Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Feb 1884, p. 5

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'1“ 2 iii t: GOING N111: TH. T TURNNTO. 111ml. Av ""Il. EX. WI 11 ill 7.7.? 11.43 5.20. Uninn ~’ 'I ion Hot. 117:". ‘: Hr. min 1'; ill 5.35 l.) i . . Park 1 llU . H17 1.110 1)>r\‘.iiiinii'l. H L . 5 0 \Vdnl‘lll . i~_.‘1 . .. , J‘h irnhill .\ .7 19.57 615 Ilhi"H\I->N[l iii .1. i437 1.10 0525 Kill‘.’ V Y “El 1:) , R7 Auinirzr , . , . ~i so 1 in 6.51 Nemnurlmt . ii 11 $.05 7.07 (6011\11 SUWl'll. l-iv. Am-mn. Mull. Noirmru'kot ,, H W 11.170 7.07 Aurora . . 8"»). 13115 7 W Kin: Mn 1:") 73m Nir'i'iiivh Him. 0 Hi H.131 7 70 Tllfll‘lllllll '.‘ l: 1‘1 5'7 8 M \Vex'l >ii . 'J'Jl b 1'3 imv-‘iiii ii'l . U :i l. ‘5 83.": Park lnln . 1) 0 1.11.3 5.58 TO':".‘\"i‘-'l. Qiinmi' "i’iri . ., . llr-n'k hart-cl. . ,. 0.50 1.15 14.37 l'iiioii Stilt/Hill” .Zl 5H 1.51 8 l5 City ii 1.1 10.05 2 m 0 02 PRDlZTOl-"s’ QTAGE LINE. Connects \i‘ii‘li ii.ll iruiin. lem‘ini: tho I‘irlmor I’ll)llfii‘.1il"ll'llilll Illili as follows: Mfl11t‘: l~1~<pi'm<. North & smith . 7.45 n. m. Acooniiiimlution “ -‘ _ .1145 Rxpruun, North ,. 5‘5 1). in. Mail, Sl‘lltil 6.45 POST OFFlCE NOTICE Until further notice Voila will 1M closed [1.51110 Richmond llill I‘ostOflit‘o :1“ f illrm‘s: â€" MORNING 'iGOiH‘.‘ North south, East and \\'- kit. in '111-1lllu ’! lini'iiliill, ‘ l\1iipl(‘.Tm'iiii‘o. Mni‘liliiiiii.r('l‘. 7.45 EVENXNG :â€"(~'i-iin: south. 13114 “[111 West (us :iliovr'l 6.40 N. B. ’R0q1311'1'1‘41 Lotion: iiiiiqt be handed in u lens: Fifteen Minutes wrrlior than the above mentioned hours for closing. w RVIZCLJVJEDVND Thursd ‘84. D‘ABTJUTEHOME. . . . .Ooi're~ponllenc0 from 011-; Ridges and Dollar received too l-lM’ ior this week‘s iisue ....TE.~1! TEA! TEA! Try fine Tens. Choice v.irii<ti: s of Gunpowder, Hyson, Black and lawns, at the " Cheap Cash Home." Suvulli & Grennuii. . .Pocket Crochet Needles, difi-xrwnt sun-163 oi tinsel, for 5:118 at THE LIBERAL store. 0111' Blurb-'5‘ .Gl'e‘it slaughter of woollen goods at the “ Cheap (Lash 11- use," the maindwr i“ this month tr room for sprii g 510011. Cull early and sevure bargains Suentli r\' Giviiimii during ic- make Annexation. It is now more 1111.11 llki'iy Riverside will be annexed lo the city of Toronto at no 'dis- tent .late. Lent is Coming. Fi<li ! Fi~li l 1 Fish ! !! \Vliite Fish, Salmon Trout, [Julirnflfll‘r’ Herrings; whole- sale and retail, at. J. Browns. 36 Piivate Parry. Mr. B. Biillinger, of the Dominion Hotel, gave a purl} to a number of his intimate friends from a distiiiic» on Thursday even- ing lint. A very enjmulilu time was spent. Lacrosse The Lacrosse boys met in the 1. rue Hull last Friday night nnii elected their officers They will meet a- gain this ('l‘nursdliy) evening to make final arrangements for their spring concHrt. for Iliu ensuing senson. Notice. The A-iniiul Mueliiiu of the West York Reform A-eociation will be iii-ill ut the Town Hull, 1‘ '1'11111119, on Tuesdui', Feb With. at '2 o'clock p. in. livery mi‘llliwl’ of the party who can poseibly ntiiend should be present. Credit Sale. Friday.Mnrcli7ili,1881 Ciellit sale 01 Flinn Stock,Iniplvnientn‘ etrn, on Lot. No. ‘29, lNL Con. Went. York, the iironwriy of Mr. Geo. R‘lULllffH. Sllr‘ to comiiienu» at. 1‘2 o'click noon. Salem El-kiird', Auctioneer. For particulars we Illlia Leap Year P in . A Luap Y1 M 1‘ ll‘l_\’ is to be given in the Town HullI Miirliliuni, Frill:il\',Fvb 9" ‘ Mu Ill. 0! the pill'illlb unil Sil‘WMl‘l.‘ on tho circiilurs on the awning of Judging fioin the u rues issuvil, 111 ie SH“ be no mistake in its mun- fingOUL proving u Slim'i-nl. '. he Frist Robin. The swpel melody of 111+» robin was heard at the b» aim mg.V of the present Week, which indiciili-il rigns of Spring, but from prefl‘nl apprnmnm-s he will huve to Kerk shelter for his rul lll'l‘fl.\1 in n “‘i’iiiiiei Cllllli‘ than Rich- mond Hill. for some iinw to come. Extensive Credit Sale. Mr. Jun 'l‘boinpsoii, Lot No. 64. rear of lat (‘on KiiiL'_1iiiVilll: furin will have an extemiveciwilit Rule of Furni Stock, Inlpll'lllfllilh, (‘10,, on 'l'nenluv, March 4th, 1581 Sula iii. 1” ii in. 1111!](‘11 pr.viJed. .l. C. Sinkiw Anc'ionr-vr. Soc lurgu hills, ~(ilil his The Lord‘s Army. Two l;ir.‘v builds 0! church going people from \mo'n. \‘.'lll‘{,"\lll'l11‘l' the iippellntioii ul’ " The Iloi' .’5 Army," Duti‘l’d through the village iihoiii 11 ll. rn. on Snnilny night sing ing ill“ iroi‘ 1'1“ MI E“ (‘llll1li‘11 “ The Old Tin”. I;.li;;in11." We 11‘411‘11 from a friend they b-vl lwrn holding meetings in (‘urritlliu Much zcul oppvnrs to be inani- festud of lute in the can-ac of religion. Masquerade Carniva.. The CRI‘DIVHl on the rink Tiinrsrlav night, wus well attended. Mnsquirmlurs were some what scarce, but several handsome costumes Wire to be seen. The coslnmn of a young Indy from Eii-liinond II’il-l, dressed to repre- r-ent winter, was perhaps the best.â€"'.\lark- hum Economist. Meddling. The boys who were meddling with the gas in the ante-room of the G. M. Church on ; Monduy evening, in the annoyance of those ‘wiinin, should remember that it is not only veiy unbecoming about a religious place cl as ex- We Wi)i‘H"11p, but extremely diingernns. plosions are often caumd in this way. hope such will not. occur nuiiin. Important Credit Sale. Thvrc will be sold by public auction, on Wcrlnvsiliiy, Feb. 27th, on Lot No. 1, 5th Con. ViiiiglninI n 'quiintiiy of valuable, iiirm stock. iinplninunis. 6:43.. the property of Mi. Jun. D.il7.iel. The whole in be sold without at noon liii'in. S -le at 10 a. m. Lunch Saii-m Eckm'dt, Auctioneer. T Orurml‘lig‘n School The llRllV attendance of our High School numbers over 90 regular pupils. Large classer are reading for the various University and Departmeniul Exnininntiond. lhe pupils, nnlii-r ihw supervision of three pnin‘s- hiking and efficient teuchcis. ni'e earnest in their Work their recent concert pro‘.‘ed n. succeqs financially (IE well [W in ivory other )1 sin rt “"6 are glull to learn tlnit Sabbath School Association. The. annual convention ofthe S. .‘1. Annoci- “ion of E & W York wnii held in 'Tlinrnhil! on Wedncsilny :Ind Thiiredny of lust work, and proved a euccms. Mr D Jumps, Reeve of Markham, was elected president for the present your. The next convention in to bel hl'lil sorry we can not give a full account of prm ccediugs this week for want of space. at \Vouilhiiilge. \Vn or» exiremely I O G T. At the last regular meeting of this order. six posed for main 'Pl‘alliv. new 111111111915 were iiiilintcd and six pro- Wa 'ire plenwd to see such it revival going on in this village in the cause of temperancu After the import- uni. business of the lind been accninA plisheii the lodge curried ainearlv adjourn- ment and repaired m masse to iin- C M Church “here a very succehsful meeting was in progreau. Ele. tion of Officers The election 01 oflicu-rs for the present quarter in Richmond Hill Lodge. 10 GT. resulted as: follows: W C T, Bru J H Sandor- son; 11' V T. Sis M Wilci'; \V S, Bro W D Alkinson; W A S. Sis H H Wiley ; W T. Sis J H Sunderson ; 11' F S. Bro T Wright; W M, Bio A Wright; W D M. Sis F Flflh bnrne; ‘V I G, Sis A Sonics; W 0 H, w E Wilev ; \V (l, Bro '1‘ \V A Cook ; H S, Sis A Kirby ; \V L H S. Sis 1.. Lung- stifi'; P \V (J T, Bro ll McDonald; T D. Bro \Vm Harrimn llro \V R Bank of Canada The first general mefltlllfl of the stockhold- ers of the above named bank was held M. their office. 51 Yonge FL, on Feb. 11th, when a larue number of shareholders was present. T - r- nirmuri spoke in encouraging tones of lhc success like-1v tn atlenil the. efforts of thme engaged in promoting this undertaking .4111 pointed out an important fact that spoke Well for the success of the bunk, viz. : that the list of shareholders did not contain any spvi-ulntive element, but was conipnxed of buwiiieua men spread over ii. huge section of country On motion of J. \l. L-iwrenceEsq. Richmond Hill, certain preliminary 1)\'>1Il\\'s wi-re passed, and on motion of Peter Putter- nnii. thq :1 poll was opened for the (‘let‘llUfl of directors. The Bourd of directors having: been elecieil, sober quently met and «holed David Bliiiii, Esq, President, iiiid Sniiiuel Tl‘eefi, V'itiv.i’re~‘. Henry O'Brien rind A. A. “lull E-q».. were appointed respectively solicitor and cashier. Central in firing. Minn Eitu l’nliner i: on nu extended visit to Toi‘milo and other places. Mr Ullill'lPR and {\li‘s Louie Min-ion, of Eg- lington. Spent Sillltldy in the. villiige' Mr. Thou. Neiviou reliirni-d from Orillia on Suiuriluy, W11th he has been ieSiding for Rowial "10“th [)‘USL. Miss Lou. Powell left here on Suliirilnv With other “bands. for n couple of w~uk1 iu chroy and other pincer-5. Mr Thou Nixon, of Knox Collequ will preach in the Presl yieriun cliurun here next. Subbnth, morning and evening, Mien Ada. llrriuuhtun, of Toronto, is vint- ing l'i’ieniannil li‘1.LllV('hlll ibis V11|:|;;(.‘, and is the guesl of Mia Maggie S iuderson. Ill. I‘i‘elv 111w]. rf‘J Mulliiilv M. A nltenil- cd lhe Annuul banquet given by the fluid“ iblt’h‘ lllJli uiigruiluzitie 01 'I‘oronio Univer:ity on Friduy lust. Mr. Gordan lilrLiiin returan home on Sniiiriluy iioui Chicano, \Vll“lt‘ he hm lii‘l‘ll ii‘siiling foi iiv :iilV n iifll'lllill in look. in“ \\'1‘11,ltliilhllHikhlLl glowing 1|.‘llilb'u1111dl. greul. \Ven‘lcl'u t‘liy. t'lll' Mrs Win 31 imn, oli‘ l’i-rvi' wile, Mr 1') l‘lin‘llll, lrnni \liiiiiii.ill.i. 11 Ron. 1\111“L1’r\r111111111£11111 11ii‘l‘\ l\1n-uii.iin-1 Misn llak‘k. \i’i-iu . ii; on Siluiiliii' l:i:.i,1ioiu int.- ( iiy, vmuug Mr J. M Lawrence of 11313 Village. erii iiiid zen M‘l- CLOTHING HOUSE, EXTENSIVE CLEARING SALE or () vvrooat-S. ()verooats. Illsters. Iflsters‘ \’ ouths’ ()vorooats. X’ouths" .Tuvonile ITlst (firs. This Sale will continue until the whole of the present Offering is disposed of. Over-coats: (Tlstors; Ovorcoats. Juvenile U] st'el's.. All goods are marked in plain figures. showing the present and former prices. and for the information PRE~ENT PRICE. $1.00 5.00 0.00 7.00 8.00 .1000 12.00 ion 13 All other goods 1n proper Cambridge Clothing House, “mm, as “W Fromm, h“. ranged 1...: of intending purchasers we enumerate a few of the changes: 86 Yonge Street, Toronto. FORMER PRICE. $5.00 6.00 7.50 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 'uicfich omoas pun fining 911109 A. W. HOLTBY, Manager. BEAT HLIDAY SALE! I. M. HAMILTON, NEW ADDRESS, 184 ‘(ONGE STR'r'El‘. THIHD STORE ABOVE QUEEN STREET- ‘ Millinvry. $9.00 Trimmed Hutu for $6 00. $7 5‘1 Trimmed llut~ {"135. $6110 Triiiiiiieii HMS for 3-1. $5 00 Triininml HAIR for 53 50. 8-1.5!) l‘i'iinined Hats for $3. $3.75 Trimmed HalR for 32 50. $3.00 ’l‘riininml Hum for $2. Untrimined good-i equally no cheap. Bargains iii F‘Hurlii-rn, Flushes, Pompous. Flowers, 650., d'zc. Mantlcs. 8-101) Minitles for $3”. $75 Muniles for $37 50. $50 Murillo: for 25 631) Mnnlles for $20. 325 Mnniles for $19. 8'20 l\1:iiitlesi for $115. $15 Mniitle»~ for $11. 312 Mnnlle; for $9. $9 Muiitlen for $7. $7 Mantles {@3551}. Cliildrcn's Muniles Cheap. Dress Goods. 1151‘. Drum. (i-iiiih for li’fio. 2llc. Dress Goml< for 150. 184 Yonge Str Grand Xmas Clearing Drona (lroolls for 17%" Ailâ€"\Voiii l)res-(‘mu.1:~‘f01‘17&c. :13".1)l't‘.~h‘ Liooib‘ for 2350.. 1116. Dress Goods iiir 27¢: 456.1‘li‘iusllouiis {or 35V. All lines Hood»: R (lili'Pd in Prices in Order to Clear Out the Sleek. 25'. I 30.: Furs. $3.0” llliick Hair \[iii’fx for 3125. S6 (ll) Mink )liifis for $4. £5111 llil Fine \link \1iii'f< for $43. $12.11!! Fine Mi k .\1iili~ for '57 ()0 315.1l1115i‘51 Mink Mllfi~ fur 8".) 813.01‘ South Sea Sir-n! lliifis for 510. bur Capt-NI \V'IIUI $1 75 for 5125. Fur CHIN-T, \Vlo '52 30 fur 151.75. Fur Unpes, Win-11:37 :71) f r 55. l'liilllreiw‘ Fur 8111.8 at [Lili 1’i'ice. Mid Glow-s 7.3.2. fi-butiou length Chamois Gloves 10) 35v. ill 10 button length Chamois Glovea for 50¢. 51 2-bnlton Kid Gloves for 50c. 51 3-button K111 Gloves for are. $1.25 4-button Kid (Hows for llSc. The above represent rm immense purchase nfli)” iloZvn iii. 5%. on the dull‘l-l‘ or half price In addition we have our regular linesl clu ling " 11oiii.lon JOE-phine brand,” black nnul colors. Jon line i-olorexl Kilis at 200. .ier pmr. “marry and [lurk-reminng 61 All Wool Shirte iiinl I)T«I\VPT.\‘1'>F 62in. $1.25 Scarlet All-Wool Sliirisuiill Drawers for 75v. 25v. All-Wool Seamless Sox for lflc. ~15- All-Wool Seamles~ Stool-.ingi ior 25c. >500. Alleool Si‘fllfllt‘ss Slot-kHng for 309. $33.75 (‘ushms're .leis~}'s 101 8'.) 75. $1.75 .11en's(rlm‘ilignii Jricl‘l‘lx‘ for $1 25, 6‘2 bulb-Q' Rubber Ciri-iibirs for $1.25. Lulio-s' llmlerivme Cliein nil-SP5. Underii'urv Cheap. Bill, 5‘ Underwiire Ciieiiii. Ch up (fronds Tell. llandkm’ehiets ~10 ilox. Fancy Hem-Stitch Hiiiidkerchiefc iit 5". I ll) 11oz. Finn-v Hem. -tiicli H‘Hnilkf‘l‘cllleh at Go. Other things in proportion. in - in eet, 3rd Store above Queen Street. £118 OF FALL AND WINTER RY GOO S . In order to reduce our immense Stock of New \Vintcr Goods, we wil Offer for the next three weeks the greatest Bargains we have ever shown in Blankets, Somfortables, Flinnels, Linen Table Dziinnsks, Slieetings, Towels, Napkins, Lace Curtains, l\’1untles,lVlan'lc Cloths, Ulster Cloths, Shawls, Bluck and Colored Silks, Satins, Brocadcs, Ottoman Oids, \(flVCtS Velveteens, Pluslics, Black and Colorhd Cashmeres, Dress Gozids, Blzick Crapes, full lines of Mourningr Dress Materials, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces. Sate Neckweur, Corsets, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Dress Buttons and Trimmings 1\llltl(‘(.1 \Vool (mods, Ladies’ Underwear, Geiits’ Underwear, Notions, etc. Large RCthCtrOllS have been made in all Departments. of our many Bargains, but Ladies are respectfully ivitcd to call and see the waiiis in all Dcpartmeutsys this is 21 rare chance to secure new dlld soasonable Goods at h very low prices. This is a Genuine Clearing S ile. and Space docs not permit quotations immense Bzir- POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE“, .182 Yonge Street, Toronto;

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