Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Apr 1884, p. 1

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Money to Loan. A 113nm amounp of Money to Land on farm or mtv uropany Interest 7 per sent“; no commii Thankful for the favors of the past 20 years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- leasion, as follows: {in-om, 1st, 8th, 16th, and 22nd of each month, mohmond Hill... . . .9th and 24th dn_ (M. the Palmer House) atouflvflle “ ..18th 10. larkham 0th .10. Victoria. 8 1 .. ‘llst d0. 'lhoruhill... .. ..23rd do. Woodbridge .. ..28th do. Kleinburg... ..29th do. N bleton ..... “301511 0 Vic Lljzed Air always on hand at appointments Works like a. charm. Free from main. Dar. Geo. Langstafl Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at Thornhill. Nov. 6th, ’8‘2â€"tf. Dr. James Langstafl Mscnmxcs‘ lNSTITUTE.â€"Lib1‘n!y or over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma.- mnic Hall. from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law, Libra.- rlun. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.â€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock. C. Savage, Leader. VILLAGE Councnmâ€"Rerve, John Brown :Coun- cillurs. Messrs. Isaac Crosby, A. Moodie, R. E. Law an I H. F. Hcpper. Clerk. M. 'l eefy. A. O. U. \V.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull each alternative Friday at. 8 o'clock p.111. Beue~ ficary certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. .J. A. E. Switzer, Master Workman. Will visit the following places professionally :â€" Vnionvillo,‘ lst Monday of each month Weston .9th and 215E “ ' Ma le ..mth " " 1h mond Hill 9th ‘ " Woodbtidge .. V 2nd M3. Husband wxll 1):. found in his ' nffioe. New- ? Brook, avery Suturdnv. excep‘ when .Sumr- v falls on the above dates. AND Ernest F. Lnngstal’l, RICHMOND HILL. Oflice hours: 9 a. m. 2 p m. and 7 n. m. METHODIST Cannon or CANADA â€"Services at 10:30 n.m., and 6:30 p. m.,n.ud Sunday school, _-ut 2.30 p. In. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday evemug m the Lecture Room. Revs. J. E. Belts. nndJ. E. Starr, pastors. PBESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.-Servi(‘es m 11 o'clock mmqaud 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening M7230, RICHMOND LODGE. A. F. & A. M. No. 23. G.R.(‘ â€"â€"Meets in the Lodge Room,Masomc Hull.on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p.11) AJ. Rupert, W. M. ANCIENT ORDER or FonEnTanâ€"Court Rich. mond. No. 7046 A. 0. F.. meets in the Temperance Hull every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€"H. H. Wright. G. R. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, .No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hallmach alter- native Tuesday evening utBo'clock p m. Bene- fic iary cex‘tlficnws issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one 21:11: unynblc in case of disabiliby, J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J.A. Sturgeon Stewart. Recording Secretary. ROMAN CATHOLIC CEOBCH.â€"Servi(‘os in order us follow s Thomhill u 9 mm” and Richmond Hill M 10:30 3.111; the following Sllmluy at Rich- mond Hill H.119 ahm‘, and ’l‘bornhill at. 10:30 Mm. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE. No 465, I‘ O. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday evening.“ 7‘30 o‘clock. Wm. Harrison T.D. The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As Iociation issue pledge cm’ds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Ha.rrison supf THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE KIUHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Cannonâ€"Berna an a ).m.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 .. m gnmiur School at 1230 p.111 Rev. W. Bates. Medalist Toronto Univexsitv. thbcr (‘o Physicmnsdz Surgeons, Ont.,(]ate of Stouflville Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Oflice Hours to 10 a. m., 5to 8 p. m. THURSDAY EVENING Rector Omce hours: Bto 9.30 a. m..aud to 2.30 p.111 Dr. WIJ. Wilson, Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aurom Ont #0311} MACDONALD. MEBEITT & CO $1 per annum, in advance.] VOL. VI. â€"6â€"'83â€"Iv G. H. Husband. L. D. 5., BUSINESS CARDS. U REMOVED. Sunday Séfiool at 1:30 p VITJQLIZEQ £1153 EDITOR and. PROPRIETOR. '. F. MGMAEGN, @112 @11ch ” Simian]: Qirrrtm‘y. IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. Orr, Maple, USED uv Dr. A. Robinson, Union L092 bugluin a Toronto Societies. Churches. SURGEON DENTIST aunury. 5mm]. NEWTON BROOK. DENTIST‘ JuUaca.â€"Service at 3 Nails, Locks Bolts. Hinges Wire, &c., &c. Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes L? LOW PRICES. [3’ GOOD VALUE 166 King Street East, Having built the above House on the site of the old Stage Hotel. and furnished it throughout in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodations Good stnhlmg and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, $1 per day: The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves this house to connect with all nassenger trains on the Northern Railwnv. Thanking our patrons and friendslor their lib- eralpatrouego i1. the past we beg to state that we have just received a large stock ofnew goods inlutest designs. A large stock 0! Elg'm and Wultham watcheskevtonhnud. Licenwd Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest. notice and at reasonabe mtes. P. 0. address, King. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended on the shortest uoticefiud at ren- abe rates. Address Stoufivflle P. 0 Keeps the Largest and but Selected Stock of Bunsiters, Attorneys-at»Luw. Solicitors-in- Chaucery I’roctors )u Admlmlty Courts. 0011- _ voyancers etc Mlllichump'sbmldingn, Adelaide street.Toronto 01 posits Victorinstreet. award Blake,Q.C. S.H. BlakeQ‘CJJi. Kerr,Q.C Walter Cassels, W.R.Mullock. C.A.Brough C.J. Holman. H. Cassels. K.Mu.clenn Importer of Watches, clocks and fine jewellery :1 stock of Diamonds and precious stones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. Blinnuffictm’mg of jewellery, and repairinuofwatches and clocks on the_prem_ises.a specialty Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice ,mnd at reasonable rates P. 0. Address. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. -Ch‘imner Sweeping attended to on short-oat notice. WILKINS’ BROS Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontano and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General soles of stock. eta, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Old Iron, Rags, Brass, tc., bought {or oush' at citj prices. g Deposits received and Interest allowed thereon at Current Raten‘ No notice at withdrawal required. Drafts on all parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Central Bank of Ganada. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M donnld,__(l IT’S A FACT H A R D W A R E IN TORONTO. FREDER ICK \" IllTLOCK, Richmond Hill. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 23â€"4-‘83. The Palmel House, RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER. Proprietur. Jan. 15th. '54â€"1V‘ Blake. Kerr, Gr (Tassels. RICHMOND HILL. Money to loan on farm security JAM ES M. LA‘VRENCE, Richmond Hill Branch. James C. Stokes, A. A. ALLEN. Cashier. N . J. Armstrong, Salem Erkardl. Hiiis'rcllnnrnus. L. 'J_'Jii.di.t" x , NOTARY PUBLIC 86c, ,M.P. P., H. I’. Dwight. D. M. Mac- ‘ C‘ B. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Gmty. S. NI. Brown. J. “’anhss. â€"THATâ€" RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1884-. 96mm. 31mm. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity Nenr Nipiuiny Hotel AND UNIo'NVILLE Manager. Richmond Hill, April 15th, 1384. [13m Qigflodtflgiiivini nié nx'ly trouble-whatever In the matter, and I wuuld recommend Mr. Redditt and the Company he represents to the public. of expenses 831.55. Havin neldaPolicy in the Fire Insurance Associanon of London.Englu.nd, limited. on a. dwelling in the village of Richmond Hill, which Mr. Benjamin Redditt is agent. it affords me great pleasure to state that my claim was pyomptly settled in lull bv the Cygnpa‘nyfihrough Lacrosse Association. The Annual Meeting at the National Ama- teur Lacrosse Asooiution of Cnnada. was held in Toronto on Good Friday. There were fifty-four delegates present The fol- lowmg are some of the amendments which wore made l-The size of the bell to be from 7:} to 8 inches in circumference, and from 4 to 5 ounces ; no player with his owns, or otherwise, shall hold, strike, or trip an op- ponent. nor push him with his hand a no player shall be allowed to jump at or shoul- der an opponent from behind, while run- ning forI or after reaching the ball. A pro~ position that ematch should be demded by the Winning of the greatest number of games in a match of two hours‘ duration was lost. American Newspapers In 16;.4. From the edition of Messrs. Geo. P. Row- ell & Co‘s American Newspaper Directory, now in press. it appears that the newspapers and periodicals of all kinds at present issued in the United States and Canada reach a grand total of 13,402. This is a net gain of preciselyl.600 during the last twelve menths. and exhibits an increase of 5.6!8 over the total number published just ten years since. The increase in 1874 over the total for 1873 was 493. During the past year the dailies have increased from 1.138 to 1,254 ; the weeklies from 9,062 to 10,028 ; and the monthlies from 1,091 to 1.499. The great. est increase is in the Western States. Illin- ois, for instance, now shows 1,009 papers in place of last year's total of 904. while Mis~ souri issues 604 instead of the 623 reported in 1883. Other leading Western States also exhibit a. great percentage of increase. The total number of papers in New York State is 1,523, against 1,399 in 1883. Canada has shared in the general increase. necrosse Concert. The “ Young Canadian " Lacrosse Cun- cert, held in the Temperance Hall, in this village, on the evening of Good Friday, was a decided success in many respects. Indeed it could scarcely be otherwise, when we con- sider the many favorable features of the evening. To commence with the chairman, our worthy friend Dr. Coulter of Aurora, we cannot speak too highly of the manner in which he performed his part on that occa- sion, and who by his genial manner and pleasant remarks contributed greatly to the pleasure of the evening, and we are sure that his old friends felt a glow of pride in the remembrance that he was formerly a Richmond Hill boy. The Concert was open- ed by the Club, dressed in their uni- form, and with Lacrosse sticks in hand sang " Our Club is out to-nigbt," in a very spirit- ed and pleasing manner; and we may re- msrk here, that too much praise cannot be awarded the boys for the way in which they rendered several selrctions during the even- ing. Mr. Cameron, of I'orontoI gave enum- ber of recitations in fine style. “ The Fire- man,” being decidedly grand. Mr. Shep- pard, of Barrie, was very amusing in his comic songs and dances, and succeeded in eliciting hearty encores from the juvenile portion of the audience. Misses Wilson and Speiglit, of Markham. gave a duett With great sweetness and expression, and being encored kindly responded by a song. Miss Flora Coulter sang a song very beautifully, and although she has in time past delighted audiences in this village by her singing, we can safely say that on this occasion she sur- passed all her previous efforts. Mr. Brodie. of Aurora. favored the audience with a song and was deservedly appreciated. This com- pletes the vocal part of the programme, and the instrumental part was ably rendered by Miss Nicholle and Mr. 0. Savage in cornet and piano duetts; Miss and Mr. Bailey in violin and pianoI while the accompaniments to the various songs were very ably played by Misses Niohoil and Hewiaon. Miss Helena Wiley played for the Club. At the close 0! the programme the company sang God save the Queenâ€"thus closing a very pleasant evening. Refreshments having been pre- pared in the dining-room of the Hall those who had contributed to the entertainment. together with LacrOsse boys and their friends to the number of fifty sat down to a very nicely spread table. and we are sure all wrut home delighted with the evening's perform- ance, and heartily wishing our boys success in their coming campaignsâ€"Proceeds clear " House Cleaning." We wonder if there are any two words in our vocabulary which brings so many scenes to the mind as these. To the mind {emi- nine, they are very refreshing. bringing up a general campaign of' white-washing, paper- inz. painting, &c.. are, which, after the tire- some routine of dish washing and pie-mak- ing, is too utterly delightful. But to the masculine part of the community; Great Cu?an imagine a man, tired and hungry, coming home for dinner and finding white- wash pails and brushes, scrubbing pails, &c., blocking up his way, and in lieu of the din- ing table spread for a meal he finds its place occupied by a. papering board. Words fail me to attempt to describe his sensations, but we may rest assured that “ man wants but little here below” during house cleaning time. CARD 0F THANKS! LOCALS JAMES M. LAWRENCE The Council tfie'n adjourned to meet on the 23rd inst., at 8 p. m, Au application was received from W. J. Han- kin, requesting to be allowed to perform his statute labor on old Yonge Street, under the su ervisiun of the pathmnater. It was laid over :11 nextrmeetiug. The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met m the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the Strlidnxcf April, qt 10 {1. m. The Reeve in the chair. Members present. Messrs. Cook. Reaman, Mallov and Elliott. The minutes of last meeting were read and on mutiog ap proved. Mr. J. A. S. Stewart and family have mov- ed to Parkdnle. Miss Flora Coulter. of Toronto, is on visit. to her parents here. Members all present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes 011nvele meeting read and adopted. The Reeve presented account of money paid in aid of tramps, $7.00. On motinn, it was moved and seconded. that the same be paid. Acommumcation from T. M. Wilson, in regard to putting road, in connection with his mill. in a better state of repair, was received and read. Moved by Mr. Moodie, seconded by Mr. Law, that 50 loads e1 brickbats be furnished Mr. VVil- son to aslist in putting road in proper state of repair, without prejudice to the village in regard to any future aid required.â€"Can'ied. Mr. Pugsloy waited upon the Council request- ing the Council to furnish half-a-dozen rubber coats. and also a. quantity of rope for the use of the Fire Company. On motion the request was granted Mr. Law gave notice that he would at the next mectuig of the Cnuncil introduce aBy-Law to amend Bylaw No. 52. relating to the shovelling of snow on the plank walk after the lst of March in each and every year. Moved by MLCOOk, seconried bv Mr. Malloy, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to_pu.g_tge following acqnupts 1f To ‘1‘. F. McMahon, printing. &c., $2.00; T. F McMahon, printlug 300 copies Township Ac counts, $26.65 ; Blotting paper for use of Couu‘ cil,35¢:ts.; Donald McDonald's journey to To- ronto. for seats. 5300‘ Eggs havev decr'euaed in prica since Easter. Even the look of a hen makes 30:95, people Pick nowy. Mn Baldwin Teefy, of Toronto, spent Good Frldny in the village. Moved by Mr. Cook. seconded by Mr. Reaman, that the Treasurer bound is hereby authorized to Day to the Vaughan Plowman's Association the sum of $25.00 in lieu of $2000 granted in 1883. Moved by bv Mr, Malloy. seconded by Mr. Elliott, that the Clerk advertise according to Section 506 and following sub-sections of the amended Act of 1883, for stopping up Public Highways in the village of Maple, of fiber. portion ofu plnii,nm'lebv one Holmes of the N. W. quarter of lot 21, in the 3rd Con. Vaughan, west. of the railway. By-an 467 VwVaEVLhen passed appointing path- masters for thepresem year. Imprbvéments: A new‘door on Mr. John Ross' machine ahup, and a picket fence enclosing his ground; We would advise all young men who bring ladies to church on Sunday even- ings to esvort them to a seat, as on that evening the church is generally crowded. If this is not done an usher should be in attendance. Dr. R. M. Coulter and wife, of Aurora, spent. last Friday and Saturday in town' Moved by if}. Renmau, sconded bv Mr. Elliott. that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized toypy the followiyg ryad gqcoupts afsri c_ert1‘f1ed :_ Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Malloy, that the Clerk be instructed to enquireérom Mr, Fotheringhum the reason why he gave an order for 5122. payable to Woodbridge, in 1883, out of the Uuuicipal Grunt Assessment of 1882. in thxs Township. Moved by Mr. Renmnn, seconded by Mr. Cook, that the Treasurer is hereby authorized to change the Bank Account from the Canadian hunk of Commerce to the Branch of the Central Bank at Richmond Hiu.â€"Ca.rriad{ Moved by Mr. Cook,seconded by Mr. “alloy, that. the Clerk prepare a. By-Luw to take 83;} acres 0110: 17, MM] 14 acres of the southâ€"east corner of lot 13 in the 7th Con. from School Section No. 17 and add to School Section No. 9 ; and also east part of lots 19 and 20 from S. S. No. 17 and add to No. 11.11.1111 east half of lot ‘27 in the 8th Can. and add to Section 17. and the Clerk notify S. S. Ng. 9 9f the change._ (From Our Own Corresnondent.) Mr. Wm. Fisher has removed to his new store, where he intends to do busi- nose on a large scale. The new shop has an attraction that is likely to draw the custom of the young men: Mr. Chas. ’ Norinan has commenced building operations at King gtation. Thé ne-w dmver has shaved of his whiskers. which gives him a business like appearance. The partners resemble one another very much now. Misses Johnstun and Cairns, of Toron- tn, have been spending a few days with their friend, Miss Smith. Mr. A. G. F Lawrence, of Toronto. spent afew days in the village renenlly. DistrictNo. 1. H. Rumble, for 105 loads of gravel, $10.50 ; A. Burkhulder, for lumber. 511.75 ; Dist. No. 2. Jonathan Ellerby, for timber. $3.00; Dist No. 3. \V‘ Patterson, for work done on side road between lots 25 and 26. in the 9th and 10th ans Vaughan; _ 7 Mdfidly Mr. Renman. seconded by Mr. Cook. that. the Clerk and Treasurer's office hours be from 9 Ll. m. to 6 p. m. The Editor being confined to'his bed with a severe attack of inflammation our readers will please not criticise severely this week. Mr. Bert Wiley, of Toronto, formerly of The Liberal office. was in town on Friday. Dr. McConnell, Aid. of St. Mark's Ward, Toronto; Mr. Hamilton. Reeve of Parkdale, and Mr. Scholes, were in town on Monday. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. VILLAGE COUNCIL. PERSONALS. SPRINGHILL Wedneaday evening. 96h inst The Mail carrier between here and Pnrpleville &c. met with a mishap the other day, while going his round. While the mail was being exchanged at Sher- wood P. 0., in his temporary absence his pony beim,l somewhat quick on the stan, bolted otf at. full speed, run about. half a mile, then came toagstand by the up- setting of the rig. No damage of any account was sustained. The Directors of t and Yonge St. Agri‘ a. mm:ng in Cunnc' day evening last. lhvnd Lynctt, IL A. Nuclmlls a rcpurt of (Jumul' Luthea' \Vnrk w Lumber and shingles are apparently in great demand from the stir about the Sawmill. Mr. Burkholder found it necessary to make several improvements in the mill to meet pressing demands. The steam pipe gave out. the other day, which caused no little commotion among the mill hands. the cause being soon khown, the excitement soon subsided. The derangement. has been remedied,and work commenced in good earnest. The specinlaervices which have been held in the C. M. Church for the past three weeks have come to a close. As a. result some fifteen or twenty will in all likelyhond unite with the Church. The Rev. J. E Starr sonducted the services throughout. Many were the stirring ap- peals he made to sinners to give their hearls tn the Saviour. No doubt many who refused tn avail themselves of the invitations given will have to regret it, DE it was in the days of Christ so it is to- dny. " I have called but ye have refused Sac.” (From Our Own L'orre Matters are somewhat qm now, the farmers havmg (hspu gram, and are nu doubt prepam‘ Lhelr spring work. Mr. Dennie has recalled his grain-buy! er Mr. Nash thus closing our grain mar- ket. The fullouix es un Ladies” er, Rlchmon Edgley; Mrs Hill; Mrs. ‘ Mrs. Starr, M r. Wm ger of the The fol] ed to assis i 3 8&8 I observe that the Herald’s correspond- ent made choice to give me a. kindly notice in a. late issue of that paper. Well it was too oily to heat much, the pro- verbial when men are strapped them- selves, they betake themselves to that kind of thing. Verily a little anointing with oil would do him no harm or other- wise. ML John E1 services of a bi grant ten dd above amount Meeting ndjdj‘ at 9 a. m. - LORNE BLOCK BERT. ANDREWS. Proprietor. by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent» 1y cured in from one to three applications. no matter whether standing: for one year 0! forty years. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on re» geipt of tannin. A. H.DIXQN d: SON, 305 King. Light. ho Thomas P Lawson; Pv menta, Dn. Harness, L by; W ALLACEâ€"At W005i}: 13th inst. the wife P., of a. daughter. 1 V Moved 2mg be five dullw. rerfxgingismuel IN TO\\'N, GO TO ANDREWS’ SHAVING PAHLDR. Cleanest Shave ! BEST HAIR “ CUT Shim: west, Thronco Canada CA'I'ARIKHâ€"A new Treatment where [Single copies, (Crowded out last. week.) SPRING S FOR THE MAP]: AND

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