Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Mar 1884, p. 8

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M, Slieelian. of Oscoda, Mich, writes : “ l have used Dr. I‘hmnus’ Electric Oil in) horses f|‘l different diseases, and found it to be just as you recommended. It has done justice to me every time, and it is the best Oil for horses I ever used.” Observe that the name “ Dr. Tliomas’ Electric Oil ” is on front of the Wrapper, as there are imitations of it. The Sherifi' of Peel yesterday presented Mr. Just-ice Cameron with the customary pair of white gloves on the Opening of the ussizes, there being no criminal cases an the docket. Sixteen coloured men and women were buptisrd in the river at Pittsburg on Sunday, notwithstanding that. 1b was full of running ice. U. E. Cumstock, Cdledonin, Minn” “ntes : I was sulfering the most excru- cmting pains from llll’lmnluatm‘y rheuma- nsm. One npplicwtiou of Dr. Thumas’ Electric Oil afforded almost instant reâ€" lief, and two bottles afl'ected a perma- nent cure. The debt of the City of Montreal to Within a {motion of the enormous of twehe milllon dollars. Brocktun nu Mommy voted for annex- ation to the city by a majority of 69. For 86, against 17. The extraordinary popularity of Ayer’s Cherry Pecmral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people for over forty ypars. It has indisputably proven itself the very best. known specific for all colds, coughs, and pulmonary complaints. Ma gev him $15 and sent him down to Petleys’, an’ look at the Consequence. He’s too respectable for noihin’. When Ma saw him come in she felt as if there was company in the house an’ she made me go and wash my neck and sent the girl out fur more mutton Chopfi. You’d a. hard'ly believed it was Pa. Them new clothes he got down to Petley’s made him look so ditl'erent‘ When bed time cum you’d a dide to see Mu. leadin’ him off to the spare bed-room, ana hopin’ he wmlld sleep well and telling him not to blow out the gas. Ar" Pa sed he was feared he was pntin’ Me to a. lot of trouble and Ma sed “ Oh, no not in the least, we are only too glad to have you here. An’ when I snickered Ma. slapped me and told me to be a L'Ul‘d boy while the gentleman was in the house. Betcher life we’ve lied a, rignlar picnic up to the hmise since Pa .got; the clothes.” And the bad boy went out, and hung up a sign in front of the stare. Betcher life Pa. don’t hev to go to fires Iouken for clothes. He got mm at Pet- Ieys’, an’ it don’t, require a. great big for- tune to git a suit of clothes there. My Ma gev him $15 and sent him down to “Yes.” said the- grocery man as he charged the boy’s father with a quart of molasses. “ You folks are getting mighty tnny. Your father looks like a church warden at a vestry meeting. Where did he get them clothesâ€"was there a fire '1" “No there wasn‘t any fire nuther! “ Did you see his new suit of c'othes 2'” asked the bad boy as he came into the store and held a fruit biscuit un- der the molasses tap. The Old Man Gets a New Suit of Clothes At Petleys’. THE BAD BOY AND HIS P FOLKS Wmmx‘ PETLEYs’ CLOEs KIN GITTHUR Gnosumzs FOB. NUTHIN’. cure Constipation. Indifigstion, Headache, and ‘all Bilious isomers. Sold cleanses st im 1)] at AYER’S CATHARTXC . . . k PILLS. Best ' urgative Medicine The above instance is but one 01 constantly coming to our notice, \v the perfect adaptability of AYE]: PARILLA to the cure of all disea from impure or impoverished bio weakened vitality. Ayer’s Sarsapariflfia DrJ. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. The Rev. 2. P. Wilda, well-known city missionary in New York, and brother “1‘ the lam eminent Judge \Vilds, of the Massachusetts Supreme. Cuurt. writes as follows : “78 E. 54th St., New Mrzssns. J. C. AYE" x; ( Last. Winter I was tr uncomfortable itching Rev. Father Wilds’ EXPERIENCE. 3pm ulpal AYF Sold everywhere. Always reliabln. .evs resulting from poor 01' and a low state of the system PREPARED BY :11) an Dru‘ ‘ricllea, and strengthen the action of the st» :1 thereby enables the “13V 'éttulls' no the attacks of "uplions (2!“ (by S General chilit yesterday presented with the customary the opening of the crimmaJ cases an the is but one Of! ‘ur notice, \vh rice SE, six bottles arrh Z. P. Wmm‘ one of the m Mn 1/ 1f fall Scrnfu- Skin, 1311m- ity. and all ‘1' corrupted the bl mach mg 111 jay lré reaches amount u '1 m to 111 til $88888 $668135; QQQQQQQRQQQE (hf; \JL LL\_L\ U CORN CUREis acertain, speedy r‘fl r V \J J.\ L V ? Extractor. It will remove hard CE or soft cornstand make a perfect CARR’S SELLING OFF WIN FER STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK Good Bargains for CASH, Splendid assortment of YOUNG HYSON, TVVANKAY, and JAPAN Teas, from 25cls per lb. WATCH MAKER & JEWELLER, CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY. ALSO DEALER IN We do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feed a specialty. A. I.. SKID E1414] , British Flag S‘nafi? Prunes, Dried Apples, Lamps, Glassware. Clockery, Hard- ware and Cutlery. Flour and Feed. Farmer’s Produce or Cash in Exchange. Goods Delivered. Suits made to order, Cheap for Cash. GROCERIES! HARRY A. EQLLINS. We place these good upon the market at: prices never before offered. We hope to receive 212. call {mm every Lady in Rich- mond Hill. Tea Spoons, A 1 best. 3.75 pen Dessert do., A 1 best, 6.00 d Table do‘, A 1 best, 6.75 (1 Dessert Forks, A 1 best, 6 00 (1 Table do. A] best, 6.75 (it Butter Knives, A 1 best, 80 cts Pickle Forks, A 1 best, 80 d Dessert Knives, 12 dws., 4.50 p Table Knives, do. 5.00 Cruets, 3.50, 5.00, 7 Rutter Dishes, 3.00, Cake Baskets, 4.00, Pickles, 2.50, 3.00, 3 Card Receivers, 2.50 Cups, 1.00, 1 5 Toast Racks, 2 are respectfully invited to inspect our Grand Display 6f Christmas Goods. GRAND CHRISTMAS SALE In Elocu'o Plato In (‘lIIIl-ry. Ladies of Richmond Hill HARRY COLLINS, in a shori time, without the slight- est pain. FOR SALE AT Dilvvorth’s Drug Store, dgers’ Dinner knives 7.50 to‘10.00 do: do. Dessert do. 6.75 to 8.00 168 King btreet East, between the Clyde and Nippissxng Hotel iprii 9, '83-11/ 90 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. A. L. SKEELE, CORN CURE TORONTO and painless 5.00, 7.50, 10.00 to 15.00 , 3.00, 3.50, 4 50 to 8.50 4.00, 5.00, 6.50 to 15 00 3.00. 3.50. 4.50 to 7.50 1 best. 3 1 best, 6 1 best, 6 A 1 best ALEX. MOODIE. 3.50, 4.50 to 7.50 30, 3.25. 5.00 to 0.50 .00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.75 3.00, 4.00. 5.00, 6.00 CASH, consisting of Dress Goods, \Ninceys,Shirtings, and Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, ' ware we show 90 YONGE-STREET, per dozen do. do, do. DEALER IN 9r doz do each A Store and dwelling. with Post Office in counse- tion, at Sherwood, township 0! Vaughn. Stock of goods now in Store can be bought. reasonable. JSAAC SNIDEB, Sherwood P. O. W'M. HARRISON’S. Granite Ware FOR SALE, Toys, Wooden Ware, llousr Furnishinguoodsa In Brass Goods, Tin Ware A Full Asaortment of Beautiful Seances. mounted and unmou nted, from 6.75 to 15.00 each. Brass Fire Irons 7.50 to 15.00 per set frass Candle Brackets 1.00 to 1.50 each TORONTO. name (1} O ()1) SI] ’1‘ S SINGLE HARNESS NEAT AND CHEAP .13.? ()1. ’1‘0 Call and judge for yourselves. lled Ware Carvers, 3. 00 to 44.00 pair Game Carvers 3.00 to 3.50 Pocket knives, 250 to 2.50 each Iollection of every kind And Vicinity 3.00 to 4.00 pair PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS: LORNE BLOCK BERT. ANDREWS. Proprietor. In fact, there will not be a. singla‘ line of dull reudingin it. Published the 1st and 15 of every month. Terms: One dollnrin advance. Agents muted everywhere. Samples frw AdeeSSâ€" " The Family Welcome." zyudon, 0m. 4w35 ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOIDI I use no cheap mate Every set. Gold Filling, and all skilfully performed, at Call and see me. N swer questions. ANDREWS’ SHAVING PAHLflR. This is one of the largest and best story papers published in America. It 15 full of BEST HAIR - CUT Cteanest Shave 3 141 Yonge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) I)EN’I‘IST, 151 Yonge street, Toronto Has the exclusive rig Hurd’s New Method of without pain, by means For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks. Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. also prepared to amithlng (C rep-ail mémlilm manner, and on the most I EM. MORPHY O. P. LENNOX In returning thanks to friends for their liberal pat! the past twenty-five years mind them and the general having erected entirely ne modious premises, I am supply Absolutely no pain experienced and harm less in all cases. Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Story and Romance, \Vit and Humor. Anecdote and Advon Horse - Shoeing WARRANTED AS REPRFSENTED. My]. M. Morphy THE FAMILY WELCOME. BEST SETS anteed to give 3 i is under my own prepared to do a lung (C repairing i like manner, on H) on the moat reason VETALIZED AIR. Ah ant IN TO\VN, GO TO Pal-d special attention f: RICH MOND IIILL. ._._)U(_._ FOR THE 9.116 Sleighs and ed entirely me“: and mlses, I am enab] GO TO AND WM TRENCII. .vn SH Ad venture. nable satl rial and warrant all kinds in the m )e slim-ta other operations moderate fees. a trouble to am 1. 23rd, 1883.~1Y ;fur the use 0 xtracting teeth o my numerous atronage during am, I beg to rev ml public, that acti [IDS which are m as “K ncl com~ abled L0 $8.00 $20.00 ill 50,000 Strawberrv Plants, Of the DO NOT NEGL] Which has becomejustly cel- ebrated for the immense- ly heavy crops which it gives and its ex- treme hardiness. Plants will be sent to your nearest express office at the following low rates : 1000 plants for $4.00 ; 500 for$2.50 ; 100 for 75cts. ; 50 for 50cts. Special rates given for orders over 2000 plants. The above plants are 03er- ed from a bed of Crescents. from which was picked last year (1883) at the rate of 125 bushels of fruit per acre. The bed had only been set out I4 months previous. URESCENT SEEDLING The above offer holds good until the East oprriI. Parties sending in their orders prevâ€" ions to the 20th of March, will receive 5 per cent. addition in. plants to their orders. Alt orders must be accompanied by cash, in P. 0. Order, or Registered Letter, to I VELLAGE 0F UNIDNVILLE» 011 which there is n. mohed, also a small ply w The Subscriber offers for sale FOR SALE ilitic by its YOUNGI OLD, AND MIDDLE- tit-e .‘ thnrc who! Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell,Massr MERE Ma‘s. {ion Sold by all Dru A Y March 6-2m J EB I) 1ke advantage of this offer: JOHN LEECE Ane | Aye All Child id 1. {11‘ 11:1 $1 1rrville P. O. Vaughan, Ont. GEO. EAKIN, ‘ts; 51, 51: bottles {or $5. IDr letv. Court House Toronto. Sarsaparilla. ,lcrofulous'or 'syphâ€" healthy and strong; 3.1 1d dwelling at a- particulars up 11 the Wonderful LECT I mli

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