Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1884, p. 5

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There seems to be an extra accumulation of “ fragments of better times " at the 01d Curiosity Shop at the north end of the town. We observe that several of our citizens are cleaning up their yards and removing nul- sances. Every householder should organize himself into a. Sanitary Committee for sim- ilar purposes. "Chrisu'an Tempgrance Union. There is talk of the formation of :1 Ladies’ Christian Temperance Union in our Village. It should be the largest Temperance organ- ization in our town. Prayer M eetmgs. Cottage pmver meetings are held every week. Neighbor Drain was surpnsed last Saturday evening. Try the Crown Syrup at the CON- CRETE, as goqd as Maple syrup and only 80 cts per Gal. 1 The tnnchers of the Public School in Thoruhill purpose giving an entertainment in the school house on Friday (tomorrow) evening Admlssion 15 cts; children 10 cts. All are invited. There was a. large attendance at the Q11an tel-1y Oificiul Meeting of the Methodist Church held on Monday Good thing Resort. Disciples of the rod need not go nutaide of Richmond Hill for good fishing. Mr. D. Boyle of Langstaffhooked, a few days ago, In Boyle‘s pond a fine speckled trout which weighed a pound. A very successful fair was held in Mark- ham Village on Wednesday, April 30th. About 2000 visitors attended during the day. The speeding in the ring was the attraction that drew the crowd. Mr. J. Palmer acted as one of the judges. Exemplary. Dr. Wilson is boulevardiug the front of his residence His neighbors should do like- mse Bibie Question. The Question in the Methodist Sabbath School for next Sunday is “ Whose daughter was Noah '2 “ Still buoming at the CONCRETE. 18113 Good Sugar for one dollar; 23 It), Good oid Raisins for one dol- lar; 150 lb Very Good Raisms for one dollar;: fi-I D025. Cans British American Salmon‘ for 90 cents; 2 Cans Best Cnrn for 25 cts.; 4 1b $2130 for 25 cts.; 4 1b Tapioca for 25 _cts.; 61‘) Best Ricg for 25 ets. RICHMOND HILL: Thuiéfi AyaMayi 8:7 "851 Wanted “Butter and Eggs" at THE CHEAP CASH HOUSEâ€"Highest prices paid. Our Section Road Boss believes in Scrip-l tum when it says “ There ii a time to gath- er stonas together," and is doing his duty. He does not want them kicked from Rich- mond Hill to Toronto and returned by the same process. N. B.â€"Registe at least Fifteen. mentioned hour Mrs. C. M. Rutherford, Supt. of the Lad- ies' Christian Temperance Union, Toronto. will address the ladxes of our village to-mor- row (Fridav) evening in the Temperance Hall. We hope that our church congrega- tions will be Well represented. Evnxmezâ€"Gnixi Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" Mpnmnuzfiening Northsouth, East and ‘Vest, includin: ThornhilL _Mg|p1e, Toyofltn, Mmkl};m,&c. 7.47 House. Richumn Mail 6: Express, Accommodation Express, North. Mail, South... Newmnrkat Aurora ....... King , . lhcnnoxn ‘ Thomhill .. \Vastnu Duvenlvort. Parkdrnlo ..... TORONTO. een's Brock S E53113 ‘fiiihrw‘i Newmurket. fhorn l] RICHMOND HlLl King . Pat-151111 Duvenp< Weston PBUCTUR’S TORONTO. City Hall Unicn Sc: Unh any Brock POST OFFICE NOTICE L()(D 18.1455. Quarteriy Officxal Mcetmg Hall 's Wharf Cleaning Them Up HILL N 1' Doing His Duty R. TIME TABLE. till all trr :nnl Hill Entertainment GOIN( Spring Fair Snll Coming l Latte Sneath & Grennan. Address [i1]. us'fullnv ‘ch & South 1th. I 1mg, leaving the Palmef M. TEEEfi‘Y. Postmaster 40 STAGE LINE. err»: must be handcd enrlierthau the nbo NORTH SUOTH 111, East and : ThornhilL Markham, 850. band West (us ME Accom 11.45 11 5'2 11 1.45 35 45 mm Mall 8.37 ‘40 48 The high winds which prevailed morning last causmi considerable e in the village for some time. Shii other light articles were blown a differth directions at a lively rate particular damage was. done. =‘{‘h( one of the towprs of the Presbyteri still holds forth, but its descent, il ed after, will be only 0. matter of { Quarterly Meeting. Last Sabbath the regular quarterly meet: mg of the Circuit wna held in thu‘Methodrst Uhurch and was an usually large gathering. The Rev. 'Starr preached from teb. 12th chap. and‘det verse. Th: service was fol. lowed by a fellnwsbip meeting and snow. ment. The occasion was spiritually profi- table to all. saddened somewhat, hows-war, by the affliction of the pastor, Rev. E. Betta. Ladies & Gentlemen 2â€"â€" Have you ever visited matou's, 190 to 1'96 Yonge St, Toronto ? The business carried on there is really wonderful. Olerks by the score, all busily engaged, handing out their goods. By referring to the last gage, you will see the great inducement held out on Dress Goods. Silks, Men’s furnishings, Gloves, Laces. Notions, Hosiery, &o. &o. As Euton’s deal strictly on the cash princi- ple, they sell at the very lowest. prices Still Improving. ‘Mr John Powell, of the Grand'Ceutml, is still imrowing the already handsome ap. pearance nth: hotel, by tuck-painting the hall in commotion-with tho bulldinys. As one drives thrumgb the country, villages can be observed‘ here and there in An dilapidated condition. Lut thiscun not be said of Rich- mond Hill. as nvety year adds to the, beauty of the place. THE CHEAP CASH HOUSEris selling the best make of heavy grey. cotton in the country for 9 cts. a yaxd, also Extragood value at 5. 6. 7 &. S cts. ‘ Sneath & Grenrmn. Call at the CONCRETE and get the Bazaar Monthly for May, and see the Lace Curtainsy Lambrequins, Cretonnes, Carpets. &c., extra val-1 Le; also the Wall Papers and Bor- derings, which, for style, quality and price, cannot be beaten. Runaway any} Upset. On Saturday morning about ten o’clock. as Dr. and Mrs. McLellan, of Yorkville, were driving down Yonge Street into the city, the horse attached to their buggy took fright and ran awy. Coming to Alice Street one of the wheels struck the kerbing, which overturned the vehicle and threw out the occupants. Mrs. McLellan escaped WlUJODL serious injury, but the Dr., being a. very heavy person, was very severely bruised. Fire Practice. Last Friday evening the members of the Fire Brigade turned out in full force and had 9, general‘practice. On the word heinggiveu it was not-long before all hands were down to the tank opposite the Flre Proof Store, where the throwing of water commenced at n terriblemnte. Had a fire broken out at the time in that quarter, it would. have stood a poor show. Richmond Hill com boast at one Qt tha hes: Fire Brigades nor“; of Tm'omp Mr. Hardy, the new book-keeper for Patter- son A? Bro.. has arrived aud entered upon his duties. He was long in the employ of Harris & Son, of Brantford, and consequent- ly is not fresh at the work in such an es- tablishment. May he find Patterson a con- geuial home. Mr. B. Patterson, of. Whitby, has been assisting the “ boys ” in the office for some time. Probably we shall lose him from our village nowâ€"Com. A RARE CHANCE to get ’Wall Pa- per up to the 16th inst. in lots from 6 rolls up. to 12 at 50 per cent. less than the regular selling priceI and the largest stock in town at less than Toronto prices. Figured and plain Window Blindsâ€"an Immense Stock at The Peoples' Store. P. G. SAVAGE. Tho'License Commissioners of West York met on Tuesday lust, and granted the fol- lowing ndu‘iuouul licenses zâ€"Jos. Burkhold- er, Vaughan; Mrs D Chafur, Woodbridue ; M O’Halloran,'Jolin Ouloutt, James E Hol- den. York ; Thomas Scholes, Parkdnle. An extension of three months was given to Jas Dwyer, Purkdnler ’lhis completes the work of the commissmuers for the year. Parties visitin find it to their 21‘ iouable tailoring ter, corner oifii Hunter has the class fits, nnd th sure to renuu. ‘You canthy 5 lbs. beautiful fra- grant Green Tea at iTHE CHEAP Qâ€"xsn HOUSE for $1.00. Last Fnday must have been “ Agents’ Day “z in this millage. The man with “ Just‘ the bank you want ;" “ the inevitable satch- el containing some irresistible commodity ;" '4' the Piano 111mm,". and the “ Life Insurance Gimp,"- were ‘nll doing us to the best of their ability. unfavoml It you mar good quality, g1 Dress Goods a Prints at 4 cts, 21" 8 cts. pangs.) 16 cts. per yard Fashjonablc Tailoring West I ark Licenses ‘ Agent's’ Day nday Patterson Sneath &"Grennan ant were blown around in ‘ at a lively rate, but no was done. {The apex on ‘f the Presbyterian church 1L its descent, if not. look- IV a matter of {ime. . per van ch prevailed msiderable ( a time. Shi Cheap G( to the FIRE 5 cts. per Gale the FIRE PROOF. cts. per yard ; yard ; Shirtings Heavy Ducks at hurchstreets. Mr. :u of givmg first 5.: him a trial are m 4th pug l on Frid excitemt ingles a around 9, but ‘zoods of iday lent and Having taken advantage of the present depressed state of the Cot- ton Market, we can offer our cus- tomers goods of the very best makes at less than the cost of production. dressing, 16 yds. for $x.oo 36~1nch \Vhitc Cotton, iree trom dressing, at 8c. a yard Ready Made Clothing TERMS STRICTLY CASH. CLOTHING HOUSE, ANDCQAT'NG§ SCOTCH TWEED SUITS Silks. Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Fancy Goods, Prints,, Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheetings,,Table Da-n masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Quilts, Coun- terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &c. &c. SPRING“ TWEEDS, WOR‘STED E dwar‘d, NEW SPRNG GOO 32-inch \Vhite Cotton, free from CHEAPER THAN EVER. ambridge Clothing House, 86 Yonge St, Toronto. 184 Yonge Street, 3rd Store above Queen Street. AT LOWER PEIOES "HAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street” Toronto, are now showing a, Large and Complete; Stock of. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. GREAT SALE OF 86 YONGE STREET, Toronto. NEW SPRING GOODS in Mens, Youths and Boys Complete Stock of Complete Stock of 36dnch at 9c, 36-inch for 12%c. 364nch at 10c. \Vhite Tw111 Shaeting, tw wide, 3°C., worth 4.5:. White Twill Sheeting, wide, 45c., worth 60c. MADE TO ORDER ONLY $12.00. ICAM’BRIDGE “’hfimc Cotton, worth 16c. \Vhitc Cotton1 extra fine, White Cotton, very fine, W0 \Vhite Double Warp Sheeting, 3 yds. wide, 60c., worth $1.00. See nur factory at 66., full yard wide. Spicial prices given 10. Sewing Societies and others buying m large quantities. Factory Cotton at 4c., 5c., 6c., o;,.9g.. 10c.,

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