Monthly Sale. Next Wednesday, being the ï¬rst Wednes- “maukumvs Monthly Sale V ‘will be held at the Palmer House. _ Religious. The latest novelty in our sister village of â€"«Aurora. is the holding of religious services in one of the hotels of that place. They have been conducted in a very orderly and becoming manner thus far, without any molestation whatever. and we hear much good is being accomplished thereby. New Quarters. The Salvation Army, after 9. long siege on ‘the Neivmatketites, has reached Aurora, and 1‘s bent on storming that {on for some time 3to comu- It is marching southWard. and we understand Richmond Hill will be its next $1315.09 of attack. X'GIRON'I‘O.‘ ‘City 113.11 Unicn Station grock St‘r‘gï¬t f . ueen‘s at barkaalu ..... Davenport Weston... Thornhill. Bicauoun HILL“ King Aurora." Nomuket Wewmm-ket... v urom ..... . ing ............ :RICHMON“ HILL. ‘Thomhfll Weston... Davenport Parkdule H Togom‘o. *Revival Services. Revival Services, nre now being held night- iy in the C. M. Church. Revs. Betts an?! "Starr, ofï¬ciating ministers. ‘ gyï¬dï¬umjm’isdm . . . .Go to Dewsbury’s for harness, whips, trunksflalisemdcc. Eur sale cheap. See Advt. " - . . Mr. Moodle has on hand a. ï¬ne assert; ‘ment of teas, lmnpsz. glassware, Scotch and Vanadinn tweeds, &c. Give him a call. «Adv, in anothbr cn‘nmn. ' Fire Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Fire Brigade will be -hdld tomorrow night at "7.30, when the following wfll be damned ; Resolved that water does more damage at a ï¬re than ï¬re. Captain Sanderson leader of mfï¬rmative and Fireman Duncan of negative. {A full notendanoe is requeded. . A StBï¬Eâ€"‘t Lecture; lnoe on a time, 111 New York State, a man must enterprising got up a scheme in his wise pate. and went to advertising. 2wice had he to move his store. it kept on so 921- pending, but etiil hm customere grew more, till there was scarcely room for standing‘ 3riee he did enlarge his store, then boldly built another. so big it made his rivals roar, and in their wrath ’moet smother. 4tunate man I his weal/t1) increased in manner most surprising. and when he died hie last words Ware, “ My son donft give up advortiving."â€"~ l‘ms .2 Tootbpilfk. ‘ above) . 6.40 N. B.â€"Re;zistered Eaters mu be handed in at least ï¬fteen Minites earlier t an the above mentioned hours foi- closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. . . . .Try Crosby's {rash dates, oranges. Iemons, 620. You will ï¬nd them delicious. ‘ Connects with all trains, leaving the Palmer gï¬ouse. Richmonl Hill. as follows: M11in Ex ress,Nortsh 6; South ............ 7.45 a. m. ,Acmmmo ntion “ " . “11.45 “. ;Exyress. North......... 625 p. m. MM),South.u 6.45 . " . Until further notice Mails will be dosed at the Richmond Hill P634; (mice as follows:â€" Momzma:â€"Goi’hq North‘somh, East and st,‘ including Thbmhill, V aple,’l‘nronfn, Markham,&c. E45 EvzumG:â€"qung gduthEasl; and West (as _ Mon'thly Meeting. A. F. 6: A. M. meet on Monday evening 'for the transaction of general business. Hotel Keepers†Mcetmg. At the meeting of the Hotel Keepers of 'West York held at the Palmer House last week, it was decided that licenses should be ltaken out as formerly, under the Crooks Act. PROCTORï¬ï¬GE LINE. The New Court House. V The Court House Committee of the City Council met on Monday and secretly agreed upon a site for the new Court House. They are about to submit their ultimatum to the County Council when the location of the éite‘will bemade known. we hope this im- portant matter will not again be shelved. @112 figilteml. . A S‘range Sight. Quite a novel sight presented itself in our Village on Sunday last. A large number of horses, tied together, were taken through, evidently on their way to market. The men in charge must have been fcreiguers, other- wise they would have known me Sabbath is more respécted in 't’his part of the world. N. R. R. TIME TABLE. u’een‘s Wharf . rock Street N Umon St&tion.. C1ty Hmll...... POST OFFICE NOTICE ABDUT HOME. GOING NOï¬TH. ....... 9.42 GOING- SUOTH. Ex. A 8.20 ..8.32 . 8.50 Mail. 7.55 8.05 8.10 . {.9133 10.05 8.17 9.12 9.33 Accom. nail. 11.50 7.07 12.05 7.18 12.30 7.38 1243 ‘ 7.50 12.57 6.00 ...... 8.1‘J 11.45 1152 12.00 12:10 12.57 1. 10 1 .53 5 .43 519‘? cow: 4 u Ex. Serious Accxdent. We regret to learn that a. son of Mr. Mo. Cngue, of Victoria Square, met with a very serious and painful accident on Tiiuraday lust. It. appears that. whilst chopping, a. splinter struck him in the eve, and it was tented hq whnlgl losejb. Medical aid was immedimély sédured from Dr. Langstafl' and hopes are now entertained of preserving his sight. 3 ‘Narrow Escape. ' As J. P. Wells, Esq., Exâ€"M. P., was tum- ing the corner ' of Centre and Elizabeth Streets on Friday last, he had the misfortune to upset his cutter. ' With great difï¬culty he m lump (1 to hold his horse until seized by a. passer-by, when things were put to rights and happily resulted in nothing more serious than a tumble m the snow. _ Gas Escape. Considereble excitement was caused M the Pastereon Agricultural Works on Mom day last, by the gas escaping from the gin furnace. Three‘uf the workmenâ€"Messrs. Johu Savage, Alex Kirkland and Nelson Davisâ€"were almost suffocated before they could reach the open alt, but we believe they ware able to return to their duties on the following day. ' ‘ Petley‘s Party. On Monday evening the employees of the well-known and popular ï¬rm of Petlsy & Patley, Toronto, droVe out no Eagle’s Hotel, Weston, where they spent a. very enjoyable evening. A grand supper was served by mine host of The Eagle, and the evening was spent in dancing and other amusements. Mr. W5 Petley accompanied the party and noted'es floor menager. High School Content. The pupils of the Richmond Hill High School intehd giving one of their popular entertainments on Friday eveningfll‘eb. 8th. They have secured {he services of the Glee Club of Toronto Universityt consisting of about twentv-ï¬ve members, who have been traineq by Mr Torringhon. Proceeds in aid of the High School Library of Reference. See programme in another column. - Al: aConvention of the I. o G. T., held in Toronto on the 17th and 18th of Jam, 9. District Lodge was organized, of which Mr. J. H. SandereOn, the W. (l. Tho! the Lodge in this village, was appointetl P. W. o. T.. and was also appomted County Depth-y, which places him in a position to organize Lodges of this Order in any part of the County. We are clad to see Temperance looking up in Richmond Hill. sow ....... ; . DUET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v. ‘ Love and War ' W A FROST and A G Momâ€. CHORUS . . . . . . . . . . '. ‘ - . . . . . . . . . . Antigona Important Credit Sale. There Swill be sold by public auction, on W-dnenday. Feb. 27le, on Lot No. 1. 5th Con. Vaughan, 3 quantity of. valuable farm stock, implements. 620.. the property of MI. Jae. Dalmel. The whole to be sold without reserve as the proprietor has leased his farm. 891821th a. m. Lunch at noon Salem' Ecknrdt, V Auctioneer. Programme of High School Concert The following is a. copy of the program of the High School Concert to be giwn in the Musomo Hall, Richmond Hill, on Feb.~8th,: DUET . n . . . . . , . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Instrumental A G Mommy and P W MACKEUWN. CHORUS . . . . . . . . .Chaer up Companions GLEE CLUB. ‘ READING . .» . . . . . . . . . . . . Sergeant Buzfuz A HENDERSON. QUARTETTE . Massns BROWN, Wmm, MACLEAï¬ré’lV WHITE. CHORUS...... . . . . . . . . . . . .x.....(Edipus GLEE CLUB. CHORUS . . . . . . SOLO . . . . . . . READING . . . CHORUS . . . . . L M'ecbanics’ Institute. A meeting of the Directors of the above Institute wee called on Tuesday night. but as the President and Treasurer were una- voidably absent and as there were not 9110th members present to form a quorum. no bueiness was transacted. I! out Insti- tute is to magp‘er, directors must show more zeal than heretofore. SOLO‘....,..\.. CHORUS . . .5 A. Annivarsary Services The Anniversary Sermons in connection inch the new Church at Headford were preached on Sunday last, followed by the annual tea meeting on Monday 'evening. A large amount of money lwas realized, A quilt, which was put up at auction, brought some 311 017.812. Mr. Clark was the pur- ehlssel'. I Foresters. A. O. E, Court Richmond of Canada, No. 7046, opened in thie village on Dec. 28th last, with eleven members. Now. after three meetings, it. has twenty-two membersu Last Friday evening two were initiated and nine propositions receive 1. which goes to show that the society is nfeetihg with abecial favor. ‘ Gum CLUB. GOD Ski/7‘3. T T F Bso‘yvu. . K. . . .. . . Death of Marmion A Hmbnnsou. ‘ GLEE CLUB. . . . . . . A Franklyn’s Dogge GLEE CLUB. W A Fnos'r. Gum CLUB. A MERCER. PART II. PART I Soldier’s Farewell‘ 1 I ‘ i T‘ ’ , " . . I1 Trovatote Young Recruit .....‘V.thoer . . . . Antigona . . . . . Selected I fear no foe Cambridge Clothing House, 86 Yonge Street,1'orqntq. Mlllinery. 69.00 Trimmed Hats for $6.00. $7.50 Trimmed Haw for 35. $6 00 Trimmed Hats for M. $5.00 Trimmed Hats {024350. {$4.60 Trimmed flats forâ€. M'antles. , $100 Mantles for 650. $75 Mantles for $37.50. $50 Mantle“ for $25. $30 Manlles for $20. $25 Mnntles for $19. $20 Mantles for 815. $15 Mantles for 311. $12 Mantlea for 39. $9 Mnntlea for $7. $7 Mantles fur $5.50. Children‘s Mantles Cheap. Dress Goods. ‘ 16c. Dress Goods for Him. 2013. Dress Goods for 15c. {rery low prices. NEW ADDRESS, 184 YONGE STREET, THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET. In order to reduce our immense Stock of New VVinterGoods, we wil offer for the next three weeks the greate'st Bargains we have ever, shown in B1ankets,. Comfortables, Flannels, Linen Ta ble Damasks, Sheetings, Towels, Napkins, Lace Curtains, Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, Shawls, Black and Colored Siiks, Satins, Brocades, Ottoman Cords, Velvets; Velveteens, Plushes, Black and Colorhd Cashmeres, Dress Goads, Black Crapes, full ‘lines of Mourning Dress Materials, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Sace Neckwear, Corsets, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Dress B‘uttons'and Trimmings Knitted Wool Gcods,‘ Ladies’ Underwear, Gents’ Underwear, Notions, etc. This is a Genuine Clearing Sale; and Large Redcctrons have been made in>all Departments. Space does not. permit quotations of our many Bargains, but Ladies are respectfully ivited to calland see the Immense Bar- gains in all Departments,as this is a rare chance to secure new and seasonableu Goods "at EXTENSIVE CLEARING SALE . . 0F ' Over-coats, Over-coats. Over-coats; Ulsters, , Ulsters‘ . - Ulsters; Youths’ Overcoats.. Youths’ Over-coats.- Juvenile Ulsters. Juvenile ~Ulsters. This Sale will continue until’the whole of the present offering is dispbsed (if. I are marked 1n plain ï¬gures. showing the present and former prices. and for the inf of‘intending purchasers we enumerate a few of the changes: PREï¬ENT PRICE. FORMER PRICE. GREAT HOLIDAY SALE! Edward Mi’Ke o'Wn5s; Grand Xmas Clearing Sale OF FALL AND WINTER = , “CAMBRIDGE: _ CLOTHING HOUSE, $3.75 Trimmed Huts f9t'32.50. 83.00 Trimmad Hats for 82. Untrimmed goods equally as cheap. Bargains in Fea’rh’vru, Pmï¬hos, Pompous, Flowers, &o., 3w. 184 Yonge Street, 3rd. Store above Queen Street. . POPULAR-DRY GOODS HOUSE; ’ ’ HAMILTON, $4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 ’ 10.00 12.00 250. Dress Goods for 17%. 300. Alf-Wool Dress Goods for 17:}0. 330. Dress Goods for 25c. 400. Dress Goods for 27¢. ' 450. Ersss Goods for 350. All Dress Goods Rwduced in Prices in Order to Clear Out. the Stock. 000- 081 '10-buuou length Chamois Gloves %for 5 e. Furs. .,$Z¢QQ_Blaok.Hnin.Muï¬srmr$1,-26.r r ' ~~ ’ -- . $6.00 Mink Maï¬a 'or 84. W $10.00 Fine Minanï¬s for $6. $12.00 Fine Mink Muï¬s for 37.00 $15.00 Best Mink Muffs for 39. 818.00 South Sea Seal Mnï¬s for (“0. Fur Capes, Warth $1.75 for $1.25. Fur Caper, Worth $2 50 for $1.75. Fur Capes, Worth 357 50 fur $5. Childrem' Eur Sets at. Half Price. Kill Gloves __750. 6-button length Chamom Gloves for 35c. $1 2-button Kid Gloves for 500. $1 3lbutton Kid Gloves for 500. $1.25 4-button Kid Gloves for 65c. . W. HOLTB Y, Manager. W 0---. tiand_ former pri'ces. aï¬d for the infdfmatioï¬ $5.00 6.00 7.50 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 Job line colored Kike at 20¢. per phir. Hosiery and Underclqthlng _. .. . -7 MAM-W091flyï¬tï¬jand‘memzfof z. x. The abeve represent an immense purchase of 400 dozen at 500. on the dollar or half price. ' - In additmn we have our regular lines, in- cluding “ Bouillon Joquvhine brand,†in black and odors. ‘ 51.é‘5â€s'c'a}ié{iijiwaéf élii’rié'iiai'ï¬r for 75c. (were Handkerchiéls 40 dox. Fancy Hem-Stitch Handkerchiefs at 50. 10 doz. Fancy Hem-“titan Handkerchiefa at 66. Oaher things in proportion. ‘ 25c. All-Wool Seamless So: for 160. 453. All. Wool' seamless Stockings for 250. 500. A11~Wool Seamless Stockings for 300. $3.75 Cashmere Jerseys for 82.75.. $51.75 Men's Cardigan Jackets for $1.25. 92 Ladies' Rubber Circulars for 81.95. Ladies‘ Underwm Cheap. ' Misses’ Underware Cheap. Boys’ Underwm‘e Cheap. Cheap Goods Tell. All goodg