Ht; Education Depaitment has changed the date of the above Examinations fxom June 26th and 27th to countries possessing representative terms of government with what is Virtually a universal manhood suf- trage. Neither of the political par- ties for a moment thinks of direCIly opposing the extension of the fran- chise, but the Tory party tearing the evils we have indicated, and at the same time apprehensive of los- ing its influence in the ruraldistricts is opposed to the bill, unless some scheme of redistribution accompany it,as a sateguard to the constitu- tion. The bill-has already passed the lower house, and there can be little doubt as to the action of the Lords when it comes before the l uppe ence of some sudden and overâ€"mas- tering feeling of opposition to the land holders, it should join hands with the borough voters influenced by a Similar feeling towards wealth and capital, 3. house of Commons might be elected whose members would be deadly enemies of capital and individual property in land, if not indeed of all vested rights. This is the danger which lies ahead, and it isa. danger common to all GEO“! Il this new class of voters in the counties can be led by the property holders, the old balance will be maintained; but if, under the influ- Candidates and {Vus accordingiy D. 170'] The borough electors of1867 have on the whole exercised tbelr ï¬ghts judxciously; but when they failed to do so, their power and influence have been held in check by the power and influence of the property Holders in the c0unties. ing. These electors will consist of two classes zâ€"ï¬rstly, of those work- ipg men engaged in the manufac- turingymining, and other industrial Hursuits within cities and boroughs, but who reside outside ofthose cities and boroughs. and who are there fore not entitled to the franchise be- stowed by the Reform Bill of 1867 ‘ on their fellow workmen because of‘ residence within the city or borough; and, secondlyl of the farm labourers in the rural districts. , Entrance Examinations Y Great Britain and Ireland,is thought by many to be fraught with the greatest uncertainty, if not with danger, as to the welfare of the state. The danger arises from the uncertainty as to how the new elec- tors will exerctse their right of vot- That more has not been said or written on the English Franchise Bill is due to the fact that the eyes of all England are turned toward the Soudan. The intense interest which centres in the t‘oreign policy of the country has in a great degree with drawn the attention of the people irom a bill, the operation of which may work a radical change in the‘ constitution of the Epghish Housel of Commons. The number of elec- tors in the United Kingdom is less than 3,000,000, and the bill propos- es to add about 2,099,000 more. To double the number of electors in any country possessing a represen- tative form. of government, would be to change in no small degree the complexion of its representative assembly; but to increase in this proportion the number of voters in Great Britain and Ireland,is thought by many to be fraught with the greatest uncertainty, if not with 5111:0531“be HILL. Thursday, May 1it ’84 The English Franchise Bill For Sale~Mrm Ruin). For Saleâ€"John ’1‘. Smgeou. Laid For Saleâ€"I. Phillips. Court of Revisionâ€"James M. Lawrence Elm Eibvml. L.) J 111) atmnco Examinationsâ€"~D. Fothgringham mnioxmble Tailoring-11. J. Hunter. ill NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOTHERIAY lit. 188i. 3rd .8; 41h. Lhers will legulato them- HAM, P f BUCKINGHAM’S DYE A LIUH‘J moderate. ‘ neighborhood. On Wednesday, April 26th, Mr. J. Breckin, wife and family started en route tO the North-\Vest Territory. During Mr. Breckin‘s stay of four years in Snringhill, he has been engaged in the grain business at King Stalinâ€. The ï¬rst three years he purchased grain for Mr. Denne of Newmmket, latterly for Mr. McBride, King, Station. We might state that when Mr. Breckin ï¬rst com- menced business here the grain mar- ket was very low; the farmers mustly hauling their produce tn '[umntu or chie- where, but, now a large business,â€"under Mr Breckin’s nmnngement. has been worked up. Farmers have found out that they can dispose nf their grain at. King Station to better advantage than teaming it to Toronto- All of his trans- actions have been businesslike, honest and fair No doubt the market at King Station has lost a. good buyer.‘ Financially Mr. Brackin’s business has been a. success. He has purchased three hundred and twenty acres of valuable land west of Brandun and ha a comfor- table house erected, also 2i. large number of acres under cultivaiiun, ready for Spring crop. During his stay hero Mr. Breckin has drawn around him a large number of friends and :quaintunces by his genial ways and pleasiunt umnnera. Mr. Breckin will be greatly niisaed by the people of Springhil] and surmunding \Ve wuuld wish him long life and prusperity in his new undertak- mg. troubl R. P. HALL & C0, Nashua. N.H Will clmn growth. The ell'ects uumiem, like these ti!)lls,hllt remain a I its use a mattur of cc The Ruxnv 501ml 2 all I'm dryne> stinqu them 1 Ayer’s tries, whet its inlx‘odu HAIR RENEWER ‘ Lhc 1' blm The heavy winds of Sunday blew down the Shoe Maker’s wouden boot. Replace it,Andy,fur it adds greatly to the appear- ance of our town. SOL Mr. Fisher’s Show-window is present- ing an inviting appearance. The furniture score owned by T. Fol- liott is doing a. smart business. We no- tice that all of the newly married couples, for miles around, purchane furniture of Mr. Fulliott. This is a gnm‘l sign, for newly married women like tohnve things nice about them. HALL’S Rev. E. J. Rankin is now away to Conference, conseqlluntly there will be no service on this Circuit next; Sunday. During Mr. Rankin's term nu Springhili circuit he has drawn around him a large number of friends. On Friday evening a large number of friends assembled at Mr. Geo. Gm‘rows. 3rd Con. King, to present Mr. Rankin with a purse con- taining over $20. and an address. The evening passed away pleasantiy, enjoyed by old and young. Mr. Fisher’s Show-window is present- ing an inviting appearance. From Our Own Corresnondcnt. On Sunday morning about ten o‘cluck, Lowell Tannery, owned by E. J. Davis, Kinghorn, was discovered to be on lira. The flamers spread rapidly and in a very short time the building was enveloped in flames. The ï¬re is supposed to have started in the inside of the building. A small portion of the leather was saved. A large number of men worked all day to keep the fire from spreading, but in spite of their efl‘urts it ran half way across a. ooncasswn. The luas is estimated at from $50,000 to $00000 dollars par- tially Covered by insurance. \Ve have not yet. learned Mr. Dzwis‘ plans for the future. \‘Ewmz \\'( :11 appem'm impul'itie. Hess, and \ulzucs the n to push Vegetable Sicilian that Sold by all Deal pl' WHISKERS M at on they had tlxe 111 PI FOR ALL THE FORMS b1: Scrot‘ulous, Men-u rial, and :1 short time of H “dot-fully imprmw me. It cleanses th cums all humors, fever, am thus prevents baldness. ll ueukened glands, and enable: for\':u‘d a new and \‘igorcu: fleets of this article are 1101 these of alcoholic preparii- in a long time, which male {EPA IlI'ID B Y 1N Sarsapariila; t wash away \\' ul its fume .f the globt be uttrilmt r/flhm. nt 111' Blood Disorders, SPRINGHILL )ll ’1' H E faded ur gray hair to its 11, and youthful bunny. mum's, but none have so :quirmuents necdful {m It of the hair and scalp. :u'm: has steadily gm“ n its fume and usefuluL-ss .u'iï¬cr never made “only it prmlll‘ I nearly newâ€"Le of! emec hi ng ne of HALL’S HA)“ inlpmns [he pvr- unses the scalp from humors, fever, and from w. natur Springhill P. O. wplied Without ', because 11ml thun ciu Its an emu-L for .istil a] brown surprised rnmncm lapted t unpm‘ul but om we com» ï¬rst 3: ll 3 3mm @3} ï¬mnnan, Customers will receive ev eljy attentlon. Terms. Cash. or Exchange ' and One Price. J Tasty Silk Handkerchiefs, I Ties. Gloves, Hosiery. Barg- nA1~ TT_4.... T\A_LL,,, 1'1 Large Variety of new I signs in Wall Papers. Special attention is paid to Grcceries. Fine Teas and Coffees, Fresh Prunes and Canned Goods. Crockery & Glassware. sols Hats, Buttons,Embroi- deries, Lace Collars, Ladies‘ Silk Ties, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, 800. NOBBY SPRING TWEEDS. WNobby Suitégi‘ï¬Ã©n Nobbiy Suits foi'ME’Boys Nico Designs In Lat-o Curlanns. Brown Hollands (9* Javelin/9’ Great variety in Cottonades Ducks 8c Denims. Unsurpassed value in Table Linens. “’ondm'lnl Valuv In Slam-tings. RICHMOND HILL Verv Pretty Cretonnes Excellent thte and Grey Canons CHOICE NEW PRINTS. J US’J.‘ OPEN E I) U 1’ Beautiful New Dress Goods. Heavy Feather Ticking. Egyptian Counterpanes Celcbta ted Lyoster Shirtings )TWEES. WflRSTE GUATINQS, 850.. Call and see it. The seconclfor the season. 25 per cent. less than Toronto prices. Mixed Paints, Brushes of all sizes! Boiled Oil, Raw Oil, and all Painter’s Material, White Lead, LOW in Price, IMMENSE STOCK 017;» FURNITURE. GROCERIES. FLOUR AND FEED. PEOPLE’S STORET Cretonnes, Sheetings, Cottonades, Shirtings, and a Mag niï¬cent Stock of You can buy more Tea, Sugar, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Soap, &c., for ONE DOLLAR than can be puerchasad any where; Toronto not excepted. oâ€"«p Men’s,Boys’ & Youths’ nobby suits,best value also the best value in We offer SPECIAL VALUE in COTTONS, PRINTS SHEETLNGS and STAPLES of all Kinds. BASHMEBES IN THE BEST MAKES & CLGSE PRICES! DRESS GOODS AND PRINTS Mantle Cloths, Ornaments, Buttons, Gimps, Cords, Scarfs, Bows, Silk Handkerchiefs, &c.,&c. DRESS GUUDS IN CHOICE NEW STYLES Spring Goods arriving daily, includinga large and varied assortment of STAPLE & FANCY DRYâ€"G5 Wm. Atkinson 15 now prepared to Show :1 very large complete assortment of 1884; SPRING ESSA Call and get Bazar Monthly and cataIOgue of CONCRETE HOUSE? lrchased before the additional duty came into effect. which, MILLINERY DEPARTME NT READY-MADE CLOTHING Fully stocked with all the novelties of the season And note prices. No trouble to show the Goods for Variety, Style and Lowness of Price, cannot be exaclled. lSAAG CROSBY. Just arrived, anotHer stock of Every lady should see our stock of RICHMOND HELL. ES, FLOUR AND A Fine Stock of THE P. G. SAVAG E. . ATKINSON. FEE IE8! in the country fashions ODS.