thems} ! at we As a Fleiin load of the sisters and brethren from Patterson were returning home last Thursday night iron) the reviial Services now being held in the Methodist Church 'here, they were rather unceremoniously thrown out of the sleigh, owing to the drift- ed condition 6f the road, but fortunately no one was injured, and Soon getting revseated went on their wav reioiciug. m Unrrv Mr. I; the ice immer The new Mini 11pm i1ch days York County, re‘ advisability of d into High Schoo part for its owr Honorable G. W just in ti gmve. The new Minister of Education was muted 11pm a few days ago by a deputation from York Cnuuty, requesting him to cousxder the ndvishbility of dixiding the various counties into High School districts, and taxing each part for its own individual school. The Honorable G. W. promised to give the sub- ject his earnest conslderation. O‘clock noon. For particulars Church Desecraï¬on. Some villainous characters entéred t Seaton Methodist Church a short time m and after regaling themselves by imbibi me sacramental wine. carried off the pulj Bible. hymn hook and other articles belcr ing to the church. Eng-1 Farm St Duvetsâ€"age The ( good pr went. 1) week or 93th Salvatibn Army. A‘ branch of the SaIvation Armv from To- rontn vi<its Uniouville hy mil twice a Week, wnnre they are carrying on revival services with vigox. ksocial for the than1 School will be given in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening, Mnrch 14th. Sen bilis. Fuh 1 Fis} Salmon Trout 93.16 and retail 8 Palmer tended PntrtiI-s wishing b plants will dn we“ to 1A.. in another 0 1111111 Mr. Ju n the on 'Tiinhmond Lndge No. ‘23, G. R. 0,. will .6141 its npxt regulnr mPPtiuq on Monday ï¬ning. March 10th. in the Masonic Hull. rui ,ing Elan ï¬ilisx.aaï¬. “ n n w circuu Routliï¬ HMOND HILL kflrrlt‘s sale was 119111 at the war House yesterday and was largely nt- he former not thinking of ,backed up and soon fou ted in the water. Mr. I1216: ï¬ve rods distant, neari: stance, ran to the rescm time to save Mr. Wiles in N. H Commg. 3h0ral Society have in preparation a wrame for their mmical eutvertnin- at which has been postponed for 8. two. Particulars next week. MMUT HDME. I‘hu‘sdny ma Jscances. It :1 man left hi ;ith a load of Toronto. wh .H. Wiles, and Mr. Mellish of ere engaged in drawing ice for Reamun on \Vednesday of last Hnrvey, Lot 34. 6th Con. Vaugh- ' sale an excellent span of Bay eseven and nine years. sired by Glory. weight 1,068 and 1,075 lbs. of the sleigh, owing to the drift- 1 6f the road, but fortunately no Med, and soon getting revseated ir way rejoicing. Fish )hn byat Another Up-set Narrow Escape Horses For Sale High Schools nt Sad Death Lent'is Here. 1 l ! Fish ! ! ! White Fiahv ‘Labmdnr Herrings; wbnlo' .nt J. Brown. 36 Crcdu Sale Monthly Sale Strawberries. Jim: to purchase struwbnrry Neil to notice Mr. Leece‘s new 1b I), who resided on I. Vaughan. met wit Sccial ‘EID )f t1 Jil)£ Tlmrsdw,l\lzu'ch 6, ’84 rulng, 1 appear 5 home {1V1 umt cm, met with his Hg, 27th ult.,under pears the unfortu- ome early in the .u'n which he was in upset, a good eload inllmg upnn he was found in ‘iles from nble to extricate ) hours of inclem- a way to able to '1'. Mel eating ; entered the ort time ago, by imbibing off the pulpit hole m himself 11s!) who his voice and was awutery 11c 36 alarmed on Friday me rising from their beds, theft had been commitl while they wore quietly repose. The party a] made an entrance into 1 hotel, through 8. “inc procepded to the stable, bells oï¬ harness, and general to suit thamie] “ Maud S.†to Rupert’: and started southward ( 1m writes MILLEI Villagb Council. , Pursuant to notice the Council met in the ' Council Chamber. at 8.30 p., m. on Monday evening. the 3rd of March. Members presentâ€"the Reeve and Messrs. Mondie and Hopper. Minutes of lust meeting read and ap- proved The following accounts were on motion directed to be paid: Mr. Wm. Snider for sliovelling snow. $1.52 ; Frank Cork, for shovelliug snow. 31.00 ; R. TrickPr, for Shovelling snow. 51.00; M. Keefler, printing notices of public meeting, 80.75 ; T. F. MD- Mahon, piinring village accounts, $6.00. Adjourned till Monday, 7L1) April. rig were afterwards found at the “ Park †Hotel, the mate badly cut. and cutter terribly smashed, but as to what become of those who were engaged in dastardly trick, nothing has vet Hausa Honor Roll Hill Public Sc repose. 'Lihe puny appears to have ï¬rst made an entrance into the lower flat at the hotel, through a window, and afterwards procemled to the stable, Where, after cutting belle oï¬ harness, and ndy'ustiuq things in general to suit lhamialves, they hitched up “ Maud S.†to Rupert’s most laucy cutter and started southward on Yonge Street. Mr. Powell and Mr. Rupert at once start-3a in pursuit, and before proceeding for, traces could be seen where “ Maud " upset. the cut- ter and had dragged the Villains along in the snow iorn long distance. The horse and teers, and that all available bugled in, but we mpposet steel-clad invincibles upon army can operate. Such, V if the invaders are propel the requisite assmtance fro: will soon Smrming “ Fort,“ Aurora. Late despatohes announce the bombard- ment of Aurora by the Salvation Army. A regiment more or less flushed with recent victories in the town of Newmarket and else- where. have arrived at the seat of war and Aurora is in it state of siege. We had thought that the larger portion of the inhab< itants of that village had alreaJy surrender- ed to the gnlhmt eï¬â€˜ui-ts of ita nwu volun» teers, and that all available‘i‘ecruits had been bugled in. but we mnoose them nrp wt snmn ing them to th longlhnppy an Aurora Banner The Methodist Sabbarh School. We observe that Mr. Switzer‘a Bible Class nmv meets in the gallery of the Church, We think the change w1|l he a grentjmpruve- ment on the conned up little left where he was trying to teach all suummvr. Mr. Swil- zer is an able and efï¬cient Sabbath School Teacher, and hi4 Bible Class has been grml- lmliy increasing for some months past. and has become so large as to demand more room. In its new location there will be am- ple room for all who shall desire to nttend. We would urge all young men who have n little time at their disposal on Sunday after- noon, at half past two o‘clucli, to avail them- selves of so excollanb an opportunity of ne- quii‘inq Bible knowledge. Mr. Sumth nlsn has a large Bible Glass of yuung ladies which also meets in the Church, where there is ’planty of room and n lmmty welcdme to all vulce, was married, at her father's resm'r-nce, to M. Fawucois De. Ghudeuet, of France. Tlm€eremony was performed by Rev. Fath. r‘l‘ Harris, at Newmarket. After the cere- mony a sumptuous repmit was served to the numerous guests who had assembled. The Imppy couple left by evening train for Mont- real. 1-: large number of friends accompany- ing them to the stutlon. We wish them a long.’happy and prosperous married life.--â€" also meets in the Church, where there is ‘plenty of room and n hmn‘ty welcome to all who may go. The idea. of n Sunilay School being only for little folks is fast dying out, they am now Bible Schools and all ages at- toud. Young men and young ladies send in your names and join the Bible Classes. Hapï¬y’Evc’h’tT-N On Tuesday afternoon Miss Nellie Hillary, so well know: here, and who has oftpn (lo- lighted Aurora. audiences with her melodious voice, was married, at her father's residr-nce, M E231 Juc H At muu DI M \Vi] Ah 1 ll be compe be marchin k] )1‘ Sch on for February, of Richmond School, as follows': FORM I id DEring Burglary 1)) yes DEATIES Honor Roll accounts were on motion ‘id: Mr. Wm. Smder for . $1.52; Frank Cork. for v. 31.00; R. Tricker, for 81.00; M. Knefler, printing meeting.80.75 ; T. village accnunts, 36 Monday, 7th April. M. TEEFY, Ck 4 M. Map 5 W. lie-11 M. RUTH! 3011M III OHM II DIV. II V, \Vl'igh M wark I‘l e‘recruins had t there are yet SA .Vcbom the reg we have no do fly rpinforced Mum Marv \\’n M ‘ctri Will DIV. A last, when on I that a. [mid the premise;, ‘ing a night‘s 1t apifu hill )Jv DIV. III M. Lu] CM. \V M Mic! the Oil ght ed in the rauspired. um 116 well as ht th [gnu hal- drn some egulur :ioubt, ed by arters ut 1y nt Lmen 1 able Damask: Ulster Cloths, Shawls Velveteens, Plushes, I of Mourning Dress M2 Linen and Silk Handk Ladies’ Underwear, G Large Redcctrons hav my“): "Tn-‘3 n x $100 Mantles for $50. 5575 Mautles for $37.50. $50 Mantles for $25. 1530 Mantles for $20. $25 Mautlos for 319. $320 Mantles fm-iï¬lï¬. €515 Mautles for 511. E12 Muntlas for 39. 9E) Mantles for $7. $7 Mantles for 85.50. Children‘s Mantles Cheap Dress floods. liic. Dress (‘mods for Him. Grand Xmas Nearing 8M9 ;).(K)'1'r1uu11ed Hats [.50 Trimmed Hats ‘75 Trimmed Huts $53.00 Tnuuued HntR Untrimnwd gmds eq Bargains. in Romulus] Flowers, &c., 610 Mantlos. $3 5; NEW ADDRESS, 184 YONGE STREET. THIRD STORE .gg , 204.00 505.00 8 g 5.00 0.00 W: 0.00 7.50 is g 7.00 8.00 '55 a 8.00 10.00 H 5 10.00 12.00 2; 12.00 15.00 Cambridge Clothing; House, 86 Yonge Stree}, Toronto. GREAT HOLIDAY SA LE 3 This Sale will continue until the are marked in plaln ï¬gures. showing of intending purchasers we enumerz EXTENSWE CLEARING SALE 1111511] 1 1‘62 C “’6 200. Dress Goods for 15 OLII In order to rc (In 1254 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. my 538989 $on amï¬o 0F ()Vorvoats. ()vel'ooats. Overcoats E THE-it 01's. {listers‘ ITlsztors: ‘Youflns‘ ()vorooats. l’ouths’ Oval'ooats .Tnx’onilo [Hamel-s. unvonilo Ulster»: inle will Continue until the whole of the present Offering is disposed of. ed in plain figures. showing the present and former prices. and for the in Hats ) reduce our Immense the greatest Bargains :Damasks, Sheetings, 1at< for 3 {Ms fur 5} {alts for i iuts for? {kits for Y in“: for 3' 9 equally pdrchasers we enumerate a few of the Changes usncs, black and Lolc >ress Materials, Hosie Handkerchiefs, Tieg, wear, Gents’ Underwc ‘ons have been made i Imlly nr: mheap. =4, ‘l’lushes, Pompous gams, but rtments,2.: 3". M. HAMII Slack mid C LCk and Col( RESEN'I $4.00 5.00 (3.00 7.00 8.00 .1 0.00 12.00 1016 11es are respe s is a rare ch All Dre Furs. $2.00 Black Hair Muï¬'s for $1.25. $6.00 Mink Muffs for 3L. $10.00 Fine Mink Mufls for $6. $12.00 Fine Mink Mnï¬s for $7.00 $15.00 Best Mink Muffs for 59. $518.01? South Sea. Seal Mnffs for $10. Fur Capes, Worth $1.75 for $1.25. Fur Caper, VVnrth $2.50 for 51.75. Fur Capes, Worth $7.50 for $5. Childrens‘ Fur Sets at. Half Price. Kid Gloves 750. G-lmttou length Chamoxs Gloves 101 $1 $51 41k 500 Stock ofNew W'inter G we have ever shown in I Towels, Napkins, Lace ( Colored Silks, Satins, E dorhd Cashmercs, Dress ,ery, Gloves, Ribbons, I 9, Dress Buttons and T lO-button length Chamois Gloves for I [Inndk 2-bntton Ki B-buttnn Ki 25 4-buct0n All. Dre Dre Dress Goods for rat, in 2 ICE. Goods Reduced in Prices in Order to Closu- Out the Stock. all D Wool Dres 0321011 uepartr )ectfnlh d( Mum for $6. \Iuï¬s for 37.00 .\In£fs for 59. Seal Mnffs for S 51.751’01‘ $1.25 $2.50 for $1.75 $7.50 for $5. . W. HOLTBY, Manager. Gloves )ves 1773c. i‘OOdS for Inc etc 1V1t( nts {ORMER PRICE MMWKV$fl lI WIN" DI I‘lnl 111111 )O( mkets, $01 .rtains, Ma )Cades, Ot Eroads, Bla‘ cludir black pr) black and 4 Job line Hosnory 551 ML“ The ab0ve represent an immense purchase 400 dozen at 500. on the dollar or half Mi ABOVE QUEEN STREET we \\'1 idih 1C 1] Chap (1' orchivls Fancy Hem .TQN, )1' and Fudm‘clotilii )ol Shirt: and Drawers f4 1( we have our regular lines, in uillon Josephine brand.†1'1 cy‘ H thin; )ï¬ Al‘-W 11 nd Draw ‘01 Shirts itch H >x'oporzi« All goods information andkerchief: )er pair 1ndkerc1nef i Dram; 1H6 1V6 116 th 11‘1 (