Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jan 1884, p. 7

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Interesting Items of News from all Parts of the World. CANADIAN. The Halifax City Council has adopted a. resolution providing for a. new paid fire de- partment instead of the preeent volunteer one. The cost of the new system will be nearly $15,000. NEWS SUMMARY. The late Clerk of the Court of AppeaJs at Montre a1, bomte Datum de Granpre, was a very eccentric mm, and it is said that he bought his coflin thirty years ago and has ever since had it in his possession. The recent Cornwall fire was the moat dimgtroua of any in that town for ymrs. Be- 3335 the tofaA destruction of the Commerc- ‘ Hotel, eight or nine other places of busi- ness were destroyed, involving a less of lady $100,000. The St. Lawrence Sugar refinery at Mon- treal has been destroyed by fire, with a. loss of property valued at $200, 000. It is said to be the heaviestloss the insurance com- panies have sustained in Montreal for the last five years. About 100,000 pounds of sugar and 6,000 bags of valuable material were destroyed, and 250 men thrown tem- porarily out of employment. The cigar box factory of Davis & Son, alongside, was also deatroyed with a loss of about $6,000. Rev. L. Mackay. missionary of the Cana- da. Presbyterian Society to the island of For- moaa, off the coast of China, reports that War 2000 natives have thrown away their idols, and desire_ to. worship t13e one true The burning of the Erskine Presbyterian church in Toronto, of which Rev. J ohu Smith is the minister, involved a. loss of nearly $30,000. There was an insurance of about $20, 000. It is probable the building will be re-erected at once. The walle‘wcre of brick and part of them can be used again. The congregation now warships in a small Methodist church on Elm street. God. A chapel hms been opened in one vil- lage, and in another of over two hundred in- habltants ever soul Wants to be a Christ- in, and every ouse is cleared cf idols. The Canadian steamer "Spartan" of the Richelelieu and Ontario Nevagation Co. was wrecked near Owen Sound last summer and taken to Detroit for repairs. The charges for repairing were no less than $28,- 000. and besides there was awreckage claim at $6,000 more. The company considered these charges more than the steamer was wm-th and she was allowed to be sold at euc- ion by the U. S. Marshall, to satlsfv the daims. The steamer was bought at 826,000 flat the company. Dr. Alpheue Todd, for many years Par- liamentary Librarian of Canada, died very uddenly M his own residence, recent- E. He had been in his usual health and '5 death was attributed to the rupture of a, flood vessel in his brain. He was about 65 yams of age, a rative of Eng‘and, and a gen- tleman of rare ability, especially 'as a write}: A great atfilge of nail-workers in the East- uu States is threatened. I on constit-utional 'q'uesEiona. ' He held of- ’ for over thirty ears in connection with fie parliamentary fibmry. UNITED STATES. P. T. Barnum has built a. roller-skating ink in Bridgeport. _ New York State made a profit of nearly 310,000 out of its prisons last year. The civic debt of Boston is $42,544,- 000 and that of Brookly, N. Y.. $42,764,- Snow fifteen inches deep on the level is re- ported from North Carolina. The divorce market in New York is de- clining. Last year there were 244 divorces against 300 in 1882. Statistics of the U. S. iron and steel trade for 1883 show a. slight decrease in the pro- duction compared with 1882. Triplets, namedâ€"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Kile. aged 72 years, are livingin Buck’s County, Pennsylvania. Reports indicate serious damage by frosts to the young orange groves along the Gulf coast, as far south as Manatee, Fla. United State: Treasurer VVyman-has re- ceived from New York a $1,000 note as a. contribution to the conscience fund. The New York World estimates the steal. inga for the year 1883, Canada not included, at $13,000,000, diatributad among 148 trust- ed ofl‘icials. Pennsylvania is recklessly destroying her timber. Her shipments as reckoned in Williamspcrb, footed up at more than 400,- 000,000 fept last year. During the last four years it; is stated that not less than three hundred million dollars have been spent in building new rail- roads and repairing old ones in the Southern States. The U. S. Cattlé bommission recommend- ed the appropriation of a millxon and a. 11qu to be used in preventing the spread of cat- tle diseases. The report of the New York Superintend- ent of State Prisons says the earnings fer the year ending September were $407,061, an the expenses $397,955. ' The output of the American coal fields last year was nearly 93,000,000 tons, at an auerage value to the mine owners at the pit mouth of $162,750,000 ; 66 per cent. was of bituminous varieties. During 1883 there was a reduction of over $1 15, 000, 000011 the U‘ S. interest-bearingpub- lic debt.’ In a. little over 18 years the nation has paid over $1,105,000.000 of it, only $86,- 000,000 less than half the total bonded bebt on September 1. 1865. The Board of Directors of the Zoological Society of Philadelphia have decided not to acoept the gift of $50,000 offered by Mr. Joseph E. Temple, on condition that the gar- den should be open free to the public one day in each week. , The St. Paul Gazette states that the Crow Indiana, numbering 800 families, with about 3,000 persons, own 6,500,00 acres of good land, worth, at $2 an acre, $6,500,000; 11,- 500 horses, worth, at $20 a. piece, $230,000 ; and receive an annual allowance of $800,000 from the Government, from which it com- pntes that they are worth $3,510 a. head, making them the richest people in the world. The steamer City of CoYumbus was wrecked on the coast of the Channel, near New Bedford, Massachusetts, and was wrecked with the loss of’nearly one hundred persons on board. The report is that the steersan became cold, lashed his wheel and went for twenty minutes to warm himself by the smoke pipe. When he returned he found the vessel had changed her course, was among the rocks and he therefore heed- ed towards' shore, grounding the vessel in 11 feet of water, over a mile from the main land. A Policeman’s Christian Association has been formed in London. There were only nine accidents to trains in 1882 in Great Britain by which passengers were killed. The population of England and Wales has doubled in the past 57 years, and that of London in 4L years. A tower nearly 100 feet is to be erected near Bolton Abbey as memorial (.f the late Lord Frederick Cavendish. ZT‘he latest piece of fashionable slang in London is “slamming.” To "slum" is to visit poor people in poor parts of a. city on missions of mercy and charity. Richard Neusman, of Prestqn, England. who recently died, left to that town his en- tire collection of pictures, porcelain and bronzes. It is said that the pictures alone, ten years ago, were valued at between $300,- 000 and $350. 000. ‘ In England, Miss Emin Faithful started the first printing press for women in 1859, after great opposition, and obtained the ap- proval of the Queen for the work, who ap- pointed her printer and publisherin ordinary to Her Maj esty. . The Crystal palace electrical exhibition held in London last year was a. decided euc- ceas from a financial point of view, the prof- its amounting to £15,000. The Paris elec- tricel exhibition netted even a. larger sum, about £16,000, which [E to be devoted to the creation of a central laboratory for elec- tricity. The wild scenery is something wonderful, and when the sun shines on the snow-cover- ed mountains it is indeed a. pretty sight. In some of the ravines you see large drifts of snow that have been carried there by the wind, and into which I should imagine it would not be very pleasant to fall. The air here, of course, is very cold, but it is a healthy breeze, and very bracing. At one o’clock, mid-day, we reached our anchoring place for the night, as we could not make the next harbor by daylight, and in the darkness it would be impossible to enter. About two o’clock we received a. visit from one of the Patagonian Indiana. They elme off from the shore in queer looking canoes, made out of three pieces of boardâ€"one on the bottom and one on each side. These were sewn together with fibres. and admit- ted considerable water. With the exception of some skins they had tied loosely around their bodies, they were devoid of clothing, and before they hed been alongside msny minutes, they had sold them all for some biscuits, tobacco and boxes of fustehel‘ After remaining on board about an hour, they returned to the shore, all but one being entirely naked. The exceptional one who did not return to shore in a nude state, owed it to the fact that the second steward hedfonnd on board an old bottle-green dress that had been left by some female passenger on the way out from Europe. W'ith this the Indian wza duly attired, it being tied on and around him, by the sailors, with seizings. Later on we had a. visit from one or more of them, this time accompanied by a female. The skins they brought oti were those of the otter. One Indian had over his shoulder what at one time had been a. very valuable sealskin, but was then too old and dirty for use. It is strange how these creatures manage to exist in this severely inclement climate, where it fresz s nearly all the year round. They used no more clothing than that effor- ed them by nature. and their huts are no- thing but a. few sticks tied together. with a few skins and some leaves thrown over the top of them, and their canoes are always half full of water. The weapons used are bows, arrows, spears. They eat the flesh of the [animals they kill in the chase. and sometimes they catch fish ; but the principle article of food is muscles, of which there are millions around there. They have no- thing in the shape of com, wheat. or cereals of any kind, as none grow anywhere nearer than 1200 miles away. The climate is too cold for any but hardy shrubs. They will not_ touch liquor of any kind. u - "L, They are in appearance something like the Indians one meets in the altos in Guate- mala. but are a. smaller and shorter race, and very much more degenerated. I should imagine them to be the very lowest speci- men of humanity existing, and only one link short in the chain to connect them with the monkey tribe, 0;) of them. apprrently a. better humored fellow than his companions, set upon the rail and sang a song. They sit, or rather squat, as a. monkey does, and this fellow at short intervals would yell out: "Ame, eme, ame,” crying out quickly, and much after the monkey style. A! night drew on they all went off to the shore, and “ WOMAN AND HER DISEASES" is the title of an intereatmg treatise (96 pages) sent, postpaid, for three stamps. Address VVCRLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. we saw then-I no more. The progress of rivers to the ocean is not so rapid as that of the man to error. A DEAD SHOT may be taken at liver and bilieus disorders with Dr. R. V. Pierce’s “Pleasant Purgative Pellets.” ' Mild yet certain in operation ; and there is none of the reaction consequent upon taking severe and drastic cathartics. B y druggiats, That action is best that procures the greatest happiness for the greatest num- ber. Young men or middle aged ones, suffering from nervous debility and kmdred weaknesa‘ as should send three stamps for Part VII World's Dispensary Dime Series of books. Address WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Bufl‘alo, N. Y. Where we may not be able to extirpate an evil, it is still our duty to do what we can to lessen it. Pictures of Patagonia. GREAT BRITAIN. H.405 FOR THE . kidneys, Liver, and Urinary Organs. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. There is only one way by whim any disease can be cured. and that. is bv removin the causeâ€"wherever it, may bp. The great me ical authorities of the day deciare that. nfaarly every giaease is 6:1de by deranged. kidneys or liver. 0 manure these. therefore, id the only Way by Which health can be secured. Here is where “'ABNEKQ ISA FE .g‘ui‘lg “has ‘gohieved its S?“ Epi‘umonr It acts flimatly "(man the Luéfirs and _]L‘ver, qnd by placing them in a 1.5mm}. f‘nndxtxon derC_S disease and pain from the system; Fgr «Ll lizduvy, Liverl and Urin- ary h oubles: lot the diatreafiing dlsorders of wcmEu ; for Malaria. and hyaica) troubles genera Qy. this great remedy mam equal. .139- Ware 0 impoators, imitations and concootmns said to I" just as good. For Diabetes as]; for VILXXEB'S SAFE D‘ABE'I‘l-Zs (HARE. For sale by all dealers. Toronto. 0m” Rocheswr, The coffee-trees were all planted in rows, each about six feet apart and stretching right away up the hillside. The tree rather resembles the laurel foliage, but it is not al- lowed to attain any height, being tapped down when four feet high. The cofl‘ee-tree takes thgee years after planting pefore it will yield fruit, and requires a shelter from the wind and a good soil to make it bear well. We were informed that the young plants are put out in holes eighteen inches deep and wide, which are previously filled in with good jungle mould, the greater portion of the soil of Ceylon being naturally oor. Thejungle is, in the first place, felled y Singhalese contractorsâ€"this race being famed for their skill with the axeâ€"toward the end of the year, and is generally finished and ready for burning by March. The great forest "burns" are one of the most curious sights in Ceylon. Imagine torches being applied to a hundred acres or so of felled and lopped trees which have become as dry as tinder from exposure to the burn- ing sun. The tremendous blaze which in- stantly ensuesfland the dense clouds of smoke forming and hanging over the scene like a pall, are something astonishing and can be seen for miles around.‘ The following morn- ing nothing is to be seen but cinders and charred logs, the sole remnants of former forests giants, destroyed by the ruthless hands of the enterprising planter to make room for the coffee or tea last. The opera- tion of planting is usua 1y finished by the month of August if the season is favorable, but diseased and sickly plants have to be replaced by fresh ones till no vacancies are to be seen. In the second year the planter gets a very small crop called the maiden- crop, and in the third year the estate is said to he in full, when the pulping-house and other necessary buildings have to be erected. The berry. when ripe, resembles the ordinary cherry in shape and ooler, and appears in crimson clusters on the trees. de- lighting the eye of the anxious proprietor. In every berry are two beans, which are pulped out by machinery, the beans disap- p axing into the fermenting cistern, and the ‘ husk into thgpulp pit, where it accumulates tor mmuring purposes. The beans are suffered to ferment for thigty-six hours, and are then drawn into the washing cistern, where they are thoroughly cleansed with spring water, whence they are carried to the “barbecue” an open space paved with cement or asphalte, where they are spread on matting, fully exposed to the rays of the sun, to dry. When the drying operation has been repeated three or four time the “ parchment,” as it is called, is sewn up in stout bags and despatched by bullock-carts to the nearest railway station, whence it is sent on as quickly as possible to Colombo, where it is again thoroughly dried and the parchment skim-e moved by a “ peeler ;" it is then ut up through a winnower, which takes 0 a. delicate skin still remaining, cull- ed the “ silver, ” and it is then called “clean cofl‘ee,” which, after being separated into various sizes, is at length fit to be shipped to the market, and is usually packed in make for the voyage. PEOTORIAI Pectoria IPectm-in I the great remedy for (laughs, Colds,_ B‘rogmchilqis,’ Sore Throat. Influenza, ,...,, 7m,“ ___: "VL_A.‘A. Coughs, 0010.5, Broncmus, more 1mm. influenza, Hoaraeness and all affections of me Lungs and Throat or Chest. i’ectoria loosens the phlegm and breaks u the Uough. 25 cents per bottle. Don't. give up untill you ave trie__ Pectoria, all Drugglsts and General Storekeepers 531i it; Try to be happy In this very moment ; and put not ofl’ being so to a time to come ; as though that time should be of another gnake from thxs, which is already come, and 1s ours. For a three cent stamp Wilson Chemical 00, Kingston, Ont, will send to any address a sample package of Triangle Dyes, twenty- seven colored samples of cloth, with direc- tions for use, aniother information valuable to every housewife. mm m. A certain amount of distrust is whole- some, but not so much of others as of our- selves. $1002000f'170 41-041! ' 500 prizes tree. fienhi’e’, . Market Seedsman. Toronto, Ont. NE OFTHE'EESI‘ 250 ACRE FARMS in the County of Kent. For particulars address a; first-class 'mrm property, at lowest rates. Farmer. will save money by applying by mail direct to me. II. E. KNOTT, Nothing is .ever done beautifully which is done in rivalship, nor nobly which is done in pride. A.P 162 )7 i; tfiéiconnty of Kent. For particulars address \V. SHACKLETON, Ohatham, Ont. H- H. WARNER 8; co, A Ceylon Cofi’ee Eastate. “Madame st” mt, Tmnto. N.l’.. Lonaiofi. Eng. A‘N‘ESS for Saigitziggtfipr with f acre land. with 800d house, shop, and stables; or would exchange for boulevand lot in Toronto. JAMES COAKWELL. Whigevale." FORMATION relating to free homes. with cor- rect maps, circulars and reliable facts, free of charge. Apply to HARRY MERGER, Travelling Emigration Agent 0. M. and St. P. railway. Ghatham, Ont. Association. provides dowries on marriage of its members. from 8250 to $3,600. Assessments low. Over 300 certificates already issued. Well worth the consider- ation of_youpg pegplp. Apply to W. I. IMLAOH, Sec- MUTUAL MARRIAGE ENDOWMENT Association. provideswdovyries on m_a.n_'iuge o£ its Saki-136156333. Git; Circulars free. of new and most. productive varieties known ()1 Seed Grown. Testimonials of 110 bushels per acre of Boyd's magnum Outs. Samples of 2 02,. 20 gen“. JAS BOYD JR, ‘eiar Grove, 0111; U . to 810W up deformed or crippled, but call and examlpe Dul‘ ap’gilanoes for the treatment of Club Feet, and Diseases oh 2 Spine, Hips, Knee and Ankle. Re- member the world is progressidg. and more can be done to-day than at. any farmer period. We also manufacture Artificial Limbs. Trusses, amd appliances for the relief and cure of sill kinds of deformities. Will show at Tor- ODCD. Guelph and London Exhibitions. AUTHORS 8; 00X; 91 Church street. Tyrant». BOON TO FTVRMERS 1.1 for Sale in the village of Brougham, known as the Brougham Hotel. Brougham is situated in the centre of the Township of Pickering, where all the public busi- ness of the Township is transacted. This hotel is doing a large commercial trade, besides a first class general business. undoubtedly one of the best money making Hotrl Stonds in the County, Terms moderate. Title good, Splendid Stables and sheds. Possession to suit )urchasel'. Proprietor retiring from Hotel business. rkhxm 5: Whitby mail stages stop daily at the stable. For particulars apply to the proprietor, THOMAS POUOHER, Brougham,_0nt: fififiifififlghsufiéillor’s Handbook, Important bqok for Municipal Councillors and ofiico‘rs. Contains in brief and familiar style the municipal laws of Outario~with forms. 200 pages bound in cloth. Price One Dollar. Address PRATT & TRAC Y. Publishers, Stiaefoid, Ont. BASED 0N NEATS FOOT 01L, 1: the finest harness dressing made. It softens and preserves the leather, and gives it a fine finish. Ask your Saddler for in F. F. DALLEY &: 00., Leather Belflng, Fire En me nose, «3. Four First Prizes and Two iplomas. 1‘h highest of 11.11 Awards for Leather Belting an Fire Engine Hose were accorded by the Judzes at the St. John Centennial and Dominion Ex- hibijzjon, to ROBIN & SADLER, Montreal, ov- 1883â€"81 JOHN EXHIBITIUNâ€"lBflB 3x331? Eéhiivét'iidg ELM CITY HARNESS OIL. I WEEKLY BETWEEN QUEBEC, MONTREAL. AND LIVER?!) 0! CALLING AT 0 UEENSTOWN AND BELFAST is a perfect em, equal. to an imported French Corset; flts ike a. g oveto the figure; very styl- lsh. elegant in a peamnoe, and approved at by the most tsati ions. Manufactured only by BEAVEIi s. 8. LINE, mun-w v “nmnu-N‘v H's EI'MURRAY; THE CROMPToN CORSET (30. Running in connection with the Grand Tf'nnk Railway of Canada. Sailing from uebec every Saturda. during the summer mont s, and from Pox-flan every Thursday during the winter months. PORTLAND T0 LIVERPOOL. Dominion. Jan. 10. | * Oregon, Jan. 81. * Sin-Ins. Jan. 1']. ontarlo, Feb. 7 Montreal, Jan. 24. Toronto. Feb. 14. Rates of 6: Cabin, neboo to Liver no! 850, 860. W; return 99, $108. $117, 144. according to steamer and fierth. Intel'de ta, #0. Steerage, $24. The saloons and staterooms n steamers marked thus: * are smidships. where but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are can-led on them. For further partiou has up 1y to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent, or 1008.] agents of the Company. or to DAVID Jonnfuscn a go... [Emmion Llne deteajnshjpg ii'or owest r5196 ray! angarticlllarn anvly‘ to THE QUEEN’S Sole Agents for the Dominigxl ASK FOR IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. W Beware of Imitations. The Albert Toilet Soap 00. TRADE} N ESTABLISHED HARNESS B_US__I; AKOTA - PARTIES DESIRING_ IN- Ham TWO STORY 3310}: How}. 0 NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN D receipt; of only we will mail. post.- mid. 34 pieces comprising 48 pages of full size sheet musloybound together in one volume. Names of Vocal pieceszâ€"All on account of Eliza; A Warrior Bold' The Country Lad; Nancy Lee; (Show of bharity Girls: Drum- mer’s Song; The Judge's Song; The Love-Sick Boy; Whoa Emma; Two Bad Men; Men in the Moon; Johnny Morgan; The Gleaners; Torpedo and the Whale ; I Saw Her in the Via- let Time: Five 00ka in the Morning]? My Love She‘s but a. Lassie Yet: Adieu, Dear ome; Dame Babble; and 15 pieces of Instrumental Music. comprising new and popular dance Music, selections from difierent Operas, Marches, 820.. Em. All the above and our handsome new Chroma Lithograph in colors of the Lord's Pray- er and 10 Commandments. sent post-paid for 35. As a holiday offer we will also send free 10 Ghrlstmas Cards. 50 money making receipt} and a. k of Age Cards. Order quick You Will get 3.1 the above for 350, or 5 lots for $1.25 ; Idol. for $2.00. Out this out and return with order. us. LEE & 00., Montreal P. q. 35 04.32: SELECT Field,Garden_ Flower WM. BENNIEJDBUNTD. RENNE’S TEE LII-Y $11.90 Extraordinary 13 YORK STREEELIQRONTO- HAM ILTON. ONTARIO. â€"FOR â€"â€" SELECT i,Garden V AND THE BEST THE HANDSOMEST AND MOST COMPLETE CATALOGUE m 1884 MADE BY FREE To ALL Immmua PURCHASERS- 'MARK. General AzentE MBiitreaL LAUNDRY BAR. '12:");va 'L’INE. MONTREAL. Bargain I TinSmiths’ Goods I TIN PLATEâ€"Different Brands'and Sizes. TINNED SHEETSâ€" do do CANADA PLATEâ€"Pen and other Brands. INGOT TINâ€"Lamb and Flag and Straits. GALVANIZED IRON -"Davies,” "Avon," am And STAMPED GOODS, CHEAP. For Sale by COPLAND & McLAREN 30 King Street, East, Toronto, Large double Drivip Belts 8. spesialty'. Send or Price Lists and Discounts. Leather Belting ! PEfiEfiEfiéjfi; :“HORSES 3901mported the Past Three Months. Pnslstlng of finest animals. with choicest pedigrees tegiutarad 1n the Percheron Stud Book of France on the Percheron Stud Book of the United States. Write for Free Illustrated Catalogue No_ 20 Every owner at one or more horses can save a large amount of time and mono by having on hand a. good supply of Ellis’s orse Reme- dies, and to supplye enerel demand we would announce that we w 1 send the following 1) express on receipt of the money or 0.0.D. on return c a es): $6.50 tor $5; 1 box, 12 pounds Medlceted 00d, 81; 2 bott es Spsvin Cure, $2; 2 boxes Lar e Condition Powders. $1 ; 2 boxes Worm Pow are $1; 1 box Heeve Powder.vsoo.; 1 box Colic Powoer 50c. ; 1 box Hoot Ointment : mâ€"smo. J. H. Whitson a; Son, 24th St. N’ Y., says: ” We have used Ellie‘s Spavln are in our stables for two years, and have tried it on the following with perfect success : Splints curbs, ring bones. bunches on the neck, swelleti ankles, also qulnpy, sore throat, and for general stable linlment 1t 13 the best article we have ever used." For further particulars, free books, etc., write to ELLIS SPAVIN CURE COMPANY. 50 Sudhury Street, Boston, Mass. ; or 276 Fourth Avenue, New York THE SPLENDID STEAMERS WHITE SPAR LINE Are allot them without exception amon the Largest and fastest of Ocean Steamers. heY were constructed with special reference to the conveyance of passengers, and for Safety, Com- fort or s eed, are unexcelled. They are speci- ally note for the regularity of their rapid pas< sages in all weather. The steerage accommo- dations are of the highest order, the ventilation perfect; and every provision has been made for the comfort and protection of the passengers. In addition to the total and absolute separation or the single men and. women except on deck. the married compartment has een so remodel- led and arranged that every married couple or family has a. little private room to itself. For particulars apply to the com eny‘s agents at all towns in Ontario, or to T. . JONES. Gen- eral Agent, 23 York street. Toronto. The (fi‘éggeggixnportin and Bre'edjng Establishment in '116 World. ms. LEE &co., Montreal, nq. TRADEMARK. WGO. THE ELLIS SPAVIN CURE 00. A new collection. embmaing a number? of the most 0 ulnr songs of the day. Among ahem are, 9 ever Slgenk as we Pass By ;â€"0ver the Garden \Voll,â€"â€" any Danee.â€"â€"Wn,rrlor Bold,â€" Blne Alsatian Monutuins,â€"0nly a Blossom from her vae,â€"Threo Old Maids of Lee.â€"Flirting in the Starlight,â€"Gmndmother's Old Easy Chair. -â€"Don't Drmk my Boy To-night, and 90 others, comprising Home songs. Comic Songs, Senti- mental songs, Children's songs, etc. All are printec on nice paper. and are bound in a book with colored cover. Remember, we send the en- tire collection of 100 Songs for only 150., three books for 30.- 1 doz..$’1.00; 1c. or 80. stamps taken. If you will send us with this Blip 250., or 9hhree cent stamps. we will mail you, pow-paid, asample package containing 100 useful articles, which are required in every house. with instructions by which you can unka from $2 to $4 per day. Suit- able for both sexes. This is no humhug, as the samples are well worth the money. and may be re- turned if not satisfactory, Show this to your A FAIR OFFER. ffienfls. JAS. LEE & 00., Montreal, P. Q. 100 FUN AND MYSTERY Have you seen It? The greatest collection 0! Games, Cards, Tricks Puzzles, Songs, etc. ever ofiered for anythin like the money. m8]!- MENT FORAW OLE SEASON, for the old or young. Our NEW BUDGET contains the following: Heller’s Conjuring Peck: the Mystic Oracle: Guide to Flirtntion: 10 new Evening Games: Set of "Hold to Light Cards;" 1 Set Colored Chromo Cards; the Star Puzzle; 25 Ways to Get Rich ; the "13" Puzzle; 5 Beautiful Fees Pictures; Language of Jewels and Flowers; 101 Selections for Antogrthh Albums; 11 Popu- lar Songs with Music. 13 ew Tricks 11: M 0; Pack of Fun and Comic Cards ' 1 Chinese B oak Puzzle' the Roman Cross Puzzle; Greet 85 Prize i’uzzle: 1 set Transformation Pictures. change color right before your eyes. and Games of Fortune. ALL FOR 30 CENTS. IN ONE OR TWO GENT POSTAGE STAMPS. BE mall t aid. Two Packages for FIFTY GENT ,flve or N]! DOLLAR. Send at Once and get the greatest ergein ever oflered. Return this with order to void mistake. JAS. LEE & (30., Montreal, P. Q. ENDLESS AMUSEMENT FOR ONLY 30 01's. Manufacturers of star Rivet OAKLAWN- FARE WORTH $2,599,090.09 7 «:4 BEAUTIFUL SONGS â€"): 01‘ THE :(â€"r MONTRE M. W. DUNHAM. Wayne, Du Page 60., Illinois, FIVE Cum-s and get u. snug}!!! copy of Tnvmn, the best - Page Weekly Magazine publish- ed. See the big list of books given FREE to each early sub- scriber and Clubber. FRANK WILSON. 33 k 35 Adelaide St... West. Toronto. Canada. 11:1me ed frém France ind 3nd ' since 1812. by HORSE REMEDIES arethosemwde by EAL. 35mm: We“: of Chicago on C. a N.~W. B’y. THE BEST Prices low for qual- lty of stock, and EVERY STALLION GUARANTEED A BREEDER. 150.

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