I nionvillm .. 151*. Monday of each month Weston N 9th and 218$ " ‘ Maple . .. 16th “ “ Richmond Hi1 . 10th ' " \‘Voodbri‘lge ......... “22nd Mr. Husband wil; be found in his 0mm. Navy- “on Brook, every Saturday, except when Sutur- ..:w falls on the above dates. ' (mm in. .20th 10. . 215$ do. Stouï¬â€˜vï¬ ie. Hark 1mm .. . v'icto tin. Squaw. l'hm‘nhill... 23rd do. Map!†‘ . .20th ([0 \Vnalbridge , ,‘Zn‘ith do. Kleinhm‘g 29th do, 3 bleton..,. . .0th 0 Anmthetics, as Nxtrous 0xide,etc.. used when nierml, and none but the bestmatorinl used. Thankful for the favors of the past ten years, may sci 11 be consulted in any branch 01' the pro- fads'mn, as follows: hat-om, lat, 8th, lath, and 22nd of ear-h month. Newmarket ....................... 211d do. fliclunond Hill... .9th and 24th ï¬n, (at the Palmer House) Thornhill, mu visit the following nlaces professionally :â€" W. J. Chulton M. D.. C. M.,M.C. RS. 0. Late of Toronto General HospitalJ’hvsiciu Surgeon am 01100 Jours: 9 to 11, ‘1 to 4. and (i t 7.30, Dr. Geo. Langstafl Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at. Thornhill. Nov. 6th, ’8‘2â€"tf. AND Ernest F. Langstafl, RICHMOND HILL. Ofï¬ce hours: 9 8.‘ m. ‘2 p. m. ami'l mm. VILLAGE Cowon..-â€"Re vr. John Brown Coun- ciliurs.MeBsrs. Iwac Cmsby,'A. Moodie, R. E. Law an H.F.Hcpper. Ulark.M. icefy. A. O. U. W.,Ivy Image, No. 141, Meets in the in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Friday at: 8 o’clock p.111. Bene~ licm'y certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switzer,Mast,er Workman. IL T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, .No. 43, Meetsiu Temperance Hull,euch alter- ;untive Tuesday evening (tho‘clock p m. Bene- ï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for ~$1.000 or in case of death $2,000, one 119.1! payable in case of disability. J. H. Ssnder- 5011 Select Councillors; J.A. Sturgeon Snewm‘t. Ronwa CATHOLIC caunca.â€"Services in order us follow:2 Thornhill at 9 &.1n.. mad Richmond Hillut 10:30 sun; the following Sunday at Rich. mond Hill 9&9 (1.111., and 'J‘hm'nhill at. 10:30 mm†ml cumming with Markham everv third Sunduv. Sogcties. MECHANICS‘ ENS’I‘XTUTE.â€" Library 01 over 1000 ‘volumesflpeu every Tuesday evening, in the Ma.â€" 8 mic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. 1% E. Law, Libra. rum. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Elmaâ€"Meets for y uN-tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 730 o'clock. J. Powell Leader. Recording Secretarv. Medalist Toronto Cniveisih. Li<n11~er CL J‘hysicmns & Slu'yenns, out, (late of Stoufl'ville Yunge same}, 135(31:m0nd Hill. Ofï¬ce Hours thnmoxn LODGE, A. F. & â€"Me ets in the Lodge Room. Monday on or before full 111 hsxmc Crosbv. WA M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, N0 465.1. 0. G. T.â€" Meets in tlm Temperance Halljuvmjy Wednesday evening. at 7.30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. The Methodist sabbath school'l‘emperance As Sociation issue pledgx cards every Sunday when desired. VVnLI-Iarrisou supf . METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA -Services at 10:30:)..111., and 0:30 p. 1n.,and Sunday school, Pm 2.30 1x 111. Gentâ€! Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening: and Young \m-"ple’s Prayer Mleeting every Friday evenmg m the Lecture Room Ru 3. J. E. 86315, andJ. E. Sum, pastors. lesn Y‘l‘ï¬RlAN CHURCH or CANADA.â€"Services In." 11 o'clock a.m.,nnd 6:30 pm. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evomngac 7:30. Rev. I. Campbell 035 nor. LICHMOIGD L. 0. L.,N0. 778.â€"Meets 'm the Tem- permxce Hall, on the Friday on or before full mo on, at 8’clouk 13.11]. C. E. Sheppard, W.M. IHE HBERAL PRï¬NTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE .LIICHMOND HILL. ~ â€"- ONTARIO. Hector {0'10 84,111., 5608 p. m Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.‘Aurma Ont. ST. MARY s EPISUOPAL UKURCK.-Service at 3 "m.Y except the third Sunday of (Wary month, ' hen the service and Hucrmnent {we held at. 11 n. Sunday Scheol 04121230 p.111 law. W. Babes, Dr. Orr, Maple, Ofï¬ce hours: 8130 9.30 11.. m., and to 2.30 p‘ I. A. Sturgeon Stewart, FRIDAY MORNING G. ll. nugbnnd, L. D. S., VOL. VI. BUSINESS CARDS. {I REMOVED. unï¬ncconnen, Graduate of Toronto University, Dr. Charlton. “leston. Dr. James Langstaï¬ EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. Dr. ‘V. J. Wilson. pErannum, in advance.] Sailings gummy. @1112 @111ch †IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. A. Robinson, SURGEON DENTIS", Churches. wefliml. 112M211. NEWTON BROOK. DENTXST, ï¬ï¬Ã©bélc Hull'pn the moon, MS o’clock p.111 in. do. do. do do. do, Ont Eight Building Lots for Sale on Centre Street East, only $1110 each, 15 per cent. down for pick 01‘ the lots ; Also Two New Houses, Grooms. on Richmond Street. FOB SAIAE ‘? [3’ GOOD VALUE. 166 King Street East, Nails, Locks Bolts, Hinges, Wire, 860., &0. Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes. Lie? LOW- PRICES. WILKIN S’ BROS Keeps the Largest and best Sece'cted Stock of Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticegmd at rea- abe rates. Address Nobletcm P. 0 Old Iron, Rags,Bra.ss, #:c.,broght for Cash at Cuy Prices. Chimnev Sweeping attended to on shortest, notice. J 11.11. 5th. ’83â€"1Y. IT’S A EAST Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re» spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonnbe rates. 1’. 0. address, King. LicensedAuctioneer for the Countv of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. ï¬ales attended on the shortest notice and at, reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Butane and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. etc.. promptly attended bu at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, M UNIONVILLE. H A R D WA R E IN TORONTO. Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the bounty of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having farms or lots for sale, or wishing Insur- ance 3n life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to low at 8 per cent on approved freehold security Ofï¬ceâ€"Court. House. Toronto Importer of Watches, clocks and ï¬ne jewellery a. mock of Diamonds and premous scones always on hand. THIRD DOOR bOU'l H OF QUEEN Sl‘REET, TORONTO. IJManufacturmg of jewellery, and rupturion watches and clocks on one prelmses,a specialty Having recently built the above House on the site of the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in ï¬rst-class snyle,l am prepared to give the public the best of accommodations Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for Commerch Travellers. erms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill Omni us leaves shis House at 7:30 mm. for Toronto and leaves Toronto at 1).)1’). Thuukmgour patrons and friendstor their lib- emlpau-mmgc 11. the past we beg to state that we have jusL re ,eived a large stock ofnew goods in lamest designs. A large shock 01 Elgin and Wmtham watches kept on hand. A. L. Skeele. Clock and Watch Maker, And dealer in \Vatches,Clocks,and Jewml‘y Richnmnd Hill Ont. Money to Loan. Alarm amount of Money to Lend on farm or ugtv propurty iuterest7 percent; no commisâ€" 31011. HOSE. MACDONALD, MERRITT & CU. Bunsiters, Attorneysâ€"MrLaw, Solicitors-inâ€" Chuuccryl’roctms )u Adxnix‘tLItyCOIltts. Con- vuyuucers etc Millichamp'slmildmg», Adelaide snreet,Toronto, o; posite Victoriastreet. dwu‘d BlukaAJL‘. S.H. B1a1ieQ.C.J.K.Ker1-,Q.C. \Vulter Uussels, \V.R.Mullock. C.A,Brougn Gui. Holman. H. Cussels. ILMucleun FREDERICK WHITLOCK, Richmond Hill. A Farm of 200 acres to cent. Apply to A. MCQUARRIE, 22 -tf MAPLE. 23’4-’83. BUIWINE ETS , ï¬nitlï¬s †ï¬iévliziixim ilodsc. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER. Proprietor. TO RENT ! Blake, Kerr. & Cassols, James C: Stpkes, N. .1. Armstrong, Salem Eckardt‘ Wiï¬tellumns. George Eakin, S. m. Brown. â€"-â€"THAT-â€"â€"- gun. LANGSTA PF RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1884- J. Wanlmss. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE Unior Lam: builuin 5. Toronto aftknmy. 315mm. Near Nipissingr Hotel. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in 1n the Lennox case the court dismissed the appeal against A. H. R09, the Con- servative member-olch In the East Nnrthnmlmrland case, the petitioner appealed to avoid the election of Mr. Ferris on the ground of the giving of railway passes. The court held that the practice was not illegal. and referer the case back to the rota judges to ï¬nally adjudicate upon the whole case, the court holding that that was the 0an question in issue before them. The second was the South Victoria case, in which the petitioner appealed from the judgment of the row judges dismissing the petition against D. J. McIntyre, the Reform member-elect. The court dis- missed this appeal also, holding that the giving of railway passes to voters was not a corrupt practice. Mr. McIntyre retains his sent therefore. The Court of Appeal sat Saturday for the purpose of delivering judgments in fuur provincial election appeals recently argued The ï¬rst was the Prescott case, in which the appeal was from the decision of the rota judges dismissing the petition against Mr. Hagar, the Reform member- electi The court dismissed the appeal with costs, so that Mr. Hagar retains his seat. The Collingwood Enterprise states that Owen Sound is to be made the Ontario terminus of the Canada. Paciï¬c Railway system The proper channel for the escape from the system of impurities which Would, if they remained, poison the blood. is through the bowels. \Vhen this outlet is nhstructed it may be disenonmbered with Northrop cf: Lyman 8 Vegetable Discov- ery and Dyspeptic Cure, a remedy which regulates the system, invigorates diges- tinn, and is pure and safe as well as ef- fective. II: cures all diseases arising from Impure Blood. PROVINCIAL ELECTION - At; Brooklyn thrue children of George G“aham were poisoned Sunday from eat.- ing griidle cakes. The mother died from fright. M r. George Tulen, druggist, Graven- hurst, Ont.. writes: " My nustmnels who have used Nurthrop (Q3 Lvman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure say that it. has done them more good than anythng they have ever used †It has indeed a. \vnnderfnf influence in puri- fying the lulnod and curing diseases of the digestive organs, the liver, hidneys and all disorders of the system. Mrs. Marvaage has brought suit a- gainst the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette for libel, placing the damages at$150000 Rev. J. T. \Vagunr, Romany (Tahiti-i0 dean of \Vindsnr, 0nt., is inviting sub- scryptinym to a lottery. _ “ cured him up.†He thinks it- i“; Ethel best thing in the market. ’24: Jacob Lockman, Buffalo, N. Y. ‘ he has been usng Dr. Thmnas’ Ec Ic Oil for rheumatism; he had such me back he could not (in anything, blft ‘oue bottle has. to use his own expresion, "agys Collingwond will petition the ï¬ni'ver'n- ment to establish a ï¬sh hatchery iti'i‘tlmt vicinity. _ r 7 H1 Ayer’s Pills cure constipation, ifï¬ï¬rove the appetite promote digestion, ' tore healthy action, and regulate ever_ I tion. They are pleasant to take, flntle in their operation, vet thorough, anarch- ing, and pnwerfnl in subdung damage. Mr James Nnxon has been 3e] I V d by the Reformers no contest South gï¬zford. Ayer'a Sursaparilla, being hlglili“ 01m- centrated, requires a smaller dose} and is more effective. than any othergghlood medicine. It is the cheapest, libcanse the best. Quality and not- qï¬ir'amity should be considered. The Grand Trunk train to Buï¬'aï¬ispent Tlmrsdaynight in a. snow bunk: near Merritton. " ' Dr. Dowling’s majority in Sent); Ren- frew is 346. ‘ The Weeks’ perjury case is stillfi‘in pro- gress at London. ‘3- Hard and soft corns cannot wiï¬istand Hulluway’s Corn Cure; it is ï¬ectual every time. A Column of Interesting Bend- ing Matter Dr. Ross has formed his Cabinet. The rebels are encircling Khart’pum. Dr. Dowling was electedin South Ran frew. 3 The Section B arbitrators at §3ttawa refuse to admit, reporters. One trial of Mother Graves’ Wq‘rm Ex- terminator will convince you that no equal as a worm medicine. The Hamilton Tribune is to be éold by tender on the 30th. if It is said that China considers ï¬le at- tack on Bacninh a. casus belli. The Supreme Court has held tï¬â€˜pt the Banking Act of the Dominion is ulï¬a vi'res Jngments by the Court of Appeal. NEWS FOR A. GLANCE. CASES. Mr. A. J. McBIau, r'lerk of Crawford House. Windsor, Hays: “ For several )ears I was afflicted with kidney dn’ï¬calty and did not know what it was to he frve from excrhciating hams, which at times: were so bad that I could neither stand Mr. Charles M. Symo, foreman in W. H. Smith’s saw factory, St.. Uatlmrines. said: “Five years ago I began to be afflicted with most distreSsing troubles which increased in violence until 1 was compelled to remain in bed. My symp- toms were terrible and I kept getting worse and worse all the while. The doctors could not agree as to the nature of my disease and 1 ï¬nally lost all hopes of ever getting well, Learning of some cases similar to my own that had been helped by \Varner’s Safe Cure, I began its use and Commenced to improve from the ï¬rst day, and I am happy to say that I am now as sound as a dollar and can do a day’s work without its hurting me.†Doctor Samuel T. Rndley, of Chatham (t 7 9 “ 7 says: I have seen Warner s Sale Cure used very extensively and have heard of the most gratifying nemilts. I am con- vinced that it is an unequaled medicine for disordexs of the kidneys and urinarv organs. and I can freely recommend it." Mrs. M. Lemon, residing at 55 Victoria Avenue, Hmuilton, say .: " For ten 0: ï¬fteen years I have suffered from female cmuplaints and liver disease. I have consulted all the prominent ducmrs in Hamilton, but none were able to care me. Six months out of every year 1 was laid up in bed fmm nervous prostratim. and debility, and frequently while work- ing abnut Lhe house I Would faint and remain uiicunseiuus for more than half an hour. Hearing of Warner's Safe Cure I began its use and am now in good health. All previous tmubles have left. me. It has u (irked wonders in my case and I can recommend it to all the ladies in the cuuntrv †John Evans, residing at, 139 King St , London, Buys: " For two years I haw: been troubled with grave] in my kidneys i.nd have suffered untold agony. The passage of the gravel from the kidneys mm the bladder threw me into parox yams uf pain and cumplutely broke me down. Upon the recommendation of a friend I began the use of Warner’s Safe Curé‘, wlnch seemed to dissolve the gravd and it passed from me in the form of dust. ‘I recommend Warner’s Safe Cure to every- body who is suffering at all as I have suffered.†against proprietary nirdlcines, bin 1 It, to be an act of JIISice to make scaltemeut fur the guod of others." ‘ carrying ton many pounds of 'stealu.‘_ Another stated that. I was on the eve of a general constiLlltiunaI ' breakup; ’ auâ€" uther prnuuuuced me as being far gone in livercmnplaiur, and feeling that the last one 11 ld hit it, 1 commeucvd a cnurse of his treatment, without, hOWeVr‘I" any bcllcï¬t. Feeling that I was gniug dn in hIlI very fast, I grew somewhat despond» (Ant, and ï¬nally resigned myself to an eu‘ly death. At this juncture I resolvud I»: try \Vamer's Safe (.1- u'e, and I may my that I felt almost immediate rehef, and uuw I am nearly as well as I ever was in my whole life. My cough has disappeared entirely and I seldom fuel any of my old symptoms. I have always buy]: stuuewhut disposed to prejudice Butt, Ontario, ems: “ For a number of years and until recently, I had been grad~ "ally, but sleadily, declining in health. I was allhject. to severe pains in variuns parts of my budy, shormeus of breath, palpitatiou of the heart,and a distressing, hacking Cough. I consulted physicians, one of whom informed methat I had been It is an unquestiwnable fact that thous- ands of people today enduring nhe most. inLense torture or are afflicted by the moat unaccountable symptoms for which they can assign no reason whatever. They have frequent litadaches; are strangely languid; have a ravenous ap- petite one (luv and none whatever the next, and feel dull pains in various parts of the body, but they imagine in is only a cold or some passing dismder. Indeed, few people realize the presence of grave and serious dangers until thev are upon them. The lollowing experiences of well- known people in the Province are timely and valuable: Rev‘ William J. Henderson, pastor of the Mfthudist Episcopal church of Pres- MILTON, Out, Jan. 11,â€"Rubb. Agnew, 0t Acton, hut‘el keepci, was ï¬ned yester- day on two Counts for selling liquor, the line being $50 for each offence. The cost of selling llunX‘ will be to him very great, as Elms Clank and Joseph Allan were lined $100 and $50 respectively last week for selling liquor for him. Ibls supposed that costs and ï¬nes wxll cost him over 300. The Terrxble Undertow that is Sweep- ing away so Manyâ€"What Well- known Canadians have to say. SCOTT ACT IN HALTON. all things, Charity. †MYSTERIOUS I feel this GOUGHâ€"On the morning 01’ the 18th Jan.. at Pine Grove, Arthur J. Gingh‘ The funm a! took place fr.,m his late "rapidenre to the Gore of Tornmo on Monday, Jun. 215k. RISEBROUGHeGRAY~At the Methodist Pnr- mmagc, Thornhill. by Rev. J. \V. Tmton. on Tucsdav, 15th inst†Mr. J. H. Rmobrmwh‘, of ’l‘enmemncevillc, m Muss Annie Gray, 01 1') ust York. D E A 'i‘ I! S The Umncil ,adinnrnod to meet on Monduv, Feb. 4th, in the Cunnci] Chamb- er at 8.00 p m. The Clerk read a petition from the Ric'mmnd Hill Cornet, Band. dated Jan. 16th. ’84, praying the Cunncil to rent the Temperance Hull for the use of said Band fm‘ the sum of $516 for one year~whlch was laid m‘r-r. The By»Law was then read a. second and third time and passed. The fullnwiug sbnuding Committees were struck, vizW Fire and Waterâ€"’- Messrs. Moodiv, Luv and H'vpper: Fi- nance and Assessnmmâ€"Mesurs. Brown, 01'0th and Law: Slrpvts and Sidewalks -â€"All the nwmbers 0f the Council. The following namvs were insmted in blanks, Vlz‘. High Schnn] Trusteeâ€"J. A. E Switzer; Alldif()Y‘B-â€"~J. K. Falcmx- bridge and Parker Crosby; Asseswrâ€"» John W. Elliott; Invpeutwâ€"JVm Brick- neM; Fwnce View»rs~â€"J Freak, D. HUI»â€" kins and J. W. Elliott; Pnnnd Keeper~‘ Matthew Carr; Rel] Krugerâ€"~17. VVlley. Cnuncfllm Hopper flaked leave to in- troduce By-Law No. 102, for theapnnint- ment nf High School Trustee, two auditor and other ofï¬cers to serve the corporation fur the year 1584, which was read a ï¬rst, time. The minutes nf the. last meeting of the [Mn 0 mncil were read. Jan. 2lst, 1884. Pursuant to Statute the following members elected to compose and form the mmncipnl Council of the corporation of the village of Richmond Hill for the year 1884, viz , Juhu Brown, Reeve, Messrs. Henry F. anper, Alexander Maudie, Rnbel't E. Law, Councillors, met in the Council Chamber on the abnve d4te, at 11.00 a. m., and having severally made and subscribed their declarali m of quali- ï¬cutinn and of ofï¬ce, wuk their seats. was 01.5 :If sorts all eveulug because Mr. P. had induced Miss J. to be his cum- panion for the evening; or how Miss S. lunkcd daggers because she had only a sister fur her escm-t, or hmv vleased Miss R. louked with her ï¬rst. been]. I wmnlti nut. break faith and give the names in full. the “ï¬nals are, only known to a few. Since the heavy fall of snow sleighing parties have been the order of the day, or rather night, with the ynuno‘ folks of our village, sometimes receiving parties from u distance, at. other times being the invited guests. Parties from Maple, Richmnnd Hull, Mauklnun and other places have enlivened mu village on var- mus evenings. Yunr correspondent, now so Well known, has been invited to join in smne of Lliese joyous gatherings, upon condition that, everything that may occur at, these gatherings is not, put in print. Certainly such a reasonable request. should be cmnplled wufh. Ir. would never do to tell that, at the last party Mr. M. Mrs. Hmi‘is and Mr. Ramadan will have to follow in mill imprnveuients if Lliey wish to retain the business at the Pumuim Mills. This is an age sf progress and why should Tliurnliill be an excep- tion. A gentlenmn who was here the uther day, uhen an absence of nearly ï¬ve years, observed that the most. conspicuous llllDl‘l)VelllellL was the new blacksmith shop on the west side of Yonge Street .(From Our Own Corresnou'lent.) Mr. Arthur Mumau and his sister, Mrs. Wm. \Velsh, leave shorLly for Califnrnia, where Mr. \Vm. Welsh is now living. Their many frlends wish them a. pleasant Journey. Hurrah for the N. P. ! An old grist mnll is to be removed from its present sue to the side of the new factory, and we are promised that; it will be ï¬tted up with all the latest improvements, such as rollers, etc., that- will manufacture the patent process flour. The above statements axe from men of unquestlonable veraczty, and such as merit the greatest; consideration. No one who is suffering from any form of physical disorder can afford to neglect even the slightest sympmms. which can be so readin controlled if taken in time, and Wlllcl) are so dangerous if permitted to continue. not remove my clothes. At that time I was culdnctor on the Denver†and Rio Grande railruad, and no doubt the com ataut joiliug aggravated the disease. Nutlcmg an advertisement; of \Vafner’s Safe Clue, I procured the medicine and 5mm the ï¬rst is acted like magic, and it has Completely and permanently cured me. I Lanuot too highly recommend it, as I kuuw what it has done for me.†RICHMOND HILL COUNCIL. [Single copies, 3 cts. MARRIAGES FIR ST MEETING THORNHILL M. T'EEFY, Clerk No. 29.