TORONTO City Hall Union Smtin Brock Street Queen‘s Whu Parkdulu Davenport; Weston I'hm‘nhl ‘ RICEMIND HIL .Kiug Aurora. Newmm'ket . Weston Davenport P arkdale ,A Newmm‘ket Aurora M. King... RICHMOND 'ijporuhill TORONTO, Queen's N’Vbnrf Brock Street .. Umou Station. Cxty Hall..., ,. Connects with all trains. leaving the House. Richmonl Hill. as follows : Mail & Express, North A: South,.. Accommodation " “ Exgregs, North... .) h . mil. Sc'uth PRUCTURï¬fAGE LINE. ï¬Ã©casï¬ï¬m; 'Tï¬Ã©sTiIif mg: 22‘, ’81 Five cent music, Franklin Square librari- es. Robertson series. 616.. for saie at the Libâ€" eral Store. Books, fancy articles the, ordered on the shortest malice. ï¬, (who Sighted. per qt. Fire Practice. The Fire Brigade were out for a. practice on Friday awning, and did some sharp work. They purpose giving an exhibition on the fair grounds on the morning of the 94th, leaving the Hall at nine o‘clock sharp. New Livery Horse. We noticed Mr. A. J. Rupert bringing home on Monday, a ï¬ne lookinggenmalpury pose horse. which will be an addision to those in his livery stable. Mr. Rupert made his purchase from Mr. McDonald, on the 4th Con, of Vaughan. Anothér lot of those ï¬ne mixed pickles at the Cpncrete. only 20 cts. We have received our copy of the Cans. dim Newspaper Directory, from ihe Mail Printing Co., which may be seen at any time by those wishing information from that source. It is very neatly compiled, and place! THE LIBERAL conspicuously before the advertising public. At 1he Concrete House a very ï¬ne lot of Farmers’ cured Bacon, smoked or unsmoked, extra dryâ€"= cheap as usual. Mr. J. M. Lawrence has been improving the appearance of our bank by having the window facing Yonge St. ornamented by a. screen, very tastin painted; bearing in gold colored letters the words 1‘ The Central Bank of Canada." The workmanship was perform- ed at E. T. Barnum’s Iron works, Windsor. Lacrosse Hats. The “ Young,v Canadians †have completed their meat lacrosse suits by purchasing a doz- en very tasty hats, which will not only pre- sent a good appearance, but. will be very , ___.:_ u‘u- w by-.. ‘.rr-..-___ comfortable for the wesï¬Ã©r. They are madb of dark velvet corduro3 , around which are several gold colored bands, and look very pretty. The Annivefsary Services in connection with the Presbyterian Church Richmond Bill will be held on Sabbath, May 25th, ’84. Appropriate Sermons will‘be preached by the Rev. Dr. smith, Principal of Oshawa College. Service's Wlii commence at the us- ual hours, 11 a. 111.. and 6.30 p. in. Special collections taken up at the closa oi each ser- POST OFFICE NOTICE Another lot of those popular 10, 25, and 50 cent Gents Caps just are. ceived at the Concrete. vice. Mr. John Boyle is in possession of a young duck, which is. verily. a freak of nature. The duck has a double head, having two banks. separated by a thin membrane. It has also three eyespne being placed at the top and in the centre of the hem], and one on each side. The head may be so placed that the eye in the top of the head, taken with either of those at thesjde will form a natural and complete head. ' A silver cup is to be played for in Union- wille on the Queen's Birthday for which the (allowing Lacross‘e teams are to compete :â€" Unionville. Markham, Richmond Hill, and one of Toronto's clubs. We wish our boys suc- cess. The following are most of the players who will represent the " Young Canadians " olthis village :â€"A. Pugsley, S. S. Sen-lo, W. E. Wiley, G- Derry. W. Major, T, Young, 1". Powell. J. Mcounaghy and J. Piperv The tqmainder of the team have not yet been db- oided upon, bul will be Ielggted from {he Jevond tWelve. , . IJ()CA]JS. Street '5 Wharf Statinn Newspaper Directory. GOING SUOTH Anmversary Services. GING NORTH Mai]. A A Freak of Nature. 8.10 8.17 8.47 8.50 9.03 912 10.05 9.10 Ex L20 9‘33 Silver Cup, Tasty. Accoem Accmn 11.45 11 52 12.00 1.10 1.0m 200 .05 45 Palmer Mail. '7 .07 7518 8.. m 7.07 8‘12 ‘10 43 Attention! Those who believe in killing two birds With one stone should, while visiting the fair on the 24th, call and subscribe for THE LIBERAL. From now to the ï¬rst of January for ï¬fty cents. The young people of Thornbill intend holdiuaaGrand Ccncert in Vlctoria Hall, Thoruluill. on Soturduv, May 24th. 1884. The concert will consist. of 50105, duetts, choruses. 650., by talent trom Toronto. Thoruhill and Other places. “ The Regular ArmyO " will be given by Thornhill boys. Doors open at 7.30; Concert. to commence abs o'cluck. Tickets 15 cents. Proceeds uvw vv ...... -H.“ , in aid of Organ Fund. All are invited Carpenters, Blacksmiths & Build- ers can procurP their Hardware supplies at the Concrete House at Toronto prices. Full stock always on hand. A mass meeting of the ratepayers and all friends of temperance in the Municipality of Vaughan, will be held in the town hall on Thursday, the 29th of May. 1884. at two o‘clock, for the purpose of endorsing the action reCently taken by a representative meeting called by the Dominion Alliance at Richmond Hill.for the submission of the Scott Act in the County of York, also for the electing of ofï¬cers and transacting other business in connection With the campaign. Anumber of speakers are expected to be prenent to discuss and give information re- specting the Act. Mrs. Smith,â€"“ Why Mrs. Jones where did you get this splendid tea ?" Mrs. Jones.â€"" I bought. it at Mrs. Han-i- son's New Tea Store in Richmond Hill. It is cheaper than the cheapest.†Mrs. Smilh,â€"â€"“ You don’t say so 1" Mrs. Jones,â€"~†I do; I get a beautiful 31- bum, or a handsome one dollar book, my own choice, with every three pounds of 50 cent tea. you see that is three pounds of 60 cent tea for half a dollar." Mrs. Smith,â€"â€"Lal Sake I" †That is cheap I" “ I'll just go and try it I" N. Y. Teachers' Convention. The regular half-yearly meeting of the above association will be held at the Model School in the town of Newmarket. on Thurs. ‘ day and Friday, June 19th and 20th. All schools in the Riding are to he closed, and both days reckoned as visiting days to all teachers who attend the Convention and answer to their names at roll call of each session so that their sections will sus- tain no loss in the aprortionment of the Municipal Grant. The Minister of Educa- tion, the Hon. G. W. Ross, will be present on the ï¬rst day and will also deliver an ad- dress in the Town Hall on Thursday even- ing. Teachers and trustees should make it a point to attend this convention as the in- terview may be the means 01 very effectually shaping coming legislation. D1nner,’l‘ea dc Concert. The ladies of the C. M. Uhuroh extend a oordial invitation to their friends to meet them at the church on' the Queen's Birth- ‘ day. Dinner will be ready at hall-past ten. ‘ and parties coming in from a. distance may be sure of a good square meal and the best of accommodation. The tables will bejegsin prepared at ï¬ve p. m., so do not think of starting for home before getting a. good cup of tea. The treat of the season comes of! in the According to previous en- nouncement thirty-ï¬ve voices of one of the best choirs in Toronto have been secured, under the leadership of Mr. Jss. B. Baxter, Whose popularity as a. musician extends for outside of Toronto. Come in good time and spend a whole day with your church friends, i and you will feel much better in consequence. 24th of May, Queen's Birthday will be loyally celebrated at the Concrete House by polite attend- ance to the numerous customers who will throng that Celebrated Emporium of Dry (goods, Grocer- ies, Hardware, &c., on that day, All welcome. Goods at prices low- er than the lowest. Play or No Play. Our Lacrosse boys are particularly anxious to meet the, Bradford team, and settle the point as to who has the better Club, but on the other baud, Bradford appears just as anxious to keep at a. distance. Some time ago the Hill boys sent a challenge asking them to play in Aurora on Saturday. May 17th. They received an answer saying it would not be convenient to play on a. Satur. . u." .. --_, day, but that about the 20th would suit them, Word was immediately returned. that that atrangement would answer, and our boys settled down to work, but having received no answer as to whether they would plav on that date a telegram was sent north on Mon- day evening, to know if the game was to ._ Al... ,1"â€" ou V'uu-uu, . come off. and 611 Elissa}? morningâ€"the day ma..- 7... , on which they proposed to play~â€"en answer l was received in two letters N-O, without any ‘ explanation whatever. The boys say if they i received such treatment from any other Club except Bradford they would be surprised, Lecture, The lecture delivered in the Temperance Hall on Thursday evening last, by the Rev, T. Patterson, Rector 0! Deer Park, on “ The Holyy Land," proved to be a very interesting and intellectual (east. The lecture was ilâ€" lustrated by the aid of the stereopticon. The lecturer, while in Palestine‘ evidently paid particular attention to the country, as he was able to give a very true and minute de- scription of numerous ancient scriptural and historical places. The city of Jerusalem,‘ the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Goth. semene, the Golden Gate, the Valley of Jo- hosophat, together with a great many others i were beautifully pictured, and the accounts given of them were very ï¬ne. In the course of his remarks, the lecturer stated that, al- though the cities showed great architectural skill, the inhabitants as a rule had not pro- gressed in industrial pursuits. comparing them with our own people, and lustenced cases where industries remained the same use thousand years ago. Mr. P, intersperse ad his remarks with appropriate anecdotes. and made it instructive from beginning to ï¬nd. ’ ‘ Grand Concert Public Notice at Thornhm Jones where did CLOTHING HOUSE, SPRING TWEEDS, Cambridge Clothing House SPECIAL VALUE FOR MAY ~Ready Made Clothing 25 yds. Factory Cotton for $1.00. 20 yds., yard wide, factory for $1.00. 20 yds. good white cotton for $1.00. 36 inch twilled factory sheeting Iocts. . 0 inch unbleached pillow cotton. {ace curtains, 600., 75c., $1.00, $1.50, $2,00, and-$2.50. Lace Guipure curtains $2.38, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00.,‘and up. You can'save from 1.00 to 2.00 on every pair by buying from us. J. M. HAMILTON, We are now showing a NEW SPRENG GOODS Silks. 184 AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED, And Invite Inspection of Our New Satins, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Sateens. Ginghams, Grey Cottons, White Cotton masks, Lace Curtains, Towels, Napkins -. .. T r‘1,L‘L_ T POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE, 182 Yonge Street! Toronto. SAMPLES BY MAIL ON REQUEST. Yonge Street, 3rd. Store above Queen. Street. 86 YONGE STREET, Toronto. TERMS CASH. NEW SPRING GOODS in Mens, Youths andABoys AND COATINGS. Complete Stock of CAMBRIDGE MADE TO ORDER ONLY $12.00. Cashmeres, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, rancy uoous , Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheetings, Table Da- ce Curtains, Towels, Napkins, gullts, Coun- terpanes, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, &c. &c. Large and Complete Stock oi cades, and velvets. ' See our summer silks at 40c. See our check silks at 450. and 50c. (pure) All colors in Duchess satins at $1.00 per yard, worth $1.50. -» Rich Brocadés to match, Our black Italian Gros Grain Silks are very special value and will not cut of be- come glazed like other makes, - UVJ_ CHEAPER THAN EVER. 86 Yongo St., Toronto. xtraordinary value in silks, satins, bro- ancy _Gogds, Prints,