Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Mar 1884, p. 4

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Manhood Suffrage. CONCRETE HOUSE 3 DEAR SIR,â€"-l’rcsuming ilizit the col- umns of your paper are open in the pub- fl ‘_ 7H lie, for the discussion of questionsof “CHM‘LVD H‘LL' ThundayiMamh 13’ 84 public interest. 1 venture this note, which \. . is but an inquiry. For, Mr. Editor, I 7 L" 7â€" i i have no settled opinion, upon this dquiles- ' ion. tion but in inclination is towar t to The Llcense QuESt losiiig side.y0r which will be the losing side when the subject of “ Manhood \Vhen Sir- JOhn BTCDOnald dur' Suffrage " comes before the people. i ' ' ' ' ‘l ' is an ave of progress or at least iv A cam 3211 n ircxuous to the l iis - V y no thc I g , } of change. Half a century later, the Domimon EIECtionsi made the student of history, will be better able to threat in his DOW-notorious Speed] judge, than we can nm]v,_whether tiie‘fer- ‘ ' i - ' tics in re ioion ' . . u r turned to nient of to day, in p01 . D , at lorlfime’ that If e . in everything, is progress or nicie rest- powcr he WOUId Pass an act tal‘mg lessness. It is more than probable, that the control of the liquor licenses it will be found to partake considerably . .. i' _ I i. of the latter. . - {mm the Local governmént' we {6,631 The Change in political sentiment, is Charitable enough to think he did probably more marked than in anything " ‘ ‘ ‘he Radical of twenty years ami \ t3110115 conse uences 9139- '1 I ‘ 0 “0t iorsee the g Q is a Conservative today, if he has not likelyto arise from Sue“ a measure' studied the questions of the passing However, as he has started on his years, and lsiinglit new occasions for Rt]?- m - _ to orin as. oi Urievances were rot resec. 2 mad SCheme‘_ his late, :1th go A ,political Rip. Van Winkle, would SlmWi that he 15 determinEd to carry not need to sleep tweiit',"years to find H h bitter end and is himself forgotten by his friends. A ten them OUt to t e I C ’t} X t year liyberimtion would find him clothed b (f, *7} O 2 m bound to force the l\ c at W t C in the thread-bare costume cfaforgoticii Pa "6 r: g F. (1» rd I . - - . . . "t >â€"‘ .v A upon the people, which is causmg political fashion. I V E. ._s g m 4 L f H d much dissatisfaction, not onlv to the I “Mildew? 1“ “.191th of “‘ng m?" m as f" : M 0 w 0 e ' self a ra-iicul ll] politics,but find myself in ‘ : g.) Q a, temperance people, bUt to those en' danger of being left aground as the our :1 C‘s O H gamed in the liquor traffic, who rent of public opinion flows on. go m {,3 a 9 z D, 1 .t . r at in-us_ Is manhood suffrage a necessary conâ€" 0 1:” .1, E Plamly see t lat 1 15. a g 6 J dition of a free people ? 1 have always m C14 H U“ m Q ticc toward the provmces. answered these questions with a decided w 5" g3 E '73.”) r. ,3 ‘9 7 As to whether the McCarthy Act, "egatlwi but What 1 1mm "’l’l"’~“°d ‘3 H_ w 23 *5 no w e I a E S D . . 1. sure to be popular not many years hence, a m f; ,1 Ln (.3 H. Q as Passed by the omlmon par 13' and sure to become law. It is iinpleiis- - v (D p ’v: :- w ment, is valid, we do not, in the ant to realize. that you arc “winging Mn“ 3‘ Z 2“ L 3 O f f flictin ar u_ is sure to succeed, but uiiiess one has a g f: (f) O J” m ace 0 so many con g g very accommodating conscience. the more 2 [j C m I I mentsi {€61 competent to Offer 1111 popularity of a question does not make it 0 (’1 0 0 opinion, but, from the deciSion in “KIM H H t t t k b 5') 5’ g; 4 , . V am we aware iii a s cp was a on Ql U: ,{a __ . “‘6 HOdge Casev by the Pr“ )’ Coup' in the direction of Manhood Suffrage, z 3" (7: f“: a; :b 7 ', ' Cil, the highest court in the land, in when the “ income Franchise "’ became u “ b which it Plainly declared that the l”, 1””“latlitwrewgnlmd “‘3 “Ct,” 1‘ _ t ’ _ is not the poorer class using the franchise 3""- m Untano Legldature had excmswe We have to fear but ignorance Using it, hE-‘l ' I Jiurisdiction in the matter of dealing “1? Class? PFiVlleged ‘0 "W0 1'.V that “if” . . . i chisc being supposed to be generally in- n'ith the liquor licenses, there seems remnant little room for doubting the legality Would it be. safe now to extend the Ofthe Crooks Act. notwithstanding prii'ilege toall? is not the class that ‘ r , , would he enfraiichised by such a law, as the “Plum” 0‘ [he glint consumtl‘ “1‘ a rule the most ignorant, and consequent- al l;wycr,â€"as the admirers Of Sir 1y might they not become casy tools of - ‘ tical demavorrues ? Thev have man- l ' . n 3 p0“ . b F‘ . » ‘ .lo‘l‘) are l’leaSCl t' C H mm‘ It IS hood suflruggl know, in ilie great Re- now 1ilainly seen by the people of public smith of us, but more than half of Quebec that SOHmthI-ng must be the States, are Controlled by illiterate -'~ ’ rotors ; more than iliree~fourilis of the done m Order to find some hm“? Senators and Represciiiutivos, are from after which the rights (if the pr()yrnâ€"‘ States Controlled by illiterate. voters. An American gentleman showed me i ' $ ccs must be p roiectcd, and ex en hlr. {mm ms 5 turns of [hi U. 5' “I Meredith, the leader of the OpPO- number of native born and foreign whites, Sition has declared that Sir John in several of the Aillt‘rlL‘iili cities. In H. 1 a ‘ f . U . u number of tliese,tlie foreign element out~ 135 some ‘00 3r 1“ “5 ma er' numbered the native Americans, by a \\’e think the to nest of Air, i good many “lollsfllldS‘t‘l'dlt Iliulhalfll in i (l h . . i New York if I remember ii 4 fl We \ \' t n a l'lllf“ ir lin, no ' 5.“ 5" 110 Va ’ j S x b S JO 1 to have all read or heard something of the nppomt 1115 OfilCCTS» 1701" endcaVT’T 10 mismanagement, and jn‘Jbery, in tho enforce his act until a test caseshould ,L't'i'L;1‘Im_IwIt of MESH Cities allied by ignm" {ti-mp, H",~ . ' he brought before the courts, a \‘ery Ettcfigédl‘sfimn ié‘e‘géfiflilmguli’é15:: reasonable one. and if such were American gentleman. a granted, hotel keepers, and licensed 03:13:61Wiiinutfilltllffilng thin}; to {ear in l ‘ 'l (ll :5 l H. lilf, l6 l'iillCllb'e. 'i l r ‘n w ~usf where "., -,. ’ ~ ~ i, . , . . . . . . . til ctuatl eds Wogld limo J U H :l2lllCHZH. \i. 1:1.ILIlddbtilLlL, the i Em p m E v Spring Goods arnnng dally, lncludmg a large 21nd varled )8)! s an an CO“ foyer!) 16:1). 1 a ‘3' 0K moncr 13.8 Slit) ‘en 11] ‘2 J - ' ‘ v ’ . ' \- favor of manhood suffrage, and I rever- ’3 9 FT dbsortlnent Of selves accordingly, but in the pres- . . , 5 O .... a . _ - I enco him as an oracle In politics. Mowat m (D 0 m ‘1 Chi condition Of affairs, they do not has shadowed such legislation, by some *1 E.“ m {68153163 in trusting themselves 10 icniarks of his this ninier, and I regard % E: 5' Ni}; m the men" ofcnher and consequent Lilli] as an honest and shrewd statesman ; Pa O iâ€"p (D (R .v ' i ‘ ut still I cannot bow in acqiiicscenco Dâ€"I. a.“ M ly are compelled to take out ilicir till l mu Convinced by arguments. lloiv- m g 3 0 EU cw . . . . v . 1 ‘ ‘ , P" licenses by order of the ProvniCial 3:,“ Bii'iiidmiir’ i a"; Open tad commâ€" Q 5' 8%: . i _ . e’ aps oneo your res ei‘s Cali ,4. N U2 H ' A u i i f i ‘ and Dominion Legislatures, “mm. fightun “WWW-wt. go a :18 s E Purchased before the additiona iduty came 1n.o effect. No dealer dare ignore the Crooks INQUIRER m ‘ ... m “m 9 M . ‘ %O&â€"- '\, ‘ . - - Act, as he is sure to be fined under‘ THORNHILL g 8 LL" aa‘ 3 Cretonncs, bhectings, Cottonades, Sliirtings, and a Mag- its provmons, and the demsmn in mm,” Our Um,U,,,.,.WH.,,“1,.MI, w 8 p) ’r? E' g» nihccnt Stock of the Hodge case shows him that an We lime learned that Mr. Thomas m if; C‘Q 0‘3 apnea] would be uselcgs gaane has purchased Mr. Lyiiibuiiier’s Enid Pug-g Q Li 8%" W‘ ‘ I . .c . i ' :urm consisting of 150 acres for the nice find“ fins .. :3 ‘ 3 ’1 hen again, if he ignores the th- little sum of $12,000. We’renlly think (3 W O 8 g 9 w 9 '1 , ‘! Cat-thy Act) in case sir-10h” per. that Mr. Lynne has succeeded in making a :25“ M ,__. ' "1 .0 (75 H . . . sists in l"is "tiempts to enforce it Q0Ulllbbmim‘ as the farm is so “iwa J”. g I!» 1% Er Whldl’ for Varmty1 Style and Lowness Of Prlce’ ‘ _ ‘ “ ’ cacec, elllg on Yonuc St”, and within a (H (b i a â€" r , he Will be as surely fined by the 1;} miles from Ric-liniimd llill. \Ve wish Q 57. fr), {7 ’1 b tannOt be excelled' Dominion authorities as no justlce him every success on his late purchase. 5 - a ~ I ’ _ Mr. Edward (hillanougli, Merchant, m v(D U. E". of the peace \Hll take upon himself has gone to the City to attend to his 0 c: m the responsibiliti' of declaring the film“? as ” J'm‘r- W“ 1N1)U 1’0 “my 0“- (ES0 5 'l u "ini v 1'1 ' Jny himself and act lcnicntly with the m - Oi. ‘ {1‘31" ioor fellows wlo 4' tl t‘l'l ‘ H 7 \Vhile ‘liCI‘C are so we al ' t ' L I 35-33525 ML “0" PD fl ’ i \ r pom 5 iii NOBLETON. I I U I J I 3 the act, which should be met with a‘ 1 ' (From our own Cori-cs uudciit.) Lu or b ' honest men vet as the r r I 1 5 ' - ’ M1330 Card, of \\'oobridgu, has been This is the lllilce for cheap CTOOkS Ad: is 0“ the Stfltllte b'WKS vii-iitiiiganiongst her friends here for the and has given very fair satisfaction, lufil couple oi wccks. Full Stock of a .I O} V y . _ r q Mr. 'l‘hos McDonald, of Newmarket, \ielooli upon this last measure as we”, a fa“. (“3.5 “mums, his um“). ‘ ' m ‘ one oi spite,c.ilculaied to embarrass ll‘llflldS of this village, as also did Mr. E. , . , at A. the Ontario "()Vcrnmcnt ' 1'1 1 - v Y- Gndfl'ey, 0f Mcufoi'd. ' ' 3 .v ‘4 7 b ‘“ ‘ “10“ ()akILL E) 9591*] IE 3 ()u S ituriliiy evening, lsf. inst, about P. G. SAVAG E. i: into confiiSion ; nor does Sir john [my (,f ti“, Hubby,“ New,“ LUng Uf seem to care how much mischief he “mil“"11”thJ lMid it fraternal Visit to i; the Cause of, SO long as he accom_ lxlctnburg Lodge: A wry plczisniitcveu- mg was spent. cheral upsets occurred i‘lishes his ends politically. on the way home through the maliciousâ€" <~>\ ness of siinie oi'il disposed [iel‘SoIIS who LASKAY. went to the trouble of digging out. one side of the road, inciting it impossible for H _ t a sleigh to pass 0\'('1‘ Without an upset. _ ()n lliesdny morning the 3rd inst., Mi. fdi‘nrlunzifely for ilicin no (ifllllfl'VB was IK’llHLi‘lll s dam gave way, the water wear "lone. The names of the parties aura well iiigalurgo hole in the north side, bu; ltnmm, iortnnalely, Mr. Lehman got there iii The Nobleton Dramatic (‘liib assisted time to save it from being a regular by Mr. J. \V. Crosslcv “(biprlllt’vlllll gave riiiasli. 110 secured the help of some of .‘t'Yi-J‘V Lynn] elitetalljlllulifl in the Music ilic village'biiys and has now got it re~ llall this \‘lllilt’tl on the 2711) Hit. The lilili‘L-(l again and ready for grinding. proceeds “‘tl'e allillcd to the lland Fund ‘ ()i.r \iilaige Merchant drove up to A Public School entertainment will be ulll‘ul‘u. to hear the Sulvinion Army shout given in the Music Hall on the 13th inst. the glad tidings of salvation, and came . A good l)“i\(_l|'_unule js in course Uf‘prelmr. home 3 happy man '. i. ‘ " {From Our Own Correspondent.) a. a; ‘1 p4

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