Westmn nVenlu ’m'luln] TORUN Qum Brm King V , V RmHMnm '{jmmhnl Quex 90.!de Duveuln Weston TORONTO. City Ha.“ Expl’ews. N( Mail, South Churnh 111cm!†Kim: New New Until ï¬ll-t} fllchmond H Monxmo :â€" at least Flfteeu Minute mentioned hours for cl PRUCTOR‘S STAGE LINE. EVENIN R'iiï¬zd'xn' Hiinï¬rï¬ï¬a ay, May 15, '34 19m. and 21 Iiculars later Fire Practice Regular fort-nightly ï¬re-practice tn- morrow (Fridav) eveningâ€"Be on hand in good time, and save the 10 cent ï¬ne. New Departure. Mr. Edward McKeown, 182 Yonge St.. has just added to his already popular store. a dress and mantle making department. Over eight hundred trees Were planted in the village of Mitchell on Thursday but, that having been appointed Arbor Day. Hardware Wilkins & Bros, near the Toronto market, is the place for hardwareï¬zc. &0. Read the new ad., and then call and see for yourself. Change of Ad. J.M. Hamilton‘ 184 Yonge St., comes out this week, with a. new ML. eï¬ering great in- ducements to purchasers during May. When in the city, do not fall in giving him a call At the Concrete House splendid Grey Cotton, full yard wide, at 7 cts per yard. We learn from the Barcalis that tbl rora. Public School grounds we being ated by the planting of shade trees. a. pity that. we have not suitable ‘ grounds to decorate in Richmond Hill Cheap Cash House The 24th is coming, and Sneath & Grennan’s full stock of Summer Goods is always on hand. Always something now, both in the Store and in advertising. Read the new ad. on editorial page. some but a right A very ï¬ne assortment of Em brpideries at the Cheap Cash House Sneath & Grennan. Our Sidewalks. We are glad to see our Village Council is taking steps for bettering the condition uf our side-Walks. Lately there hqve been .R. R. TIME TABLE. Attention. The Concrete House is built on a sure foundation, and stands as ï¬rm as, stone- work. Best bargaius oEered to purchasers and every accommgdation given to custo- mers. Change of ad. this week. The members of this society met on Mon- day evening at the residence of Mrs. Nich- olls, and enjoyed a good practice. The class is at present conducted by Mr. A. Hume. who possesses excellent talent. The mem- bers Will next meet. an the residence at Mrs‘ Hewison, two weeks from the evening of the last practice. Cash Housé 211' tiful Gloves an Clty 9H!) POST OFFICE NOTICE 65 En rmmocl LOCALEJSS. Mket Teachers‘ Assouation Y. Teachm‘s meet in Newmarket on and 20th. of June. Further par- places very dangérous for pedestrians, few days‘ labar will make things all ll] Stilt 3C 1 Hill Post Olï¬ \Vlmrf Witt H11. 1. HILI Wlmrf West, Ample Worthy of Imitatlon Decoration. from the Borca‘lis that the All- School grounds we being decor- plauting of shade trees. What I. we have not. suitable school an a a in GOINt Mu GOD“ Tenders 1 Bill ~I m‘th ‘ti horal‘Practice. -s of this society met on Mon- the residence of Mrs. Nich- ed a good practice. The class )uducted by Mr. A. Hume. excellent talent. The mem- tm in rt} 10 se call at The Cheap d inspect those beau- i Hosiery. NORTH SUOTH ,ers must he hm earlier than the m, ibernl TEEE nut 11 linu Wanted. leuv HULK nth r11 ’l‘ln ,rkh 1‘10 10 ‘III the Palmer irennan 1; mm ‘1-11111’11 an :ea at. the aster ied mu Mail 8.00 8.12 8.37 .101 ,0 43 33 Court of Revrsion. Public notice is given that the ï¬rst sitting ot the Court of Revision for the village of Richmond HillI will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday, May 80th. 1884, at 2 p. m., to hear and determine on appeals against the Assessment Roll for the current year, of which all rersone in- terested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Bargains in Groceries ! Best val- ue in Teas, Sugars, Fruits, &c. on The Hill at Sneath & Grennan's. gatiou me so Well known say those who favor that age will be well supplied Dinner and Tea. The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill, will hold their Annual Diu- ner and Tea. in the lecture room of the church, on the 24th of May. Dinner will be served from 11 a. m. till 3 p. m.. and tea from 5 till 7. As the ladies of this congre- gation me so well known. It. is needless to say those who favor them with their patron- A lecture on the above subject is to be de- livered this evening in the Temperance Hall, by the Rev. T. Patterson, Rector of Deer Park. The lecture will be illustrated by a number at views. shown by the aid of 9. ster- eo‘nicou. This should prove very interest- ing as the lecturer has spent considerable time in Palestine The proceeds is to be applied to Mm fund of St. Mary's Church. Admission ‘25 ch; children 15 em. Mlllinery, Millinery, Milhnery, neat, fashionable and cheap at the Concrete. Just received a fashion- able lot uf Hats in the newest shades and trimmings to match. On Tuesday evening the following com- mittees were struck by the Dlrectors of the Mechanics’ Institute: Reunionâ€"- Dr. \Vllson, Sanderson, Switzer, Nich- olls, and Cook. Lectureâ€"-Crnsby, Mood- ie. and Savage. Debateâ€"Trench, Mc- Conaghy, Moodie. and McMahon. Li- Fimi.ce_croshy, Mn'odie, and Nicholls. Mr. R. E. Law was re-elected Libraxian at the same salary as past year. As there is a liklibood of the Scott Act be- ing: aubmitted to the rate-payers of the Co. of York at. an early date, parties interested would do well to read the accounts of its workings in New Brunswick from a. special Globe reporter, sent out for that purpose. The Globe should be congratulated on going to such an expense, for the good of the pub- lic. and all should pav particular attention to the accounts, as Lhev can be relied upon as being 1mpnrtml to both sides. hl'ar‘;:â€"â€"VLKW. Switzer, and VMcMghgn The purchasing power of 25 ct!. at the Concrete House is surprising. afact which will be conceded by every one who scans the following, each of which may be bought for 25 cents 21â€"1} doz. \Vashing Crys- tal.4 Bars Mottled Soap. 3 Bars Self-washing Soap, 2% lbs. Best Dried Apples, 4:}; 1b. French Prunes, 8% lbs. Best Oatmeal, 11 lbs. Best Cornmeal. 4%; lbs. Good Sugar, 2 Lornmeal. .14- lbs. Good sugar, Cans Best Com, 2 Cans Peas, Cans Beans, 3% lbs. Best New Ra ins, 3% lbs.Best New Currants,511 First-rate Raisins, 6 lbs. Best Rh We have before us a copy of the Prairie Farmer edited in Chicago, U. 8., by Mr. Orange Judd, whose name was for over twen- tyï¬ve years in connection with the Ameri- czm Am-iculturist. MT. Judd is one of the chgr-iculturist. MT. Judd is one of the most popular and reliable writers on agri- culture who have ever taken up the pen. Parties wishing to subscribe for this valu- bale farm paper will sand their aldress to Prairie Province Publishing Com any, 150 Monroe St. Chicago, Ill. 'Iermsvâ€"M per year, or $1 to Jun. lst, 1885. Council met. Reeve in cillors present, Messrs. Ma Hopper. Minutes of 23rd approved. The folluwiu approved. The folk paid :â€"P G. SavageL rubber coats, $4050. seconded by Mr Moot pay the foregoing 110‘ Law No.â€"â€", to appc Health for the village lic Health Act. 1884, ‘ and thild time and put ed to meet as Court 0 May, 30th, 211.2 p. m. W. C. T. Organization, 011 Friday last, Mrs. E. M. Rutherford, County Superintendent of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, met a. number of ladies in the Temperance Hall in this V11- lnge. Notwithstanding the unpleaSunt weath- er a. large representation of the ladies of the different churches were pre- sent, and a very interesting and enthusiastio mneting was held. Alter preliminary re- marks by Mrs. Rutherford, the meeting Was organized with Mrs. Dr. Langstuï¬ as presiâ€" premature to venture any math-r, but judging from ml: the ladies at the meeting women's Union will make feltiz} this Village. orgamzed w1tu dent, and Mrs The matter be. unanimously Christian Tem 111:2 year “- suited as 1 1st Vice-I Vice-Prosi Hill Scott Act 1n New Brunswmk I‘ho The “ Ptaine Farmer Mechanics‘ Institute 1rdiug The Holy Land _ Savagebdntedl $40.50. Move( Mrl Moodie, the going accounts r, to appoint a. Village Councfl Temper 5 const venture th RX M 1‘ the owing accounts were dated May 12th. $4.45; Moved by Mr. Hopper, die, that the Treasurer :counts.â€"â€"Carried.. By- oinc a. local Board of x._ in pursuance to Pub- was read a ï¬rst, second ssed. Council adjourn- )f Revision, on Friday, ituti u. Swit fully 01 in the chair. Coun- Moodie,‘ Crosby and 3rd April, read and ind t W 'ery W‘ in the M 1 WM . It rema. May 12th. 1884 as were pre- 1 enthusiastio dimiuary re- meetiug Was bums were Temperanc‘ a new mem the w) lufl me ick pres:- retury . it W9. r1 Ell ,hn ling )1) the uce the CLOTHING HOUSE; SPRING TWEEDS, WORSTEI Ready Made Clothing ANDQOBT'NES' SCOTCH TWEED SUITS 25 yds. Factory Cotton for $1.00. 20 yds., yard wide, factory for $1.00. 20 yds. good white cotton for 95:00. 36 inch twilled factory sheeting Iocts. 40 inch unbleached pillow cotton. Lace curtains, 60c., 75c., $1.00, $1. $2.00, and $2.50. Lace Guipure curtains $2.38, 3.00, 3. 4.00, 5.00 and uy. SPECIAL VALUE FOR MAY You can save ?rom 1.00 to 2.00 on every pair- by buymg from us. Silk CHEAPER THAN EVER. ambridge Clothing House, 86 Yonge St, Torontd POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street, Tommie! 184 Yonge Street, 3rd,. Store above Queen Street. AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFOBEOFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Sateens, Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheet masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins, Qullts, terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &c. &c. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. 86 YONGE STREET, Toronto. TERMS CASH. in Mens, Youths and Boys EW SPRING GOODS Complete Stock of Complete Stock of MADE TO ORDEF ONLY $12.00. CAMBRIDGE 50a Extraordinary value in silks, satins,‘ bro- cades, and velvets. See our summer silksat 400. See our check silks a? 45c. and 50c. (pure) All colors in Duchess satins at $1.00 per yard, worth $1.50. Rich Brocades to match Our black Italian Gros Grain Silks are very special value and will not cut Qf‘ be- come glazed like other. makes 1ces, Fancy Goods,“ Prints Sheetings, Table Da- ults, Coun-