmond Hill and \Vestou High Schools. will be played on Friday, '9bh inst, at \Voston. PROCTUE’S STAGE LINE. .. . .'.Ulmice tens. coffee.“.sngarpnrrants, mis i. snap, cheese. starch, soda, or. Yarta... ricn, saga. tapioca, barley, 6.3m, at the Cheap Cash House. . . . .New dress goods, flannels, canton, 'flannels winceys, yarn. alums, lms‘ery, quilted skirts, wnnl squares. (00.. at the "Cheap Cash Hnusc. Snth & Grennan. Thanksgivmg Day. Thursday, uur usual day of publication, 'heing Thanksgiving Day we prmt on 'VVednewlny. ’I‘Iun-vfurc we speak of "I‘Imnks;_;iviwr Duy as in the future. ' 7:. Em; T‘iy W (a; 1; * mi; @311: fell. . . . .Tlm LIP. mAL from now until Jan. lst, 1835. fur $1. SHlmm-ibe at once and 'get the l):1- 'e of the year free. Tea and Concert. The ladies uf Hm Proshvn‘riml Church here intend In<)lriixxrz n 'l‘ea and Cnncerr, on fife evening of 'thunI-tsgiving Day. A good array of t:11m:t is secured for the nccasinn. Call at THE Lummr. store on Saturday and see the Ice Wun]. the very latest thng for ladies’ Has. It is really some- “)ng hobby, and me ’3' Ltd" :~h()ll]d see it. . . . .The fit-1t fa.“ of snow this season "ms on Thumduy night, about two inches A New Barber Shop. LIT Gen. \Vrighfi, who has conducted a barber shup and shaving nnrlnr in Lhrne block, in cnnrmcfinn wflh the Palmer House. for some, hqs 0px:de a Shop in connection “ith the Dnmininn Hotel. Re~Opening. THE 7131-; lAz‘ Bank and Stationery S‘bu‘e, having umlorgnne llmrougll renu- vating and cxh-nsivo impruvenmnfs since the fire, will be re-opened on Friday or Saturdav, when a. quantity of slightly damaged, together with new stuck. will be sold at marvellomly 10w prides. It will repay any one) requiriuu anything in the book, stalimwrv or filmy gnuds lines $0 call at our handsomely reâ€"fitted store. 0111‘ p'inting dwpnriwvnout was not seri- ously injured by the have (ire, and we are thervfma an” in a. position to execute all 'kindg of Main and ornamental printing on shortest notice. I Timber Sale: Mr. Peiier Baker, Lot 6. km. 3. VVhit- church, will (ufTvr f4 r sn‘lo 1w anic (mo- tion, on lersdav, Nov 3511), 1883. ten acrus of gum] Rf:\.1l(h“'_{ tim‘nm‘ in quarter acre lots Parliesx rleaw'mua of nbmininq 'some gnnd wood will find this a favorable opportunity. We imderstzmd Hm? :2 petition hasbeen in circulatinn and quite nnmm‘rmsly sign- ed, requesting; Rev. 1. Cmnpbul], who has received a, unanimous cal] to Listo- well, at a higher $1,]:zry, 10 remain as pastor of hisyreaeut charge. Acknowledgement. ‘Ve embrace the present Importunity of expressing our thanks to flu: Zoard of Edncn timi far the use of the High'Sclmol building in whiuh our goals and furniture have been stored since fine fire. It has "been 2L {gr-mt :wcnmmr-dnfinn and the kindness has been mmreeiated. Queern'é W'barf ...&5 Brook Street. . ) Umon Statio‘ .133 Clty Hall.... ‘10 :2 PGST OFFICE NOTICE 515937393? HQME. Is this lncxian Summer 7. Mon" ' t0 Lnan; see ad. on first Our Printing Department. Petihoned to Remaln. GOIN G SU OTH‘ 7377508m OJJ34DA: . .. ‘909 5 r 55 Qumumlofi 11338 wr- qu . '1‘]de FY, Postmaster. Ac,an 11.5.? 12.025 12.10 12.16 12.40 12.47 1.30 mm. 11 5. 5 5 6. 6.5 <1! C! On Monday morning a double weddinp took place in the viilage of Thornhill. Early in the morning two couple, each arm in arm7 and one on each side of the street, were seen marching at a hurried pace toward the residence of the parish priest. The knot was duly tied and the parties returned to Richmond Hill rejoic- ing, whence they afterwards walked to Maple on their wedding trip. There was not much excitement outside the village, and only those who were not accustomed to seeing matrimony in the emerald suffered from the shock to their various systrmis. The event, however, caused quite a flutter in society. At a meeting of the Board of Educa- tion on Thursday last, several important changes were immigrated. iiIr. McBride, Heal Master of the High School, had his salary raised from $1100 to $1200. but out of which he pays for caretaking and Local Examinations for \Vomen. Mr. Burns. First Assistant, was raised to $700. Mrs Kirkham, of Elora, was engaged as Second Assistant in High School at a salaryof 35â€"150. Miss Spmgg‘e, of Owen Sound, was engaged as principal of the Public School at a. salary of $400. Bliss \Viliinms and Mrs. \Viley were re-engng- ed as First and Second Assistants, re- spectively, and the Third Assissahtship, (a. new addition to the stall) was offered to Miss T. Rutherford, at, a salary of $225. On Thursday evening of last Week the Richmond Hill public was treated to a concert by the Huwkins’ Company of Jubilee‘Singers. The company though Well known here has undergone several change-s since its last; appearance in Richâ€" mond Hill, audit. has suffered none by the changes. Rev. Mr. Miller, the musi- cul lllallagel', ably fills the place of Elder Hawkins; Miss Hawkins and Miss Huck- ett are still nrmninent among the musi- cians; Mr. J. H. Davis, the, noted base and business manager, is still an interest,â€" iu-g feature of the cumpai v. The latter additions are Misses Lightfooi, Turner and \Voodgute, Pianist. Altogether the concert. was a, rare treat. The solo of Miss Lightfoot, the duets of Misses Hacketb and Turner, and the renderingr of “ Steal away to Jesus,” by the comâ€" pany are worthy of special mention. Ve congratulate the people of Yonge Street North, under \\ hose auspices it was held, on the success of the week’s engagement, which netted them nearly $100 Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Savage, that the Secretary answer the'comnmnicntiun from Miss Hamilmn concernng balance of salary due her and state that it; will be paid as soon as pussi- ble.â€"Ca1‘ried. School Board. The School Bnard met on Thursday lat inst. President in UP: chair. Membâ€" crs present Messrs. Lane, Trench, Tcefy, Patterson, Cl‘usby,Boyle. Brownfiwitzer, Savage, Duncan and Rev. 1. Umupbell. Minutes of previous meeting read. Moved by. Mr. Teefy, 'secb'nded by Mr. Duncan, that the names of yams be enâ€" tered in last allinums.«Curried. The report of the committee who Visit, ed the schools was read. Moved by Mr. Brown, suconded by Mr. Duncan; that L’Iiss \Yilliur-Is and Mrs. \Viley be reeugauci at their present salaries, $250 0: '11.â€"Czu'ricd. Mqu by Mr. Dlmc:u:, seconded by Mr. Crosby, that we engage a fourth teacher for the Public Sclxo')1.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Trench. seconded by ML‘DBI'UWI], that the fourth deparmnenc of the Public School be, offered to Miss Rutherford, at a salary of $225.â€"Carriud Moved by Mr. Brnwn,suc0uded 'by Mr. Duncan, that Mr. Burns be re-eng‘aged as lst. Assistant in High School at a. salary of S?’UO.â€"â€"Carried. Moved in amendment by Mr. Tex-fy, seconded by Mr. Duncanvthat ‘the appli- Cation of irss ‘Spragge be accepted, an a s‘alqry of 3340‘.): Moved by Mr. Swim-3r, seconded by Mr. Trench, that the application of Mr. Bassingthwaite be accepted for Principal of Public School. Moved by Mr. Trench, seconded by Mp,fCl'oaby.g that Mr. McBride .be mâ€" afipgmted M‘Head Mafia of, thé' _Hi:h 561160131: a'salary of $1200 per ‘mmum, t0iuc1fidjs the-enfetaking of the? building, and expanses of Local Exmns.’fi$l‘-\Vouml â€"Car’ried. . 1:. ‘ > " - â€"Uu|’f|uu. , r , n. - ‘ Move’d' by Mr. Trench; sécifndefl‘ ,1 by Mrfi Brown, {shut Mrs. Kilkhaxu he eu- guged us “And Assistant in High Schuul, at a salary of $450 per annulusâ€"Carried. Muved by Mr. Trench, ecouded by Mr. Brawn, that Mvssrs. Ui‘nshy and Duncan be a committee to make arrange» ments With Mr. Cunlner for hmd in rear of Masonic Hall for the use 0? the Hiuh School, and outbuildings, &c , and Cu secure Wood for the High School.â€"Can‘i- ed. ' Moved by Mr. Ciosby, seconded by Mr. Trench, that the, Head Muster be allowed to rent the Masonic Hull to the Presbyterian Church, to hold :5 Cnncurt on Thanksgiving Day, mm, to be applied to the Library of Reference.â€"â€"O;m*ied. The Bo;er then adjuurned. SAVAGEâ€"ROBINSONâ€"â€"Ab the residence of the bl‘idO'SIUOUEOI',()11 the 7th 1nsb.,by tr“ Rev. J. 1:}. Start, Mr. Amlm’w Savage. of Wood- biriiige, to Miss Mary Bub’n 0 1,0: lichrzond 1 i1 . flAVAGEâ€"In Vaughan, on the 2nd inst, the wife oi Mr. John Savage, 01' a. son. Theorigmal motion was lost and the amendmen‘xb declared carried. ‘ Moved by Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Boyle, that Hue back hall be rented tu the A. 0. U. YV. at 75 cents per night. â€"-C:u'ried, A Society Wedding School Changes. jubilee Singers EIAKERH‘S'LGES BEEK'H‘H’S. - \ 86 Yonge St, Toronto. Camhfidga Clothing House. Offers Men’s All Wool Heavy Under Shirts and Pants, each garment weighing over one pound solid wool, at 67§cts., same goods are beng sold every Where at $31.06). Ladies’ \Vaterproof Circulars at $1.25 and $1.50. (the best). Ladies’ SCOtChyLRmbS-VVOOI under- shirts at $1.25, worth $52.00. The Best and Heaviest Grey Flannels at 25C. and 300. in the city. We are giving a STRAGHT ESGOUNT OF 10 PER GENT. Off all sales of Twilled Canadian Blankets during the next ten days. Special value in Blk. Cashmeres, Velvets, Silks, Satins, Millinery and Mahtles. Rich Brocaded Dress Goods at I3$c worth 20c: Foulle Dress Goods, all shades, at I7§c worth 250. Heavy All Wool Dress Goods at 200 worth 30. Very Heavy Canton Flannel at 10c worth 15. The value of our stock is mafinificent. Terms Cash. Goods marked in plain figures and only one price. ‘5’ U7"; yr Having made a large pur- chase of Black and Colored Silks, Satin Marvcleuxs, Mar- ies, Ottoman Cords, &c'., ’at a large discount for case, we commence to~d21y a GRAND SILK SALE! And Will offer for the next ten days the greatest bargains in Silks ever shown in this mark- POPUIJAES; 1842 Yonge Street, 3rd Stare above Queen fiexeee. » Men’s All -Wool Suits only $8.00 Men’s Allâ€"Wool Overcoats only $5.00. Men’s All-Wool Pants only $2.50. Call and see our $2.90 Pants, worth $8.50. I Suits Selling for $12 Worth $16. Clothing Made to Order at very LOW Prices. Complete Stock of Furnishings. Set of Underolothing for 65 Cents. 1M Yange St, Twamg. (3rd. Store North of Queen.) 25.82 YQNGE STREET. et. It will be impossible to give any idea in an advertise- ment of the big bargains we offer, therefore we cordially invite every lady in the city to call and examine. 15 yds. Good Black Gros Grain $11k for $10.50 I5yds Good Black Gros Grain Silk ior $13.50. Black _Marics only $1.50, worth 3.00. A . W. HOLTBY, Manager. lull line of Colored Silks, 75c. regular price 1.00. Colored Surah Silk 1.25, wmth 2.00. Colored Satin Mervelcux,1.5o worth 2.25. All our regular stock of Silds,Sating, Velvcts, Vel- veteons, 8.0, reducod in proportion. p This is a Bona Fide Sale and we guarantee all goods as advertised. ‘ '

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