The Queen’s Bed. The London Truth says :â€"According toa weekly contemporary, “it may not be gen- erally known that the Queen invariably takes her own bed with her Wherever she may be travelling.†People would infer from this statement that her majesty’s “own bed†forms a part of the royal bag- gage. The Queen always sleeps in beds of precisely the same pattern and made up in exactly the as me way. They are all manu- factured at “Vindsor Gist-1e, and there is one with accessories at each royal residence in this country, at the Villa Hohenlohe at Baden, at Rosenau, near Coburg. and on board the Victoria and Albert. \Vhen the Queen pays a. Visit or goes abroad, 3 bed on the usnal pattern is made and dispatched from \Vindsor in,advance to be in readiness for her. One was sent last year to Men- tone, and throes years earlier another went to Baveno. At l)nnrobin, Floors and ether country houses at which the Queen has been . . ‘ 1 v , ,,,.__u__ 1M,“ a guegt he} spécial bed has; usually been left as a meménno oi the royal Visit. The seal, furnishing the rich fur, a (21031: of which is an article dear to the heart of fashionable women, inhabits both theArctic and 1110 Antarctic seas. Greenland, New- foundiand, the Baltic, and the southem polar shores, 3.11 supply a quota of these much sought after animals. From a paper in the last Quarlerly Review, a very readabie paper, by the way, we get asketch of a dis- m‘lct which yields many of the “Fur Seals of Commerce.†w. vv-...__v_ V The scene is the Pribylov Islands, two small specks of land situated on the eastern side of Behring’c sea, and ceded in 1867 by Russia, along with the adjoining mainland Alaska. to the United States Government. The itlands are but a. few square miles in area, their population in 1880 was but 390, and yet the annual revenue they yield to the American exchequer is over £50,000, to which sum falls to be addedthe handsome proï¬ts realized by the company to whom the islands are let. This result has been achieved by one of the most provi- dent and far-seeing pieces of state manage- ment that the history of the commercial world affords. The islands are the home clufing six months of the year of multitudes of the fur seals of commerce. The number has been estimated on reliable statistical grounds as 4,700,000. This number is kept practically constant by the effective protec- tion of the mv'mals. Only 10000 are allowed to be killeo » ‘ uh year, and frcm among the Victims are uhctly prohibited the breeding males, who are over ï¬ve years of age and whose pelts are commercially worthless, and all the females young and old. Only the “bachelors†or young males of three or four years are allowed to be taken and they are captured on cmtain nights in the months of . June and J uly, before do.) break. After the' silk passes from the dyer’s lands the manner in which it is woven is of essential importance. All other things be- ing equal, goods woven with an equal weft and woof is the most durable, mime the strongest silk is the old-fashioned talfeta. or glace silk of a generation ago. Corded silks are beautiful, but between the reps of the goods are interstices‘for the drs 3 lo collect in, which, if allowed to remain, speedily cuts into the fabric ; and no corded goods can be made without some part of the weave being heavier and exerting strain on the lighter portion. Taffeta silks, from the lightness of their construction, are usually hand-made goods. Large quantities of inexpensive striped and checked tafletas known as sum- mer silks, are woven in Switzerland in a circuit of about thirty miles around the city of Zurich. Whole families of Swiss peasants, including the man of the house, his wife, sons and buxom daughters, are employed together at hand looms. A checked taffeta under a dollar Will usually ontwear several Silks which range in prices from $1 to 9'2 a yard 2111 are made as silks at this price usually are, by the less durable pmcesses of the power-loom, where the weavcr never stops to tie a thread, and the delicate ï¬bre of the silk must be tighth twisted to bear the strain oi the rougher handling of whole- sale work. A goods equally as strong as taffeta is India. foularo, sometimes called handkerchief silk. These goods are woven in a country where the heathen workmen have not yet learned the clever Shams which are practised in the Christian lands. All foulard sillss are dyed and stamped after tin y are woven, except in the case of pon- uh. allli which is the natural color of the .sti silk-wobb Erench foulards are an :an \l\_ r machine-goods, and are mixed with mm» quantities of "chappeï¬â€™ or SllOl‘E silk, w‘in h is rough and liable to break apart at 1-nn n a 7m aim-ail). Short: silk dill"ch from long silkâ€"Avhich is the contiuucus thread Spun by Mu; warn and 10: led off at the tilature~ m lmmg cun’:p(is::ll of the waste of the ï¬la- tu e. The silt: which is broken I r tangled in ruling, i'nu rough silk (11 the oulside of cvm y uvcnc-n, and the silk of perforated cl cum»: from wliICh the moth has emerged, are ml mm apart and spun again by artiï¬- cial means, like con-0n or flax. Cnappc is at. best 2» species of sill; “shoddy,†andi's mum mixed with cotton or some other veg‘ Mable libic to strengthen it. Llrge quanti- Lies of foulanl goods are made in tho coun- try which are similar to the French goods. Tm: dumble “Louisine†summer silks are Woven with an even weft and wool, and are composed of raw or half-boiled silk, par; of the natural glue of the cocoon 1m in the mediasâ€"N. Y. Tribune. The speaker was a, Winsome young girl, whose bright eyes, fresh color and eager looks told of light-hearted happiness. Just out of school, she had the air of culture which is an added attraction to a blithe young face. It was mother’s turn now. Did she know how my heart went out to her for her unselï¬sh words? Too many mothers, in their love for their daughters, entirely over- look the idea that they themselves need recreation. They do Without all the easy, pretty and charming things, and say nothing about it and the daughters do not think there is any self-denial involved. Jennie gets the new dress and mother wears the old one, turned upside down and wrong side WOMAN’S COLUMN. The Hiiks that. Wont Longest. Mother’s Turn. mcther’s tvrn to be taken care of Sealskins. out. Lucy goes on the mountain trig, and 1 mother stays at home and .keeps ouse. Emily is tired of study and must lie down in the afternoon; but mother. though her back aches, has no time 101' such indulg- ences. Girls, take good care of your mothers. Coax them to let you reiieve them of some of the harder duties which, for years, they have patiently borne. wPres. byte'rian. Honor the dear old mother. Time has scattered the snowy flakes on her brow, plowed deep furrows on her cheeks but is she not sweet and beautiful now? The lips are thin and shrunken ; but those are the lips which has kissed many a hot tear from the childish cheeks, and they are the sweet- est lips in all the world. The eye is dim, yet it glows with the soft radience of holy love which can never fade. Ah, yes, sheis a. dear old mother. The sands of life are nearly run out, but feeble as she is, she will go further and reach down lower for you than any other upon earth. You cannot walk into a midnight where she cannot see you. you cannot enter a prison whose bars will keep her out, you can never mount a. scaffold too high for her to reach, that she may kiss and bless you in evidence of her deathless love. When the world shall de- spise and forsake you, when it leaves you by the wayside to die unnoticed, the dear old mother will gather you in her feeble arms, and carry you home and tell you of all your virtues until you almost forget that your soul is disï¬gured by vices. Love her tenderly and cheer her declining years with holy devotion. Non-Poisonous Disinfectants. The antiseptic properties of carbolic acid have long been known, and this substance, in its liquid state, is extensively used in operations by surgeons. As anon-poisonous disinfectant the acid, in a vaporized condi. tion, is said to be invaluable in hospitals and sick-rooms, and the following is a simple plan recommended by Messrs. F. G. Calvert & 00., of A'Ianchester. the manufacturers not only of the acid, but also of a carbolic vs.- porizer, for the use of which apparatus de- tailed particulars are given. x v .1 Place an ordinary house shovel over the ï¬re until it becomes thoroughly hot (but not red hot) ; then take it to the centre of the room and pour in the shovel an ounce (hack of each bottle is graduated in ounces) of No. 4 or No. 5 carbolic ; lean the shovel so that no fluid can fall to the floor, and the carbolic will be readily given ofl’ in vapor sufï¬cient to ï¬ll an ordinary room. This will disinfect the air of the room, and as genuine carbolic (more properly called phenol or phenylic acid) is not a mineral corrosive acid, the vapor in no way will injure pic- tures, metals, or fabrics. It is highly bene- ï¬cial in many infectious diseases, and having been sufï¬ciently proved to beneï¬t lungs affected by tubercle, it may be safely inhaled to a reasonable extent, and it can be diluted if weaker vapor is wanted. The No. 4 fluid can be more easily tolerated because of its extra purity, and te many its odor is decid- edly pleasant, if not excessively employed. Daily use of this process is strongly recom- mended when infectious diseases are present or feared, and it will be found serviceable in case of whooping‘cough. The vapor is not at all inflammable unless the shovel be made red hot or held Within two feet of ï¬re or light, and the fluid will not injure carpets; but it should not be allowed to fall upon oil-cloths, painted or varnished wood-work or lurniture, If any raw carbolic acid should {all on the skin, it must promptly be rubb OE With a. dry cloth, and the affected par 8 well rub- bed with oil. If taken internally by mis- take, sweet oil and castor oil should be at once. administered in large doses, and no water used. â€"0hambe7’s Journal. One of the most interesting exhibits at the Vienna Electrical Exhibition is Gent- ill’s glossogmph, a. little instrument by which speech is automatically reproduced as soon as it is uttered. A small apparatus is placed in the mouth of the speakerâ€"in con- tact with the roof of his mouth, his tongue and lipsâ€"and on being connected with an electromagnetic registering apparatus the sounds are committed to paper. t is con- structed in such a, manner as not to cause any inconvenience to the speaker ; neither is it necessary that the voice should be raised, as it reproduces a whisper as exactly as a shout; the only condition is a correct and distinct articulation. According to the inventor’s calculation, it will be possible to write four or ï¬ve times as fast by means of the glossograph as has hitherto been possible even bythe quickest writer. At ï¬rst sight it appears as if this invention were but an improvemnt upon Edison’s phonograph ; it is, however of a much older date. It rests, unlike the former, on acoustic principle, and does not reproduce the sounds in a mi- croscopicalform. The chief obstacle to the introduction of theglossograplnlsnysthe Pall lllalu’ Gazzette, will be the difï¬culty in de- ciphering the. characters, but it is not im- possih'c that with the help of asecond auto- matic apparatus the characters produced by the glossograph may be translated into our common type writing. The orthgraphy would doubtless appear strange, but in these days of phonetic spelling this might not long be it hindrance. A contributor to a. London scientiï¬c pa.- per writes : "The poet has said, ‘The toad wears yet a precious jewel in its head,’ However beautiful, it cannot surpass. in lustre and beauty of setting, the eye of the flea (Pulex iritans). When viewed under a. power 0! 200 or 300 diameters by reflected light, it presents a. crystalline lens about 1,500 of an inch in diameter, surrounded by a. dark brown or black rim, and sunk in a. depression of rich chitinous covering of the head. If the light be judiciously applied, this combination of bright light in the lens with the middle tint oi the surrounding yel- low skeloton of the head and the dark sup- plied by the black rimâ€"these being har- monized and blended by the shade and shadow of the depression, and assisted by the harmonious curve which bounds it don- sal marginâ€"presents a combination worthy the study of the trained eye of the artist.†It is to be feared that even its lovely eye will scarcely reconcile the Pulex irttans to those on whom it dines. The Queen of All. The Glossogmph. 994 any»: A murderer in Kansas jail charges 5 cents for a. look, and'is thus domg a thriving busi- D853. An Albany peanut vvendor discovers that he looses 400 peanuts a day by people taking one as they pass by his corner. Experimén‘fh in determining the height and velocity of the clouds, by meana of photography are being made in Eng- land. Ion. Florida newspapers have their joke about the swamp lands. Some of them say that the lands are to b9 sold by the gaL A Cincinnati physician has examained 140 of the best whistlers in the city, and ï¬nds them sadly lacking in mental develop- ment. The engineer in charge of the govern- ment works at Key West has ï¬shed up a copper cannon of the ï¬fteenth century. It belonged to the early Spanish invaders. Judge Hoover, who once upon a. time was Chief Justice of Arizona, is now chief waiter in a. restaurant in Southern California. Judge Sattherbhwaite, also of Arizona, is now doing tinker’s jobs for a. living. The Memphis (Tenth) Avalanche sayu that a. census 0t Southern editors shows two Captains, seventeen Majors, seven Generals, and 1,826 Colonels. There are no privates and no ofï¬cers below the rank of Captain. The treasurer of Carroll County, Ark, placed $7,000 in an old boot for' safe keep- ing, placing the boot in a pile of rubbish. Now he is trying to negotiate with the man who stole the boot. A cane brought over in the Mayflower by \Villiam WVhina, the father“ of Peregrine White, the ï¬rst white child born in New England, is now in possession of Captain “'illiam White, of Yarmouth, Mass. Kwang Lee the young Emperor of China, devotes three hours a. day to studying the language of his country, but otherwise does nothing except ride in the Imperial Gar- dens. He will assume the reins of governv ment personally on the Silst of next Juiy, his ï¬fteenth birthday. The walls of Canton, China. are of sand- stone, capped with brick. They are twenty feet thick and from twenty-ï¬ve to forty feet high. There are twelve outer gates, through which boats pass into the moat east and west. The gates are all shut at night, and a guard is stationed near them to preserve order. Jewelry-making is the biggest business of Providence, R. I. There are 184 manufact- uring establishments, employing about 3,500 hands, and turning out; $5,775,975 wcrsh of goods annually. The manufacture began soon after the Revolution, and in1805 there were four establishments. ‘ The city also makes 87 per cent, of the Screws used in the country, and 2,340,000 pieces ofprinta during the year. A banker at Osakis, Minn, has built a. house which he thinks will defy the tornado. All the corners of the house are acute ang- les, giving this architectural freak the com tour of a star. From the highest point of the roof the gutters sink suddenly, making great depressions. Thie angularity was, in is said, inspired by the banker’s Wife, who lives in constant dread of storm. The cor- ners were made very sharp, to split torna- does. ï¬ghe cellar walls are anchored in them, C. Zihat the housa may not be blown down, Without taking up the foundations. All the weather-boarding is put oninoblique lines. “ Edinboro Old Town,†by Andrew Lang, is the opening paper in the January Century. Pennell’s clever sketches supplement finely Mr. Lang’s picturesque de:criptions. Many romantic stories of the castle are told, among them the following : “If ‘ sinne ’ could sink town and tower, Edinburgh would centuries since have been with ‘ Memphis and Babylon and either Thebes.’ In those old times, when a Scotch prince hated a man, he very commonly acted on the maxim, ‘ If you want a thing well done, do it yourself,’ and dirk- ed his foe with his own hand. This was the custom of the Duke of Albany, brother of James lII., who slew John of Scougal, and in other ways so conducted himself that, in 1482, he was consigned to prison in the Castle. Thence Albany deemed that he was i not likely to come form alive, especially as ‘ his brother Mar had mysteriously vanished â€"so mysteriously, indeed, that even now the manner of Mar’s fate is unknown. Al- bany’s friends sent a small ship to wait in the harbor of Leith, and a. hamper of wine easi- ly found admission to Albany’s rooms in the Castle. The hamper contained ropes as well as wine, and when Albany had made his keepers drunk with the liquor, had (lirde them, and thrown their mail-clad bodies to grill on the tire, he escaped to the ship at Leith by aid of the ropes. But the favorite way of escaping had a bland and child-like simplicity. The captive’s wife paid him a. visit, the pair exchanged clothes, and the prisoner walked out in the lady’s pctticoats ! This old trick was played in the Castle as often as the ‘ conï¬dence trick’ in the capi- tals of modern civilization. Apparently it never missed ï¬re, and we may conclude that in every case the turkeys were bribed. The only prisoner of note who ever failed was the first Marquis of Argyll, in 1601. The Marchioness came to see him in a sedan chair; he assumed her dress and coif, and stepped into the sedan. But presently he lost heart and stepped out again, though what he was afraid of it is difï¬cult to guess. He could only die once, his execution was certain, and he might as well be shot privately, in the attempt to run away, as be decapitated publicly in the town where the great Montrose, his enemy, was done to death. When the Marquis’s son, in his turn, Was conï¬ned in the Castle, his ready brain conceived the novel idea of escaping, not in the dress of a lady, but in that of the lackey of his daughter-in~law. He let the lady’s train drop in the mud, \vhereon, with the wit; and coolness of a daughter of the Lindsays, she switched the dripping silk in his face, crying, ‘ Thou careless loon.’ Then the soldiers laughed, and Argyll, for that time got clean away.†Lord Lorne has been trying to acclimatize the Canadian moose in Scotland, but the experiment is a. failure. The moisture is too great for animals accustomed to the bracing air of Canada. Escapes From Edinburgh Castle. lGLEANINGS. three Years in the Celestial Serviceâ€"A Formldable Navyâ€"Gninese Supersti- tions (about the Seaâ€"France he. a, Hard Bone to Bite- Mr. Andrew P. Cleveland was how in Canada: and Went to sea in his sixteenth year. After serving for several years on the “Frederick E,†of St. John, N. B, he shipped on the Boston ship “Agnes †and sailed to Canton. Hearing that foreigners were employed in the Chinese navy. he put in an application and was offered a position on the “Tung-Hin,†with promise of good wages if he was capable of teaching sailors how to handle the guns. He accepted, and remained from April, 1879, till September, 1882, in the Chinese service; his position was a. very pleasant one, and he received none but the kindest treatment from his sugeriers. The bhinese, Mr. Cleveland says, have nothing of a. seafaring nature about them. But in 1862. seeing the uselesness cf their Junks against European warships, and be- ing required also to put down piracy, the foundations of a navy were laid. Several gunboats that the British Govunment no longer wanted were handed over to the Chinese, and for nearly a dozen years served all the purposes for which that nation neexl‘ ed Water craft. But in 1876, when the Formosa disputeoccured between China and Japan, the fleet of the latter greatly troubled their continental neighbours. The Cores and Loo Choo diï¬ieulties followed, and the Chinese purchased fourteen first-class wan ships from an English builder. They are superior vessels, formidnhly armed and cap- able of high speed. The purchasers are greatly pleased with the ships and Japan is no longer dreaded. In fact, China. has the better navy of the two. \Vhile Mr. Cleve- land was still in the service the Government took another step. Two doubleturreted Iron- clads were got from the shipyards of Stottin, and these corvettes completed a. fleet of sixty vessels, of which the sixteen last referred to are the equals of any afloat. The old gun- boats count for very little, but there are some very well built transports in the fleet. The Chinese are as ingenious as Yankees. They buy 911 English waggon or American plough, and make others on their model. They are now building ships from the models of those they have bought, the work being directed by Germans or Americans. Doubt- less good ships will be built, but it is to be questioned Whether manutacturing will not prove most costly than purchase. Li Hung Chang, who really founded the navy, also organized the North China Navigation Com- pany, which had twelve steamers a year a go. These in competition with the junks, have almost a. monopoly of the carrying trade. In time of war it is provided that they shall act as transports. Mr. Cleveland describes Li Hung Chang. whom he often met, as a. man of great energy. No state ofï¬cer has more to contend with. lie has the greatest diï¬ioulty in manning his navy, the people having a superstitious dread of the sea, and being got by the highest wages. The belief is that if a man lives three days on board he will not only have escaped the dreaded bad luck, but will be more fortunate on the sea than anywere else. Consequently, there are no deserters, after the miserable three days are over. The sailor is ridiculed by all his countrymen and he is an outcast. Li has procured Western ofï¬cers and sailors with- outs tint. Foreign assistance has done the work of organization, and most of the seamen are good able bodied fellows, well disciplined and capable, and under the authority of competent superintendents. From my own personnl observation, says Mr. Cleveland, I incline to think that the Chinese navy is now quite capable of main- taining the rights of the Empire. Japan is not alone interested. China maintains her dignity on the waters of the Yellow Sea, and as well as her position further south. The Annam affair is critical. The action of the French was regarded as one of intolerable impertinence before I left Canton. The Chinese are fearlully persistent in. their 1 opinions, and Franca will ï¬nd that she will have a. hard bone to bite. If the dispute comes to war, China without a navy could do nothing. But it has a navy, and beyond the shadow of doubt it will be employed in occasion of war, and employed so well. that the world will know, what it now scarcely dreams of, that China has one of the best and 111 wt formidable of modern navies. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘¢H-.~>O¢â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- A Few Guessos. A cmespondent oi the Home lily/m says : “ 1 wish there were not so much guess work in farming operations, but guessing from my own experience, I cannot aï¬'ort to keep a butter cow without some kind of provender, 1 also guess that 1 cannot afford to grow roots or buy wnemt bran for her. CJX‘D ground in the ear two parts, and cotton seed meal one part, three quarts of the mixture night and morning, fed dry, has given us the best results in cow, milk and butter, and our customers never find fault, I have never had a. cow eat at the shingles from the barn or chew bones, while up;n this feed. If you have no eobs, throw in a mull handful of ashes once or twice a. week ; also give them all the salt they will cut. For beef oxen I have decided that two dollars in corn meal and one in cotton seed will do as much as . four in corn meal alone. The more EX- pericnce I have in cotton seed, the better I am pleased with it, while the more I have with wheat bran the less I think of it. I know that smarter men than I feed bran and stick to it, and I often think I must have been mistaken and try it again, but always with the same unsatisfactory result. Barley meal gives good results for beef, pork and butter.†â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"u<‘-'>«-â€"â€"â€"- hat match you are lighting your cigar with is a very small thing, isn’t it 1†said a. 13188611 gar who had shared my seat for a. few miles, "A small thing ; but you wouldn’t believe the American people paid out $27,- 000,000 for matches last year, would you? It looks big, but it is a. fact. Now, take a pencil and ï¬gure it out. Fifty millions of pmple in this country ; they use on average ï¬ve matches each per day; that is 250,- 000,000 matches daily, or 2,500,000 boxes of 100 matches in a box, every day. Last year these boxes retailed at 3 cents each, mak- ing $75,000 a day for matches, or $27,375,“ 000 a year. And, then, to think that three- fourths of all these matches were supplied by one company. If they didn’t make $8,- 000,000 clear proï¬t out of it, they didn’t make a cent." A CANADIAN IN CHINA. .0. Blrd that Waited Long for her Mate and Died in the Same Way at Last. A female dove, in Elmira, N. Y., whose peculiar actions for some time past gave it the name of the "crazy dove,†was killed recently under these curious circumst- ances : The bird was one of a pair that belonged to a young lady living near the Erie Railway track. A few months ago, in flying across the railroad track, the male bird came in contact with the smokestack of the Paciï¬c express locomotive. It was killed instantly, and was thrown suddenly out of the sight of its companion. The female circled about in‘the air for a few minutes, in evident amazement at the sudden disappearance of her mate. She then flew to a. mile postuear by, and for u. long time gave utterance to the mournful notes peculiar to the species. Suddenly she seemed to realize What had carried her companion from her, and she rose in the air and flew swiftly in the direL'A tion the train had taken. She did not“. return for a long time. W'hen she did return she alighted at her cotc, Where she remained for the rest of the day uttering her plaintive cries. The next morn- ing, just before 7 o’clock, she flew to her position on the mile post, near the spot Where her mate had disappeared the (lay be- fore. W’hen the express train came along she flew at the locomotive, hovering about the smoke stack and cal) as if looking for her mate. She accelupanied the train 101‘ about: a. mile, and then returned. Every day she repeated her strange ac- tions, taking her place at her lookout; on the mile post at exactly the same time, and waiting for the train, no matter how ate it might be and than going. through the 5am“ manmuvrcs, and returning to her cote to mourn as before. She ate but little. On Saturday she collided with the smoke stack of the express train locomotive, just as her mate had done, and met the same fate at newly the same spot. The wheel of fortune turns incessantly round, and who can say within himself I shall to-day be uppermost. He that hath a scrupulous conscience is like a horse that is not: well weighted ; he starts at every bird that flies our. of the hedge. \Vounds and hardships provoke our cour~ age, and When our fortunes are at the low- est, our Wits and minds are commonly at the best. It is another’s fault if he be ungrateful, but it is mine if I do not give. To ï¬nd one thankful man I \villnblige a great many that are not so. Weigh not so much what men assert, as. what they prove; remembering that truth is simple and naked. and needs not invention to apparel her comeliness. By desiring What is perfectly good, even when we don’t quite know what it is, and cannot do what we would, we are part; of the divine power against evil. Alas ! if the principles of contentment are not within us, the height of station and Worldly grandeur will as soon add a cubit toa man’s stature as to his happiness. A wise and good man will turn examples of all sorts to his own advantage. The good he will make his patterns and strive to e ual or excel them. The bml he will by all means avoid. Supineness and effeminaoy have ruined , more constitutions than were ever destroyed 7“‘by excessive labors. Moderate exercise and toil, so far from prejudicing, strengthens and consolidates the body. Next to clothes being ï¬ne, they should be well made, and worn easily, tor a- man is only the less genteel for a. ï¬ne coat, if in wearing it he shows a regard for it, and is not as easy in it as if it werea. plain one. Great talents for conversation should he attended Winh great politeness. He who eclipses others, owes them great civilities ; and whatever a mistaken vanity may tell us, it is better to pleave in conversation than 10 shine in it. If our credit be so well built, so ï¬rm, that it is not easy to be shaken by calumny or insinuation, envy then commends us and ex- tols us beycni reason, to those upon whom we depend, till they grow jealous and so blow us up when they cannot throw us down. Experience keeps a. dear school ; but fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that ; for it is true we may give advice, but we cannot give conduct. However, they that will not be counseled cannot be helped, and it you will not hear reason you will surely rap your knuckles. A buried village has been found by the Hon. Amado Chaves a. mile from his house, near Socorro, New Mexico. Mr. Chaves writes to the Santa Fe Review: “It is built of stone. The outer walls are three feet wide, and the city is large on ough to have accommodated 3,000 souls. I have already cleared four rooms in the upper story and two on the ï¬rst floor of one house. The dimensions of the ï¬rst-floor room just ï¬nished are 11x12 feet, while from floor to ceiling the distance is about ï¬fteen feet. The Village is almost square, and the build- ing is situated at the northwest corner. The large room has a. large door leading to the outside of the wall, but no windows whatever. In thin room I found the skele- ton of a. girl. The hair is in a perfect state of preservation ; it is ï¬ne, and of a chestnut color. I also found there a. string; of line coral beads, one of torquoise beads, another of long ivory beads, and a ring set with a black stone, on top of which is a piece of torq‘uoise. All the timbers of the roof are burned to a. chair. I have arrived at the door which appears to lead to inner rooms, and I am full of curiosity to open it, but the second floor is only supported by the stones and debris about the deer, and should IK attempt to remove these the upper storye‘ov will tumble in and ï¬ll up the lower rooms. ‘ just cleaned out, with a} mam; of stone, char- red timbers, and debris.†Sir Moses Monteï¬ore was the ï¬rst Jew ever made Sheriff of London, and was knighted by Queen Victoria a. few days after her accession to the throne, when she visited the city on the next Lard Mayor’s Day. Mr. Millais is to paint his portrait: tor next year’a Academy. DEATH 01“ THE CRAZY DOVE. PEARLS 0F TRUTH.