Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Apr 1884, p. 4

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L. and other new-comers, reaped the advantages of their great outlay, At once, then, Caldwell resisted this unjust demand, refused to pay any tell that McL. saw fit to impose, and declared that the river was floatable and consequently the pro- perty of the public, andI therefore, could not be subiect to any exclu- sive private right. Then followed hot words between the parties, I and finally McL._ appealed to the courts. L. had sweet dreams of thousands of acres of pine bought for a trifle, and of the farmers who in these dis- tant quarters have no market for their cattle, hay and oats but such as the shanties oflumbermen afirord, forced to sell to him at his own prices. But Boyd Caldwell is not the man to sit in quiet while another man is threatening him with ruin. He and his brother, the late Alex, Caldwell Esq., Were the pioneerlum- bermen on both the Mississippi and its tributary the Clyde. During the past forty or fittyyears, they spent thousands of dollars in improving both these streams, but not one cent of toll did they ever dream of collecting from those who, like Me After dragging, out a slow and tortuous course tor {our years, this now famous case has been decided by the highest court in the kingdom, the Privy Council, in favor ot the appellant, Caldwell. It will not be amiss briefly to.write the history of this suit. \Vedo not intend, how- ever, to give the political aspect of the question“ since politics ought not to have had anything to do with the matter. The facts, then, are these: Both. Caldwell and Mc- Laren own timber limits on the Mississippi, a fine tributary of the Ottawa,_ In respect to each other, Caldweil's limitisttlie remote from the Ottawa, McLaren's is the nigh ; consequently Ualdwell's timber and logs must be driven through, Mc- Larenlslimlit. Asin all cases where there iscompetition in Labor, lumb~ ermen are prone toteelings of jeal- ousy andJiostility‘, andito such feel- ings thsy have many ways ‘of giving vent. As long. however. as they confine themselves to, mere acts oi annoyance and so called sharpness, no great harm results, and they get an quite as well as the majority of men in business. But in this case, McLaren showed that he was bent, Here, letpussav a few words as to the stream itself. It flows through the counties of Lanark and Carleton, and empties into the Ottawa. For miles it is navigable for steam-fer- ries and ,tug-boats. Sir John A. Macdonald declared, In a speech at Toronto, that it could not float a chip until McL. had built hIS slide, &c., at a cost of $100,000. The statement was worthy not only of the speaker, but even of the great stretcher Tupper himself. \Vhy, the very year .when this statement was made. Caldwell had taken fifty thousand saw-logs over this very spot without using in any way Mc- L.‘ slide, &c., for logs can be safely driven where timber would be splin- tered to pieces owing to its great length. As to the money really spent. one fifth of Sir John's figure would be» an exaggeration. I not on any trifling advantage over Caldwell, but actually on his ruin, lor. having secured the land on both sides of the river, where it presented great, but‘ not insurmountable, ob- staclesto the passage of logs and timber, he repaired a slide that lrad Long ago beenr built at the spot, erected a dam, and then refused to allow anyone to pass without lhe paymentof tolls, said tolls to be Levied by. himself. Of course, this action would render every limit above his slide useless, and so Mc- RICHMUIU; in Thursday, Elm fiihcml. McLaren vs. Caldwell. rm“: nanmd Allkins, an artist by pro- fession, alleges that his wife: was on too intimate terms with one Huckett, and on the afore menhinngd day he found them together and opened fire uu them both. Several shuts_were fired, two of which tank‘efiect, one striking Mrs, Allkina in the calfi of the Leg and the other wound- lng Hackett in the groin. Allkins of course was arrested and his wife and ‘Hackett removed to the Hospital. Mrs. Allkins is doing We“ but Hackett’s wound has proved fatal. Palm Sunday was duly observed in the Roman Catholic Churches last Sundav. His Grace, Archbishop Lynch distnbuted the palms to a large alldlence whn were no way backwardin showingthem on the streets after service, ces which led to this tragedy are too fresh in the minds of readers to re- quire a new rehearsal. It is suffi- cient to say that the shameless and inexcusable sonduct of a wile has beer1 the sole cause of the terrible posttion in which her husband now stands. The violent death ofHack- elt, the other party to the misde- meanor, at the early age of twenty- nine is. of course, terrible. But this is not a case for niaudlin sym- pathy and idle tears. No man cer- tainly has the right to take the law into his own hands, but a man's honor may be so grossly outraged that he losses Sight of everything but his own great wrong, and those who have goaded him into this wild and reckless mood are equally. if not more, guilty than hlmselt of any crime he may committ. Still the law must be upheld, but we venture to say that it is asking too much of human nature to withhold its deep sorrow for the unhappy Allkins,who, through deeds not of his own mak- ing, was driven to act on the adige, “ Desperate cases. desperate reme- dies." Here, too, whiskey playeda paominent part. It seemingly was one of the main causes ofthe lapse into vile sin of the persons shot,and was also resorted to by the avenger to screw his courage to the sticking point. The whole suit, then, turned on the meaning ot the word “floatable,” for a statute of the old province of Canada declared that all floatable streams are public property. Does “ floatable " mean by nature only, or floatable by art as well. The Chance- ry Court decided bynature only; then the Court of Appeal reversed that de- cision ; the Supreme Court, in its turn, reversed the decision of the Court of Appeal, and finally the Privy Council has set aside the ver- dict ot Canada's highest local Court, and decided the case once and for- ever. And the country at large is to be congratulated on the dec15ion. In Ontario alone, no less than two hundred and thirty-five rivers were liable to be blocked up. had McL. been successtul in his contention, No wonder that our Provincial Government hastened to pass a Streams Bill. All the timber in the Province would soon have been in the hands of a tew monopolists. The pity is that Sir john permitted himself to be blinded by political considerations into advising the dis- allowance of the bill. Had McL. been a Grit, it would have been law years ago. Three of Shakespem's dramas were played at the Grand last week. Richard III, Hamlet & Macbeth. The leading actor was Keene, who is acknowledged by critics to be a. very successful traue~ dian. His rendering of the soldier, com spinatur and despot in Macbeth was very good. Oneof the best scenes was that of the witches dancing round the boiling cauldron. One year ago Horace F. Allkins was a happy, hopeful man ; tu-day he stands charged with the awful crime ofmurder. The circumstan- (From Our Own Correspondent.) One of our city merchants, Robert Thumpwn, has lately realized that he Cannot abuse his clerks With, impunity. Some time‘ago he assaulted one of his employees, Alfred Buckler. who has not been able to work since. The trial came 06' last week and it was decided that. Thompson should spend sixty days in a place of safe keeping in ,Lhe west end. Avery serious shunting afl‘ray took place last week on Church Street. A man nanmd Allkins, an artist by pro- fession, alleges that his wife was on too intimate terms with one Hackett, and on Hardand auft coma cannot withstand Holloway's Qorn‘ (LureL (Crowded out last. week.) TORONTO TOPICS. Verv Pretty Cretonnes Unsurpassed value in Table Linens. J UST OPENED UI’. Beautiful New Dress Goods. Great variety in Cottonades Ducks 8c Denims. CHOICE NEW PRINTS. Tasty Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery. Para.- sols Hats, Buttons, Embroi- deries,_Lace Collars, Ladies‘ Silk Ties, Corsets, Hoop Skirts. &c. Terms. Cash. or Exchange, and One Price, NN‘I‘ Designs Ill Ln“- (Zurlalns. NUBBY SPRING TWEEDS. Swath. & Gmnnan, RICHMOND HILL. Excellent Whnte and Grey Cottons “’ondorlnl Value In Slim-tings. Specialattention is paid to Grccerlas. Fine Teas and Coffeest‘resp Iirungs am} Brown Hallands g? T oweling Large Variety of new De signs in Wall Papers. Cain‘fied', Goods. Crockery 8c Glassware. Sustomers will receive ev- ery attenthn. Egyptian Counterpanes Heavy Feather Ticking. Nobby Suits for Boys Celebrated Lybster Shirtings . Nobby Suits for Men You can buy more Tea, Sugar, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Soap, &c., for ONE DOLLAR than can be purchased any where, Toronto not excepted. Call and get Bazar Monthly and catalogue of fashions CASHMEBES IN THE BEST MAKES & GLRSE PRICES._ Men’s,Boys’ & Youths’ nobby suits,best value in the country also the best value in We offer SPECIAL VALUE in COTTONS, PRINTS. SHEETINGS and STAPLES of all Kinds. CONCRETE HOUSE! Wm. Atkinson 15 now prepared to show a very complete assortment of STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GQODS. DRESS GUUDS IN CHOICE NEW STYLES. Mantle Cloths, Ornaments, Buttons, Gimps, Cords, Ties, Scarfs, Bows, Silk Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. RGUM PAPERS, WINDW SHADES 84 BORDEBING FOR 1884. AT THE 1884 SPRING 1884 Cretonnes, Sheetings, Cottonades, Shirtings, and a Maga nificent Stock of TWEEflS, WRSTEfl BMW, 858.. Low down in price and all new designs. Call and see them. A full stock ofmixed Paints. Leads, Oils, and all Painter’s Material, Brushes of all sizes. Complete Stock of Furniture at Lowest Prices. Usual Stock of Groceries_ Large Stock of Canned Goods, Flour and Feed. All at Bottom Prices. DRESS GOODS AND PRINTS PEOPLE’S STORE! Spring Goods arriving daily, including°a large and varied assortment of MILLINERY DEPARTMENT urchased before the additional-duty came into effect. READY-MADE CLOTHENG. And note prices. No trouble to show the Goods. which, for Variety, Style and Lowness of Price, cannot be excelled. ISAAC CROSBY. ully stocked with all the novelties of the season. ROCERIES! RICHMOND HILL. Every lady should see our stock of A Fine Stock of WM. ATKINSON. THE P. G. SAVAG E. large and

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