Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Mar 1884, p. 5

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Several cases came upifflHheariâ€"iig at’ the Division Court held in Vlhn‘ 'Lmn‘e Hall on Saturday, but uot'suflicieistffor @5457 nixuiber of pettifoggers always r‘éflif‘go assist pin-Ir clientn.'lnd drop a defiafm? twi) iutv ihfiir own pockets. . i .. :~ »7 7' ' ‘r Query. - I. / » Who went through those window Wines? It certainly was not (w)right. Gues it was only a 4(c)lark though. ’ Sale. A The bidding at Mr. R. H. Lvmburner's Sale, on Saturday last was brisk, the auction- eer, Mus. M. Brown, never allowing the interest“) lag. We observed the family cradle‘going into Mr. H. B. DowsLury's. People seem to think this is a dear turgain for Harry. Cheap van books, Evaus‘ fiyre cont music. Franklin square libraries 3:0” (or snle at the LIBERAL Store. " J. A. McLellan L. L. D., Senior Inspec- tor of High Schools, spent. Monday and a good part of Tuesday inspecting our High School here,going into the work very minute- ly. At the close of his examinations, he ad- dressed the pupils at considerable length, and complimented them on the thorough- Inns of the work done. ' Rummy!» Hm. Thursd w.Mamh 27. ‘84 Mr. Chas. Mason has started. a moderp Zoo, in connection mth his stove establish- ment. the first investment being two slexak.‘ white. Chinese rats, with beautlful pink eyes: \Ve understand the large whaleâ€"on exhibi- tion so long in Torontoâ€"is for sale- “ War Notes." Such is the martial title of a weekly cum- paign paper just started for the benefit of the general Scott Act Campaign inaugurated by tile Dominion Alliunre. It is issued by 0.219 H'iturss Publishing House, Monkey], at bar- ely cost priceâ€"20 copies weekly) for six months {or one dollar. War Notes has m {not as well as in name the rim: of battle, its articles being crisp and keen, its news not up in pointed style. and its headings trum- pet blasts well t’lr'signeti to rally the temper- ance clans. It givesnews of the Working of the Scott Act where it is in Operation. .5 well as campaign new. Until further notiee Mails Wm be olnsed m the Richmond Hill P05601501: us fokawszv I Monxma zâ€"(finiu: Nor-m. sunk, East and West. incluvrlin : Thornhm, Maple. Tnmntn, Mn?,&(‘. 7.45 ETENINGrâ€"i’vning south Eustaml “'est (as above) 7' K i 6.40 N. B.â€"Rezistured Letters must he handed in at least Fxfteex Minutes earlier than the above mentioned he s for closing. Call at the Concrete House and apt ‘the Fashion sheet fot Apnl and don't forgie't' to see the new Prints am! Dre‘s: Goods, the best selection in mm. W. Xfikinsou. Unauthoried Tait Books. Mr. Fotheringham, P. S. 1.," North York, has issued circulars to all teachers in his in- spectorete, warning them not to introduce any unauthorized text book into their schools without the written authority of the Inspec- tor, and where any have been introduced to discontinue their use at once, otherwise‘they will be liable to a. penalty for the violation of the school law. Connectkgwith all truiu‘s‘.’ leaving the finusn. Riclim‘ouJ Hill. an fullmvs : Mail & Expréss.Nnrth 5: South Accommodatinn “ ’ » “ _ Express. North ‘ Mail, Scuth,._ Two dusky, brown bears, each led hy a man of about the same color. passed through the town on Tuesday, and per'urmed several tricks to the apparent satisfaction of the large crowd ,which congregated to witness the show. 'Bhis‘leianotner instance which goes to show, thy; .tPe greater the humbug gm; more attractive 1t becpmes. Father Teofy's unanimous election to the Presidency of the University College Literary Society is creditable at once to him and to the society. He will by no means weaken the traditions ofa very brilliant body. Father Teofy is one of the most scholarly and elo- quent of the younger priests of Ontario. and his work at St. Michael‘s College is work Well done.â€"Muil. Lacrosse' Co cert .m. FnH partxculnrs will be yen nheiituweek in refers-nee to 3130 concert to be pCvgfi by {the Lacrosse boys on the weuing offload Friday. 1: "'anth T rmruhill . \N’efiLnn D-Lveupurt qu‘krlnlc ., TURONTO PRUCTORLS STAGE LINE. TURONTO. (‘itv Hall Union Stntion wmm'lifi, Um: City Que PUST OFFICE NOTICE he fijmwrnl. Hull High School Inspection. s \th-t Strum .. Station. S“ St S \ "hzu‘f HILT Our Village 1200‘ Complimentary. GOING NORTH mu. 2* GOING Gymnastxcs 10 .0. .347 8.10 8.17 933 940 our: M. TEEFY. Postmaster SUOTH )0 Palmer 45 Mail .18 50 Quasi,“ lmr lmfe residence, Richmond Hill, on S‘Wl‘wgiml 31' March, ’54, in the 72nd year Erin 199,231 m ()live,w1fe of J. M‘ Dav a. l _ mag 1119;119:101 Mrs Curnerzmd Mrs. Janna ' I‘lwfitr , ' ; CABMICEAL i;â€" \t. St. Andrew's mause, King. on Monguy morning, Marin. Russ, wife of the ,,Rev.r}ds.(larmlchne1. Mr. “’fitkins. former in them‘mnrblo busi- ness hereflms in townvu few days ago. and gave us] call- Glad to see bun looking so we“. ‘ “r Dr: MclelmfifiTorouto. delivered a very eloqugnt. Hlsgtmctive, and practical ser- mon iii @311. H. Gmlrch on Sunday evening Inst, sphech mugs text the words “ Hon)- OI'II-ll‘Mle‘j' @(I. although the discourse listed'imsw than an hour, he was listened tgtbnguéih \vllfi t‘he gQ‘wtesL attention. A Good Story. Everyone likes to read‘nnd heal“ a good story, one that. is bright. cheerful and enter- taining ; one. that will get the lads and lasses lo “ bide at. home 0' iiigbts to read." A good story will make the housewife smile and the gud'e mm clap his hands with delight. THE Fun“ WELCOME cohtaius exactly what will please and instruct. \Ve-direcj our readers attention )0 its advertisement in our column and say, READ IT and TAKE IT. it the Methodist Sunday School in this vvilmge there will'be a. review of the present quarter‘s Intyx‘nationa] S. 5. Lesson 'uext Sabbath, by ' Supennteudeqt and Teach- ers, with ap ‘ iate singing by the Schol- ars. There: ' also be a. series of Bibb Questions, M 'for each Sabbath proposed by the‘Supei-i‘fitendent. The. one tar next Sabbath is “ fifi'ho was Uncle‘to Hui and his brother Buz and where areLthe names to be found." If anv of oiu‘ misfits outside of the Sabbath school he‘ry. woghiAsjend gnawera to WW...“ W um “um. v. 4&9“. guano“! w '13:“: LIBERAL. wewhwill en “fin names and Inawel‘ withflyasu “4 "Y . A ,3 ' We‘mevptfihw‘torchroniole this week? the’ death of Mrs. Zilph’a Olive Dans, wife of (“inf respected MWnsmau Mr. J. M. Davis, which took place at her late residence, fifteen min- utes pust‘teu Sunday evening. Mrs. Davis, the daughter of the late Rev. S. A. Skeele, Uniursnlist Cleruyman, was born in Green, Chenango 00., N. Y., July 8th, 1812. In the year 1834 she was united in marriage with Mr. Davis at blundnsky, N. Y. After a. short residence in that plucn,‘ they removed to Arcade which was their home. until the Autumn of 1857, when they came to Canada, and have siu0e resided at Richmond Hill and its vicinity. Had she lived until the 4th of September next, they would have celebrated their Golden wedding, in the near prospect of which. she had trequently spoken with oheerfulness of the anticipated arrange- ments. In the almost fifty years of her married life, we may truly any of her “ The heart of her husband safely trusted in her." As a. wife she was devoted, as a mother she was self-sacrificing and. affectionate. most. the 15“ Mr_ J. 1 conveye cade_ N Fire Alarm. Quite an excitemeul was caused in Aurora cum” evening, the 20th inst... by the 'mlm‘m of fins. IL caused a rush from the Salvation Army Meeting, in the Town Hall, which was literally packed With people. but it ,was soon discovered to be only 2 chimue? in the Syndicate block. and as the soldiers commenced singing “Blood and Fire" withgdl their might. they soon draw the crowd back. ' ' At the early age of sixteen, Ihu acknow- ledged before the World her faith in the stone. ment of Christ. uniting in fellowship with a Christian Church. Her end was calm and peaceful. her christian patience and unwaver- ing confidence in the goodness of the all- loving Father during the trying dispensa- tions of four years of illness more than half of which was spent in physical darkness, were _exexnplified in n remarkable degree, never uttering a. word of murmur or impu- tienca. To God be ascribed the praise for the support he vouchsafes to his believing children. Surely for her “ to live was Christ" but to die is her eternal gain. Her faith to the last was unsnaken in the ‘_‘ restitution of nlllthings which God hath spoken by the mouth of his Holy Prophets since the world began." Her husband, her two daughters, Mrs. N. 1’. Currier and Mrs. Jns. Newton, and her brother Mr. A. L. Skeele mined an irreparable loss. During her resi- dence here she had endeared herself to a large circle of friends by her kind and genial disposition to all who came under her influ- ence. Those who knew her best loved her most. Her funeral service will he held on the 15th anniversary of the death of her sun Mr. J. llriton lhivis. Her remains will he conveyed to the fumin resting place in Ar- Suft O'BRIENâ€"At.Temperanceville, on Sunday morn- ‘ jug the 23rd ofMurch, Juhu O‘Brien aged 22 Foresters. Mm»- . . . v " ‘ l The Foresters' Court 14 mil gmrfig ahead: A fHW (*Vbuinxs ugu they leceivad a visit. {mm the DISLIict (Juliet Hunger, who gave Lin-m grant. praise for the manner their new Cum! was being comlucle‘l. Last Friday evening their entertainment. cnusisled of a number of five minute speeches, a couple of songs by Bros. Dewsbury and Andrews. and a recitation each from Bros. Agar and Nor- man. The School Supplement, is a uew monthly published by Messrs. Eaton Gibson, dc Co-. at. their oflice 9. Toronto St.. Toronto, and will prove :\ valuable assistant to teachers imd all persons connected “ith educational matters. It is without doubt the beat look- ing educational journal which has yet come under our notice. aubscription one dollar per annum. The Annual Meeting of the Richmond Hilllimmzh Bible Society will be held D. V., on Thursdfiy PVPDing ll) (J April, in the P1 eshyterian Church at 7 30 o'clock. The permanent Agenl, the Rev. J. G. Manly. and the reaidmg ministers are expected to ad- dress the meetmg. The Collectors will call on the public this: or next \wuk for subscrip- tions. Cnllemiun M. the clmifl of meeting. 0 U1: aretl triuufphux-b, the C mmure from sorrow‘nn loss we're assured 15 1-2 gPER'SOfiAI. $1 Sabbath School Review Bible Socxcty Meeting New School Journal. null 03ITUARY 312,111“; 1v :1 from u Citv of L and pain, 5 HEM um ight the The and Having taken advantage of the present depressed state of the Cot- tmfllarket, we can offer our cus- tomers goods of the very‘bevst makes at less than the cost of production. Cambridge Clothing House, 86 Yonge‘Street, Toronto. 32-inch \Yhitei'Cutton, free from dressing, 16 yds. for $1.00 H 36-inch \V’nite Cotton, dressing, at 8c. a yard This Sale will continue until the whole of the present offering is disposed of. All goods are marked in plain figures. showing the present and former prices. and for the information of intending purchasers we enuinerate a few of the changes: TERMS STRICTLY GAE EXTENSIVE CLEARING SALE Ladies’ Underwear, Gents’ Underwear, Notions, etc. This is a Genuine Clearin Sale, and Large Redcctrons have been made in all Departments. Space does not permitéquotations of our many Bargains, but Ladies are respectfnlly ivited to call and see the Immense Bai- gains in all Departments,as this is a rare chance to secure new and scasonablc GOUds at very low prices. Linen Table Dainasks, Sheetings,Towels, Napkins, Lace Curtains, Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, Shawls, Black and Colored Silks, Satins, Brocades, Ottoman ords, Velyets Velveteens, Flushes, Black and Colorhd Cashmeres, Dress Goads, Black Crapes, lull lines of Mourning Dress Materials, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces. Sace Neckwear, Corsets, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Dress Buttons and Trimmings Knitted \Vool Goods, CAMBRDGE CLOTHING HOUSE. Grand Xmas Clearing Sale OF FALL AND WINTER w In order to reduce our immensé‘Stock of‘New Winter Goods, we wil offer for the nex three weeks the greatest Bargains we haveiever shown in Blankets, Somfortables, Flannels E, W 184 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street"! f 7 POPULAR DRY GOODSHOUSE, 182. Yange Street, Tomma, 0F ( )N'orvoats. ()vercoats. ()vorcoats: I Tlsters-u [Tlsters‘ IUSIQrs; 3'0111115" Overcoats; X’ouths’ ()vorcoats. Juvenile 171512013. Juvenile UISLOI'H. DRY GREAT SALE OF irec from RESENT PRICE. $4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 ; 36-inch \Vhite Cotton, extra fine, if, we. 536-inch 'White Cotton, very fine, at 9c, ' 36-inch W'hicc Cotton, worth 16c., for 1:30. \Vhite wall Sheeting, two yds wide, 300., worth 45c. , \Vhite Twill Sheeting, widzgjc” worth 60c. A. W. HOLTB Y, Manager. ORMER PRICE. $5.00 6.00 7.50 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 \\'hite Double Warp Shéetingf3 yds. wide, 6oc., worthJ$LoeL i3, - ~- See our factory at 6C.,':3ll‘fdfll yaaqd- wide. ‘ ‘ . _.: J. V ‘55 Spicial prices ‘ given; 15 Societies and others bu-yi‘ingwi:1~.‘,1211‘gz;a quantities. ' V 7'5“: Erik Factory Cotton at jagfijc, 7&0” 9c., 10c. H

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