Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Apr 1884, p. 1

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“ Eh O ghoul ’7’ THURSDAY EVENING A T THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARlO. i. ll". MGMEEON’, EDITOR and PRQPRIETOR. 33nch Qircrturg. Churches. Sr. MARY s EPIHCOPAL CHURCH.â€"Servi(‘o at 8 ‘p.m.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 1] cm. Rev. W. Bates, Rector. METHODIST 117me or CANADA â€"-Servires at 10:30 ll..m., imil (32:50 p. m..mnl Sunday school, (it 2.30 p, lll. (lonernl vaci' Meeting every Thursday evening in the Lecture Room. Rois. J. E. Baits, and J. E. Starr, pastors. Pimsnv'mnux CHURCH OF CANADA.~Serviccs 6’. ll o'clock ti.iii..zin<lii:1l0 [‘Ju. Prayer meeting on \Veilncsdoy evening M7130. ROMAN carnouv CHURCH.‘â€"SEI'VIC€S in order as follow s Thornhill M 9 min. and Richmond Hill at 1U:3O an]; the following: Sunday at Richâ€" mond Hill at 9 u..1n.,a.m1 Thornhill at 10:30 sign. Societies. RICHMOND LODGE,A. F. (I: A. llI.. N0. 23. G.R.(‘ â€"â€"l\1eets in the Lodge RnomJlliisnnic Hullmi the Monday on or before full moon. at s o'clock pm A. J. Rupert, W. M. Arvcinzc'r ORDER or anEfi‘I‘Ensâ€"â€"Coui't Rich- jmoud. N0. 7046 i. (l. P, meets in the Temperance 'HaJl every alternate Friduv at 7.30 1). Illâ€"H- H. Wright, (3. R. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No 465,]. O. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hull' every Wednesday eveninrz, st 7.30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison T. D. The Methodist Sabbath school’l‘einperenve As sociation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wurliorrison Supf Mncasuics’ INSTITUTEâ€" Library of over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening. in the Mn- smic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. 1%. E. Luv, Libra.- rian. Lectures and discussions periodically. quunoxp HILL CORNET kan.~â€"l\1eets for p nctice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock. C. Savage, Leader. VILLAGE COI'NCZL.â€"Rerve, John Brown cillurs. Messrs. Issac Crosby, A. Maudie, Law on I H. F. Hopper. (,‘lcik. M. l city. A. O. U. \V.,I\'y Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull each alternative Friday at 8 o'clock pm. Beno- ZCmin- R. E. flcin'y certificate given for 52000111 case of dentin ‘ J. A. E. watzer. Master Workman. B. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, no. 43, Meets in 'l‘einpcrunce Hiill,e:ieh alter native Tuesday evening ata‘u'clock II in. Benc- ficisry certificates issued to male or female members for 51,000 or in case of death $2,000, one half payable in case of disability. J. H. Sander» son Select Councillors; J.A. Sturgeon Stewart. Recording Secretary. BUsliNESSJ-CARD'LSJ. “REMGVED. p r. Geo. Lungslafl Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at Tliornhill. Nov. 6th, ’8‘2â€"tf. 7.] rinses Larigstafl AND Ernest F. Langslafl, RICHMOND HILL. Office hours: 9 s..m. ‘2 p. m. and. 7 p. m. Dr. 0rr. Maple, Ofi'zce hours: 8 to 9.30 n. 111., and to 2.30 p. m- Dr. w. J.‘Wili§on, Medalist Toronto Uiiivezsitv. thbcr (‘o Physicmns d: Surgeons, 0nt., (lote10f Stoufiville Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Oflico Home to 10&.m.,5t08p.1n. I sum. ~2â€" A. Robinson, SURGEON DENTIST, Thankful for the favors of the past ten years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession, as follows: Aurora, 151;, 5th, 16th, and 22ml of each month. Newmarket ....................... 2nd ilo. fllchmond Hill ...... 9th and 21th do, {at the Puhner House) Stoufl‘ville ulsth lo. ~Uliorklmmi . . . 20th .10. Victoria. Square . 2151; do. rhornliill. 23in do. Maple. . . .. .. _ 20th do \Voodbridge 28th do. Kleinburg... 29th (10. N bleton . “Sloth o Anasthetics,a.s Nitrous Uxiile,etc., used when xdereil, and none but the bestmuterinl used. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Auroru. Ont. G. u. nusbnmi, L. its, DENTIST, NEWTON BROOK, Will visit the following places profesuionclly :â€" Uiiionville . 15!; Monday of each month w eston .9th and. 2lst " ‘ Muple . . . ..l(‘itli “ ” Richmond mu 9;}; ‘ " \Voodbridgo .. 32ml Husband will be found in his-'ofiice, New- ‘Snu Brook, every Seturdmv, except ,when Sutur- ' or falls on the nbovo dates. ney m Loan. A lnrfle itmount of Money to Lcinl on form or ultv iiropz-rty interest 7 per cent; no coniniis 10D. HOSE. MACDONALD, MERRITT (it ('0. Union Loni: builiiin s Toronto m finial. mm“. Kerr, dc (Tassels. Barisiters, Attorneys-nt-an, SUIICIBUI‘H4H- Chztncei'yl’rocinis Ill Ailinirulty Courts. Con» vryoni'ei's etc Millichiimp'sbuilrlmus.Axle-limb:“realm-en‘s? 0' plum/c \‘ictlirmstivet. V dwurd Iilulii, ,) (1. SH. lllukcl‘lL‘JJI. hernQC. \Villtci' (‘iissu .. \VJLMnIIOCk, (l..\.llrnugh C.J. Holimin. K.l\.lziclouu H. Consuls. WWI. TEIIIâ€"EFY‘, NOTARY PUBLIC 366, AND Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND llllili. M may to loan (in fin-m security. “inter; 7’ The Palmer House. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Having built the above House on the site of the old Siege Hotel, and furnished it throughout in first-class Mylo, I am prepared to give tillll public the best of [M‘f‘l'lllnlhiluhnnu (hmrl shtlillllg.‘ and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms fur iiunnncrcnil 'l'rmeller.~. Terms. H i‘cr «luv. The lin-lmmnnl Hill Omnibus loaves this house to mmnvrt u ith iili passenger trains on the Nortliein liuilwnv. Eiliisftlliiiitnnfi. I 7 Salem Ecknrdt. Licensed Auctioneer {or the Counties (if York Unmrmnnil l‘vel. Howls sold on ('Ullblllllllvut. (iencml sales of stock, etc, promptly utivuileil to st iccsouiiblc rates. I’. 0. address, UNIONVILLE. J. Wankss. Importer of \V'otches, clocks and tlne jewellery Dl si-orli of Dminoinls rind precious stones always nil lnind. THIRD DUUR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, ’l'i’llit'lN’l‘O. [JnIanufoctui-mg of jcwclloi v, and repmrinsof watches and clocks on the jii‘iiini~es.ii. specialty Thmikingonr patrons and friends for their li'o» (’i‘ulnutrnnugr ii. the past we beg to state that We have just received a. large stock ofnewguozls in latest designs. A large shook of Elgin unil Wnlthain wutchcs kept on bond. S. M. Brown. LicensedAuctionecr for the County of Yer-Kre- spevtfully Sillll'lts your patronage and friendly influence. Snle attended on the shortest notice and ut reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. .1 amcs C. Stokes, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully hrllll‘liS your patronage and friendly influence. soles uttended on the shortest notice and at reasonabc rates. P. 0. address, King. N. J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York‘ Sales attended on the shortest. notice-null zit roe.- obe rutes. Address Nobleton l‘. 0 FREDERICK \WIIITLOCK, Ricllunond llill. Old Iron, Rags, Brass, he, bought for cash” at citv prices. Chimncr Sweeping attended to on shortest notice. Jun. 15th. ‘Mâ€"lv. H. 3. niwmu HARNESS EMPORIIIM, YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL, Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c., always on hand. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. H. B. Dewsbury, . RICHMOND HILL. “I cuisine ms 0 B‘Ol{ SALIQIE . . Eight Ruililing Lots for Sule on Centre Street East. only Siliocuchds per cent. down for pink of the leis; Also Two New Houses, Swami, on Richmond Street. DB. LANGSTAFF HILLIII‘HURSD/AY, TIIE \VlDOW. t v t * God of the desolate, Touch me.w1th heart resigned rmrl oilin, to say "‘Tliy \villbe done I" I know it was tliy hand That gave; (lb! iniiy I see thy 1m nil ulnue I ltcclrummg tlmt it gromously bestowed. Quiet my mnrmuring thoughts, still my regrets. How little I deserve my happy lot hhnnhl lust so lonul hit his is now D. void. V‘mil, rlnl 1 any ‘? Forgive me, Lord; for life is full of (lntws still, nor Without ]l)yS. Have I not rounil me those tn love. And laml in linlypntlis 2’ Are there no tears (in other checks that I may Wipe nwey 'P I IlonrlIISllillllF‘,l1Illl[ may hour It blessed liv grateful lips. The memory of his kind Approvng smile, will it not glml each hour (in cheerful struggle against m'iiifuinlsin ‘2' Gimril mo llllll help me on my juurnnv home, (loci of the wnlow rind of the liithcrlessl May I fin-yet my own. my bitter woes, Ln poring comfort. into otncrs, breasts. a0- THORNHILL (From Our Own Correspondent.) On Thursday evening, March 20th., David James, 1554]., Reeve of Markham, gnve a very excellent party to the Mem- here of his Bible Class and Officers of the Sabbath HCIIOUI. To show the esteem in which Mr. James is held by the pupils it may be remarked that every member of Ins clues was present. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Tultcn, also Mrs. Johnston Wilson Were among the inviti-(Iguusts. The even- ing was very pleasantly spent in games of Val'llills kinds as well as some singing, reciting, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Janice did everything within their power to cater to the wanis and amusements of their guests, in which they fully succeeded B lore leav- ing for their homes, the guests were treat- ed to a. nicely prepared and rich repast. We are confident from the manner in which the guests enjoyed themselves that the kind treat given by Mr. James will long be remembered by the members of his class and friends generally. I might just here remark that there were over thirty-live persons present. At a season- able hour the party broke up ; but many seemed reluctant to depart and among them your correspondent. Many thanks are due to Messrs. “Webster and Chap- man who furnished teams and sleiglis fur the occasion. We hope this may not be the last of similar entertainments in this neighborhood. A very excellent sermon was preiicbed on Sundzw evening, March 23rd. by the Rev. Mr. Totten, on the subject of " Dan- cing.” The speaker, on the Occusion, cb0se for his text “ Prove all things." He went on to say that there were Some objections urged against a discourse upon this subject, the principal one being that it was ion delicate a subject and might bring a blush to the check of the bearer, who may have been addicted to (lllllclllg. If this were the case he allowed it would not stand thorough investigation and should not have a. place in the category of harmless mnusenicnts. I append a number of texts, quoted by the speaker, which may not be amiss to the pleasure seekers in the dance to peruse at their leisure : The llth chap. of Judges and 34th verse ; lst Samuel, 18th cli:ip., 6th to the 9th verse ; 2nd Samuel, Bill chap , l‘ZIh to 15th verso ; 3lst chap. Jeremiah, let to 4th verse. In all the aliuve pas- sages nothing but “ Religious duucing " is referred to and in no single case is there a mingling of the sexes, as in the “ Modern dance.” The following pas- sages, also of a different character were referred to. The 32nd chap. of Exodus. and verse 19 ; lst Sam, 30th chair, and verse lli ; Job let chap. and 11th to 14th verse ; Matthew 14th chap. and (3th to 12th verse. By referring to these pus- snges the reader will notice that they all embraced bad company and that the pin-- ticipators therein Inii'l a. bad termination. I do not wish to take up too much space in your paper by giving a. full account of the sermon but bog leave to insert a few of the objections urged against dancing : Because it injures the health ; it injures the purse ; draws our thoughts away from God ,- it very often introduces into dangerous societies ; the modern dance is very Often demoralizing in its tenden- cies. In closing a. very urgent appeal was [Hilde to the members of the Metho- dist. Church to not throw open the doors of their homes to the pleasure seeckers in the dance. We are not able in this short letter to do justice to the speaker but suf- lice it to say that the sermon was a grand exposition of the evils that flow from such an indulgence. Mr. Edward Gnllanougli has returned from serving as a Juror on the Petit Jury for some three weeks. During the term he was appointed Foreman several times. We do not doubt but that he will almost be able to plead a. case himself after this. Rev. Mr. Totten is still carrying on Revival Services in the Methodist church and meeting with very fair success. Owing to the late freslict, the dam up- on which Mr. Lungsiufl', of 'l‘liornliill, put so much labor, has been entirely washed. away. Had he listened in the advice given by some of his fiicnils last full the case might have been otherwise. The loss sustained is somewhere in the neigh- borhood of $800. “’1: hope the next timoho rebuilds it will not be upon a sandy foundation. APRILS, 1é84. SPRINGHILL. (From our own Correspondent.) The quarterly review entertainment hold in the E. Church, Kingliorn, passed off very nicely. The attendance was not so large as might have been, but no doubt the muddy condition of the roads kept many at home. We think that enter~ taiumsnts of this kind should be en- Cnnraged, as they give a. chance to youth- ful readers and reciters. Spring returning the pedestrians can be seen promenading the track of the N. R. C. It Would seem that the laws, that a few years ago, were so strictly enforced, hiiil passed into oblivion. We are pleased to know that Mr. Tur- kington is recovering from his injury. It is no“ supposed that he will looao part of the sight. of one eye. Mrs. Breckin and family have returned from their visit home. One man in this town keeps better hours than he used to. Spring must be coming,for house-wives are cleaning up the back yards, Wlllte‘ washing, and pnpering. We are glad to see some of the young men of this village going so regularly to the Salvation Army Aurora. Judging by their (laiin walk and conversation in great change has been wrought. Yes there has. Mr. John anse, 3rd con. King, is the father of a twelVe pounder. Another family that had not had this kind of a Visitor for thirteen years, was agreeably surprised by iwms. The papa is exceed- lllgly elevated. so much so that the price of grain has gone up at King Station. Dr. Show has purchased one of Mr. ’toss's bloods. His practice is increasing, so, that one horse could not do his driv- ing. Several critical cases of illness are in this neighborhood at present. Di‘. Hil- lary has been called in consultation. \Ve expect to see the suckers soon. It is hoped that people will not stake the Humber this Spring. Live and let live. Dame rumour says that a detachment of the Salvation Army intend to lay siege to Springlnil. Tliereis plenty of worn in the drill shed for a large gathering. The Wish of the people is that they may CUllle. The remains of Mr. George Stokes, who was ill a. long time at his brother’s, Mr. James Stokes, were interred in the English Church burying ground on Fri- dny lust. The deceased leaves a large family to mourn his death. 0 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~¢ WESTON. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Some six weeks ago, the Salvation Army came to Icconnoiire in the village. On their arrival With drums beating and colors flying, they marched through the principal streets linlzing in front oi the C. M. Church kindly szrunl’eil as a temporary Citadel, from which they opened fire on the enemy. the battle he- lug regularly renewed twice a week. Tlicii‘ audience was large every night. During the first two Weeks notmthstand- inn an incessant and apparently well-di- rected fire at the enemy‘s earth-work it seemed to have but little effect. At the end of that time a breach could be plain- ly noticed, ilcsertei's from the enemy coming in at first bufrone at a tiine,zifter- wards two and threeâ€"some of them bold- ing prominent positions in the enemy‘s ranks. Whether they will prove true and loyal followers of the Cross, time alone can determine. Your correspond- ent is free to confess that the dress, adâ€" dress, and general proceedure adopted by the army of our orthodox churches with thth solemnity bogetting so momentous a subject ; nevertheless the army ap- pears to be doini.r a good work and reaching a cliiss even in the village that pulpit eloquence or friendly persuasion was equally ineffectual to amuse t) their danger. I therefore heartily bid. tlieui " Gail speed." Sill-run AND PRESENTATIONâ€"Inn C. Forsytli, one of our most respected citi- zens during the past thirty years, being about to remove with his family to Port Colbnui'ne, where he has purchased a flouriug mill, the members of the \Vcston Lodge I. O. O. F., of which Mr. Forsytli has been the respected Chaplain for sev- eral years invited him and Mrs. Forsytb and grown no members of the family to ii grand screed iii the Hull. The good Lliings provided having been partiiken of, Mr. Joe. Brown, on behalf of the mem- here, presented Mr. Forsytli with a. bean- tiful illuminated address and a. costly and handsome bronze clock. The presenta- tion proved to be a. genuine surprise, so much so that the recipient was some time befni‘e he could find words to return his sincere thanks. A very pleasant evening was spent by all present. Mr. Forsytli‘s departure from the village is generally regretted. The strike of the weavers at the mill, here and at Lamibfon is at an end for the piesent~ML Wilby accepting the wcav~ ci's’ terms. I have not heard the terms on which the Liimbtoii mill liaiiils rc- llll‘llll'll to work. The weather, during the past Wei-k has been balmy, and snmr and we inusily clieâ€" appeared. ERAL. I a [Single copies, 3 cts. WOODBRIDGE. (From Our Own Correspondent) Mr. J. McClure is improving. The river is clear of ice and the waters are slowly abetting Last Week the high water took away the break-water near the toll-gate, and. also considerably undermined Mr. Romp tree's stable and slaughter house, and bad the break-water not given way, it is more than probable that it would soon have been in the river. There was an enormous jam of ice near Councillor Mounsey’s. Quiteanumber have been fishing their summer wood out of the swollen river. One woman very anxious to getasticka little too large for her strength was pulled from the bank and did not come out as dry as she went in. The turnpike-man and turnpike-wo- man turned out of the turnpike-house for fear that the turnpike-house would mm the turnpike-man and tumpike-won-ian out into the river. On \Vednesday of this week, there will be an election to fill the vacant chair in the Council, caused by Mr. Mackie’s re- signation. Messrs. Farr and Allan are the aspirants. Both will be elected â€"ono to go to table, the other to stay to home. Mr. Watt is refitting, repairing and re- stocking the Montreal House and will open before long. On Friday afternoon, the roof of Mr. Todd’s works caught fire. Al: one time it was thought impossible to save the building, but through the vigorous efforts of all bands in the village it was extin~ guished. Damage about $100. The high winds on Saturday caused a. couple of chimneys to blaze, but no (lam- age done. “There is our fire-engine l The Rev. Mr. West and his bride have made their appearance in our midst. She is no longer a Major for she has gone \Vest. One cannot but be struck (mentally) while taking a. stroll up Main St. from the P. O. to the d-e-p-o(i). On the thumb hand side there may be seenâ€"a. wagon in a. number of pieces, a. wood-pile, two or three hay-racks, anolber wood-pile, :1. Couple of old wrecks of sleigbs, and other things too numerous to mention. There is an inOperative by-law. Why not en- force it i PERSONALS. Miss B. Duncan has returned from Owen Sound, where she had been Visiting friem‘s for several weeks. Revs. J. E. Starr and J. \V. Wilkinson, junior ministers of Richmond Hill and Auro- ra circuits respectively, exchanged pulpits on Sunday last. Mr. T. Flatt, one of our citizens. remcved on Tuesday to Mr. John Duncan‘s farm about a mile south of our village and lately occupied by Mr. B. Cheesbrough. ‘9â€" LIQUOR L CENSES. List of Applications to the Ontario Com- missioners of West ‘1 ork. Haul Licensex. Ricnnosn H1LL,â€"J0hn Palmer, POWelI, Benjamin Brillinizer. PARKDALE,-Jumes Divycr, J. G. Parker, Thus. E. Scholes. Wnsrox,-â€"Johu Eagle, John Little, Wm. Rourke. BROCKTON,~â€"G. A. Rosebuch, Michael Slatâ€" tei'y. R. Mcl'xnire. \Vonisiininos.-â€"E. E. Harris. Thomas Hay- sted, Gilbert Gilmoui', Mrs. W. D. Choler, Oliver Prentice. Yons,â€"Abner Cherry, Frances McFarlane, Wm. E. Holden, Robl: Harris, Wm. H. Rey. John Cook, Wm. Huuwiok, Daniel Blea, John Oulcott, Chas. McBride. Michael O’â€" Halloran. James Thompson. Robt. Irwin , Francis Haydon. VAUdBAN,â€"\Vlll. Palmer, Wm. Taggart, Geo. Hobiel, Thus. O’Neill, Edwiird Hay- stoil, David Clarke, Andrew Collins, John C. b‘teele, Robert Rounti‘ee, Joseph Burkbolder. EToBiCOi;i-:,-â€"John McConnell. 0. L. Hicks, John Duck, Thus. Griffith, Charles Nurse. John Shcp Licmses. PABKDALE â€"Samuel Greenfield, Carter, ’1‘. W. Booth. Woonnmnns,â€"â€"Wm. Muckie, Wallace Bros. Yongâ€"Tamers Pope, Thus. Johnston. ETOBICOKE,â€"David Stewart. NE W APPLICANTS,-â€"IIUWL\'~ V'Aoomu,»â€"Joseph llurliholder, Edgely. WooniilunoE,â€"â€"-Oliver Prentice. Shops. P.\Rl{DALE,â€"A. H. Curler. Wooniuuiion,-â€"Wni. Miickie. Total number of applications for the enâ€" suing year-Hotels, 43 ; Shops, 8. Total number granted the present yearâ€"- Hotels, 43; Shops, 9. The Bonrd of License Commissioners for West York will meet in their office, Court House, Toronto, on April 18th, 18:34, to con- sider the foregoing implications, for the grunting of Licenses foi the ensuing year. JAMES MCLK NNl’Ll., Richmond Hill I‘. O. Inspector of LiCenscs, West Yozli. A. H. April, 3rd. 1384.

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