We will give a WATERBURY STE M-WIN'DING WATCH,silver plated and full dial, to all. our ousâ€" tomers'whor buy a.~ Suit or Overcoat costing Twelve Dollars. If prefer- red, we Will give a Ladies’ Fasnion- able Beaver Mantle, as our. Christ.- mas and New Year’s Gifts; . 115 to ,1421 King-Street, Toronto, and No. . 8 J amesl $13., Hamilton, 9vercoats. Men’s Winter Overcoat: in Beavers. Pilots, Meltoml, Naps, ‘Dingonals, Tweed: and Worsted: at $4.50, $6, $7.50,’89, $10, $12 and up at ;, w ' - Petleys’, v3 Winter Suits. See the WATGHES‘ AND MANTLES . In our :windows. "" ‘ Men’s Winter Suits in‘Englis‘h‘, Schtch; German and Canadian Tweeds, Worst- ed, em, at $6, $7 50, $105 $12, $13.50, $15, and-up at ' ' ‘ Petleys’. Our Stock of Boys’ and Youths’ Clothing is particularly large and wen selected this season, a'nd chusists of over 2000 Suits and 1500 oven-coats. Parents in want of Clothing for their'Boys should not fail to visit; ' ‘ ‘ fl Peflejrs". . Our Stock ofMen’s. Youth’a and' Boy’s U‘nderclothiug is ai 1y immense and contains all classes and kinds of goods from the Heavy Cmmdianmglibbed Goods ‘0 the ï¬nest Scotch Lambs Wool, andjn all the sizesto ï¬t Boys of three and up and in Men‘s from 34 to 46‘inches. Retail at and below wholesale ï¬gures at 1m. Luumu ONE PRICE DRY GOODS & CLOTHING HOUSE" Suits & Overcoa’ts is O A K H ALL , Underclothin'g. WHAT WILL GIVE OUR'CUSTOMERS DURING SCHRIST MAS ‘ AND NEW YEARS' HOLIDAYS 1 _ Boys’ Clothing. OAK HALL Pants. Dry nourish-and : clothing House Men’s All~Wool Tweed Pants at. $2, $250, $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50 and up at PETLEYS’ The Largest in Canada to Choose from. OUR STOCK OF (If? Petleys’ 3 LBS. or Ll-‘QUUH TEA, Alas Beautiful Albums. all size, Web- uter’a and N'uttals Dictionaries, with 80.- 000 references. or your own' choiï¬i from a catalogue of 1000 volumes. MRS. HARRISON’S V 11113th Cbgfectionaéy' always onyhand‘ MRS. 'E‘ELARRISON'S New Tea Store, " RICHMOND HILL, .___)o(__.. You can get Mrs. Clark’s ‘aplendid 'new Tell. ‘ Thisinsti-umentja no larger thaï¬ a wntch. on which there is a. good store and I, dwelling 2.0;- taohod, 3190:. small cottage. For particulars sp- Ply *0 ‘GEQ. EAKIN, How Many Miles do You Drive 2 THE ' It tells the exact number of mflgs driven ‘16 rTHI-es ; water and dust ï¬ght; always in ord- easily" attached to tha wheel of a Burg], am you: (Sewing animus" (En the 1-100»): pa.ij of gilï¬irie'; 037617115; up wilOOVUA er ; saves hnrsea from being over-driven ; is Carriage, Sulky, Wagon, llond ciaTr other vehthle. Invalualï¬a to Lumi- MEN, anqum: DRIVERS, PHYSICIANS, Fum- in», Suaviyons, Dnmumz. Ennnssnmu. 200.000 SOLD YEARLY ! Cnfl, Snlky Plow. 313311791571" 9y- STAGE Owunns, ac. Price only $6.00 each, one-third the price of any otherfï¬dE meter. When ordering give diameter uf tpe wlféél. Sent 5y mail on receï¬w of price, pg: paid. Address â€"n_lâ€"cllonnell odometer Co. . l 2 NorthLa Sane 8%., Chicago. 8’ Send foi- Circular. Ang.17â€"6m mmammw <3; F A DD’Q @ LIGHT-RUN ING 332w gm. Rapidly taking†the place on all other Machines wher- ever Introduced. , Has more pomts of excellence than :1 other Machines combined. O D O’M E T ER VILLAGE OF UNIONVILLE, 43333233333331? MUST PflPULAR CORN CURE is ‘a certain, speedy and painless miAv-‘qv g ARR’S est pain. FOR SALE AT cs‘Dilworï¬hfs;Qma‘..$ï¬9li% ,â€"n v,- , , gm 3 sho'ï¬timejwitâ€"hoit the slight- FREE! FOR SALE J usbissued, 1359 Recips, with each LIBERAL INDUEEMENTS T0 DEALERS, Jan. 20th. ’83â€"1y. SEWING MACHINES 'VUL\LV‘ "‘ Extractor. It will remove hard ' or sofg cams, and make a perfect Ap'rif ‘9, ‘83: :68 King btreet East, between the Clyde and Nippissmg Hotel COOKER? BOOK. so unionsounns, An excellent; lob, 962182,in the 6'6 CURE N E W YORK. â€"OF ALLâ€" TORONTO -â€"-â€"A'l‘â€"--e 4â€"18 THEâ€"â€" Opposite Masonic Hall. THE Odurtflouo Tofu“. GGId Filling; and all other operatinna skilflllly Rerformed, gt; modergye fe_es. DE N'TIST, , 151 Yonge‘ street, Toronto, Absolutely no pai n experienced and harm- less in all cases. ON RUBBER, - 0N CELLULOID, - I use no cheap m'ata‘rial' lind' warrant avg-y set. Call in‘d see me. ' No trouble to an- swer, questions. « Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed 7 tquj‘ve satisfaction, as the work is undefiny own superviam. I am alsn prepared ‘to do all kinds Hf black- smithing d; repairing ,in the most work- manlika manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Has the exclusive right‘for-fllq’ use 0 Hurd’u New Mé‘thod of extracting vteeth without pain, by means of 141 Yonge Street, Toronto In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr‘mmge during the past twenty-ï¬ve years. I beg t9 re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and comâ€" modious premises, I am enabled to supply Câ€. P. LEN N’OX. For good and cheap‘Watch- es, OIOCks, J eweflry, Sil- verWame and Spectacles for every sight. TRENCHS ~GARRIAGE WORKS.- Phaetons, ' Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING f » WAGUNS. E..M. MORPHY 2â€"6485 Horse" - Shoeing thiiiiu'édxm'c'iï¬e'fr’aiï¬' tï¬Ã©ï¬â€˜drï¬gm ml send us one dollar. and we wiumoud LRTIFMALM TEETH iéiï¬ï¬eï¬. It is made from Yellow Dock. Hondu- ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry. milling-m, Dandelion. Sassafras, Wil tel en. and other Well-known valuable pots and Herbs. Ibis strictlyyegerable. and mm- not hurt the most. delicaiecousï¬tution. I: Is Vane of the best medicines in use for Rggutntigg vibe ngels. * ‘ fig]; E613 by all ï¬Ã©pnnslhlo drugglm at one dollar for a. quart;. hamster u'x mantles farflve dollars. - A WARRANTED AS REPRESENIED. ’E. M. Morphy- .2490 â€"ITORâ€"â€" LIVER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSM. And for Purifying the Blood. It has been in use for 20 years. and has proved to be the best. preparation in the market for SICK HEADACHE. PAIN to: THE SIDE OR BACK, LIVER" ('OM- PLAINT. PIMPLES ON THE FACE. DYSPEPSIA. FILES. and all Diseases that arise from a. Disordered [Aver or an impure blood. Thousands 0: our heat people take it and give i: to their chil- dren. Ph siciana prescribelt daily. Those wlgo use l;_onge, regpmmang'it_togthe§-a. [VITALIZEnAI-n; (40 Years Established) SA‘RSAPARILL‘A "‘ w. mmmos 1: ca; :tnmmm’a. D's-mom ‘ r' m 'p%f§h6'€gï¬'ï¬â‚¬Â£"i§btain p. home- of BEST SETS ., Paid special attention to. ' WM THENCE. RIC IIMOND HILL. April. 23rd. 1883.â€"1v. ‘- $8.00 hum-y Ulemeut, Almonte writes: For along time I was tlullblfld with, chronic rheumatism. at t‘mes whol’y disabled; I tried anything and everything recum- mend d but, failed to 36: any beneï¬t, tur- til :1; geulleman who was cured of rheu- matism hy Dr. Thm’nas’ Ecleatric Oil, told me about? it. I began using It bod. internally and externally. and before two baffles Ware llined 1 was radicafly cured. We‘ï¬'nd it a. household medicine; and for 'crmi’p. bm‘ns, cuts and brmses, it has 1,10 ,equaJJ , _ v Q“, 2 Horses, l'Pony.‘ 2 Cutters, 1 Covered Buggy, 1 0 en Buggy 2Light Spring ast- gons, suitable for market, or sewing machines. etc., 1 Light padr Bob Sleighs, 2‘ Sets Single Harness, I Set Double Harness. 1 V .If not dispnsed of by private sale, will be put-up at Enkal‘dt‘s February .Aucï¬on at Richmond Hill. 26-Am. ‘ Pnnernon & Bro We have on hand the following articles, all in 5200.1 npnir. for sale cheap, as we bun no Iurlher use '01 mam : CHEAP “ \Vhile in the country last winter my little boy,three years old,\vns taken ill with cmup; it seemed as if he would die from stranguâ€" lation. One of the family suggested! the use of AYIm’s CHEmn‘ PEUTORAL, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This! was tried in snmll and frequent (loses, and to our delight in less than half an hour the- iittle patient was breathing easily. The docâ€" tor said that the CHERRY PEt'TORAL hull sawed my dnling’s life. Can you wonder rm. our gratitude? Sincerer yours, Mus. EMMA Gunman" 159 West 128th St., New York, May 16, 1882.. "I have used‘Ai'En’s CHERRY PECTORAL- 'in my family for several years, and do not, hesitate to pronounce it the most cfl'ectiml remedy for coughs and colds we have our tried. ‘ ' A. J. CRANE.†Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. “ I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no sme- cess, l was cured by the use of Ai‘tn’s (Jim:- nv PECTORAL. JOSEPH W’ALDEN-†Byhalia, Mists, April 5, 1m. “‘1 cannot say enouï¬l}; in praise of AYI-‘R's CHERRY PECTonAL, elieving as I _do that but for its use I should ion smce have died from lung troubles I. BnAonox.†Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. 7 No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which chunot be greatly relieved by the use of AYEB’s CHERRY Plan-Tun“, and. it will always can: when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine. PREPARED BY Dru). C.Ayer&co., Lowell, Mass. “ In 1857 1 took a severe cold, which affected my-lungs. ] had a terrible cough; and asscd night after night without sleep. l‘ho actor: gave me up. tried AYER’S CHERRY Pm- 'l'OllAL, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep and afforded me the rest necesmry for the recovery of m strength. By the continued use of the ECTunAL‘a perma- nent cure was effected. I am now 62 yenw 01d, hale and hearty, and am satisï¬ed your CHHmw I’ECTURAL saved me. HORACE FA}RBROT}IER..’" Buckingham, VL, July 15, 1882. No other complaints are so insidious in their attadkas those atfecting the throat and lungs ;. none so trifled with by the majority of alliterâ€" ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting: perhaps from a. trifling or unconscious exâ€"a posure, is often but. the beginning of a fatal sickness. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL hum well proven its efï¬cacy in a forty years’ light with throat and lung diseases, and should bo’ taken in all cases without delay. .WAYERS Ghefryt Pastoral. BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every nï¬ecles ol dlseaues arlslng'from‘ disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMAOH,‘ BowaLs OR moon. '1‘. MILBURN a; (10., Proprietors, Toronto. mnzcnons wml mu BOTTLE. mg: 956. imam: 85 claim Appusu EXTERNAL“ m Rummyâ€; ‘mmau, mums, GALLOUS Lms 5mm. supp JOINTS, GALLS, man mm warmâ€, cams, cmvmcnors BRUISES, meao, ITCH, pmss, PAIN annex, arms, ‘ 'Pmm sum, a. Every botth guaranteed to give niishcc Emgimoneyyreftmded. . _ > Group. â€"A Mother's Tribute. A Terrible Cough Cured. FOR SALE WILL CURE OR RELIEVE. Sold by all Drumists. INDEX. TORONTO, 6m. THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, OF THE HEART, ACIDITY 0F DIZZINESS, DROPSY, ‘ FLUTTERING