Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jan 1884, p. 1

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A. 0.»U. W., Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in .the in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall mach sltemative Friday at 8 o‘clock p. 111. Be e~ ‘ ate given for $52,000 in case of den. 1). ._ _‘ u. uyA_.u.u_ A .. U nkmvilla. ....lst Monday of each month Weston .9th and 218: " Maple . , .16th “ “ icmnond Hill .1961) V ' “ x Voodbridge......... ...22nd _ Mr. Hunhnnd will be) found in his Office, Newâ€" ‘au Brook, «very Sntutdav. except jwhcn ‘Satur- Nails an the agave dates. Simuffville . . . .. dark ham’ . V . . . VictoriaSqumre .Ehornhfil.. . . Maplu . . . Wuodbridge ‘. ilo'mburg N bleton”. H Anasthetics,a.s Nitrous oxidefito” used when rdered, and none but the blast material used. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aumm Ont. l‘hankfu]. for the favors of the past ten years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- faision, as follows: inroru, lst, ssh, lath, and 22nd of 8M" month. Newmn rket .. ..................... 2nd do. Richmond Hill... . . .ch and 24th (In. "(my 9110 Palmer House)_ I‘hornhifl, \V. J. Charlton M. D.. C. M.,M. C. RS. 0. Late at Toronto General Hospital, thsicin Surgeon (tr: Ofliue hours: 9 to 11, ‘1. to 4.1111(16 t 7.30. Will visit the fonowing places ptofeswionally :â€" Ernest F. Langstafl. RICHMOND HILL. Office hours: 9 mm. 2 p‘ m. and 7 n. m. 'Dr. Geo. JAIIIgSlflfl Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at Thomhill. Nov. 6%, ’82â€"tf. Medalist Toronto Univezsitv. Mtn‘bcr (‘0 Physicians & Surgeons, 01112., (late of Stoufl'ville Yonge Street, Rlchmond Hill. Oflice Hours to 10a.m.,5t08p. m. 3 {Of Temperance, Richmond'fiill Council, .No. 43, Meets in Temperenoe Hall, alter- native Tuesday evening M8 o’clock p m. Bene- ficiary certificates issued to male or female members for #1000 or in case of death $2,000, one halt nuyablc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J. A. Sturgeon Sbewairt. fiecording Secretary. 4 RICHMOND HILL TEMZPLE, No. 465,1. 0. G‘ T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hul' every Wednesday evening. at 7.30 o’clock. Wm. Harrison T. D. VILLAGE Councu..â€"â€"P.e w, John Brown cinors. Messrs. Isaac Crosby, A“ Moodie, Law an . H.F.Hcpper. Ulv k. M. leafy. ROMAN ournonm cannonâ€"Services in order «as follow 5 Thomhill at 9 5.111,, and Richmopd Hill at 10:30 sz; the following Sunday at Rich. mond Hill at 9 (5.111., and Thonghill at. 10:30 5.111., filternmting with Markham evow third Sunduv. Societies, thnmmn LODGE, A. F. dz A‘ M., No. 23, G.R.(‘ ~â€"Meets in the Lodge Room.Musom’c Hall,on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.111 Isaac Crosbv, W. M. Mncnamcs’ INSTITUTEr- Library 0! over 1000 Nolumesppen evury Tuesday (waning, in the Ma,- smic Hall,‘imm 7 1:08 o‘clock B. E. Law, Libra,â€" rinn. Lectures and disuussious periodically. ” ..~s-~’3:L»Iy The Mejhodist sabbath achoalTempemnce As sociation issue yledge cards every Sunday when desired“ Wm.Ha.rri,son Supf pm. Sunday Schoolat1:30p.m Rev.W. Bates, Rector. METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA â€"â€"Services an; 10:30 0.111., and 6:30 Sunday school, mt 2.30 p. In. General Prayet Meeting every Thursday evemng and Young ice-“Me’s Prayer dmeeting over Friday eveum m the Lecture Room Revs. Beats, and}. . Stmr,p&ators. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"Services us 11 o‘clock mmnund p.111. Prayer meeting 1111 Wednesday evening M730. Rev. 1. Campbell aster. ' RICHMOND L. O. h,No. 778.â€"Meets in the Tem- perance Hall, on the Friday on or before full mo on, at S’clock p.m. C. E;.£Shepp8.}:d, W.M. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Elma-Meets for 1) notice every Tuesday and Saturday evening my 7.30 o'clock. J. Poweli‘ Leader. Sr. MARY s EPISCOPAL Cnvncx.â€"-Servim at 3 .m., except the third Sunday of every month, when the Service mgd sgqmment Ere held at 11 AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHBNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILLV â€" â€" QNTARIO. THUR SDAY E VENING Dr. Orr, Maple. 0509 hours: 8 £0 9‘30 23.. 111., and to 2.30 p‘ G. H. Husband, L. D. 5., VOL. VI. BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. McConnell, Graduate of Toronto University, REMOVED. Dr. Charlton, “’eston. i ,l Dr. James Langstafl ‘ AND m. 3. MeMiiRQN, EDITOR. and. PROPRIEIL‘QR. Dr. W. J. “’llson, per annum, in advamce. av £11m» Qimmy. @111: giilwml ” IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. A. Robinson, SURGEON DENTIST, Wtdiml. Churches. NEWTON BROOK. Qiiifiilfi DEx'ns'r, . 18th .20th 218$ 23rd .26th 28th . 29th .301511 Ont pong. Iight Building Lots; for Sale on Centre Street Exmat,on1y$1memh,15 per cent. down for pick nf the lots: Also Two New Houses. Smoms, on Mahmoud. Street IFOR SAIJIE ‘P’ :23” LOW PRICES. E GOOD VALUE. 166 King Street East, Near Nipissing Hotel. Nails, Locks Bolts. Hinges. Wire, 6330., 860. Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes. Keeps the Largest and best Secected Stock of WILKINS’ BROS IT’S A FAST James C. Stokes, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reusonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. Old Iron, Rugs. Brass, &c..broght for Cash at Cit Prices. ' C imnev Sweeping attended to on short-est notice. J an. 5th. ’83â€"lv. Licenapd Auctioneer for the County of York Sales @ttended on the shortest notvicennd at rea- nbe rates. Address N obIeton P. 0 Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Bales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. Address, H A R D W A R E IN TORONTO. Licenwk Auctioneer for the Comgmgfiquk Ontnnu 3.1m Peel. Goods sold on conmgnmenb. Geheml sales of stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Issuer af Marriage Licenses for the bounty of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having {arms or lots for sale, or wishing Insur- ance )1] life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to loan 8.128 per cent on approved freehold security Ofliceâ€"C'ourt House. Toronto Importer of Watches, clocks and fine jewellery u. stock of Dimnonds unu precious slumps always on hand. THIRD DOOR noIJ'lH 014‘ QUELN STREET, TORONTO. L’s-Manufacturmg of iewellery, and repairina of watches and clocks on he‘prepqises, a. spepialtv Having recently built the pbove House on the site of the old Stage 1:101:91, and furnished it throughout in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodations Good ambling and attentive hoatlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, :51 per day,“ The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves shis figure at 7:30 am. for Toronto and leaves Toronto it 3:30 am. Thanking o‘ur patrons and fr "ends for their lib- eralpmronugr 1;. the past we ‘ eg to state that we havejusl: re_ eiveu a largp stock oinew goods in lamest designs. A large spook 01 Elgip and Walthqng watches kept on hand. A. L. Skeele. 0.199% and. Watch Maker. Alargp amount of Money to Lend on farm or W vropK-rty interest 7 nor cent; no commis- sion. Burmiters, Attorneys-ut-Law, Solicitors-in- Chanccry Proctors iu Admiralty Courts. Gon- veayancers etc Millichamp'sbuild lugs, Adelaide street,’l‘oronto, o; posiLg Victorjastreet. A Farm of 200 acres to cent. Appiy to A. McQUARmE, 22 -tf » Mum. FREDERICK WHITLOCK. Richmond Hill. And dealer in \\'ntches',Clocks,and Jeifiuuj Richmond Hill Ont. award BlaliékgL. é HTE'IQEQCTEIK. Kerr,Q.C. Wnlvex-Cassels, .R.Mullock. C.A.Brough C.J. Holman, H. Cussels. ILMnQJean 23-4-‘83. nOSE. MACDONALD, MERRITT 6: CO. BUIWING LQTS The Palmer House. RICHMOND EILL JOHN PALMER. Proprigtor. TO RENT ! Blake, Kerr, a: Cassels, ' 'N . J. Armstrong. Salem ' Eckardt. wiifirvllnumus. Money to Loan. George Eakin, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1884-. S. m. Brown. â€"â€"THAT-â€"â€"- J. Wankss. DR. LANG-STA FF Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. Uniox‘ Loan builuin 3, Toronto ailunm. motels. mm. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” UNIONVILLE. next, at the hour of Two O'Clock p. 111.. M: the offices of the Bank, 51 Yunge Street. Toronto. for the electibn of Directors and for other purnosos nomvected with the organization of said B m 5. By order 01 Lbs Provisional Board. 28â€"1 Mondav, Februarv 11th, NOTICE is hereby given that aMeetmg of Sub- soribers to the cnpiml stock of the Central Bank of Canada will be held on_ BENTRAL BANK OF CANADA. by Druggists. The symptoms are moisture, like prespimtion intense itching, increased luv scratching, very distressing. particularly at night, seems as if pin- worms were cmwliug, in and nhout the rectum the private parts are some tunes nflected. .If allowed to continue very serious resulhs may follow. “ SWAYNE‘S OINTMENT" is n pleas- ant. sure cure. Also for Tettei'.1ch. Salt Rheum, Svald Hen/l, Erysipelna. Bm-bers’ Itch, Blotches n11 scaly, crusty Ekin Diseases Sent by mai for moants : 3b0kes‘ $1.25,(in stamps). Address ‘DRifiWAXNE & SON, Philadelphia. Pa. Sold The Marquis of La‘nsdowne has been appointed a. Knight of the Grand Cross nf the Order of St. Michael and St, George. W. W. McLellan. Lyn. N. S., writes: " I was afflicted with rheumatism and had given up all hopes of a cure By chance I saw Dr. ’l‘hnmas’ Eclectric Oil recnmmended. I immediately sent (finy mileu) and purchased four bottles. and will] only two applications I was able tn get nrmmd, and although I have not used one anle. I am nearly well. The other three bottles I gave around to my neigh- bors, and I have had so many calls for mni'e, that. I feel bound to relieve the afflicted by writing to you for a supply. Mr. R. C. “linlow, Toronto, writes:â€" “ Northron & ijman’s Vegetable Dis- covery is a. valuable medicine. to all who are tmuhled with indigestion. I tried a bottle of it after suffering for some ten years, and the results are certainly be- yond my exnectatinns. It assisla diges- tion wonderfully. T digest my food with no apparent effort. and am nnw entirely free from that sensation, which every dyspeptic well knows. of unpleasant tul- nes: after each meal.” Mr. Cameron’s Bill to repeal the Me- Carthy Act was intrnmmed into the Do- minion Parliament on Monday last. The Assesmment Convention called 1w the Ottawa City Council is in session at Toronto. Peter Kiefl'er. Buffalo. says: “I was badly bitten by a horse a few days nan, and was induced by a friend, who wit- nonsed the occurrence, to frv Dr. Thomas. Eclectric Oil It relievpd the gain a]- hir‘isT. mi 1-HTaFéW,’ Eiufif'ifi Thu?" d‘avs the wound was completefly healed. Nothing can be better for fresh wounds.” 89:4 that You get the genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclecmc Oil, as there are imitations on the market. A plot to poison thP Russian family has been diacnvvred. A Complete mvnllitinn in the state of a stomach harassed by Dvspepsia is caused hy using Northrop & Lyman’n Vegemble Discovery. or great, l'lan‘l purifier, a meriicine specially adapivd to renew healthful activity in that organ and in those which must olnnelv cu-operaie with it. the bowels and the liver. Easy di, gentinn, an increase of appetite am} n, free secretion of bile, maik the radical change which it produces. Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew- er imparts a fine glass and freshness to the hair, and is highly recommended by physicians, clergyman. and Rcienfis's, as a. preparatinn aconmplishing wnnderfnl Ieanlts. It is acertain remedy fur re» moving dandruff. making the scalp white and clean, and restoring grey hair to its youthful color. A verdict for $10,000 has been record- ed-againat ad Uxhridqe estate. r We do not sound a. needle“ alarm when we tell you that the taint i’mf scroâ€" fulo is in your system. Inherited or acâ€" quired, it is there, and Aye-"s Susaparil- la alone will effectually eradicat'o it. General Gordon is expected to reach Khartoum on Feb. 11th Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminatar de- ranges worms, and gives rest to the suf- ferer. Toronto defeated Bufi'ulo in the annual curling match. A lady writes: “ I was enabléad to re- move Hm corns, root and branch, by the use of Holl’xway’s Corn Cure. A spurtsmen’s convention is to be caliâ€" ed at Toronto. A Column of Interesting Read:- ing Malter The Montreal ice palace has been com- pleted. Itching Pilesâ€"Symptoms and Cute. NOTICE! NEWS FOR A GLA-NGE. n. BLA I 34" Chairman 15â€"lv Imperial An arithmetxc puzzle has been giving she young people. here some iuteresr dur- ing the past few days. “'e give in so that somenf your readers mav exercise their ingenuity on it' -Tuke three ones, three “new, three fives. three sevens, three nines, and arrange any three of the figures an as to canny twenty, by adiitiun‘ Mr. G. G. Pringle, butcher of this place, has sold out his business and stuck and remnvvd to Elmbank to keep store and post office. The protracted services, carried on for the last two weeks in the C. M. Church, have closed. The weather lias been 5;) stormy that very few were able to attend. Some good work has been done. (From Our Own Correspondent.) A Lodge of the British Order of Good Templara was organized in this village, by Mr. Rudder). Temperance Lecturer, on Jan. 218k. We understand tweutv- one joined then and as many more are expected to jnin in the course of a few weeks. Smumhing of the kind was badly needed. We hope it will prosper. the 27th day of May and the 16th of December. and the Clerk is hereby auth- orized to get 100 copies of the dates of said meetings printed in the usual form for distributionâ€"Canned. drawing gravel,@ $3 6 00 Dist. No. 3. ’I‘. Garret . 10 00 A. Campbell. 3 00 Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that this Council hold its regular meetings on the second Tuesday in each month during the remainder of the year, except the'mouths of May and December, whlch meetings to be held on Moved by Mr. Reaman, seennded hy Mr. Cook, that. the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the follOwinz road accounts as certified by the Com- nnssumex‘s: Dist. No. 1 A. Bnrkhnlder, 1100 ft. lumber . . . . . . . . $13 20 S. Trnyer, 1000 ft. of plank ............... 14 00 H. Trnyer, for 1000 ft. of plal1k..,.,.... 14 00 I. Reaman, 2 days graying gravel,@ $3 6 00 Moved by Mr. Reamau secuuded by Mr. Elliott. that the Clerk be and is hereby autlmrmed m advertine and re- ceive tenders for the priming of the Township of Vaughan for the year 1884 â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Cook, secnnded by Mr. Reamzm, that“ the 'llrgnsurgr~be-andrxim herebv authorizud to continue the deposit of the funds belunging to the Township in the Canadian Ban of Commerce.â€" Garried. ' anad by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Ream-an, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authoriZed tn may Robt, Craig lmlance of enmmct uf 1880, $3.â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Remuan, that the Clerk is hereby in- structed to notifv Trustees of Union S. S. of Vaughan and Markham, in refer- ence to a petition of Mrs. Gordan and six others to be transferred to S. S. No. 5 in ‘he Township of Yurk.â€"flarriedV ' Muve-d by Mr. Rvaman, seconded by Mr. Cook, that the Clerk give the legal notice in regard tn Jas. Watson in scop- ping up certain streets in the village of Maple 1n Connectxon with his property.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr Quirk, that; the account of the Globe Printing Cu. amuuuting to $59, be paid. â€"Cmried. Muved by Mr. Elliott, seennded by Mr. Mallnv. that. there be refunded 130 Charles Nixon, Collector for Div. N0. tor the year 1883, the sum nf $2.77, be- ing aumunt of taxes which he is unable to collect from John CanovonJ. W. Ben- gongh and Miss Munroe, non-residents. â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr. Elhott, that the account of the T0- fnntn General Hospital, amounting to $90 40, being 82 days for J. Hannah and 144 days for Mr. Kenney. be paid. Pitcher fur Hull. 25 centsâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Reaman, seconded by Mr. Cook, that Mr. Henry Franks be appointed caretaker of the Town Hall for the year 1884, and that he be paid the sum of $16 by the Treasurer for the same. â€"Carried. The 'membersAelect having executed the declaration of qualification Md of office took their seam and proceeded to busi- ness. A petition was presented from Robert Gordon and six others, asking to be re- moved from Union S. S. No. 1, Vaughan and Markham. to S. S No. 5, York. Membefs présent, Thompson ‘Purter: Recife; “7111. Cook,‘ 1gb Peputy Reeve Daniel Reaman, [End Defmty' Reeve Alex. Mallny, 3rd Deputy Reeve; Geo Elliott, Councillor. The members-elect of the Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met at. the Town Hall, on Monday, Jannarv 21%, 1884, at l1 :1. m. The Council then adjourned. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. NQB .ETON. KYLEâ€"~11] len’idgo, at. 1161' fmhf‘r'g rosidonco, u)! 1<‘riduy.Jun. 25:11.Mimn Bolster, 1m: bo- lnved wife uf Uhus. 14., Kyle, I‘m-01110, uged 25:3 warp-E ‘ DAVIvaAt Richmond Hill, on Jul). 20th, the wile of Mr. N. Davis, of «y (laughter. MCBRIDE~At Richmond Hili. on Wednesday, Jun. 30th, thu wife of Mr‘ Wm. McBride, Al. A‘. of (L son. I . NIAIRHIAGES ELLSTON-WVAJxKERwAt tlm residonvc of the This fig/st Convention. has been a sum fleas, and every village and town should put furth a dunermiued effort to secure the services of Professor Ben] for four days, ‘ Two resolutions were passed. One 10 the people of VVoodbridge, for their hus- pitality; the other, that a convention be held annually. The Convention was brnught (u a close by singing the National Anthem. Friday morning and *afternoon thuro was a large attendance, and among thow on the platform were Mr. and Miss Franks, and Stewart Family, all of Brampton), and four corner. players from Richmond Hill. A concert was given in, the evening by about 100 voices. to. 0. large audience, considering severe cold weather and drifted roads. Prul. Stewart. and daughter, violinists, accompanied by a daughter at. the piano. gave some ex- cellent xelectious, highlv appreciated by the audience. Miss Franks,‘ Brampton, gave two solos in her usual samsryim: style. Mr. Lmdlow, music teacher at. Woodhill, gave a bass solo, which wus well received. 'Ihe'e were mwtts and qunrtettes. and also a. large number of selections by the whole class. 'Mrs. Porter, of Clairville, presided at tqu piano to the satisfaction of all. (From Our Own Correspondent) GRAND MUSICAL CONVENTION, The Musical Convention held in this village on Jan. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 1884., opened m1 \Vednesday morning at 10 o’clock, with a chums of fifty voices. The work consisted of drill on church music‘ In the afternoon about sixty as- sembled and uere drilled in glee and anthem music. In the evemng a large number assembled and all were satisfied with the proceedings uf the first day. Thursday morning Professor Beal gave a. drill on voice-culture and elocutinn, The remaining part of the day was oc- cupied with drill on chorus music. Mr. Dv-dd rose to re )lv. still ‘ ‘31wka3ijvnlyaym ’-- and'hnd alfi'afi uuu that the people of this neighburhn'od were very friendly during his term at. King. Sevéral more gentlemen were called upuu to address the, meeting, whlch Lhey (.fid in a humorous Lmnner. , DEAR, RESPECTED SiR,â€"Now that you are about to sever your connection as agent at this place, we cannot let the op- portunity pass without giving expression to our appreciation of ynur services, both as a private citizen and a public servant. We therefore feel it our pleasing duty to tender you our hearty thanks for the cheerful, upright and obliging manner in which you have discharged your many (and at times vexatiuus) duties. We Also wish to express to you our unbound- ed faith in your sterling honesty and up- rightness, and beg your acceptance of this purse as a small, token of our esteem. In doing so we feel that it is but a. small measure of tribute in comparison with the Ina,in obligations we are under to you for many past kindnesses to us. But We know that you will value it more for the motives that have prompted us in making the presentation, than for its intrinsic value. In bidding you adieu we cannot refrain from again expressing our regret, but are happy to Know that our loss is your gainfiuid smcerely trust, that, you and juur amiable wife may be spared many years of happiness and prosperlty in your new home. ' (From our own Correspondent) On Thursday evening last a large number of friends assembled at Mr. J. Hogan’s to entertain Mr. and Mrs. Dodd, on the eve of their departure to Hagen:- ville. Over sixty friends partook of a. sumptuous repast of oysters, served in good style by the ever attentive landlady, Mrs. Hogan, after which the friends ad- journed to the drawing room and enjoy- ed themselves in various amusements, in which all took as hearty a part as they did in replenishing the inner man. They were again invited to the dining room, when Mr. J. C. Stokes was unanimously elected chairman, who in appropriate Words addressed the assembly, stating than all who were there had met in‘ a common cause to show respect ta their esteemed friend, and presented the fol- lowlng address and a purse [:0 Mr. Dodd; To w. T. Donn, Esq, Agent for the N. & N. W. Railway at King, on.behulf of his many friends and admirers LSTON-WVAhKERwAt tlm residonvc of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. W. ’I‘uctun, on \\ gunman ".Jam. Llptlx, Mr, Jnim E11801). Lu Sarah, tmuL daughter of Mr. James Walker, all of Muruhmn. i) EA 'l‘ [Single copies, 3 ctS. WOODBRIDGE. iél'n'n‘us. SPRINGHILL. N0. 30,

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