The Crooks Act. Judgment was rendered on the 15th ultimo lay the Privy Council in the case of Hodge-'09 the Queen. which was a test case dmlflï¬ity of the Crooks Act. The was dismissed With costs, thus {27 the wisest Court in the British Empire. the only court from which there is no IIPM like Crooks Act is declared to imperfectly valid. and therefore no .enactmentof the Dominion Parliament can possibly’ elect it. Where now are Sir John McDonald’s and Mr. Dalton McCarthy’s olï¬uionsaâ€"those great eon- Ititu-tional lawyers-emu the Dominion Government alone, not the Provincial 'Parliament could regulate the liquor trafï¬c. Inn. [hotel point of viewâ€"and this is the View which true temperance emen should takeâ€"it matters little where temperance legislation eulinates from as long as it is equally @ctive in putting down the great evil winst which it is directed, but from a patriotic stand-point thedecision is a very important one, as r his one more rebuke from the highest tribunal of the kingdom to those who Would undermine the whole of our fed: ,.§ra13ystem of Governmentâ€"«me of the best systems in the worldâ€"and have been (tendon-voting to centralize all power in the Dominion House with a View to ac- complishing a Legislative instead of a CE'ederal Union. The decision is one more victory for Provincial rights, for Ontario and for Mr. Mowut, who, out of the several cases he has had occasion to lay before the Privy Council in the in- terests on Ontario, has not yet last one. The Streams Bill . and the Boundarv Award are yet to be laid, before that sugust body, and for theserwe 'anticipate the samesuocess for _ Mr._ f‘Mowa‘t and ~0ntario as in those that have . preceded Ahem. ‘ ' ' RICHMOND Hr“, F;;1;AY.-Jan. 11. ’84. ’ Parliament Summoned. The Ontario Legislature, according to the Canada Gazette, has been ummoned ï¬e meet on the 23rd inst. [It will be a very important session, not only because it is the ï¬rst after the general election, and will therefore determine the strength ‘of Mr. Mowstt and his Government, for upon this depends Ontario’s safety from the wiles of the traitor, but also because there are many matters of importance with which the Legislature must deal. “The changes in the Departmental port folios of the Treasurership and Education will strengthen the hands of the Govern- ment very materially: espicislly so in the letter. Mr. Ross, besides being an ,educationalist of the ï¬rst standing, and thoroughly posted in the requirements of the people, is one of the ablest debaters an the Dominion. The Boundary ques. tion will probably be discussed, but there will be no action to be taken on it, as there has been an agreement entered into zhetween Ontario and Manitoba by which there is a joint occupancy of that portion of the territory in disnute, which lies north end west of the height of land which divides the territory, while Ontario alone occupies the portion to the south ,and east of said height of land, until the matter can be referred to the Privy z-Gouncil for decision. This arrangement. which is the best that could possibly be made for Ontario, shelves the question for the present. One thing, however, is .cercein, viz., that Mr. Mowat will have ,a good majority in the House, and that power placed in the Premier’s hand will "be used in the interests of the Province whose interests he has so 110ny defended in, the past. paper ofï¬ce are naturally supposed to be 'of all sorts. From these an editor has to make careful selection of all those suit- .able for publication. and the remainder has to be conugnod m the waste paper basket. Of course the writemijof repeat- .ed commuuiea‘ï¬ens come b0 the conclus- ï¬rm that the editor is a mighty mean mun. Well, the editor can’t help it. "Were he tn publish all the cummunica- idem he receives indeterminater he would be ,proaounpgd aha! by tlie public, HNTERNATIONAL “wanna Adina? II. P. Hubbard, M, New Haven, Ch, U. S. A. \Mflflur of the Nun," tad Bunk Din-nun of tho Wu“. @1113 fliheml. Communications received in a news- Were w‘eto publish in one book all the silly Waddle of loveaiick mains, the spit- apite drives of fooluh enmitieu and the loquacioua yarne’bf conceited scribble", it would make an interesting volume for pasting scrap: in. We are exceedingly glad, however, to receive pithy pointed and practical items of new: from all sections of the country, and shall be pleased to forward the paper free to those thus contributing Items of intent. One more mark may be put down for whiskey and its victims. On Sunday afternoon last a man was fonndxfrozen to death at Shelburne. He had been to Orangeville on Wednesday last, came to Shelburne and got off the train under the influence of liquor. and started to walk home to his farm in Amaranth, which was the last known of him until found frown on Sunday. When found he had a. bottle of whiskey, partly empty. Yet how unavailing are these warnings, and the authorities continue to legalile this form of murder and suicide. The Ottawa Free Press aaya:â€"â€"â€"How is this for the ï¬rst. of Sir Samuel L. 'l‘illey’a seven tat years “I Gaoler Kelly, of Lon. don, Ont., reports that the gaol is over- crowded. Meu out of work and in re- duced circumstances are flocking in, ask- ing shelter as vagrants. At the funeral of the victims at the Hnmber disaster on Saturday last, the extraordinary spectacle was witnessed of Yuung Britons and Young Irishmen tak- ing part in the same procession. If this disaster should prove to be the means of uniting the two bodies for the good of their common country, then indeed, those who lost their lives at the Humber on Wednesday last, will not have died in Minnâ€"Canadian. Mrs. H. K. Dolbeer, mother of Mrs. W. 0. Patterson. whose death took. place on Dec. tith, 1883, was born at Canaan, New Hamp- shire. May 24th. 1792. She. in company with her husband and one child, came to Perry in 1818 Iron) Franconia, making the entire journey, which occupied four weeks, in their own conveyance. The condition of the roads at that early period in the settle- ment of this part of the country is evidenced by the foot that it took them one whole day to come from Moscow to Perry, distant about seven miles. Boon afl er taking up her resi- denoe in Perrv she united with the Methodist Episcopal church, and at her deoeasn was the oldest living member. For sixty-ï¬ve years she had lived in the same house.â€"-one that for many years furnished a temporary, home for the itinerant Methodist ministers: and others,who always received a hospit- able welcome. A marked trait of her char- roter was her sympathy ,for the poor and friendless, and her kindness of heart and unbounded charity Were limited only by the opportunity to manifest them. Her door was over open to the homeless and many snob there found food and shelter. ‘ How many if living †could rise :up and (3111 her tiessed." With the exception of a slight lapse of memory she retained all her {soul- ties unimpaired. Of her family, her hus- band. the late Captain Wm. Dolbeer. and two sons preceded her to the grave, leaving three daughters, Mrs. A. D. Keeney, Mrs. H. N. Page. and Mrs. W. 0. Patterson.â€" Perry Herald. No suï¬'erer from any scrofuloua disease who will fairly try Ayer’a Saruaparilla, need despair of a cure. It will purge the blood of all impurities, thereby destroy- ing the germs from which scrofula is de- veloped, and will iufm-e Haw life and vigor throughout the whole physical or- ganization. - The following amounts have been con- tributed by the Firm and Employees of Newton Bros., Elgin Tannery, Richmond Hill, for the relief of the families bemaved by the recent Humber Disaster, collected by Mrs James Newton : . . . .. 100 W.Hamil.‘;on.............. 100 T. Hicks.................. WBrackin................ J Brydon O Whitccmbe JJercy . . . . . . ..... JOnnnor ..... GWilliems... . JGlancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WGlanoy.... . . . . . . . . GSims . . . . . . . . . . . . 'HSnirsmilh.............. JRobmaon................ TTeryett.....'. WHeelop...... .......... JWilliame........... .. LMcKinnon....-.... .. TKing........ .......... JClafly........ .....‘..... TGbsgrove......,......... FC_Iaï¬y.......r........... RGarness..y.....;........ . . HHHHHHHHHHHH 823253838888888888888 ’/ Total.‘....... We bend to-duy o'er o. coflined form, And our tea." fell softly down. 0 looked our last on the aged face, With its look of peace, its patient grace, And hair like a. Silva! crown. We touched mgr ow_n_to the clay-cold hands "It‘rom life's 16h}; labor at rem;~ ; And among the blossoms white and [West We noted a._b ugh gt boldep yvheaï¬ â€"Of the land widen-falls no heat ; But the ripe when.) told of toil and cure. T119 patient wgitgng, ï¬psltmsting prayer, p'ï¬z‘é}§fï¬Ã©réd gooï¬'of the year." - ' We know not whgt wqu Igor hands had found. What rugged place her feet ; What m 058 was hers, what blackness of night; We saw but peace, the blossom white, And the bunch of ripened wheat. "Ell-134's;an 31636 to the'sflent breath. The 1910980413 whisp‘enzgd of fadeless bloom, The Humber Relief Fund. RIPENED WH E AT, .-.--~--uun-.y. -..- a......... n... ........oo ~u.....-o..--.. lonn....... ....-p--....... -.-.r.. ....-... HHHHHHHHHHHHHHCH 823253838888888888888888 Obituary NOTICE: TO CREDITORS. The Creditors and all others having claims against the Estate of John White Gate of the Township of Vauozhan in the County of Ydrk and Province of Ontario Farmer, who died on or about the 16th day of August A. D.. 1883 are here- by notiï¬ed to send. by post pre-paid or deliver to Alexander Malloy of Pumleville Poet Ufliee in the Countv of York and Province of Ontario. one of the Administrators of the Estate of the said John White, on or before the A. D., 1884, their christian names and surnames with their addresses and description and full particulars of their claims with a. statement of thensture of the socusities (it any) hold by them ; ,andéflu default thereof and immediately after the ’ 11 De of January, A. 'D.,: ,' the assets 0 e said ohn W111}: will ‘ lie dis: tribute“; much the parties entitled thereto re- gard being 111 only to claims of which notice shall have een given as above required and the flministmtors will not be liable lor the said ets or any part thereof to any person or pen:- sons whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them as above directed at the time of such distribution. iï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©â€˜ï¬Ã©ï¬Ã© “EEK;er "militia ’iï¬eét’e’d.’ If g. ggwed tqggglï¬lngkvery serioug Urqaults gnay The syn toms are moisture, like prespirution ¢ intense the ing, increased bv scratchmg. very distressing. particularly at night, seems as If pin- yyorms were crawling in and about thg rgcguHL ultdwed to continu very serious results may follow. “SWAYNE’ OINTMENT" is a. 1639‘ ant. sure cums Also for Tether, Ich, Salt R eum, Sn-ald Head, Efysipelus, Barbers’ Itch, 310301193 3.11 scmlymruaty Skin Diseases Sent by mai for 50cents: 3;bukes, $1.25. (in stamps). Address ‘DB._§WAIYm GISON, Philadelphia. Pa. Sold )3? V Diuggisbs.‘ We have on hand the following articles, an in good repair, for sale cheap, we have no further use for them : ' 2 Horses, 1 Pony, 2 Cutters, 1 Covered Buggy, 1 Open Buggy, 2 Liï¬ht Spring Was:- gons, suite; 1e for market, or sewing machines. ’etc., 1 Light pair Bob Sleighs, 2 Sets Single Harness, I Set Double Harness. If not disposed of by private sale, will be put up at Eokm‘dt‘s February Auction at Richmond Hill. , 26.4in. Patterson a: Bro On or about Saturday, Dec. 29th, ’93, from Lot No. 20, 3rd ComMmrkhwm. a White Sow about a. year old, short nose and long body. Any one giving such mformatiau as will lead to its re- covery will be paid for their trouble. NANCY A. HOME, Headford P. O. No om; Buys A “ PIG IN g Poms."â€" in other words, purchases on mere guess- workâ€"who buys for his or her relief Northrop & layman’s Vegetable Discov- ei‘y and Dyspeptic Cure. The fact is too well known to leave room for any parad- venture that it is a sovereign curative for indigestion, coatlveness. imnuritiea of the blood, kidney and female troubles, and other inï¬rmities Amos Hndgin. Toronto. writes: " I have been a sufferer from dyspepsia for the past six years. All the remedies. I tried proved useless, until Northrop & Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dye- peptic Cure was brought under mv notice. I have used two bottles with the best re- sults, and can mth conï¬dence recommend it to those W in a like manner. The Rev. Z. P; Wildl, well-known city missionary in New York, and brother of the late emhént Judge Wilda, of the Mupmhniettl Supreme Court, writes u'féiiown Rï¬ï¬‚ather Wflds’ - ‘ EXPERIENCE. "18 E. aw; St, New York, May 16, 1332. Mgssas. J. C. Axum 6: (30., antlgmen : 30th Day of January, Last winter I was troubled With a most uncomfortable itching humor aii’ecting inore especially my limbs, which itched so intolerab at night, and burned so intense- ly. that could scarcely bear any clothing over them. I Was also a sufferer from a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough; my appetite was poor, and my system a good deal run down. Knowing the value of AYER'B SAMAPAEILLA, by observation of many other-leases and from personal use in former years i began taking it for the abOVe-named disorders. My a petite im- proved almost from the ï¬rst use. After a short time the fever and itching were allayed, and all si no of irritation of the skin disappeared. [y oatarrh and cough were also cured by the some means, and my general health greatly improved, until it is now excellent. I feel a hundred per cent stronger, and I attribute these result: to they're of the SARSAPARILLA, which I recommend with all conï¬dence as the best Nood‘medicine ever devised. i took it in small doses three times a da , and used, in all, less than two bottles. place these Mots at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. “ï¬rms.†The above instance is but one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfebl: adaptability of AYER‘s SARSA- PAMLLA to the cure of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood. and a Weakened vitality. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blond, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Scrnï¬h lous Diseases, Empta‘ons of the Skin, Rheu- matism, ’Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a. low state of the system. JACOB Smu, ) Dated this 16th Dav of December, A. D.. 1383. cure Constipation Indiï¬glstion; Headache, ï¬nd all Bi‘lious sorders. Sold by all Drugglsts; price 61, six bottlel for 85. PREPARED 'BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. ; AYER'S ,CATHARTIC ' PILLS. atlve Medicine Itching Pilesâ€" Symptoms and Cure, sold everywhere. Always relianc- STRAY E137 ALEXANDER Manor, FOR SALE Administrators. 16-ly This Space W. ATKINSON. HARRY COLLINS, GRANn CHRISTMAS '8ALE. Ladies of Richmond Hill are respectfully invited to inspect our Grand Display 5f Christmas Goods. In Electra Plate ware we show Cruets, 3.60, 5.00, 7.50. 10.00 to 15.00 Butter Diahes, 3.00, 3.50%} 50 to 8.50 Cake Baskets, 4.00, 5.00, 6 50 to 15 00 Pickles, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50 to 7.50. Card Receivers, 2.50, 3.25. 5. 00 to 9.50 Cups, 1.00, 1 50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.75 Toast Racks, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00 We place these good upon the market at prices never before oflered. I We hope to receive a call from every Lady- in Riche mond Hill. \ - HARRY A. coLLms. Tea Spoons, A 1 heat, 3.75 per dozen Dessert do., A 1 best, 6.00 'do. Table do', A 1 best, 6.75 do. Dessert Forks, A 1 beat, 6 00 do, Table do. A ] best, 6.75 do. Butter Knives, A 1 best, 80 cts. each, Pickle Forks, A 1 best, 80 do. Dessert Knives, 12 dwa., 4. 50 per 'doz. Table Knives, do. 5.00 do. In Cutlery. Rodgers’ Dinnér knives 7. 50 to 10.00 dez do. Dassart do. 6.75 to 8.00 90 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. WATCH so ‘ HINGE-STREET, Tin Ware, ’ nted, from 6.75 to 15.00 each. Brass Fire Irons 7.50 to 152.00 per set Brass Candle Brackets 1.00% 1.50 each Toys, " A Lame Collection of every kind; House Furnishing Goods. A Full Assortment of Enamelled Ware. do. carvera, 3.00 to 4.00 pair do. Game Carver- 3.00 to 3.50 do. Pocket knives. 250 to 250 each In Brass Goods, Beautiful Seances. mnunted and unmou- Wooden Wm, Granite Ware, TORONTO. _An_d_ Vicinity