Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 May 1884, p. 1

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Money to Loan. Alums amount of Money to Lend on farm 01 cgtv property interest7 per cent; nu commie Ebonkful for the favors of the past 20 years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- Eession, 0.5 follows: kurom, lst, 8th, leth, and 22nd of each month Richmond Hill ...... 9th and 24th do, (at the Palmer House) ‘_ .ilech 10. mm 30. .. 2lst do. scouffin AIM-k ham Victoria. Sq .l‘boruhill... .. ..23rd do. Woodbridge .. H‘Zsth do. Kleiuburg. ,.‘29th do. N bleton.. ........ 30th 0 Vimlized Air always on hand at appointments Works like a. churm‘ Free from vain. Wm visit the following vlnces professionally :â€" Unionvilla” lst Monday of each month Weston ..9th and 215% " ‘ .Ma le ,.16th " “ Me mend Hill .. 9th ' “ Woodbridge .. . .22nd Mr. Husband Will be found in his office, New- 1m Brook, every Saturday, excepc when Subwâ€" m falls on the above data. Dr. Geo. Langstan Has removed from King, and commen- ced practice at Thomhill. Nov. 6th, ’SQâ€"tf. B. T. of Temperance. Richmond Hill Council, No. 43. Meets “Mex-mice Hall, each ulter- mtive Tuesday evening MSO’clock p m. Bene- »fic inry certificates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000. one 219.11 payable in case of disability. J, H. Sunder- :son Select Councillors; J.A. Sturgeon Stewart. Recording Secremrv. Ernest F. Langstafl. MCHMOND HILL. Office hours: 9 a. m. 2 p in and 7 n. m. MECKLNXCS' 1NSTITUTE.- Library or over 1000 Volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma. Ionic Hall, from 7 to 5 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libs-n.- rian. Lectures and discussions periodicallv. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.â€"Meets for Notice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at .730 o'clock. C. Savage, Leader. ‘ Yuma: COUNCILâ€"Relve. John Brown ICou’n- Gillan, Messrs. Isaac Crosby. A. Moodie. R. E. Law an l H. F. Hcpper. Clerk. M. '1 eefy. A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Cmmittee Room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Friday at 8 o'clock p.111. Beue~ floaty certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switzer. Master Workman Medalist Toronto Universitv. Member (‘0 Physicians & Surgeons, Out“, (late of Stoufl’villc 'Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ofiice Hours to 10 a..m.,5t08p. m. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No 465,L0. G. T.â€" Meeta in the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday evonine‘at 7‘30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison T. D. The Methodxst sabbath school Temperance As Iociation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. WmBm-rison sup? ANCIENT ORDER OF E‘nmzs'nmsâ€"(toufl Rich- mond. N0. 7046 k, 0. F.. meets in the Temperance Ball every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. ILLâ€"H. H. Wi‘ight, C. R. - RmHMOND LODGE. A‘ F. & A. M., No.23. G.R.(‘ Aieets in the Lodge Room,Mnsomc Hullpu me Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p.111 A.J’. Rupert. W. M. 5m Hill at 9 lwvuv. . METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA â€"Serv ces at 10:30 n..m., and 6:30 p.1n,.uud Sunday sch 01, m: 2.30 p. m. Gem-ml Prayer Meeting aviary Thursday evemng m the Lecture Room. Rma. LE. Berts, undJ. E. smrr. pastors. PRESBYTBRIAN Cannes or CANADA.â€"Ser‘v‘ ices M 1] o'clock a.m..u.n(16:30 p.111. Prayer meeting a: Wednesdiy evemngatkflfl, ROMAN CATHOLIC OHUBCB,-Sel‘vi(‘es in order as follow 9 Thornhil) M 9 mum. and Richmond Hill at 10:30 mm: the following Sunday at. Rich. mend Bill at 9 a..m.. and Thomhill at 10:30 my). ST. MARY s EPIQCOPAL Gannonâ€"Service M 3 ?.m..oxcept the third Suuduy of every month‘ ‘vhen the service and sacrament are held M. 11 .111. Sunday School at. 1:30 p.111 Row. W. Babes, Rector. ' l Address A ROBINSON L.D‘S..Auro)a Ont VHE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. Dr. Orr. Maple. omce hours: Ste 930 a. m.,uud to 2.30 p.111 Dr: W. JIWIIson. THUR SDAY EVE NING MUSE. MACDONALD, MERRITT 6: CO. Univ: Loan buildin a Toronto â€"6â€"'83â€"IV G. H. Husband. L. D. 5., Vo-L. VI. BU SINESS CARDS. VITJZéIZEQ éfllfi ‘£ Dr. James Langstafl AND EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. Wilma: Qirtrtury. ‘. F. MeMAHON, per annum, in advance.] IS PUBLISHED EVERY USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. Rummy. SURGE!) N DENT!3T ocimles. Churches. NEWTON BROOK. ileum. a ,. 6m» ml DENTIST, The undersigned nfi'ers for sale 45 acres, more or less, being the north-east part 01 Lot N04 62, on Yonge Street, within one mile of Oak Ridueu P, o, A159 ‘4 acres on the east side of huge Street bemg & poxtion of the same lot, Address ISAAC J. PHILLIPS, 43-4in. Oak Ridges. LAND FOR SALE! WILKIN S’ BROS 166 King Street East, PAINTS, OILS, Deposits received and Interestallowed thereon at Current Rates. No notice of withdrawal required‘ Drafts on all putts of Canada. United States and Great. Britain, bought and sold. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS MECHANICS’ Chimuer Sweeping attended to on shortest notice. K. Chisholm, M ionaJd, C. HARDWARE! Old Iron, Rugs. Brass. &c., bought {or cash' at citiy prices. » Central Bank a? Banach. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended on the shortest noticemmd at 1‘88.- abe rates. Address Stoufivxlle P. 0 James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the Couney of York, re, spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at rensonnbe rates. P. 0. address, King. Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of Yal‘k,re- sped-fully solicits your )atronuge and friendly influence. Sales atteudu on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates, P. 0. Address, GLASS. PUTTY, &C. <BUILDERS’:> VfiTfiafikvingr o'lu~ fiatmnshnd friends for their lib- erahmtronago i). the past we beg to state that _we_ have jpsp receiyet} a large stpck‘oigpvy goodg Importer of Watches. clocks and fine jewellery u. stock of Dimnouds and preciousstones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. HManufactm-m of jewellery, and repairinuofwntchea and clue is on thgprepgisesm. specialty Licensed Auctioneer Outano and Peel. Gu General sales of stock to at reasonable rates‘ iulvctest .designs. A large Etock oi Elgii and Waltham watches kept onhaud. The Palmer House, RICHMOND HILL JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. Having built the above House on the site of the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throu boutin firstâ€"class style, I am prepared to give t e public the best of nocnmmodntmns Gow'fitablmg and attentive hoatlm‘s. Sample R00 1: for Commercial Travellers. Terms, .51 pel‘ény‘ The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves tbii Nine to connect with 8411 Dussenger trains (m the Northem lmilwav. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, FREDERICK “’fl ITLOCK, Richmond Hill. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 23â€"4-’83. TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. Jan. 15th, '84â€"1V JAMES M. LA‘VRENCE, Money to 1011) on farm secuxity â€"AND Richmond Hill Branch. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. N . J. Armstrong. Near George Street, Toronto. Salem ,M.P. P., H» P. Dwight. D. M. Mac ‘ C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. afiisrclmuruus. L. mummy x , NOTARY PUBLIC 86c, RICHMOND HILL S. M. Brown. J. “‘ nnh «s. Box 96‘ mums. “final. ods sold , “0., pr P. 0.1» AND “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” iICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1884‘ Ecknrdl. VICTORIA SQUARE. ue Counties of York Id on consignment. prnmpcly attended . address, UNIONVILLE Manager. Mr. and Miss Butts. son and daughter of the late Rev. J. E. Betta. returned to Rich- mond Hill during the week for a few clays. The household goods have been packed and forwarded to Tilsonburg where the family inte nd reaming, Mr. Asa. Wilson of Detroit, and Miss Bert. Wilson, who has been visiting in London and Detroit for some time returned to Rich- mond Hill on Wednesday. Dr. Garry Langstafi, who has recently passed his last medical exam, has commenc~ ed practice with Dr. .135. Langstnff, of this village. ' Dr. Law, of Detroit, arrived in town on Tuesday evening. Maple Public School Pic-Nic. Last Friday the 16th inst., may truly be said to have been a gale, day in Maple, the occasion being a grand pic.nic given by the teachers and pupils of the school of that place. The pic-nic was held in Mr. Ben- gough’s beautiful grove, which is, pithout doubt, one of the handsomeet and most suitabe grounds for an entertainment of the kind in the County of York. One of the principal attractions for the young men ap- peared to be a well'contested cricket match which was entered into with enthusiasm, the players being selected from the crowd, a large number belonging to the club recently organized in Maple, whilst a great many of the gallants indulged with the fair sex in croquet, swinging,and many pic-nic games. The refreshments, which were bountifully provfded by the ladies, were partaken of early in the evening, after which Dr. Orr Jr. was called to the chair, and the children of the school gave several recitations, dia- logues and songs, in a manner which reflect- ed much credit on them as well as on their teachers. Short addresses were given by the ReV' J. E. Starr, Mr. Gould and others, all expressing themselves as highly pleased with the afternoon’s enjoyment. The crowd broke up shortly before dark, when in few of the most intimite friends were invited to the residence of Mrs. Matthews, where a very enjoyable evening was spent. The Princi- pal, Mr. J.C. McLennan, who is about leaving Maple for his home in Perth, and the Assis- tant, Miss Walkingten, are deserving of mush praise for carrying out so successfully the programme of the day, and furnishing for the young people such an afternoon’s amusement. On Monday night, the residence of Mr. F. Kean was entered through a window, by bur- glars, who searched his trmvsers and waist- coat pockets, getting some $10 in money,nnd also a gold watch worth upwards of {our hun- dred dollars. Mr. Kean feels the loss very much, as the match was given him by a, de- ceased brother. The keys of his store were left on the stairs. The residence of Mr. Thos. Mulcehy was also entered, between 12 and 8.30. n. m. It is supposed an en- trance was affected through the door on the south side of the building, leading from a hull between the dining-room and kitchen. The key was left in the lock on the inside, and it is presumed, by means of skeleton pliers from the outside, the thieves turned the key and unlocked the door. After pus- sing through several rooms, they entered the bed-room of Mr. Mulcahy, took his vest off the bed-post, and his coat and trousers lrom e chair nenr the bed: into the adjoining hall, where they abstracted from his pockets a. valuable gold watch, chain, and large gold locket, together With a sum of money, in- cluding a cheque for 850, made by Messrs. Evans & Decatur, on the Dominion Bank, Oi'illia, dnted May 12th, and payable to Mary Clarke. The thieves next pussed into the sleeping department of Miss Mulcuhy, and took 9. gold neck chain, made of Amer- ican gold quarters. The manner in which they left things behind showed they were no novices at the work. He discovered that his house had been burglarised iit about 3.45 s. m. It does not appear that the burglars left any clue.â€"Orillia. Packet. On Wednesday. 14th inst, at chair regu- lar meeting the following ofl‘icera were in- stalled for the present quarter :â€"W. C. T., Bro. W. Storey; W. V. T., Sis. M. Wiley ; W. a. Bro W. T. A. Cook; W. A. A. 8., Sis. H. H. Wiley; \V. T., SF. Sandenson; W. F. S., Bro. C. Rutherford; W. M., Bro. G. McLean; W. D. M.. Sis. F. Fisbburne; W. 0. G., Bro. G. McDonald W. I. G.. Sis. K. Peach; W C, Bro S Agar; Bro J H San- delsou, P W C T, and Bro W Harriston. T The annual picnic, of the Testou Brass Band will be held in Mr. I. Murray's beau- tiful grove, on Saturday, May 24th. to which all are invited. A plaiiorm will be erected for dancing, and several prizes will be given to the successful competitors in various ath- letic sports. A good quadrille band will be in attendance/Jud refreshments will be sup- plied on the grounds. Another Attraction. Dinner will be served in the Presbyterian Church by the ladxes of the congregation, on Saturday. May 24th. from 11 a m to 3 p m, and tea. from 5 to 7 p 111- All are cordially invited ~ '- PERSONALS. LOCALS Burglary. icmc live to see many a. fishing party. I think the most of our young villagers will visit yuur beautiful village on the 24th. The evening meetings at the store are fast fail- ing. Our worthy chairman goes to church every night, although nnt much change yet. 'Revival meetings are still in full blast hero, and I am happy to state that they are doing a grand work The leaders of these meetings are worthy of our highest esteem on account of their indefatigable eneruy and unremitting constanc and sell-sacrifice. 1 refer to Miss and Mr. Wil - mot and Rev. N.E. Sentt, who are now able to behold the fruits of their labors. Several of the ladies oi our village spent a very pleasant time last Saturday fishing in a stream running through the beautiful farm of Mr. Jon Comisky who gallantly accompanied the ladies, whereby he received the cities 01 hating the hooks and carrying the basket. After spending a leasant time fishing they broke into a game of ag, which was very interesting, both to the ladies and to looxers on, I fear moreeo to the lat- ter. After spending a short time in this way the ladies accompanied the aforesaid gentleman to his mansion, where a sumptuous spread was awaiting them. 1 huge these young ladies may liyerto see many a 115 mg party. ANDREWSâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Friday May 16th, the wire of Mr. Ben Andrews of a. son. Of late them has been a. company of young men marching up and down the street, m-ymg to not the Salvation Army. It is to be hoped this kind of performance wil_l be gtogpefl; n, Your correspondent has had rensnn lately to be on the roads, and finds that the fourth Con. up towards King Stutlon is in a. desperate state. I think that the council should attend to it, and save the farmers buying so many springs for th91_1-_waggons. We ufe gluélio loirii Eliajter‘:lif.3:IDnvis is re- building his tunnery on a much larger scale than peforp, and will have one of the biggest tunneries In Canada. Last week two young gentleman were seen promenading our streets at a very late hour each m company with a gallant young maid. They seemed to tarry around Church St, as if they were in Search of a. minister They had better call ugmn soon, or they will get left, and they wxll have to go to Conference to get n. minister Mr. Lehman is umklng great improvements on the Mill road. He had a large force of men at work on Monday. Farmers willfind the improve- mgnta _t0 theix advantage The Mayor 18 bus}; fling up his yard with ornan mental trees whlch will add materially to the log“ of the village. _ _ On Monday evening. the voung men of Spring- nill held the most enthusiastic Cricket meeting ever held in the place. Although a. very wet evening. the gathering was large, showing the Ipirit with which the boys intend l0 work. The result. is a. club has been organised, nameu " The King Cricket Club.” The ground selected is the beautiful grove south of the village. The follow‘ ing are the olficers elected '-President, B. Lloyd; Viva-President. J. C. Stokes; Captain. J. W. Crossley; ASSistant Captain, 0. C. Tillman; See. 6: T1‘eas., J. T Saigeon. Bats. wicket! and balls have been purchased. so that everything is in readiness. Let no time be lost boys, as no doubt some of the neighbon'ng clubs 'will be giving us i. challenge sunn. All interested in the game are requested to come up and join the Club. Prac- tic_e_everv evi ning' A base-ball club has been organized at King- horn. The Tannery at K'mgbom is progressing rapid- lv. Mr, Davis has a. large number of men at work and we are told has room for more. Mr.’1‘illma.u's (agent at King) mother and sis- ters have moved from Stayner to King. Mr. C. Hall is havmg his house plastered. I Quoits are dull this season, Cricket taking the end. The qfiestion Bow isâ€"when is the shooting- match between Kinghom and Springhill coming The enterprising Barealis man is truly many-sided. One day be is reported as busy punching the heads of members of the Sal- vation Army, and the next as being engaged in hatching chickens artificially. One will pay as well as the other. The Orillia Lacrosse Club will play a match game with the “ Beavers," of Toron- to, on the afternoon of the 26th on the Oril- lie fair grounds. The Volunteers of Newmarket drill regu- larly every Monday evening in the gymnas- ium. in readiness fnr their Battalion drill in June. They anticipate a good time both at Niagara and Toronto during the Semi-Cen- tennial. The Annual report of the Parkdale Me- chanics' Institute shows the receipts of the vent to be $740.80. This is a favorable re- port. - Several thefts have lately been committed about Nuwmarket and the protection socie- ties are endeavoring to ferret out the guilty parties. 'Ihe juveniles of Sharon have ogganized a Lacrosse Club, and are prepared m play all and any that may step to the front. The Liberal party in Parkdale have open- ed new rooms and have cause to feel proud of their new quartsrs. Victoria Square cricket club has re-organ- ized and expect to do some good work this season. The “ Maple Leafs," of Parkdale, will go to Guelph on the Queen's Birthday to con- test in a prize game at lacrosse. Saturday next will be Toronto’s Civic Holiday. Newman-lief. has a. Bonrd of Health which does not contain a medical man. The Canadian Workman has been remov- ed from Essex Centre to Orillia. Parkdale boasts of a strong foot-ball club which is much appreciated lay the Indies. The Toronto City Council has chosen the Queen-street size for the proposed new court house. From Our Own Correspondent‘ From Our Own Correspondent. From our own Correspondent OUR NEIGHBORS. (Crowded out last week) HEADFORD. SPRINGHILL BIRTHS. LASKAY by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent- }y cured in firan one ta three applications, no matter whether standing for one year or forty years. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on re- ceipt of stump. A. HD1on aSON, 305 King Street west, Toronto Canada. aTHE LI‘BEQJZLQ 9 $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL. Health 8; Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, indigestion, Dizziness. Jaundice, Dropsy. Fluttering of the Heart, And every species_ cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Somm- lrms Diseases, Eruptions of the Skin, [Mew matism, Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. PREPARED BY Sold by all Druggists; price 31, six bottles for $5. cure Constipation. Indi estion, Headache. and allBilious isorders. I recommend with all cunfidence’as \hu best. blond medicine over devised. I took it in small doses lln'ce times a dav. mnl used. in all, less than two bottles. I Irina-5 these facts at. your service, hoping llxeir publication may «lo good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. “firms.” The above instance is but one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Anm's SANA- PARILLA to the cure of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood. and a weakened vltality. Ayer’s Sarsaparila Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. ‘1 AYER’S v n < 2.‘ CATHARTIC , PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine Lint winter I was trouiui a most uncomfortable itching humor affecting more especially my limbs, which itched so intolerany at night, and burned so intense- ly, that I could scarcely bear any clothing over them. I was also a sufferer from a. severe czitarrh and catarrlial cough; my appetite was poor, and my system a good deal run down. Knowing the value of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, by observation ut' many other cases and from personal use in former years, I, began taking it for the aboveâ€"named disorders. My appetite ini» proved almost from the first dose. After it short time the fever and itching were ullayed, and all signs of irritation of the skin disappeared. My catarrh and cough wure also cured by the same means, znui my general health greatly in) roved, until it is now excellent. I feel It Iundred per cent strongerY and I attribute these results to the use of the SARSAPARILLA, which On Monday ev enin g. the. meuting was called accoxc mu-ly represented by vote) greeuble wemher on that ( eringhmn took the chair a to order “‘8 o’clock, Rev. J by prayer. After a few pre the chairman, the Revr Mr to the platform. and uddre 1H} The Rev. Z. P. Wilds. well-known city Inissionary in New York, and brother uf the late eminent Judge ‘Vllds, of the Massachusetts Supreme Court. writes as follows : “ 78 E. 54th St, New York, {Jay 16, 1882‘ Mgssns. J. C. AYE“ 8; 00., Gentlemen: Rev. Father Wilds’ EXPERIENCE. CA’I‘ARRHâ€"A new Treatment where Sold everywhere. Always reliable. From Our Own Correspondent. 'Im'pure Blood, &c. &c. PREPARED BY THE [Single copies, 3 cts AURORA ITEMS d iscase arising from No.

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