Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Feb 1884, p. 1

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$1 per annum, in advance.] VOL.VI- H (the gfgiibcratl ” THURSDAY EVENING A T THE LIBERAL PillliTlNG ll. PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND BlLL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. T. F. MOMMEO‘ .,‘,‘ ‘ 9 EDITOR. and PROTERIETOR. ‘twwmm's "interim-g. .2412“: s Erisaui’n. K:KURCE.¢SEWiCB at 3 p at except the third Sunday of every month, Wilton illU nervnn IMJIl N:L“.l&l|l||Dt are held iii. 11 mm. Sunday School at. 12:10 13.11) Rev. W . Bates, Rector. S - ‘ Micrqoniw CHURCH or CANVADA â€" owicen at 10:.50 tl..ln., and 6:110 p. in.,un«1 bundny school, at 2.30 p. m. Genernl Pl'lld‘t‘l Meeting every Thurs my evening in the Lecture ltoum. lu'\$. J. E. be ts, unvlJ. E. Starr, pastors. ‘ RESBYTEElAN Cnnm :1 OF CANADA.â€"~Sernccs 1?“ o'clock,n.nd 13le p.11). Prayer meeting on We lui‘s'lny evening utlzdo. ‘ ' " ' dor R01I.‘l OATIIOLH‘ cnnncn. benich in or ‘9 (allow E Thornhill M 9 a..ui.Lund Richmond Mill at. 1u:.l0 an); the fflll'HVIllll oundny (it Rich- mond Hill at.) 3.111., and Tborublll at 101.30 mm. Societies. . .x_â€"I:â€"& A. M., M. 23. G.R.(‘ RICHMOND Dunc. ‘1-isnnic Hallnn the â€"â€"Mnct: in the Lodge ltolxw ' identity on ('Vlleflll‘fl full mum. (its a clock run A. J. Rupert, \V. M. RICHMOND HILL Tiunin 50 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Met‘ts in the Temperance Hull‘ urery Wednesday nven‘inu. at 7.30 u'cluck. Wm. Harrison T. D. Th.» Methodist sulilmtl‘ School'l‘enipcmnce As locintmn issue pledge cards avery bunday when desired. \\'111.H|11'1‘150L\ Filpf Mmonlixics' INSTITUTE. ‘ Library oi over 1000 volumescpen evcry Tuesdav evening. in the_ Mir I'inic Hall. from '7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra- film. Lectures and dis-:ussxons periodically. Ricniioxn HILL Consm‘ BAND.‘Meets for anti/:9 every Tuesday {Ill-’1 Saturday evening at 7.300‘310ck. A. Laird, Leader. Vitumn Consul. 7110 v John Brown On n- aillm- .‘Icshrm Isaac 1,’i'osb_v,.l. M0041”), R. .11.. c k .\|. «--fv. Law an H.F.Hc,vper. - A. O. (In \V.,Ivv Lndue, 1\n. 1H, Meets in the 60minin Room of 1!“! Masonic Hull such atornutch Friday it 5 o’clock p. in. Bene~ flcai’y ceriificate g'ivcn for ‘91 mud in case of deutl . J. A. E. Syritzer, Muster Workman. Richmond Hill Council, No. 2;, Moot: in 'l omper‘nco Hall.ezich altar- natlvu Tuesday evenm. uts -‘clnck p in. Henn- nciury certifimitcs issued to male or female manners for slow or m Citsc r-f death €2,011“, nne halt lllLVithc in (113.30 at disability. J. Hpfindcr- Ion Select (ouxil-illnrs, J. A. Sturgeon btewart fiecurdin , bucioim‘v. BUSINESOOARDS. R. 'I‘. oi temperance. 33‘â€" ‘ ,1 , . . , . n., v__ medical. REMOVED. r. Geo. inngstafl Has rcumved fruin King, and commen- ped practice at. Tlmrnlnll. Nov. (ithfS‘lâ€"tf. Dr. James Lnngstall Itle haunt F. Langstafl, IICHMOND HILL. Office hours: 0 a..m. 2 p. an. and 7 u. in. Dr. 0w, Maple, Omce hours: Btu 9.30 11.. m..&nd to 2.30 p. in Dr. W. J. ‘Vllson, Medalist 'l'nruntc I‘ni\e;sit\_ Muibcr '( (v th'sicniusd' Surgeon“, (lutullnte of fatoufiVille Yonge Street ltirbuiond Hill. Oflzce Hours go 10 a m..5tobp. in. Mimi Vin-.iaicConneu. Graduate of Toronto University, Thomhill, Ont. __’___._â€"_.â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" v Dr. Charlton. Weston. W, J. Clmrltnn II. D.. C._M.,M. C. 0. Late of Toronto Gench Hospital, PhVBlC:l surgeon 8m I) ice dusts: 91m 11,2 but. nudbt 7.30 tidal. Dr. . . Robinson, sURGEON DENTIRW‘ Elimimful fur the favors oi the past ten years, may iLlll he unnultud in any branch nf the pm- (91310“,215Tulll'lfi'h: V A'imrli. lst, 1L1), 1:31), and 22nd of each month. Now irlx'kut ....... Lind do. Richmond H111. ~9Lll Mid 21th 4n ml the l’ulinor House) floutivillo .. 18“: lot \Ifld’klllllil .. 10‘ Victoria 5 1mm)" do. Plum-MIL. .. (‘0. anln ._ do Wlmlhridge do. Kleiuburq .. . ._ . . do N blobim 30th 0 Annatheticnns Nitrous Oxide,etc.. used when rderml. and nnnu but the best material used. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aur0)u Ont. G. H. llnohnnd, L. I). 5., DENTIST, NEWTON BROOK. Will visit. the following, nlxicen proios‘iionully :â€" Uniouvule . ist Monday of ouch month Weston “19th wnd inst Maple , .. mu; - »- Bichmoud Hill .. Mli ‘ u \Voodhridgo . . .. .. ,.2‘.lud Mr. Hus-hand will be found in his, office, xnw. 11m Break, ovary Sfltnl‘llflY. exwm “when swim or: hills on the above dot-c5. +3347: “25.7mm. Blake. iii-rm a: Casscls. Bai'isitern, Attorneys-atddm} Solicitors-inâ€" Chancery l’roctom iu AdmiraltyCourts. Con- \‘tlj’fluci‘l’w etc Mlllli‘llltulp'blnlll‘llugh, Adelaide stroot,Toronto, 01 pumte \'ictm'ln.~'trcct. dwnrd Blake 0.0. 5.11. liluch.C.J.K. K9rr,Q.(‘-. Walter (firs. . , \V.It.l\1ullm:k. (HA.1h~migh C. J. HUllH-Lll. H. Casuals. 1i. Miwlcnn W woulm Money to Loan. Alums amount of Money to Lend on fitrm nr eitvnropI-rty interest? percent; no commisâ€" tion. HOSE. MACDONALD, MERRITT 6; CO. Unior Lou: buildiu a. Toronto The Palinci Vlrlouse. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Having built the above Home on the Rite of the Old Stone Hotel, and furnishul it throunhuut in firshclnsa style, I am prepared tn give the public the 11951. of arenullnnlllltinlh Good Btfllillng and attentive hostlerh Sttlnple ltonins for Commercial Travellers. Turms, $1 per dn,_v. The Richmond Hill Oninilvus leave.k this human to ennui-rt with a]. nausen gor trains on the Northezn Railway. _â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" iii’léar’dlaumné. J. \Vanltss. Importer n! Watches, rim lib and line jewl llery v. b’tnt‘k of lllnlllhnllhitllt‘l prvcmusstnncs ulmuyn on llilllll. THIRD DOOR 501,"! H (1F QI'IILN S'l‘ltlll'l‘, TORONTO. L: Mallulni'tlll'lng uf jC\\l-1lmy,uu(1i‘epmriliuofwat-(‘heb and clocks on the Itl‘l’lllthSJL specialty Thanking our putronsand fricndsfnr their li‘u- erttl vairunagc ii. the 110“. we beg to stntc thut we bure just. to eived u litrpo stuck pint-w goods in lutwt designs. A largo stuck 01 Edgar: and WALtlnim watches kept on hand. George Eakin. Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the \ omity of York. Real Estate Lnsnmm‘e Agent. Parties huviip forms or lots for sale, or wishing Insur- ance m his or property Will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to loan at a per cent on .ipproved freehold securit} Olficeâ€" Court House. 'l‘orontn Salem Etzkardt. Licenscd Auctioneer for the Countiefi of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. Gencrul sales of stock. otc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, UNIt‘NVILLE. S. M. Brown. Licensed Auctioneer fur the County of York. re« upcvtiully solicits your pulrunnge and friendly influcnvc. Sines attended on the shortest notice and on reasonable rates. 1'. 0. Address, Box 96, VICTORIA SQUARE. James (3- Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- E'PL‘ktfully solicits your putrunugu and friendly influence. Holes attcnlli-d up the shorter-it notice and at reasonabe rates. i’,().n‘1dress, King. N. J. Arrizslrong, Licnnsed Auctinnu-u im' thr Ununty of York.- Sulou attended on the- x-l imt iiidil‘efind at rou- fllJe rutes. Adthnia ‘.ohletnn P, 0 FREDERICK W HITLOCK. Richmond Iiill. Old Iron. BEQB,B1‘IL$S, ‘ii‘.,1l1‘0ght for Cash at City Prices. Chimro Sweeping attended tn on shortest. notice. Jun. 5th. 'Blldv. Itching Piles â€" Symptoms and Cure Tim symptoms are moistmc, lilie prc pirating intense itching, incrcused 1w agmtvlnng. \ ery distressnig.) nrticularly at night, seems as ll p n» worms were crawling in and uhout the ion-tum the private pints are sninc times ufioutcd. If allow ed to continue vcry fierlUUs reaults may follow. “ SWAYNE‘S ()INTMEN'I‘ " m a. plans~ Llllll. cure cure. Alto for 'I‘cttal,1cl., Sulthlmum, 5111111 Hi 8. 1, Erysipeluu, Barllurs‘ Itl'll, I‘llutches tlll www.crusty Skin Discover: Sent l-y nuti for Soireuts: 311-11103, 31.15.1111 ntltmlN). A lter-‘LH Dlt. SWAYNE it SON, l‘hiludolplim Pu. Sold by l'linggistfl. in-iv IT’S A FACT â€"â€"TIIA’T‘â€"â€" WILKINS’ BROS Keeps the Laiucal and beat Sececlcd SlUCkiIf H A R D W A R E IN TORONTO. Nails, Locks Bolts. Hinges, Wire, &c., 860. Glass, Paints, Oils Brushes. LOW PRICES. ‘ £53” GOOD VALUE. 166 King Street East, Near Nipissiny Hotel. 23â€"4-‘83. “Entrust mi? I?‘()I{ SAIJIC ‘2 Eight Building Leta for Sale on Canine Straw E t, only #100 each. 15 pnr cunt. down for pick of the lots : Aluu’l‘wu New Houses, brooms, oil Richmond Street. :1)“. LANGSTAI‘FS 4 NEWS r033 OLANOE." A Column of Interesting Read- ing Matter Oshawa had It $30,000 fire Monday. Munlreul has reduced the number of liquur lnzcnaes. Twubndies have been atmlen fruma Cemetery iit (,ldessa, Unit. The Canada. Tamper-crime Act was de- feated by lutll‘ mice at chnsrilln yester- day. There are a numbvr of varieties of coma. Hulluwuy‘s Corn Cure in“ remove any nf them. A cunvcnllnn has been called tn maet at Winnipeg «m March 6 to consider I’m- vmciul griuvunces. The tt-mpcruuce women of 'l’uruntn are orgunizmu m nppusilinu to the sale Hf llquni 1n groceries ’1‘1 (‘ mmle mulnat the return (if Mr 1. .J (l '1Il1l, M.l’ P. fur N'll‘tll Ulll'dl'lll, has been (llsllilnstd. Du nut delay in getting relief for the little fnlks. Mother Gmwa’ Worn. ex- tmmmatm is a pleasant and sure cure. 'l‘heu- in intense. disappointment in {lie North-Went “war the failure --f the mis- sum lithe Pl‘UVlllClal delegates to Oltawa. A number <-f 'l‘nrnmu retail drugulsla ImVu lice.” lilwd fur Curtrztvelitiun of the lnw lequlrlilg (item to :egmter their sides ul liquor. ACHUI] inn 1108“ taken against the re- ulliwr In the ldH1~ S-ullzingres Du- imnnm Ul'Cl'lUl) fur llltll'kllll,’ curt/tin bil- 11-1811] ancli u \say that they cuuld be reengmzwl in case of :i recount. The lllsliglllllig eruptinns ml the face, Ilw unkcn eyc, the pullni cmnplcxiun Ili- dlCMH‘ that than: 13 nun-titlimg wrung, um um nu Wlllllll. Expn-l the lurking fun In lie-all“ Ayer‘a Sziruaplullla Was devused fur 11ml pin-pure; zuul duel-l it. A: an article for the tl‘llt‘f. Aycr’s Hill! Vlutll' Manda unrivth (1. It cleanses flu: Euulp and precervrs it fruit: sgurf and (1;.mlrntf, cures itching, and llumurs. l‘r- atures faded or gray hair tn its 0 initial dark culni‘, and pmmntea its growth. \Vllat 'l‘urnntu‘s Well lfi’luwu Gourd S» mnrlhin says; “1 lime bran Imuhlcd with Dy>pepsm and Liver Cnniplztiut {1 r uver 20 years, mud lmve tiled many remedies, but never found an article that did me. as much glmd as Nurllir-Ip (V Lymau’n Vegetable Discovery and Dyspuptic (Wire. CLALA E. l’ulr'rim C. R Hall, Gruyrillc, 111 runs: I have be:le truublrd with lthtr cmuplumt. fur several years, and have liwrl different medicine-s with lltllt' nr in) helium, until 1 'l’lt'd Dr Tlmnms' Et‘lt'ClliC (M. which gavc mu immediate relief, and 1 wuuld I have nsml it with the best rfl‘cot. Nnoue should be with-uni it J. H. Ell‘l. \Vent Shrfl'urd, P writes: Ilmvc Hold at retail, 156 bulllklsnf Ur Tllumzm’ Ecle-clrlc (ill, guaranteeing ('Vt‘l'y huttle. 1 mum any 1 never sold a tin-d lull-e in my lift: that gave such uninan Eltllfilalfldnll. In my own (use: with it bad- ly tlllJl‘lfllt‘d tllrurit. after u pllyslclitll pen- ('lllllL' it fur several (115378 to nu effect, the Eclectric Ull cured it tliurnnthy in turn- t) qur linurs, and in threatened cruui) in my cll‘illeru this winter it u- var furl- ml in relieve almust ivnlnedisttuly. Fiin Maladies multiply one aunther. A sim- ple lll of (linenliull iuav et-prcmlly if the cullSlilLLInn is nut naturally "unnumâ€" throw the entire Iin-cliunism ut' the lIVt‘l' mill hnwelauut lul gcur. Sick lleijlillu'llt‘ l'nlllmn, pniwimlu nf tho luluml ln' bilv vlvsllwi, :nd lllt-‘l‘t.’ ls grave. and serious (lislllrlmnre of the entire N‘VN'Q‘HI. Check the threatened dangers at lllk‘. uutavt. with Nul‘rlmrp A's Lymnn’a VPgthle [)lsCl-v- rrx uml l)yr‘ltl pm; (lure, the. medicine that driven cry-1y l'npui Ity from the blood. 7 .7.‘.*n7_f_ MARKl-{AM COUNCIL. l‘lhllt'illllll (luncil met at. Ulllun‘dllfl (in till 15th lust. [amt in: were prcm-ntcd from N llultun and others inking fur 5 reduction In lililt‘l Locum-s. Accnuum uf gl'nVi‘l from \Vm Storey, J. (l. Fri-rum" um] Llllldll Kronor Were Uldtfl‘t'll in 1»: paild The ‘)1|y|lll‘lltvhf $5,110fur llllllllel‘ fur Div NH 70, was mdcrcd to be paid; also '1‘. Pt‘tll‘illll the sum ul $2 ‘55 for tak~ lug: :i pauper tn lmlI-sli‘ml ['lmno. 'l‘lic cmmcll l‘r'rlillred itsell into cum- niiltee of the wlmle. to audit the accnunls l-Il‘ 1883. The cmninlltco rcpurtotl :10- counts an curl-cot and urdcred the print mg uf 1'51) cupies nf aiccmmts. Report rccmt’ed :md adupud. Mr. Rueslir intruuuced a By an rcgn- latlng the. planting If [rt-0:4 nu the high ways, mud it first and around time, third reading in April Mr llccslir gave notice. that 110 would at next meeting intruducc fl By-Liiw re- straining the running at large of cattle upon the highways. The CollliCll then adjourned to meet April 6th. NAPOLEON THE GREA F. His Infimiities Repeated in Ihc rxperi- ence of a Leading Public Man- Truth for the Aged. (IN/running N. Y. Conrirr. l a “Haw 11mg has he been in public ser- vice ? n “ Befurc, the memory of the oldest in- lmhitmit.." “ And he has kept his name unlaruish- ed during all that. permu ? " " Almullllel) 2" “He in a. man 1 shuuld like in meet.” The above L‘Ullvcl'sutltlll occurred be- tween tvm gi-ntleumn at one of our lead- Inu huh-ls. Thu interrogutnr was lr'un a- hruarl, the other a rcsndmrt of this city. The: cnnvwmtmn lmd drifted inflo pnlitlcs and lit”. Thomas G. Alvut‘d was the man Wllilflt‘. record and qualities were be- ing discussed '1‘” three the hismrynf public men who havu grown ulil ill the seerCtm la a task bull] lulu-eating to the Investigth and entertaining to those wlm read his lilventigatlum. It was wrtli this truth [In mind that the writer Brt out in call upon llie man ub-Illt whmn thus: puliticums were. pm (Cattle lly Milking, at his spaciuns residence «m Turlle ulnar-t. Mr. Alwrd. Whn lnm been and 1N,fil.~ millurly kuuwn an “ lll Sail,” «wing 14) hm advncucy of the Hull. interest. is Imw well advanced in years, being on the almdy side pf seventy. He hat. lunq, White hair and a. sun-wy beard which gar» lllln :m :ippwnrance hmh dignified and grand. His voice is full and clear mid the «Human! any sti‘nngvr cumcs mm his pn'scnce Im canllnt 1m! be impressed wrh the inherent puwer ml the 1114". Indw (l he wan endured by n-lture With an un- nnimllv Strung nrgnnlzntlnn. hntll lllwii» tally and pliysicnllx, \\lllcll all the s'rnlll uf public lllt', lmrh llfl ape-kw of the As selnhly :uul Lleulwutm Gunâ€"rum; tailed. fni many yvnrs, to in WnV nmlvrmine It was during thu. ywr 1881. while Mr. Mvui‘d was '4. lllt'lllb"1' til the Assembly at Alb-ny, [hit 11: first hwy“- tn fowl m~~s| peculiar Nr‘llsfttllllld Al than “me he was In the midst hf very Imnhr'unt wiwk, which was nerlutlslv hum-fend with by remind: of the lilyslo-z-lnns lrnulilwi u 1H0... Nwmllcd t. I PlSN‘dll llllll. Hi fr‘l' lllt?|CL‘0|lll'~ “bit: ll 11136.; Clnwt um. pmnvd by tit'cnfilnlull \l‘ lwlr lillclHllg‘ Hutu“ lecmmfx tlml N-ipwleuin lll!‘ Great while In the lill<lal nf Ills. imlmu cum-er, \Vus ‘rrlplvmly .utm-kr-ll 1)_v Ill I‘iIH‘IIV uieuh-r than :llIV he 11ml r-Ver f'ucr'tl, «hit-h c.tme m L'lt' mums Insuliuus yr: riwlenl manner as Ills. terrible Il‘I-llhlr-s that urn tuuk Mr. Alvm'd, and are t» lily maniac 1-1;: ~ul umhy tlmusamls uf I'lllt-H‘N, ln Hpcukllg nu this sully-ct. tn the writer Mi“. Alsnrd 3.1111 ; "This same hint-r e‘Klu'l‘lt‘JlC‘l came to me again In 1882. “llllt‘ I was a m- thr ml" 111‘: A m-iillily, wllll >ymptum< illvulical W111] those 1 11ml 1‘ It the yt-ar th‘flll‘t' I believe it. Was l‘lrgcly cunwll by ...v ud- \‘EIl-l't'll years, int 1 had a ‘u‘ni‘n nut. ice-17 lug tint was teriilile. T‘Iili curu'luuinn is cvlllcnlly the Carrol-t lllll‘, fur [ wan 'lfl't'll mnl :tudiu attacked luxt SlillllllI‘I' nhile away frum all l'lll'- s and firewall“: v.7 my Lilitlfll in the St. LHWl'ellCd llivcr. I 9x- ltel’lk'llcell ll. painful swine uf fullivmis in tlw l-m‘rr pnrliun of the. hmly, ElCCIllllpfl- lllt'll 1w Hullsulltlll lilffi\'t¢1‘l$ll lit-Ml nr chill ing slum-4s. All efforts tn nmt’u mv limbs nr bully were fallnwed 1w intense earmr-as or t-xlmumtiuu Tthe Wllu lmvu r :Icllvd my years on” appruiriu‘e nn Benn-(minis " “And dud neither yourself nur the physicians understand the 01111861)? nature of tlww truuhlcs 7" " 11 swt'mh‘ not entirely. fur the Physi- claux frillz-il to relieve nm and I kupt. ul'uwlng Wurst- [suffered intnnm'y :lllll the only I‘Pllef I cnuld pl-«ililv ulnai’u was by hing upnn my hack and this was only tonnnrnry." " llvlt ynn :u‘u. loulkinu well and strong nun Mr. Alvurd. How did yuu bring uhmu tho oliztnue l" " lly using a remedy which is very p-‘puldl‘ and which I have fnlind Wonder fulh ttfiL‘lt‘lI'H\Vlflrl.t‘l"N Snfc Cure. lil- (1ewl it lms prnvcu i‘cnmrkalilv in rtv pnwur lllt‘ I believe. in it. and tliercfvnre rccmmnenll it in “fliers i-spcclullv to tlmse wlm :tl‘t‘ :ulvmicui‘l In life; “'1'.” feel H. lll't‘HklllL' dnwu wucn lllul‘e is no necessity and \vliuueliml Vitality and umulnmd re~ mind them of llldll' IEPCl‘eflfllllQ years.” The interview tlicn driftml tn other triples, hut in the rcpurtci‘ gazed at the mun whose expericnm is an ripe and wlm 112m sewn so much iii the (llfi'ermil phases uf life he onlilll nut but wmli tlutt tllnse wlm are surlcimg from the rarinus fnrmn nf physical ailment, and especially tlleH lbt‘l'SllllS who are udvnncvd 111 years, mlqht sec and converse will) the wit-ran whth experiemtcmill knowledge have so Iicli and Alumni. ditty-Ill tlvnl' “hills on firm (I. bcllcvci‘ in the clljczicy of l 1116 remedy that curt-d 11111]. There is no excuse fur sliurtenin: life, as an many have done :Lud um (lining. There is no ucceasity fur " breuking duwn ” early in years. Premuturc dccuy and (lk'lllll are. :L tllsgrucc to our modern crvilizntinn. They are wholly needless and men or wo- men who permit them when tlmy can be an easily avoided should blame no one but thcmbelvea. AUGHAN COUN CH... The Municipal Cuuucll of the Township of Vaughan met in the. town lmli on Tucs- day the 12th of Full, 1884. art. 10 ‘l. m. The Reeve in the Chdll‘. Members premiumâ€"Messrs. Cook, Remuzm, Malluy, and Ellintt. the minutes of last meeting were read and cunl’irmed. ’l‘nc lulluwmg petitiuu wasp meritedâ€"- Frniu DI'll‘rlld Benton and 180111013, stak- lug (u have part of lots .17 :md 18, m the 7m cur. taken fmm S. 5. NH. 17 and annexed tn 5. S. No. 9. Un lilUtJun uf Mr. Elllntt, the Twas. was unmanned tn pav tlm fulluwmg doc-units: Tn D. Tudd, 4 bultn wvlulnng 37 like. at 60. per 11). $2.22; 'l‘n T Rulllell, for put- ting in audio, $1.51), rllld outrun the S.Lllle tn districr, NH. 2 On motion nf Mr. Rcmndu, the Clerk was lllfifl'tlt'h‘d tn unluy the Trustees of S. 8. Nu. l7 tlml than: H u punllml pre- Pelltctl In ill-a Un-mcil m l..K“ illii1 acres {rum :5. S 17 .url .m-u-x It in Nu l). Thv iulluwmg 15y lid-:43 le‘b‘ [118.1911 :â€" Hy Law Nu 455 making appmprmtiou fur I'Urttlnv‘rllld midgw hr vim present your. By Luv Nu 463 zippni‘unmug the in- tel'oist nocuucil trnm Ill" clergy reserve fund. By Luv Nu. 404 tillml'llwlilllg tho in- terest uici‘nvri fr m. Mr- Municipal Loan Fund. ‘ By Law Nu 41E) appvrll‘lllll: Mossrh‘. Juhu L‘dllfflll rm Jami N Hiram mnlltui‘s. By Lll N.) 4159i .ppumimg fume-rier or: .m-l puulnldt» VHF-s l‘ne Unuucll :hr 1. 'uljnmped until Tue!- (1va lllll (lit) 01 lldlt'll nix? to meet. an 10 mm. The following By Luw« were omitted frum [Ill- unnnlm Hi In! . w 1.1;: [iv-Law NI: 4:)Unmclnll-l; Liy Law No. 451i cli'mgluu fun“. till-:IIIII per day [rum $450 in 53 {HF d awmg gravel im the in: inalys in lllt'. luxuxllip By LJ.‘ Nu. 460 4ppumiin; Jr‘s Snider aunt J v.1. Sl- ucli um 415v.“ urn l :i‘ 183! By~Lm Nu. 461 reguldllng salaries for flir plruent \enr. By L Nu. 402 reglllatlnu the salaried m Conneillnrn. 1 not.“ SPRINGHILL. «From our own Correspondu. The oyster supper ail. Mr. 111 Hutchin- Ann's, in: Friday evening, was a. dccided ulccess chu‘al games and pl'tys were rlllhl‘etl lllLII by old auid young. and a. few l't‘clldllnlls and songs were rendered in a lircly manner. On account of the bad cuudmun Hi the roads the Vlsltnl‘s had an ‘npret m the snow, which luckily ended m nothing Very avrmus. A number ut the yuultg people of this Village ill-ave to the resulun of Ir. ‘ \quc.-,m a. pl‘lvale parity, where u very chi») flblre tune wn‘ spent. A llllrst' driVeu by Dr. Shaw ran away l hcciweii his rcSIclcllco and McBride’s ,hutel. The. Dr. was thrown nut but. for- luuntrlv only rccelvell :l. t1i0~0uglinliaking up. The Butler cmne to grief. 5mm: Hi the prominent men at this vil- lage wlm h:th 'chl) addicted to l'lnlllg tu~ lmccn have given up the filthy weed (Q [L IS lllipc‘d Lll‘dL many may follow the: gund exmnplc ~â€"â€"â€"â€"a. NOB -ETON. (From Our Own Corraspondent.) Mr. John Tram, living a shllrtdistnnce smith of this place, recemid a. kick from Al. Vlclulld cult a. few duys agu. At lira! it was suppuaeu he was killed, but there are 301“? “apes nnw of his recnvcry. Ur. Mulmfl'y, for many years a resident of this village, has left it uml us to the tentlcl‘ lllEfUlt-‘S of stem (license Kleinâ€" lmrg now hcmg our Ilenl‘vst resort, pro- bubly sumo "in-wly fledged" might. Dial-1c it worth his Wllllt: to lucnte here. Nubleiuu suhuul Wan let luuse on Fri- day :ittcrn mn lust. What: ume sixty chil- dren in em. fur a sleigh drnre tn Kleiuhui‘g. If their rlljnyment was to be Iiwasui‘cil by the amount of cheering, then their pleasure was unlimited. ’l‘lm ymmg penple here are preparing fur at. band cnnccrt which is to take place soon, of which due nutice will be given. viiâ€"wooâ€"a NEWTON BROOK. (From Our Own Currespondgnt.) Mr. Uavnl Harding, wliu has for rt number at years been atsucccssful agriculâ€" turist, has leased his farm and taken up lllu abudn in this village. Mr. Ford had a. valuable cult fatally in- jured by one of his ouws. M-ss Baltic, of Brampton, is visiting at tho parsonage. Methodist Church servxce murning null owningâ€"1030 it. in. and 6.311 p. in. -l’ruyvr Illeellllg»â€"Mnu(l?ly and Thursday evening. l’u-cu. Jiuncs Peurcn, M. .-\., and H. C. Russ, pasturs. *‘0. Harry Leo, the Cincinnati bookkegper, will bu returned to Cincinnati for trial

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