Our Stock 0f Men’s. Ynuth’a and Boy's Underclothing is simply immense and contaim all classes and kinds of goods from the Hezwy Canndmn Rubbed Goods *0 the ï¬nest Scutch Lambs Wool, and in all the sizes to ï¬t Boys of three and up and in Men‘s from 34 to 46 inches. Retail at and below wholesale ï¬gures at Our Stock of Boys’ and leths' Clothing in particularly large and well selected this season, and consists uf aver 2000 Suits and 1500 uvereoata. Parent: in want. of llothing for their Buys Bhuuld not fuil to visit Men’s Winter Overcuats in Beavers. Pilots, Meltona, Naps, Djugonals, Tweeds and Worsteds at $4 50, $6, $7.50, $9, $10, $12 and up at Winter Suits. Underclothing. lam. umumu Boys’ Clothing. Qvercoats. 115 to 12.1 King-Street, Toronto, and No. 8 James 813., Hamilton. Pants. See the WATEHES AND MANTLES In our Windows. We will give a WATERBURY STE Mâ€"WINDING WATCH,silver plated and full dial, to all our cusâ€" tomers who buy a Suit or Overcoat costing Twelve Dollars. If prefer- red, we will give a Ladies’ Fasnion- able Beaver Mantle, as our Christ- mas and New Year’s Gifts. OAK HALL, Suits 81: Overcoats iv WHAT WE WILL GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS DURING CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS' HOLIDAYS I OAK HALL Men‘s Winter Suits in English. Switch. German and Canadian Tweeds, Wurst- ‘, am, at. $6, $7 60, $105 $12, $13.50, $15, and up 31. PETLEYS†Dry 80908 and Clothing House PETLEYS’ Men’s All-Wool Tweed Pants at $2, $2.60, :3, $3.50, $4, $4.60 and up at The Largest in Canada to Choose from. TORONTO. um: PRICE DRY GLODS 8: CLOTHING HOUSB' (i‘rIï¬EAT OUR STOCK OF Petleys’. Petleys’. Petleys’. Petleys’. RNITURE at TORONTO Prices. In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their lxberul patronage during the past twenty-ï¬ve 3mm , I bug tn reâ€" mind them and the general public, ï¬lm having erected entirely new and cum» mndiuua premises, I am enabXed in supply CLOCKS, WANT/HES 82 JEWELRY. We dz) not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Elour and Feed a specialty. 41. I... SIi Bl ELIE , But]! light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction 35 the \vnrk is under my uwu supervisr l, I am 11151) prepared tn do all kinds \f black- mnithlng d? rppairing in the must work- manlika manner, nu the shurtoat motive, and on the most reasonable terms. TRENCH’S â€"CARRIAGE WORKS.- Phaeto‘ns, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, GROCERIES! THE PEOPLE’S STORE. HARDWARE, GRUCERIES» PAINTS, OILS. ETC- ETC. a 111:3 L [gas-E33159 2 $1.00 IN ADVANCE. bleighs and PLATFORM SPRING W A G M S. SELLING OFF WINTER STUCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK And a Magniï¬cent Stock of Tweeds, W’orsted Coatings, which, for Variety, Style and Lowness of Paige, cannot be excelled.‘ A Splendid Assortment of Groceries, C Splendid assortment of YOUNG HYSON, TVVANKAY, and JAPAN Yeas, from 25cts per 1b. ’runes, Dried Apples, Lamps. Glassware, Clockery, Hard ware and Cutlerv. Flour and Feed. Farmer’s Produce or Cash in Exchange Goods Delivered. GREAT bACRIFICE OF WINIER GOODS GOING ON Early shipments of Spring Goods arriving, including a large and varied assortment of Prints, purchased before the additional duty came into effect. URETONNES, SHEETINGS, CUTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, Suits made to order, Cheap for Cash, THE FIRE PRGDF I WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER, 300d Bargains for CASH, consisting of Dress Goods, VVinceys,Shirtings and Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Horse - Shoeing “eitish Flag", Staï¬'! A. L. SKEELE, Paid Bpk cial attention to. (Qii‘ll M"5‘VM H ELL. CALIJ 13 ND S1314)! P. G‘ SAVAG E. “'M TRENCH. ALEX. MOODIE. ALSO DEALER IN This is the place fur cheap DEALER IN Full Stock of I) E NTI 51‘, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, C. P. LENNOX, ON RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, Has the exclusive, right (or the use 0 H urd’a New Method of extracting teeth without. pain, by means nf Absolutely no pain expprieucud and harm- lvss in all cases. Grle Fining, and all other operations skilfully performed, an mnduatc fees Cu]! and see me. No trouble to an- swer questions. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 141 chge Street, Toronto EM, MQRPHY For good and cheap Watch- es. Clocks, Jewellry. Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. :‘ics, Crockery H IS AAC CR WARRANTED AS REPRFSENHD. E. M. Morphy '698‘2 (40 Years Established) use no cheap matcriul and BEST SETS VITALIZZEDAIB. Aprilflflrd, 18811â€"1" ()SI ’ $10.00 1"6, 85c wmrant H. B. DEWSgï¬ï¬Y’S HARNESS EMPEBIUM, Trunk-5,. Satchels, \Vbips, Ready Made Harness,_' &c., always on hand. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attendâ€" ed to on the shortest notice. H. B. Dewsbury, {ICHMOND HILL. WM. HARRISONS HAIR RENEWER atin the) R. P. HALL its u‘ Will all HALL’E Ayer’s BUCKINGHAM’S DYE Sold by all Drugg-ists; 51, six bottlnr. S's (i i )1)] B Slil’l‘fh‘ SIM Vegetable Sicilian Ml]. Th RICHMOND HILI ‘1' L1 YONGE STREET. Sum by 3.1] 1 Cal; NGLE HARNESS NEAT AND CHEAP u matt FIR WHISKERS will lik l“ and judge {or Tourselves FOR ALL THE FORMS y 11 ST-CLASS Sarsapariila. &, 30., Nashua, 1H} EPARED I .1] never Ix Bottle THE 1M applied \vithuut' nu Ul brown Ht tho Ill n!