Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1884, p. 1

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AT m; LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHANG HOUSE MOBMOND HILL. ‘ â€" ONTARIO. Rxcxuoxn HILI Meets in the Tam} evening. at 7330 o'c The Methodist s :sociation issue §1< desired. Wm. u MECKANICB' m volumesppeu em} sonic Hall. from 7 11011. Lectures m‘ Dr. Geo. Langslnfl Has removed from King, and c wed practice at Thomhil]. Nov. 6th, ’SQâ€"tf. Sr. MARY 's Emsco p.m..exoept the thu- wheu the service mm mm. Sundny School Rector. .{fiohd Hill at 91.111 RICHMOND LODGE. â€"Meets in the Loam Monday on or before A. J. Rupert. W‘ M. ,qumn Commuâ€"ueu ve. cillura, Messrs. Isaac 01-051 Law £ndH.F‘HLpper. ( A. 0. U. W., Ivy Lodge Committee Room of much tltemative Friday a hoary certificate given for J. A. E. Switzer, Master W Fhankl’ul for the favors of the past 20 years, may still be consulted in any bmnch of the pro- Iession. as follows: Aurora, 1st, 8th. 16m. and 22nd of earh month Richmond Hill ...... 9th and 24th 60. (M the Palmer House)” I ‘ .‘A 80. 43, Meem'fn Tezzpera'neo native Tuesday evening 3.; ‘31)‘1 flc iary certificates issued to members for $1,000 or in case 0 11511 nsyablc in case of disabil ‘son Select Councillors; J. A. S ,Beconding Secremr. THURSDAY EVENING as follow r ’1": Hill at 10:30 an 'Slzouffville‘.w......‘.‘....... ‘1: Mkth . . . . . . ictorla. Square l‘hombill... _\Vuodbridge ’Kloinburg. .N Neton Vitnlized Air always on hum Works like a charm F Address A ROBINSON L‘ ANCIENT ORDER OF r‘om: mend. No. 7045 A. 0. F..mee1 Hall every plternate Fring Bream p'actice e 7.30 o'cloc Avlartze amount mtv mommy i. Ernest F. hangstafl. RICHMOND HILL. Office 110111319 5.13,. 2 p‘ m. and 7 n. m. Wright, 1: Will vi Woodbr Mr. 11‘ mn Brol 13v tau w ester Maple Bichm Medalist Toronto Umive Physicmns6c Surgeons, 0n Yonge Shae}: Ifichmond to i0a.m..5tonvBP Ofice hours : 8 to 9.30 ‘a. VOL. VI. HOSE» MACDONALD, MERRIT'I‘ & CO Union Loan builain s Toro ‘£ G. ll. Husband 'f; MeMAEON, _ W'W’ajrnml. fizELiZEw gem Dr. James Langslafl Emomna momma. ,k. '0. Savage Commaâ€"Re per annum, in advance. 3ND Hymn ‘very Tuesd @112" Qibml ” 9611mm flircrtnry. IS PUBLISHED EVERY pr. w. 1. Wilson. Hi“ Dr. orr, Maple. HILL Teufl’.‘ Money lo Loan. I'tl-LI) BY Dr. A. Robinson. .fiirr‘i’son supf 155mm;â€" L‘ futuuwu, "nu-w»..- *7 , , _ V a 111 Tapean Kan M y evening a: su'clock p m. Bene- mtes issued to male or “made 1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one 1: case of disability. .1. H.§ander- nu;.;u..... .. ..... wry Tuesday evening in the Ma- l 7 to 8 o’clock. B. E. fun". Libra.- snd discussions periodically: [XLL CORNET BAND.â€"M88ts for Cuesduy and Saturday evening at Savage. Leader. ‘ ’ISCOPAL Gaunca.-Sewioe at 3 thmi Sunday of every month. e and sacrament are held at 11 11001 at1:30 p‘m Row. W. Bums, Into Urnivexsitv. Member (‘0 urgeous, 0m..,lla.te of Stoufl’ville Richmond. Hill. Oflice Hours Churches. ocieties. Iâ€"éefie. John Brown TCounâ€" xmc Crosby, A. Moodie, R. E. glyper, Clerk. M.’1‘eefy. I Lodge, No. 141,>Meets in the om of the Muonic Hall Friday at 8 o'clock p. m. Bene- :iven for $2,000 in case of death. duster Workman. rauue, Richmggxqfliu goyfl itfifiéfis in due Temperance ate Pring at'LaO p. m.â€"H. H SURGE 0 N DENTIST wing Wuum. TElfl’LE. No 465, I. O. G. T.â€" ‘rtmce Hull' ovary VVednasdny ack. Wm. Harrison T. D. bbatb school'l‘emperanoe As lge cards every Sunday when NEWTON BROOK dutés ; places professionally :â€" -st Monday of each month th and 2161: " ‘ J. A. Stu rgeon Btewan ‘onm'rznsâ€"Court Rich . A.M., No.23. G.R.C Ln. Masonic Hafilpu the umon. ate o'clock p.111 and in his ofiiee. New v, except when Sam: DE m., and to 2.50 D» m Library 0; ovpr 1900 18th 23rd do. 98th do. 29th do. 30th 0 1d at appointments‘ Free from pain. 215$ D.S.. Aural 5 Out NTIST » Lend on farm or cent; no commit ‘ANADA â€"Servicee d Sunday school. Meeting every we Room. nevi: com men- ‘ronto Issuer of Marriage Licenses, throughout in first-class style, I am prepared to givo the public the best- ul accommodatmna Goad stahlmu and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms. 51 per day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves this house to connect with LIL passenger trains at the Northern Bailwav. throughout give the p‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontano and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. etc. promptly utwded to at reasonable rates. P. . mdglresslmi _ _ 4 Importer of Watches, clocks and fine jeWellery a stack of Dimnoudsund placiousstnnes always on'ha‘ud. THIRD 000R SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET. TORONTO. HManufucturmg of jewellery, and repairing otwatches and clocks on thgpremises,a speviulw Licensed Auctionebr for the Countv of York.“- spectfully solicits your man‘onage and friendly influence. Sales awende on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. O. Adagess, ' 'I‘imnkmg our patrons and friendsfor their lib- emlpmronagr iL the five beg to state that we have just received]; ge stock ofuew goods in latest. designs. A In. stock 01 Elgin and Waltham watches kevtonhand. _ A: James C. Stokes. Licensed Auccxoneer for the County of York, re» spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. I‘Fcenéed Auctioneer for the Couniy of-Ybi’k. Sales attended on the shortest notice,and It rea- abe rates. Address Stouflvule P. 0 Old Iron, Rags, Brass, 30., bought for «811' at citjg prices. __ "C'h‘fiEhér Sweeping attended. to on shortest notice. PRESIDENT, DAVID ELAN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS Deposits received and InterestalLowed thereon at Current Rates No notice of withdrawal required‘ Drafts on all parts of Canada. United States and Great Britain, bpught. and sold. Gemal Bank of Canada. K. Chisholm. M.P. Ii, H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mao .donnld. C. H. Robinson, A.’McLea.n Howard, and J. Ginty. WILKINS’ BROS IT’S A FACT Nails, Locks Bolts. Hinges Wire. &c., 860. Glass, Paints, 0113‘ Brushes 13'" LOW PRICES. LAND FOR SALE! Keeps the Largest and best Selected Stock of :5? GOOD VALUE 166 King Street East, Stre Having H A R D WA R E IN TORONTO. FREDERICK \VHITLOCK, The undersigned nfiers for sale 45 acres, more 1995, being the north-east part of Lot No. 62, : Yongo Street. within one mile of Oak Ridges 0.. Also 21} acres on the east side of Yorngo n-eet being a portion of the same lot. Address SAVINGS HDEPARTMENT, JOI- 23â€"4-’83. Jan. 15th. '84‘1v. RICHMOND HILL. Money to loan on farm security The Palmel House, RICHMOND HILL DHN PALMER. Proprietor JAM ES M. LA‘VRENCE, Richmond Hill Branch Salem Ecknrdl. afiiifircllnutous. E. TEEFY“ NOTARY PUBLIC 8cc, AND 1“. J. Armstrong." Richmond Hill. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. S. M. Brown. J. “nukes, -â€"â€"-â€"THATâ€"- Box 90. VICTORIA SQUARE Want. Efgnttla. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 8, ’84. “ I n Essentials, U71 Near Nipissinp Hotel ISAAC Jk PHILLIPS, Oak Ridges. UNIO'NVILLE Manager. As Dr. Geo. Langsmfi, of Thornhil], was driving through the toil-gate in Ymkville, near the crossing of the Ontario and Quebec Railway, his horse became frightened by the whistling of an engine and ran awny, throw- ing the Dr. out on the hard pavement. and inflicting a. very serious wound on his hand, besides several bruises on his body. At first it was fenre thouDr. would not. recover, but. on being re '0vod to a house close by. he was brought to by the aid of restoratives. The rig was completeiv smashed to pieces. Orange jndd, Editor of the American Agriculturiat for some thirty years, but unconnected with its biieiuess management. for a year or two past, bus lately retired from its editorial depart; ment and located in the West. He desii‘eel tn gather a complete " Postal-Card ' i ' m " of his old Readers and Friends, and , nests them all to send him now a Poster‘lgiving their present location and address. naming film. when convenient, the years in which they werehis subscribers” Mr. Judd'a ad- dress ia Chicago, Illinois. I .. Arbor Du? , ' ‘ Many people in this v ' have been ex- pecting our Council to a t a day for the planting of trees. but w ' r they are going to be disappointed. The first. of May was selected in many townaln‘nd villages in On- tario. Although Biobfnond Hill is pretty well supplied with shade trees, still there are many places which would be greatly beauti- fied by the phnting of such, but those who inlond making a move must do so at once as it is full time trees were planted. A Modern Dialogue, Mrs. Smith,â€"" Why Mrs. Jones where did you get this splendid Tea 7" Mrs. Jnnes.-â€"â€"“I bought it at Mrs. Harrison's New Ten Store at Richmond Hill. It is obe‘apar than the cheapest." Mrs. Smith,â€"“ You don’t say so 1" 'Mis. Jones.â€"" I do; I get a beautiful AI- bum, or a handsome one dollar book, my own choice, with every three pounds of 50 cent Tell, you use that is three pounds of 50 cent tea for half a. dollar." Mrs. Smith,â€"“ La! Saken! l" " That is cheap I l l ! l I" “ The Monthly fieport ('31 he Richmond Hill Public Sohe’g‘flétfifi‘li'w‘h J April is u inflows :â€" Div. 1. Div. 11. Div. III. Jennie Good. James Wright, Delia Palmer, Aggie Reid. George Glover, Lizzie Palmer, L. Stevenson, Mary Mapes. Maggie Lewis, Flora. Powell, Carrie Powell, Eliza Mahnny, Maggie Moodie, D. Blanchard, Mamie Lemon T. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. Div. 1. Div. 11. Div. 111. F. Shpppard, Willie Duncan, Julia Lynett, F‘ Good, Florence Sbeardown. Flor. Mood ie. J. Cuumsawx, Teacher. Mr. J. T. Saigeon and lady. of Springhill. spent. Sunday with friends in Richmond Hill. The mnnv friends of the Rev. Mr. Betta. will be glad to bear that there are hopelul Signs of his recovery. Mr. A. G. F. Lawrence, of the firm of Mo- Donnld, Davidson & Patterson, spent Sun- day with his friends here. The regular Quarterly Meetmg was held in the O. M. Church here on Sunday lust. Th9 services were conducted bv the Rev. J. E. Starr. We are sorry to bear that Mr. Brickuell has been quite ill for some days past. but hope he may soon be able to resume his du- ties again Rev. J. W. Wilkinson, of Aurora, occupied the pulpit. in the Methodist Church here on Sunday evening, and delivered an excellent dlacourse from 11 Peter. I-IV. A LIGHT BUGGY, nenfly newâ€"iterms moderate. Apply t9 43-tf Mr. E. F. Lnngstafi'. fourth (English) Master in the Guelph Collegiate Institule, paid ashort visit, to friends in Richmond Hill on Saturday last. Lydia Powell, Bertha Palmer, Maggie Garvin, Maggie McC‘onnghy, Colin. McLean. Norman Sahel], Div. 1. Emma. Sivan, Robbie Moodio, Ella Kirkland. Pbaebe Soules, Gertie Davis, Joseph Keeflor, DIV. A 1 Rxchmond Hill Publir‘ School FORMSALE, in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” LOCALS PERSONALS. Senous Accident. J. *1". SAIGEON, Div. A 2 Susie Blanchard, Willie Bnrus, , Minnie Soules. mghy, Sadie Morgan, , Mary Mnbony, 1. George Lewis, E. A. SPBAGGB. Paincipal. FORM III. Alex. Reid, I, Sarah Clifford, Merxitt Wilson, Maggie Glover, Ernesn Redditt, Lulie Lemon, M. WILEY. Teacher. FORM IV. FORM I. FORM II. pr ivghill P. O. Div. 11. M. .3. (PS Farewull to Sir Char- les 'l‘upper. (Iv-om the Mail.) Friend, I have heard my voice a. hundred times Fling from a hundred hustings, burning ' Words That night haze winged a Poet‘s loftiest t ought, ' Or from th 1- acabbards plucked a thonnand d. swords. And I have heard it. too. in softer mood. In manly praise of friends. in fond regret For days and men departed, whose great And loud or low, in anger or That voice was music as n n But now, the first time, does To hear you whisper that “ Farewell." deeds Live in the memory of their SLXGHTLY ALTERED AND IMPROVED. Friend, I have heard thy voice a thousand times Rosr like a hull of Bashan, in auger great, When than in piling up no end of dimes Wnst soraly harassed by that rufliau Blake. And I have heard It. too in stretching mood, In manly praise of good Charles Tuppor, Knight, Amidst the scofis of that uncultured brood That. smiled incredulous before thy aig‘ut, And loud or low. in courage or in funk, That voice waP music to thy M. J. _ Yes4 by the great and happ} Onderdonk. Next to Sir-101m A, I love thee Sir C T. The Annual Meeting of the Richmond Hill Mechanics’ Instituté‘, was held in the committee room of the Masonic Hall, on Tuesday evening, May 6th, 1884. In the absence of the President, Mr. H. A. Nicholls, First Vice-President, took the chair. Members Present -â€" Mesnsngovle, Skeele, Trench, J. Sanderson; icholls, Moodie, Crosby, Law, Savage»: 1 V and Dr. Wilson. 'A The minutes of the last Annual meet,- ing were read, and on motion confirmed. The election of officers was then taken up and the following were elected 2‘â€" President, Mr. J. A. E. Switzer; lat. Viceâ€"President, H. A. NichoIls; 2nd Vice-President. A. Moodie; Secretary, T. F. McMahon; Treasurer, J. H. San- durson. Managing Oummit‘teeâ€"M‘essrs. Trench, Crnsby, Pugsley, Law, \V. Cuuk, Savage, McCouaghy, and Dr. VVilBon. The Report. of the Librarian was rend and adopted. It showed that. 457 books hai been taken out during the year, but that no new books had been added to the library. The treasurer being called away. his report, as well as that of the secretary were laid over till next meeting. The meeting, then adjourned. ta meet on Tuesday evening, May 13th inst. Minutes of regular meeting of Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade, held in Lqrne Hull, on Friday evening, May 2nd. .Ilull’ uu .n. nuou “manna, ._‘._, _.- Minutes of last meeting read and on motion approved. A letter was read from the Uxbridge Fire Brigade, in answer to certain ques- tions in reference to Richmond Hill Fire Brigade attending the Uxbridge Tourna- mpnf, to be held on June 5511 and 6th, and taking part ‘n the several contest». Moved by P. G. Savage, seconded by F. Hinder, that owing to the long diat- Ince and inconvenience of railWay com- munication, we feel that the time and expense connected would be too great, and therefore decline the invitation to take part. in the eunLest. The captain reported that according to resolution he had arranged with the Agri- cnltnmi Society for a fire-uractice and exhibition on the Fair ground on the morning of the 24th of Mg, at 9.30 mm. u.- After some discussion. in which Messrs B. Redditt and P. G. Savage tnuk part, the motion was carried. Wm. Cooper, Frank McLean and Andrew Morden were proposed and accepted as firemen. ‘ p n n accepted as firemen. A suggestion was received from P. G. Savage, that. the doors of the engine‘ rnom be enlarged, as much difiiculty is expexienced in removing the engine and other fire apparatus. Mr. Savage also gave notic but at the next meeting he would move that the members meet tor practice at 8 p. m.,‘ instead of 7 p. m., as formerly. The meeting then adjourned. } Many ladies admire gray hairâ€"on some other person. But few Care to try its effects on their ()wn charms. Nor need they, since Ayer’s Hair Vigni‘ prevents the hair from turning grey, and restores grey hair to its originn sea the scalp, prevents dandruff, and Wonder-f growth of the hair. FIRE BRIGADE MEETING. ANNUAL MEETING. ut few care to try its wn charms. Nor need ’8 Hair Vigm“ prevents Hing grey, and restores rigiualcolur. It «Jean- :ventsthe formation of nderany stimulates the Ir. .. Katie “217% JUNIOR : Thumpsm SENIOR Minnie 18: 1531', Bent Pinkerton JUNIOR Victor 207 180. Irvin Melnlle l4 country yet‘ in praise, ‘se ‘01- fall ; it pain my ear, one word, The Oddfellows of Orillia. purpose having A demonstration on the Queen‘s Birthday. One hundred and fifty members have been added to the Stayner Methodist Church dur- ing thxe year. The Editor and Proprietor of the Aurora Bureaus is taking a stand among Canadian ploughmen. He prefers the land, however. The 12th battalion band, Aurora, has been requested to take part in the Semi-Gem tennial celebration, in Toronto. in June next. Mr. T. Coates has lately added another ad~ dition lo the business interests of Aurora, ly opening up large Marble Works West. of the Station. Prof. Brown, Professor of Experimental Agriculture in the Agricultural Collegv. Guelph, has gone to England to purchase stock for the Model Farm. M. P. McMillan fills his place for the summer. Plans and specifications as recommended by 2. Committee have been adopted in Park- dale, and tenders ordered to be advertised {or for the work of school extension. ' The Industrial Homo near Newmarket is in a Very satmfuctory condition. The water supply not being great enough, the Geneznl Committee are considering the feasibility of bringmg the water from a stream on the 2111 Con. King. Uniouville is to celebrate the 24th of anv by a series of athletic games during the day for which handsome prizes are $0 be ofiered. Mr. J. W. Bengongh, Grip'a editor and cm- toouist, is to give one of his amusing and instru'ctive entertainments in the evening in Crosby’s Hull. The following are the Sees payable in tho respective municipalities in North York” for tavern and shop licenses under the Crack Act. :â€"Taverna-â€"Township of King. 5112'“:- other Townships, 872 ; Town of Newmarket, 8110 ; Village of Aurora, $105; Stouffville. 8100 ; Holland Landing‘ 880. Shops~â€"â€"’.l‘mvn- ship of King, 8112 ; other Townships, S72 -, Town of Newmarket, $205 ; Village of Aurora. 8106 -, Sloufl'ville, $100 ; Holland Landing, meH'râ€"At Pnkdade, on April flth, a. wife of Mr. Amos wfifiht, of «son. SHWK~TWHLme residence of the 'brido's mud father,fluple, by tn: Rev. D. C.melon,onMny1st,Wm. Cyrus Skunk, of Toronto. to Ehzabeth Alice Townsend, of Maplu. Emuâ€"~Nan Team. on Monday, May 6:)» Mrs‘ Kinuie, in the am: your of her age. CROfiSEN-Un Tuesday evening. mar Snow Ball Church, on the 2nd Cull. 11mg, Mrs. Cl‘osscn, in the 45th year of her age. The S. of T. are becoming l3 very strong body, Each and every night of meoemginitiations take place. On Saturday. April 25th. both the C. M. ministers, Father Farr, the Undrrtnker, and four others became mambei‘s. Last Saturday night others joined, 1!. is to be hoped that Frttber Fan's example will be followed by all the v11- lage Fathers, and, that in the near future, that disgraceful habit ” treating," of the unsuccessful candidates will forever cease. Soon may it he that the appegmnce of a. man staggering on the streets, and more especiallv on Sundowwill I u: be seen. The L O. G. ’1‘. are flourishing also. L1- crosse seems all the rage. Every evening prac. tice taken place t n the principal thorough-l: a. between Mr. , on the one and M12‘â€"â€", Ln the other side. two head men of too team, to the dancer of pedestrians and pedesttlennus, and also to the annoyance of those elrivinu through the village. Surely some oi our city Fathers know or it for it take" plocoatrnaht in front of the store of one otuthem. 0. Father: l Why not have it stopped ? Guelph is to have a new railway. The new Registry office in Newnmrket The young men of Maple deserve credit in: uheir ambition in organizing a Cricket-club Why cannot. our voung men have spunk euougl to organize same sport. By me amount of building material deposited here and there, We prospects of improvement are very favorabla- Three residences are to be erected near the Methodist Church. Mr. A. was - mud has mule a. decided improvement. in his readonce. From Our Own Corrasnondent. Mr.‘Tilma.n, Agent at King, has been harne nt Allandale, utccndm; the funeral of his sister. who died on Sunday, after a long attack of conâ€" sumpbion. Mr. Txlmw has the sympathy of this uexghborhoud. Mr. N2 havinf, s cost. $6000 HE Th OUR NEIGHBORS. [Single copies, LFrom our own Cmsswndenw ‘uty Ill A. Mill NIARRMGES WOODBRIDGE. M M SPRINGHILL BIRTH S. M DEATHS nth of Ap rx. MSGâ€"W 1111 I‘l as the owner of 519.1111) , The lamb lived on . u had the animal mm] ar- an enormaus price for the LLt-ent M M akin nun tors W of some of th lie-wqu in [nu at him; idie q cts. 18

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