N pwmark‘ Rlchnmm‘ flhouffville . . ...V18th 10. Markham. . . .2001 10. Victoria Square. ‘let [10. I'homhill... . .2311] (10. Maple ...... .EGth do Woodbx’idge .28th ((0. Kleiuburg. .29th do. N blasou ....... 30th 0 Auasthetics.as Nitrous Oxidemtc†used when related, and none but the bestmuteriamsad. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Auro)a Ont, Mr. Husband will be found in his] ofl‘ico. New Son Brook. every Saturday. except when ,Snm may falls on the above dates. Maplai Richmond H111 Woodbn’dge .. ,, A lame amount of Money :gtv progeny interest 7 1: \vm visit % Unionvilla desire ,R ICHMOND â€"â€"Meets in th spnic Hall: from nan. Lectures s hall Br. Geo. Lungstaï¬ Has removed from King, and commen- eed practice at Thomhill. AT THE LIBERAL PRINTWG & PUBLISHING HUUSE RICHMOND HILL, â€"- â€" ONTARIO. Meets in Bveuizm. Medalist Physician Yomze st mond. N Hall eve Wright, Mm‘nox at 10:30 a.) ‘hankful f‘ may still be assion, as I" THURSDAY EV 1t. 2. Thu. ivheï¬ tr to 10 $.11: AND Ernest F. Langslafl, RICHMOND HILL. Ofï¬ce hours: 0 3.11.1. ‘1 p Ofï¬ce hours The ST. MAR, RICEMOSD HILL m MtiCe every Tuesday Axcmyr 0mm Nov. 6th, ’SQâ€"tf ï¬OSEL MACDONALD, MERRITT :5: CU 5% Dr. A. Robinson, VOL. VI. Sdéct ‘MJN CATH G. H. flusbnnm L. D. S U BUSINESS CA 01111 Hill... . . .ch and at the Palmer House) REIVEOVED. (mm. W. M 719.171 Dr. J ames Lnngsmfl an) Hum. Tm: the Tempem- ‘ the following places professionally EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. wit 1. McMï¬HDN, TBRIAN {Tulle Emmi willugc flircrim‘y. W m per annum, in advance. Dr. W. IS PUBLISHED EVEF )r the favors of the ; consulted in any bran )llows: 3th, 16th, and 2211119 Money :0 Dr. arr, Maple, r5: 8 to 2130 0.. 113.. 11nd Tamil and J 1m (1 51:08; 111‘ i. O. R. meets in me ‘ruate Friday at 7.30 Union Lon: bunam s, Terouto :to Univexsitv. agenns, Ont, (late; Richmond Hill‘ Societies. Churches. a favors of the past ten yea: Altefl in any branch of the pi SURE! EOE DENTXS‘T 1d dis‘ chical. afluury. lock rm at 0th and 24th yrs Bcutni. NEWTON BROOK full 15h Monday of each month 9:11 and 215$ " ‘ .lï¬th " “ .196}: ‘ “ J. “filson. yn Supt )RNET BAND.â€"1\Ic and Saturday eve Leader. & A. M.. N 1.Masonic A. Stu‘ )ENTIST m.. and to 2.30 p. m Loan. Hun A. M'ooaie, R‘ r. M. leafy. ). 141, Meets in e Masonic 1 ‘nt 31' r1 Tam: ‘Pd on {M'm pl k; no commls ,ll 08. riic Es ENINGâ€" . J. HISS 'geon Ste Munch Co of Stoufl'vme Oflice 03-er month DWI-1 ulie‘ 11( 1d 1t 3.1‘ 11 H. B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. Enow Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. WILKINS’ BROS Milli IT’S A FACT N ails :33" LOW PRICES. LE" GOOD VALUE. 166 King Street East, DANLF YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL, Keeps the Largest and best Seiected Stock of 5%" Ba EWSBURY’S FIRST-CLASS HARNESS EMPWIUM, H A R D W A R E IN TORONTO. ice Bar FREDERICIi “VIIITLOCK, inst RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprietor vim: built the above House or Blake. Kerr. &' The Palmca House. MI n, Rag. , Em , Locks Bolts. Hinges1 Wire, &C., &c. , Paints, Oils, Brushes. 31mg and attentive hostlets. Sample 1' Commercial Travellers. Terms, $1 The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves a to connect with all nassenger Mains rthem Railwuv. ‘e old Stage Hotel‘ .c in ï¬rstâ€"class style public the best of )Ing and attentive 1' Commercial Trm mable rate M. \Vardsvill M ml Richmorm Hill. mm aï¬iigrclluutwï¬. MARRIAGE‘JS LMKA hm t0 ( RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1884». ping ‘84â€"] y BIRTHS. mrml Hill, ml 3 of Mr. 'l‘lms. ] Ail“ Ell ). elde DEATHS f the iflntcla‘. nf' y: canl. 11; 11th inst th‘ THAT- «On f u Th attended to on shortest Near Nipissiny Hotel, lie-kart“. 'm' the Count etc In Essentials, Unity; in Id ‘f Wulium mint plo u. long calm. f Vaughan on Satm'dav the 8th rs. Brown of a. son. bought for cash at 1d pr C Last-ls. th kk ht. 14th Mmcl Counties of York .on consignment. :nmptly attended UNIONVELLE conimédut ‘stlets. Sm W 1' ', March 11th father, by the . Totten. at _ March 11th, - - - Ev Clubme‘ Chma. 13 actively at daughter ed war. the 8th Arman-oz 1 am L'Ut “rm; 1’ Mr. lied happy and ‘Ilcitora-in .1115. Con rnishe rr,Q.( (sth nrning lungs, uld‘ Ont it the 1 it fond Is: not Converted into the (lug pro- portion of nourishing blood which alone can furnish the elements nf flesh. But there is no reason‘ when this wearing, at- tenuating diaease is conquered by North- rop (is Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery, why there should not be an appreciable gain in weight. which indeed is usually the case. Ibis a. peerless remedy also for Constipation, Liver Complaint, Kidney troubles, and roots out all impurities day, defended Government i ustiluziuns. o Kingston laborc raise ‘he rate of w Mr. McClure, as reported in The Lib- errl of two weeks ago, had the front part of hls font amputated, on March 5th. He is doing very well now, and before long he will be up and about, So says his new medical attendant, Drv Savage. What a simple thing uften plus a man un the shelf for two months The Ontario Legislature will h morning aiming for the remamder K session. passed a ghall be The superiority of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is shown by its good eï¬'ectspp'gheï¬c ‘ n. The Massachusetts Legls a me has passed a bill providing that wife-heaters from the blood. The ï¬ve and ten dollar notes of the new Central Bank of Canada. made their appearance on Saturday. Larger do- nations will follow. On the ï¬ves there isa portrait of the president, David Blain. cesa of the previous week. Full partic- ulars at the close of the meetings. Before this week’s issue Comes from the press, the Rev. Mr. “rest will have gone east. to Murlmm, and a lady in the east will be West. Long life and happiness to both is our Wurst. wish. i The stock of Mr. Meckie, of the Mont- real House, was sold on Mommy to a. Newmurket man. \Ve feel very sorry for Mr. Meckie. and hope that either he or some other business man, will not let the store be vacant, as it Iouks very dis- ma]. \Ve are anxiously waiting for warm Weather so that our sidewalks may get shovened. Hurry up ! Father So). Mr. McClure, as reported in The Lib- errl of two weeks ago, had the from: part of hls font amputated, on March 5th. Way’s Women restore the whole phys peptic sun. (From our own Correspondent) Mr. Wm. Fisher has purchased the shop and residence of Mr. ankingtun. Mr. Fisher intends ï¬xinq the shop up in good shape and starï¬ng a. general store. We have not learned where Mr. ankiug- ton intends to reside, but it is lwped by his many customers that it will be new: at hand, so that they may still patronize him. “'1†send you more Durticuhu's when the Sign is hum: out. 31a. «tor a n remedies, this celebr impurities Liver and mess. etc‘, The following is the standing obtained by We pupils of S. S. No. 2, King, for the mouth of Fell, 1884 : FOURTH CLASSv~13t Rubert \Vinlers, 2nd Herbert Lloyd, 3rd Maddie Rosa. SEN. THIRDâ€"Isl; Anmbelln. Malloy, 2nd J03. Quinlan, 3rd Earnest Lloyd. JUN. 'I‘mnuâ€"lst Eddie Ross,211d Jas. Curbs, 3rd Lillie Ross. The average altendzmce during the month was sixty-twu. (me Our Own Corresynwlout) The pulpit ii Christ’s Church was occu- pied by Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Iorunto. lust Sabbath, who preached an able mis- sionary sermnn. The congregation de- served a. treat as they had to wait about an hunt for it. The revival services in connection with the C. M. Church are being: continued another week on account of the great suc- A Column of Interesting Road- ing Manor f'the Province. he thln cam; D‘ u in weight if they are troubled with dyspepsia, because the fond is: not Converted into the due pru- Oxf‘ 15 hï¬s: A ftel tin NEWS FUR A GLANCE. 3Y5 \Vlll )TUS CDMSG 1n 10m ‘Ill the sam “YE Mary takin nnml . but 5K of the]? Kidney it is the ll WOODBRIDGE cal mechmnam Diversity has d< SPRINGHILL “N or no .1 Dysr Sarsapan la in the spring purify the blond, invigorate :cite the lxver to action. and 11thy tone and vigur of the on-Essentials, Liberty; in all thi ith the po ampbe 11F Bi 311‘ [DOVQ preparing for prolong Imlnï¬ pbel). bolt] 16 Di: :3 if I rmble 201m] at. m are ail l of the Ontario Toronto charitable ,xud that Toronto or from all parts at] 10V orgamzm mm. H : trouble 1ts‘ ltri ntil mph the {led to grant m, writes f Northm ry and Dy; 5 u mew pe' th Dyspey Headm as men tioï¬, and 'ul‘ of the H )stive many the all mg It a success. Uartled. Moved by Fireman Hinder, seconded by Fireman Snider, that the Secretary communicate with the Fire d'a Water committee, requesting that the Hook & Ladder men be supplied with a. half-doz- en rubber coats. Carried. Moved by Liuklater. sec. by Redditt The regular meeting; of the 'Fire Bri- gade was held in the Town Hall on Fri- day evening, the 7th inst. A communication was received from Mr. H. J. Hill, in reference to holding a Firemen’s Tournament in the city of To- ronto, in connection with, and during the holding of the Toronto Industrial Exhibition in Sept. next, and asking this Brigade to take part in the games and sici ins: contests Move onded } Mr. H. J. Hi Firemen’s To ronto, in cm; the holding Exhibition in Brigade to ta 1111 svaly,cruscy skin Diseases Sent by mm‘ for Socents: 3 Dukes. (in stamps). Addresg DR. SWAYNE diSON, Philadelphia Pa. Sold by Druggistn. 15â€"h] the chair. Members present, Messrs. Reamzm, Mnllny and Elliott. The min-ates of last meeting were read and on muliun approved. A petition was presented from Mr. Webster and 63 others, przgying that the petition of Rubt. Gordan he not granted. Moved by Mr. Elliott, ségonded by Mr Reaman, that My. Lawrence be instruct- ed tu obtain from Messrs Pratt & Tracy, publishers, Slmtford, Dim, one copy of the “ Municipal Cnuncillor’s Manual,†published by them. â€"Uarried. Moved by Mr. Reaman, seconded by I Mr. Malloy, that. the Treasm'er by and is hereby instructed to pay the following The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met at, the Tuwn Hall, on Tuesday, the 11th of March, 1884. at 10 the private I" allowed to co follow. “ sw. ant. sure cure 593le Head. E “ M. H. Kwfler “ 100 sheets 1 0( “ “ “ advt. for tenders 4 GE Moved by Mr. Malluy, secnnded 1)} Mr. Elliott. that the tender of T F. Mo Mullen, ful‘ Vaughan printing be. accept M r. . 1883 tended to take into consideration the al- terations of S. 8. Nos. 17 and 1]. Mow-d by Mr. Mullny, seconded by Mr. Reaman, that the Kleinburg Spring,r Show be granted the sum of $10.â€"-â€"Carri~ The Council then on Tuesday, the 8gb The symptm intense mchin distressing. pa. the N icholls Du men n . York.â€"Uarned. _ Moved by Mr. Nancy, seconded by Mr. Reaumn, that the Txeasurer is hereby mrthurized to invest, the funds on hand in Pun-t Perry Debenturesâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded bv Mr. Elliott, that the Clerk notify the Trustees of S. S. No. 11, that it is in- 6 THE LilBEEZEé‘ZL $31.00 IN ABVANBE. Duncan, , Negativeâ€" C}, Trench I‘yndall. FIRE BRIGADE MEETING Itching M Mr. Wm. Cook; 15!: Deputy Reeve, in bate at the arch 2136. R Nature attrac T11 DI aunts: I'IRXC (‘3 C M. H. K )D m, and it a an: VAUGH were c vats p: .1 to co knrrisd. ' _ ed by Mr. Reaumn Mott. than him uudi‘ lrrled. )lluwmg at. the Pilesâ€"- Symptoms and Cure v Fireman Trench, and sec- iremzm McLaughlin, that we, 13 are in favor of the propo- will endeavor to assist in mak- 1g, mcren-Sed articulme at: :mwling in an arts are som mtinuu very AYNE'S om'rMENT H Also for Tecter, Ich. B: sipelns.Bm'bers' Itch Skin Diseases Sen then adjourned to meet :6 8th of April. J. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk. Hinder are moisture, lib McMah printin ’ugsley, W Sanderson sublect was chosen for a. next meeting-~Friday, asoived that “ The work :greater attention then rt. Aflirruativeâ€"H. A. oisture, like prespiz'ution sud bv scratching. very (at; night, seems us 1! pin- 1 and about the rectum some tunes Infected. If ery serious results may )INTMENT" is 8. plans- :Tecter, Ich, Bait Rheum, .Barbers’ Itch, Blotches aman, seconded by this council cannot Robt. Gurdan and taken from S. S. No. Charity. COUNCII )l'l Piper, an, be a1- making suitable 1y, through the )rders at the late . $24 1 [ Usheets l 00 S tenders 4 63 \W U! , secnnded by [er of T F. Mcâ€" ting be. acceptr CO‘CWS , seconded by turs’ report: of iopted by the lurk is herebv <m;:: LinkI Store Brown {edditt Let, G life and characterâ€" euce, designed by should exert and th‘ make men better an as qnahfv them for: istence m the future tlemun is a fluent clonhes his thoughts times graphic langu; auction to the close occasions he comma and n fe‘ presume Grip Printing Co. This popular and well-known Company. having removed to their new and commodiv ous buildings 26 and 28 Front Street, now claim to possess the largest and best estab- lishment of the kind in the Dominion. Be- aidea doing the priming for the Ontario Government, they also carry on an extensive business with other large ï¬rms, and publish several periodicals for other companies. The circulation of " Grip " published by them. is incrauaiug very rapidly. 3009 new subscrib- on having been added during the past few months. On Wednesday last, Mr. John Reynolds of the White Mills, Stnyner, was almost instant- ly killed by the bursting ot a boiler. The ï¬reman Tom Panton and one of the millers, Jog. Knox, brother-in-luw of the deceased, were very badly injured. but are slowly re- cbvering. Mr. R. was well-known 1n the neighborhood of Headford and Lnskay. in both of which places he Iormerlv resided. The Stnyner " Sun " in referring to the acci- dent speaks of hlm as having been 9- young man of ï¬ne business attainments, unblem- ished reputation and universally respected. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and also a valued‘member of the choir. Hi3 On Thursday 28th an... S. School held their m-mu cert. Considering the s the wenaher, it was wall D fame as a pulpit spea especinliy at. the evex uaually attend that r Rev. gentleman chos terribly shock to tiona in t1: occaslo: caution [HOFan it to sa witbal 1: life and On Thursday 28th nit... the Downsvie S. School held their annual tea. and cu cert. Considering the stunny state the wenaher, it was \veilpazrunized,abo 3100.00 being realized. The intellectu part. of tho entertainment was furnish by the Choir of the Queen St. Methudi Church, Toronto, in a. very credimb manner indeed, considering the 10m Mr. A. Husband returned from Toron- to on Friday, where he has been attend- ing a. course of lectures in the Dental Cullege. Mr. Husband is looking; well after a term of hard work. and we con- gratnlatn him on his success at: the re- cent. Examination manner Indeed, conmdermg the laugh experience they had in reaching Downs- vicw. The mu “hick was bringing them from Turontu, was uverturned piling the vccupanm in a. confused mass in the snow. After extricating themselves they strug- gled hurriedly through drift. and storm, till they reached the desired haven, :1. dis- tance of abuut a. mile and a. half -, several suffered severely from frost bites. A load of young); people started from Newton Brook but; not; being, so brave- hearted, turned back afraid to stem the storm. ' Mr, Thomas Lackie has purchased the Brick Cuttage south of the parsmmue. The young, peoples’ prayer-meeting will be held on each Friiay evening instead of Monday. rily to the enlivening sound of music brgught forth by the skilful hand uf A. J. Collins, Esq., while the older and more sednie amused themselves more quietly chatting in grnups. It was in the “ Wee sma. hours †when the guests reluctantly took their lea-:6 of the host and his amiable partner, all appearing grateful for the evening’s entertainment. Mr. Geo. Routlitfe of this place, llud rented his farm to Mr. Geo. Irwine. Mr. Rontliï¬e is now on the retired list. Mr. William Titian has returned from Montxeal, and is again employed as cc ad- jutor, on Ever-Green Farm . The many friends of F. J. D. Smith, were entertained by him, at. his resideUCe, Durham House Farm, on Thursday last. After partaking of a sumptuous repast, which comprised the delicacies of the sea- son, the young folks tripued right mer- rin to the enliveuing sound of music brgught forth by the skilful hand uf A. J. Culhns, Esq., while the older and in in U L1 in the even; 1yer."-â€"lst Kin 11d 1‘ 11 ’ which places he Iormerlv resided. uyuer " Sun " in referring to the acci- nmks of him as having been 9- young ï¬ne business attamments, unblem- 'eputntiou and universally respected. a member of the Presbyterian Church o a valued‘member of the choir. Hi3 r sudden death has given a. great 0 his many friends, and cash a gloom :IV “1 m th [Single copies, his i1 to LOCALS as the fouudn. ansï¬guratiou if EV‘JTON mivezsary Sermons a (mare world. 'l'he Rev. gen- fluent and earnest speakerâ€" boughts in expressive and often- 0 language, and from the intro- 16 close of the sermons on‘both commanded the undivided at. sauditory. The claims of the slums of God upon the church a, were presented in terms not lerstood. These who had the wing present to hem: him will at. the anniversary sermons oi 3. M. Church. Newmarket Em. to WI Sad Acmdent ter avt ouudntion, {or his discourse. ration of Christ †as record« by St. Mark, 8th Chapter ; ‘niug “ Elijah’s Faith and ings, 18th Chapter, and “'31; ring verses. We shall no: a synopsis of the discourses mung short of a full report the speaker justice. Sufï¬ce eï¬'orts were brilliantâ€"and 1 with portraits of christlau *râ€"illustx‘ative of the influ- by God, that the church [ the power of the gospel to rand happier here, as well for a higher and noble: exv- tare world. The Rev. gen- m’ BROOK e cuurcn gospel to a, as well noble: ex.- Rev. gen- speakerâ€" and often- swnsvxew‘ Lnd con- state of :ed,aboub tellectual ’umished lethodist redimbla 1e laugh cts.