Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1884, p. 4

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: \Ve do not enter into the question lof the benefit, derived even troni a smattering, in the way of mental discipline, for we have no faith in it. \Vhat sort of mind-training is that which enables a boy to conju- gate a Latin verb or to construe in- elegantly a Latin sentence. but leaves him helplessly stranded when a plain English letter is to be writ- less. Let us illustrate by a single example. No one will ‘deny that the acquisition of a foreign language is very desirable. But this acquisi- tion is the fruit only of long years of patient and hard study. and above all, of talents of a peculiar and rare kind. Now it is, notorious that not one in five hundred who study French, tor instance, even acquire more than a smattering oi the gram-I mar, and a limited acquaintance with one or two works in that lan- guage. In this estimate, we are rather above that} below the mark. W’lien it is further considered that no foreign language 1s ever learned as well or under such favorable cir- cumstances as one’s mother tongue, is it at all likely that a young Can- adian who has not read Shakes- peare and Macaulay will ever wade paintullv through a French tragic writer such as Racine, or a French historian such as Guizot? Any adequate knowledgeofFrench,usual- ly,considered a comparatively easy language,can not be obtainedunder five years of incessant study, and is seldom obtained in a period twice tal importance has been more thick- ly surrounded with dreams and vis- ionary schemes than that of the edu- cation of the masses. Eminent writers on education have foretold the near approach of the day when every man, woman and child shall he possessed of vast knowledge and graced with ‘exquisite culture. and these same persons have assured us that our own Province of Ontario will he the first to give to the world the magnificent spectacle of a na- tion of scholars. Assuredly,at first sight, the prophecy has a noble sound, and holds forth an enchant- ing prospect. But, fortunately or unfortunately, the wish is father to {he thought, and we do not hesitate to say that thew‘ish is just as fool- 1511 as the thought is absurd, and will he realized only when all geese shall become swans, and every don- key a fleet and high-spirited charger. Tue great aim of education should be to make us all that We are capa- ble of becoming, not to clothe us in flaunting rags and shreds of that which can be only a fungusâ€"growth of affectation as rldiculous as use- In a former article which appear- ed in the columns of the L.IBERAL we discussed, under the above title, the question when should a boy or girl begin to study the sovcalled high- er branches of education. The gut ofthat article was that the educa- tionot Canadian youth should be purely English until the age of four- teen pr‘fifteen, and that even Within this boundary, it should be further limited to subjects that bear im- mediately on the daily affairs of life before anything else is attempt- ed. \Ve admit that this is a purely 'utilitarian view ot the matter, but we contend that it is the only bene- ficial and safe view for the vast ma- jority of school children. And here let us remark that no subject of ‘vi- {ICHMOND HILL. Thursday, May 8, ’84 It of BQVis NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HE s_b‘erhonest in this matter. :(arefully distinguish betweqn flgieling whim apdfia‘ really Au DOES IT PAY .7 ‘11801' M. Teefy nt Pedlarsâ€"J K. Macdonald SlI‘ Charles Tupper has at last been led to see the awkward p051- tion in which, he has been placed tor some time,.in holding the double officenf High Commissioner to Eng- land, as well as a seat in Parliament, conseqauently he has resigned the latter.. and purposes starting for England on the 24th of the present month. Sir Charles has occupied a prominent position in the Conservaâ€" tive rankéior a number ofyears and by, his retirement, the party is losing one of its best stumpâ€"orators, whose name has been inseparably associatâ€" ed with the Canada Pacific Railway. As to, the party or parties con- nected recently with the placing of the cartridges containing dynamite under the parliament buildings in Toronto, everything seems mysteri- ouskandno person has as yet ad- vanced any good reason for the at- tempt to.blow up the old structure, although. many theories have been brought; forward. Every effort is being made to sift the to the bottom and bring the guilty parties to just- ice. The Ontario Government has offered a reward of $1000, and it is hoped that disclosures may soon be made, as it would be gratlfying to know the true inwardness of the consplracy. Nq other preparation so concentrates and combines bloodâ€"puritying, vitalizing, enriching and invigorating qualities as Ayer’s Snrsaparilla; Quality ‘should be cunsidered when making comparisons. H111 Evidently the sentiments of Am- ericans are rapidly undergorng a great change on the tariff question. The revenue of that country annual- ly far exceeds its expenditure. In fact, so great is the surplus that it has actually become a nuisance, and it is felt even by advocates of high protective duties that some- thing should be done in the matter. But the mighty manufacturing cor- porations, possessed as they are of apparently boundless strength in the lobby, are unwrlling that their hot-house industries should be touch- ed, and accordingly the only reduc- tion that has been made in the re. venue has been effected in the in- land department, the duties on whiskey and tobacco being lowered. This seems to have been the last straw. Massachusetts is up in arms, and even Ohio, the chief among protectionist states. has bc- gan to growl its discontent. Truly, “ Dearrthe necessaries of life, Cheap the destroyers 06 life," is a motto well calculated to astonish and dis- may. Without pretenCing to say how close the connection between such a trade policy and the morals of a state, we would incidentally observe that already the murder- rate_in the United States is the highest in the world, being about four times greaterthan that ofGreat Britain. and six times greater than that of Canada. This is a bad pre- eminence. and it threatens to become still worse should the above motto be be acted” upon. COURT OF REVISION Friday, May Am p. m., to hear and determine on against the Assessment Roll for the cun of which all persons interested are rqu take notice nnqlaqvw‘u themselvles, 31cc M; TEE-FY. Clark's Oflioe. Bighmopd Hill. 77m May. 188_4 PL RECHMUN HILl! solid desire. Our genuine desires are presentiments of the powers within us, but unless‘they mahifest themselves by arduous labor, coupL ed with undoubtedotaste, they are as dead and unsubstantial as faith without works. LITE BLIC NOTICE is here} it. w my concern. that tr t of Revision, for the V Will be helEl in the Com 444m A! UN! 6"! PJQLI 1' 2’ PROTECTION. eby amen, to all whom the fll‘fit sitting of the Vilhge of Richmond uncil Chumber,’ou ' ‘ 30th, 1884, on [apps un'ent ye istng to xxx.) mgly 9.15 Beautiful New Dress Goods. CHOICE NEW PRINTS. VerV Pretty Cretonnes ! JUST OPENED I Sneath &jflrennan, RICHMOND HILL. Excellent White and Grey Canons Unsurpassed value in Table Linens. Great variety in Cotton ades Ducks 86 Denims. Terms. Cash, or Exchange, and One Price_ Tasty Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, Para,- sols Hats, Buttons, Embroi- deries. Lace Collars, Ladies‘ Silk Ties, Corsets. Hoop Skirts, (Soc. Customers will receivecev- ery attentlon. NUBBY SPRING TWEEDS. Special attention is paid to Groceries. Fine Teas and Coffees, Fresh Prunes and Canned Goods. Crockery 8c Glassware. Large Variety of new De- signs in Wall Papers. «'0 Drslgns In La 0 (‘u nus. “’ondvrllll Value In Shvvli Brown Hollands (3" Jozvcling Egyptian Counterpanes Heavy Feather Ticking. Nobby Suits for Boys Celebrated Nobby Suits for Men Lyoster Shirtings cASHMERES IN THE BEST MAKES & GLOBE PRICES. You can buy more Tea, Sugar, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Soap, &c., for ONE DOLLAR than can be purchased any where, Toronto not excepted. Call and get Bazar Monthly and catalogue of fiaehions STAPLE 85 FANCY DRY-GQODS. DRESS GOODS IN CHOICE NEW STYLES. CONCRETE HOUSE! Mantle Cloths, Ornaments, Buttons, Gimps, Cords, Ties, Scarfs, Bows, Silk Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. We offer SPECIAL VALUE in COTTONS, PRINTS SHEETLNGS and STAPLES of all Kigds. Men’s,Boys’ & Youths’ nobhy suits,best value in the country, also the best value in 1884 SPRENG E884 GROCERIESI Cretonnes, Sheetings, Cottonades, Shirtings, and a4 Mag- nificent Stock of TWEEIJS9 WRSTEB BMENGS, 850.. Cam and see it. The second for the season, 25 per cent. less than Toronto prices. Mixed Paints, Brushes ofall sizgs,Boiled Oil, Raw Oil, and all Painter’s Material, Whitq Lead, Low in Price_ ‘ IMMENSE STOCK OF.‘ FURNITURE. GROCERIESHFLOUR AND FEED. W JALL PAP DRESS GOGDS AND PRINTS PEOPLES STORE ! FIRE PR é ‘; :‘a_ ; If oâ€"«w Spring Goods arriving daily, including a large and varied assortment of MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ‘urchased before the additional duty came into effect. READY-MADE GLQTEâ€"HEG. Fully stocked with all the novelties of the And note prices. No trouble to show the Goods. which, for Variety, Style {111d Lowness of PriceL cannot be excelled. ISAAC CROSBY. Atkinson IS now prepared to show a complete assortment of RICHMOND HELL. Every lady should see our stock of Just arrived, another stock of A Fine Stock of WM. ATKINSGN. THE P.7G. SAVAGE. seas large and flSOfl.

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