Canadians. have good. reason to be proud ofths. Hon. Edward Blake. Reformer or Conservative, all must admire the man, who has the cour- age of his convictions. Intellect- ually. he is without a peer in the House of Commons; he is not sim- ply the greatest orator there. he is the only orator there. During the session that hashust closed, he de- livered three; speeches which will ionn a monument in,the history of our country ;. the ï¬rst. on the C. P. R. resolutions,_ the second, on the Orange question, and the thirdI on the Provincial Railway subsidy bill. Magniï¬cent both in. matter and manner, they carried conviction to all, and that they Were not immecL iately iollowed by victory is but an- other proof of Lord Macaulay's as- sertion that the greatest speeches even made in parliament have never been known to change a member's vote. Fortunately they have a much wider arena in which to work than. The truth is. that we have as good a gowrument as we deserve. for we made it, and we alone can unmake it. As we coadoned‘. the Paciï¬c bcandal. let us not foolishly be as- tonished at the granting of better terms to the C. P. R.,,at the game of grab played by the» French. con-t ~servatives, at the attempt made to emasculate the Scott Act. at the whitewashng of that greedy pike 'l'upper, at the Section B. job. in tact at anything that is, or may be done. Sir John McDonald. Sir Charles Tupper. Sir Hector Lange- yin have done nothing but what the people allowed. them and enabled them to do.. ‘ They who of late have been so hotly denouncing as the source of all our evils politic the ï¬erce strife of parties ought to specify the means of putting an end to it. Proverbial. ly, it is easier to pull down than to build up. and of the many journals the columns of which are ï¬lled with bitter invective against what they are pleased to call faction-ï¬ghts, with a single exception, not one has proposed not only a better system, but even any other system at all. This exception is The Week 01 To- ‘ ronto. And what do our readers suppose is our sovereign remedy? Here it is :â€"â€"The members oi the Legislature are to be elected solely on grounds ofpersonal ï¬tness; from the men thus chosen a cabinet is to be termed by vote of the members themselves ; this cabinet is to con- tinue in ofï¬ce only one year, or at most two years. Mr. Goldwin bmith, a man of world-Wide fame, is the leading spirit of this paper. and the plan is his. So much for theoretical politicians. To show at once how such a scheme would worlr, we have only to point to the I United States where almost exactly it is followed. Political morality in Canada may, indeed, be low, but, it goes without saying that we have not fallen into such guilty depths as our cousms across the line. A little consxderation will show that the great mistake here made lies, in the ï¬rst place, in assuming that men are other than they are, and, in the second place, that some eighty or ninety men would certain- ly resist temptations to which the great body of electors talls victims. What guarantee is there that in one case out of twenty the more worthy candidate would be returned? Who now needs to be told how helpless electors are in the wire-pulling oftlie caucus ? VV‘ho, moreover, does not see that busy brains would torm a dozen cabinets, and that then in- trigue and almost certainly bribery would, after all, decide who should hold the reins of Government. RICHMOND Hxï¬ï¬jiaï¬géay, April ,24 ’84 .‘Servanc Wantedâ€"LIBERAL OFFICE. Entrance Examinationâ€"D. FOTHERINGHAM July Examinationsâ€"D. FOTHEBINGHAM. ’LI'DIw :ï¬ihcml. L/ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. artisan Government. Mrs. E. H. Perkins, Creek Centrr,‘ \Vuren Cu , N. Y., Whites: She has been troubled with asthma fur {our years,_ had to sit up night after night with i’. She had taken two bottles of Dr. Thomas’ Eclecmc Oil, and is perfectly cured. She atmoeg recmumends it. and wish: to act as agent axuung her neighbors, Mr. Henry Marshall, Reeve of Dunn, writes : “ Sometime ago £th a bottle of Nurtbrop Sc Lyluau’s Vegetable Dis- cuvevy from Mr. Harrison, and I: consider. it the very best. medicine extant. for. Dys- pepsia," This medicine is making mar» vellous curez in Liver Complaint... Dys- pepsia, ($16.“ in. purifying the blood. and. restoring manhood to full vigor. \Ve wonder do many persons re- flect that all they are, and all they ever will be, is in ninety-nine cases out ofa hundred determined by the time they are twenty-ï¬ve years old. Habits, modes of thinkingI powers of action are by this age as hard and rigid as iron, and any great con- tinuous change of life becomes well nigh impossible. The worst feature of this is that, with steadily declining strength to act differently, the pow- er of forming resolutions, and alas I of breaking them, as steadily in- creases. Surely, but imperceptibly, a great change takes place; we cease to strive after reformation, and guilty, perhaps with a fleeting regret, we acquiesce completely in what we are. Hence such meagre results from high aspiring, hopes. He who would reach a certain goal must start early on the journey, and every day must make an advance towards it. Otherwise the very idea of the goalwill pass from heart and head. It is sad to gaze on a wreck-. ed life, it is inï¬nitely sadder to know that the victim does not even real-- ize that. his life is wrecked. We never think of the Mail, but a word, now of doubtful import,occurs to usâ€"Culture. This word has be- come fashionable, and woe to it on that very account. The Mail is a journal of Culture, or, at least, says that it is. Here, then, is a vocabul- ary of words (taken from one article of Saturday’s issue) for the cultured : false, offensive, ill-bred, soot, malig- nant. dishonest, glaring misstate- ments, inexcusable imputations. dis- torts, falsiï¬es, &c. Greasy and dis- gusting should be added to make a camplete list. So much for the llIuil's culture. “'hy is one person pronounced cultural, and another not ? \Vhy, we again ask ? \Ve have met, in our day, with both men and women who really were cultur- ed in the best sense of that word, but we never met one who spoke of his culture, or who sneered, or tried to sneer at its want in others. “ The healthy know not of their health," a saying of the most comprehensive kind. In the mouths of many, cul- ture means one of two things, either the possession oi more money than one's neighbor, or else the aï¬ecta- oion of tastes and knowledge which they do not possess, cannot possess, have not even a genuine desire to possess. Had one any doubts as to the con- sideration in which Mr. Blake ought to he held. a daily perusal of the columns of the Marl would soon re- move them. Accordmg to this mag- nanimous and veracious sheet, Mr. Blake is a pompous know-nothing, a politlcal failure, a narrow-minded tenth-rate lawyer &c., &c. Is it not very singular that at least three col- umns of the Mail daily are devoted to such an insigniï¬cant-person? If he be a nonentity, why bother with him? A certain great tlllnkel‘ and poet was wont to say that if a man had any doubts on any point in the government of a country, let him ï¬nd out what they do in Sicily, and then do the very opposite, and he could not go estray. So, too, if you would rightly know the charac- ter ofany man in Canada. read what the Mail says of him, and then~but a word to the wise is sufï¬cient. the floor of the House of Commons, and we do not require to play the prophetic role in order to persuade that their efforts will be found most potent 1n the next election. Sneath & Grennan, RICHMOND HILL. Terms. Cash, or Exchange and One Priae,‘ Customers will receive ev. ery attentlon. Large Variety of new Deâ€" signs in Wall Papers. Tasty Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery.Para- sols Hats, Buttons, Embroi- deries. Lace Collars. Ladies“ Silk Ties, Corsets. Hoop Skirts, &c. Special attention is paid to Groceries. Fine Teas and Coï¬ees, Fresh Prunes and Canned Goods. Crockery & Glassware. NUBBY SPRING TWEEDS. Nico Designs "I have Curtains. Great variety in Cottonades Ducks 8c Denims. Brown IIoll(1,72,d.9 9% T oweli ng Unsurpassed value in Table Linens. Verv Pretty Cretonnes Excellent thte and Grey Cottons \‘r'OIIdt‘l‘Itll Value In Slim-tings. CHOICE NEW PRINTS. J UST OPENE L) UP Beautiful New Dress Goods. Nobby Suits for Boys Egyptian Counterpanes Heavy Feather Ticking. Nobby Suits for Men Celebrated Lybster Shirtings RUM E’ï¬PERS, WINBGW SHEBES & EGRDEEINQ FOR 1884. AT THE Low down in tprice and all new designs. Call and see them. A 1111 stock ofmixed Paints. Leads, Oils, and all Painter's Material, Brushes of all sizes. Complete Stock; of Furniture at Lowest Prices. Usual Stock of Groceries_ Large Stock of Canned Gogds, Flour and Feed. All at Bottom Prices. Cretonnes, Sheetings, Cottonades, Shirtings, and a Mag-L niï¬cent Stock of TWEEBS. WORSTED COATINGS, 8w... You can buy more Tea, Sugar, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Soap, &c., for ONE DOLLAR than can be purchased any where, Toronto not excepted. Call and get Bazar Monthly and catalogue of fashions PRINTS, PEOPLE’S STORE! Men’s,Boys’ & Youths’ Hobby suits,best value in the country, also the best value in GROCERIESI We Offer SPECIAL VALUE in COTTONS, PRINTS. SHEETINGS and STAPLES of all Kinds. GASHMERES IN THE BEST MAKES & GLGSE PRIGES. FIRE PROOF ! Mantle Cloths, Ornaments, Buttons, Gimps, Cords, Ties, Scarfs, Bows, Silk Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. DRESS GUUDS IN CHOICE NEW STYLES. Wm. Atkinson ls now prepared to show a very large and complete assortment of DRESS GOODS AND PRINTS STAPLE 80 FANCY DRY-GQODS. CONCRETE HOUSE 1 1884 SPRING- 1884: Spring Coeds arriving daily, including a large and varied assortment of Purchased before the additional duty came into effect. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT“ READY-MADE CLOTHING. which, {0: Variety, Style and Lowness of Price, cannot be mailed. ISAAC CROSBY. Fully stocked with all the novelties of the season. And note prices. No trouble to show the Goods. Every lady should see our stock of RICHMOND HELL. A Fine Stock of WM. ATKINSON. THE SAVAG E.