Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jan 1884, p. 7

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Interesting Items of Heirs from all Parts of the World. UNITED STATES. b’ In the past twelve month; over $600,000.- ;00 passed through the Sub<Treaaury in Wall treat. During the past year Police Justice Walsh. of Brooklyn, tried 7755 cases and collected fines to the amount of $4348.25. Strawberries are in the Savannah market. Although very early in the season, the fruit is grown in the open ground just east of the city. The market opens at $1 per box. At Kansas City 32,000 acres of land in Stafford county, Kansas, have been sold for $160,000 to capitalists of Stauuton,‘ Virginia, who intends to mlom'zz Dankards on the land. ‘ The list of failures in the United States during the past year is very heavy, over ten thousand having occurred. Cook. who murdered his wife at Spring- field, Mo., has been sentenced to ninety-five years’ imprisonment for the crime. Ex-Gov. English, of Connecticut. who started out in life as a. carpenter, is now worth $6,000,000, and is the richest man in his State, The statement is made that New York, Brooklyn and Boston contributed 35,000 to Matthew Arnold's sl'ender purse. All the nail mills controlled by the \Veat- em Nail Association have been closed. There are upward 5,000 workmen who wil! be afiected by the stoppage, which has been ordered for the purpose of restrict- ingfroduction and decreasing the stock on: ham . ed by the various firms on the Clyde. Several firms this year will surpass all their previous efforts. One ' firm v will launch 40,000 tons. another will complete nearly 30,000, while an unusually large number of firms will launch over 29.000 tons each. The prospects for this year, however, are by no means bright. Inquiries for new vessels are not numerous. Great difliculty is experi- enced in " booking " new contracts, while one or to two firms are already making ar- rangements to curtail their establishments. Should there be a revival of general trade. a. large amount of new tonnage wil be ordered; oherwise the Clyde shipbuilding will experi- ence A notable reaction. CANADIAN. 7 ‘ The number of letters delivered by letter carriers in Toronto during the first week of kl‘the new yeor was 150,548, inelndin 3,683 registered, and 37.589 newspapers. his is more than 25.000 increase on the corres- nonding week heaven. The Secretary of the Treasury had decid- ed in the case of the Chinaman who was brought to New York on the ship “Reso- lute,” that he cannot he landed in United States, but. may be transferred to any other vessel going to a forexgu country. After the settlement of all claims by fish- ermen interested in the Fortune Bay award, the payment of lawyer’s fees, and commis- sions, and interest, a balance still re- mains in the hands of the U. S. Governmenf, which is to be divided pro rata among the claimants. Detroit recognises the value of an (fli- cient fire department. It has now one of the heat brigades, if not the best brigade in the United States. Through its' skill and activity during 1883, with a total of 275 alarms, the city has suffered a loss of only $208,977 from fires. NEWS SUMMARY In the matter of music the English and most other European nations are far behind the Teutons. According to statistics re- cently published, there are 300 towns in the German empire possessing orchestras and choral societies that give concerts in the “M011. A few days ago a very fine pair of black horses were sold by the Customs authorities at Buffalo, seized and confiscated because they had been smuggled from Canada. The driver, Fred Cotton, fled whcn he learned there would be trouble, but he was arrested and imprisoned for the crime. The patrons of the Tichborne claimant have bought the celebrated Granville Hotel for him. The claimant will shortly be re- ‘leued. ‘ Mina Vera. Manning, 3 niece of Cardinal Manning, has entered a convent at Roch- ampton. She is an heiresaa to £2000 an- nually. ’ There has been a great loss of life and property on the lakes during the season and a number of insurance companies have been very much pressed with payment of their losses. 0:: the great lakes fully one hun- dred crafts of all descriptions have become total losses, and the aggregate damage to shipping will reach $3,000.000. 0n Lake Gnmio thirty-seven crafts were lost, three tugs, one steamer, four barges, six propel- lors, and twenty-three sohooners, the loss amounting to $303,000. The rooms at Windsor Castle which for mxny years were occupied by John Brown are henceiorth to be kept locked up, and will not be used by his succestor or personal eer- vant and page, or by any one else. During the past autumn the staircase at VVindaor leading from the octagon to the ante-room of the royal gallery of the Private Chapel has been entirely altered, in order to make the ascent of it more easy for the Queen. The statisticians of the Agricultural De- partment has completed a preliminary esti- mate of the principal crops of the country for the year. They show that potatoes as well as all other roots, and cats have grown luxuriantly and yielded abundantly. The aver e yield of corn per acre is nearly 23 bushe s or 12 r cent. less than an aver- age. The qua ity of com north of the 40th parallel, however, is worse than for many years. The wheat crop is slightly in excess of 400,000,000 bushels, and the cotton pro- duct about 6,000.000 bales. V G RE AT BRITAIN. Queen Victoria will leave England for Bad- man-Baden at the end of February. Reports are being published respecting the shifibuilding trade on the Clyde. These show 1; at trade has been prosperous during the past year. The enormous egg ate of 293,023 tons new_ehipg_ing has been stench- The Empress of Austria is coming to Bath to take the waters in the hope of curing hers»er of sciatica. From ancient times the Chinee have taken note of natural phenomena. Their record of solar eclipses is erhaps the most . ancient and accurate in * t a world. They havamore or less elaborate works on astron- omy, mathematics, botany, zoology, miner- ology, physiology, and many other sciences. Yet there is scarcely any true science in them. Classification, even in regard to plants and animals, there is none. Miner- alogy is mainly a description of curious stones. Nor is there any progress, for the more ancient works are genera ly the best, and as a consequence the Chinese to-day are as their fathers were thousands of years ago. The superstitions respecting natural pheno- mena, which are as living, active truths to- day for all classes in China, remind us f0 man in his state of barbarism rather than of the ancient culture and civiliztaion of the middle kingdom. The sun and moon are to the Chinese as they were to primitive man, liv~ in); things, gods to be worshipped. The stars in their courses powerfully influence, if they do not absolutely determine, all hu- man events In them the wise men may read as in a book the destiny of man and the fate of empires. 'Ihcir combination make lucky and unlucky days, and we shall do well to note carefully their signs and si- lent warnings. Comets are the precursors of famine, pestilence and warâ€"prognOstici- tors of the wreck of empires and the fall of kings. Eclipses are the periodic effects of the dragon fiend to destroy the lights of hes-vcn, and every notice of an approaahing eclipse sent by the imperial astronomer to the provinces isnccompanied by a government or- der to employ the usual methods of gong- beating, and so forth, in order to rescue the threatened luminary. Again, thunder is the roar of the anger of Heaven, and to besmit- ten by a thunderbolt is 10 be marked as a thing accursed. “find is born in the heart of great mountains, whence it issues at the command of the wind dog. Most districts have their wind mountains. That at Lung- Shan, in the northren province of Chilhi, is the most remarkable. It has a cave at each of its four sides. The spring wind is- sues irom the cave on the eastern side, the summer wind from the southern, and so for the others. Wind eddies or whirl-winds are raired by the hedgehog in his rapid pas- sage from 'one place to another. the dust serving to screen him from the vulgar gaze. Rain is produced by the dragon god, who carries up Vast quantities of water from the lakes and rivers in his capacious jaws, and ours it down in showers over the earth. ‘very mountain has its spirit or genus, every valley its nymph, every spring its naiad. Hence mountains and rivers, old trees and curious rocks, become obiec‘s o worshipâ€"Alarms. » “The last time I went to Boston," confid- ed a. thin, consumptive-looking traveller of the Eastern road to the New Haven Regis- ter, “the conductor grew monotonous. He insisted on examining my ticket at every station, and grew restless as we passed watering troughs. This time," the traveller continued, as he looked anxiously toward the car door, “we play aohange ct pro- gramme and the boxes are all taken.” A! the ccnductor entered with a. pompous “tickets Please,” ‘the stranger quietly pre- sented a single trip ticket to the next eta. tion. The next time he entered, the un- known handed him a. milage ticket, follow- ing it later with_a. sportsman’e ticket for Some rich Wedding toilets just completed in this city are-worthy of note by reascn of their extreme beauty and novelty as models for brides. An exquisite robe designed for a prospective bride in Washington. is made of heavy White velvet, trimmed with heavy white flounces of dueherse lace, headed by downy bands of white ostrich feather trim- ming. The effect of the fall of exqusite, delicate and rich lace over the soft white velvet is exceedingly lonely, the whole dress proving much more becoming to ordinary oomplexions than opaque white satin. A second bridal dress is made of white Otto- man silk, brocaded with tiny golden roses and leaves. The etticoat is of pale gold satin, hand painte in clusters of white lilac and full blown white roses. The lower edge of the court trsin is battlementedâ€"i. e... cut into square blocks and faced. Under: neath these blocks is set a ruflie of gold lace, fallin over a second one of kilted silk. The J osep ine corsage is cut ont‘verv much in the neck in casement shape and trimmed to match the edge of the train. Lastly for a very youthful bride is a charming toilet, compoaed of plain white Ottoman silk and made in regular Grecian style, the chaste and artistic arrangement of each softly draped fold and curve giving a most grace- ful and statuesque effect to the whole. The trained skirt is perfectly plain. butthe lace drapery oi the Grecian bodice is to be fast- ened with a magnificent diamond clasp, and the square neck and edges of the half-open sleeves are finished with rare old paint lace. 1",“ Libradorr As the conductor was passing him on the next round, the traveller pressed an emigrant’s ticket for Puget Sound into his hand, and then tried to get him} to take a. first-class passage to Sing Sing with sleep- er check. "Didn’t I just punch a Puget Sound ticket for you 2” demanded the as- tonished eonductor., “Must have been an- other party,” quietly replied the traveller, burying himself in Harper’s. Again ‘Wiokets please,” echoed through the car, and the stranger confronted the conductor with a. “Florida for the winter,” excursion via the Rich and boats. “See here,", said the enraged fiicial, “What does this mean! I have punched tickets for you for all parts of the globe. Haven‘t ota child’s ticket to Patagonia or Hong ong cattle show excursion, have you? If you give me any more tickets to punch I‘ll punch your head.” “Yes,” replied the passenger, with painful dignity, “I usually travel on this," presenting a director’s pass, “but we under- stand that passengers on your train get lame in the arm showing their tickets, and have no time to take in the scenery ; so I am instructed to notify you that there is a good vacancy on the night freight unless we hear of an im rovement," and the director returned to «wk and the frightened con- ductor passed two tramps 100 miles, not daring to call for tickets. Getfixi‘g Even With the Conductor. Three Wedding Gowns. Chinese Science. {0041-) “x Dr. R. V. Pierce’s “ Golden Medical Dia- oovery cure: every kind of humor, from the common pimple or eruption to the worst scrofula. By druggista, and in half-dozen and dozen kt; at great d‘scount. _ ‘ 'Soo‘teh advertisementâ€"“Wanted afemale who has a. knowledge of fitting boots of a good moral character." Four to six bottles cure salt-them: or tatter. One to five bottles cure the worst kind of pigplés‘onjhe {acei - Weak lungs, spitting of blood, cqnsump- tion, and kindred affections, cured without physician. Address for treatise with two stamps,.WonLD's DlsrnNSARY-MEDICAL As- socm'rrox, Buffalo, N. Y. ' The universal success of the .Triangle Dyes is attracting notica throughout the country. They are without question the most remnkablp dyes, and have given abun- dant evidenéa‘ of their reliability in all shadw. 103. ' ’ T3vo't‘o four bottles clear _the system of boflg. mbqngleg. an}! sores. Fiire“'1:o eight Botgles cure corrupt or run- nirlsz ulcers and therworrstgctjofula. Archbishop \V'hately, describing common- place preachers, said, ‘ ‘In their sermons they nim‘atmothiug. and hit it.” u A DROP or JOY 12¢ EVERY wonn." 1):. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y. : Three months ago I was broken out with large ul- cers and sores on my body, limbs ’a‘nd face. I-procured your “Golden Medical Discov- ery” and " l’arg uive Pellets" and have taken six battles, and to-day I am in good health, all those ugly ulcers nave healed and 1 it my skin in a natural, healthy,~ c0ndifion1 I thought at one time that I could not be cured. Although I cifi’ but poorly express my gratinude to you, yet there is a drop ‘of joy In every word I write. ‘ , ' ‘ .Xoura truly. JAMES 0A BELLlS, ‘ _ ‘Flemington, N. J. “ Discovery” sold by druggia'ta. ' The garb of old Gaulâ€"“A man with uncurtaineri legs,” is the description of a. kxltedS:oi31n-a.ngivon,in a. San Francisco pa 291‘. How is it possible to prccaed in two oppo- site directions at the same time? By walk- ing frcm the forward to the .aft part of the vessel while in motion. When on visit or leave New York City, save Baggage xpressege and Carriage Hire and stop at GRAND UNION Horn. opposite Grand Central Depot. 450 elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million do lars. reduced. to $1 and upwards per day._ European plan. Elevator. Restaurant sup hed mm the ‘best. Home oars, stages an elevated railroads to all de- pots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Unxon Hotel than at any otbe. first-class hotel in the city. PEOI‘ORIA I Poctoria ! Pectoria ! the great remedy for Coughs. Colds. Bronomtjs. Sore Throat. Influenza. Hourseneas, and all afieotxons of the Luna? and Throat or Chest. Pectoria loosens the hleqm and breaks up the Cough. 25 oents per Bottle. :1 t give up until you have tried Peotoria, all Bums-Intamnd General Store- keepers sell it. many“ ' _ “ ‘â€" _ A thunder storm is almost always a véry high-toned affair. - Paper with th: largest circuiatioaâ€"â€"Ban‘i notes. Catarrhâ€"A New Treatment whereby A Permanent Cure is effected in from one to three applications. Particulars and treatise {roe on -_r§9ipt~of imam; A. H. Qixoq a Son. 305 Kink-8%. West}- Toronto. Canada. Whatis that which nobody wants and nobody wants to lose râ€"A lawsuit. s 2,500,000.00 IN Honsns. â€" Tnis vast amount represents the value of the Perch- eron-Normans imported from France by M_ W. Dunham. “Oaklawn Farm," Wayne, Ill. Nearly 1,000 of these horses have been dis- tributed to every part of the United States and Canada. for breeding purposes, adding untold million; to the wealth of these coun- tries. At present Mr. Danhem has on hand about 500 I’crsherons, having imported 390 this year, Leather Belgian. I’ll-e Engine Hose, £0. Four First Prues and Two Diplomas. The highest of all Awards for Leather Beltin and Fire Engine Hose were accorded by the ud as at the St. John Centennial and Dominion x- hihitiqn, to RQBIN 85 SADLER. Montreal, A lady was asked the re‘san why she al- ways came so early to church. "Because it is part of my religion never to disturb the religion of others.” ‘ Beware of that. Cough! it may kill on: cue t at one with Dr. Carson's Mona? Co 11 pa, it neverlms. large Bowen at 50 cents. or e everywhere. S‘ve’i‘éfi'odfniéfiiofi; Quebec. Montreal. and Kain-pool. CALLING AT r QUEEHSTOWN AND BELFAST For lowest rates and all partlaulm apply to II. MURRAY, BEAVER LINE, lontreal, Qua. In announcing a. late visit of Her Majesty to Scotland, 3. Scottish paper said : "Pre- parations are now being made for her re- ception. Several tradesmen have received orders to I'mmedintel) executed at Bal- moral." is a pate}? HIEâ€"equal to tanâ€"impede? French Corset; fits ‘ke a. glove to the figure; very styl- ish,‘ plemmt; _in lggpearaqqe, 39d ‘appgqved of BEAVER s. 3. LINE .I. sure Yachts for sale. great speed up to 20‘ miles 99 ho_ur. “Selnd lot circular. R. DAVIS, Builder, gftlié’iiiéist faétidibixé. "'MiiniifaTotfi'x'Scâ€"i'liiâ€" HE CROMPTON CORSET CO. ASSENGER STE AMERS AND PLEA- sure Yachts for sale. great speed up to 20‘ miles 10 King street, East, Toronto. v Large double Drivin Belts 3 specialty. Se for Price Lists and Disgmmts. 1883-St. John Exhibition-1883 F. E. DIXON 6'1. 00. Lefiéhéf .136th ~! When 3 Field,Garden‘ Flower WM. BENNIEflfiDNjO. 73 'ifiiii'sfnifii‘ i‘fifiéi’fifi Manufacturers of sun Rivet WEEKLY, BETWEEN /OATAL0GQ’E¢91884 FREE To ALL Imam: Pinomszns. ' ‘ Eon THE Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary flrgans. THE BEST BLOOD PURIPIBR. There is only one way by which any disease can be cured, and that is by removing the causeâ€"wherever it me be. The great medical authorities of the day echn‘e that nearly every disease is caused by deranged kidne s or liver. To restore these, therefore, is the on y way by which health can be secured. Here is where WARNER'S SAFE CUBE has achieved its great reputation. It acts directly unon the kidneys and inner, and by placing them in a healthy condition drives disease and pmn from the system. For all‘Kidney. Liver. and U rin- ary troubles: for the distressing (Ham‘de of women; for Malaria, and physio-z. xr “Aim-is generally. this greatremedy has no eq flai. 'B(‘« were of impostors‘ imitations and coneootmns said to_be J_ust as gopda ...y . nun-n: .- A mm "For Diavbetes BEEâ€"If” WARN DIAME’I'ICS CURE. Far haw by all dealers. w EE’S SAFE Tlll‘finln. "uh. Rochc-ster. N.Y.. Ragga, ling. Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough Drops. The prescrip- tion of an old Canadian Practitioner. The beat remedy for the Lungs. in large bottles at 50 cents. For sale everywhere. Music by Hmdelâ€"That' of the organ- grinder. A. P. 160. THE INDUSTRIAL UNION Provides $2.50 so $10.00 a week in case of sickness or accident at a. coat of from $075 to $3.00 per quarter. Em: part. oulars encloge stamp to the secretary, Toronto, 0th Are all of them without exception men the largest and Fastest of Ocean Steamers. hey were constructed with special reference to the conveyance of passengers, and for Safety Com- fort or Speed; are unexcelled. The are spec- ially ncted tor the regularity of t eir rapid passages in all weather. The steerage accom- odations are of the highest order. the ventila- tion perfect; and every prcvm» n has been made for thecomtcrt and pl‘OlcULzuu of the as sengers. In addition to the tottl and abso ute separation at the single men and women ex- cept on deck, the married compartment has been so remodelled and arranged that every married couple or family has a. little private room to itself. For articulars apply to the gelnpapflsggents at l towns inpy tel-lo, or to $100,000 TO LOAN on firlem farm property. at. lowest rates. Farmers will save money ,by applyiqg by mail direct. to 1110.1 BOOKS FREEI Running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Sailing from uebeo every Saturdag during cheaummer 1110112113. and from Portlan every Thursday during the - winter months Sailing dates from THE SPLENDID STEAMERS WHITE STAR LINE PORTLAND ‘ro LIVEI’OOL. Dominion. Jan. 10. * Oregon, Jan. 31. *fla‘rnia, Jan. 11. Ontario. Feb. 1. Montreal, Jan. 24. | Toronto. Feb. 14. Ratesot assage: Cabin. Portland to Liverpool $50, 860, 70, Return $90, $110, 8130, according to steamer and berth.‘;all outside rooms an comfortably heated by steam. Intemwdiate $40. Steel-age, $24. The saloons and staterooms in steamers marked thus: * are anndshlps. where but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. For furgher particu- lars apply to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent or local agents of the Company, or to DAVID WBBANCE & (10. General Agents. M'ontreal, THEi’QUEEN’S TRADE MARK. 09mini9n Line offiteamships BEWARE OF IMITATIONS THEMBEHUUILH SW [0. npan 'a 3 cuts at all towns in Gfiiai-lo, or to W. J VNE . General Agent, 23 York street _._A. I A new collection. embracing a number of the most‘golixquu Songs 01 the day. Among them are, 3 overs ak u we Pm By;â€"Ovar the Garden Wall.â€" err: D9me,â€"- Warrior Bold,â€" Blue Alsatian Mouncuns -â€"0n1y a Blossom £939.11”: GachlareP. 01‘} Maids .9! Pee-â€" Flirt in the Starlightâ€"Grandmother’s Old Easy sinâ€"Don’t Dnnk my Boy Tonight, and 90 others, oomprlslnghfiome songs. Comic Songs. Sentimental songs, lldren's so , etc. All are printed on nice paper, and are bound in a. book wlth oolered cover. Remember, we send the entire collection of 100 Songs for only !Oo., three books for 250.. I don. 75; 1c. or 20. stamps taken. 100 H H. WARNER & GO, â€"â€" MADE BY â€"â€" 48' Adelaide sc , East, Toronto. m AGELTTS WANTED. "a J. LEE 5; 00., Montreal, P.Q. BEAUTIFUL ,_ SONGS --â€"--OF THE-â€" W‘éekly Magazine published. See the 13‘ list of books given FREE to one yearly subscriber and club raiser. B. FRANK WIL- SON, 33 56 35 Adelaide Street, Wefit, Toupee. Canada. Send five cents and get a sample 9932‘ Z‘EWTE- the 139% 23mg” ASK FOR IT AN 1) TAKE NO OTHER. LAUNDRY ‘ BAR. 100. Is the finest harness dressing made. It softens and preserves the leather, and give: it, a. fine finish. Auk your saddlers for it. ELMCI‘T'V HARNESS OIL! F. F. DALLEY & 00., Hamilton, 0nt., TlNSMI’l‘flS’ GO0DS. I‘IN PLATEâ€"Dlfl’etantBrands and Sizes. TINNED SHEETSâ€" do do CANADA PLATEâ€"Pen and other Brands. INGOT TINâ€"Lamb and Flag and Straits. I GALVANIZED; IRONâ€""Davies," “Avon.” 850: And STAMPEQ GOODS, CHEAP. For Sale by OOPLAND 8; McLAREN. MONTREAL. The Hewell Patent Universal Grinder. of grain very mat a n d w l t h o I. t heating. L a r gar Size Mills working u -â€" on same principle with different style of cutter, grinding phos- phates,gold and silver ores, quartz. plaster clay.bom_es, fish-scrgps, bark. 8m. Please call mmmawu u uuu, w; z names spawn onto, 52; 2 boxes e Condition Powde 81; 2 boxes Worm Pow ers, $1; 1 box Heave owder, 500 1 box Colic Powder 5053. ; 1 box Hoof Ointment. 5013.46.50. J. H. Wmtson a: Son, 24th en. N Y.. says: “We have used Ellis’s Spavin Cure in our stables for two yam and. have tried it on the following with perfect success: Splints curbs. ring bones, bunches on the neck, swelled ankle also quincy sore throat. and tor genera stable iment it is the best article we have ever used.” For further pertimum, free books. etc" write to Jams an!“ cum warm. 50 Sndbury 833922, Eastern. m; - _-_AL . -- ' fie'nfliéélafi- .- . -u. vva-u vu- Every owner of one or more horses can save a large amount of time and none; by having on hand agood supply at Ellis’e orse Reme- dies, and tosupply a eneral demand we would announce that we w 1 send the following b5 express on reoelpt of the money or 0.0.D. return 0 323032,: £6.50 for $5; '1»); 13 poqus Madman": . n L-‘.u-_ , ,, mmaa'uifissa; s12”; fig‘sé’g‘pmg 8&1??? ‘1 how-an Tavern “and!” ‘ fi . _ _ PERCHERON HORSES consisting of finest animus. with choicest pedlxma Rog-ls red in the Pox-charm: Stud Book of Shame n th Powhatan Stud Book of the United 8m Write for‘I‘ree mum-mad analogue 30. m, ' Magi-5mm; 13115;: Kara." fizf‘lifi‘fifi Colborne Street. Toronto. '0 PER CENT. OFF OUR ALLâ€"WOBL Jersey blankets; our $4.50 blanket lot 4; see our Dungan‘non coverlets weiszht 7 1113., only $1.95, or $1.75 net cash; éhls discount is allowed on all parcels of one dollar and over. A. B. FLINT. 35 Colbornn Street. Toronto.I '0 PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF ALL DRY goods, including new fall stock all goods marked in plain figures ; a1] ooda acid for cash on] . A. B. FLIN ’1', 35. 00 one Street, T01 ton o. . . I PER. 01m '1‘. .uu‘fi‘ bum 1 UL) Drumsâ€" or a ten cent cotton for nine cents ; sheet lugs. Shirtings. gre funnels. table Napkins. A. B. FLINT. 35 Go home Stlfeet. Toronto. I PER CENT. OFF OUR DOLLAR tweeds makes the price 90 cents: these gods are worth $1.50. and make beautiful 18.- xes' Ulsters. A. B. FLINT, 35 Colbome magma. mA_-_ .‘ S_§i{§et."i‘3f6£io. PER CENT. OFF’OUR CELEBRATEfi black Silks,that; is our dollar silk.willoost you only 90 cegga 3 91}; 801.50 silk, 9:11;: $1.35 : all ~‘-.1___-_I_-; .. -. __ '0 PER CENT. OFF AIL DRESS GOODS silks, satlns, velvets. brooades, black and colored, cashmere. tweeds, nloakings. A. B FLINT, 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. Have you seen lb The greatest collection of Games. Cards, Tricks, Puzzles, Songs. etc. ever 'offered for anythmgliltgtyg moneyt A 7 USE; The Greatest Importing and Breédjng Establishment in the W'orld. gym» BKEEm‘JL... 390 Imported the Past Three Months. mnlnflnp nf finmi’. nnlmnln. wflh chninmt madlth an.“ A xv" n H Ludwig unmuu, not one mu or young. Our NEW BUDGET contains the foflowing: Heller's Conjuring Pack: the Mystic Oracle: Guide to Flirtation: 10 new Evening Games: Set of “Hold to Light Cardin" 1 8e: Colored Chroma Cards; the Star Puzzle; 25 Ways to Get Rich; the “13" Puzzle: 5 Beautiful Face Pictures; Language of Jewels and Flowers; 101 Selections for Autografih Albums: 11 Popu- lar Songs with «usio, 13 ew Tricks in Magic: Pack of Fun and omic Cards' 1 Chinese Block Puzzle: the Roman Cross Puzzle; Greet $5 Prize Puzzle; 1 set Transformation Pictures. change color right before your eyes, and Games of Fortune. ALL FOR. 30 CENTS, IN ONE OR TWO GENT POSTAGE STAMPS. By mail postpaid. Two packages for FIFTY CENTS, five for ONE DOLLAR. Send at once and get the greatest bargain ever offered. Return this With order to avoid mistake. ' J AS. LEE & 00., Montreal, 1’. Q. FUN AND MYSTERY ENDLESS AMUSEMENT FOR ONLY 30 cms 'ol‘rered for anyth' like the mane AMUSE- MENT F01; A vy_9_L13 $9455; ,for the on TRADE MARK. are those‘made by EH3 ELI-18‘ CURE 00. w-..â€" A......_ - sheet music hound toga-tillage? WEES‘V‘I'SEE'Z Nemss of vocal pieces:â€"-A1l on account of Eliza: A Warrior Boldz‘ Tee Country Led: Nancy Lee; Chorus of Charity Girls; Drum- mer‘s Song; The Judge's Son ‘ The Lovesiok Boy; Whoa. Emma; Two Bed on; Men in the Moon; Johnny Morgan: The Gleaners: Tor and the Whale: I Saw Her in the Violet Time ' Five O'Olock in the Mornin ; My Love She’s mi 3. Lassie Yet; Adieu. Dear ome; Dame Babble: and 15 pieces of Inetrumentel Music. comprising new and popular dance music, selections from different Operas, Marches. k0,. Eco. All the above and our handsome new Chrome Lithograph in colors of the Lord's Piaget and 10 Command- ments. sent post-paid for 50. 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