Speé‘ial Serwces c Special ï¬ervioes are now 'being held in con- ; action with the Methodist- Uhurcli‘ here. ’3 be primary nbiect is to cénvert the'nï¬icers and members of the church, and then atten- tion will be directed toward other sinners. We earnestly bépe that a good work may be‘ done. Vennor’s Predictions. Vennor's weather predictions for the mouth of January, as given In his Almanacl fare aa-followszâ€"“Tlxe month will, in all likelihood, enter with a remarkable New Year’sDay for brightness and balminess. Altogether, the month will be phenomenal but not disagreeable, with an unusual de- gree of warmth. Dust or mud in many sections. Watt-13 quite open. Agreat con. trust to 1883. January as warm month. Continued open mild weather." 00 down 1001:, Mr. Vendor. Silk Dress Proposal. .Every young lady whose proposal is re- jected during the present year: expects a present of asilk dress. We will see how many! of the ladies wifl come out with new silk dresses during the year, this being a sure sign malt their proposal has been ts- fnsed. ‘» ~ Verdictof the Coroner’s Jury.' Mr. B. B. Osler, Q. 0., made application on Tuesday for a writ of ca‘u'arari i'o have the paï¬ers oonixected with the inquest held (an the body ofoameé White, killed in the liumber railway accident, returnedinto the Superior Court. Application will then be made to have the verdict of the jury as against Engineer Jeffry set aside. ‘ Serenaded .The band, on Tuesdey evening, serenaded Mr John Coagrove,"Governmeut Inspector of Weights and Measures, and his bride, who were guests at the Grund Central Hotel. Mr Cesgrove has just married a neice of Hon John O‘Donohus. After the serenade he :enerou'hly'preaented the band with a. bank hum with (LY. on it; - Wrapping Paper Cheap. Bgtchers and other requiring old ’ newn- pnpe‘ra suitable for wrapping pup: r -_should call at THE Luann. hflice when they ‘91“! he ~hil'ï¬â€˜ï¬Ã©afl3' félded «M in perfect condition, at 20 centsper hundred papers or 8 cents pegsingls lb.’~12 papers in‘ a lb. I’rice of Wood The Banner speaks of the very high price of wood in Aurora, quoting it at $4.50 to $5 for dry hardwood and 33:75 to M for green- Aurora may consider itself a favored locality, as in Richmond Hill we pay from 85.50 to $6 for dry. and $4.60 to §5 for green hard- wood. Coal is by far the cheaper. Newspaiaer Gossip. There is sagood deal of newspaper gossip afloat. The proprietors of the Toronto Mail rï¬pudiate all connection with the Toron'o News. The World maintains that the Mail people hold a mortgage of $75,000 on the News‘ plant. This has not been denied by the parties morle immediately Interested. Leap Year Parties. Leap year pnrues are now in order. The young ladies of several of L119 surrounding towns have given successful ones. Now in you time young lmliv's of Rlchmond Hil'. Amara favrmble opportunity may ‘never present itself. Credit Sale. There will be sold by public aucllon, at Lot 16, 3rd Gun. Vaughan, on Wednpsday. Jan. 30th. 1884, the farm stock implements, «am. belonging to Mr. Thomas A. Rupert. .Snle {it 1 o'clnrk. S. Eckardt. Auct. ' . . . .Mr and Mrs Russ, of King, have 0910 bnted the 64th anniversary of their wodding d 1y, HMON‘DNHILL, FRIDAY; J (m. 23784. "7. .7_._.V._». .. vuu \wu above) 6.40 N. B.»Registered Letters must. be handed in at least ï¬fteen Minutes anrlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Until furthsr notine NTaiEwi’ll be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as “Hows:â€" ‘MoRNmo:â€"~Goina Northsoulh, East and West, includin; Thomhin. Maple, Toronto, Markham, (to. 7.15 EVENING :-â€"Goimx south.Eust and West (as Connects with all traim, leaving the Palmer House. Richmonl Hill. as follows : Mail 65 Ex teas, North & South... Accommo ation “ " Express, North ...... Mail. South... Newmnrket... Anton... King ...... Rmmsown Humâ€. ‘Thom‘hill ..... \Vestrmm Davenport. J’Mkdale .. .. TORGNTO. Queen’s What! Brock Street... Unmn Station" City Hall ........ PROCTOR’: ET‘AGE LINE. City Hall Union Station Brock Street Queen's \thrf Purkdma ..... Davenport. Weston Thornhill.... RICRKOND HILL. King ..... AXII‘OI‘IL. Newmm‘ket 'TURONTO. POST OFFICE NOTICE In: %iheral. ABOUT HOME? GOING SUOTH. GOING NOR 13H. Mail. 7.55 8.05 8.10 “.950 . ..9.58 10.05 .832 8.50 3.03 9.12 .841 8.57 9.10 9.30 9.42 8.17 8.22) M. TEEFY. Poshuaster. Accom. 1 l .45 1152 1100 Accnm. Mail. 11.50 7.07 1105 7.18 12.30 7.38 12.43 7.50 12.91 . 8.00 12:10 2’00 12.57 1.45 9.02 8.37 6.15 6.25 {3.37 6.54 next, at the hour of Two 0'Clock p. m.. at t1 0 ofï¬ces (sf-the Bank, 51Yonge Street. Toronto. for the election of Directors undior other purposes connected. with the organization of said Ban-r. By order of me Prm‘isional pond. 28â€"4 Mon-Liam "_F_ebrua,rv 11th. NOTICE is hereby given that nMeeting of Sub- scribers bo aha capitbl stock of the Central Bank of Canada. will be held on V GENTHAL BANK OF CANADA. . "Rev Mr Parsn‘ns. of Knox Churb‘h, Toronto, wnl preach in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday morning. comedian ‘ the ap- pointment. of the Presbytery concerning: the augmentation of the minister’; stipends Rev Mr Bell, who has ï¬lled the pn‘lpit for past two Sabbaths, will preach in the evening Agricultural. Premiums: . ‘ ’5‘ The Agriqultursl ling Aits Association have decided‘to oï¬er prizes fontEsssys on various subjects ,as follows :--1. On the proï¬t of breeding, , feeding. and fattening beef cattle for the market. founded on prac- tical experience. First prize, 1530; second piize, $20 (the manuscript, not to exceed twenty-ï¬ve pages). ‘ 2. - FEW the best and most speedy method of destroyinu thistles. Fi'st prize, $15 ; second prize. $10 3. For the best and most speedymethod of destroy. in wild mustard. Firstjprize, $15 ; second prize, 310. 4. Fonsthe~ best and most speedy method of destroying wild oats. First prize, 515'; "econd prize, $10. 5. For the best and mosttzsspeedymethnd of destroy- ing quack grass. ‘First prize, $15 ; second prize, ‘10. Menusoript“.must not exceed twenty pages. Manuscript must, be sent to the secretary not later; than the ï¬rst of August next. †Rev M Fawcet}.j;)f Sicairb‘oro’,‘ 'prï¬acbed in theVMe-thodi'sf. Church here on Sunday last, morning and evening A $20 Bible.:Prize. . . The publishers of Rutledge'sflonthlu ofler twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for Februnrt', among which is the fallowing: We will give 8‘20 00 to the person telling in which in the longest verse in the Old ’l'esta- meut Scriptures bv February 10th, 1884. Should two or more correst answers he re- ceived, the reward“ will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner Feb. 15th, 1884. 'Persons‘trymg for the reward must send 20 cents. in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their answer, fer which the-y will receive the 'March Monthly, in which the‘na’me and address of the winner of the reward and the correct nmwer will be published, ani in which several more valu- able rewards will be (offered. Andreas Rub- led Publishing Company. Eamon, :Pe. -.... .m. “w.†u... .ulule, m luruulu ;_ BeV. Minsl‘otven. Thornhill, anql‘ Rev. Mr. Lvnch. of Willowhale, with singing by talent' from Markham, Willowdale and other places. N0 pains will be spared unlike the evening interesting-arid enjoyable. Entertainment will‘ commenceyaBS o‘clock sharp. ' Tickets 25 cents each. Proceeds in aid. of Organ Fund. All maenxdially invited. - Tea indi Entei'tainment. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church in the village of. Thornhill. intend giving I Grand Ten'and Entertainment in connection with the ne-onening of the new Subbch Sohoél Edam, on the evening of Friday, Jan. 25th, 1884. Tea will be served in the lecture room of the church, from 5 to ‘ 7.30, after which the following gentlemen will de- liver addresses : Rev. Mr. Johnson, of JamuigaL RevNMr. .Smith, of Toronto;_ x The Humber Relief Eund. The enterprising young people of Maple 351: up a. concert in aid of the Humber Re- lie‘f Fund, on Thursday evening last. There was a very good attendance. and an excel- lent programme. After all expenses were paid there wins a nice surplus toward the Relief Fund. In this respect it diï¬ared frpm‘thg entert _'nmenté of, the Toronto Amateur Dra’mat' Club,I which) gave two entertnipments in the Grand Opera House lrom which they realized $142 90.‘ Expensbs : 8100 for opera house and 839.52 for advertis- ingvetc. ;‘leaviugi32.68 tn bQ,given to the fund. - ‘ ‘ An Early Spring Lamb. , Tile Uxbridge column of the Stou‘flville Advance says“: "A ï¬ne spring lamb was sent from here to Toronto market this week." Really. thereï¬s nothing wonderful in this. Date say it was the same one we helped out a few days since in a Toronto hotel. We came to the conclusion that it was a "spring lamb," but thougbtjt cnme the spring of several years since. ‘We presume, however, that the Advance refers to the spring of 1883, as it would probably be pretty young If it referred to the spring of_ 1884, as that is still in the tutu-re. ‘ ‘ ’ I Strange Accident. A horse belonging to Mt.flW. H. Ratoliï¬, of Markham, although pretty well advanced in years. hadnot forgotten how to play. Recently he was running loose out doors, when the dog ran at him and barked. The old horse gave a sudden bound and a kick nnil broke a blood vessel, from the eï¬ects of which he expired in a. short time. Twenty- three years of faithful service at the plough mid on the logging sleigbs all ended by a. frolic. Poor old fellow. - Councils for x884. According to the municipal law the new Councils for the current year were required to meet on the third Monday in January and m the Rseveannd Deputy-Reeves had to assemble iu'Cuunty Council on the fourth Tuesdav in January to elect Wardens. etc., it so happened the present year that thinI compelled them to meet on the next day after organizing in the municipalitiesâ€"the fourth Tuesday being the next any after ’the third Monday. _. Farm For Sale. . _. 60 acres north-east part of lot No. 81, in the 6th Gun. Vaughan, 4:} miles from R. R station, 5 minutes walk from school 0r church. Laud n'ch clay, well watered, clear. ed and fall plowing done. There are two wells with pum s; a large dwelling house ; §uituble out, buildings; large orchard, most- ly ‘gmfled. Apply personally or by letter to B. H. Wiles, Richmond Hill P. O. NOTICE! '3- PERSQNALS. D. BLAIN. Chairman .. n-.. .v u. UVLAuJAJL: V. Large Redcetrons have been made, me,“ Departments. Space does not pt of our many Bargains, but Ladies are respectfnlly ivited to call and see the gains mall Departmentsasthis is a rare chance to secure new and season very low. prices. , , V _ ,- _‘_ -- -.-.. .. “HAâ€, vvvuu, up nu uucx 1U]. LHC HEAL three weeks 'the greatest Bargains we have ever shown in Blankets, Comfortables, Flannels, Linen Ta ble ‘Dar'nas‘ks, She'etings, Towels, Napkins, Lace Curtains, Mantles, Mantle Cloths, iUlster Cloths, Shawls, Black and Colored Silks, Satins, Brocades, Ottoman Cords, Velvets 'VelveteenshPlus‘hCSg Black and Colorhd Cashmeres, Dress Goads, Black Crapes, full lines of Mourning Dress: Materials, HoSierji,,Gloves,. Ribbons, Laces, Sac-e Neckwear, Corsets, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Dress Buttons and Trimmings Knitted Wool Goods, Ladies’ Underwear, Gents’Underwear, Notions, etc. This isa Genuine Clearing Sale..and Large Redcetrons have been made in all Departments Space does not permit quotations . b > . 5 n > . - nr nur man" anflnunn L..A. T AJ.-_ ___A . r n 1 $100 Mantles for $50; $75 Mantlea for $37.50. $50 Mantle! for $25.‘ 630 Mantles for $20.l $25 Mantles foflb‘lQ. .~ " $20 Mantle: for $15.. *3L5 Manues fer 3L1. 4512 Mant‘les for $94 " ‘$9'Mantles {011573 ‘ V " $7 Mantles for $5.50. -7 Children's Mnntles Cheap. Dress Goods. W 160. Dress Guods for 1?}6'.’ 200. Dress Goods for 150. Grand.“ Xmas Clearing Sa r ' 1 OF : FALL AND WINTER MFI'FEIE'TY- NEW ADDRESS, 184 .YONGE STREET; THIRD . STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET. Cambgid‘g‘ej‘Clothing H5use, 86 dege Street, Toronto? GREATHOLIDAY SALE! Qvercoats, Over-coats, . v .Overcoats; ’Ulsters, ‘ Ulsters‘ Ulsters; Youths’OVercoats. 'YOllfthS’ .O'yercoats. Juvenile Ulsteré. ' : avenile Ulsters. ’ This Sale Will‘con-tinue until the‘ 'wnole of the‘ p'resgnt affering‘isli'disposed of. All goods are marked‘in‘plain ï¬gures. showing the present and former prices; ‘ and for the information of intending purchasers‘we ennmerate a, few of the changes: L - ' - - - y s’ V 'L. «PREï¬fNT ' . FOR‘MER‘ V, I 7n $9.00 Trimmed Hats for $6.00. $7.50 Trimmed Rah for $5. $6 00 Trimmed Hats far 54. 85.00 Trimmed Hats for $3.50. 84.50 Trimmed Hats for $3. . $3.75 Trimmed Hats for $2.50. 53,00 Trimmed Hats for 32. Untrimmed goods equally as cheap. Bargains in Fparheru, Flushes, Pompous. Flowers, &c., &c. . " V - EXTENSIVE CLEARING SALE v . . "CAMBRIDGE". - i ,we wil offer for the next 184 ‘Yonge Street, 3rd. Store above Queen Street. '. POPULAR may ‘GOODSHOUSE; . 182 Yonge Street, .Toromo†J- ' HAMILTON, ‘ $4.06; * 25.00:†310.00 1200 35c. Furs. ' ' ‘ ‘ ' $100 Black Hair Maï¬a for $1.25. Mink Muï¬s forï¬4. $10.00.,Eine Mink Mum; im- $6; - $12.00 Fine Min k Mnï¬s for 31.00 315.0031; chk Muï¬s' {qr-39: - 913.0030 11 8 Seal Muï¬s ,ror ho. Fur Gains, Worth $1.75 fur $1.25 Fa“? Ga egg, Wogthï¬â€˜z 50 for 81.75: _K Fur‘Oaigé's, Wonix‘w 50 5.1455. - ' A‘- * Childreus’ Fur Sets at Half Price. Kid Gloves . ' 75c. 6-button length Chamois Glcves tor 25o. Dress Goods for 173-0. , 300. All-Wool Dres: Goods for 17in. 380. Dress Goods fur 250. ~ 409. Dress‘Gopds for 270. 450. Erésé Goods for 35¢. All Dress Goods Reduced in Prices in Order ‘ to Clean: Out. the Stoé’k. $1 2-buttonL‘Kid Gloves for 506. : $1 8-butt0h Kid Gloves: fur 560,†$1.25 4-button Kid GluVï¬S {OI-650'. I3110-buttoulengthrchamoi Gloves for “ 10:00"; ‘ 152:. O .' 15.00% , HQLTB Y, Manager. $5.00 7:50 9 call and see tlfe Imméns'e Bar- new and seasonable Goods {at 8.00 "25a. All-Wool Seamless 80:: for 160. 3. “15¢â€. ALI'. Wool Ssamless Stockings for 250. ‘ ’ 500. All-Wool Seamless Smokings for 300. - j $3.75 Cashmere Jerseys for 82.75. * "’1‘ [I an dkerchiéls 40 dox. Fancy Hgm-Stitch Handkerchiefs at 5,9. . ‘ " 10 602. Fancy; ‘He‘mifl'titch Handkerchgafs 'at 60; I Ou'her things in proportion. * , Job liyie colored ï¬lm“ 290. per pair. . ll osue'ry and Underclothlng ' v $1 All-Wool Shirts and Drnwei‘s for 62%. W 31.25 Scarlet All-Wool Shirts andDraWers for‘fï¬c. * '- ' 1 " price. ‘ VIn_ addiuon we have our re‘énlai‘linea, in- cluding é‘ Ronillon Josynhine brand,†in black ana colors. The abone represent.“ immense purchase of_400 dozen at 504;. on the dollar or halt $1.75 Men’s Cardigan VJncht's for $1.25. 12 Ladiés' Rubber Circulars for $1.25. Ladiea’ Underware Cheap. Misses’ Underware Cheap. Boys’ Underware Cheap. ‘ " ' Cheap Goods T9114 -__zu--_._o_,g -, "In!