Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1884, p. 1

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Thomhill, thankful for the favors of the past tron years, may still be consulted in any branch of ‘he pm- foesiou.“ follows: W. J. Charlton M. D.. C. M..M. C. PS. 0. Late (at Toronto General Hospital, Physicil. Surgeon at: Once noun): 9 to 11, 2 30-1. and 6 t 7.30 mt the Pa] Bzoufi‘vnle ...... (M‘khnm . . . . . Victoria. S lune I'h-ornhul.. .. lupin . . . . . Woodlvritluo .. . M711 ST. MARY n Emscorn. CauncH.-Servico at 5 p.m., except the third Sunday of every month. when the servu‘e and sacrament are held at 11 mm. Sunday School at 1:30 p.111 Rev. W. Babes. Rector. Vmumz COUNCIL ~Re v«, John Brown Coun- mliors Messrs‘ Isaac Crosby, A. Moodia. B. E. Lew en H.F.prer. I)»: k.M. enfv. A. 0. U. W., Ivy Lndge, No. 141, Meetein the Committee Room of the Masonic Hell each alternative Friday at. 8 o‘clock p. :11. Beam leery certificabe given tor $2.000 in case 01 death. J. A. E. Swibzet. Master Workman. B. T. of Temperance. chhmonii Hill Council, an 43, Meet: in 'lemgeranco Hell,eech um:- nntive Tuesday eveumg utuu'aluck p m. Bene- ficiary cex'tlticutes issued to male or temple members for a] 000 or 111 case of death $2,000, one am nayeblc in case of disability. J. H. Bender- eon Select Councillors; J.A. Sturgeon Stewart. Becoming Secretuv. (In‘orlihféith; iflth. Mid 22nd Newmurket ..................... 2nd Rnchuloud Hill. .Bth nud‘llth Dr. Geo. Langslafl Han reumved from King, and common ted practice at Thol‘llhi”. Nov. 6m, ’32â€"“. H blah MEcaAsxcs' INSTITUTE.“ Libmy or over 1000 volumesppeu every Tuesday evening. in the Mm a mic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra.» rian. Lectures and discussions periodically RICHMOND HILL CORNET Baumâ€"Meets for p actice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock. A. Laird. Leader. Bxcamoxp HILL TEMPLE. No 465-. I. O. G. T,â€" Hoots in we Temperance Hull‘ In'ery Wednesday uvanimz. at 7.30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. The Mechmhst sabbath schnolTempemnce As Iocmtiou \ssuo pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wmflnrnson sup? Ernest F. Langstafl. RICHMOND HILL. Otfico hours: 9 L. m. 2 p m. 5nd 7 n. m. METHODIST Carmen or CANADA â€"â€"Services Lt 10:30 min, and 0:30 p. m.,eud Sunday school, n 2.30 p. In. General Prayer Meetmg every Thursday eveumg m the Lecture Room. Ben. J E. Bets, andJ. E. San‘. pasnurs. PRESBYTEEIAN CHUncaoF CANAnLâ€"Services a: 11 o'clock a..m,.end (5:30 p.111. Prayer meeting 0:: Wednesday evenmg “7:30. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHUBCE.-Servicefi in order as follows Thomhill at 9 1.111.. and Richmond mun 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hm ut9 mm. and 'I'homhill at 10.30 a. m. thuuuxvnv “a”- - limbs in the Lodb :0}ih;Mfi-SOI$IC 38.11.01: the londay on 0" before full moon. at 8 o'clock p.m A. J. Rupart. \V. M. ANCIENT ORDER OF FOBERTEBsâ€"Court Rich- mond. No. 7046 A 0. 1'“. meets m the Temperance Hall every qurnate Fridav at 730 p. m.â€"H. B. Wright, (7. B. THE LIBERAL PR1NT|NG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" -â€" ONTARIO. Medalist Toronto Univelsitv. Member (‘0 rPhysicmns a; Surgeons, 0nt.,11mte of Btouffville Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Office Hours to 103. m.,5t08p. m. THURSDAY EVENING Dr. 0rr, Maple, Office hours: Sta 9.30 s. m. and a Dr. W. J. W son. RICHMOND Loner. A, F. ‘ o 391 per annum, 1n advance.] VOL. VI. (i. ll. Husband. L. I). S., BUSINESS CARDS. REIWOVED. Dr. McConnell. Graduate of Toronto University 18th 20th 215$ .. 23rd 26th ‘28t 11 “29th 30th themes.“ Nitrous Oxidemtc” Li, and none but; the bestmater ress A ROBINSON 'L‘I).S.. AL Dr. Charlton. “Talon. ml Hill T. E. MeMAHU N, Dr. J amcs Langstafl band wm be foam .evory Samrdnv, 1 u the then date- EDITOR and PROPRIETOR, willagr Qirmurg. @112 glihcretl ” Hm; ...9th wd‘uth e Palmer House) IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. A. Robinson, Churches. ‘oriolios. autdiral. aunonox Dtn‘i‘xn mum. NE WTON BROOK 19th 16th and udm NI 0355.. New- ', “up! gwhen , Sam, CauncH.â€"Servico at} DENTIST A. M., No. 23. G.R.(‘ and to 2.30 p. m‘ of nth month do. fln_ ‘asionuly rm a‘Ont used wnen 8.1 used. 1) month Om James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctxoneer lor the County of York, re. spertl’ully solicits your patronage and friendly influem‘e‘ antics attended nu the shortest notice and at masonnbe rates. 1’. 0. address. King. Licensed Aucmoneer for the Counties of York Ontarm and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. ecu. promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York, re- specciully aolimts your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the bounty 01’ York. Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties havinn farms or lots for sale, or wmhing Insur- ance m life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to .03.]: at 8 per cent on approved freehold security Oflicoâ€"Court House. Toronto Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the flhm‘tvst not-1co,und It rea- nbe rates. Addreaa Noblemn I‘. O Having built. the above House on the Rite of the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in firstâ€"class style, I am prepared to give the public the beat of accom cautions Good stalvlmg and attentive hostler . Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves thin hon” to connect “ it!) a]. vaasenger trains on the Northern Rnilwav. Cbiumev Sweeping attended to notice. Jan. 5th Blake. Kerr. a: Cassols, Summers, Attorxmyn-nt-Law, Solicitors-in- Chancery Proctor»; m Admiralty Courts. 0011‘ vuynncera etc Millichamp'sbunldmgr,Adelaidestreet,Toronto p; posits Victm'macreet. Import/er of Watches, c101 ks am“. fine jew: Ilery u stock of Dimunuds and precious stones always on baud. THIRD DOOR SOU’IH 0F QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. L: Manufacturing of jewellery, and repan‘inqof watches and clocks on the prermses,u specialtv Thanking our patrons and {neudhfor their lib~ emlpntmmgr u. the past we beg to stem that we have just (a eived a. large stock of new goods in latest designs. A large stock 01 Elgin and Waltham watches kept on hand, Old Iron, Rags, Brass, &c., broght Cuy Prices. The symptoms are moisture. like px'o~pira.tion intense 1ccbmg, increased bv scratching. very «liutresaing. particularly at night. Beams as 11pm- v‘wrma were crawling in am‘ about. the rectum the private parts are some fumes affected. It allowed to continue very senous results may lollow. “ SWAYNE'S OINTMENT " in a. plaus- mt, sure cum. Also for ’l‘otter, Ich, Salt Rheum, Svald Res 1. Erysipelns. Barbers' Itcn, Blutcheu all scaly,crusty Skin Diseases Sent by nun for soceuts: abnken. $1.25, (in stumps). Addresp DRlfis WAYNE & SON, Philadelphia Pa. Sold Nails, Locks Bolts. Hinges. Wire, 8:20., 800. Glass, Paints, Oils. Brushes. 1:? LOW PRICES. Alum: amount. of Money to Land on {arm pr cgt‘v nruporty intereut’i per «out; no commis- Hon. WILKINS’ BROS by Druggiuu ’ :3? GOOD VALUE. 166 King Street East, IT’S A FACT Kueps the Largest. and beat Selected Stockof l*‘( )]{ H A R 1) WA R13 IN TORONTO. dward Blakébs. s.H. Blake Q.C,J.K. Kerr, .1 \Vultcr (lnnsals, W.R.Mu|louk. C.A.Bmug C,J. Holman. H. Cansels. ILMucleun FREDERICK \VIIITLOCK. Richmond Hill. Itching Pilesâ€" Sympkoms and Cute 14081:. MACDONALD. MERRI’I‘T a: co. Unior Lou: bunluin a, Toronto #"W $9315; The Palm“ House. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER. Proprielor BUM} 4-‘83 N. J‘ Arlnslrong. Salt-m Eokardl. Money to Loan. afiiisccllzmtmw. George Eakin. RICHMOND “11414: THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28, ’84- S. I“. Brown. 313133., Q.C,JA.K_. gerr,Q.C J. “ nnh ss. â€"â€"THATâ€"â€"â€"â€" RENE HITS DR. LANGSTA l-‘F ‘dflnnt‘y. “firqul. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Near Nipissiny Hotel w Bonus. 5 Naomi UNIONVILLE. on shortest ’sa-lv. {or Cash at. 1V Ayer’a Sarsaparilla in the beat medmine for every «me in the npnng. Emigrants and travellers will fund in it. an elfectnal cure for the eruptions, hfllll pimples, ec 2.11m, etc.,thaL htenk nut (m the skinâ€" the effect. uf dlwrdur in the bland, caused by sea-diet and life (Ill board ship. G. A. Dunn. Fralnkvllle, Ont, says : “ I “as cured of chrnnic brnnclnitis, thth trnubled me fur seventeen years, by “m use of Dr. Thnmai' Eclectrlc Oil.” See that. the signature of Northrup SI Lvuuu. is M) the back vi the wrapper. and yoll will get. the genuine Dr. 'l‘huums’ Eclect- nc ml. A Column of Inn-resinng Road- ing Mailer Pleasant as syrup; nuthing equals it as a wnl‘ln medicine; the name In Mother Graves War-"Exte- lmnator. Mr. R. A. Harrison Chemist. and Dinggist, Dunnville, Ont“, wiiLud:â€"â€"“ I can wnh cunntlencu reconnnend Northrop & Lynmn’s Vegetable Discovery anl Uyspeptic Cure for Dyspepsia, Ilnpure Blood, Plinplus on the Face, Billousnens and Constipationâ€"such cases having Come under my poi-annul observation." A. B. Des Roche”, Arthuhaskaville, P. Q.. writes: “ Thirteen years ago I was seized with a. severe attack of rheu- maliqu in the head, fJIIIlI which I nearly constantly suffered. until after having med Dr. 'l‘hninus’ Eclectric Oil for nine days, bathing the head, &.c.. when I was completely cured, and have only need half n. bottle. Give Hullowuy’s Curu Cure atrial removed ten come from one pair of without any pain A special Iueetinguf the annntn City Council has been called to ratify th Shup-keepers' License lSy-law. It. is a gnnd rule to nccept only such medicines as have, after lung years of tri~ al,|-ruved Wurtlly of confidence. This is a case where nthor penplv’n exprlflence may br‘ at great. cervwe, and It, has been the experiencenf thousands that Ayer's Cherry Pvcmral is the beat cough medi- cme ever used cause. The [inst are useful as palliatwen, the second, if of genuilie efficacy, pm- duce a radical cure 'l‘u the latter class belongs Norlhrup d; Lyman'a Vegetable Dinoovery $1 Dyspeptic Cure Thuruugh Hess n5 opera-Hun is its special attribute in all cases hf Bllmnsnuss. Cusliveuenn, Indigestion, Kidney Complaint, and Female Wenkurus Grucara’ Bill, on Monday, holds foremust plaCe this week. A great. aumllm of canvassing was done 01: buth sides. The LICenaed Grocers wmked hard; and why ahuuldu’b they 3 Fur should the Bill pass they would be prohibited selling liquor on any condition. They appeared confident, of snccuss, but their hopes pr’vvud vain, fur tlm returns declared lu favor of trmpex-nnce, by a majority of be- wan 300 and 400. The Toronto Public School Board has made a total Increazo in the suluriea of teachers of $4,410. ILia reported that a great battle be tween the British tronpu and Osman Big In": furca Will be fuught. on Friday. Mr. Arthur \Vellesley Peel, the new Speaker nf the Imperial Hunse of Com- m-ns, entered hpun hm dunes yesterday. A mutinu made before Mr. J'mtice Rune tu quash the Verdict. of the cvroncr'l jury III the Humbcr railway dmasler was gunned. Many friends of Lhe Hun. David Mills accompanied him tn the l'fll’way depan at. Lundnn lust evening on the. occasion nf hm leuvmg for Ottawa tn take his seat as M P. 101‘ B-Ithwe“. There is a wide difference between Illudlcines which affect merely the symp- LI-uls of disease and those which affect us [From Our Own Correspondent.) I wish to send yuu a few Items from Toronto, but, there are so many news that if a person were to take all I fear you would find mom fur nothing else. It is reported that. the Hun. Mr. Pope has dispnued nf his International Railway to the Canadian Pacific fur $1,250,000, The Grand Trunk nuthurilies huve re- duced the freight charges on milk Rblpped tn Talon“) un the Great Western Duv IBM-ll To begin. I suppose I should give the mob! important first, and dlmbtleus the result. of the voting on the Llceuscd NEWS FOR A GLANCE. nan: ‘nday TORONTO TOPICS. lulmn not a )0“ Here was b at same ha dynuxmte ig talk of hrnng? atree Knew the 'nngh nccup1e< f N ullea, L Cobuurg 3 serum" . mung t} 1 several The greatest event of the season in theamical circles was the appearance of Henry Irvlng and Ellen Terry, at the Grand last. week. They were here fur three days, beginning on Thursday. On Friday they played the “ Merchant of Venice,” before an immense audience. The audience were full nf anticipation, and expected acting the like nf which had never been seen in Toronto befnre, nor were they disappointed. The acting: of all parties was excellent, but reached the height nf perfrcunn in Irving’s ren- derings nf “ Shyluck,” and Ellen Terry's or “ Pnrtia ” A very interesting debate was held in A very Interesting debate was held in Kll.)x Cullege Convocation Hall, one eveninglast wevk. Subject: “Resulv- ed that itinerancy should be adopted by the Presbyterian Church “ Rev. Dr. Raid filled the- cliair and when giving de- cisiun admitted that lie could scarcely view the subject without bias. The, negative won the day, or rather night. 1 nuticed among Hie Singers In the Glee Club Mr. Thames Scutt, fm-nierly uf Aurora. And now I have jun: mum to tell ynn of a great. literary move made in the cny, which may end. no one knows where, m witJhe formalin" uf a thurary Society incmmecliun with the Normal SChUUL--ROX, (From Our Own Conesnoudent.) Siiiiie thirty yuiiiig penple, members at the Yuing People’s Cllrlsllall Aflsriclalliill of the Yiiiige Street Methodist Cliiiiuh, 'l‘nrmitu, gave It very filll' eutertmnm-mt in the Metlimlisl Church nf this place, last Friday awning, Feb. 22nd The entertainment alioniided iii ‘efldltigs, recitatiuiis. churiises. eic. The priiiai 9.] reading (ii the evenng was given hi Eli-v. Ki brrt N. Burns. 8. A., and was pleasingly and clevelly rendeie-l l'lie Rev Mr. Burns «.raVe a brief acctllllll of the Yunng People’s Christian Association which was nrganized by him in [hr Yonge Street Metlindint Chincln. The speaker remarked that it was a grand thing tn attend to the spiriliial education iif the young, Mental eiliicntinn Was very good, but i‘ nut guided by a spiritual training ii almost invariably resulted in Ratiunal- isiii nr Atheism Mr. Burns, after aun- cludiiig his address, tuuk his seat; aiiiid applnus -. \‘ume items were read by niiq nf the iiieiiibei's ml the Association, from a paper, called Zia.“ published by them, and united by the Rev. Mr Burns, which were amusing and instructive. After the entertainment was cuiiclnded the young people sat down to a very excellent re- pust, prepared for them ny the yuiiiig ladies of 'I‘huriihill. After ten the Rev Mr Burns. un behalf of the members of the Association, thanked the ladies of 'I‘lmrnhill fur the kinil ri‘cvptlull they had met With at their hands, in the prm'isiuii ui such all excellent repust, in Which Rev. J, W. 'l‘utteii. iii a. few we“ clinsen reiilaiks, replied in his elf~hand, jovml Ill'rtlliitl‘. An lliVllHllllll was exieuded to the friends nl' Tlmriihill to return the visit, which we hope they will do. Mr McBriie, Heiid Mustrl‘ of Ricliniuiid Hill High Selim-l, was present, and we hupe heartily eiiJnved himself. A very fair gathering was present iiutwithstsiidiiig the unfavorable state (it the weather. (From Om- Own Correspondent.) The enterxannnent held here on the evening of the 15.11 inst.. Was a success Ill every wny. The weather being favor- able 5 full house greeted 'he performers. The full programme can not be referred to in detail, but we cannot amid men- tioning Mr. Spufi'ord’s instrumental solo as par excellsnce. A trio by Messrs. McFarlane, Evans and Hoover. elicited a rapturous encore, the only one allowed, (as the progmnnne was long.) Mr. Mc- Farlane's solos were taken as Usual and a solo by Mr‘ Gowns. “ Good-bye Sweet. Heart,” was finely rendered. The school sustained its repntution for recitalions and singing. A solo, " \Vnter Cresses,” hy one of the girls. was thought. by many to bo the prettiest thing gwun during the evening. (From Our Own Correspondem) Your rubin is ahead of ours so ours slmll lmve to cunteut itself to do without the worm. Crows have been around. Repurt says fills". the Salvation Army intends “smug our town are long. 1!. is to be hoped they Will, and that same” may uneul their every eflorz. ’l‘lxe pulpit of the C. M. Church was occupied on Sabbath evening by Dr. Nulles, President. of Victoria College. Cobuurg, who preached a very instructive serumn to a. packed cungregutinu. A ing the 1 hr: law several membe lee Singers. L luminary. nu WOODBRIDGE THORNHILJ. CARRVILLE. packed ureuflti lll n he} punt ad d n our 1 the Ere long a. young lady in unr town intends taking some Mead. \Ve hop. she may do it Reverently. Health and pmspenty to buth. (From our Own Compomr Our usually quiet. hank->1 has hceonw. noun:th noted fur tlnu number of birth. and marriages taking place! during tha present winter. The hat. happy cough taking upon themaekvm mmimunia} vm‘ Were Mr. A Hoehell and Miss- Yam home. The services of a popular minis!“ er, taking part in the Bounty S. 8; W: wantion, ware obtained, thong}? nameâ€"- what dis-arranging the previously care fully prepared prugramme. Anuther matter of importance to us in the appointment of a. post master. It seems the pramnt assist-M. pm manta: was apprnaolwd a couple of times timing-v the year by a candidate for Municipal honors, and when he could elicit nu prumise frnni him for his anpporf; In: turned away in disgust to find aneiqhbor more pliable. Rumor dhth any the situ ation was ufl’ered to the neighbor. Now, after the election is over, the candidatn. defeated, vengeance must follow, in spitn of the protest of the neighburhuod, with few exceptiuno. Mr Bnttnn has been appointed P. M., while Mr. Leggett, thn accmmnodating assistant F‘. M., who tnuk it to accommodate the public when no one else would hiiveiit, is now to hm (l was gning to any quietly hniated) not an, fur the people here do not intend tn quietly submit to such proceedings with out protesting against it. It will do thn individual using this power from Sir. John more harm than good. his rumor ed that the 1’. H. of Bax Gruva Wm threatend for a like offence. Mr. Juhu McClure. who had his log hrukeu same five weeks agu, Is not yet able tn Ieava his bed. All the flesh 13 NY the upper part. vi the fuut, and those who have nee" it, say it. duen not present an appearance at all pleasant. It is to be feared that. he wiil lose a portion of his font. have givan en ire autirfactum. TM m: cum; was bum-1h! to a clnme by singing ‘ God Save the Queen " 'Vlu. J<>hn Lilldney, of Haldinmnd, h“ he‘le Vis'ltlng his trlendn m Dhls vicinity. In consequence nf the em -rv.ainment in cuuueunnn W'Lh the Moth-ulnar. Church 3' D--Wnsv1ew, uhvch Mikel place on 'I‘lmrnduy evvning. the graham) prayer Petting vml be deferred-0m Prulny W There was A (Lame at, the Cummercial last Friday night, and attended by some from the nelghburhuud uf Richond Hill. (From Our Own Correspondent) A (‘umert was held at Newtun Brook nu Tmumiay e-VellllIL'. Feh. 213C. W0 are nurrv that. there were not more out, hrcuume thv programme camsisled of Lt urea: number of very excellent. pieces. wlllcl) were reunrknlflv well carried out, \Irq Baxter was the princrpal Indy Hing- rr uf ttu- evening, and the first to receiw a hearty encore. Hn-r Villas, to say the le mt .»t it. was very sweet and meludionn, and her m-tlcuiatum very (hamlet. Mr. Baxter, the leatler uf the char, may cnn< gl'ntrllah: numelt umm his eflicteut. train- Ing, naeudenc.“ by the Ilnlsnn of the fully VIIlCrB uhlch ctvnpnsed the name. the a number uf choruses Wr'l'e render ed hy them, to the pleasure If the entire audience. 'I‘wlu readings were Vcl'y ably rendered by Mr. Alex-under. uhu was ell xecsived and heartily endured. 1 d not want to tukv up much of the space of y‘ ur valuable paper in commenting 01% each plrcn, hut. suffice It. to am that tho Innumuune “as well Garrivd nut. and must STEWARTâ€"Am) Ridges, on 215; inst, Mrs. Goo dcowm of n a n PLAYTI-‘Jlion Yougo at... on Wednesday, the 20th a: 981)., the Wife of Nolaon Playwr, Esq“ of n lvn‘ MARRIAGE.“ munâ€"Emmâ€"In Toronto, 1). J. Mmdonnell, B. D. of Viccnno Square, to or o! the lube David F. BROWNâ€"0n Thursday, Feb. '11“. at. his bronbor‘n residence, 1M} Yongo 3%., Toronto, Jun. F), Brown, in film “at. you“ of his age. The deceased WM n at ox-Cunn cilnmu Pugs] 0y of this village, and also a. mun ber of the 15.0.1]. W., by which order 110 WI.“ Mmm~,damu A wwk made at. Lriuuu. Host huvi , I'm, (launml no l‘wtnrh you Mun Mr. Bnak in Haiti! g friendohm. m Mu pay you m: 70. )rning, 11 years. 9 rkahiro, [Single copies, 3 cts "Mart. you Mull toll nverywhoro to You can wmk i1 do Limo to the bum pay You nearly us enormous pay, NEWTON BROOK. rand iern'Ain?}n*a; Mofic' Ifinde {Ml honombly. Audra“ til a 0m \iu residence, Mar-la, on Sum Feb. 1751), 1884, ’l‘homxw Witty. n1 9 monnbu and ‘28 days. 1). nnfive u, England. BIRTHSL DEATHS DOLLAR” ,Fob.27, by the Rm ,. Mr. Charles P. Rom Hm:1io,n000nddaushx yer. 0! Richmond nil hemp tgy No other bum No one ran fm‘ nguging :0. once oney made In.“ and 11m

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