N. Rx-Refl‘} 95% least Flfr‘é iuentionml h immense rm!“ goodï¬. Cull Grennan. Monthiv Fair. The mnn'hh‘ fnir was: hp]! at the Palmer hemp yecwrdnv rnri drew tngothor a lamp humbpr of senor»: an-l nnrchasmï¬. The jewelry, amp» other column Tl: number of hnrewe, mv:]p_ thPPp' plga. etc‘ which changed 'anls excnpdpd any sale heh here {or sume tune, the prices paid were un ‘usually good. Con. Vaughan, a quantin of valuable fnrm stock. implePnfs. &n.. the property of MI. Jna. Dalzmi. The an‘P to he so†without reserve as the proprietor has leased his farm. Srlv at 10 a. m. Lunch at noon Belem Eckardt. Auctioneer. Dd. RICHMUNU HILL. 'l‘Imrsd w est privu ; at. 1 ï¬ne tens s. spur-i V. . . . . Smr-kvnh House. During _and Thmsdav, the 13111 and 14th days of Feb., 1884. All are cordiallv invited to at- tend, as the H16! tinge are open to the pub- ‘Iie. 'ewmurl: Until further nntinp \Richmond Hill Post, (NT Wednesdnv TUR Newm m‘ket ‘Weatwn , , Davenport l’nrkulale . Conne House. 1 MM] & I- Express, Nr Hail, South Sabbath Schoo! Associa ion. The ï¬fhpnth Annual Convention of the East and Want Riding: of the County of York will he he“ in the Methodist Clml’ch, in the village of Thnrnhill, on Wednesday and Thursdav, the 13111 and 14th days of Homuxc vaxmo :â€"G PROCTOR‘ Ice Carnival. The Ice Carnival at Montreal is attracting large crr-wdn of people every day, and straw:- ers are visiting 11: from all parts of the worm. Among the dictingninbpd visitors during the week wers- Elia Excellency 'he Governor 'Genernl and the Mnrchinneï¬s of Lnnndowne, who were preunntpd thh an address by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city. The following is: the Hnnor R0†for Rich- mond Hill Public Schnnl for Januarv. Form 1, Divieinn A 1 zâ€"Lyliia Powpll, Harry Stod~ dart, Norman Soho“. Hurry Lymbnrner, Jay Sanderson. and David T’nweH. Div A 2, Susie Blanrharfl. Annie Kenm‘, J Falcon. bridge, Willie Burns. Gen prin, and Minnie Scales. E A Swamp. Principal. TORO Q n Bl‘! High School Concert. W. A. Flatt. nuinist in Metropolitan Cs.- Ihodrnl, 'l‘nrnhtn ; A‘ Henderson, lat prize trader of Uhivnrsity Collage ; and A. Mercer, who was soloist on the ataae for three wars might be mentionpd as being in the Univer‘ wily Glen Club which is uning to give a nrnm‘: There will lm sold by p‘ablic auction, on by Glen Cluh which is aning to give a grand ‘ncert in the Masonic Hall tomorrow (we. J Arthur, Esq†M A, of Roanoke, U S. ‘11 Mcupy the chair. Cxty n-nhill mum» HXLI. mvmxn Eu ‘mhill . ., . POST OFFICE NOTICE mu. ABOUT HOME. M. Church the Lecture k Str nest and thrilling manner RI rnceriPs ! Now and {rt-sh I M: an~ ; at. Hm Uhnnp (.‘nsh Home Our 3 npm-ialtv- Snonfb & Grennan. nr-k'ahirg 9419 at fhn Chasm (‘nah During thi< month we are oï¬aring Tmh’lc'imas on prices of winter Cull nnd ape them. Sueazh c3: apa Station 1“ Important Ciédit Sale with 111) km. mmn I Hill‘ wens. North v Wharf W b u.‘ W R. TIME TABLE. tn M urs Revxval Services rvicps are lprngge, Principal Honnr R011 ‘Eihvral. x1 Lebtï¬rs musthe handed nutes earlier than the ab Norm 270b, on Lot No uth Mails will he 47 M. TEE}: 40 STAGE LINE. The SUOTH lin mk iv. at Skecl-‘s Read 11L Ad in an- ‘5 follows:# ulh. Fast and eing continued in attendnneï¬ is very being ï¬lled to its purchasnn. The Jump. plgn. etc.. wdpd unv sale held uh 1: 7 ’lhox Mmâ€"khm ‘t and We Fob H] ruhill Palm aster at the Mu H): 5th neighborhnnd, nssintod by ‘th ft talent : Megsrs. w. Robinson, Mag Laue, ThornhiH ; C. Savage, PM . cF rhme, Alums; F. Spoï¬nrd " mums, Cmreumnt?fh; Hoover. Cedar Grove. Proceedé ‘iï¬ into his stc As Mr Ole. English Uburch Ciel-gy- man. of Lansing, was wulkiug upon the ice on the bay viewing the scene of the late ï¬re in Toronto. he suddenly found himself im- mersed in Lhe culd water through a hole in the ice. His call {Jr help attracted the at- tention of a lad. who was the only person near. and by his assistance succeeded in gaining termï¬nnu. The Rev. gmtlemau by bxeakiu fastening. Evidently mcne for after breaking open tho ï¬nding nothing. the intrud Jisturbing anything. Musical and Literary Entertainment. A Musical and Literary Entertainment will be given in thn school house. at Can'- ville, on the evening of Feb. 15th. by the pupilnofthe school, and amateurs of the neighborhnnd, nssiatod by the fCllowing talent : Messrs. w. Robinson. Maple ; '1‘. Lane. ThUl‘lllliHZ C. Savage. Patterson; Public Sc at 7.30. Methodist Zburch Anmversary. The Third Anniversary of the opening the Methodist Chlll'Jll “ill be held as fullc Sui-mom: on Sunday, Feb. 18th, at 1030 Lay and Jones. Rev. Mr. Scott dist ; livvs. BL disis, Richmot. the prugmmme Misses Reid. ’1‘ the Choir, llicl A Handsome Pnze. We notice wicn pleasure, in last Week‘s issue of Truth, the name of Mrs. Jns. Mc- Connell, as being one of the suï¬cessful com- petitors In Truth‘s Bible Compemion No. ‘3, which closed on Jan. 30th. She was award- ed and has received a very handsome Gentle- man's Coin Silver Hunting (‘nae \VaLch. 12H]. Afterte by the follow: Roberts, cf '1 Uhl'isliuDUOLft Methunvlph who is llze olrlvst man mentioned in the Bible. ? No. 2. Dues the name of any wi‘lr! man occur in the Bible, if so where 7 No. 3. Who Was the ï¬rst King over the Israelitps after their setllemvnt in Canaan 7 Who will be the next from Richmond Hill to be congratulated on winning a prize from scriptural questions. Programme of High School Cancer: The foliowing is a copy of the program of the High Scbonl Concert- tn be givvn in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, on Feb. 8th : READING CHORUS DUET CHORUS SOLO QUARTETTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Echne. MEHsar-x Bnowx, WmLE, MACLEAN a \VHITE. CHORUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Edipus CHORUS SOLO CHORUS READING SOL DUET CHORUS Miss Maggie Sanderson returned Monday, uftar arenuing a few d friends in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Trench, our ox‘ appointed a School Trustee Richmond Hill. by the 0011' We nr Mrs Dev Mr Jumes MchN, of Universit Toronto, spent Sunday with his i Mr McNair is preparing for the ‘1’ Ministry Mr. H. H‘ Cï¬mms JO very uarr vu the evening of 1" of the school, and ‘orhnnd. nssiï¬tod ‘. Scott. Headfmd, E o-VS. Be.th and Starr ittllmoud Hill. The gramme wnll be su Reid. 'l‘hornhiH, Mrs ir. Richmond Hlll. W A Fnosr and A G GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Monpny and F returnil PERSONALS. Narrow Escape small 11 {mi Newtonbrook Se AHENDERSUN. ibmry . . . . . . A . . Death of Mnrmiou A Hmnnnsox. w escape from drowning . . . . Cheer GLEE CLUB Gun: 0 W A FROST (mas CLUB. . . . . . . A Frnnklyn‘s Dogge Gum Gum. GLEE C T F BROWN ntly mcney w A MERGE PART II PART I M. of the back . merclmn't, of Newton- frum ch‘urch Sunday some 00's had broken intruder left Plition No. 4 is now Tiered to be a benutifu' . service, valued at $90~ ques‘ions which must Iv :â€"N0. 1. Next. to umnt'f,’ II; and J. ’l'oceedé'in aid of Chair to be taken Children, 15cm. LUB with his ï¬ends hére for the ‘I’reslyteriun and ox-Reevo. has been so for thu village of muty Council. Soldier's Farewell . . .Instrnmental MAcKmnwx. ‘ up Companions named Iby the J. Duncan mud Tickets 25cm. if so where ? King Over the mt in Canaan 7 man mentioned the name of nnv . Love and War Moupmr. aned home on few duya with ‘nsh Young Recruit. zeaut Buzfuz Il Tromtore I fear no fun the ruin“ the ‘flC window withc Antigone Selected obje ‘ Bible Tbu‘rn- nudists; Metho- Unllega, limb- TE that and “'0 M tiu EXTENSIVE CLEARING SALE This Sale are marked of intending Cambridge Clothing House, 86 Yonge Street, Toronto. GREAT HOLIDAY SALE ! Milli-wry. 3900 Trim! $7.50 'I‘riml NEW ADDRESS, 184 YONGE STR $5.00 Trimde Hats for $3.50. $4.50 Trimmed Huts for 83. $3.75 Trimmed Hm for $150. $3.00 Trimmed Huh-X for 8'2. Uutrimmed goods equally as cheap. Bargains in Fflarhex‘s, Flushes, Pompous; Flowers. &c., &c. Mmmos. 3100 Mamles for $50. $75 Muntlos for $537.50. $50 Munitle for $25. {530 Mantlea fur $20. $25 Mamies for 1519. $20 Mantle: for $15. $15 Muntles for ï¬ll. 512 Mantle; for 39. $9 Mantles for $7. 57 Mantles fur $5.50. Children‘s Mnntles Cheap Dress Goody. 160. Dress G-mdfl NY 1146. 200, Dress Goods for 150. Grand Xmas Clearing Sale OF FALL AND WINTER Linen Table Damasks, Sheetings, Towels, Napkins, Lace Curtains, Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, Shawls, Black and Colored Silks, Satins, Brocades, Ottoman Cords, Velvets Velveteens, Plushes, Black and Colorhd Cashmeres, Dress Goads, Black Crapes, full lines of Mourning Dress Materials, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Sace Neckwear, Cr'rsets, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Dress Buttons and Trimmings Knitted \Vool (.Zcods, Ladies’ Underwear, Gents’ Underwear, Notions, etc. This is a Genuine Clearing Sale. and Large Redcctrons have. been made in all Departments. Space does not permit quotations of our many Bargains, but Ladies are respectfnlly ivited to call and see the Immense Bar» gains in all Departmentsms this is a rare chance to secure new and seasonable Goods at very low prices. In order to reduce our immense Stock of New W'inter Goods, we wil offer for the next three weeks the greatest Bargains we have ever shown in Blankets, Comfortables, Flannels, $6 00 $5.00 184: Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. Trimmed Hats Trimmed Hut»: Trimmed Hats Trimde HMS 0F Ovorvoats, ()verooats. ()Vorooats: {Thâ€"101‘s. ITlstOI-s‘ {Tlstol-s; Erouths" ()vorooats. ‘i'ouths’ ()vorvoats. Juvenile ITISLOI'H. Juvenile [Tlstyers. will continue until the whole of the present Offering is disposed of. All goods in plain ï¬gures. showing the present and farmer prices; and for the information purchasers we enumerate a few of the changes: PREsENT PRICE. FORMER PRICE. I. M. HAMILTON, for for PGPULAR BRY GOODS EOUSE, $6 00. Yonge $4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 All Dress Go‘ Furs. $3.00 36.00 2 $10,011 5c 0‘ 3†20c 512m. $15.00 $18.01“ Fur Cr: Fur Cu 330 inc lOAbutton length Chamois Gloves for Dre AH- Dre Dre button Ki button Ki i 4-butlon Mink Mufls ‘01‘54 )Fine Min): Maï¬a ' Fine Mink Mnï¬s EET. THIRD STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET. k Hair Muffs for $1.25 3dr: Rr-duced in Prices in Order Clear Out. the Stock. W nods for l7éc. 1| Dres. Guodsfor17§c Street, Tor-onto ‘nds for A. W. HOLTBY, Manager. 3 G] d G1 Kid oven fur 50c. (Haves for 656. wen for 50c 7.50 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 5.00 6.00 The above represent. an immense purchan of 400 dozen at 500. on the dollar or half price. for 7 at 5c llandkm'chiuls 40 dux. Funcy Hem-Stitch Handkerc‘hiefn at 6c 45c 50c $1.75 Men’s Cardigan Jackets f0: 2 Lmdies’ Rubber Circulars for S ndieb' Underware Cheap. Mi<svs' Underware Cheap. Boys’ Underware Cheap. Chr-up Goods Tell. Alf-W Allâ€"W All-W z. Fancy HemStitch Handkerchief! O.her things in proportion. 00] Se '(ml Se In FIG umleSs mnless alntess Szoc for 160 kings for 2512' for 30v.