335931172133â€; The Great One Price Clothing House, 115,117,119 86 121 King-St, East, Toronto. PREPARING TO TAKE STOCK. All heavy Colossal reductions have taken place in all kinds of Clothing. We are determined to make an entire cle: Clothing. \Varranted In addition to these reductions we are still bra’red stern-windng All heavy Over Coats have been reduced invpt Men’s Winter Overcoats in Beavers. Pilots, Meltons, Naps, Diagonals, Tweeds and \Vorsteda at $4.50, $56, $7.50, $9, $10, $12 and up at Qvercoats. Winter Suits. . Men’s Winter Suits in English, Scotch, German and Canadian Tweeds, Worst- ed, em, at $6, $750, $103 $12, $13.50, $15, and up at ur {jog}; o 5’ gm Y uths’. Cl thing iswmflnlyfdrymï¬ï¬‚uuhw? selente ’ï¬ï¬ï¬‚a'ï¬x' 5%?)3“??? a? $5393? (gugrl 20;“! § i9!!!)ng 1W overeaamwf Barqxab dwibahc 0 an! H '1le WWI 1211233913 @351. Hi†54:3 ‘ï¬hx‘iï¬sï¬mffloifflk ‘fflsl‘ii‘ " ‘ -7†g. . m3 '.“.u,M his; Dun/Smelt of.M¢a‘s.. Xnyth’sganilvi Wktaifls ï¬lebm Mid kiudkbuf goody! Mlbshmmnï¬nntqhnfl‘umbniwcml, audhwa Mi Mmhfqom’ï¬ltï¬o-w'inchus.’ ~."l:’emj,l iiéidléfhingéiw ï¬nafemiotmngï¬jé Wink!)er um flry Bonds and Swing House {a aézaxmzsï¬qamiégmms3§$ aterbmy 311 d good timeâ€"keepers, to each customer purchasin 1 overcoat or suit to the value of $12, all and see these watches and examine the floods Sults have been brought down to I16 ï¬gures. . RU PHEBFORD, Manager. RICE DRY GOODS &' CLOTHING HOUSE‘ 33mm @vnammchmg :énom the‘Hea‘Wy‘ Car? mil ï¬hejiz‘ésfltc‘; mm 1 at‘hml‘beloiv’ w‘h‘qlé @3450, $3,..ssamw4, $4.50 am up qt :91ng is! sim my ilï¬xbbh's‘a WM ‘Caflafliï¬ " 'ghbbeji' ‘Go'od‘bw‘fg ï¬t‘rB’qysé'b ï¬lfx‘gé '5‘â€? ‘ up 3553* \Iih‘cdéaiflé‘ï¬gutes‘aél ' . '. 3‘ I; 11‘ance of all heavy 13 iving the ateh Z ice 50 per cent Petleys’. Petleys’. Petleyï¬â€™ wholesale C616 THE FIRE Emma % GREAT DACRIFICFOF WINTEELGUUDS G011 Early shipments of Spring Goods arriving large and varied assortment of Prints, purchas additional duty came into effect. (HETONNES, MEETING-S, 7 COTTON ADES, SHIRTINGS. cannot be excel. A Splendid Assortment ofGroceries, Britigh Good I SELLING OFF WINTERET‘UCK TEME'IE'FYOOM FOR SPRING STOCK: Suits made to order Amd a Magniï¬cent Stoc which, for Varietj Flour and Fe _ A. L $KEELE, WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER, CLOCKS, WATCHES SE JEWELRY, We do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feed .1 specialty. A. L.. , GROCERIES! THE PEOPLE’S STORE FERNITURE at TORONTO Prices. HARDWARE GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS] ETC- ETC LPhaetons, ‘iiggiiv‘iifyflmggiï¬ï¬x “I n? ,w'uf! ‘9" ‘w. w: ‘3! MEL?†*1 1 . .y: 10.1: mm) m e v “n w i mm. H L 31;; ‘,‘S, 6 THE LIBEZEBQLQ ’ $1.00 IN ADVANGE. TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I be}; to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises, I am enabled to supply runes, Dried AI #15,? we pare "aggltbiug umutjké mi!» and 9!: {the I ndid a: s. from 11’ RICHMOND lllLln 6mg 11D uslaeighssia‘aid rtment CIXLL AND SE13 ! for CASH, consisting of and Scotch and Can ALEX. MGQDE. “’M TREï¬L‘fl. - a‘ShoreinzaF fYOUNG HYS( ALSO DEALER IN ware This is the place for cheap 1rmer J’O( DEALER IN 1mps. C :andC 3f Tweeds, Worsted Coat Style and Lowuess of Pr )t be excelled. Full Stock of Deli P. G. SAVAG E. G. P. LENNOX: DECN’FIS’E, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, Has the exclusive right for the use 9 Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of Absolutely no pain experienced and harm less in all cases. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOID, ISAAC (313051 , Gheap for Cash. I use no cheap material and every set. ‘ Gold Filling, and all other 01 £3: rully performed, a: moderate :I'fléllqgud see me. No txuuble “ï¬rzausï¬i‘wu DYE )( EM. MORPHY 112m assware. ClockerV, ma :lery. uce or Cash in Exchange WARRANT‘ED f re< BEST SETS VITALIZED MB. T\VANKAY, and FO( kerV Hard“ G0 \Vinceys. Shirtin AS’ REPRFSEF} 1nc2ud1n 1 before NU JAPAN 11 s, &c., peratic ms 0N warrant $10.00 1 111