It is undeniable that the members of the Ontario Government were, from the very beginning,fully posted as to the intentions of their oppo- nents. It seemshto us that they, had grave doubts as to the political ï¬rmness of some of their supporters, and we regret that the evidence, so fir elicited, goes to show that cer- tain members elected as Reformers would probably have succumbed to the temptation held out to them. But there were others of that party whom nothing could have Induced be appr \\' and we regret th fir elicited, goes tain members (:16 would probably ' the temptation But there were c whom nothing Ct to betray their ti success were to be limited solely to themselves. In whose interest were they acting? Undoubtedly, in that of the Conservative party. Who furnished the sinews of war? Be- yond dispute, prominent members of the Conservative Association. Had victory crowned their efl‘orts, who would have worn its ‘wreaths ? Assuredly, Mr. Meredith. \Nere then Messrs. B.. \V., M.y and K. working out of pure devotion to On- tario conservatism P By no means. They worked to obtain a reward, to them a great reward, but one so shameful, we venture to say, that .even they would blush to name it. So much for the share 0t Conserva- tives in the plot. Let us now turn our attention to the attltude of Re- formers. them there that 1 that 1 The exultation of a certain part of the Reform press, on the dis- covery of the plot. is certainly de- serving of strong censure, but is not altogether astonishing or inexcus- able. The rage of the Conserva. tive press is perfectly natural, be- cause nothing tends more to make men exasperated than to be caught in the very act of crime. It will be seen that we hold Conservatives, as a party. responsible for the Con- spiracy, while we fully exonerate them generally as individuals. If there be guilt, and we are convinced that there is, it is absurd to contend that that guilt is limited to the tour men formally and legally charged with it. This would be to assume that they were acting solely on their own behalf, and that the fruits of The moral aspects of the now celebrated Conspiracy have been discussed in almost every journal of Canada. As is wont to he the case in political causes, the evident ob- ject of these discussions has not been to arrive at the right or wrong ofthe matter, but rather to thrust all the blame that attaches to it on the shoulders of political opponents. Those who have engaged in the ar- gument have been keen and, indeed, ï¬erce advocates, not cool and even- tempered judges. The inevitable result is that, up to the present, no position, tenable by all alike. has been reached, and once more comes home to us that as “we wax hot in faction in battle we wax cold.†RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, May 15, ’84 Concrete Hougoâ€"W.§tkir_1_so§1 Cheap Cash House-S Hurdware.â€"Wilkins' J I pecml Value for May JCCCS Derray Inerr trust. Now, to con- :rt a majority of fourteen (and this 15 the Government’s majority dur- g the last month, of the session,) to a minority, many members must approached, and it was the very ‘geness ot the number that proved e rock on which the Conspirators :re wrecked. How far they were 3WD NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. II 9 iii?!» 'ul ‘h House-Sue â€"Wilkins' Br their trust 1 DEF E N CI not known mlstm I'M, Hamilton ‘11 5: Grenmm it alt ey were in w} 1nd unmis the ugh 1t In aldlav ishinga foe so destitute of every principalot honor as is evinced by the weapons they used. What rob- ber, surprised in plundering a strong box, ever excuse himself by pleading,' that the fault lies in the owner of such a valuable box ? Such an ex- cuse is even worse than that of Ads am when he said, “The woman thou gavest me.†Who believes the preposterous, idiotic assertion oi Conservative journals that Mr. Mowat originated the plot ? If he did, why did not Messrs. Bunting, &c., at once denounce him? in this case, they must have been the tempters and detectives. Ofcourse. Right is mighty and shall prevail, but it does not, therefore, follow that Wrong, however slippery and dis honest, must go unpunished, or at mOst be rebuked with a few scathing words. The conspirators played for enormous stakes; they were un- scrupulous in the means employed to win; detected in their knavery and cheating, they have now noth- ing_better to say in their extenu- ation than, that the parties whom they were endeavoring to rob ought to have warned them the moment they became aware of what they, the cheaters, had in contemplation. Notwithstanding much 11 about the importance of a bl medicine, it may be possi matter has never seriously ‘ the pro; attentim use of a. rilla you transmit. “ \\'e have sinned horribly against you," they in effect say, “ and intend to sin again, but you must at most. stop us in our crimes, but never catch us or punish us." Scorn and. disgust must be the feelings excited here. Yes, these men ought to be cured, not in sugar, forsooth, but in Salt. we are not afraid to afï¬rm Mr. Mowat would have been guilty of shameful weakness, had he acted otherwise than he did, and it is quite beyond our comprehension that any man, not more than human, would lose the opportunity of pun- mistake. In these four cases, their overtures were,without the least cleâ€" lay, made known to the Government. “hat was that government to do ? It is easy here to strike a high moral attitude and in tones of awful indigâ€" nation, to say that the parties ap- proached should have spurned all base proposals by giving them the greatest Dublic1ty, or. on their fail- ure to do so, the Government itself should have openly denounced them in their very 1nception. This lofty pose simply assumes man to be an utterly different creature from that which he really is. That Conserva- tives themselves would never dream of acting thus, witness Mr. Bunt‘ ing’s reception, as described by him- self}: of Dr. Dowling. However laudable and right in itself, the path direct is not always followed in practice, and least of all is it the favorite one among politicans. That _such should be the case is lamen- table, but, as we have said before in these columns, so far as politicans are concerned, the electorate itself is solely to blame. After a terrible strugglel Mr. Mowat had been re- turned with a greatly weakened majority, and this majority, he dis- covers, is to be destroyed, not by fair and open warfare, but by meaus the ‘foulest that |can be em- ployed. He is to be defeated not through h1s policy, bLt by working on the lowest weakness of man, that hideous love of pelf which strangles as a noxious weed the fairest flowers of the human soul and mind. All this he knows, and yet from amidst l the seathing foam of corruption comes the cry to do more than conld be expected of the greatest saint._ This would excuse I ghwayman; death in violence in the raw pun :hstanding much has been said a importance of a blood-purifying , it may be possible that the as never seriously claimed your Think of it now.‘ If. bv the few bottles, of Ayers‘s Sursapa- avoid the evils of acrofula, and a healthy constitution to your , thank us fur the suggestion. Sln alone ls wron 11 and mtention 1n their extenu- the parties whom voring to rob ought :hem the moment are of what they, robbery in the 1 the murder- 1sher, for not ntemplation “V, by the but 39%. gm pm“ “Wm. U2 ME. A “H Call and see it. The secondforthe season. 25 per cent. less than Toronto prices. Mixed Paints, Brushes of all sizes, Boiled Oil, Raw Oil, and all Painter’s Material, VVhite Lead, Law in Price IMMENSE STOCK OF FURNITURE. GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. D (2 QAVIQQF' W ALL PAPER. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Felt " Hats, Straw Hats, Helmets, Groceries, Hardware, &c. EGMPLETE STflBK- {HTNA FENCES. No troutfle to ShOW the Gâ€"ooods. Polite attendance to Customers†Cretonnes, Sheetings, Cottonades, Shirtings, and a niï¬cent Stock of IWEEDS» WBRSIE All parties Who attend the Grand Spring Exhibition at Richmond Hill on the 24th of May, Will ï¬nd it to, their advantage to Visit the CONCRETE HGUSE! PEOPLE’S STORE! EST GOODS Queen’s Birthday AT THE MAGNIFICENT STOCK 0â€"†Spring Goods arriving daily, including a large and varied assortment of Purchased before the additional duty came into effect. which, for Variety, Style and Lowness of Price, cannot be exeelled. ISAAC C R GSBY. so deservedly noted for the GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. WM. ATKIESQN. Just arrived; another stock of and inspect the at the CHEAPEST RATES. THE