Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Mar 1884, p. 3

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“That's a. weak point, but in time we shall get over that. I can influence tour people out; of five. Miss Durant, for instance, wonld be a very good subjpct.” \Vilkinson sat silently smoking for a few minutes. Apparently the mention of Amy’s name had turned his thoughts into another channel. “Now,” continued Spence, “it is proved that the mesmerizer can control the will, the actions, even the belief of his subjects ; if he gives him a draught of water he can make him believe it is champagne; If he gives him an ink bottle, he will smell in and think it a. lovely rose.” “Have you seen these experiments?” ask- ed Wilkinson. “Seen them! Why I've made them.’ Wilkinson looked up astonished. “Yes,” said Spencer, “that’s Why I feel such an interest in this business. ] possess the power of mesmerizing to a considerable degree, and cultivate it every chance I get. Have a. little more whiskey?" “Ihanks, I will.” "Of course you will,” replied Spencer with a satisfied smile. “I decided that While we were talking. Influence of one mind ovu- nnother, you see.” “How ié all this going to help you in doc~ toring?” he asked. “Simply enough. Induce a. state of trance giva your patient some water; make him be- lieve it is the medicine he requires, and it will have the same eflect. Or if an opera.- tion is required you can perform it dur- ing Ehe trance, as he is quite inaenaible to There was nothing that Spencer wanted so much as an appreciative listener. He launched out under lull sail. "It’s a perfect mystery to me, Tom. a'd a few other man, why such marvellous phenomena. as we hear of occasionally in the domain of ,electro-biolugy, as it's called, obtain so little scientific attention.” Wilkinson took it, thinking at the same time the recommendation was a. strange one. “Not so bad. Don't let my aunt hear you call it a. den, though; it’s a study.” “’iLkinson laughed. “By Jove, though, Tom, I do study now, and no mistake. I’m one of the coming men, I can tell you. I’m going in for medicine on a new theory.” “There's such a. lot of humbug connected with it," suggested Wilkinson. “Of course there is, but it has a 30x11er basis of fact. The science is in its infancy as yet, butit must grow. It is aknown fact that one mind can influence anothu‘ even at a distance, is it not?" ' “Empirical generalization, unworthy of! you,” remarked Spencer. “I won’t quot 34 cases, though I might do so for a week, bu look at those books, they are full of well- authenticated, scientifically conducted, (1:- periments. ” irance‘ He half wished he were back in the room Where she was sitting. Then he thought of recent events, and determined that he would “Oh I my aunt will buy me apractice fast enough. Yes, my bov, I‘m going to revolutionize medicine. No more doctor- ing up a. man’s body; that’s a. vast mis- take.” “What are you going to do then?" “Doctor up his mind.” Wilkinson smiled ; he did not quite see what his friend was driving at. however, he had consideraole interest in science, and still more in J ack Spencer’s progress, so be asked to be further enlightened. "I ouce'saw a meamen'st, and certainly he seemed able to do anything, but I thought he W_§S oply a». conjurog'," _ VVilkin'son made a. hasty exclamation. He was rather averse to be‘ng experimented on in this way. He took down from a. shelf Darwin’s “Zoonomia,” Macbish’s “Philosophy of Sleep,” and sevexal volumes of the "Revue Scientifique.” “Quite a mistake; don’t flatter yourself so grossly. Besides, you'll see lenty of her when you’re married. She’ll) get on very well with my aunt now they’re alone, and it strikes me ycu weren‘t getting 0;: very bril- liantly. Now what’s your particular weak- nessâ€" Scotch or Irish 2” “Irish, please.” “Ah, I thought so.” “‘Vhy!” asked Wilkinson; “1 generally take Scotch.” "And how} about your practice While you argP‘erfecting your th_t_a_or_y?" Ina fewumiuixtes they had put on easy jackets, mixed their whiskey and water, and settled down‘in easy chralys. i‘r'rNbrw,” séld Spencefl “what will you smoke?” “Never mind. old man: try this pipe;it’s a beauty, got it from an American, whose leg I helped cut off for him at; the hospi- tal. “What a jolly den you have I” he said as he‘l‘i‘t' up. .. u, v. However. for some reason or other, he did not greatly enjoy himself. Miss Spen- cer, having taken the somewhat bold step, for her, of inviting the lovers to her house, did not see fit to leave them alone for an in- scant. 'I‘om \Vilkinson had looked forward to the awning of Ilse 17th of December with some amount of pleasure. He was to spend it at the house of his friend Jack Spencer of Guy’s. Not only that, but Spencer's aunt, who kept house for him, had been kind enough to ask Amy Durant, Tom’s fiancee, to come as well. I‘om bad but few oppor- tunities of meeting Amy, so be naturally was glad of this one, especiallyâ€"bub the reason why will soon be manifest. flay 'vâ€"vggli 1;;é6éx;,;nd dragged him ofito his den. “‘TIâ€"El'on’tâ€" éaré I’do; but I’m afraid Amy won’t half like my leaving her." “I’ve some rather good cigars," was VVil- kinson’s reply ; “ Let me offer you one." He put his hand in his pocket. "Confound it!" he exclaimed ; “ I must haveAleft my case in my great ccat."‘ “Look here, Tom, I’ve had enough of that cackle. Come and have a. smoky” Vâ€"‘i‘Yes, kilow.” replied Spencer, without voluntegring guy hunger information. Jack Sptncer scarcely saw the fun of hav- ing Tom up to spend an evening trying to be alone With Miss Durant ; so, after an hour's maipid ammo, and more insipld con- versation, he drew Tom out of the roomfion in." "But can you always induce this Scielltific Experiment. an J aroma, and who possesses, it is asserted. the first right to Whatever claim the Bona- partes may have to the imperial throne of France. The lady is Madame Bonaparte, a. granddaughter of Daniel Webster. “By Jove, she’s coming!" cried Spencer. “Quick, Tom, hide away those things.” The whiskey bottle and glasses were hasti~ 1y smuggled into a corner, and the pipes shied into the fireplace‘ _ Promenadera in Washington often stop to look at a pair of high-stepping, black, blood- ed horses attached to a high road Waggon, driven by a. handsome, military appearing man of some fifty years, who is invariably accompanied by a. handsome, matronly lady and two or three brighteyed little girls. The driver is Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte, grandson of the Bonaparte’s eldest brother girl “My dear boy,” said Spencer, “ there’s on1y one course open to you. You are mak- ing yourself miserable by this uncertainty ;- Why not decide once for all whether Miss Du rant cares for vou, and you only?” “How can I ‘3" “Easily enough. We will get her in here; I will mesmerize her, and while she is in the trance we will ask her if she cares two straws about Bartlett.” "I: s all very well for you to talk in this (my way; you don’t know what it is to be jealgus._ “Don’t I,” exclaimed Spencer; “remember N ellie.” A “But how can we get Amy here?" asked W ilkinsm. “\Vhat possible excuse cm: we ‘have for {taking her?" Then came the sound of a door being closed. The two friends were soon in the midst of an animated discussion of their former subject. Spencer told of various curious ex- periments in which the operator had ques- tioned his victim on all sorts of subjects, ob- taining replies to everything, even when the question was one which he could not have wished to reply to if consciOus. This made \Vilkinson remark that the possession of this mesmeric gift placed a vast power in the hands of the operator. “Yes, it undoubtedly does. Fortunately scientific men are the last in the world to take advantage of it for private ends.” Spencer looked as if he wished the ques- tion had not been asked. " I don’t mind telling you. Tomâ€"I did once. You remember Nellie Fletcher? ' 7 “So I did. but I wmted to know if she liked me. I put her inwa trance, with her consent. and made her an offer. She refus- ed me." “Not an atom. The best of it is that the subject can’t help answering absolutely truly uninfluenced by etiquette or anything of that sort. You’re a lucky fellow, Tom, to have been safe in proposing to Miss Durant without having to experiment first." "Yes," was Tom's laconic reply. “No doubt about her liking you?" “I hope not, as we‘re engaged.” “‘You're a. lucky dog, she's a charming Wilkinson naturally assented, but did not feel altogether pleased when Spencer be- gan praismg Miss Durant somewhat enthusi- asticallv. “Splendid,” replied v Spencer, warmly. He was not so wrapped up in science that he was unable to enjoy the lighter pleasures “I'm afraid you didu’t though ; you looked asjf you had the blues.” Tom could not say he had passed a. pleas- ant cvening. The truth was that Amy had, on that occasion, danced several times with Birtlett, a cousin, and a reputed old flame of hers. Tom was of a very jealous dispo- sition, and had taken offense at it without explaining his reason. Consequently there had existed during the last; few days decid- ed coolness betweenthe lovers, and Tom had hoped that on the present evening he might have a chance of making matters smooth again. He Wanted a confidant, and so he began to monopolize the talk ; it was his turn. He told Jack the whole story, confessing his jealousy of ertlebt and asking his ad- vme. "Now." said Spencer, “ concentrate your mind and will strongly that she shall come.” "\Villing as Barkis,” was the response. “Keep it up.” They kept it up for some time without re~ sult. Then just as \Vilkinson was about to resign. Spencer exclaimed: “Hark! ’ "I shaln't be long,” said a. voice in the distance. Then came a glantle knock at the door, followed by a soft “May I come in?” Spencer opened the door. Wilkinson looked at his friend. “Did you ever try it from personal mo fives?" “Didn’t she remember anything about it afterward?" He feit still less so when Spencer ended by sgying: “You don't know What a, debt of grati- tude you owe me, Tom. I could make her think you the meanest scamp on the earth. and I forbear.” "\Vhat do you mean?” “I mean she is a splendid subject. I could easily gain complete control over her mind and continue the influence in the wak- ing state.” ‘Wilkinson began to feel uncomfortable, angifhgmgedfihe aubjec!) abruptlyt UHowever, Amy had not felt called upon to allude to her conduct, and he had not: done so. "We don’t want one,” replied Spencer, confidently; “all We have to do is to will that she shall come.” “I don‘t. believe it.” “Let’s try,” suggested Spencer. "\Ve may £3.11, I acknowledge; we can but try.” After a. moment’s hesitation Wilkinson asaented. Tom knitted his brows and inIed. It; would have been ’an amusing sight for any spectator. The two young men, with eyes fixed and hands firmly clenched, were bent forward in an attitude of intenselauspense, doing apparently noghing. _ N how that he could erjoy‘ himself without her. “ Yes ; I thought you liked her at one time.” “Did yBu have a. good time flt-flle Kester- ton’g d_anc_g jalge othgr qigth” “Are-ion wiliing?” asEed Spencer, after a. time. (TO BE CONTINUED.) $5,000-00 30d 2 2nd.â€"Name an Ethiopian prophet from damper. 3<d.â€"Name a. wife given a These aretheBible questions propounds in the new compc now opened. They are certain but any clever Bible student (: able to answer them, and to s< the magnificent rewards 0er will give them in detail, as doubt, interest our readers. THE REWARDS ! These magnificent and costly rewards will positively be given free to the first two hundred and thirtyâ€"three persons who correctly answer the Bible questions given above. Each competitor must send with their answers ONE DOLLAR for six months’ subscription to Truth, which we have no hesitation in saying is the best Weekly Family Magazine now pub- lished. It contains 28 pages of choice reading matter for the home. It will in- terest every member of the family. lts tone is pure and elevating. There are short pithy editorials on the most importâ€" ant events of the week and leading so- cial questions; an interesting letter by Jacob Faithful ; news summary ; Household Department ; Health Depart nient; Young Folks’ Department; La- dics’ Department; Fashion Department beautifully illustrated with all the latest designs ; two most fascinating serial and one or two short stories, in fact the best value for the money we know of any- where. If you do not succeed in winning one of these rewards you cannot fail to be pleased with your dollar investment. Present subscribers to Truth competing must also send the dollar, and their term will be extended six months. If any of our readers compete it may be of some ad- vantage to say you saw this first in the Giulia. The address is FRANK WILSON, “ Truth,” 33 d7 35 Adelaide Street, Toronto, Canada. Since writing the to of Cowpel’s Complete Works, 154}Thirty-chm Well Bound Volumes 190 valued at $2.25 each ..... . . . . . . . . . 191 Should it so happen that there are an even number receivedâ€"that is, that there may be two middle correct axlswersâ€"â€"b11exl two gold watches will be given, above described as number one reward. Then, not to disappoint crcn the lushmcs, “ Truth,” 33 & 35 Adelaide Stre Toronto, Canada. Since writing 1 above we notice that the sender of the 11) MIDDLE CORREL‘T ANSWER of the Whole competition from the beginning to the end and the twenty-eight persons next follow- ing, who send correct answers, will re- ceive the following prizes respectively:â€" to IN VALUABLE REWARDS. letâ€"Who rebuilt a city (w ‘s‘o_wn family) that lay ut wen One MazuiflCcnt Square Rosewood Piano. by E~Â¥<Wensou & Co . the cele- b-ated makers. valued . . . . . . . . . . . One Beautiful Cabinet Or an. with 11 stops. by the celebrate firm of Bell 81. 00., Guelph . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . , One Elegant Silver Tea. Suvice, new- est. design. valued at . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . One Gentleman's Valuable Solid Gold Watch, Stem-Winding and Stem‘Selting. NeWest Style, box Cases. most elegantly engraved.... One Lady‘s Solid Gold \Valtham Watch_........ .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L terns from the great, hot $ ley & Peney, Foronto, one 345, and one $35 Eikht Solid Coin Silver Case Watches, $20 each Five Sets (half dozen each) Extra. Heavy Silver Plated Dinner Forks at $6 each . . . . . . . ESix Sets (half dozen each) Extra Heavy Silver Plated Dessert Forks at $5 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISix Sets (half dozen each) Extra Heavy Silver Plated Tea. Spoons. at $4 each ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . Six Sets (half dozen each) Extra Heavy Silver Plated Dessert. Spoons, at $5 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Six Sets (half dozen each) Extra. Heavy Silver Plated Table Spoonq at$6 each... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y . l Seven Renowned Waterbury Watches. latest: Improved stem- wiuding. etc., at $5 each . ‘ Eight Beautiful Bound Vofmmes of E Shakespeare's Complete Works, valued at $2.50 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bevel led Crystal Opfi Eight Solid N1cke1 Silva } Watches, each 615 . . . . . . One Solid Gold Stem-W'indin and Stem-Setting Genuine Elgiu atch. valued at . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . One Lady’s Solid Gold Watchmalued at . . . . . . . . . . . . . - One, Celebrated VVanzer Sewing Mar chine..... . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . , . . . . . Una Triple Silver Plated Ice Pitcher, valuedut . . . . . v . . . . . Six Solid Nickel Silver 0pm Face Heavy Bevelled Crystal \Vatcl‘es at $15 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . , . . . Four Elegant Aluminum Gold Hunting Case Watches at $11 each Seven Solid Coin Silv excellent value, 11:82: a 1' Six Elegant Solid Gold Gem Rings. Six Beaufiful Solid Gold Diamond Rings, $11 each . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Forcy<three Triple Silver Plated Pickle Forks. valued at $1 each” 4300 Three Sewing Ma White at $65, 01 ed VVanzer at. S zer at 3' . ‘ :2 Three B Ten Solid Aluminum Gold Hunting Case Watches. each SH ...... . . . . iqht Solid Hunting Case Nickel Silver WatLhes at $17 each . . . . . . . . 9 list- of consolati )repared, which, as m the order numbe THE QUESTIO mswers to t] tiful Si l'il iven as 9. rev ines.onefamous jusz celebrat- and one “fan- uestions th; I competiti th Dresses. r ;house of I me, one z' who delive ‘n rewards h above, will 1 'ed to the l( we persons “‘1 :r Heavy :11 Face Hunting atnl it will, no ure ( hbs‘ “I $100 00 130. 00 270 00 170.00 100.00 11000 13600 17 30.00 30.00 51.00 35.00 24.00 36 00 80.00 90. 00 ‘l'o- 60.00 30 00 We [115 3600 L0 00 3.00 5.00 5.00 [The first prize in the consolation re- wards, which will be given to the sender of the last correct answer is The letters must all be postmarked 1t, office where mailed, not later than the closing day of this competition, which is April 7177‘. ll E3 Sixty-oneVolumes beautifully bound of Hood‘s Poems. at $2 50 each.... 93 Twenty-Nine Triple Silver Plated Butter Knives on Solid Steel at $1 each ' Rell estate is said to be good security b3- cauae it never runs away. This, however, is not reliable. We have known lands to slope before this. Remembe; that all the questions must be answered correctly to secure any of the rewards ofl'ered. If you send a cor- rect answer and one dollar for a. half year's subscription to Tru‘h, you will take your place in the order your letter is re’ ceived at Truth office. We can assure our readers that all the rewards named above will be cheerfully and promptly handed over or sent to the successful ones as soon as it is known who they are after the close of the competition 0'- April th. In every alternate issue of Truth will be given a complete list of the prize winners with their post-office ad- dresses and rewards obtained in previous competitions, so intending competitors may be assured of the genuineness of the whole matter. We certainly would not have taken all this time to explain the plan in detail to our readers if we had no". been certain that it was conducted in an honorable manner. Dr.‘.Carson‘e Pulmonary Cough Drops. The prescrip- lon ohm old Canadian mi ioner. The best remedy for the “Lungs. in large bottles 50 cents. For .5119 every I. here. “Why, what's the matter this morning, Tom ?” "Czught acold, that's all.” “Yes, I saw you after one last night, with your coat: off; I thought you’d catch it.” 20 A NEW PRINCIPLE â€" The principle upon which PUleAM’B PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR acts is entirely new. It does not smk deep into the flesh. thereby producing soreness, but acts directly upon the external covering of the corn. separates it from the under layer, removes thed‘u‘ecc pressure from the part. and at once eli’ects a radical cure, Without any pain or dis- comfort. Let those who are suffering from corns, yet sceptical of treatment. try it, and by the completen' as of the cure they will be ready to recommend Putnam‘s Painless Corn Extrac- tor to others. It pays to plod! Don't make quantity more important than quality. 'Ine best work is work that takes time. and now-a- days the best wu'k is the wcrk that is wanted. PEMBROKE, Feb. 18th. 1884 LMESSRS. G‘ B. TICKELL 6; SONS. m v A .mmm, ..\vn__ Belleville, Out‘, ___..,_. Do not; wear faded clothes when a. 10:. package of the Triangle Dyes will make them look as bright a new. All the popu- lar colors. 10;. A coloured woman. when rem‘oved for un- due expresuion of grief. said:“Now. look here, honey, when do good Ln‘d atn'ls us tribula- tlons don‘t you s‘pose he s'pecra us to tribu- late There is joy in conflict. when the and of couflxcc is believed to be desirable. Tuere is a. species of excitement in wrestling against difficulties which, in itself, is no trivial sourca of pleasure. GENTLEMEN,â€"The Church goo< spccced, and criticised. We have iug you that they prove eminel Trusteesvand Committee of man that they entrusted the work i rather desk and chairs, have beer merited upon, mid indeed. everyt mired. Pembroke people are ver; Beware of thin. Cough I it may kill an : cure it at once wibbDr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough runs. it new: tails. Large Bottles at. 50 ceuca. For sale evervwhere. GENTLE)”: The Church goods huvcnrrived, been In spccted, and criticised. We have much pleusure in tell~ iug you that they prove eminently Sitisfuctory. The Trusteesvand Committee of management are well pleased that they entrusted the work to your The pulpit or rather desk and chairs, have been very flatteriugly com. mentad upon, and indeed. everything is universally afl- mired. Pembroke people are very proud of their church, and strangers any that it is tlw prettiest church in the Ottawa valley, Ottawa. included. The cost has been about $20,000. ,-Yours Respectfully.‘ ‘ “ The last word " is the most dangerous of all infernal machines; and the huahund and wife should no more fight to get it than they would struggle for the possessmn of a. light- ed bombshell. A gentleman said to one of his friends that for some years his Wife had peraistad in saving that she was only twenty years old. "Mine is more reasonable,” replied his friend. “I have succeeded in making her enter the thirties, but I have failed to make her come Out of them.” V V Sale. Bring a good business. Situ best farming country in Ontario; terms easy N. A‘ TOM.Bln.cksmith, Selina. Ont‘ The Albeitâ€"’Tdil'etiSBap 00.! $250 2% THE QUEEN’S WA: ASK FOR IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. W Beware oflmitations. MADE BY DEGUU & Géntiehen. Apply immediately. R. N [‘RRY, J.P,. Sec-Treat, LoudJn, Ont“, Agents wanted One Gentleman‘s Elegant Solid Gold Stem-Winding and Sfcm‘semng Genuine Elgin Watch latest style Box Pattern Hunting ‘ase, valued at . . . . . . . . One Fine English Double Shot Gun. finest Twifit Barrels. Rebounding Locks, Pistol Grip, and all modern improvements. from_C. Stark‘s Gun House. Toronto, rounded at . . . . i . . . . . Same Gun, only not quite so highly finished, valued at . , . . . . . . . . l l . . . l . . . . One Wnnzer “ F " Sewing Machine, from the renowned Mnnufactory of R. M. Wanzen‘z 00.. Hamilton .. Ona E: net 0n Six Fine Hunting Case Solid Nickel Watches. valued at 312 each . . . . . . Six Solid Nickel Renowned Water bury Watches at $5 each...” Six Solid (Jase W T! ight 0 en Face Heavy Bevelled Uryg’a. Watches, valued at $10 ear: .................. ...... EGO N SHOP AND HOUSE FOR Aluminum Gold Hunting utchea at $10 each . . .. Fine Toned 12 stop Cabi- bv the Dominion Organ vmanville .. .. .. man‘s Elegant Solid Gold in: and Sfcm‘secring $4.000 >”< ->« 55s, BLAND a: C0. the mom: dangerous of and the huabund and (In mam id Gold setting 51: style valued Situated in the Apply to 10000 30 00 6000 72 00 5000 60 00 3000 29 00 éBEST BOILER PLATE. coplanar 8c McLaren, manta $100,000 TO .1101}? of: first-class 'farm property, at lowest‘ rates. Farmer-l will save money by applying by man! duect to ma. la a. perfect 2am, e3ua. to an Imported French Corset; fits like a z ove b0 the figure; very styl- lsh. elegant in a pearance. and approved at by the most fasti ious. Manutactured only by THE CROMPTON CORSET CO. 18 YORK STREET. TORONTO- 187837-781] OHNHBXHIBITIU’N «1883 Leather Belung. Fire Engine Hose, ae. Four First Prizes and Two Dxplonms. The highest, of all Awards for Leather Belting. and Fire Engine Hose were accorded by the Judges at the St. John Centennial and Dominion Ex- hiblpion, to ROBIN £1. SADLER, Monzreal. ov- er all coinpe titors‘ Is the finest harness dressing made. It softens and preserves the leather, and gives it a fine finish. Ask your saddle: [or it F. F. DALLEY 3c 00., r WEEKLY BETWEEN QUEBEC. MONTREAL. AND nvmn’ooz CALLING AT 0 ‘- EEN STOWN AND BELFAST BE’KVER s. 8. LINE, mu ls'rrr -y nnmmflv'I‘v H7 E- MURRAY; Bwfim' F. E. SXON do (30. 70 King Street, East, Toronto. Large donble Drivin Belts 3 specialty. Sand. 01' Price Lists and Discounts. ELM CITY ’H'A’RNESSVOIE Leather Belting Running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Sailing from ebec every Saturda during the summer meat 3, and from Portltixln every Thursday during the winter a. PORTLAND T0 LIVERPOOL. *Snrula. Feb. 28. | (mun-lo, Mar. 20. Montreal, Mar. 6. I Toronto. Mar. 21. * urvgon. Mar. ls. l Dominion, Apl. Rates of assage : Cabin. Quebec to Liver ool $50. $560, 65. $80; return, $90. $108, $117, 144. according to steamer and berth. Intermediate, $40. Steemgc, $24. The saloons and staterooms in steamers marked thus: " are amidships. Where but little motion is felt. and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. For further parucu lure ap 1y to any Grand Trunk Railway Agenc. or loan agents of the Gomputly. or to DAVID TORHMCE (t 00-. Guneral Amnta. Montreal. FIVE CENTS and get a. sample copy of TRUTH, the best 28- page Weekly Mngaz'me publish- elL See the big list. of books given FREE to each yearly sub- scriber and olubbsr. ELFRANK fiILSQN. 33 a Adglaide 3%.. Dominion me of Steamshjps. M. w. iDUNHAM a: NanR‘y Ear invest rates and @thticylral‘j apply to For sale low, the following siz‘ are Flumes. Tanks, &c~. &c.. 5 RENNIE’S SELECT Field,Garden AND THE BEST THE HANDSOMEST AND MOST COMPLETE CATALOGUE m 1884 FREE TO ALL lN’TENO‘NO PURCHASERS. Baler égentsifogrzhe Dominion WM. RENNIE,TORONTO. ‘OMMON SENSE J ANT, Fiske's“00mn‘. From France to America, 10x3. 6x2; BEFORE.) (AFTER) E CTRO-VOLTAIC BELT and other ELECTRIC Amxucss an: sent on 30 Days‘ Trial To MEN ONLY. YOUNG 0R OLD, who are Butler- in from NERVOUS DEBIIJTY. L051 VI-rm'nr, ‘\ ASTING WEAKNESSES. and all those diseases or a. PERSONAL NATURE, resulting from Aausns and OTHER CAUSES. Speedy rallet and complete restoration to HEALTH, onon and mmooo GUARANTEED. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet (we. Address Vbfi‘aio"Eélfi‘dbgmarshan. Mich. 30 DAYS’ TRIAL 4“ «f DR. W m a (‘lTI-ner Wellinglon ¢E Grey Nun Sts‘ Montreal. 90 PER GENT OF ALL HORSES FISKI‘ THE LILY 63 Adelaida an. East. Toronto. Manufacturers of Star Rivet BASED ON MEATS FOOT OIL, [3' bEND FOR PRICES?) ‘r shoulders. RequirE bto any address. by m E and Co. £7 KinLSt HAM lLTON, ONTARIO. Ever Imported HAS IMPORTED FIVE CENTS and get a sample copy of TRUTH, the best 28- page Weekly Magazine publish- C(L See the big list. of books given Fan: to each yearly aub- scribar and clubber.VSV.FBA§K Wifs‘oifaa a 35 Xde’imde in, Wat. Toronto. Canada. STILL TEIU'M’I‘H‘. .m- Guarantor-ll firm at w. urqu M. w THE HANDSOMEST I MOST COMPLETE Walter Woods GWBE zen 'suitnhle for Boiler: 516 inch thick, 613. 833 84,000 Sold in 17 Months! nil BUY ONLY THE STALLIONS & is “ambushed by their Teen 1)) the Pen-Ile- ' offlFI-unt-e. which . No strain roxs on the -ipt of price. uronto. IMF

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