clumsy incumbrance that insplres the longirg to do what is not in our ppwer to dohand a distaste to do This assumption is rather that of parents, than that of the Depart- ment of Education, the latter having practically admitted, in making: the study of many branches optional, that it is not at all justiï¬ed by tacts and results. The high opinion, held by fathers and mothers of the abilities of their children, pleasing and pathetic though it may betel ds in many cases to lead them astray as to what is best lor those children to do in school. It is a trite, but not the less perfectly true saying, that there is something that each can ’do better than anything else. This “ something" infallibly points out to each his true course in lite. If it is not clearly ascertained, and then resolutely followed, a life. to a great extent wasted, is the inevi ,. table fate. \Vl'o would not laugh at the folly of taking promiscuously ï¬t‘tv or sixty of the boys ofonr vill» age,putting them into a large build ing, with the determination of malt" ing them, willing or unwilling. all shoeâ€"makers. or all carpenters. orl all clergy men, or all lawyers ? Yet something similar to this is what is really being done with hundreds of our ynung‘r people in this Province. And the efforts are now everynhere seen to. be disastrous. Pupils “ho i only attet d a High School because; their parents are able to send them there, seldom or than a slight 5 never acqnire more I smattering of l'll.€lll\v U. C. "onw The students of Uni runto gave their all last Thursday evening rington’u supervrsion “as given in the among those taking p; ed lâ€th Caldwell. the Strung and Clenchâ€"a their parts in an excl though over two tho! yet their nee-med plen nappy throng. In tl were ï¬tted up about th sperinwns shown it in in the lower furni line betueeli the plan (lulu The present SLIM fur their lilwrality in feature, free lunch 1'4 unitei'ially to tlw even and were well prtiu-II the entice†the student a tow ot llti'll‘ mam fl'l in the rt’hldeltt't'. «hen night was spent in cl hours with flyinu fwt. Revival Sq Revwai Services itl'u the MetltI-dlul. Uliult' number of the Salilia the mrjnrity lb-lnnglllu halve presented tiienme prayer and profess ml the ohlt-r memlwrs Inu- others added tn the cl inga are largely attwnlt utller ohuruhvs and a t generally. Last: Mui Rev. Mr. Wilkinson. of a lame umigregitiou " (lunw unto me all lalen and I will uive brethren visiting from pr-i‘ancuvilln “ere :4 “t the prayer circle The ing eltcned many nnmi it?» to the importance of He and the satisfacnunt The meetings are Illltlt-‘l .. l) pl... subjects. But it must ever be r mexubcred that a smutlvriny is not keen, handy, reliable instrument f( work. but a more than uselcs clumsy Lucumbrance that insum Of all the maxims of life. there is none more generally held than that an Education is essential to every One. As to what constitutes an education, however, views are vari oils and widely diyergent. Less than thirty years-ago, the three R's (as Reading, Writing and Arith- metic were dubbed) were consanered sufï¬cient for the vast majority of people, only a very, very small number being initiated into the higher branches. Now all that is changed,and those who study Latin. Greek, French, Algebra, etc., are rather the rule than the exception. We confess that this has a pleasant sound, but it must not be torgotten that sounds are usually hollow. \Ve should be extremely sorry to dampen the ardor ofany youth or maiden who is enthusiastic in He pursuit oi knowledge, but we are convinced that the number of such is by no means as large as is gener- ally supposed. Routlne, far more than taste and ability, is the main factor In swelling the ranks of those who study toreign languanes. chem- istry, advanced mathematics, etc. As the result of an examination passed in the Public bcliool, a lad advances into the High School, and the tremendous assumption is made that he is both ï¬tted tor, and inclin- ed to the study of certain subjects therein taught. Riemann) HILL. Thursday, Feb. 21, '84. (Elm iihcml. Rm! E22. All parties indebted to the undersigned by subscription or otherwise will do us a favor ‘ by calling at THE LIBERAL ; ofï¬ce and settling account or’ by remitting ammunt of in- debtedness. All accounts not settled by March Ist, 1884,] will be put in a collector’s hands, when costs will be added. 1 Does it Pay?J . A. S. STEWART, BOX 479. Richmond Hill. IT! a n y CHILMBERLINâ€"II Inn’ln In}; It‘d Ht me meLm-uml LJIum-h here humlwr of the thth-sch merjnrltyI‘M-1mmâ€):twill» heme prose.â€th ‘Zlenmrlvrs at prayer and profess H‘rlh'alllll) Lhe nhh-r memhrrs have bt‘ull nthers added tn the church. ings ure- largely ammdud 'ny ut‘her ohuruhvs and a unml u genera“). Lash Munday t Rev. Mr. Wllklnson. I-f Anr-u' Revwai SeI'Vices am still carried on in the Methudlul Ulum-h here. A large numlwr uf the Sninhmlx-schxm] scholars. the uwjnrnv hr-lnngmu In :11» Bxblu shaman wHi. specimens shnwlm: lmw wry difï¬cult it in in .he IUWH‘ fv-I'llls nt life In draw a line bvtuecn the want, and alumni king- dum Thg “lamentsLudenmdrserve urmhl fur Iheir lllwrallly In In'rnduuing a. new fvamro, free lunch mums, which addud nutterinlly to tlw evening's enh-rtninmenl and were wrll lu‘humzml by u“. Aftvr (Imam-curt [he sm'leutainvitvd hy lich a few nt (hru' In;qu friends In a lull gium In 1hr residence. «hen the hnhmce uf the night was spent in chumâ€: the flaming holer wilh fl‘yinu fwt, U. U. "onversnzxone. The students of Univvrsny College, To- runtn gave their annual cmwerxnziune Inst Thursng evening. Under Mr. 'l‘ur- ringmn’u supervwiml an excellent cum-art “as given in the Cunvncm‘iml Hall : “mung thnse taking pun may he mentmn» ed Miss Caldwell. the lec Club, Mirsas Strung and Clenchâ€"all uf “hum renders-d their parts in an excellent manner. 4l- though m'er twn thousand wrre present yet. their nee-med plenty Hf rrmm for the happy tlu'nng. In the Senate Cluunbel‘ were ï¬tted up nhoul thirty micruuuuuea Mr. E. jacksont. ex-W’arden of this County, has been appointed to meet the Railway Committee of the HUUSC of Commons at Ottawa to- day, in reference to the Yunge St. Subway. Mr. Jackson is weil qual- iï¬ed to represent the county. (we Mr. Wm. Mulock, the represen- tative of North York in the House of Commons. has introduced a Bill by which coviductors of railway trains are forbidden to block up highways for a longer space 01 time than two minutes. Should the Bill become law, it will cause consider- able incoiivenience to the railway authorities, but will certainly put a stop toagreat annoyance to the traVClling community, who are often made to endure an injustice by trains standing on crossmgs, for an unreasonable length of time. He has also rendered himself active in introducing a Bill to prevent frauds in the sale of patent rights. ( bumboriinii. leveiy year scores of excellent me- | chanics. workingwomen and trades- I people are spoiled tor the sake of lturmng out an equal number of in- 1 ditterent 01 posnively poor scholars, ï¬tted in no wise for the battle oflite. At a future day we purpose to re- turn to this much vexed question. I We now content ourselves with ‘ pointing out what we consider to be ‘a true basis for the education and instruction ot our youth. Every child should be taught to read in- telligently and intel'igibly, to write a plain rapid hand,lo have a knowl- edge of arithmetic and boolt'keeping sufï¬cient for all ordinary business. to compose a letter grammatically and to the point. Until so muzh is accomplished, nothing more should be attempted. TU? acquisition of these attainments (and how lamen- tably rare it is !) would neceSSItate a certain acquaintance with one or two other branches. but these latter should not be put on a par with the important and absolutely needful, but serve only as helps and props to them. :élncned many unmislnkabiu testimon- tn the importance (4 leadlug a religious mm) the sutisiuctmu derived therein-mu. 8 meetings are under the clmrgu uf the v Mr, Starrâ€"the Rev. Mr Butts we sorry to any hung Inn 111 1.: engage iver in the \"nl‘k. TIM frivuzls uf rum have intimmml their irznentiun of ’IIIL', Richllmlld HI“ unuthur vgsit on “day evening next. what we are able and intended to do. The importance of this con- sideration must be appaxent to all who read our Provincial press, in Wthh 1t is more than insmuated that 1m “lam-b I. GOALS}: RCViVJI Services DEATHS fnut \wlcmne umhrmn Thu felluwahiu me dnuubter of m‘f'JuTuBEs maths and 18 aye. n’h-schxm] scholars, :1†:11» Bible chases PIVl‘S at the almr for .(\'Mqu Mulu' of re bt'ull revive-d HIM] :hurch. 'Ilu- meet had 'ny members nf unnd Influence felt “day evening the f Aurora, atldreasud frmn the words, Ve whu are lwavv ynu rest.†The Anrura and Ten: elculne addition to 0D the 13th Feb on whmh there is: maker], also a. sum ply to JFOR SALE ‘1: L'\'(‘U“('IH Int, UMIK" [VILLAGE 0F uu‘éï¬ï¬'ï¬gua. MAI V bud “manta. 51.: HUI-*- wunh L. o. Mme, vo-u “hale @33er FOR SALE AT gDilworth’s Drug Store, gagging; glagggmamg ‘, V _ _ .. . .- 1 Mb Extractor. It will remove hardad (if or soft corns, and mak» a perfect 3‘3 Tuesdav, Feb. 26th, ’34. At 2 r)'('luck n. m. Evvrv lnnlnlu-r .f Hm At ‘1. o‘clock p.111. Eme member of the {arty “110 can pussxbly amend should be prrsent. 32-2111. J. U. FE RRIER. Freq. r" N‘ 7 “ ‘â€" ‘r"; L R R b 37’ gCORk CUREIsaccrtain. sneedvgb , Pm lid ale LORNE BLOCK BEST m 15: -(‘UT ANDREWS’ SHAVING PMLUB. By order of the Council Richmond Hill, J. 18th Feb. 1684. 34 Tenders will he ruceivarl by the undersi ned up to the 8th day of March next, fnrthe printing of the Minutes. Accouu 5, Voters' Lisl. mu] “but other printmg that. may he required by the Council of the '1 ownshi. of Vuughhu for the present your. 1884‘ Snid tenders are required to be satisfactory to the Council. Cleanesi Shave I PUBLIC No'rwJTr 14.x HE Alumni Meeting of the West Yon; Reform Association ylll be held at the Town Hull, cure (,‘onstlpation, Indigestion, Headache, and all [minus Disorders. Sold everywhere. Always reliable. ‘ AYER’S CATHARTIC 1A; PILLS. Best Pï¬rgative Medicine Sold by all Druggisjtnzprlce 81, six bottles cleanses, enriches, and stren; stimulates the action of n bowels, and thereby enable resist, and overcome the am“ Ions Diseases, Eruptinns qf malism, ('alnrrh, General I disorders resulting from pr bmod and a. low state of the a Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. 4pm.] 9 'l‘hn ahm'e immm’r’ i« but mm of Hm many rnnstzmtly running to our notice, whivll prove) (he pvrfn-r-L :nlnp!:|l:tln,\‘ of A\ I'k's HAHSA- I'\I(ll.l,.\ tn the curl: of all disames arising from impan nr impoverished blond. and a u'vnkmxml vitality. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla 168 King btreeu East: between the Clyde and Nippissmg Hotel cent. strangely to the use 0 1 renmmnend host. blood In it in sum“ 1 used, in all. l these facts :1 publication In Yours reap abov pl‘l‘lvl a sh allay skin my ugtfl appetite ' deal run Avml's 5 many nth in former “78 E. 541/: S(., New York, May 147, H282. Mussns. .l. C. AYER & 00., Gentlemen: Last winter I was troubled with a most uncomfortable itching humor alfectlng more. especially my limbs, which itched so intolerany at night, mu! burned so intense- 13’. that 1 could scarcvly bear any clothing over them. I was "Is" :1 sum-rel“ from a severe catarrh :uul cntm'rhnl cough; my The Rev. Z. P. “'ilds, well-known city mlssionm‘y In New York. and bn-thcr of the late eminent Judge \Vilds, or the Massachusetts Supreme Court. writes as follows : NOTICE! Rev. Father Wilds’ EXPERIENCE. a shot? timawitioat tne slight est pain. mine BERT. ANDREWS. P onietor. CORN CURE vnumetl (lism‘d I almost from ‘t time the f‘ I, and a†Sig imppem‘ed. 1‘ also cured by new] huillth 1 law excellent. Hunger. and I run d0\\-'n‘ ‘s SARHAP other cast notably. Address TORONTO and . less than at your may do ge :spcctfully. FOR THE PREPARED DY :ome the attacks of all Scrnfu‘ Eruptinns 121‘ ll» Skin, Rheuâ€" ‘II, General Debi/Hy, and all GIN). E I .I/ (lism‘dm' the SAHSAI with all ('0) iiciue ever 1 70l‘ AND ‘31 EIH IS a certain, speedy painless and strengthens the blood, tion of Hm stomach and -by enables the system to )I'. and my 5y Knowing t MULLA, by 01 s, and from 1 lyngnn {akin signs of ix'x'itm My catarrll by the same 1 I1 greatly‘ impr threz n’t Hous‘ J. M. LA‘VRENCE utrihntv l'ee times a two bultlcs service, hop: )od. the ï¬r ver mu “MN, l'own ship Clerk ]_\_Iy ajuput nm' or corrupted system. nï¬llen devise Z. 1“. \Vans dwelling an articulate up W. S’M‘EL-T a] cough system a {he obsn hoping (then; Itching \wre Lntiou of the I and cough 'huml these means, and raved, until unnlred per han rt'snlm [.LA, which nee as the dav EL[.R,fI1.ALRB.Y' CGLLEN S, nlu‘ Fltiu ‘\ fth and awe \Ve place these good upon the market at prices nevez betore Oflered. VVchope to receive a call from every Lady in Rich. mond Hill. MW A. SELLINS. Ruduers’ Dinner knives 7. 50 to 10.00 doz do. Dessert do. 6.75 to 8.00 Ten. Spnuns, A 1 best, 3 75 per dozen Uexï¬crt (10., A 1 best, (5 (P0 (In. Table (10', A l bum, 6 75 do. Dvssert Furks/ A l hast. G 00 do, Table do A 1 best, 6 75 d1). liuuer Knives, A l brsL. 80 cm. each Pickle Forks, A 1 best, 80 du. Dessert knives, 12 dws., 4. 50 par (102. Table Knives, do. 5.00 do. In Cullt-I'y. Cruets. 3 50, 5‘00. 7 50, 10.00 to 15.00 Hunter Dishes, 3 ()0, 3 50, 4 50 1.08.50 Cake Baskets, 4 00. 5.00, 6 50 to 15 00 Pickles, 2.50. 3.00, 3.50. 4 50 tu 7.50 Curd Receivers, 2 60, 3 ‘25. 5.00 H. 9 50 Cups, 1 00, 1 50. 2.00, 2,50, 3.00, 3.75 l'uast Racks, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 6.00, 600 Table do", A Dvssert Furks are respectfully invited to Christmas Goods. In Eloclro Plate 'aro we show Ladies of Richmond Hill GRAND CHRISTMAS SALE. Great gleamggï¬ Sale 90 YONGE STREET. TORONTO 251bs Good Raisins for dollar, etc., etc. 611).: Best Rice" 3%“)8 Good Sugar 8%]bs Oatmeal 1 I Cornmeal 41bsPcar1 Tapioca for 25¢. All Groceries the best and Cheapest in the COuntry : A large lot of remnants of Moth and print now selling away below cost. Full lines in Mourning goods. Immense reductions m the prive of the above goods and all tur goods. Of Fancy \Vool Goods at the Concrete House. 90. HINGE-STREET, Sago And Vicinity inspect our Grand Display of Granite Ware Eunmelled Ware Tin \Varo, A Full Assortment of House Furnishing Goods‘ Wuoden Ware, Toys. A Luge Cullnction of every kind mind, from 675 to 15 DU each. Brass File Imus 7.50 t.) 15 00116!“ set Brass Candle Brackets 1.00 to 1.50 eaoh In Brass Goods, Beunmul Seances. mounted and unmour TORONTO. do Carvers, 3.00 to 4 00 pair Game Carvers 3.00 to 3 50 Pocket knives, 25c to 2 50 each one