Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Mar 1884, p. 5

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The “ Herd Laddie Mr. Wylie, the noted ohequer m‘e‘d Richmond Hill with n all Monday, and played a. couple 01 one of our locnlr, who came out The “ Laddie,” although Well i years, is still as Lharn n: Stirlan Two‘funemls at Ed Reag‘n was buried ( Grassland on Wedues The place to get V( ‘Smts. is at the CHE where you w111 find bottom prices. Ca & Grennan. The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill and Yonge St. Agricultural society, will be held in the Lorne Hall, Richmond Hill, on Mondayevening, March 17th, 1884: Oom- menoing at'7.30 p. m. Reeve Election. Dr. McConnell has baen again the rate~payers of Brockton, by a majority, to represent them as r1 municipality. Surely the Dr. wi 'his sent without molestation. irls leliv ach Major Gray, M. P. P. for West York, will please acCept our thanks for a copy of “ Es- 1'unates of the Province of Out, for the Fi- nancial year endmg Dec, Slst, 1884.” The Students of the Toronto Sch Medicine, will soon be relieved of the iety of the dreaded Examination, :1 a.ege begins on the 18th of this month 'ems The Lacrosse boys are making every pm- paratiou for a grand concert on the evening of Good Friday. They are bound to procure the best. talent available. The village of Brockth ( voted for annexation to Tax the day by a. majority of 69 'Mr. J. Brown, Reeve few days ago. Inflam ease. RILHMU See Petley‘s new ad inducemems 'N. B,â€"Re at least m mentioned Mann): EVEN Ho Mn. PRUCTDR’S SIRE LINE Mr. John Storey from fuw days with his: motl Newmm‘h Aux-om . King ,,,,, Blamuuw TORON Jail. SOL Newfiihfl U1) til fnrth richmoml H \Vestoi I‘hul‘nl RICHMI TORONTO. Ciw Hull Um City POST OFFICE‘NUTICE ids rrnhill n)» dul AflUT HEJME ni e, the noted ohequer player, hon- tond Hill with a short visit on 1d played a. couple of games with lOC‘fllF, who came out second best. lie,” although well advanced in ll as sharp as S(k)teel. xn HILL, Thu rsd fiflMurEE nys old The quent, and to ‘thing :n‘a Wharf hou Lacrosse Concert Wharf Ma HILI’. I111 t Edgely this week Mrs, Led on Tuesday and Mrs, duesday This latter death the mother left three little lid The va Mr Campbell t, and touching sermons at Edgely Annexatlon R. TIME TABLE. Minn ‘ Reeve, lost a valuable cow 3 Inflammation was the dis- Notice Thanks Midicocs GOING SUOTH )1] all trains 1 Hill. as {ox-sh & 1: W1: ? Personal ‘1; Off. )I‘N( kton on Mondav hm. to Toronto, and carried >rth )thing'! Clothing! ur new Spring AP CASH HCUSE, a large stock at 1 early. Sncath 40 nsffoll mil a“? Oswego, is spending mr in this Vlllage. mustbe handed liertlmn the nix 0R TH nlh muto School of min elected by by an increased as reeve in that -. wili now hold 0n page7 Great 1’01 it twin H) JII East and 'Ihm‘uhill. ‘f the aux 200 the thl tam Another death oecur spending Friday from congestio‘ Village. Audihm met on 53.1.11 sceounfis for Februa' month, while thP males :19 cow a MS amounted to 816.5 the dis. l milch cows are needed Newmarket Era. :tmuster [XS DYS- )ing cure [of the will Es- services were going on. '1 hrs had no intention of st iessly pm ponplo to a log n reaping: (we would think) 1 less very easilv rimmed. Social. A social and entertainm the Presbyterian Church. in aid (1! the Sabbath Scho of Friday. March 14H). 18 served from 5.30 until 7.3 literary programme will be scholars and others, consis instrumensal music. Proc‘ to the purchase of a libmn 11F tic Mr. I The series of Revival Meetings held in the Methodist Church in this village were closed i on Tuesday night. About one hundred gave in their names as candidates for member- ship. The closing scenes were very impres- sive. The final exhortation of the Rev. Mr. Bette to all such as had been appealed to in vain to give their hearts to God. to do so yet was very solemn. His charge to those who have expresssd a desire to become members of the Church was listened to with deep at- tentiouV He urgeii all to persevere in their new way of life. availing themselves of all the helps the Church afforded. and to strengthen themselves by the regular at- tendauce on all the means of great), such as Pmyei', Class and Fellowship meetings, and 15. Those I meeting with Council, at It furnish 550 t; ation. The U North Y« in the vu division, the chan lows : J 110113 No. nan N0. A Good Story. Everyone likes to read and hear a good story, one that is bright, cheerful and enter- taining; one that will get the lads nnd lasses to “ hide at home 0’ nights to read." A good story will make the housewife smile and the nude man clap his hands with delight. THE FAMILY \VELCOME contnins exactly What will please and instruct. “’9 direct our readers Intention to its advertisement in our columns “.3 and say, READ IT and TAKE A social and entertainment will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill, in aid m" the Sabbath School, on the evening of Frirlay. March MM). 1884. Tea will be served from 5.30 until 7.30, after which a literary programme will be rendered by the scholars and others, consisting of vocal and instrumensal music. Proceeds to be applied to the purchase of a librnrv for the school. Admisnion 25 cents: children 15 oh: 11 The five and ten dollar notes of the New Central Bank of Canada. a branch of winch will be opened in I few days, in the office 0‘! J. M. Lawrence Esq. have made their ap- pearance. ()u the fives there in the portrait of the prnsident, David Blain, Ex. M. P. P. of West York. We m week inqw been take the C. M. Mr. Sta latte by :1 all to Patterson, from'Deer Park, 'in tlieig§éngé This is one of the most elegant sfiuctuxea north of the city of Toronto. The new English Church in Aurora was opened on Sunday 1m. ’The Lord Bishop offl‘oromo preacth in 'the morning, Rev. Mr. Marsh in fine afternoon, and Rev. Mr. Patterson, from 'Deer Park, in the _evcninq. a nice variety of fish and canned goods for Lent. Trout, white fish, Labradmfiherrings, Cod fish, canned salmon, Mackerel. Sardines, Lob- sters, Oysters, Corn, Tomatoes, bulk pickles, &c. Sneath & Grennan. On Monday evening :1 petition was pre- sented E.) the (‘ouncil signed by 173 ratepay- ers of the Village, requesting the Council to puréhasen steam fire engine. In compli- ance with the petition an effort is being made to secure one from the Toronto Fire Department at a nominal figure.â€"Aurora Agmnrl cnrnivnl will take place on the Markham rink in aid of the " Star Lacrosse Club ” oflliat \illage, on Friday evening, March 14th, when several prizes will be given for fancy skating, pretty costumes. etc. The band will be in attendance, and a first-class time is expected. Geox' {11119.5 {he «I might fall at The sum of $5,000 has been placed in the oslimates for removing the obstructions at. the outlets of Lakes Simcoe and Couchic- hing, and thus reclaim a large tract of land on {lit-11‘ shores and in the Holland Marsh. D1. \Viddifield, M. P. P., has the credit of pushing the matter to a successful issue. YUUICT Star Marc Rwival Meetmgs Closed ,Tuiiorm Promotion Emu ’ork will be held tmmorr urious schools in Mr. F03 ,commencmg at 9 9.. m. 9, K ‘romotion Examinations 3 of teachers in Vaughan is as fol- Bassingwate No. 19, H. A. Nic- i, N. Franks N0. 6, J. C. Mthm- Ki Baeton and T. B. Hondge No. 3 Uniform Examinations must be ich much favor in York 00., as the 5 Its January meeting agreed to 0 toward the cost 01 this examin- liriug for their whips, wh ‘n from their cutters in the Church here, whila the were gunman. Those idle r emph: :Ienounc map out ur children Trench re ' Th; Cheap Cash Hiduse has at the 01] inn Industrial Home Lowering Lake Simcoe :11 Church Opemng number 0 at the Chc 9 world. ' is have set in, in ‘trongly yesterdax one of tho tu Church, and 10 any moment. K< 1' temperance view; 0 euce principles ulom e the evxls of intempex he light and knowledg Iieved that God how oxicating drinks. Th nsized the remarks 0 :ing the accursed traffic ‘of the way of texnpta New 81115. Aurora Item gut n11 High Winds ‘curred at the Home last :tion of the lungs. The nturday and passed the ‘uary. It was a light ales of Everlasting Flow- 6.55. Acmlrle of good led at the Home badly.â€" ‘aym Iere, while the revival n. Those idle charac- [of stealing, but neod- , Inc nf lrnuble, Without ink) much pleasure, un- children 15 eta very med to with' deep at- Lo persevere in their g themselves of all h uffnrded. and to by the regular at- .ns of gram, such as set times for pri- _e to the use of in- ev. gentleman was ,all, old undyoumz. arnival of tho turrets, 0 ch, and looked as oment. Keepaloc passing that Way des next door. parties that although i Temperance Irch ought to There will be 11 to all who mmiuationa for as during the )s, which had in the sheds nf use of in- ;leman was undyoung, 3 views on ples ulone, f intemper~ knowledge God frow- inks. The remarks of rsed traffic, 3f tempta- <ar2 row (1"ridly.) thm‘ingham’a We notice (Frjday.) earnest :u as y and f the to shake ‘ on the as if it look out Large Redcctronshave been mad of our many Bargams, but Ladies gains 1n all Depaftmentsms this is very low prices. In order to reduce our immense Stock ofNew W’inter Goods, we wil offer. for tli three weeks the greatest Bargains we have ever shown in Blankets, Somfortables, Fl Linen Table Damasks, Sheetings,Towels, Napkins, Lace Curtains, Mantles,l\/lantle ' Ulster Cloths, Shawls, Black and Colored Silks, Satins, Brocades, Ottoman ords, ‘ Velveteens, Plushes, Black and Colorhd Cashmeres, Dress Goads, Black Crapes, fu of Mourning Dress Materials, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Sace Neckwear, C Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Dress Buttons and Trimmings Knitted \Vool ‘ Ladies’ Underwear. Gents’ Umlerwmr aninnc QM TL; :., A Puniw {‘1 ' fl T1 M r Having taken advantage of the present depressed state oft-the Cot- ton Market, we can ofier our cus- tomers goods of the very best makes at less than the cost of production. Grand Xmas Gleaming Sale OF FALL AND WINTER 36-inch \Vhite Cotton, riree ,trom Ciressing, at 8c. a yard 32-inch White Cotton, free from dressing, 16 yds. far $1.00 TERMS SFERECTEE CASH Cambridge Clothing House, 86 Yonge Street 0F ()Vo 1-00 ats, Overcoats Ulsters. Ulstel‘s‘ ‘r()llt]lh" Ovol'coats. YOI Juvenile [Tlstersu This Sale will continue until the whole of the presen are marked In plain figures. showing the present and {0 0f intending Durchasers we mmmnrqm « rm" Ar LL- AL A J EXTENSIVE OLHEAEIN G SALE 184 Yonge Street, 3M. Store above Queen Street. POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, n plam figures. showing the present and former prices purchasers we enumerate a few of the Changes: PRESENT PRICE. FORM” DDTP' \4....V\., A‘L/VLI rchiefs, Ties, Dress Buttons and Trimmings Knitted nts’ Underwear, Notions, etc. This is :1 Genuine Cle been made in all Departments. Space does not per out Ladies are respectfully ivitcd to call and see the 5,35 this is a rare chance to secure new and seasona $4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 \V’hite Twill She< wide, 45o, worth 600 \R’hite Tmll Sheeting, two wide, 300., worth 45c. IOI‘ 36-inch \Vhite Cotton, extra at 100. at 9c, 36-inch \Vhite Cotton, worth inch \Vhite Cotton, very Sheeting , Toronto. . HOLTB Y, Manager. ouths’ Overcoats. Juvenile l J lsters. sent offering is disposed of. 1 f‘ ' 1 ORMER 6.00 7.50 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 16c. fine, fine, .00 Societies and othe}s buying In large quantitles. See our factory at 6c., full yard wide. XV'hite Double \Varp Sheeting, 3 yds. wide, 60c., worth $1.00. Spiqial prices give actory Cotton at 4c., 5c., , 9a., IOC. ()vel'ooats; [Tlstel'sz Somfortables, Flannels, Mantlcs,1\’lantle Cloths, Ottoman ords, Velvets 3lack Crapes, fu}! lines c n ecxwear, Larsets, Knitted “7001 Goods, uine Clearing Sale, and not permit quotations es the Immense Bar- seasonable‘ Gaods at :k Crapes, i Neckwear, 1 titted “7001 :e Clearing S lSpOSCd of. All goods and for the information bewmg next

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