OAK HALL MUST Trillium TRENCH’S ' AYER’S . -CARRIAGE WURKS." Cherry Pectoral. â€"OF ALLâ€"â€" M ‘ ‘ Y - . . - w REL ll MON D HILL. Lo other complaints are so insidious in their attack as those atfecting the throat and lungs: _IS THE... )0( none so tnitled with by the majority of slill'el“ ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting: WHAT WE WILL GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS DURING CERISTMAS f In returning thanks to my numerous perhaps from ‘1 trifling 01†unconscious ex» , riends for their liberal patronage during Dowâ€, is one" 1’“ the beginning of a fatal AND NEW YEARS' HOLIDAYS l (3} I . 3le game. We Will give a WATERBURY sickness. Area’s Carma? Yeoman. has: well proven its efï¬cacy in a forty years’ tight with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cases without delay. STEM-WINDING WATCHï¬ilver namymzmggmmg m, .. plated and full d1a1, to all, our cus- ever inmaucea. tomers Who buy a Su1t or Overcoat costing Twelve Dollars, If prefer- red, we W111 give a Lad1es Fasmon- able Beaver Mantle, asour: Christ- mas and New Year’s G‘rlfts., ' the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and coin- __m0dious premises, I am enabled to supply A Terrible Cough Cured. “ In 18.5? I took a severe cold, which affected my lungs. I had a terrible cough, and assert! Ph night after night without sleep. The actors: , gave me up. i tried Area’s CHERRY Par» TURAL, which relieved my lungs, induced . sleep and attended me the rest necessary for the recovery of in strength. By the 1 continued use of the scream. at permaâ€" nent cure was cll'ected. 1 am now 62 years - id 2 - v ‘ -v C applage S, arts? 12%??? dléld‘lileimfle“ "m ‘ ' Mormon Funnnornnn." Rookmgham, Vt., July 15, 1852. Cutt ers, . I . Sle1ghs and SPLATFURM SPRING * WAGUNS. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. as the work is under my own supervisr .l. I am also prepared to do all kinds of black smithing (e repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. ' Horse - Shoeing I :3 Paid special attention to. WM TRENCH. C. P. LENNOX, DENTIST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Has the exclusive right for the use 0 Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of 200.000, SOLD YEARLY ! Croup. -~A Mother’s Tribute. “ While in the country last winter my little hey, three years old, was taken ill With croup; it seemed as if he would (lie i'rom strangu- lation. One of the family suggested the use of AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, a bottle of which’wns. always kept in the house. This was tried _in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doc- tor said that the Cmvznnv l’sc'ronsr. 11ml- saved my darling‘s life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely yours, v M ns. EMMA Genxnv." 159 W est 128th St., New York, May 16, 1882. _ “I have used AYER’S Cm:le Pncronu. In my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. CRANE." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. “ I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no suc- cess, l was cured by the use of AYER’S CHER< Int PECTORAL. Jessi-u WALDnN.†Byhalia, MisswApril 5, 1882. “I cannot say enough in praise of AYFR’R Cmcnnv Fno'rmmnr Believing as I do that) but for its use I should long since have died! from lung troubles. E. BitAoDON." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. Mouse of an infection ot4tlie throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Anna‘s CHERRY PEcronAt, and it will always can when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine. PREPARED BY Dr..l. C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell, Mass. Sold hy-all Di-uggists. 1 Has more pomts of excellence than al other Machines combined. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS T0 DEALERS. â€"_ i See the WATBHES AND MANTLES‘ any game getting gunman: (to _ 30 UNION SQUARE, In our W1ndows. NEW YORK. Jan. 20th. ’83â€"1v. OUR STOCK OF Suits & Overcoats is The Largest in Canada to Choose from. OAKHALL, 115 to .121 King-Street, Toronto, | and No. 8 James St., Hamilton. TLEYS’ You can get Mrs. Clark’s splendid . new COOKERY BOOK. J not issued, 1359 Recipe, with each 3 LBS. 0F H-quon TEA, .._AT_._. MRS. HARRISON’S {Also Beautiful Albums, all size, Web- ster’s and Nuttals Dictionaries, with 80.- 000 references, or your own choice from a catalogue of 1000 volumes. 0. “mile, 0! illi'tilCilk‘HiHI‘, Ontario Ct: N Y., writrs: “I obtained immediato relief from the use of Dr Tlmmas’ Eclec- tric Oil I haw. llâ€.(l urillrma for eleven years. Have been nbl Lauri to sit up all night for ten or tw-h 9. vi 9 in success~ ion. Ican 'mw slurp .‘~-'Il' y on n feath- er bed. which I luv L nu‘ ll wn able to do Drl-‘Vlivll‘1 in n... , 0L,†VITALIZE'D‘AJlIl. __ Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases.- BEST SETS ARTIFICIAL r TEETH ON RUBBER, â€" â€" - $8.50 The best Confectionery always on hand MRS. HARRISON’S New Tea Store, RICHMOND HILL, Opposite Masonic Hall. P Dry Goods and clothing House Overcoats. Men’s Winter Overcoats in Beavers. Pilots, Meltons, Naps, Diagonals, Tweeds and Worsteds at $450, $6, $7.50, $9, $10, $12 and up at ' - How Many Miles do You Drive! THE 0N. CELLULOID, â€" â€" $10.00 , I use no cheap material and warrant . V D O M E T E R every set. _ I b . G R L A T . Gold Fillmg,and all other operations ;, ,4 Will Ten . skilfully performed, at moderate fees. Call and see me. No trouble to an- "' l- owe on RELEVE. DIZZSNESS. DROPS?) FLUTWERHG Gl' THE HEAR-T» AClEll'i’ 0F Till: KTOMACH‘, CKEN, », . using; from ~ BTOMAOH, , This instrument is no larger than a watch. It tells the exact number of miles driven -o the l-IUUth part oi a mile ; counts up to 100.) : unles ; water and dust tight; always in ord- er ; saves horses from being overdriven ; is easily attached to the wheel of a linggy, Carriage, Sulky, Wagon, [load Cart, Sulky Plow. Reaper. Mow- 141 Yonge Street, Toronto er}, or other vehicle. Invaluable to Livnsr. MEN, PLEssan [)sivnas. PanxcuNs, FARM- (40 Years Established) * mm, Summons, Dauuss, EXPRESBMEN, ' STAGE Cwnnns, the. Price only $6.00 For gOQ‘d and Cheap watch“ 10., r mm. Toronto. each, one-third the price of any other' Odo. , 88' (JIOCkS’ Jeweflryi 811‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- were when. orderine siv‘“w"iamem ~~f we gerrgzzgagghsréctades asses.-agrirshsrgsr wheel. Sent by mail on receipt of price, ' ‘ . . swer questions. April, 23rd, 1883.â€"1v. 60 T0 E. M. MOR-PH‘Y can Petleys’. Winter Suits. Men’s Winter Suits in English, Scotch, German and Canadian Tweeds, Worsi-‘ ed, etc, at $6, $7 50, $105 $12, $13.50, $15, and up at lie. Capital not necw . We will _h__. start you Men, women, boys. and post paid. Ad ress ED. was wanted everywhere to WOI‘li for us. New is â€" _ a.“ a 1. me. Y Hi can work in re time, or gm. ’ McDonnell Odometer Co. or Jim‘wwie time to the] basins. ,Nu other bgi :El . E ) l I y t 1:355 will pay vou new: y as we .. -m one can i . 2 North La Salle St., Chicago. 2â€"3â€" 82 _ m max. enormous pay. by eiw' “ingat one. 33" Send for Circular. Aug.I7â€"6m "wan outï¬t and terms free. M » made last »â€"~â€" “any; n. a - unorably. Address E 65 Co Pants- . famaaananm Men’s All-Wool Tweed Pants at $2, $2.50, 33, $3.50, $4, $4.50 and up at g C R R S 3 Mom“... alanine ' CORN CURE is a certain, speedy Petleys’. .. I s, Extractor. It will remove hard y ' . ' or Soft euros, and make a perfect INDEX To.sts:Asss, Comrumn-s and Accra:sz which HAcwuzn’s YELLOW Oil. is umn- - 7 teed to cure or telievo either in or BEAST. . null turniqu m , (moor. canons, ms, some 111120.42; at 451m, corms, so. must txrznmtv FDR _j Rmvmrrsx, NEURALGLI, ~ OHEBLAINS, CALLovszms “ 5mm, sum JOINTS, ~ V; anus, v 12220573111", ‘i muss, comvs, cozvmaczzoxs saunas, 2». LUMBAGO, II'CH', WW \\ the Year ‘ 78th hi sag" e, . .3, f, 2 5.4, hat a. . seen. ,1; And for Pr." 3- the Blood. , E ‘ It ins been in use for :0 yon rs. and has Our Stock of Boys’ and Youths' Clothing is particularly large and well selected Q C l i I E l this season, and consists of over 2000 Suits and I500 overcoats. Parents in want of E in a short Hme’withoug the Suï¬â€œ. Clothing for their Boys should not fail to visit Q ‘ est pain. FOR'SALE AT Petleys,- gDilworth’s Drug StorB. ‘ (11;) h. r .non in thef . . g 168 King street East, between ‘, 5‘3,- pmmmss, PAIN INBACK, ; ‘ the Clyde and Nippissmg Hotel t Us '11er ribs E if; arms, PAINin 511m,“ .:.d all mm. :3, i' . _ r: . Q if} that an"; iirmd l.ivor\oi‘-Eiin l Every bade guaranteed m 3‘“ m neemeeee i , tion or money refunded. .5 impure blood. Thom- as c? 0:1“ Inst ’. ' DillEllTlUllsmTl EABH BomE. WIDE 95¢. people take it and give it to t "i‘ ' inns yrcsmi llOiIi‘f retain , 'l'.‘ "' n "‘ flow Dom: l‘ondu- I humid, .; -‘ r u. and ‘ ' MN" Items and ‘ole and ran- ‘ e CULSLII'IHOD. amines m use for Our Stock of Men’s, Youth’s and Boy‘s Underclothing is simply immense and April 9, ’83'13/ contains all classes and kinds of goods from the Heavy Canadian Ribbed Goods to the ï¬nest Scotch Lambs Wool, and in all the sizes to ï¬t Boys of three and up and in Men’s from 34 to 46 inches. Retail at and below wholesale ï¬gures at P T I E s F O R S A l ,E} E . Y S 3 ‘ An excellaht lot, 90X182,in the “ 1mm" or ' cCLlltieB. Anv one can do the work properly from g a p _ ‘ VILLAGE or ~ UNIONVILLE, V a __ A 8t on which there isagood store and dwelling at- send us one 60111:, and w: \fiii‘tveiiiiul't 5,111.3Eff;talgaesi‘i‘heElii‘igiigifewhiigglailnihlilgd tnehed, also it small cottage. For particulars up- , to them. ' | free_ No one who want as mus to maka monev ’Ply ‘0 1 '7. SCSh’STGN (‘5 E'.‘ . 5:3'11ui016i117é‘9- \ rapidly. You can devo eyour whole time to the TORO'NTO. -- saggyggml ' atrium & 00., mm c TORONTO. ONT. writ“ ,, ~ I people are always on the lookout for .« >hunccsrt0 increase their earnings. 5 and in time ixecome Wealthy; those , who do not im rovo their opportl', , '. ‘ - ties remain in poverty. X e offer a . rent chan’ J to make money. lVe want many men, womea. boys and girls to work for us right in their lo- ‘W .. 0".“ ('"lf’p'ifl'fl Lonlc, o: six vâ€" ' , this medicine from tin 1:11.02; work. or only yourgspare action eiictp Fugggfor- . ~ ~‘ rm » «3+ matiunand chime IS noez 6( sen ree. rose ’ ' Stimson & Co Portland. Maine. w W A v“:-->-.-‘â€"-n.-.. «. W-wâ€"rwm)