Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jan 1884, p. 1

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: 3:1 in; ,. as; am we 1: ‘94! 4 , . ; e931? eartng ape nge r w. xi w: Societies. RIcuMoND LODGE, A. F. 62 A. M., No.23, G.R~C --â€"Meeta in the Lodge Room,M&sonic Kaupn the TMonday on or before full moon. at 8 o’clock pm; JIsaac Crosbv. VVJ'M. Unionviue ...... "13% Monday of each m‘dnth Weston ...9th and 215% “ Ma. le .. .. ...16th “ “ Bic mond H111 ...19th ' “ Woodbridgé....... ‘ 22nd Mr. Husband will be found in his office, New- ton Brook, eVery Saturday, except {than jamm- qufslls on the shove dates. Sr. MARY s EPIHGOPAL Gunmanâ€"Service at 3 .11)., except the third {Sunday of every month, "when the service and sacrament are held at 11 mum. Sunday $chool M: 1:30 pm Rev. W. Bums, Rector. fl‘hankful for the favors of the past ten years, may still be consulted in any branch nf the proâ€" !ession, as follows: Aural-2L, lst, am, 16611, and 22nd of «NW month. Newmarket ....................... 2nd fiichmond Hill... . . .9bh and 24th ( Palmer House) Stouffville .«....18th Hark [mm A. .. Victoria Square .. 2151: 'l‘hornhill.. . . . . .. . . 28rd Maplu ...96th 'Woolbridge ,. 28th Kleinburg 29th N bletonu 30th do. in. 10. 10. do. do. do do. do. 0 Thornhill, PREBBYTERIAN CHURCH or CANADLâ€"Sel‘vices It 11 o’clock a..m.,n.nd 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting agn Wednesday evening “7:30. Rev. 1. Campbell aster. MEcaAmcs’ INSTITUTE.â€" Library 01 over 1000 ‘volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma.- .‘ionic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law, Libra.- rian. Lectures and discussions periodically. melom) HILL CORNET BANEâ€"Meets for _ notice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at ‘ .mo’clock. J. Powell Lender. VILLAGE (Iowanâ€"Re vo, John Brown Coun- «cillors Masses. Isaac Crosby, A. Moodia, B. E. lew an > H. F.Hcppar. (Hulk, M. .eetv. ROMAN CATHOLIC cannon.#8m~vices in order as follows Thornhill at 9 a..m.,vb.nd Richmond Hillmt 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Richâ€" mond Hill at 9 3.111.. and Thornhill at 10:30 a..m., tlternuting with Markham every third Bundav. Will visit the following places profesflonally :â€" Dr. Geo. lmngstafl Has removed from King, and commen- med practice at Thornhill. N (W. 6m, ’82â€"“. Ernest F. Langstafl. RICHMOND HILL. Office hours: 9 a. m. 2 p. m. and 7 n. m. _____ R. '1‘. of Tampemnce, Richmondifiill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall,eaoh alter- ,pative Tuesday evening atSU’cl-mkp m. Bene- ficiary carbificates issued to male or female v embers for $1.006 or in case of death $2,000, one ' alt myablc in case of disability. .J. H. Sander- Jon Select Councillors; J. A. Sturgiwn Stewart. Recording Secretarv. ‘ W. J. Charlton M. D.. C. M.,M. C. P.S. 0. Late ,0! Toronto General Hospital, Bhvsicia. Surgeon as 0 "me flours: 9 to 11, 2 to 4. and 6 t 7.30. ‘IE'FIE LIBERAL PRINTING N PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, â€" â€" ONTARIO. J. 3. Sfifiuzgeen Stuart, METHODIST CHURCH on CANADA -â€"Serviceu at 10:30 a..m.. and 6:80 p. m.,a.nd Sunday school, 11,122.30 p. 111‘ General I’ Meeting every Thurde evenmg and Young pncple's Prayer meeting every Friday even-n 1n the Lecture Room Revs. J. E. Betta, amid. . Starr. pastors. The Methodist sabbath schoolTehxperance As locioffiion issue Eledgc cards everyflunday when desired. Wm. artisan sup’r RICHMOND L. l). L.,No. W8.â€"Meets in the Tem- perance Hall, on the Friday on or before full mo on. at 8‘clc-4-J; p.m. C. E. Sheppard, WM. BICEMONDJIEL TEMPLE, No. 465,L 0. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hull‘ every Wednesday oveninrz. at 7.30 o’clock. Wm. Harrison T. D. Medalist Toronto Univsrsihn I Member ‘ (‘0 Thysioinnsfix’ Surgeons, Ont..,(la.te of Stoufivine Yonge Street, Ridhmond Hill. Ofi'xce Hours to 10u‘m.,5608p-.m. Btouffville ., . . .. ...118th lo. Inrklmm A. .. > ...2ocn 10. Victoria Square.. 2151: do. l‘hornhill.. . 28rd do. Kaplu .. 26th do Woolbridg , 28th do. Kleinburg. .. 29th (10. I bleton‘... ........ 30th 0 Anaesthetics, as Nitrous 0xide,etc.1 used when rdered, and none) but the bestmatoria] used. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aurma. Ont. » Dr. 0rr, Maple, Office hours: 8 to 9.30 8,. mg and to 2.30 13. ms FRIDAY MORNING -6-’83-IV2 G. H. Husband. L. D. 8., ‘1 BUSINESS CARDS. VOL. VI. REMOVED. Dr. McConnell. Graduate of Toronto University, Dr. Charlton. “’eswn. Dr. James Langstafl EDITOR and. PROPRIETOR. per annum, in advance.] “@112 @ibml ” wilinge Qirettnrg. IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. WV. J. Wilson» Dr. A. Robinson, Churches. SURGEON DENTIHW‘ wtdiwl. ’Ziéittai. DENTIST, NEWTON BROOK. AND AT the 10. 10. do. do. do do. do. Ont Eight Building Lots” for Sale on Centre Street East, only $100 ewh,15 get cent. down for pick of the lots; Also Two ew Houses, 5rooms, on Richmond Street. ;DR. LANGSTAI’FE FOR. SAIJE ? ,moafienxmemmqr gor‘“ the . names o‘fWTDI buwmpud ‘Peeir= Goods ismu'on/vcnmbgnmanh General €11,163 of stook. am. promptly attendgd ‘ to at reasonable rates. P. address, ( UNIONVILLE. ‘ :3“ GOOD VALUE 166 King Street East, loan at 8 pa;~ cent on approved 0%?szme $91031“? Nails, Looks Bolts. Hinges Wire. 860., 85c. Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes l3? LOW PRICES. The Palmer House. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Elwingxrecently built the above House on hhe siB of the old Stagfi Hotel, and furnished it throu out in first-class snyle, I am prepared to sine t a public‘ the best of accommodMions Good stumbling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves shin Heuse at 7:50 am. for Toronto and leaves Tomto 9.123130 mm. James C. Stokes, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits {our patronage and friendly influence. sales at ended on the shortest notice and at reuouabe rates. P. 0. address, King. Bansiters, Attorneys-“Law, Solicitors-in- ChauceryProctox-s in AdmiraltyCouxts. Con- veyancers etc Millichnmp’sbuild ings, Adelaide streetfloronto. opposite Vlotorianreeb. dwardBlake,Q,C. 8.8; Blake Q.C.J ‘K. Kerr, .0. Waltsroaasels, W.B.Mullock. C.A.Broug 0.1. Holman. 3‘ Camels. K.Maclean Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the uounty of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having farms or 10138 for iale, or wishing Insur- ance m life or property will have their orders promptly “tended to by the above. Money 00 again at time; cgpt on gpmved h‘sehom security Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York, re- spectfully solicits your atronage and friendly influence. sales attends an the shortest notiue and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest not-ice,a.nd at rea- mbe mfies. Address Nobleton P. 0 Importer of Watches, clouks and fine jewellery a shock of Diamonds and precious smnes always on hand THIRD DOOR SOU'lH 0F QUEEN srmm'i‘, TORONTO. l-L-r-Munufacturmg of jewwery. and repairinqof watches and clocks on 13113111195419”, a. apepialty Old Iron, Rags, Brass, kc.,broght for Cash at Cit Pricel. C imnev Sweeping attended to on shortest notice. Jan.6th.’83â€"1v. WILKINS’ BROS Keeps the Largest and best Secected Stock of Alame amount of Money to Lend on farm or cytv mp'arty mterest'l per cent; no commis- 'l‘fitmkiug our fiatrons and friends for their lib- eralipanron'agv i). the past. we beg to state than we have juat, received a. large stock of new goods in lamest designs. A large stock 01 Elgin and Wanthmn watches kept on hand. IT’S A FACT 0.1qu 8mg. .Waxfich Maker, H A R D W A R E IN TORONTO. And dealer in Watches, Clocks,a.nd Jewmlj Richmond Hill Ont. FREDERICK WHITLOCK, Richmond Hill. A Farm of 200 acres to cent. Apply to A. MCQUARRIE, 22-tf . MAPLE. flOSE. MACDONALD, MERITT & CO. 23-4383.- BUILDING HITS Blake. Kerr, & Cassels. TO RENT ! N. J. Armstrong, Money to Loan. afimnuauenus. George Eakin, A. _ Lg igkeele. S. M. Brown. â€"-â€"-THATâ€"â€" J. W anlmss. Umor Loan bailain I RICHMOND HILL. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, ’84. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. flaunts}. 2mm. giants. “Ifl Essentials, Unity,- in Nan-Essenlidls, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Near Nipisainy Hotel. Mrs. Barnhart, cor. Pratt and Broad. way, has been a sufferer for tweIVe years thruugh rheumatism, and has tried evevy remedy she could hearnf, but reCeived no benefit until she- tried Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil: she says she cannot. ex- press the satisfaction she feels at having her pain entirely removed and her rheu- matism cured. There are base imitations of this medicine for sale; see that yea get Dr. ’l‘homaa’ Eclectric Oil. famine” to assist. in the war against France; Over sixty buildings are reported 1-0 have been wrecked and several houses nnroofed by a cyclohe in the county of Crompton, (2110., last Wednesday. Weighed in the balance, but rmt fmmd wanting. Nurthrop (b Lyman’s Vege- table Disenvery and Dyspeptic Cure has been weighed in that just balance, the experience of an impaih‘n) and intelligent public. Buth remedially and pecnni arin it is a. success. ,Its sales constamly increase, teatimnnyfll its favor is daily [mnring in. The quentinn of its efl‘icncy in Dvspepaia, Liver Complaint, Kidney Ailments, and for Blood lmpuriticsfis de- cided. Awr’s Sursnparillais tlhn :ési potent of health blond purifier, and a flyllnhfi v ' 32951 x : if‘fizmthThW' b? V“ ("Mei ‘ Aypr’s Hair Vigor improves the beauty of the hair and prnmntea its growth. It imparts an attractive appearance, a. de- lightful ard lasting perfume. While It stimnlnfes the mats. cleansed the vacalp, and adds elegance loinxnriancejm s-fi'ects are enduring; and thus it proven itself to he the best and cheapest, article for toilet use. Judge Gait on Saturda gave his de- cision in the Buthwell ele tinn case. giv- ing the seat to the Hon. David Mills. Mr. W. R Lazier, Bailiff. &c., Belle- ville, writes: “ I find Dr. Thomna’Eclec- tric Oil the best medicine I have ever Used in my stable. Ihnve used it for bruises, scratches, wind pnfl's and cuts. and in every case it gave the best satis- faction. We use it as a household rem- edv for colds, burns, &c.,, and it is a perfect panacea. It wiil remove warts hy paring them down and applying oc- casionally "a Captain Johnston of the Salvation Army. New Haven, chums $10,000 dam» ages for her recent alleged unauthorized arrest. Mr. H McCaw. Custom House, To mntn, writes: “My wife was trnubled with dvspepsia and rhéumatism far a lung time: she tried many difl'erent medicines. but. did not get any relief un- til she used Northrup & Lyman’s Vege- Mble Discovery and Dynpeptic Cave. She has taken two bottles of it, and now finds herfvlfin better health than she has been for years.” On Saturday the mails of Thursday had not reached the post offices in; the mwnships, within fifteen miles of King ston. El Malhdi is reported ti) marching on Khartoum with 70,000 6: ps. The Queen will spend a 'igaonsiderable part of the spring on the o ‘ jnent. Recruiting has commeno ' iiin Toronto for the new Cavalry-Infantgyflchool. Senator Edmunda has re-elected President of the Unitedsufigés Senate. Dr. Ross. the new Qnég‘éo Premier, not yet succeeded in forming}; Ministry. The Cnfirt of appeal has (rpm) the East Northumbe petition trial. fused to re~ d election ‘All-thaerican barque, for Port- land, Oregon, h'as been lostifit 'sea. with all on board. Telephone communicatiqfi has opened between Landon, Windsor ‘ a - Chutham on_Mon§uy. " A Khartoum deapatch at}. (m bnfh sides of the Blue / V elated fur El Mahdi. e people ‘hav'le de- 'A" ,§r'néin.n}1}}‘}i3'f iii; Eggn- lishing ]icenfie districts for of the new Liaeme Act Mother Graves’ Worm has no equal for destroy! children and adults. ‘ : terminator worms in England and France hflagbpened ne- gntiatinns regarding the mifoundlaud fisheries. ’ Thus Sabin. of Eglintnzigifwrsayrs: “I have removed ten coma fig " , my‘ feet, with Holloway’s Cornflme.» Two companies will flip} ment at. the coming set-sin brldge the river St. Lawren NEWS FOR fl GLANCE. med estab- g purpoaes to Parlia- {épower to Mr. Rebel-t Patten, New Delaval,Eng., was much overcome by severe inflamma- tion of the bladder. “ I had to urinate about every five of ten minutes with great pain and suffering. My water was full of matter and blood. Both kidneys and liver were affected, and in addit' m I had a bad cough and heart trouble” (all pre- sumably the secondary 33th of the kid: Mr. J. Hiscu‘ck, station master, Tuff Vale railway, Navuguliuu station, was cured of abscess of the kidney, calculus or stone, discharge of pus, etc., by. blur- teen bottles of Warner’s bafe Cure. “ I had long and faithfully tried some of the ubleht medical men in South \Vales, 1n mm, one of them remarking that medi- cal science has failed to find a reude for confirmed kidney disease. The Safe Cure dissolved and brought, away about two ounces of stone. l‘can never praise the Safe Cure too highly.” Mrs. E. Game, 125 Broad street, Lon- don, W. Eug., sufl‘cmd for years from female weakness, skin eruptions, and in] pure blood, but‘after using Warner’z Sate Cure, she says: "My healch is better now than it, has been for years.” H. F. West, Esq., 16 Burton Ureacenn, W 0., Luuduu, frum his own experience " strongly reenmmeuds Wnruw ’3 Safe, I"lure tu all persons suffering from kidney and liver complaint, as the best remedy known.” Mr. Henry Maxted, 1 Penusbnry Private Ruad, Wadsworth Road, London, Eug., was cuned by Warner's Safe Cure of enlarged liver which produced immb~ nests in his left leg. with a. dead heavy feeling and Glzzllieus on the l‘lL'iit side of his head. “I. have recmnmcnded it,” he says, " to several 0f my friends, must of whom have derived great benefit; from Mr. William Junes, 16 \Vellingtcn SL, Cmnburne, England, says that. ha was lernnghly treated in Sc. 'Burthuhmnew‘u hospital. Londuu, Eng , for urinary dia- nrders and weakness. He used Warner’s Safe Cure and he says: “ I am like a new man.” It, cured him of indigessiuu, tumbles of the hnwels, excessive urina- tion and nervous pruerutiun. He ands: “ I was taking various medicines for over twu years from the best, doctors, and all in vain, but after taking Warner’s Safe Cure for (mly four weeks, I was brought, from death to life.” in. u Mr. W. Clarkson, Hartington, Vlllas, Spital. Chesterfield, Eng., used Warner’s \‘afe Cure for liver complaint, dyspepsia, flatulence, vomiting of bile, and mental depression. January 15th, 1883, he writes: “ After using the eighth buule I feel better than for many years. It. Is an invaluable medicine." R. C. Snwerby, Helensburg, N. B., was obliged to relinquish his prefessional duties because of a severe kidney and 13krwlxlplaizjt. ~~Afm£ using n.__dn en 0‘ ' n‘fir‘Wm‘i‘éIfis Suffilhcfifb’fie '55933 “ I am tn-day better than i have been for twenty years, and I cheerfully recmn mend the Safe Cure to all who are sulfur- ing from these diseases. ’ I J. D. Henry, Esq, a near neighbor of the late Thomas Carlyle, Chelsea, S. W., London, Eng, became very much em- hciated from lung continued liver and kidney disliriers, the treatment he had sought. from the vast medical authorit’es working onlv temporuy results. He then began the use nf Warner‘s Safe Cure, and in May 15th last, declared “I am now feeling physically anew creature. A friend of minelo whom I recommend- ed the Safe Cure for kidney, liver and various diseases. also speaks of'it in the highest terms. ’_’ In September last, one of the English forresters of India returned to London, Eng, utterly broken down and debarred from further service by reason of what the examining physicians pronounced in- curable kidney dieorders and dropsy. He was comparatively a young man, and felt depressed over the situation. Inci- dentally learning, however, of the power of Warner’s Safe Cure, which has attractâ€" ed so lunch attention of late, he began its use. Within three months he was thoroughly restored to health, passed medical examination as a sound man and is to-day discharging his duties as well as ever in the trying climate of India. The day for pretenders has passed. Men are judged by What they can do not by what they say they can do. The read- ing public or today is too discriminating to be long deceived by the spurious. If an article has merit; it will become popu- lar; if it is unwm-thy it, will sink into oblivion. For years the people of Em:- land and America haVe put to the sever- est tests a compound regarding which most, ambitious claims have been made. Under such ordeals as it has been sub- jected to, nearly every known preparation would have failed, th this one did not. In England and the United States to-duy, it. is the most widely known and popular of all public preparations In verifica- tion of which note the following: Prominent English Opinions upon an Important Subject ofgreat ualue to every reader. TRUST WORTH Y TESTIMONY. manifwmmmm ' W " f’ “ . mefis‘ to bulgficicn‘ylfi~ience. '(Frdm Our Own Corresnondent.) Yohr Correspondent having so many Pugagements at this social season of the year. has been unable to comply with ynur request in furnishinrr the news of the village. _ A new store has been opened .for the convenience of the suburban populationJ The enterprising merchant is Mr. E.“ dame, :90 long known as the accommoé' dating merchant of Langsbafi'. ’l he recent municipal elections for Vaughan and Markham made our village l‘nthnl‘ lively for (me day. it was rather amusing to see the earnestnesa the friends of the different candidates manifested during; the dayâ€"button hiding electors, speaking to them in lnw, confidential tunes, sending for careless electorsâ€"“me would think that the Welfare of the whole community was at stake fur the present year, whereas it probably would not make fifty cunts difl'exénce in the taxes of any of the electnrs who was elected. When Inth came and the ballots were counted it was rather annnymg to some hf the hestwurkers to find that they had ln-en bringing in electors fun the candidates they had been endeavoring to have left, at home. Such wurk should nut only be recognized but rewarded, for the work was good no matter what the mtentmnn were. J Thompson, of omnibus fame. haa . . . ,, plll'chflsrd the “ Christmn Huuse, and also the Mortimer homestead, and is pre- paring the house and stables suitable fur xesxdence and bueiuuss, to which he in- tends ramoving in March. S-Ich testimonials, trum such unques- tionable sources prové the value of this remedy, which is sold in every drug store, beyond the shadow of a doubt. They prove that it is the greatest of all modern medicines fur these terrible kidney and liwa-disrauee. What it has done for one ibwill unquestionably doufor others, and Williiun Simpson, Esq , Daughty Mill, Kirkcaldy, N. B. , suffered for years from Bright’s disease of the kidneys and con- sequent dropsy. His body was dread- fully swollen. His apetite was fickle, he was full of rheumatic pains, his urine burned in passing and was full of mucous and brick dust sediment; his pulse was weak, his heart was irregular in its action, his breathing was very much impaired. in short he had all the painful symptoms of that dreadful disorder. He spent 17 weeks in" the Royal Infirmary, of Edin~ burgh, under the skill of the best physi- cians who, having exhausted all agencies at their command, discharged him “ as incurable.” He says: " I passed water every hour, day and night, having great pain while doing so. It was nearly white as milk, with albumen, and when it stood for an hour, the deposit was a quarter of an inch thich in the bottom of the vessel. ’. When in this desperate Condition, he be. gan to use Warner’s Safe Cureâ€"the only known specific for Bright’s disease of the kidneysâ€"“ I have used twelve bottles,” he says, and his health is so restored that he adds: "I bless the day when I read that Bright’s disease was curable and for so little cost. ’7 Hull. Freeman H. .\'Iofsu,8 Park Villas East, Richmond. Captain F. L. Norton, Gliugall Villa, Lee. Road, Blacksmith, Kent. Hon. S. B. Packard, 14 Alexandra Drive. Liverpool. Hun. A. 1). Shaw United States Con- sul, Manchester. The Rev. C G. Squirrel, Stretton- unvier-Fosse, Rugby. ' The Victoria Hall 00. are giving a senes uf concerts for the benefit of the Cu, They deserve the patronage ol the public, as It dovelnpes home talent anti gives the young people an evening’s enâ€" Jel'tuinment. besldes collecting a litcle money towards the better protection of the hall. Some people object to Satur- day night, concerts, out the directors should know what is best morally and financlally. The charges against our hotel keepers for selling liquor on Sunday failed in court, owing to there being only one witness. the person making the charge. That there is liquor sold nu Sunday in our taverns is not denied, but local wit.- nesnws are a little shy of giving informa- ti‘ 1), hm; a youth has volunteered to give information if his name is kept from the public. We will wait for further develr olnueuts. ' ‘THE filflfl’fieflé. ney and bladder disorder). He says that after curmg his bladder. kidney and liver trouble by Warner‘s Safe Cure, his cough and palpitation are quite gone. The following persons of quality in London and other parts of England, are 9, few of the thousands who have used. and have Commended Warner’s Safe Cure, the great specific for kidney, liver, urin- ary, female and brights disease: $1.00 IN ADVANCE. [Single copies, 3 C’CS- THORNHILL No. 28.

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