>. “In Essentials, Unit'; in Non-Esscntinls, “ UM W Natural.†in? IS PUBLISHED EVERY M. AT AND THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, MUHMOND HILL' ‘ _ ONTARIO†RICHMOND HILL. I l l i I l 1 firm seein‘it '. KEG EB Money to nan mi 1 3 _PPI?3§§PL?1}B?§ET°RL. mania. 'l‘lic Palemm House. RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Having built the above House on the site of the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it thi‘oughuutin fli~st~class style. I am prepared to We the public the best of accommodations good stabling and attentive liostlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers 'Terius, $1 per day. The Richmond 11111 Omnibus loaves this house to connect. With illl passenger trains sinus cumin. Churches. 5 Erisoomi. Cunardâ€"Service at s ‘ '1 Sunday of every month, ‘ the cm“ are held at 11 v. W. Bates. Sr. Muir .m. except , I Ii’vhcii the sci-vice and saciainent mm. SundaySchoolatlzllbpun Ito ’cctor. - h T Cucncn or CAMDA~Serviccs Murironis , A ' 1 Sunday school, at 10:30 ii.ni.. and bulb p.1ri..aiii . I ‘ “- at 2.30 p. in. Gench Piayri Meeting ‘ ' » ' in: in the Lecture Room. V ‘ , > ' «gbï¬â€˜ilerlisc\iiiibJ. E. Starr. pastuis. (in the Noitlii iii hail“ ay. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH or CANADAâ€"Services #, 7 7 . N Writrllunwns. a: 11 O‘clock n..1n.,an¢lli:30 pm. Prayer meeting Salem Eekm‘dt. un Wednesday evening M7130: ‘ . ROMAN cxruomc CHURCï¬xâ€"‘Sel‘Vlces in order Licensed Auctioneer for tho Comiticsbf Yolk Ontiii'ioiiiid 1‘cc1. Goods sold on mmgmnmmm ‘ ' l ' f Thornlnll a! 9 a.ni., and Richuiom “Ifilflolfttl‘dfl‘l min; the follovnng Sunday at Ruhâ€" mond Hill at9 a.m.,and ’l‘bornhill at 10:30 a.,1u. General sales of stock, (~tc., prom tly M(,,,.,,,1ed to at reasonable rates. 1’. O. addr Ricriiuovri Loner lmumVILLE. Societies. A. F. & A. M., Ngiflill. (Elsi! â€"â€"I\Ieets iii the Lodge Roonrldusonic ' a ,oii ie n Monday on or before full moon. at 8 0 clock p.ni J . ‘V anl‘ SS, .A.J. Rupert. W. M. I V <,;\‘TEESâ€"COlll’t Rich- Importer of \Vntchcs, clocks and ï¬ne Jervellery Agcmvr ORDER OF FORF a stock of Diliiiionds and picmons stones always ’ " ‘ i. 1 t:' in the Temperance Y L V monid'm' ‘llliojliiiag'erï¬'xfdiev‘at'lao p.m.â€"H. oiiliaud. THIRD oooii soI TH OF our-am Hal eve 7: 1â€.†b 1 STREET, 'i‘oiiois'ro. lâ€"‘f Manufacturing of Wllght'h I ,_ I 0 C T jewellery. and repairiiiuofwatches and clocks on HMOND HILL TEMPLE. NO 46-). « - 7~ 7': the Ill‘ellllSCle specialty . I I M19235 in the Temperance Hall {916le Wednes‘my Thanking our patrons and fi'ieiidsfor their lib- evcninu. at 7.30 o‘clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. oral iintrmingr ll. the past we hog in :tate tllilll. ' ’ tli schoolTeinperance As we have just r0 eivcd a large stoc * o new-grim s Th:"MGPE-ï¬igsï¬lzlgigucards every Sunday when in latest desmiis. A large stock of ngin and 3.2393711 ‘ki'ni Il-lurrison Supt Walthain watchcskcnt on hand. ' ' â€" ' ' 1000 Miscrmxics 1.\STITUTE. Library of (Wei volumesopen every Tuesday eveuipg, in the Mn- sonic Hall. from 7 to 5 o‘clock. R. Law. Dibiaâ€" rian. Lectures and discussronsperiodicallx. I ' â€"â€" ts for Ricniioxn HILL (lonsm’ llAhD. Mec pact-ice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at , 730 o’clock. C. Savage, Leader. B V'thGE Commaâ€"Rove. John rown cillurs. Messrs. Isaac Crosby, A, Moodie, Law an 1 H. F. Hcpper. Clerk. M. lecfy. ' the A. 0. U, \V.,Ivy Lodve, No. Ill. Meets in Committee Room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Friday at. 8 o’clock p. in. Bone ï¬cary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switzer. Master Workman. '1 R. T. of Temperance. Richmond Hill Counci , mo. 43, Meets in Temperance Halbeach alter' native Tuesday evening ats o‘clock p in. Bone- t'ic iarv certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death omit“). one. liali payable in case of disability. J. H. bender-A son SeleCt Councillors; J.A. Sturgeon Stewart. Recording Secretary. S. ill. Brown. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Stiles attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. 1‘. 0. Address, 'Couiiâ€" Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. it. E. r 7 7 s . JfllllCS C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the L‘oiuity of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonahc rates. 1’. 0. address. King. (I’Mâ€"â€" N . J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended on the shortest iiotice.aiid at rea- ahe rates. Address Stouï¬â€˜vule P. O FREDERICK W IIITLOCK, Richmond Hill. BuSINEss CARDS. ‘ ’ ‘ Old Iron, Rags. Brass, &c., bought for cash" at city prices. Chimner Sweeping attended to on shortest m notice. Jan. 15th. ’elâ€"lv. of Genetic. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. P. P.. H. I’. Dwight. D. M. Mac- douald, C. ll. Robinson. A. McLean Howard. and J. Ginty. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Deposits received and Intei'cstallowed thereon at Current Rates No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all parts of Canada. United States and Great Britain. bought and sold. JAMES M. LA‘VRENL‘E. Manager. marlin! Dr. Geo. lmngslafl Has removed from King, and commen- roed practice at. Tliornhill. Nov. 6th, ’SQâ€"tf. DiurJnrmes Langstafl AND Ernest 1F. Langslaï¬. RICHMOND HILL. Oï¬ice hours: 9 a. m. 2 p. rm. and '7 n. In. Dr. 011‘. Maple. Office hours: Ste 9.30 a. Ill. and to*2.30 um- / Dr. w. J. Wiisofi. Medalist Toronto University. Member '(‘o {Physicians & Surgeons, Ont... date of ptouï¬vnle Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Qflnce Hours to lo a. 111., 5 to 8 p.111. ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"._nn,. cum Emu." VIZ‘JZLJZJQ‘Q um . USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. generics Dnsrisvr, Thankful for the favors of the past 20 yams, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- .fession,as follows: tau-om, 1.t.flth,1€th. and 22nd of each month Richmon 1 Hill... . ..9th and 24th dn_ ‘ (at the Palmer House) ’ , 'Sfltonflville .. in. arklmni .L o. ‘ Victoria Square 21st (10. &Cl I‘horuhill... .. .23rd do. Woodbridge with do. ) Kleinburg. .29tli do, B l l I I I , .N bleton ~ .30th 0 Vitalized Ain- always on hand at a ointments. Works like a charm Free fl'OII‘llljnfllll. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aurora Ont. \’â€"â€" ii. a. Husband. L. a? M H A N I O S , DENTIST, i "1 75‘ nEWTON BROOK. GIVE US A CALL. Will visit the following places professionally :â€" Dn‘ionviue lst Monday of each month i n if K WILKINS BROS Ma 10 ..... 16th ††Juc mend Hui 19th ‘ “ \Voodbr‘idge . . . . . . . . 22nd. n 166 King Street East, Near George Street, Toronto. 23-4-‘83. LAND Fiï¬ SALE! The undersigned offers for sale 46 acres. more or less, being the northeast part of Lot No. 62, on Yongo Street. Within one mile of Oak “Millet. I’.O. Also 215 arm‘s on the east side of Yongc Street being a portion of the same lot, Address ISAAC J. PHILLIPS, Oak Ridges. Mr. Husband will be found in his office. New- :vm Brook.every Saturdav. except when Satur- inl falls on the above dates. -oâ€"'siâ€"iv .A‘hrze amount of Money to Land on farm or witv proputy interest? percent; no comniis ‘1011. MUSE. MACDONALD, MEMITT & C0. Unioi‘ Loni; Wilton a Toronto 4'3-4in. Succumbed at Last. It will be remembered that some weeks ago one Scott, decnmpcd with a horse and rip, belonging to Mr. A. J. Rupert of this place. Nearly a week afterwards, the horse was found near Millbank, but in a very piti. able condition. Since that time it. has not been worked. except. a little modernto driv- ing, and on sunday night, the poor animal died. Considering the time and expense in searching Mr. It. has suffered a heavy loss, which shows that the livery business, like most others is not. without its drawbacks. It is to be hoped the cold hearted villain may yet be found and punished for the perpetra- tion of such a deed as he richly deserves. ~4ooâ€"flr â€"â€" Spring Exhibition, The Annual Spring Exhibition of the Richmond Hill and Ynnqe St. Agricultural Socicty Wlll be held on the. Queen‘s Birthday on the fair grounds, Richmond Hill, and promises to be the best. ever held. Good prizes “ill be given for all (1 nsses of horses, cattle. sheep, swnie, poultry, farni imple- ments, dairy produce, harness, and ladios‘ Work, besides some special prizes. The Richmond Hill Cornet Band has been scour- ed for the occasion. and the Fire Brigade will give an exhibition practice at 9.30 a. lll. Entries may be made u to 10. a. in. on “14' morning of the fair, b exhibitors are re- quested in have all entries in if possible not. later than the day previous- <o4>â€"â€"~â€"â€"~â€" New Livery Stables. Mr. A. J. Rupert‘s new livery stables and sheds, in connection with the Dominion Hotel, are comfortable and contain all tho modern conveniences. The very handy plans devised for feeding the horses. to. geilier with the whole building, reflect much credit on Mr. â€" Ilrillingcr, who superin- teiided the work. The main building con- tains a large number of single stalls, besides llii‘ec roomy box stalls, a harness room and a spacious compartment for cutters, buggies, and other convoyances. The grounds are now being graded and gravellcd. and Mr. Rupert‘s many customers will find every- thing about his new premises as comfortable as possible, and may always rely on a. ï¬rst- class outfit. Movâ€" â€"â€"â€"â€"- Court Day. Division Court was held in the village on Friday last, Judge Murphy on the bench. A number of cases Were disposed of, the dc. cislons on the one side giving general satis- faction, but, judging by the ccuuteiiances of those on the opposite benches we imagined they, in certain points, differed in opinion with His Honor. It. is well we have a court of law to decide else: in dispute. but Some people appear to look for opportunities of rushing into court with every dispute wiih their neighborsino matter how trivial the difference may be. There are men in our Village and vicinity, from whom the lawyers have never extorted a birthing, in the sense of which we are speaking, While there are others, whose presence at ovary court is al- most as certain as (he learned judge himself, with the latter class, there must be some- thing radically wrong. W Methodist Church Concert Programme for Queen‘s Birthday. May 24tli,1884,st the Methodist Church Rich- mond Hill. From 10.30 a. in, to 3 p. in., dinner Will be served in the school room of the church by the ladies, in their usual ex- cellent style. From 5 to 7 o‘clock p.m. tea will be served in the same place. Beginning at. 7.80 p.m.. a grand .coucurt will be given by one of Toronto’s most popular choirs, consisting of 35 voices,uiider the able con- ductorsliip of Mr. Jus B Baxter, aesisfed by Mrs Baxter, soprano soloist; Miss Alexander contrnlto soloist; Messrs Baxter dz Spice,toii- or soloists; Messrs Smith dz Lee,bass soloists Misses Mara. 65 Mitchell. Readers; and Mr W Joues,orgauist Bloor St church Tickets for each 25 cents This concert will in many respects be far ahead of any cuter- tainment heretofore given on Richmond Hill Parties attending the fair on that day will do well to arrange so as to remain for the Con- cert in the evening It will be a rare treat. The Ladies intend in make their meals dur- ing the day all that can be desired, and kindly solicit a liberal patromge from their kiends 0+ PERSONALS. Mr, Baldwin Teefy spent Sunday at home, in Richmond Hill. The Rev. J. E. Bette was the ï¬rst minis- ter who has died on the Yonge Street North Circuit The family of the late Rev. J E Belts will remove fruiu this Circuit and reside in 'l‘il- sonburg. B I RT ll S. POWELLâ€"411 Richniodd Hill. on Wednesday, 14th inst..,tlie wife of Mr. John Powell.of a son. DEATHS BITTERâ€"In Toroiito,on Monday, May 12th.Isa- bella, wife of Wm. Bittenforrnerly of Markâ€" ham, aged 3?. years. BETTEâ€"At Richmond Hill, on May 9th, Rev. J._'E. Bette, Canada. Methodist Church, aged 60 yrs., and 2 mos. By land or sea,out on the prairie, or in the crowded city, Ayer’a Carthalic Pills are the best for purgative piirposcs,every- where alike. convenient, efficacious, and safe. For sluggish bowels, torpid liver, bad breath, flatuleiicy, and sick headache they are a certain cure. In loving remembrance of our Pastor, REV. Jim-Bums. Iii sadness we mourn, M1308 our pastor liaslcft us : Though we bow in submission to God's lioly will; In Hisiiiilnite wisdom we know Ho's bereft us. And knownig'tis God we will try to “ be still." Thc‘ house ' of his ‘ tabernacle ‘ here is ‘.lise..lvcd,‘ Audliis spirit .iiitramme led by sorrow expands Haw. cntorod victorious. from all sni absolved, The house that‘s c‘ crual and not made with hands. And We kiicw tliata bright crown with gems all aglow. Iscnt-irvliiighisbrow, while incï¬'ahle joy Bi'cukdorth m glad rapturemo mortal can know, And liosaiiiias to God his flood powers employ. \Vcought to i'ujoii'o tliatliislabors are ended; That nothing can Iiiur his unspeakable bliss, Tliatjoyous thank sgiviria, and praises are blended And the rest that remains for God's people is his In labors iiliiiudunt we always have found him ; Counting not his life~ilcai’.s(itliiit souls might liv' won Noplauditsdcsirviig, no homage from men, lint the SaViour'H own words, “ faithful servant well done." In our fancy we hnar him.in counsel most wise. In eurucsteiitrcatics that our faith should not ‘2, il. But lmholding the Iniimioumay toward tlir-skics. That wre stling like. Jacob we are wire to prevail \Vo Iloiiht not the power nfoui‘ God to restore The dust of our loved ones in likeness most pure LikeJosus we'll know and be known cvvrniore; Willi bodies like His through heaven's cycles Oil‘lill‘o. In the. hope of thus meeting, our dear Pastor again We take up the thread that's been severed by grief, And patiently toil on tlirou-zli trials and pain, Till we land on the Hll()1'u of eternal relief. Theiilotus take courage and with clieerfulness wait, I‘lvr-r trusting in God for the time that's to come Till we mectolil‘ dear pastor. at the pearly gate. Aiid cuter. triumphant. ever resting at home. Rirliiiiond Hill. lllziylrltl]. P. L. G. 08 l TU A BY. We regret to have to announce the decease of the Rev. J. E. Belts. Pastor of the Yonge St. North Circuit, aged 60 years and 2 mo's. Aflei' u. short illness, succeeding a somewhat longer period if poor health. the highly re- spected and much lamented pastor expired last Friday night at. about 8 o‘clock. On Sunday, the friends gathered in the after~ noon at the parsonage, where they were ad« dressed by the Rev. Dr. Sutherland of Tor- onto, from the ï¬rst five verses of 2nd. Cor- inthians. On Monday at 4 a. m.. the re- miiiis wrre taken to Toronto. on their Way to Tilsonburg, where they will be placed by those of a beloved child. Our knowledge of the one just departed to join the great majority beyond does not extend beyond the term of his coming on this Circuit last June; but. from a tablet on a. beautifully bound copy of the Scriptures lying in his room, on which was engraved the presenta- tion of this. token of love and esteem from the children of his Sabbath School on his leaving England, to become a minister in Canada, we leirn that early in life he was an active and earnest worker in the Mask r's vineyard. The frequent mention of his name in Conference and in Circuit reports. also show him to have always been a zerloiis worker in all matters conducive lo the spirit- ual interests of the church to which he be- longed. He had been on this circuit but short time when almost every family ova which be bad pastoral care was visited, and which he intended assiduously to perform. but. had to relinquish on account of failing health. During the recent revival in this place, his malady became worse, and pre vented him from preaching. He, however, during the day, induced many to seek the salvation of their souls. When urged. by the writer and others. to cease his labor: for the present, and try to gain strength for future d-lys of usefulness, he would very feelingl) express his sorrows at the thought of giving up the ï¬eld. where he had so long labored, and to which he had devoted his life. But he has ceased from his labors and his works do follow him, for his ministra- tions from the pulpit were of so earnest and practical a character that they will not soon be forgotten. On Sunday, the 27th of April, Mr. Betts preached from John, 15f chap. and 29th verse : " Behold. the Lamb of God, which taketh away the Sins of the world." In the course of his remarks he said that if he was selecting a text for the lust sermon that lie was to preach on earth he would choose the one from which lie was then ad- dressing us. It was his last text, and his last sermon. His charge with life has been laid down. He lived the life ofthe righteous man. and he has died the death of the sameâ€"Con. THOR N H I LL From Our OWn Correspondent. Mr. Thompson having purchased the property, formerly rented by Mrs. Uiiristiiiiijs busily enga- ged in making improvements upon the shed and iii the house. Mr Martin, an excellent workman of this “19.0er engaged in shingling the shed and doing the carpenteriiig generally. By the time Mr. Martin and Sons at through with their work no will have a very iuudsmne placeâ€"sec- ond to none on Yongo Street as I). reside ice. Dr. Langstaï¬f has Mr. Eadv engaged construct. iiig a temporary fence along the front of the lot. We understand the Dr. intends planting. inside the fence. n. thorn hodgewliichavhen fully grown is to take the placeiof a fence, and will answer Ii. good purpose. You must bear in mind the Dr. is very tasty about having things looking nice and respectable. On Thursday evening. May ist.,a. Salvation Band from the (luv. visited this place. After marching up and down Yonge Street several times, and being followed by twenty or more boys, they wended their way to the Methodist church. So far as we could learn they were but very poorly npprociator. Above all things the drum and tambourine should be kept out of the church, for u. length of time yet. They hired an express Waggon 'iu the city and an old plug of a horse. which, after driving some six or more miles. gaVi out and they were compelled to hire another larger, and, we presume, a little better one. They say the sight of them coming through the Village will not soon be forgotten. After the meeting was concluded we are inform . . ed t way said now this is the best part. of the nigger?- iug â€"rnean.ng the collection. The ruling passion strong in llcnthillloneyl Monoyl Some very sulfath im u‘ovem i ' ( made about the English (lliurcli. ex’I‘tlZea‘ll-Iaiiibeelgf togethorwitli Mr. ’l'hompson, have pur'husel' ' from Mr. Raiikintlie lot just north of the church containing;l of an acre, for the nice little sum of 3.57... We understand that Mr. Thompson re- serves n. right of way through to some other prnpcrtv of his, and the reinaindoi of the lot “'1†be sot apart for u, buryingy around. The Rev W. \V.15utcsis a †live man." and intends hail; iug everything looking nice about ch . _ 9 church a W ~11 as uncut his own home. v I s Tue Mutual Improvement Society of the Meth- odist Church held their regular niectingon Tues- day evening, A question drawer was instituted and Snlllevof the questions were very amusing, ‘leveral pieces of music were rendered Very niceâ€"- i . There were over some sixty-ï¬ve persons present. The interest in the mectin s be increasing. g eems to (Crow led out last wcek) Jesse Cogswell,eldest son of Mr (‘0 highly respected citize u of our Villaiis‘radlf'te: quite a lengthy period of illness succumbed to his last eucmygdeatli. He died on Friday night between the hours of twelve and one o'clock On Monday afternoon he was conveyed to his “‘last resting place " by six of his former companion: who seemed very much to regret his departure: {so far as we can understand Jessie was liked by everybody. The floral decorations: upon his cof- fin were very handsome indeed. Just as his corpse was being taken through the gate into the Lleluett‘l‘Y. I!- numher of young lady friends as- sisted by Mr. Cariiiaii, sang the fongwmu as they marched to the tomb, “There‘s a land3 that is fairer than (lay,&c. ;" which we thin-s was very Ell)‘oi'lv]\i'lllte After his burial the fo'lowmr’ hymns were $1111.31!“ Sweet By 6: By " " 01:1, think of the home over there," “ Shall we meet beyond the River." I may just here remark that a very large concourse of friends assembled to pay their last tribu o )f respect. to toe deceased and exhibit their sympathy for the bereaved ones. We are sure that Mr. Cogswell and family have the sympathy of the friends and people generally of the Village and the adjoining neigh- borhood. The Rev. Mr. Totten conduttcd the burial sci-Vices. HONORING HARD Y. What the Workmen at A. Harris. Son 8: Co.‘s Think of the Firm‘s Book-keeper. On Saturday evening at 5 o‘clock a large number of the employees in the Reaper and Mower Works of Messrs. A. Harris, Son a: Go. (Limit’d) assembled in the large pricking room. where Mr. H. B. Hardy, the book- keeper of the ï¬rm, was presented by them With an elegant silver tea. set, consisting of Salver. teapot, cream pitcher, sugar and slop bowls, the pitcher and slap bowls being cold lined. The salver bore in its centre “the following inscription :â€" " Presented to R. H. Hardv by the Employees of A. Harris. Son & Co.. (Lt'd), April goth, 1884." The gift was accompanied by the following aldress, read by Mr. James K. Wedlake : To Mr. H. R. Hardy.â€" The workman employed by the ï¬rm of A. Hands. Sun a Cu . «Lt'di hearing of your intend- ed departure. desire to express our re gran that the pleasant relationship which has existed so‘ long should now be ï¬nally severed. In oin' intercourse witu you we have invariably found your manner to be obliging, attentive a nd courteous. coupled with a modest and uiiassun - ing demeanor. which has won our respect and esteem. and while we can but regret your do- parture we couple with it our earnest wish that you may in your new field. be successful beyond your most sanguine expectations. Kindly accept from us the accompanying gift which we have selected with a view to its useful- ness as well as ornamentation and which we present With the hope that it may long he to you a reminder of me agreeable associations “thh have existed between us. Trusting that an All-wise and beniï¬cicntl‘rcvb deuce may grant unto yourself and family long life. hap mess and success in your new home. We subscribe on behalf of our fellow-workâ€" men. JAMES K. \VEDLAKE, J. M. SMITH. Mr. Hardy said he was more than surpris- ed at this manifestation of the good will of his fellow workmen. He did not need such a. magniï¬centmnr any,gift to compel him to remember the friends he had made in these shops during the Six years he had been here, but. he should now remember them with s'ill greater feelings of regard whenever he look- ed upon the handsome gift. He would not. value it for its intrinsic worth, but purely as a mark of their esteem. He could not ex- press himself as he would, and concluded with a heart felt " good-bye.†~13 Rev. W. J. Maxwell addressed a few words to the men. congratulating them upon the pleasant relationship which existed between their friend and his friend, Mr. Hardy and themselves. A large number of the men bade Mer‘dy “good-bye," and from the warm band-shakes and good wishes one could not but see that the feeling of good will was genuine. Mr. Hardy is certainly to be congratulated npo'i gaining the esteem of so intelligent a. body of men as surrounded him on Saturday night.â€"â€"Brantfcrd Currier. Mi‘. Hardy has accepted the position of bookkeeper for Messrs. Patterson and bro- ther, to whom we would offer our congrat- ulations. on securing the services of a gen- tleman so highly spoken of by those with with whom he has recently l-een connected and trust he may be bold in the same esteem by the workmen of the Patterson ï¬rm. N OTICE l. MUNIGIPALITY or VAUGHAN, COURT gr REVISION! The Court of Revision for i'eVisiiig the As- sessmenu Rolls of the Township of Vaughan for the present Year. A. 1). 1x84, will be held at the Town H.qu 0n Tuesdavlhe 27th day of May inst, at If) a. in. All parties interested are hereby re quested to take notice and govern tlieiusrlvcs accordingly. By Ordm‘ of the Council. JAS. M. LAWRENCE. Clerk of the Tp. of Vaer an. Richmond Hill. May ist, 12M. 434m