A: the villagers are talking of building side-walks it. h necessary to remove the wood into the back yards. Last Sunday afternoon, a. young gen- tleman from a short distance, drove into this place for the purpose of spending a few pleasant. hours with his loved one, and while unhitching his horse from his rig, forgot to do it properly; the horse started, running the shafts into the ground and turning the buggy up which madeabad smash, fortunately no one was hurt. Good Friday was spent quietly here until evening, when a few of the young people visiled the house of Mr. Joseph Harrison, for the purpose of tuning what might be called a tafl'y-pull. They had a. very amusing time for a short while,after which they dismissed 1n pairs, the little chap hiking the lead with his big mate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) The fnrmera are preparing for aeedi around here. Mr. E. G. Snidsr returned to the States after spending lhe winter in Can- ada. He thinks Canada is the place for health. and the States for business. Mr. William Walker returned from the States After a winter's absence. He thinks Canada is the place for business. There in no accounting for tastes. Mumps are prevalent now. and malt is many years since they visited us before some who are too old for infantile dis- eases have still to submit, The bbyl are hoping the school master Will get them so that they will get. some holidays. Mr. H. McMullin, merchant village, lust. a ï¬ne little boy la: Bruin fever was the cause. Sugar-making has commenced, but so far the run has been a. poor one. The Woods here are illâ€"adapted to the business now. They are too open and exposed. ‘ From our Own Correspondent. Fall wheat looks well in this neighbor- hood. It. was feared it would be smoth- ered on account of the great weight. of snow during the winter. The next. two weeks are more to be leared than the last three months. Perfect soundness of body and mind is pusiible only with pure blood. Leading medical authorities of all civilized coun- tries endorse Ayer’s Sarsaparilla as the best blood-purifying medicine in exist- ence. It vastly increases the working and productive powers at both hand and brain. At a late Council meeting of the Six Nation Indians, Chief John Buck, on be- half of the chiefs, was authorized to ex- press sympathy with the Queen in her late beraeavemem. Three boys arrested for stealing a gold watch were sentenced at Hamilton Mon- day to four years in the Reformatory. Ayer’a Cathartic Pills are suited to ev- ery age. Being sugarcoated they are ea- sy tn take, and though mild and pleasant in action, are thorough and searching in effect. Their eflicacy in all disorders of the stomach and bowels is cercï¬ed to by eminent plxysicians,pmminent clergyman and many of our bestcitizens‘ A rumuur is circulated that the Grand Trunk work-shop will be transferred from Belleville to Kingston. Mr. T. C. W’ells, Chemist and Drug- gist, Port Colburne, Ont., writes: “ Nor- throp & Lyman’a Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure sells well, and gives the best uf satisfaction for all diseases of the blood †It never falls to root out all diseases from the system, cures Dyspep- sia, Liver Complaint, etc. puriï¬es the blood, and will make you lnok the pic- ture of health and happiness. A man named Daforte choked to death while eating a. beefsteak at an Ottawa aa- oon Monday evening. The rock on which many a constitution goes to pieces is Dyspepsia. The loss of vigor which this disease involves, the maladies which accompany it, or which are aggravated by it, the mental despond- uncy which it entails, are terribly exhaus- tive of vital stamina. Its true speciï¬c is Northrop and Lyman‘s Vegetable Dis- covery and Dispeptic Cure, which like- wise overcomes bilious maladies, female ailments, and those coupled with impurity of the blood. Two hundred loaves of bread under weight were seized at London Monday. The Hebrews of Montreal are moving for a. testimonial to Sir Moses Monteï¬ore P. M. Markell, West Jeddore, N. S., writes: I wish to inform you of the won- derful qualities of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. I had a horse so lama that he could scarcely walk; the tlouble was in the knee; and two or three applications cured him." Gunner Thompson was drummed out of “ B †Battery. Kingston. Robert Lubbuck, Cedar Rapids writes. “ I have used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric ()il both for myself and family for diptheria, with the very best results. I regard it an the best. remedy for this disease, and would use no other.†When buying Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. see that you get the genuine. Beware of imitations. One trial of Mother Grave’s \Vorm Ex- tgtminator will couvmce you that it has no equal as a. worm medicine. it has been decided to submit the Scott Ant in Lennux and Addington. A Column of Interesting Read- ing Matter (Uruwdea out last week.) NEWS FOR A GLANCE. VELLOPE. NOBLETON. nt of this lasf week. ing un'll\llll ycllul “lull, lll' IllUUtrfll-U ICU! Call and see me. No trouble to swer queatiuus. I use no cheap matarial and warrant. every set. Gold Fxll'mg, and all other operatinna skilflrlly Herformed, at. modtrate fees. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON RUBBER. ~ v â€" $8.00 00 CELLULOID, â€" â€" $10.00 Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. Has the exclusive right {or the use of Hurd’a New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of DE N'FIS’I‘, 151 Yonge street, Toronto, C. P. LENNOX The above offer holds good until the last oprril. Parties sending in their orders prev- ious to the 20th of March, will receive 5 per cent. addition in plants to their orders. All orders must be accompanied by cash, in P. 0. Order, or Registered Letter, to The above plants are offer- ed from a bed of Crescents, from which was picked last year (1883) at the rate of 125 bushels of fruit per acre. The bed had only been set out 14 months previous. I000 plants for $4.00 ; 500 for $2.50 ; 100 for 75cts. ; 50 for 5octs. Special rates given for orders over 2000 plants. URESCENT SEEDLING ‘Tarietv. Which has becomejustly cel- ebrated for the immense- ly heavy crops which it gives and its ex- treme hardiness. Plants will be sent to your nearest express ofï¬ce at the following low rates : offer : The Subscriber offers for sale 50.000 Strawberrv Plants, Of the To take adygmtage of this DO NOT N EGLECT VITALIZEDVAIR. STRAWBERRIES ! STRAWBERRiES I Last Friday night, some of the young folks of this village went to spend the av- ening at Mr. Lehman‘s The evening was spent very pleasantly playing a harmless game called “ consequence,†but the consequence resulted in rather nsensationslstyle. There were in the company, three fair maids of the village. 0n retiring, the young gentlemen, of course thought it proper to accompany the ladies home. The miller, and the shoemaker had a fair one each; the mill- er had to go south about eighty rods from the Village. He got along very well till he arrived at her destination, when he was attacked by the big dog Czesar. The shoemaker had to go west about the same distance. He hadn’t any bother going but the consequence was he got mired in the flats coming home and al- most lost his boots. These young gentle- men say they will not play consequence any more. BEST SETS A farmer living about onu mile north of Laskay, by the name of McCallum, went down to Toronto by train. on the 29th day of March, to sell his Alslka clo- ver. Being interested in his clover, he stopped talking to Mr. Rennie rathez long for his own good,“ he arrived at the station just in time to be too late for the train. It being Saturday, he was anxi- ous to get home, but not being able to do 50, he went to the Royal. Sunday morning, he got out of bed in good season and walked home, the distance being twenty-seven miles. He is now an old gentleman. of over seventy years of age, notwithstanding which, the long walk did not seem to stiï¬'en him in the least, as he is; staunch Highland grit from the old so . March 6~2m. JOHN LEECE, (Crowded out last week.) (From our own Correspondent) Carrville P. O. Va‘ughan, Ont. 0F LASKAY. April. 23rd. 1863.-1Y. “~335th @QQRQ QQEJQWE mama-u. wwwwmï¬, Q CARR’S g ___ CORN CURE is a certain. sneedv . We do not quote prices. Look in and if prices and quality do not suit, I need not tell you what to do. Flour and Feed a specialty. A. L. SKEELE , GROCERIES! CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY, WATCH MAKER 8c JEWELLER, Tweeds and cottonades. Hats, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosmry. Groceries always good and fresh. Flour and feed. Glassware and crockery. Glass cut to order. Terms, Cheap for Cash, or farmer’s produce. Goods Delivered. ALEX. lVIOODIE. Consisting of New Dress Goods, Prints, Shirtings, Ducks, Cottonades, Cottons, all qualities, Cheap by the piece, Men’s and pr’s Suits made to order of Scotch and Canadian We place these good upon the market; at prices- never before oflered. VVehope to receivea call from every Lady in Rich- mond Hill. HARRY A. COLLINS. NEWSPRNG GOODS! FOR SALE AT Dilworth’s Drug Store, In Cutlery. Rodgera’ Dinner knivan 7.50 to 1000 do: do. Dessert do. 6.75 to 8.00 in a shaft time, without thisligh: est pain. Tea Spoons, A l hes/s, 3.75 per dozen Dessert (10., A I beat, 6.00 do. Table (10', A 1 best, 6.75 do. Dessert Forks, A 1 best, 6 00 do, Table do. A 1 best, 6475 do. Butler Knives, A 1 beat. 80 eta. cash Pickle Forks, A 1 best, 80 do. Dessert Knives, 12 dwr., 4.50 per 110:. Table Knives, do. 5.00 do. CORN CURE is a c35ta§m§§eedy and painless In Eleclro Plate ware we show Crueta, 3.50, 5.00, 7.50. 10.00 to 15.00 Rutter Dishes, 3.00, 3.50, 4 50 to 8.50 Cake Baskets, 4.00, 5:00, 6 60 to 15 00 Pickles, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50 to 7.50 Card Receivers, 2. 50, 3.25. 5.00 to 9.50 Cups, 1.00, 1 50. 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.75 Toast Racks, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 5.00, 6.00' ipril 9, ’83-Iy are respectfully invited to inspect our Grand Drbsï¬léâ€"{gf Christmas Goods. 168 King btrcet East; between the Clyde and Nippissmg Hotel Ladies of Richmond Hill GRAND CHRISTMAS SALE. HARRY COLLENS, A. L. SKEELE, \ uvn\una and painless CORN a yclknlu, upccuy *1 586' 90 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. TORONTO A CHE ALSO DEALER IN AP CASH STORE. 90 YONGE-STREET, .MOODIE’S, DEALER IN Send six cents in post- age, and receive free. a. costly box of goods which I will help all. u! eimer sex tomnre money right Ewuy than anything else in this world. Fox-Lanes await the workers ubsulutelv sure. At 011001141ka FREE 6; C0., Augusta, Maine. For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. 141 Yonge Street, Toronto E. M. MORPHY WARRANTEB AS REPRFSENIED. WESE: M. Morphy nted, from 6.75 to 15.00 each. Brass Fire Irons 7.50 to 15.00 per set Brass Candle Brackets 1200 to 1.50 each Toys. A Large Collection of every kind House Furnishing Goods. A Full Assortment of- Tin Ware, Granite Ware, Enamelled Ware. Wooden Ware; Beautiful Seonces. mnnnted and unmou (40 Years Established) In Brass Goods‘ TORONTO. Carvers. 3. 00 to 4.00 pair Game Carvers 3.00 to 3 60 Pocket knives. 250 to 2 50 etch Arid Vicinity VS » n ‘V ‘IL ‘ ‘ :1“ by“ \, I;- M‘ 333:; I I “(I ‘3‘ 0' Y HERE!“ I VnnnnnmcIflNICmnA Orde'rs by mail promptly attended to, and-forwarded to any address free of postage. Liberal Oflice, RICHMOND HILL. Fine assortment of CUTS on 7 hand. All Harness guaranteed as represented. Light Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. Stallions. ! HORSE BELLS: Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Ready Made Harness, &c.. always on hand. RICHMOND HILL HARNESS EMPGBIUM, YONGE STREET. H. B. EWSBERW Both lightand heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisru. I am alsn prepared to do all kinds Hf black- smithing d: repairing in the mmt work- manlike manner, on the slwrtpst notice, and or! the most. reasonable terms. PLATFORM SPRING W A G .0 N S . Cutters, RICHMOND “ILL-n )r)(_._ I-n returning thanks to my numerous friends for their lxberul patronage during the past twenty-live years, I beg to reâ€" mind them and the general public, that lmvï¬ng erected entirely mm and com- modious premises, 1 am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Horse - Shoeiug‘ TRENcï¬S *{JARRIAGE WORKS.- . B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. Get your bills for FIRST-CLASS ’uid special attentinnrm; AT THE Sleighs and? WM TRENCH.